The Greatest Testimony

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The Greatest Testimony A Turning Point for Black America

Messages from The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

The National Representative of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad



Chapter 1

Saviours Day 1981

Chapter 2

Saviours Day 1982

Chapter 3

Saviours Day 1983

Chapter 4

Saviours Day 1984



Chapter 1

“ A SAVIOUR IS BORN” FEBUARY 22 1981 In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful: The One God to whom all praised are due, the Lord of the Worlds. Who came to us in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, the long awaited Saviour and Deliver of the Black man and woman of America: And in the Name of His True Servant and Last Messenger, Our Beloved Leader, Teacher and Guide, the Messenger of Allah, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I greet you my beloved Brothers and Sister with the greeting words of Peace in the Arabic language: As Salaam Alaikum. I must say that you look so beautiful. I am very filled up at this moment. I am happy and thankful to Almighty God Allah for each and every one of you that came out today in the rain to say welcome back to the Nation of Islam. To those who came around me when I first stood up who felt that my life was in danger and felt that if I were to stand for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that I needed protection. Those brothers and sisters who enveloped me in their care make it possible for us to be here today though we never can give the credit or take the credit from Almighty God Allah and His Messenger. But I am grateful to Lue Palmer, Haki Matubuti, Hannibal Afriki, Anderson Thompson, Vernon Jarret, Georgia Palmer, Reverend Al Sampson, Prince Asiel Ben Israel, Dr. Charles Knocks, and Father George Clements. These men and women represent the total spectrum of Black thought from nationalist, to Christians, to Hebrew Israelites, to Methodist, to Catholics, even Socialist, integrationist, and members of the Black Police (Howard Sacfoo) and Anaught Robinson of the Afro America police league. How then can the Nation in its rebirth be an exclusive thing that is only for its self and its concerns? Since I am here today because I was embraced by the totality of the Black Community then we say to you that the Nation of Islam is not an exclusive order but it is inclusive of every Black man and woman and child in America and throughout the World. Our mission is first to Black people in America and then to Black people all over the world. I am grateful to those brothers and sisters who helped me. I am grateful to the national Laborers Assistant Minister Herman, Supreme Captain Thereon X, Assistant Supreme Captain Brother William J X, AND National Captain of the MGT and GCC 4

Sister Christine Muhammad, to Minister Limward, to Minister Louis of the South, to Minister Harold of the West, to Minister Larry and to all of you who sit to my right and to my left and who are out in this audience; who made it possible for us to come to this point in our development. Words are just not adequate enough to say thank you but all I can do is pledge to you and through you to all of Black America my life. That I am willing to spend my life for the freedom, justice and equality of all Black People. I have a special thanks to my wife whose has been with me in this work for 25 years and has been my wife for 27 going on 28 years. And a constant companion and a constant comfort and I am grateful too Allah for my wife Sister Farrakhan. And too my mother who brought me on this planet not knowing what her womb was carrying but I thank Allah for this mother for labor and suffering to give my brother and I the best that she could. And now if it be the will of Allah I shall go on to do the work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that if history is kind to me from our labor my mother’s name will be remembered as long as my own. Sister Farrakhan! Pardon me for taking this time to give thanks but the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told me once that. He said “Brother you are going to reach the appendicle success in this world’s life.” He said “When you reach the top of the mountain I hope you will remember who brought you there.” So I think that it is proper that I take a moment and pay honor and respect and thanks to those who brought me this far along the way. Now I pay a very special recognition to the Brother who came by my grave side when I had fallen backwards. And whispered in my ear and helped me to see again. He is a very quite brother and he does not assume any thing of himself. He likes to be in the background but I think that Allah would punish me if I did not bear witness in public to what he did in private. And that is Minister Bernard Cushmere. He is around here some where talking pictures. Now let us get into our work. Oh wait a minute I saw someone that I better not forget and this is a sister who has been in the struggle for nearly 60 year. We call her the mother of the struggle and it just would not be proper if we did not recognize Queen Mother Moore. And I hope he is here tonight Brother Wali Sadek who came and met me in a restaurant and said don’t you think it is time? All Praise is due to Allah! Now are you ready? I figured that. Now brothers and sisters I am going to say something to you today that some of you may think I am a little touched. But I have been among you now as a follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for 25 years. And I am sure most of you that have heard me either in person or on the radio or on television or in private conversations you know me to be a very rational person not given to insanity by any means. But I am going to say something and make an announcement today that probably will shock the known world. I am going to say something’s today by the help and power of Allah that will shake the Christian World, the Muslim World, the Jewish World, the Communist World, and the Political World, in fact shake the world. We did not invite you here to waste your time but we invited you here to give you an earth shaking announcement. That from this day forward we will be challenged to prove 5

