The Roundup Edition 1 (October 2010)

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The Roundup October 2010 Edition 1

Putting together the pieces of SB1070

SB1070 creates fear, tension in community Brophy students not immune to national impact By Ulises Araiza ’11



rom the marble halls of Washington, DC to the Arizona state capitol near downtown Phoenix, immigration reform is taking center stage. Since Arizona lawmakers passed Senate Bill 1070 last spring, its impact quickly spanned across the nation—and even onto Brophy’s campus. While some students praise the law as a solution to a national security issue, others say it causes fear in their households.

After months of heated arguments and manifestations, the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act, better known as SB1070, went into effect on July 29. The law, which was signed by Gov. Jan Brewer April 23, makes it a state crime to be in Arizona without the proper documentation. Nationally, SB1070 is regarded as one of the strictest anti-illegal immigration laws in the country and is also credited with making Brewer a household name. However, on July 28, one day before the law went into effect, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton issued a preliminary injunction blocking several sections of the law, saying “There is a substantial likelihood that officers will wrongfully arrest legal resident aliens … Preserving the status quo is less harmful.” See SB1070, Page 3

Four months into law, debate over SB1070 legality lingers By John C. Marston ’13 & Brett Mejia ’13

THE ROUNDUP The Arizona legislature’s passage of Senate Bill 1070 April 20 set off a wave of rhetoric and sparked a national debate on immigration. The main point for both opposition and support is the provision in the bill that allows law enforcement the right to ask people when reasonable suspicion exists if they are in the


• The Roundup stands against SB1070 as immigration reform

See News, Page 3

• Two sides to SB1070 examined

• Reports, claims vary on SB1070’s economic impact

See Staff Editorial, Page 5 See Opinions, Page 5

country illegally. Proponents of the bill say it will lead to a lower flow of immigration into the state and will save government revenue. “Senate Bill 1070 isn’t a new immigration law or creating any new authorities,” said State Rep. Steve Montenegro in an interview with The Roundup. “It is telling certain Arizona counties that you can’t prevent a police officer from acting on laws.” See LAW, Page 3

Photo Illustration produced by Ben Jackson ’11 State Capitol collage by Cody Ward ’11 Additional photos from left to right by Ben Jackson ’11, Manuel Siguenza ’12, Tim Pearce (Los Gatos), Ben Jackson ’11, and Kate Sheets

ASU and UA drop in rankings, students still remain loyal to state schools By Rohan Andresen ’12

The Roundup According to U.S. News & World Report, Arizona State University and the University of Arizona have moved back about 20 spots in college rankings from last year.

Brophy welcomes Kilimanjaroclimbing Freshman Page 4

ASU moved from No. 121 in 2009 to No. 143 this year and similarly UofA moved from No. 102 in 2009 to No. 120 this year. College counselor Mrs. Robin Miller said she doesn’t take much stalk into these rankings because of the criteria that they take into consideration

Nike reemerges despite last year’s Summit on Human Dignity Page 6

and the need for the rankings to be interesting in order for Newsweek to sell more copies. She went on to say that she doesn’t think they take many factors into account such as student satisfaction as well as how many students are able to acquire jobs soon after graduation.

Season starts for football, swimming and cross country Page 7

Brophy students seem to be loyal to their state schools as well. “I definitely think it’s important to realize the rankings that each school holds; however, I believe that you can do amazing things at public universities, just as easily as you can do poorly at a private university,” said Jeff Rightnowar ’11.

Michael Keenen ’11 said UofA dropping in ranking doesn’t make him hesitant to attend the university. He said he was still more concerned about the location of the school over the ranking. See COLLEGE, Page 2

Brophy alum band Anarbor performs free concert for students Page 11

Award-winning news, photos and opinions online at

Page 2 | October 2010

The Roundup

Smith imparts alumnus wisdom to new students By Julian De Ocampo ’13

THE ROUNDUP “Mr. Smith is not as he seems under that cool, calm exterior,” Mr. Mike Nelson ’96 joked. “On the inside there is a crazy man. Dangerous.” Mr. Nelson was referring to his fellow Brophy alumnus, Mr. Steve Smith ’96. Mr. Smith said he became friends with Mr. Nelson, who now teaches at Brophy alongside Mr. Smith, while they roamed the halls of Brophy. “We met at Brophy, where we learned that we lived one street away all of our lives,” Mr. Smith said. “We became best friends after that.” “We hatched a plan as sophomores,” Mr. Nelson quipped, “that we would come back as adults and take over the school together. He would be the muscles. I would be the brains.” Mr. Smith is now five years into his teaching career at Brophy, but he initially did not think he would be a teacher. He said that his initial desire

was to become a writer, but found that teaching was a better fit for him. After graduating Brophy, Mr. Smith attended Arizona State University and lived in New York City. After teaching at various public schools for five years, he decided to make his return at Brophy teaching English I. Mr. Smith spends time working on TheWrangler, the school’s satirical newspaper, but he describes himself as more of a family man. Last year, Mr. Smith and his wife added a new member to his family, a baby boy named Noah. When asked what he does with his free time, Mr. Smith said, “I wish I could say that I’m secretly in some indie-rock band, but I have no musical ability whatsoever. I spend all my time with my wife and children. My oldest son has been getting into video games – we’ve almost completed Lego StarWars.” This year, Mr. Smith has one wish for his students: “I hope that they see me as someone who is kind and someone who is always willing to help.”

Photo by Ben Jackson ’11 Mr. Steve Smith ’96 lectures his freshman English class during period 5 on Sept. 9.

Student council brings the Wild West to Homecoming Giddy-up to homecoming on Oct. 2nd By Julian De Ocampo ’13

THE ROUNDUP Last year Student Council brought students to a tropical island for Homecoming, but this year they have a different idea in mind.

From COLLEGE, Page 1 Other seniors agree that the rankings are not concerning. “ASU and UofA dropping in college ranking doesn’t really matter to me,” said Kyle Roman ’11. “They’re both still solid schools no matter what their ranks may be.” Mrs. Miller said she still thinks

Homecoming this year is going to be themed “Wild Night in the West.” “Our goal is to have the Great Hall be a big dance floor,” said Assistant Principal of Student Activities Mr. Jeff Glosser. “Outside we’ll have a western band. Line dancing, square dancing, and live music going on outside, and (we’ll) have some surprises set up for it,” Mr. Glosser said. “(We’re) trying to get a mechanical bull and have some of that going. We’re still working on the other

most of the students at Brophy will apply to the in-state schools for the financial benefits over the out-of-state universities and the competiveness and selectiveness of the honors colleges. She reported that at least half of her current counselees have already requested transcripts for in-state schools and more than 75 percent of them will request in-state transcripts in the next few months.

The Roundup Brophy College Preparatory 4701 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85012 (602) 264-5291 Editors in Chief

Ian C. Beck ’12 Eric Villanueva ’11 Managing Editor

Michael Mandeville ’11 News Editor

Rohan Andresen ’12 Blog Editor

Tyler Scott ’12

Sports Editors

Erik Masingill ’12 Entertainment Editor

Sean Harris ’11 Photo Editor

Benjamin Jackson ’11 Opinion Editor

Alex Stanley ’12


Mason Smith ’11 Chase Stevens ’12 Christopher Baca ’11 Brian Brannon ’11 Julian De Ocampo ’13 Dillan Ducar ’13 Joshua Galvin ’13 Gregory Goulder ’13 John Marston ’13 Brett Mejia ’13 Michael Moroney ’13 Colin Prenger ’11 Jackson Santy ’13 Joseph Skoog ’13 Contributors

Ulises Araiza ’11 Rob March ’11 Michael Notestine ’11 Andrew Ahearne ’11

Peter Scobas ’12 Kunal Goel ’12 Keith Bender ’11 Joey Gentuso ‘12 Web Assistant

Devon Cronover ’13 Adviser Mr. Mica Mulloy ’99

entertainment.” The ideas came out of student council brainstorming sessions. “We were just spitballing ideas ranging from ‘safari’ to a whole bunch of other stuff and ‘western’ came up,” Student Council member Nate Hoffman ’13 said. Student Council hopes that this will be another successful dance. “What the students want is opportunities to meet Xavier girls,

have fun and dance,” Mr. Glosser said. “(Homecoming) seems to be one of those ways.” “We have great expectations. I mean, it’s Homecoming,” Nate Hoffman ’13 said. “It’s one of our best dances of the year.” Mr. Glosser also revealed that he had one more surprise up his sleeve when he announced who the dance’s DJ would be. “We’re going to bring back Bryce

Muzzy,” he said, referring to the veteran DJ and recently graduated Brophy alumnus from the class of 2010. Homecoming will import the Wild West to the Harper Great Hall Oct. 2, the day after the varsity football game with Red Mountain High School. Tickets will soon be on presale for $10 from Student Council members and from Ms. Dennard in the SAC. They will also be available for $15 at the door.

