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1 Assess the situation inside and outside 2 Decide whether to evacuate all or parts of the building 3 Choose the route and the meeting place 4 Communicate directions to all teachers 5 Supervise/monitor hallways 6 Establish a school command post and medical triage site 7 If applicable, direct custodial staff to shut off utilities and notify of any damages 8 Consult with emergency management to determine if building is safe for reoccupancy 9 Determine when it’s safe to issue an all clear 10 In the event of a disaster activate Crisis Team 1 Direct students to Drop, Cover, and Hold, seek shelter under desks and move away from windows and overhead hazards 2 Do NOT automatically rush your class into the hallway or outside the building 3 Wait to hear instructions from an administrator 4 If you are in an unsafe classroom (i.e. the ceiling has collapsed, wires are crackling, broken glass, you smell gas or smoke) you will want to leave, BUT make sure you inspect for damage before you move to another location 5 If evacuating the building, take ER Go Kit and class attendance log 6 Account for all your students before you leave the classroom 7 Take injured students with you only if moving them will not cause further injury 8 Once you evacuate to a safe location communicate to administrator by holding up red or green card in ER Go Kit
Responsibilities of CRIT Members/Sweep Team
Assist in the movement and/or control of non-injured students If parents arrive on the scene and wish to remove their child/children, record this information on the Emergency Student Release Form Keep the principal updated on all medical conditions of students and staff
Administrator-in-Charge will call 911