but if you watch us if you listen to us. I guarantee every nation and every kingdom on earth will be rocked by the power coming from this tiny little budding nation that Jesus described as a mustard seed but when it germinates and grows and spreads its branches every foul and every bird will find a refuge under its wings. You are looking at the birth not just of the Nation of Islam but the birth of The Kingdom of God Almighty on earth. You Muslim scholars you are looking at the birth of the Kingdom of Islam. We called you here like the wise men of old that saw a star and they traveled to where the baby was. The baby had no room come to birth she had to give birth in a manger or come to birth in a manger. The wise men that saw the baby came bring gold. What baby needs gold? All babies that I know of need milk but here is a baby that needs Gold; Gold for what? It is not talking about a child being born from a single mother but it is talking about a Nation coming to birth that needs gold to build its own institutions and carve out a destiny for its self. In the Yusuf Ali translation of the Holy Qur’an in the 10th chapter the 6th verse it reads, “Verily in the alternation of the night and the day and in all that Allah has created in the heavens and the earth are signs for those who fear him.” In the alternation of the day and the night there are signs for you; we have a day to rise up and we have a night to sleep. And this alternation of day and night is seen in the development of all things. We have a time when we slumber and a time when we maximize our efforts in a conscious way. Nations have a time when they laps into darkness and they have a time when they spring forth again into new life. In the history of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad among us there was a rise, a fall, a rise again and then another fall. “In the alternation of the day and the night there are signs for those who fear God.” The Honorable Elijah Muhammad met a man in Detroit Michigan; a man who gave many names but the name that He left us with Master Fard Muhammad. Many people say that this somewhat mystery man; Master Fard Muhammad who taught Elijah Muhammad was some false man but as you can tell a tree by the fruit it bears you can tell man by his works. Master Fard Muhammad met the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in 1931. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad recognized Him immediately as being the One that the world was looking for. When he heard the words coming out His mouth; having read the Bible since a young boy; he saw correspondence in the words coming out of this man’s mouth; something that he had been longing for and someone that he had been hoping and longing for since he was young boy. So there was an instant love and an instant marriage between these two. What Elijah Muhammad saw in Master Fard Muhammad; he was ordered not to go too far in teaching that man’s identity while he was among us but that Elijah Muhammad should wait until after he was gone. I must say the truth that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said the same thing to me. When I was sneaking up on his identity and beginning to publish it over the radio he called me one day and said, “ Brother don’t go too far in that line lest all that apples roll down out of the cart into the gutter.” Now I will tell you today what has been burning in my heart since the 60’s; when I first began to see the way I shall explain sight today. Master Fard Muhammad came to the Messenger and found him groping and showed him the way; and found him an orphan and 6

took him in. As the Holy Qur’an teaches; he made him wise and the time of preparation from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was between 40 and 41 months; nearly 3 ½ years. And he gave the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in that 3 ½ years enough wisdom to last for 40 years. And the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to some of us that it would take him 40 years to understand his mission. Listen good it would take him 40 years to understand his mission. Master Fard Muhammad suffered in the mist of us. He was well able to keep himself from any suffering. He was jailed among us and He was able to keep himself from going to jail. He was struck in the mouth. He permitted himself to be struck by one of the lost founds. When he told the lost found; “I am your long awaited Saviour and Deliverer.” And the man struck him and when the Messenger and some of the brothers wanted to get on the man. He said leave him alone he will be a good one; one of these days. But what was it all for? We are a people made blind, deaf and dumb. The Mighty One came to lay down a path and to make a demonstration for the Messenger so that the Messenger seeing the path trodden by such a Holy One that all the prophets predicted would come at the end of the world and Seeing him suffer to show his love for his lost found nation. Seeing him go to jail that Elijah Muhammad may learn the price of truth in wicked America that you can not preach truth in America nor can you stand up for truth in America and be afraid of jail. You can not stand up for truth and stand up for the freedom of the people and be afraid for persecution or even death because all of this we must suffer in order to deliver an entire nation that yearns to breath free. What is the justification for His suffering? It is that the scriptures might be fulfilled. It says He came and made Himself obedient unto death. And He made Himself of no reputation. He did not come telling you who He was but He came and did a work. And when He was ready to go I heard the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say that He looked out of His window when his beloved Master and friend left. And told him you don’t need me anymore and he said Oh yes I do. And Master Fard Muhammad said Oh; no you don’t! He said he cried and he cried and he cried. Two men met and they fell in love with each other. And the first man took the second man and impregnated him with a word; so that the second man became to the first man as a wife and made him pregnant now with truth and pregnant with a nation that had to be delivered from the clutches of White America. In the 3 ½ years or 40 to 41 months of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s walking with Master Fard Muhammad; he laid out for His servant a plan of action which later became The Nation of Islam. Now the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said when he uses to go to the prisons to retrieve or get Master Fard Muhammad. Master Fard Muhammad said to him these words, “As you Elijah came to my rescue at the beginning of your mission at the end of it. You will be in a condition that only I can get you out of.” I am going to repeat that and brothers and sisters don’t get tried I want you too fasten your ears on my mouth and dissect the words. I am going to say it again, “As you came to my