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October: Ian Beck ’12

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Mission Statement The Brophy College Preparatory Roundup exists to inform and entertain the Brophy community by producing a quality product that contains pertinent information about the Brophy community. This newspaper will educate our Brophy community and by doing so provide an understanding of journalism theories and techniques for our staff. We will be ethical, honest, trustworthy and dedicated in our news coverage. We strive to be fair and balanced, yet not afraid to report the truth even when it is unpopular to do so. Our goal is not only to report information, but also to encourage and foster discussion amongst our community. Overall we attempt to do all things for the greater glory of God. The Roundup is a student publication of Brophy College Preparatory. Copyright 2009 Brophy College Preparatory’s The Roundup. No material may be used without permission from the editors and adviser. Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service.

National Scholastic Press Association Member

The Roundup

October 2010 |

Page 3

Cameras deactivated on roads across Valley By Greg Goulder ’13

THE ROUNDUP In the early morning Friday, July 16, 36 fixed speed cameras and 40 vans on Arizona highways took their last photos. The Scottsdale-based company Redflex turned off its speed cameras after its two-year contract with the Arizona Department of Public Safety ended in mid July. The program received much criticism after its conception in 2008 by former

Gov. Janet Napolitano. The cameras on Phoenix highways have been deactivated, but cameras on surface streets remain functional, according to the Arizona Department of Public Safety Photo Enforcement Call Center. All speed vans, however, have been removed from Phoenix. Some drivers have been relieved or angered with the deactivation of the cameras, but others remain indifferent. “I haven’t had a problem with the

speed cameras because I don’t speed,” said Xavier student Molly Blevin ’11. The speed cameras were set to flash at drivers traveling 6 miles over the speed limit in school zones and 11 miles over the speed limit elsewhere. According to the Arizona Department of Public Safety, over the course of the program, 1,105,935 citations were mailed, but only 432,367 were paid. The main criticism of the program is the idea of “Big Brother” law enforcement and the thought that this

program was simply a fundraiser for Arizona government. The program fell drastically short of its projected revenue of $90 million, as many motorists simply ignored the $188 citations in the mail, according to the online publication However, some motorists believe that the cameras have slowed down drivers and freed police officers to work on more serious crimes. Some enforcement advocates claim that taking down the cameras will result

in a 10-fold increase in speeding and accidents. Shawn Dow of CameraFraud predicted that there will be no more red light cameras or speed cameras in all of Arizona by November 2011, according to online news website TheNewsPaper. com. Nonetheless, the Arizona Department of Public Safety claims to have reduced average speeds by 9 MPH and total collisions by 44 to 54 percent.

Reports, claims vary on SB1070’s economic impact By Michael Mandeville ’11

THE ROUNDUP Earlier this year when Senate Bill 1070, an attempt at immigration reform, was introduced, there was immediate questioning of the economics behind the law. A variety of news outlets and politicians voiced their concerns, but it is still difficult to understand exactly how the law will impact the economy. It is not certain what exactly is going to happen to our Arizona’s local economy in the long run, but it is clear that SB1070 is going to take funds out of tax payer money, as well as deal some heavy blows to certain industries in the state. No official statement of the law’s cost has been From SB1070, Page 1 Among the parts of the law Bolton temporarily blocked are the portion that requires an officer to make a reasonable attempt to determine a person’s immigration status, the portion that criminalizes someone for not carrying their “alien-registration” papers and the portion that allows an officer to make a warrantless arrest of someone who has committed a crime that makes them removable from the United States. The portion of the law that makes it a crime to harbor or transport undocumented immigrants was not struck down and went into effect July 29 with the remaining portions of SB1070.

Different Perspectives

Being in the heart of Phoenix, Brophy is not exempt from SB1070’s reach. An informal poll on The Roundup’s website indicated about 60 percent of respondents do not believe SB1070 is the correct way to stop illegal immigration in Arizona while about 40 percent do. Many students believe the law is

released, but the American Immigration Council reported the costs of a similar law that was proposed in Yuma County in 2006. A $10 million investment in local law enforcement is only the surface of expenses the state is going to face, accroding to that estimate. The American Immigration Council further reported there would be between $775,880 and $1,163,820 in processing expenses for law-enforcement agencies; $21,195,600 and $96,086,720 in jail costs; $810,067-$1,620,134 in attorney and staff fees; and unknown costs for additional detention facilities. These are only the expenses the government and tax payers would bear and only make up the estimates for one county. Though these prospective expensive are

hurting the community. “Every time I go around the west side of central Phoenix, I see less and less people out and about and more houses being foreclosed or abandoned,” said Manuel Siguenza ’12. “As far as businesses go, my father’s business has plummeted because his main clients were mostly of Hispanic descent. People that I know who used to live comfortably are now scared, and they are hardworking people who came here to seek a better life.” Siguenza is not the only Brophy student who has witnessed changes in the community since the law. Another student, whose name The Roundup agreed to withhold, has actually felt the impact of the law at home. This student’s father is in the country illegally and said that since the law took effect his parents have been cautious to leave their house even for simple tasks such as going shopping. “They used to go to lots of parties and go out to the stores and shop a lot, but ever since the bill took effect my parents have been at home a lot and haven’t really been going anywhere,” he said. He said his father was calling

From LAW, Page 1 Rep. Montenegro said 1070 is a response to national authorities not enforcing immigration laws. He spoke of the plight of undocumented immigrants as not a cultural or ethnic problem, but a matter of enforcing the rule of law. Critics of the bill say it will lead to systematic racial profiling, burden the taxpayer and enable a climate of fear. “Remember, it’s not just 1070,” said Arizona

staggering, illegal immigration is currently costing tax payers $2.7 billion each year, according to a Federation of American Immigration Reform report. Expenses currently include public schooling and other education programs, medical costs, enforcement against illegal immigrants, welfare and other general expenses. But these figures don’t amount to the revenue other industries claim they will lose because of the law. Arizona’s travel industry is said to take a $18.6 billion hit because of the law, according to a Phoenix New Times report in May 2010. Also, because of the controversial nature of the law, boycotts like Sound Strike, a band boycott encouraging artists not to play in Arizona as

friends and relatives in other states to see if there was any work available, potentially following in the footsteps of other undocumented families who have fled Arizona. However not everyone is opposed to SB1070. Patrick Wolf ’11 said he is in favor of the law because it takes federal immigration law to the local level while creating a way for authorities to enforce the law. “I do see how the wording in the bill could possibly lead to racial profiling, but to say that profiling doesn’t already exist in law enforcement would be ignorant,” Wolf said. “It may not be fair that Hispanics be forced to carry around legal documents,” he added. “But we do the same with driver’s licenses and state issued identification cards so I don’t see a real problem in this.” Wolf said he believes that down the road this law, if upheld, will not be such a big deal and will be “taken for granted in our everyday lives.”

Comprehensive Reform Needed

So what is Brophy’s stance on SB1070?

Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-7) to Esquire Magazine. Rep. Grijalva has called for an economic boycott of the state to show opposition to the bill. Rep. Grijalva said the banning of ethnic studies programs in public schools, the Arizona Department of Education’s decree to schools that teachers with “heavy” or “ungrammatical” accents are no longer allowed to teach English and the calls for the repeal of the Fourteenth Amendment all have snowballed into making

a stand against SB1070, emerged receiving criticism from local business owners. Kimber Lanning, owner of Stinkweeds record store and the director of Local First, a non-profit organization promoting the stimulation of the local economy through local spending, said at the national level the boycotts were “nothing but a symbolic gesture … economically, it’s more like being in a pillow fight.” Lanning made clear these boycotts would hurt the small, local business. “Hurting small and local business is absolutely the worst thing you can do because if anyone is going to carry the message, have the discussion and encourage open dialogue, it’s going to be the small independent entrepreneur,” Lanning said.

According to Brophy President Fr. Eddie Reese, Brophy does not have an official stance on this specific piece of legislation, but rather the hope of the Jesuits and the Catholic Church is that there will be a comprehensive immigration reform. “I think this particular bill was illborne and is not going to do what people want. It’s a bit of distraction from comprehensive immigration reform,” Fr. Reese said. “We need a just way for the people who are already here to get legal status. We cannot deport 11 million people … also through law enforcement we need to take control of the criminal element that is getting in, but (enforcement) is not where you start, because that isn’t working.” Amongst the many possible problems with SB1070 that worry Fr. Reese is the separation of families as many U.S. legal residents or citizens have family members such as parents or older siblings who are in the country illegally. “Kids who were five-years-old when they came to this country do not have a country to be deported to,” he said. “They’re Americans.”

brown skinned individuals unwelcome in the state. Several leading civil-rights groups have sued Arizona over the law, including the federal Justice Department. The law suit was filed on July 6. One main argument against the bill is that immigration is a federal issue. The racial profiling clause is also present in many lawsuits. On July 28, 2010, Federal Judge Susan Bolton temporarily repealed hotly-debated

Fr. Reese said he believes people are forgetting history. “Today you can change Mexican or Hispanic to where you had Irish or Italian a few generations ago … it’s a repeat of what has happened in the past and we tend to attack the weakest, especially in an economic downturn. But some of the people who are doing the blaming right now, probably their families were the targets in the past.”

