Bros limited

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ROS Imp&Exp Co., Limited is a Procurement Service Provider that is focused on adding value to our client’s Asian supply chains.

As globalisation has continued, outsource manufacturing has become an integral part of global business’s ability to operate in an increasingly competitive environment. At the same time the ability to manage vendors at source, develop relationships and understand their own drivers has become an integral part of a company’s procurement strategy. That is our focus. Whether you are already buying from China or going to, using local agents in your home WHUULWRU\ RU JRLQJ WKURXJK D WUDGLQJ FRPSDQ\ ZH EHOLHYH WKDW RXU ÀH[LEOH DQG WDLORUHG VROXWLRQV can add value to your current procurement strategy delivering bottom line growth to your business.

Our Mission Our objective is to deliver long term sustainable value to our clients’ supply chains that creates FRVW DQG TXDOLW\ EHQHÂżWV WR WKHLU SXUFKDVH FKDQQHOV IURP &KLQD :LWK D IRFXV RQ service, we deliver tailor made solutions to our clients to provide an ‘at the source’ management capability.


About Us BROS Imp&Exp is a managed Procurement Service Provider that is focused on adding value to our client’s Asian supply chains. The company started out in 2001 as a web based sourcing platform to allow clients the opportunity to leverage off the Chinese supply base. Soon it was recognised that this omitted one of the key aspects of any supply chain; namely that of the development of relationships, especially where language, culture and time differences are present.

We therefore moved away from simply a web based interaction with our clients to a more service focused model that ensured our clients were able to overcome the barriers to entry in Low Cost Country manufacturing bases. Retaining this focus on service, we have grown to a experienced

and professional trading company. For our clients demand, We have established our offices and builded business relates extensively. Such as Shenzhen,Guangzhou,Shanghai,Xiamen etc.

Our client portfolio now includes publically quoted companies through to SMEs; retailers through to wholesalers; based in the US, UK, EU to Australia and New Zealand. Please contact us for references.


Our Services We know that every client is different and we therefore look to understand each client’s requirements in order to best match our service. We can separate our services into two distinct business units; Buying Office & Trading Service. These business units provide different sourcing models so that we can ensure that our clients’ needs are met whatever sourcing strategy they may be looking to implement/have implemented.

%X\LQJ 2IÂżFH This model empowers clients to take control of their supply chain through utilising this independent third party procurement service. Flexible and tailored to the client, this service rovides clients with immediate access from which to drive value through the supply chain.

7UDGLQJ 6HUYLFH /HYHUDJLQJ RII RXU H[SHULHQFH LQ VRXUFLQJ DQG NQRZOHGJH RI FHUWDLQ SURGXFW FDWHJRULHV ZH WDNH on a more active role in your supply chain by identifying vendors, managing them, providing quality assurance and dealing with the logistics as required.



BORS Buying Office model is an outsourced procurement service that offers the most flexible, cost-effective, low risk solution than any other service provider in the same category. Aimed at mid-market wholesalers and retailers with a need to manage their Asian procurement, we enable clients to control their supply chains at the source through this service. Put simply, clients can benefit from a fully operational procurement service established within 8 weeks. This service allows our clients to focus on a more transparent and value driven supply chain; whilst BROS manages their procurement functions. 2XU %X\LQJ 2I多FH PRGHO HQDEOHV FOLHQWV WR KDYH JUHDWHU FRQWURO RYHU WKHLU VXSSO\ FKDLQV Depending on the scale and organisational structure of a client, we tailor our solution to HQVXUH WKDW LW LV WKH ULJKW 多W


Trading Service

Through our trading division, we play a more engaged role within our client’s supply chains DFWLQJ DV FRQWDFW SRLQW IRU DOO \RXU VRXUFLQJ QHHGV 8VLQJ RXU VRXUFLQJ H[SHUWLVH DQG NQRZOHGJH within certain product categories, we will work with our clients to identify, manage and deliver high quality goods at the best price. We also look for manufacturers with the required ethical (e.g. ISO, ETI compliance and SA8000) and technical standards to ensure brand protection and maintain an ethically responsible supply chain. This particular offering is more relevant to companies that do not have the need or resource WR PDQDJH YHQGRUV DW WKH VRXUFH EXW VHH YDOXH PRUH LQ XWLOLVLQJ RXU H[SHUWLVH WR PDQDJH WKHLU Asian manufacturing base through one contact point. We work to provide a seamless service whilst mitigating the risk of Asian purchasing channels. We increase the level of communication, breaking down the language and cultural barriers that can so often result in miscommunication and problems when buying direct. In addition, we leverage off our vendor base and long term relationships that we have already developed to provide competitive pricing that a stand alone buyer may not necessarily be able to achieve.




We have a wide range of expertise in both hard (durable) and soft (non-durable) goods including but not limited to the following product categories:

Toys & Hobbies 2 Promotional/Giftware 3 Dollar Products 4 Stationery & Office supplies 5 Garments & Textiles 6 Household Products 7 Kitchen & Table Wares 8 Hardware & Tools 9 Fashion accessories and jewellery 10 Body Jewellery 1RQ IRU VDOH JRRGV VXFK DV Âż[WXUHV ÂżWWLQJV UDFNLQJ HWF

:KDW ZH SURYLGH We manage the whole process from supplier identification through to shipment to the port

of destination. We have experience at working with OEM product, save our own quality assurance team for vendor and product audits, have a logistics department, understand customs requirements and look across China to best meet your needs. Our service gives clients with complete transparency across their supply chain, providing YLVLELOLW\ RQ WKH VXSSOLHUV VR WKDW WKURXJK XV WKH\ FDQ PDWFK FDSDELOLWLHV ZLWK H[SHFWDWLRQV


The past couple of years (2009 & 2010) have seen a dramatic change in the global economic landscape, which has had repercussions on global trade. One of the main lessons learnt over that period was to ensure that your supply chain is robust and viable going forward. This is particularly important when sourcing from overseas. Having the ability to manage vendors at source will be key to not only mitigating your company’s risk but also in delivering additional cost savings. BROS International is therefore well placed to meet your sourcing needs. We are continually striving to deliver added value solutions to our clients’ supply chains through RXU VRXUFLQJ H[SHUWLVH DV ZHOO DV RXU NQRZOHGJH RI RSHUDWLQJ LQ &KLQD We look forward to hearing from you! BROS Group


Contact Us

Bros Imp & Exp Co., Limited Add: Room C1D,6/F,Wing Hing Industrial Building 14 Hing Yip Street,Kwun Tong Hong Kong Tel: +86 579 85526284 Fax: +86 579 85682913 Email: |



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