rescue at the beginning of your mission at the end of it. You will be in a condition that only I can get you out of.” Now the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said it would take him 40 years to even understand his mission. So the end of it meant the end of the first phase of your work which was a preparatory phase because forty (40) or four (4) represents preparation and foundation. The foundation for a government had to be laid. The preparation for the deliverance of a nation had to be made. And at the end of those forty (40) years the Messenger would be in such a terrible condition that only God Himself could get him out of it. Now the Honorable Elijah Muhammad always referred to Master Fard Muhammad as “The Saviour .” When he looked at Master Fard Muhammad picture; he would say; “The Saviour.” He kept that word in front of us for forty (40) long years; “The Saviour ” but not without a aim, purpose and reason. He wanted to drive the point home; “I have met with (not a Saviour) but The Saviour; t The One that the world has been looking for.” Listen Good! If a man stands up in America preaching what Elijah Muhammad preached in the mists of the most vicious enemy the world has ever known. This government and this Caucasian people are the murders of God’s prophets. Is that right? And they have murdered every Black Leader that has stood up for justice for us. Whenever someone came with something they did not like they snuffed out his life. Is that right? Now then for Elijah Muhammad to be in America saying what he said and doing what he did; don’t you know he had to have mighty protector and a mighty Saviour? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to us and I am quoting him now; “If Allah Master Fard Muhammad can not save me it would show that He can not save you.” Now listen to what I am saying; if Master Fard Muhammad, the God of Elijah could not save His Messenger then we are wasting time to bear witness to Master Fard Muhammad as The Long Awaited Mahdi, Saviour, Deliverer and we are wasting our time blowing our breath to proclaim Elijah Muhammad as that final One, the Seal of the Prophets and Apostles of God. In the Holy Qur’an in the fifth chapter of the 67th verse listen to these words, “O Messenger deliver that which has been revealed to thee from they Lord. And if thou do it not thou has not delivered his message and Allah will protect thee from men. Surely Allah guides not the disbelieving people.” Here is a Messenger being given a message to deliver and the God of the Qur’an is comforting him, telling him don’t be afraid now you go and deliver my message and I am going to protect you from men. The Qur’an teaches the Messenger and through Him you and I in these words; “Me and Me alone should you fear. Pray to me and I will answer you.” What is He saying to the Messenger? If you fear only Me then you will do My Will but if you fear men as you ought to fear Allah you will do the bidding of men. Now most of us have fears brothers and sisters; many of you are afraid to stand up for truth for fear that you might lose a job or friendship or some promised reward of some 8

sort. And most of us carry our fears with us daily; many of us right in this audience would have taken a stand for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad along time ago but fear stopped us and choked us. Is that right? But here is a man being given an assignment and told; look Me and Me alone should you fear. Now I realize that it is hot in here and I know that the auditorium theater has many concerts in here where the place is jammed to the rafters and people are in the aisles getting down if you will. And I am sure that they have air conditioning and can cool this off but I know that there is something coming that no one will be able to cool off. Now I want you to listen well. I am going to go as quickly as I can. Before Master Fard Muhammad took leave of His Messenger the Honorable Elijah Muhammad; He gathered together the Muslim community at that time and told them to hear Elijah Muhammad and then He left. The moment He got out of sight they began to put up excuses as to why they should not listen to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Hypocrisy arose out of the family of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad; out of his family his own brother became jealous of his brother who is The Messenger. What created envy and jealously in the heart of his own brother? Brother and sister you have it in the Bible and Holy Qur’an; after Adam was made he has two sons Cain and Able. Here you have two children coming from the same loins of the same father and mother. Is that right? But one hates and seeks to murder the other because of envy in the heart of the brother. So what does that tell you? Coming out of your mother’s womb does not sanctify your relationship to one another. Coming out saying that this is my brother or that is my mother or that is my daddy that does not make you a family because members of the same family can be sick with the poison of envy. Is that right? All Praise is Due to Allah! The brother of Elijah Muhammad was sick with the poison of envy. And in 1935; think of it (1935) he rose up to displace his brother. And for 7 years; think of that (7) years Elijah Muhammad was running in the wilderness until he exhausted the hypocrites. One of the hypocrites said that he would eat one grain of rice a day until Elijah Muhammad was dead. Why did they hate Elijah Muhammad? Because he said He was the Messenger of Allah and He began to tell the world who Master Fard Muhammad was; that He was in fact The Living God who had made His appearance in the world as the prophets predicted. Now they see honor coming to The Messenger and they see a little money coming to The Messenger so the hypocrites say look He is trying to take the money for himself. So they decided to kill him; think over that. Now why are you going into this history Brother Farrakhan? Because history is now repeating itself and if you know what was then you can better understand what is then you are ready for what is just around the corner. After (7) years of running, fleeing and hiding fulfilling that which is written of The Messenger, the government get him now by executive order of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The president of the United States orders Elijah Muhammad off the streets. They use as an excuse that he is a draft dodger but in fact he is too old for the draft. The draft was from 18-44 and Elijah Muhammad was then 45. Well why did they take him off the street? 9