The Challenges Ahead

SB1070’s legal battle continues. The state of Arizona plans to appeal Judge Bolton’s preliminary injunction in the Ninth District U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco. More than 10 individuals and 14 organizations have filed lawsuits against Arizona over the law, including one from the federal Justice Department. The city councils of Flagstaff, Tucson and San Luis have voted to join in the suits; however, none of them have taken legal action against the state yet. It is speculated by many that the fight over the constitutionality of SB1070 will ultimately end up in the U.S. Supreme Court.

sections of the bill, including the “reasonable suspicion” clause and the provision allowing the questioning of a prisoners’ immigration status. Other sections were left to stand. These include a clause making it illegal for an undocumented worker to solicit work in a public place or work in Arizona and incriminates citizens who hire undocumented workers. The bill’s constitutionality will be appealed up through the courts and could eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

Page 4 | October 2010

The Roundup

Blind freshman summits Kilimanjaro, meets president Ashton meets Obama after record climb By Mason Smith ’11

THE ROUNDUP Imagine a world where the only thing you can see is a blurry vision of the object you are looking at. How would your life change if that’s what you could see? Maxwell Ashton ’14 has been living like this since birth. He has Leber’s Congenital Amaruosis (also known as LCA), a rare genetic eye disorder that often affects infants at birth or within a few years of living. According to, the symptoms of Leber’s Congenital Amaruosis include cross eyes, unusual sensitivity to light and clouding the lenses of the eyes. In Ashton’s case, he can only see obscured blurs. The biggest challenge he faces each day is getting around campus. “I have memorized most of the school, but not all areas,” Ashton said. “I came here with a mobility instructor from my old school district and we just walked around and walked through all the buildings.” Ashton’s father, Marc Ashton ’84, is the CEO

Photo Courtesy of the Ashton Family Maxwell Ashton ’14 scales the side of a mountain with the help of a friend.

of the Foundation for Blind Children, which helps those with visual loss and “creates opportunities for anyone with vision loss to achieve,” according to their website,

Max Ashton doesn’t let his condition slow him down. In the summer of 2009 he hiked Mt. Kilimanjaro with his father and Ryan Stelzer ’12, setting a world record as the youngest blind climber

to summit the 19,340 foot mountain at age 13. “I have seen Max ride a bike, play drums, rock climb, play sports and summit mountains. He’s fearless,” said Pam Stelzer, Ryan Stelzer’s mom. The hike took eight days to complete. The climbers scaled the mountain on the seventh day and Ashton became the youngest blind person to summit the mountain. The inspiration to climb the mountain came from nine blind Tibetan children who were hiking around Mt. Everest. “That inspired us,” Ashton said. “The Base Commander, who was the first blind man to summit Mt. Everest, is friends with my dad. We hiked Mt. Kilimanjaro in June of 2009.” After his climb, one of the climbers in his group sent the information to the White House that explained the trip, according to Pam Stelzer. Ashton and three other students from the FBC were invited to attend the 20th anniversary of the approval of the Americans with Disabilities Act last summer. The act is designed to protect people with disabilities from discrimination in vocational and educational areas. Ashton presented President Barack Obama with a plaque onto which was engraved the name of the president and his family, written in Braille.

Club fair showcases exciting extracurricular outlets By Sean Harris ’11

THE ROUNDUP The whole Brophy student body was herded into the Great Hall after fourth period Sept. 2, and greeted to the sight of colorful poster boards, boisterous campaigning and sign-up sheets with scrawled e-mail addresses. Amid the shoving and the loud thumping of techo coming from the Techno Tuesday stand, one could hear the beat of drums being played by Nicolas Espinosa ’11 coming from

the center of the Great Hall. Espinosa was there promoting his own first year club called the Brophy Drum Circle. “Music has always been an activity I enjoyed, so I thought I’d bring it to the Brophy community,” Espinosa said. This is the club fair, an annual event that celebrates every single club at Brophy. It by default becomes extensive, with about 60 clubs returning and 20 new clubs, ranging from the expected, such as Key Club, to the strangely specific. These are the clubs that gain some notoriety around Brophy for their

wacky names and interests, and there is an audience for every one of them. “I think it all depends on interest,” said Assistant Principal for Student Activities Mr. Jeff Glosser. “It’s all set up to give yourself the chance to meet other students that have a similar interest or background as yourself to then build a friendship with.” The club fair this year certainly played to the interest level of the students by separating into different sections. If students were looking for their favorite sport, they would go outside to view the booths set up around the Great

Hall, whereas if they were looking for more interest based clubs, they would venture to the south side of the Great Hall. “It seemed more organized and I actually got to see more of the clubs,” said Isaac Nieblas ’13. “I joined more clubs this year, and I hope to be involved with them more often.” The process through which a club is formed takes place well in advance of the club fair. Club presidents first have to fill out a form found in the Student Activity Center, which needs the approval of

prospective club members as well as a faculty moderator. Then the form is sent to Mr. Glosser, who reviews all of them with a few student council members, to see if there is a need. Once the club is approved, the presidents prepare for the club fair. Once the club fair is over, club presidents sort through all the possible club members, and send out mass e-mails welcoming them to the club. Every single club is also complied on Blackboard, which becomes the communication hub for all groups.

Brophy community welcomes new faculty members By Colin M. Prenger ’11

THE ROUNDUP A Jesuit education is one of the main tenets that make Brophy what it is today. This year, Brophy has added six new teachers and staff members that administrators hope continue the quality Jesuit education. The new faculty members on campus this year are: Ms.Terri Tierney, Mr. Ryan Hubbell, Mr. Christopher Ramsey, Ms. Hollie Haycock, Mr. Andrew Bradley and Ms. Krystle Powell. Ms. Tierney is the President’s Office assistant; Mr. Hubbell teaches in the Social Studies Department and helps coordinate substitute duties for our faculty with Mr. Scott Heideman; Mr. Ramsey teaches Spanish and coaches football; Ms. Haycock teaches Latin; Mr. Bradley teaches Western Civilization and World History; and Ms. Powell is a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. “I wasn’t sure what kind of people I was going to meet at Brophy … but I’ve been pleasantly surprised,” Ms. Powell said of her first impression of Brophy. After spending a year in Chicago working with those with AIDS, Ms. Powell applied for a job working with students and landed in the Office of

Photo by Colin Prenger ’11 Ms. Terri Tierney, Mr. Ryan Hubbell, Mr. Christopher Ramsey, Ms. Hollie Haycock, Mr. Andrew Bradley, and Ms. Krystle Powell are all part of the new faculty we welcome this year.

Faith and Justice. Mr. Hubbell has done graduate studies at Stony

Brook University in New York, and coached the speech and debate team at Desert Vista.

Other than Mr. Hubbell who did his undergraduate at ASU, the other teachers are from out of state “which I think also diversifies our faculty,” said Mr. Seamus Walsh, assistant principal for curriculum and instruction. A Phoenix native, Ms. Haycock most recently lived and taught in California where she earned her bachelor’s degree from Pitzer and master’s from UC Santa Barbara. Mr. Ramsey earned his bachelor’s degree in Spanish from the University of San Diego. Shortly after, he joined the Providence Alliance for Catholic Teachers, which places teachers in under-resourced Catholic Schools. After Mr. Ramsey finished his term with PACT, he earned his master’s degree, and started teaching Spanish in Massachusetts. Mr. Bradley earned his bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University, and has recently moved from New Mexico. “You ask somebody what they teach and they are typically going to name the subject … subject is what we teach (the students), but we really teach young people and form young people,” Mr. Walsh said when asked what administration looks for in a new teacher.

Opinions The Roundup Staff Editorial

Immigration bill fails to solve issue The issue: Senate Bill 1070 has sparked controversial debate concerning illegal immigration Our stance: The bill does not provide a solution for illegal immigration in Arizona


hether you believe the idea behind Senate Bill 1070, Arizona’s attempt at immigration reform, is right, it does not provide the necessary solution for the current immigration issue in our state. The bill is tied up in legal courts and will likely be for years. In the meantime, even if it was the best option the law does nothing for the people of Arizona and leaves the issue of illegal immigration without a viable solution. We need something to solve the issue of illegal immigration now. We also believe a law that holds onto the Jesuit values and teachings that define the Brophy community would benefit Arizona.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed SB1070 into law on April 23, but Federal Judge Susan Bolton struck many provisions on the bill on July 28, a day before the bill was scheduled to go into effect. Now, the issue of illegal immigration goes unresolved while we wait for the legal waters to clear. One of the provisions at the center of the debate around SB1070 requires local and state law enforcement to check the immigration status of suspects when there is “reasonable suspicion” that they are illegal immigrants. One major issue The Roundup finds with the law is that there remains a strong possibility the implementation could lead to widespread discrimination against people who simply look foreign, especially people of Latino heritage. The bill’s potential mistreatment of some groups of people tarnishes the idea that we are all family as children of God. The bill does not condone discrimination and actually speaks out against it. But a significant amount of power will be placed in the hands of police officers, leaving the issue at the mercy of subjectivity. Police officers are not infallible and without a

strict protocol, they could inadvertently and even unintentionally discriminate against Hispanics. Fr. Harry Olivier, S.J. put discrimination in the context of Jesuit teachings. “You have to stop and think: who are these people?” Fr. Olivier said. “They are individuals. They are God’s creatures.” Fr. Olivier also called to mind the reasoning behind illegal immigration. “They are risking their lives to come across the border to find a better livelihood,” he said. “They are coming to get jobs or (to) send money back to their families.” How can we say that we are acting for others when we prevent people from finding a better, more prosperous life for their families? Granted, some illegal immigrants might be here for the wrong reasons. But we cannot lump all immigrants into one group based on the outlying criminals who come for nefarious purposes. One immediate change needed is to make it easier to come to the United States to live and work legally. We need to find a way to provide more opportunities for people to come here without breaking the law, such as a work program.