Because what he was teaching of Islam would not allow young black men who heard it to go and sacrifice their lives for the infidels. And as long as Elijah Muhammad had the freedom to teach then White folks would not be able to use your black bodies as tools of service to keep America free and White and to keep them in power to continue to oppress you and me. So they had to get Elijah Muhammad off of the street. They put him in jail for 5 years. I think I should say here that all along people were trying to kill him. And we heard him say there in New York when he was running; the hypocrite saw him and reached in his pocket; he had a pistol in his pocket and when he reached in his pocket for his pistol he could not get his hand out of his pocket. His eyes stood there staring out into space and the Messenger said Allah got you. And he got in a cab and went immediately to Grand Central station and got out of New York. Now what wad God doing with His Messenger? He was showing him, rely on Me and trust in Me. I have power over your enemies. Do my Will; fear no man! As the Bible teaches you, “To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?” If a man rolls up his sleeve not mine and shows you his mighty arm he is showing you his power. When God shows a man his power that man has not cloke any more to fear the world and its temporary power. When the government put Elijah Muhammad in jail he did nearly 5 years; from 1942 and he got out in 1946. Now from 1946 until 1975 is 29 years. And the 29 th Chapter of the Holy Qur’an is called Al-Ankabut: The Spider. And the 29th Chapter begins like this: God introduces the chapter by saying “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Alif lam mim, (which the scholars say means) I, Allah, am the best Knower. Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, We believe, and will not be tried? And indeed we tried those before them, so Allah will certainly know those who are true and He will know the lairs. Now at the end of 29 years bringing him to 1975 making a total of 40 years that Elijah Muhammad worked independent of the presence of Master Fard Muhammad here now The Nation is going to go under a trial. You got it? The Spider spins its web at the darkest hour of the night; did you know that? Yes you have to be up kind of early to catch a spider spinning his web. Usually when you get up the web is already spun. Now when the spider spins it web all light weight creatures that fall in the web get caught but the scientist say if the fly can get out within three (3) seconds it can live. Now the spider can not see it only feels and when the web is touched by the fly and it is trying to get out and the spider sitting in the center of the web senses it and then moves quickly to the prey. Now if the prey gets out in three (3) seconds the spider has no meal but the interesting thing about that spider is that the spider injects something like a straw or needle into the fly and enzymes which breaks downs the flies form then the spider sucks up the inside of the fly into himself so all that you have left in the web is the remains. Now what is God telling us in this chapter? God is telling us that after 29 years of the effort of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad to rebuild after 40 years of a great magnificent history darkness is going to come over the nation and it is going to be a deep 10