Right now it is just too lengthy and expensive a process for potential immigrants to undergo. They would rather risk the physical dangers of crossing the desert than wade through miles of red tape set up by the government. Instead, we need a simpler, faster process for people to work legally in this country. We need to remember that our nation was founded by immigrants and for immigrants. America has always been and should continue to be a melting pot of all cultures. There are only a few among us who, when tracing our heritage back to its roots, find that their ancestors did not immigrate to the United States from another country. Considering this, it seems unfair that we are resisting a new wave of immigrants seeking the same thing our immigrant ancestors sought: a better life. Staff editorial by Eric Villanueva ’11, Ian Beck ’12, Michael Mandeville ’11 and Rohan Andresen ’12 Staff editorials represent the view of The Roundup. Share your thoughts by e-mailing or leave comments online at

SB1070 promotes bigoted rhetoric SB1070 defends Arizona borders

By Joe Skoog ’13

The Roundup The language used in the controversial Senate Bill 1070, Arizona’s attempt at immigration reform, could only be called xenophobic. The bill states that law enforcement officials can ask for proof of citizenship through, as the bill states, “lawful contact,” which means any contact with a person suspected of being an undocumented immigrant. This means that law enforcement is, by default, encouraged to use racial profiling to detain people suspected of being undocumented and attempts to make being Hispanic a crime. The bill uses the term “alien” instead of “undocumented” to try to make them seem different and somehow less deserving of the rights that others in America enjoy. Supporters have tried to say this bill is vital to our state’s security, when in reality there have been no terrorist attacks credited to anyone who has come across the Arizona border undocumented. Additionally, proponents of the bill have said undocumented immigrants cost the state billions of dollars because they do not pay taxes and receive emergency medical care. Both of these arguments are inherently untrue.

According to Shikha Dalmia in an article for the Reason Foundation, two thirds of undocumented immigrants pay Medicare, Social Security and personal income taxes. This doesn’t even take into account the sales tax undocumented immigrants pay every time they buy something. Also, what they fail to say is that, according to Shirley Lee-Jackson in an interview on “On the Record,” 18,000 undocumented immigrants die every year because they can only receive emergency care in the United States. Looking at that argument, is it correct to assume that proponents of SB1070 are willing to let thousands of innocent people die just to save the state money? Even with the current law, immigrants are continuing to cross the border into Arizona and still are only receiving emergency care. Another argument for the passage of SB1070 is that it prevents crime and makes Arizona safer. This is no justification for allowing police officers to profile people based upon someone’s race. SB1070 allows for state-sanctioned racism and attempts to view all people of Hispanic descent as being threats to the security of Arizona. At Brophy, one of the first things we are taught as a freshman is to be committed to justice. With this in mind, students should speak out and try to have this piece of legislation repealed. Senate Bill 1070 serves as a stark reminder that prejudice and xenophobia are still prevalent today. As Brophy students, we should stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves and stop the injustice of this bill.

By Brian Brannon ’11

The Roundup Arguments over Arizona’s border have plagued the media in recent months. These old arguments have gained new attention because of Arizona’s newest weapon for its porous border: Senate Bill 1070. SB1070 cracks down on illegal activity within the state by screening businesses and employees more thoroughly, reinforcing probable cause probes and drawing federal attention to the war on the border. The new screening processes, for businesses and employees state-wide, searches for and punishes the employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants and the hired illegal immigrants themselves. By cracking down on the employment of illegal immigrants, Arizona’s job vacancies can be filled by the large number of unemployed legal immigrants and citizens – some of whom have gone through years of legal immigration proceedings in order to proudly become a U.S. citizen. The probable cause addition gives policemen power to stop anyone they believe to be in violation of a law and detain those who cannot produce documents indicating they are legal citizens.

This law creates a deterrent for illegal immigrants as they are more likely to be suspected now than before SB1070. This controversy sheds light on another faucet of illegal immigration: drug cartels. The drug cartels usually operate along the same immigration routes that illegal immigrants do, transporting drugs to buyers within the United States. These drug runners have been operating so well in the past few years that they have taken control in some areas in southern Arizona, according to Pinal County Sherriff Paul Babel. Many opponents of SB1070 claim that it violates federal laws, is unconstitutional and that police forces will abuse their power. These arguments fail because SB1070 only reinforces existing federal laws, does not violate any amendment and specifies law enforcement cannot racially profile suspects. Lastly, federal attention to Arizona’s border provides for the opportunity to finally deal with the root of the problem once and for all. Federal authorities can finally fix Arizona’s insecure border by reinforcing it with greater National Guard presence, structurally securing unsecured portions of Arizona-Mexico’s 370-mile border and through diplomatic enforcement of America’s national border laws with the Mexican government. In an interview with ABC News on Aug.11 Sheriff Babel agreed that greater military forces are needed: “What is truly needed is 3,000 soldiers for Arizona alone.” We are a sovereign nation, and as such, should start acting like it by not just protecting our borders, but by protecting the lives of American citizens in any way possible.

Opinions Nike Swoosh makes campus comeback Page 6 | October 2010

The Roundup

By Alex Stanley ’12

The Roundup “Just do it.” Buy Nike. The temptation is back as Jim Keady’s message from last year’s Summit fades in many students’ minds. It appears that his words have become less powerful after the summer break, and now students face a difficult decision: Should I give in to the temptation of showing that Swoosh? The Swoosh seemed much less attractive when

Keady faced the student body with many harsh realities, including that Nike has a long history of valuing profits above people and Nike workers must work overtime just to live. Brophy students often hear the doctrine “committed to justice,” although sometimes this motto seems to have been replaced by the Nike

Swoosh, as it is all too common to see a Nike product around campus. When confronted about this issue, a Nikewearing student may merely joke or shrug off the accusations about supporting this brand. But did they feel differently last year after listening to Keady’s warnings about Nike’s exploitations of workers in underdeveloped countries? If not, consider this: Within the last few months,

Keady has been investigating another Nike wrongdoing. He has watched, first-hand, Nike’s claims of recycling their rubber soles go up in flames, literally. According to, Nike has been lying about recycling their rubber soles, and Keady has been gathering evidence that their trucks unload scraps in village dumps to be burnt. This is detrimental to a person’s health, as the burning of rubber releases hydrocarbons that produce ozone, smog and carcinogens in some cases, according to The Coalition for Clean Air’s website. A theme from last year’s Summit speakers was doing what is right rather than doing what is easy. Doing what is right falls under the category of not supporting a company whose want for profit overshadows their value of humans. Perhaps we should not “just do it.” Illustration by Ben Jackson ’11

Student indifference in magazine drive hurts everyone Sept. 10 marked the official end of this year’s Flyers plastered with clever and quirky Student Council sponsored Magazine Drive. statements of affluent men, an even larger barrage As with previous years, student participation of e-mails from Ms. Sandra Dennard, a rally could have been better. held to raise thought and even several A little more than 400 students, or videos showing the endorsement of about one-third of the student body, the campus’s classiest gentleman for submitted a magazine form. the drive have all been presented to Kudos to these students for raising students. about $16,000, which is about twice as In the face of this, there is utter lack much as the previous year’s total. of caring from the student body. A step in the right direction, but how Responses were universally the high could that number be if same. there was more participation? By John C. Marston ’13 “Whack,” said Johnte Dennis This precedented apathy comes ’13 when questioned over his The Roundup in the face of an aggressive perception of the drive. “Not a marketing campaign. lot of participation whatsoever.” Awareness tactics for the drive have been “The students’ only motivation is Chipotle. Not impressive. genuine school motivation,” said Miles Kent ’13.