deep darkness. And in the dark hour a spider will come and you are going to have time to get out of the web but it is a short time and you have to make haste to get out. Because when that spider gets to you he will fill you with enzymes and break down your form. Now you look at all of the Muslims that fell in the night; their form has been broken down; their moral form, their spiritual form, even their physical form is no longer what it was because a spider injected them with a poisonous doctrine that broke down their form and he sucked them up. And now most of the Muslims who fell under that teaching actually lost themselves. And those who stay there when you are able to suck them up they take on the form of the spider and if you listen to most of those who follow the Messengers errant son you find them mouthing his own hatred for his father and mouthing his own rebellion against his father. They have now taken on the form of the spider and they only have a few moments more to get out from under it because this day we open this meeting up to all no matter what your persuasion will be but in a few days we shall have nothing more to do what so ever with any hypocrites. We will not (listen good) though you be our mother our father member of our family; we will cut you off because now you are headed into the chastisement of Allah. Some of us are going into blessing and other are going into cursing and wait and see. Before the year is out the chastisement of Allah will have descended on most of the hypocrites. It is beginning to drop on them now. Let’s move on. Now what were the elements of this trial? Number one (1) a man in whom we all had hope; he was announced to us that he had expired. That was a trial because he is the only man that ever meant to us anything of value. He meant more to us then mother or father or friend and we knew that all men die certainly. But none of us expected it at this time. Is that right? And with swift suddenness a new leadership comes up; a leadership that never worked to build the nation and a leadership that was consistently opposed to The Messenger but all of a sudden this new leader comes to the seen and we all bear witness to him and submit or the majority did. The third (3) element of the trial is the repudiation of The Messenger’s position as the Messenger of God and then The God that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad preached to us about for forty (40) years whom we put our trust and confidence in and He brought us out of the most difficult period; now that God is denounced and rejected. And the revelation that Allah revealed to The Honorable Elijah Muhammad for our salvation is classified now as a lie. The culture and the life style coming up out of the wisdom of Muhammad is now mocked and ridiculed. And the sisters took off their garments and threw them away; is that right? Yes you did but some of these who love Muhammad stayed in their garments no matter what went on; they held fast! And if you faithful followers of Messenger Muhammad don’t stumble over your brother you will have a mighty reward. But if you stumble over me today all of your faith through the dark hour will not get you reward that you have earned because now you tinged with a hypocrisy that must be explained. The value of all of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s accomplishments and the Muslims cast aside. And in all of this brothers and sisters; the United States Government was deeply involved (now listen carefully). The Islamic World was deeply involved. 11

Jewish/Christian and Communist elements are also implicated. So we can say then that there was a world wide conspiracy to destroy: number one (1) Elijah Muhammad: number two (2) The Nation of Islam and number three (3) the influence of them both. What was the purpose of destroying the nation? What was the purpose of destroying the influence of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad? The purpose was to steal black people on the part of the government; the government wanted to take you down to their doom which has now arrived. The Arabs want to use you as a pawn of theirs in their political struggle. Jews want to manipulate the black man for their purpose. The white Christians want to keep up the deceit that they have carried on for the last 500 years in the name of Jesus. The Communist realize that the Nation of Islam is strong in the black community communism can not get a root in there; so they understood that if you destroy nationalist ideas and sentiment and feeling and destroy religious feeling then the people have no where to go but to a socialist or communist idea. So since you all were apart of the conspiracy and for awhile it appeared as though the plan was affective; however look again here we are! Obviously the power that has produced our second rise is greater then the power of the world that produced our fall. Are you ready for this? Now look if the government do not want us here and worked to destroy us. The Islamic world does not want us here and worked to destroy us. The Communist worked to destroy us. Jews and Christians worked to destroy us. I am not talking about black Christians and black Jews; I have to make a distinction. But look if they worked to destroy us and here we are then what does that tell you about the power that brought us back into existence? Since the world bears witness that we did die (come on now) and you bears witness that the nation died and you bear witness those of you who were in the work shops yesterday you bear witness that we are alive again. And you also bear witness that no group which the United States government ever destroyed came back to recapture their former glory; not one; as great as Marcus Garvey was he ever recaptured his former glory and as great as Noble Drew Ail was he never recaptured his former glory. But this is our first Saviours Day in seven (7) years in the city where they destroyed the nation. This is the first! To what power can we attribute this phenomenon? Could the writers of scripture have over looked this? Did the writers of scripture see this happening? And if they did how did they write it and where did they put it? How could we die right in your face and come back and you said to us, “Where you all been?” Farrakhan died right in your face. You did not hear from me for three (3) years and then all of a sudden here he comes. Where have you been brother? We thought you were dead. I got news for you; I was dead. But look; if the writers of scripture did not over look it and they didn’t then where is this in the scripture? One day I was sitting with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and he pointed to his mouth and said, “This mouth is not made to speak idle words. This mouth is made to speak the Will of God.” Well if this man Elijah Muhammad mouth was made to speak the Will of God then nothing that he says from Allah will fail for the very integrity of God is wrapped up in God’s own word. 12

Now listen to this; why is it so difficult for us and the world to believe that Allah would intervene in our affairs and raise up from the mists of black people a Messenger for our salvation? Every party is coming up with an excuse now to justify their denial of Elijah Muhammad Messenger ship. He must be an imposter. He made it up. He forged it. We demean him to be a liar. Oh he is of those deluded. Look I want you to help me answer these questions. Brothers and sisters; Christians, Muslims, Hebrew Israelites, Nationalist, Integrationist, Communist, Atheist, Agnostic, I think I have covered everybody. Yes maybe I will throw come colors in there too; black, brown red, yellow and white. If you believe that Allah sent prophets, messengers and apostles to the people of the past and you do believe that don’t you? Why do you refuse to acknowledge a man raised from among us today (listen now). You believe that Moses came? You believe that Jesus came? You believe that Noah and Abraham and Lot came? You believe that Prophet Muhammad of Arabia came? You do believe? Or do you? 99% of you are disbelievers in God! I am going to say that again; 99% of you are disbelievers in God and the other ½% are hypocrites. You don’t believe in God you are a liar because if you believe that God did these wonderful things yesterday what happened to Him? Has He turned to be a sissy and can not do it today? No you do not believe! I know what you are saying, “No but Jesus answered it all and the Muslims Muhammad answered it all.” Well if they answered it all then what are we here for? Come on now; if you tell me Christ is the answer and I bear you witness that he certainly is the answer. How come you have not solved the problem if Christ is the answer and you have the answer and we have the question; how come you have not answered it? It is because the Christ that you talk you don’t know. The Muhammad that you preach you really don’t understand. The God that you say that you serve you have no real confidence in Him. What are messengers raised for? What is there function and what is their purpose? What are the conditions that justify the presence of a messenger? Are these conditions present among us and the world? And if we are not to expect anyone else why did all the prophets from all parts of the earth predict one coming after them? And why did God take a covenant or an agreement with the people of the earth through their prophets? See there is not one people on the earth today that can get away from this critical question; “If The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is The Messenger of Allah you all are in trouble.” Now I am going to say this again; if he is not The Messenger of Allah you do not have anything to worry about. You can continue in your foolishness. But if he is The Messenger of Allah I am telling you; Christian you are in trouble; Jew you are in trouble; Hebrew you are in trouble; Agnostic you are in trouble because if you deny this man whom God has raised up as a final Warner before the end of America then you are going down with this beast. And there is no more warning going to come to you. Do you know why are little black babies are being killed in Atlanta? They are being killed in Atlanta because Atlantines are dumb enough believe that we have entered the millennium and you have a black mayor; black chief of police; black county commissioners 13

and a heavy black bourgeoisie and they swear that because they can eat in white folks restaurants or go to their stores or got to their hotels that white folks have not changed; they are alright now. But now God is driving it home to you everyday a baby gone; look not a grown man but a baby gone! You had your ribbons out for the hostages but you don’t have a ribbon for you black babies. You don’t care about you black babies but brother and sisters if we were alive we would march on Atlanta and would say not again! Now you all either start fining the killer of our black babies or your white babies will start dying. You think that is not fair? You think that this white can go to the moon and can’t find a murderer of our babies? You think this white man is able to spy on black people and tell buy the gas that they let out what they had for dinner and can’t find the murders of our babies? That is a damn lie! Your life is not worth a quarter in America. Your life is worth then a dog’s life in America. The white man will sit a dog at his table and will not even ask you to come in by the back door. He will pick up a stray dog on the highway and he will leave you on the highway hungry and naked and out of doors. He will stop your car if you run over a dog but will run over black men and women and children day and night and shoot you down like a beast in the street. And then justify it then by saying you attacked them; don’t you tell me that we don’t need a Saviour born for the black man in America!” We need to be saved from our ignorance. Our ignorance is killing us brothers and sisters. We need to be saved from our own self-hatred. We need to be saved from our lust to destroy one another. We need to be saved from this brutal self- defeating inferior psychology that white folks have put on us that makes it difficult for us to do anything of value without opposing and destroying one another. We need a Saviour. I ask you; do black people qualify for one? I appeal to God; have we met the requirements? If I meet the requirements to go to school and you deny me; why? If I meet the requirements to buy a home in a decent neighborhood and you deny me; why? If I meet the requirements to call down from heaven its blessings and mercy and a Messenger and a Warner and a Saviour and you God reject me; I ask you why? Are you racist too? Do you know why don’t believe that God raised a Messenger for you (black people)? Do you know why it is so easy for you to deny the gift of God’s wisdom in a man from among yourselves? It is because you have fallen so low in your own estimation of yourself that you really don’t believe that God cares. Though you shout; sing; dance; run up and down the aisle; deep down inside you don’t believe that God is interested in the affairs of black folk. You don’t believe it. You don’t believe that Almighty God could do for you what He did for those before you. And when a people think like that when God does raises up a Messenger from the mist of that people they always reject him because they say why God would you speak to a Nigger. I mean you don’t have anything better to do? Oh I can’t believe that. What a man from among us met with God! Then they say oh naw the Nigger is lying. You know Niggers lie! That Nigger is trying to rob you! But of what? You don’t have nothing. A man is trying to give you something.