Kent said a better alternative for a fundraiser would be, for an example, a Silly Bandz drive, something which is trendy and original. Is the rigidity and lack of fresh air why the student body is so apathetic to a vital fundraiser? Maybe. But perhaps the problem is that no one is actually aware of how much it impacts the school. “$3,000-4,000. That is around the amount spent at the typical Brophy tailgate/Friday Night Lights,” said Mr. Jeff Glosser, assistant principal of student activities. “$500 for the tailgate,$2,200 for the bands, free food for a thousand teenagers: it adds up.” The revenues for these events and others such as Sunday Funday, the 90 student-sponsored clubs, sending teams to tournaments and the seven school dances are all funded by the Student Council, of which the magazine drive is one of their most vital

Opponents of ‘Ground Zero’ Mosque oppress Muslims Blogs»Chasing the News

See more online at Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is everything and try to make it all building a community center nicey nice! He wants to claim called Park51, located two blocks Ground Zero as his PRIZE!” away from Ground Zero, where Opponents of Park51 say that the World Trade building a Mosque Center once stood in so close to Ground New York City, which Zero is offensive includes an area for to the families who Muslims to pray. lost loved ones Called the “Ground during the 9/11 Zero Mosque,” there attacks. are many people This is objectively that oppose this wrong. As in, there community is no logical By Chase Stevens ’12 center being way for this to The Roundup built. be true. These people range from First of all, Muslims have been misinformed to racist. praying there daily since 2009 In a CBS article about the and no one has noticed or taken imam, comments included well offense. thought-out opinions, such as: Secondly, equating Muslims “For real typical middle east with terrorists is even more slumdog! This group must be offensive. wiped out of this planet earth. Nearly all Muslims are not Islam is not a religion of peace, terrorists, and to equate a whole but violence!” religion with terrorists is a racist Another user claimed that notion. “OF COURSE he’s gonna deny It is the equivalent of saying

that if every single Muslim is a terrorist, then every single Christian molests young kids. Thirdly, there is a strip club closer to Ground Zero than Park51 is. This degrades the memory of 9/11 more than an Islamic community center ever would. Fourthly, Park51 is two blocks away from Ground Zero and cannot be seen from there. Everyone says that this is still too close, but no one says how far away it actually has to be. Lastly, the imam is protected by something called the “First Amendment.” Opponents of Park51 may not have heard of this, but this gives the freedom to all American citizens, including Muslims, the right to worship whichever God they want. The government cannot impede on that right in any way, shape or form. However, some people don’t listen to the facts and rely on their inherent racism. In a different

article by CBS, when asked if Park51 would be used as a way to orchestrate more attacks the United States, one man wrote, “Do I have the facts? No. Can I rule it out? Absolutely not. And I do believe quite a few people will agree with me on this.” Another commenter wrote that “How many more innocent lives must be lost before the West wakes up to the clear and present danger posed by Islam?” Again, this is objectively not true. While 9/11 was a horrible attack against America, killing more than 3,000 innocent civilians, our retaliation against that has been much worse. The Iraqi Body Count Project estimates that more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed by American troops. People with an education above that of third grade can see that we have caused the equivalent of 33 9/11 attacks against Iraq alone.

cash sources. Accordingly, the magazine drive is the main propeller of Brophy exceptionalism–the things that make Brophy unique from any other high school. Without the funds, these extracurricular activities dry up, and we return to mediocrity. Negative times lie ahead if the drive continues to remain subpar, either way with a reduced Brophy social presence or higher tuition. “Activities bring fun and excitement to campus, co-ed events foster relationships, but all of this costs money. If everyone should sell one magazine, we would preserve these unique set of activities,” Mr. Glosser said. The problem is this isn’t happening. Take the small initiative and sell a magazine next year. I think it’s worth it.

What’s your opinion? Let us know.

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Sports The Roundup

Broncos open 2010 football season with 2-2 record Brophy opens season with big win over Deer Valley Brophy 30 Deer Valley 13

2010 Varsity Football

By Ian C. Beck ’12/the roundup


he Broncos debuted a new, passing based offense in an opening game victory over Deer Valley. Led by sophomore quarterback Tyler Bruggman ’13, the Broncos, tied with Deer Valley at the half 0-0, scored 30 points in the second half and pulled their starters with four minutes remaining. Bruggman, making his debut as the starting quarterback, passed for the third most single game passing yards in Brophy history with 317. After the game, head coach Mr. Scooter Molander said Bruggman was “a very smart young man” and that he had good command and good presence in his first varsity game. Defense fends off Tigers as Broncos coast to second straight win Brophy 18 Gilbert 6 By Dillan J. Ducar ’13/THE ROUNDUP

After jumping out to an 18-0 lead, the Brophy defense locked down the Tigers in the second half for an 18-6 victory. Quarterback Tyler Bruggman ’13 completed 10 out of 30 passes, eight of which were in the first half. Head coach Mr. Scooter Molander said the Bronco offense is relatively new and that there is still huge room for growth. As the fast tempo of the offense began to slow, the defense took over and kept the Tigers in check for most of the game, forcing Gilbert to many punts. Bronco defenders racked up four sacks in the game; Charley Beck ’11 had two and Ethan Cooper ’11 and Danny Riggs ’11 had one each. Garrett Wilson ’11 and Matt Cahal ’12 each had an interception. Brophy rally comes up just short against long time rival Brophy 13 St. Mary’s 16 By Ian C. Beck ’12/THE ROUNDUP

Some have said in recent years that the long standing rivalry between St. Mary’s and Brophy is dead. But after a nail-biting 16-13 St. Mary’s victory over the Broncos Friday, Sept.

Record as of Sept. 21

2-2 Regular Season Schedule Aug 27 vs. Deer Valley (30-13 Brophy) Sept. 3 vs. Gilbert (18-6 Brophy) Sept. 10 at St. Mary’s (16-13 St. Mary’s) Sept. 17 vs. Centennial (30-7 Centennial) Sept. 23 at Chandler Oct. 1 vs. Red Mountain Oct. 8 Bye Week Oct. 15 at Mesa Oct. 22 at Hamilton

10, new life has been injected into the football feud between the Broncos and the Knights. Trailing 16-7 with 3:18 left to play in the game, quarterback Tyler Bruggman ’13 hit Devon Allen ’13 for a 4-yard touchdown catch the cut the lead to 16-13 after a missed extra point. After getting the ball back, Brophy drove to the 11-yard line and on fourth down, head coach Mr. Scooter Molander sent out the kicking team. Then, after a timeout, sent out the starting offense to go for the potential game-winning touchdown. The pass fell incomplete and St. Mary’s ran out the clock for their first victory against Brophy in eight seasons. When asked about the decision to send out the offense on fourth down, Mr. Molander said, “we saw something we felt we could score a touchdown on … the throw came up short.” Centennial hands Broncos first home defeat of season Brophy 7 Centennial 30 By Erik Masingill ’12/THE ROUNDUP

A week after losing to St. Mary’s, the Brophy football team traveled back to Phoenix College Sept. 16, this time as

Oct. 29 vs. Desert Vista Nov. 11 at Yuma Statistical Leaders Leading Passer: Tyler Bruggman ’13 (924 yards, 7 touchdowns) Leading Rusher: Kevin Molloy ’11 (76 yards, 1 touchdown) Leading Receiver: Devon Allen ’13 (374 yards, 2 touchdowns) Regional Standings Chandler (3-1) Hamilton (5-0) Red Mountain (3-0) Desert Vista (2-1)

Top Photo by Ben Jackson ’11 Marche Dennard ’13 runs through a Centennial defender in Brophy’s loss to the Coyotes on Sept. 16. Bottom Photo by Andrew Ahearne ’11 Freddy Gammage ’12 leaps for a catch in Brophy’s win over Gilbert on Sept. 3.

the home team to take on the undefeated Centennial Coyotes. Centennial shut the Broncos’ offense out in the first half and it was enough for the Coyotes to gain their fourth consecutive win by a score of 30-7. The Broncos’ record dropped to 2-2 with their second straight loss. This was also the Broncos’ second loss

to Centennial. Last year Brophy played the Coyotes at Peoria and lost 24-12. “The turnover ratio was an absolute joke,” said Brophy head coach Mr. Scooter Molander. Brophy had four turnovers from two fourth down incompletions, a fumble loss and an interception.

Brophy (2-2) Mesa (2-2)

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The Roundup

Page 8 | October 2010

Offensive linemen battle for success in the trenches By Ian C. Beck ’12

THE ROUNDUP The trenches are the dirtiest and most brutal of all places on the football field. Football trenches are located along the line of scrimmage, in between the offensive and defensive linemen as they settle down in the three point stance. The trenches are where the game is fought at the most basic level. Players unceremoniously slam into each other every play, each trying to best the other in an upright wrestling match. The trenches are where people get beaten and broken while locked in a battle of inches play after play. The trenches are also where the offensive linemen thrive. In 2004, former Philadelphia Eagles offensive lineman Bob Brown said in his Hall of Fame induction speech there is no glamour in the job, but people know when it’s done well. “Maybe there’s no tougher job than being a lineman in the NFL, I don’t know,” Brown said. “But there aren’t any tougher players on the field than the linemen.” Offensive linemen are typically the biggest and strongest men on the field at any given time. They combine their size with quickness and nimble feet that enable them to hold off surging pass rushers. Brophy offensive lineman Kyle Veldman ’11 said in an e-mail to The Roundup that offensive line was different from most other football positions. “Offensive line is a unique position,” Veldman said. “We supply the brute force behind the offense, we don’t have our own stats and are rarely credited for doing things well, but we accept our role.” Brophy offensive line coach Mr. Grindey described the attributes of a good offensive lineman in a recent e-mail. He wrote that intelligence, quick feet, great mental toughness and a

“willingness to play with pain” are all important factors for offensive linemen. Though they receive little fanfare, the offensive line is key to the success of their team. “(Offensive linemen) do not worry about being in the limelight,” Mr. Grindey wrote. “Their role is vital to the team’s success—yet, they do their role knowing full well that they may never get their names in the paper—it’s a pride that only an (offensive lineman) can understand.” Brophy offensive lineman Ryan Hickey ’11 said in an e-mail that while the job may be a hard one, it is also satisfactory. “It takes a lot of dedication, we work really hard, but there is nothing like going up against someone for four quarters and knowing at the end that you won the battle,” Hickey said. According to a database, the average base salary for the top five NFL offensive linemen in 2009 was higher than the average for every other position but two: quarterback and defensive end. Ironically so considering the offensive lineman’s job is to protect the quarterback from the defensive linemen who is trying to sack him. But playing a position on the offensive line is not about being a star. The true meaning of the offensive line is to be unseen, getting their jobs done without being noticed. “The role they play on the team?” Mr. Grindey wrote. “Well, to quote an (offensive line) coach I used to work with many years ago in Nebraska, ‘How the o-line goes, so goes the team.’” Veldman said that while the offensive line does not often get credit when they do their jobs correctly, they bear the brunt of the blame when things go wrong. Linemen open up holes for an effective running game and they buy time for a quarterback to make the right throws, often at the price of their own health. Down in the trenches, fingers get

Photo by Ben Jackson ’11 The Brophy offensive line weathers a physical onslaught every game but accept their role as the rarely acknowledged anchor of the offense.

bent and broken, bruises are delivered by heavy hitting defensive players and scrapes are inflicted by metal cleats, facemasks and fingernails. “We stop 300-pound defensive lineman with our own bodies and we suffer,” Veldman wrote. “Hands are stepped on, fingers are smashed, knees strained, etc. The list goes on and on. But, that is our role. We will continue despite the physical toll and carry the offense forward.” “Physically it’s very demanding— dayin-day-out, they work very hard,” Mr. Grindey wrote. “Every offensive play is a violent battle in the trenches.” Hickey said offensive lineman have to keep going despite the physical pressures they endure. “It’s really tough, we hit someone on every single play and that takes a toll on our bodies,” Hickey wrote. “Everyone

on the (offensive line) is hurt somehow but you have to understand the team needs you and you need to fight through the pain.” For Brophy, the offensive line is more than just a group of players who share the same position. As Mr. Grindey describes, the Brophy offensive line is a brotherhood and “a team within a team.” Brophy’s starting offensive line is made up of Hickey, Will Perrott ’11, Veldman, Jarrett Bailey ’11 and Charlie Renfree ’13. “The (offensive line) is as tightly knit as a fist,” Veldman said. “In most cases, all five of the lineman have to be in sync in order for us to succeed. If there is a weak link in the line, it gets exploited so we have to push and help each other so that doesn’t happen. The offensive line is part of the team at large, but we also

Defensive end Riggs proves a force to be reckoned with for opposing offenses on the football field Riggs racked up 46 tackles in 2009 season, already has 4 sacks this year By Jackson Santy ’13

The Roundup As the Brophy football team runs onto the field every Friday night, there is one player who stands out. Standing 6’0 and weighing 245 pounds, No. 62 Danny Riggs ’11 can easily strike fear in the eyes of his opponents. “I love football,” Riggs said. “It’s a chance to express myself in a different manner, it’s an opportunity to create bonds with my teammates that will last forever.” Riggs is a nightmare for opposing offenses. According to, Riggs racked up a total of 46 tackles, 2.5 sacks and 4 fumble recoveries last season. Riggs currently has four sacks so far this season.

The first time Riggs stepped onto the field for his first varsity start against Centennial last year, he was “ready to prove himself.” He knew his opponents “were bigger and stronger,” but that didn’t stop him from playing his best. He recovered three fumbles in that game. Riggs said his biggest inspiration is his grandfather. The two are very close as his grandfather is currently fighting cancer. As a sign of admiration before every game, Riggs writes his grandfather’s name on his socks. “What people don’t know about me is, I’m really a loving guy off the field.” Riggs said. “However, on Friday nights it’s a different story.” Amongst all the commotion in the locker room before games, Riggs sits and waits. Before games, he said he is very quiet for the first five minutes, and soon begins to pep talk himself progressively getting louder and louder as kickoff approaches. Then he releases the beast from within.

Riggs and teammate Josh Dennard ’11 literally crawl out onto the field “preparing for the hunt.” Dennard said crawling on the field was something the two started last year. “It’s a way of saying: Hey, I’ve got your back.” Dennard said. “Let’s lead this team together.” “From day one of our freshmen year Riggs and I became good friends,” Dennard said. “Blood would not make (him) any closer to me as a brother.” Editors Note: In the interest of full disclosure, writer Jackson Santy ’13 is a football team manager, but this article was edited by staff members who are not affiliated with the team.

Photo by Ben Jackson ’11 Danny Riggs ’11 leads a tough Brophy defense and strikes fear in the eyes of opposing quarterbacks, racking up four sacks in three games this season.

have to function as a smaller unit.” Other players have to rely on the offensive line as well. In the first game of the 2010 regular season, quarterback Tyler Bruggman ’13 threw for the third most single game passing yards in Brophy history. In a postgame interview, Bruggman was quick to thank and acknowledge his offensive line. “The offensive line, they played a great game, I couldn’t ask for much more than that,” Bruggman said. Through the first three games of the season, Bruggman had attempted 102 passes, an average of 34 passes per game. In those 102 drop backs, the Brophy line did not allow a sack. That stat may not end up in a headline, but it’s all in a day’s work for the offensive line.

The Roundup

October 2010 |

Page 9

Swim and dive team opens season with win Bronco swimmers in the hunt for 23rd consecutive state title By Josh Galvin ’13

THE ROUNDUP Varsity swim and dive coach Mr. Pat O’Neill did not beat around the bush. He said this year’s Brophy swim team is going to do very well. With three meets under their collective belt, the coach expressed his satisfaction with the team’s performance thus far. “We had a couple surprising swims by a few new swimmers,” Mr. O’Neill said. He said team members Gabe Espinoza ’13, J.J. Osborne ’14, Tucker Wells ’13 and Lucas Williams ’13 are strong additions to this year’s group. However, veteran swimmers Chris Webb ’12 and Brian Stevens ’11 who, in Mr. O’Neill’s opinion, are “the best swimmers in the state of Arizona,” remain invaluable assets to the team. The swim and dive team scored a big win early in the season as they took first and second place out of 35 teams at Chandler Pool Sept. 11 at the Wolve Invitational. Brophy won with 536 points, while the second place winners came away with 212. “I think the competition is a lot tougher this year because there are a lot of good freshmen,” Espinoza said. “But our team is very diverse and specialized

Photo by Rob March ’11 Luke Williams ’13 bursts through the water during swim practice on Sept. 21 at Brophy East.

… we have good swimmers in only one event as well as swimmers that do every event.” Espinoza took home his first gold

medal of the season in the 50-yard free stroke event as well as a silver in the one 100-yard free stroke event at the invitational.

It may still be too early to speculate on the team’s future performance, but Mr. O’Neill plans on winning state championships again this year as well as

setting a few state records in the process. “It’ll be our twenty-third win at state in a row,” Mr. O’Neill said.

Brophy crew team copes with dried-out Tempe Town Lake By Alex Stanley ’12

THE ROUNDUP Boat and oars? Check. Talented and conditioned team members? Check. Water to row in? Now the Brophy crew team has a problem. On July 20, Tempe Town Lake drained as part of the dam holding the water in place deflated, leaving all water goers with an unexpected dilemma. The dam, consisting of four inflatable rubber bladders, proved ineffective as a rip in one of the

bladders deflated, causing the water to pour into an empty river bed, according to the Tempe Town Lake official website. Tempe estimates the Town Lake will be full by Nov. 1, using replacement water from Roosevelt Lake. The Brophy crew team seems to have coped with this turn of events well, although it has proven to be an inconvenience. “Through quick thinking (from) Brophy Crew parent Greg Hoyt and the graciousness of the Firebird Raceway owners, we were able to get

water-time on Firebird Lake for this fall season,” said Brophy crew coach Mr. Ryan Krch in an e-mail. In addition to the time on Firebird Lake, the Brophy crew team has also been working with new trainer Mr. Hugh Henry to stay in shape. With three training days of land workouts a week, focusing on “power, strength and core stability,” coach Krch believes his team will be ready for the season. Other rowers have not been as lucky as the Brophy team.

Cross country places high at season-opening meets Team seeks title behind leaders Firth, Williams By Michael Moroney ’13

THE ROUNDUP The Brophy cross country runners arrive on campus two mornings a week bleary-eyed and sleep deprived as early as 6 a.m. to run on Central Avenue. For the first few weeks of school these athletes must wake up at such an early hour to get in a practice session before the 100 degree plus Arizona heat hits. The hard work has evidently paid off because this year the Brophy varsity squad looks to be one of the top teams in the state. “We’re looking really good and we’ve been

training really hard because we want to win the state title,” said Tommy Williams ’11, one of the team’s top runners. The tough training has helped the team in both their meets so far this season. In the first meet on Saturday, Sept. 14, at the Sole Sports Cross Country Festival in Scottsdale, Brophy finished first as a team with Will Firth ’11 and Williams placing first and second individually. “They both possess potential to be the two best distance runners in state of Arizona for the 2010 season,” said varsity assistant coach Mr. Ted Skowron about Firth and Williams. Skowron went on to say Patrick Wolf ’11 has greatly impressed the coaches so far as well. On Sept. 11, at the Ray Wherley Invitational in Prescott, Brophy had another strong finish from Firth who once again finished first overall, beating

two-time state champion Jorge Martinez from Alhambra. Overall, the team placed second behind state champion Alhambra. There were also strong finishes from Williams, Wolf and Brock Ghelfi ’12. “Alhambra is our biggest competitor, and they have a fantastic program,” said Mr. Skowron. “It was no surprise to see Brophy and Alhambra competing for the No. 1 spot.” The Brophy team will continue to fight this season with the upcoming George Young Invitation that was slated for Sept. 18, after The Roundup’s print deadline. “If the Brophy team can stay focused throughout the whole season, we definitely have a chance to win the championship,” said runner John Medici ’12.