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad use to pay people right in the city of Chicago just to come listen to him. He would give them a dollar if they just sat in the temple for a few hours and heard what he had to say. He did not come to rob you but he came to save you; black man. But tell me this; what is the reason that the Arabs reject a Messenger?




Chapter 3

“ A SAVIOUR IS BORN” FEBUARY 27 1983 In the Name of Allah, the One God to Whom all praise is due, the lord of the worlds. Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad to whom praise is due forever. And in the Name of his true servant and last Messenger, our beloved leader, teacher and guide; the Messenger of Allah, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I greet you my beloved brothers and sisters with the greeting words of peace in the Arabic language: As-Salaam-Alaikum. Brothers and sisters, we are very happy and honored and grateful to Almighty God Allah for the presence of each and every one of you that is here today. We are thankful to his Honor Mayor Richard Hatcher, to the city administration, to the police chief and staff and to the people of Gary, both black and white, who have made our stay here in Gary very warm friendly and enjoyable. We are grateful to this city for the warmth that they have extended to us. We are also very grateful to the labors of Islam in North America, to the working staff, to everyone who passed out a flyer, who tacked up a poster, who cooked, who served, who stood post and whatever else we could do to make this day successful. We thank you and we are grateful to Almighty God Allah for you. We extend a special thanks to all of the workshop presenters for their great contribution. This Saviours’ Day was made successful not just by the effort of those who profess Islam but it was made and is being made successful by Muslims and Christian’s and Hebrew Israelites and Nationalist and Socialist working together for the common good of the whole. I am so grateful and thankful to Almighty God Allah this afternoon for the presence of the brother of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Brother Minister John Muhammad and for the son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the eldest son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Brother Emmanuel Muhammad, is he here? Brother Emmanuel Muhammad the eldest son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Brother Muhammad would you please come up. Lets us give him a warm round of applause.


We are very grateful to the beloved Ministers and Disciples of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who are present here today, Brother John Muhammad, Brother Jeremiah Shabazz, and Brother Samuel Adizz. We are grateful. The enemy worked very hard to destroy the Nation of Islam. And the enemy thought that he had done the job. In fact an off a lot of sabotage went on to try and stop the success of this meeting here today. But that which Allah purposes can never be overthrown and that, which Allah wills, will come to pass. And it is not just our will to be successful bit it is the Will of Almighty God Allah that the wounds of the Nation of Islam be healed. And that is why we are here today because Allah (God) Himself has willed it. And we have responded not to the call of Brother Farrakhan but we have responded to the call of Almighty God Allah and his Messenger, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. There is another great disciple of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that I did not mention. And I am glad that he is separated in a sense because he was closest to me in my growing up in Islam. And I pray to Allah (God) that we shall hear him preach again the words of Allah (God) and his Messenger, Brother Minister John Shabazz, former Minister of Los Angles, Minister John Shabazz. Now those three thunderbolts are sitting there together, John Shabazz, John Muhammad and Jeremiah Shabazz. And I say this with the brother of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and members of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s family and truly the members of Muhammad’s family represent all black people in America and throughout the world. With us coming together, ironing out whatever differences may be among us. There is no power in the heavens above or in the earth below that can stop us from the success that is already ours prophesized by the prophets of old. Now brothers and sisters, I don’t want you to get excited by what you see on my head. One of the grandchildren of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad about three weeks ago brought this Fez to the door of my home and he gave it to my son. And said, “ this Fez belonged to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and I wanted to give it to one whom I feel is most worthy to have it.” Now when my son brought this beautiful Fez made in Pakistan. It must be nearly 25 years ago (1958) I believe it is that old. I laid the Fez down on the table and I said, “ Well I am so grateful to have the Fez of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. But I know he head size is much bigger then my head size and it will never fit me, so I would not bother to put it on. And so my son said daddy why don’t you try it on? I tried it on and it was a perfect fit." Now listen after I tried it on and it fit I know that the Messenger, I never saw him wear this, never. But I recall vaguely the Honorable Elijah Muhammad saying, “…they sent him a Fez from Pakistan and he tried it on and it did not fit.” And I tried it on and it fits so I guess it is for me to put on. And I was so afraid to put it on to tell you the truth because I know some of our thinking.