“It has been difficult, to say the least,” said Connor Mitchell ’12, a member of club team Tempe Town Lake Rowing. According to Mitchell, the lake drying has given more time for rowers to get in shape and be in better condition, but at the same time experience on the water is scarce, as Firebird Lake is a distant reality for many crew teams. Mitchell and his team have had little opportunity to row on the water, and practice their technique. “We have had to do a lot of land workouts, and it has really thrown a wrench in our training schedule for races,” he said.

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Entertainment The Roundup

Jeff Bussey draws up a creative storm

this month

By Chase Stevens ’12



an you put on a hat and spin around in a chair three times and come up with mystical, artistic ideas? Jeff Bussey ’11 might be able to. Regardless of hat wearing skills and chair spinning abilities, the talented senior can to draw extremely well and create lyrical music with his band. Bussey started his journey to being artistically creative freshman year, when he took the mandatory Intro to Fine Arts class. After that, he took both Beginning and Advanced Drawing with Mrs. Deb Cronin. For his junior year, Bussey ventured into AP Studio Art, and he is taking it again this year as a senior. Bussey has made some interesting art pieces, to say the least. “At the end of sophomore year, my final project was a moustache machine,” Bussey said. “I don’t know if I really like it ... but I like the concept of it. I might go back and work on it later. I would draw out the pieces and cut and paste them onto wood. It looked like a machine. It was probably my favorite.” Usually, Bussey has no set way Dream thieves and discarded toys save a rather lackluster summer By Sean Harris ’11 THE ROUNDUP

Another summer movie season has come and gone, and now that it’s over it could be classified with a gigantic “eh.” It’s still better than last summer, a summer that offered “Star Trek”— and not much else. This summer gave us monumentally epic movies such as “Inception” and “Toy Story 3.” Beyond the obvious two, what else was there?

Photo by Michael Mandeville ’11 Jeff Bussey ’11 is known for his artistic flair, especially when it comes to pencil and paper.

of coming up with ideas such as a moustache machine. “I’d like to say that I put on a hat and

spin around three times, but most ideas come to me when I’m in the car or late at night,” Bussey said. “If I have an idea,

I’ll write it down and finish it later, but if I sit down just to draw, I usually don’t come up with anything.”

By Alex Stanley ’12

THE ROUNDUP What should I call you: Ms. Haycock, Magistra, HDawg, Double H Trouble? Any of those would work, but I prefer Magistra (Latin for “teacher”). Question from previous “Teacher’s Pet”: If you could trade places with a Brophy teacher or administrator for a day (laugh, laugh) who would it be, and why? Complete sentences only. I would trade places with an art teacher, because I wish I could draw. To clear up some rumors, are you in a motorcycle gang? No, but I can ride a motorcycle. Do you have your motorcycle license? I don’t, but I do ride them anyway; that is off the record.

‘The Suburbs’ marks return to normal for Arcade Fire By Joe Skoog ’13 The Roundup

Haycock respects Marcus Aurelius, laughs at Commodus Ms. Hollie Haycock adds California experience to language department


Teacher’s Pet Where were you born? Mesa, Ariz. Why Latin? I got into Latin because of the mythology. From there, I began reading Roman literature, and I liked it so much I wanted to read them in the original language. What is your favorite Latin word? Nihilominus. It means nevertheless, I like it because it is really fun to say. If you could be a Roman for a day, what would you do? I would go to the baths and definitely go to a big Roman banquet. I would like to say that I wouldn’t go to a gladiator game, but I probably would. What is your most embarrassing moment? I’m rarely embarrassed, and it might be more mysterious to say “better left unsaid,” but I have a stupid one. My freshman year of college, I got a grade that I thought I didn’t deserve. I made

an appointment with my teacher, who was the dean of the school as well, to argue for an A. I forgot about the meeting and slept through it. The next day it was snowy, and he was walking down a path toward me. I tried to avoid him, but I slipped and fell right at his feet and he had to pick me up. What do you do when you’re not at school? I spend time with my three-year-old son, I read, I hike and I watch sports. Did you ever think about having any other jobs? I thought about something that has to do with reading, like copy editing. But I am happy being a teacher. What is your favorite type of music? I used to be into alternative, but since I had my son I am really out of it when it comes to music. I mainly like folk music, and modern music with talent. What is the first word that comes to your head?

Coming this month: Movie and music reviews online

Popcorn, for some reason What is your favorite color? It sounds horrible, but I think it is black. What is your favorite movie? “All About My Mother,” which is directed by Pedro Almodóvar. Who is your favorite Roman emperor? Well, there are good emperors and amusing ones, and I tend to like the amusing ones. Commodus is an amusing emperor, and I really respect Marcus Aurelius. How would you say teacher’s pet in Latin? (Looks up on online dictionary) Deliciae Magistrae How can students earn an A in one of your classes? Memorize and study. Anything “under the table?” That is going to have to be “off the record.” Pose a question for the next teacher featured in “Teacher’s Pet.” If you could live anywhere in the world that you wanted to, where would it be?

Canadian indie rock act Arcade Fire has been one of the most influential groups of the past decade and continues to inspire with their latest release “The Suburbs.” Their debut album, “Funeral,” was widely regarded as one of the best albums of the last 10 years. Their dedicated fan base and arena-filling indie music has turned them into the poster children for the indie rock scene.

Oozing with originality, ‘Scott Pilgrim’ earns +5000 points By Sean Harris ’11 THE ROUNDUP

Within the first minute, “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” proves it won’t be like any other movie. The Universal logo appears, but pixilated, and a retro NES version of the theme starts to play. This was the best way to introduce this alternate universe, where videogame logic reigns supreme, and the characters who inhabit it settle their differences by breaking into duels. The loser gets turned into a pile of coins. If this idea is too weird to comprehend, the movie is just getting started.

For more movie and video game reviews, including a review of “Halo:Reach,” head to The Roundup’s website located at

The Roundup

October 2010 |

Page 11

Anarbor rocks Friday Night Lights, plays free concert By Josh Galvin ’13

The Roundup The Red Army stormed out of the Central High bleachers Friday, Aug. 27, energized by the varsity football team’s first win of the season. As BCP/XCP students returned to Brophy for Friday Night Lights chattering about the strong performance of the Broncos, most knew what awaited them: the concert featuring Anarbor and Katastro. Featuring two Brophy grads, Arizona natives Anarbor recently performed in more than 44 North American cities over the span of two months as part of the Vans Warped Tour. However, Mike Kitlas ’08 and Greg Garrity ’08 paid their alma mater a visit as they performed with their band during a free concert along with fellow Warped Tour veterans Katastro. “Coming back to Brophy for this last show was a moment we all won’t forget; the kids were awesome and having a great time, so of course myself and the band had an incredible time,” said Kitlas, who plays rhythm guitar for Anarbor.

Kitlas admitted that initially he was skeptical of the way the Brophy community would react to the band’s musical style, but when he saw the crowd of screaming Brophy/Xavier students, he was instantly reassured. “The turnout for the show blew my mind, (there were) way more kids than I ever could have expected,” Kitlas said. Kitlas also thanked the BCP community itself and promised a return visit. “On behalf of Greg Garrity, and the rest of Anarbor, I would like to thank the current Brophy College Prep community for their constant support and thank you all for helping us make our dreams come to life. That was not the last time Anarbor will be performing at Brophy College Prep,” he said. Kitlas acknowledged Mr. Lane McShane and Assistant Principal of Student Activities Mr. Jeff Glosser for the large crowd and the “perfectly promoted” concert. Those who missed the concert or want more information on Anarbor can visit their MySpace page at www.myspace. com/anarbor or like “Anarbor” on Facebook.

Photo By Ben Jackson ’11 Anarbor bassist Slade Echeverria slaps a bass line during the free concert for students after the Deer Valley football game Aug. 27. To see a slide show of photos from concert visit and click on the Music tab.

Sufjan Stevens, Of Montreal, Magic Kids offer strong Fall 2010 releases

Welcome back everyone to yet another issue of “The Music Sounds Better,” The Roundup’s monthly music podcast, but more importantly a new year of music. Lucky for us, the music fans, we are in for quite an impressive streamline of releases this Fall/ Winter 2010. This month will feature “twee-popsters” Magic Kids, indie veterans Of Montreal and the delightfully entrancing songwriter Sufjan Stevens.

Magic Kids So to get the needle spinning, Magic Kids, based

out of Memphis, are relatively new only being around for about a year now. Their track “Hey Boy” surfaced on the Internet in mid-2009 gaining plenty of attention throughout blogs and music websites. In August 2010, Magic Kids released their first full-length via True Panther Records appropriately dubbed “Memphis.” It’s innocent and sappy dynamics does well for an incredibly enjoyable half an hour of quintessential indie pop reminiscent of Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys. But while a variety of critics are calling it too parasitic of the 60s, I think it’s one of the best musically original releases I’ve heard in months. The center-piece has to be the next to last track “Little Red Radio.” It offers a multitude of infectious melodies of wordless choruses, a brilliant use of synthesizers that do well as a melodic and rhythmic instrument and a mid-tempo beat perfect for dancing to.

Of Montreal

Back in 2008, Of Montreal released their eighth album “Skeletal Lamping,” but have quickly returned with the follow up “False Priest” released in September 2010. This band, and pretty exclusively its leader Kevin Barnes, has been writing some of the best pop music of the past decade. Their consistency has established them as some of indie music’s finest. “Croquet Croquet,” the first single from “False Priest,” is considerably heavier that anything the band has done in the past, but maintains a strong identity as a product Of Montreal.

Sufjan Steven

To finish things off, Sufjan Stevens is back! He surprised the independent music world by dropping an out-of-nowhere EP entitled “All Delighted People.” Furthermore, a couple weeks later, he announced his first full-length LP since the glorious 2005 release “Illinois,” considered one of the best albums of the 2000s by Pitchfork Media.

Stevens staggering talent really caught my attention when I first heard his contribution to the “Dark Was the Night” compilation called “You are the Blood,” a genius rearrangement. I realized he was unlike many other singersongwriters. He is a composer, radiating incredible talent all across the music board, something many musicians aren’t necessarily capable of. But getting back to his more recent work, “From the Mouth of Gabriel” off his “All Delighted People” EP offers a beautiful combination of his more traditional folk-esq identity, while incorporating updated use of electronics. Its religious undertones are no surprise as Stevens often has used related themes throughout his career in songwriting, but the lyrics are compelling and intricate—at this point expected. That’s it for this issue of the “The Music Sounds Better.” If you’d like to see something reviewed, e-mail us at Keep up the listening.

Fall play to incorporate many ‘Brophyisms and Xavierisms’ By Eric Villanueva ’11

THE ROUNDUP Brophy-Xavier Theatre’s fall play “Up the Down Staircase” opens Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. in Brophy’s Blackbox Theatre. The performance with more than 30 Brophy and Xavier students will continue every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday night at 7 p.m. Oct. 28Nov. 6. Tickets will be available in advance from cast members for $7. To reserve tickets, call Mrs. Sandra Dennard in the Student Activities Center at (602) 264-5291 Ext. 6285.

“We’re trying hard to incorporate Brophyisms and Xavierisms into the play,” said Ms. Dorothy Dunnion, director of the play. Ms. Dunnion is assisted by Ms. Susan Maynard and Mr. Ron Douglas, who directs the stage crew. “Up the Down Staircase” focuses on Sylvia Banett, played by Kaitlin O’Shaughnessy ’11 XCP, who is “an idealist, brand new English teacher who chooses to teach at an inner-city school public school” where she finds that “(her) idealism crashes with realism,” according to Ms. Dunnion.

At the school, the students give Sylvia trouble, but she connects with them, especially troublemaker Joe Ferone, according to J.P. Malham ’12 who plays Joe. “But there’s this one student, whom I’m playing, who is smart but hesitate to learn … he’s a bad kid, but she (Slyvia) takes an interest in him and tries to show his real value to the world,” Malham said, who had a dancing part last year in Brophy’s spring musical “Guys and Dolls.” Other characters include Sylvia’s fellow English teacher Paul Berringer

(John DiMino ’12) and the Dean of Discipline Mr. McHabe (Joey Galeziewski ’12), according to Ms. Dunnion. Malham said the play is “spontaneous” with an assortment of characters, high and low moments and a gambit of emotions. “I think that people will recognize Brophy and Xavier stereotypes (in the play) because we’re not so different from any other school, whether we’re talking about students or teachers,” Ms. Dunnion said. Malham said he believes students will really find a connection in the classroom

setting and in his character. “I know I can relate to him,” Malham said. Ms. Dunnion said she has touched up characters’ traits and personalities to be more recognizable to Brophy’s students and teachers. “The older English teacher who becomes a mentor to Sylvia, who is beloved by her students and still attractive though older, is played by a young woman who is 6 feet 1 inch tall,” Ms. Dunnion said smiling. “Because all attractive, older, brilliant English teachers are at least that height – if not six-three.”

Page 12 | October 2010



Natalie Chapin ’13 By Dillan Ducar ’13

The Roundup What do you normally do on the weekends? I’m in National Charity League so I do a lot of charity stuff. I also hang out with my friends at the mall. I’m not really a shopping person I just go to hang out with people. Friday nights I go to all the games, dances if there are any. And the rest is homework. Homecoming dance is coming up, are you super excited or what? Definitely, I love the homecoming dance, last year I had so much fun! The dance was separated into two rooms last year, techno and hip-hop, what side did you go to? Hip-hop, because (with) techno I can’t do anything. I don’t get techno; it’s just jumping up and down and going crazy. Have you been notified yet that techno is

the best part? I don’t get techno music! Okay, did you see any good movies lately? “Inception” was really good. DID IT BLOW YOUR MIND! Yes! Also, I have to say I’m a total little kid, so “Despicable Me.” Okay, Internet: great idea or greatest idea? Definitely greatest, because I am a total music geek, so I search every music video whenever possible; also homework and stuff but that doesn’t matter does it? How would you rate me on a scale from one to Lady Gaga? Um, I don’t know. I—there’s no—just—let’s say—I don’t know what to stop at—so 8. If you were an animal, which animal would you be? Giraffes, because they are tall and I’m short. Well it has been real and it has been fun? Wait, is that a question? Where are you going? Am I done with this interview?

The Roundup

Words from the Wise ... “They burned the Indian Chief ... that’s not very polite.” - Dr. Sam Ewing

“Who took a bite out of my pizza? Now I’m cranky.” - Ian Beck ’12, Roundup Co-Editor in Chief during a newspaper layout session.

“I should record this and put it on Fail Blog.”

“Hey! Father! I might need you for 3rd period today. I’m giving a test and I think the kids might need Last Rights or something.” –Mr. Matthew Hooten to Rev. Harry Oliver, S.J.

“Dreams feel real while we’re in them. It’s only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.” –Dom Cobb from “Inception”

-A student in Ms. Sabina Nelson’s class.

“I should put you on Fail Blog for the grade you’re going to get.”

“I know who I am. I’m a Brophy Bronco. And it’s a great day to be a Bronco.” –Mr. Scott Heideman

-Ms. Sabina Nelson

“Have you met my evil twin, Fillup? Fillup the bucket.” –Mr. John Damaso ’97 while passing around the bucket for collecting money.

“Facebook is trying to trademark the word “Face”. I am going to trademark the word “aceboo”, and then wait for the dollars to roll in.”

-Conan O’Brien

Have you heard any wise words lately? Send them to Entertainment Editor Sean Harris ’11 at

The Artist’s Corner

By Brian Brannon ’11

The Roundup I often find myself coming home after a long day and turning on the news only to be met with stories of warfare, failing economies and Apple product shortages. After many years of crying after watching such news I found an antidote, Every time I think of an onion I imagine crying because of its offensive vapors. Likewise, The Onion makes me cry in shear laughter every time I visit. It provides hard-news stories, television broadcasts and deep political discussion based, largely, on completely imaginary subjects. For instance a recent article presented on The Onion recently discussed a new Google phone app that whispers advertisements into the ears of its user. Whatever comical remedies one needs to lighten their day The Onion provides a wonderful outlet. Are you prepared for the coming zombie apocalypse? is a website dedicated to the education, prevention and care of all things post-apocalyptical. Included in the advertisements for the website the site features its trademark product, Zombrex, which

inoculates its users from certain strains of the coming plague. Satirical remarks aside, Zombrex. com is a wonderfully created site geared towards its user killing a few of their boring moments throughout the day. Additionally it provides a perfect example of how America’s private industry might respond to a plaguelike disaster. If you’re a zombie-fan or just looking to escape a few otherwise mundane moments is definitely worth looking into.

www.oldspicevoicemail. com/male Hello, do you wish your voicemail sounded like the sweet sound of manly vibrato? Well, with the help of Isaiah Mustafa (The Old Spice Man) and a few web designers your bland and depressing voicemail can be turned into an example of pure masculinity. provides its users with a series of options for customizing their personal voice message into a hysterical and satirical statement. Some of these options will tell the caller why you can’t answer the phone; whether you are building an orphanage with your bare hands or cracking walnuts with your man mind. Every audible statement is a recording by Isaiah Mustafa himself to ensure its macho perfection.

Top digital drawing “Firefly” by Garrett Freibott ’11. Bottom photo by Nick Kush ’13.

E-mail artwork for “The Artist’s Corner” to

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