But one night, really way in the morning I began to get some understanding of its meaning. I will not attempt to give the meaning of it today. But it is very interesting. If you study it you will see that absolutely it was given to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for today and for the work that will be done today by the truth that will come out of the One that wears this hat or Fez. Those of you who don’t understand it, its alright Allah (God) will make it clear to you. And those in whose heart is a disease its alright you would not understand it anyway. Now the subject that I want to take up with you, if it be Allah’s will. I just hope that you will be patient wit me this afternoon. Before I speak the words of this subject, with me on this rostrum is brother and sister, husband and wife, Reverend and Mrs. Tom Skinner, one of the great evangelist of our time and a great religious scholar. And of course his wife Sister Barbara William Skinner was the coordinator of the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington for many many years. And they came to my room just before I came down here and said a prayer. A prayer so beautiful till tears flowed from eyes after the prayer was completed. When Muslims and Christians can sit together and work together and pray together to world of yesterday is coming to an end. And a New World is beginning. Now brothers and sister, I want you to fasten your ears on the words that we speak. I pray to Allah (God) that each word will enter into your heart and your head. And I pray that you will be patient with me to finish this subject which may be one of the most important subjects that I have ever taught since I have been a witness for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. We have invited you here this afternoon to ask you to help us to Save A People. We have been given a mission and this mission is from the Lord of the Worlds and his Christ. And this mission is to redeem and to save the Black People of America, to rescue them from harm and from danger and from the fall of this present world. This danger that black people are presently in is produced by our lack of knowledge of the time and what must be done. Therefore every person of knowledge, skill, wisdom and power must be pressed into service to help us save our people. When one has a mission or an assignment that person must become one with that mission and with that assignment. The mission is that which gives us our reason for existence. And therefore our every waking moment consumes us with the passion of being successful in completing our mission and fulfilling our obligation. Now whether you know it or not, this generation of Black people, this generation of American Indians, this generation of African people, this generation of people of the Caribbean, this generation of Arabs, this generation of Chinese’s, this is the generation that is born and destine to complete a mission. This generation is born for the mission of saving their people. Hear me well, it will not pass to another generation. They will only continue the process of resurrection. But this generation is involved in the work of saving our people. And too the degree that you and I shun that responsibility, too that same degree 20

Almighty God Allah will chastise us until we like Jonah stop running from our Divine Mandate. And begin to recognizing that not Farrakhan has a mission, not so and so has a mission, all of us are involved in the mission of Jesus the Christ, to save and redeem a people. Our mission is wrapped up in the name of this convention, Saviours’ Day for nearly 50 years the followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad have set aside February 26 as the day we celebrate the birth of Master Fard Muhammad. The great master and teacher of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who was born on February 26 1877in the Holy City of Mecca in Arabia. This great One appeared in North America July 1930. He appeared in America on the Independence Day of White people to declare the Independence of black people, his people from the White’s of this nation. He declared that the prophesied time of our servitude to America given in the Bible as 400 years in the Book of Genesis. That servitude was nearing its completion and now his with presence among us and with the presence of truth among us. The process of our redemption, salvation and deliverance had begun. That process began with his presence in 1930 and we here today are apart of that process. And we in the final years of the completion of that process, when every Black man, woman and child in America, in the Caribbean, in Africa, will be redeemed, will be brought back, will be saved and will be resurrected from a dead state that we have been subjected too. Think of this, Prophet Muhammad of Arabia (Peace Be Upon Him) was born according to the scholars in the year 570 AD. Master Fard Muhammad came in 1930, 19*30= (gives us) 570. What does this mean? It means that when Master Fard Muhammad appeared among us with the germ of truth. He started a process that would ultimately give birth to the Muhammad that the Holy Qur’an is talking to or talking about or the Jesus Christ that the scriptures of the Bible are talking about.

He started a process that would ultimately give birth to a Saviour, born to deliver the black man and woman of America . This Saviours’ Day 1983 is a little different then the past Saviours’ Days for this day our desire is to declare and prove. Notice now to declare is one thing, to prove is another. But hopefully this day we shall both declare and prove, that Master Fard Muhammad has exalted One among us to be Saviour, Redeemer and King. Now when Almighty God exalts One and this kind of exaltation that we are talking about has never ever happened in the annals of history. This act of exalting by Allah (God) is the person of Master Fard Muhammad glorifies Himself, not for vain purposes, egotistical purposes but Allah (God) is to be glorified today. And this exalting of one from among us is to serve his eternal purpose. Now there is a whole world in that which time will not permit us to talk on today. But I am saying it for the scholars of religion from the worlds of Christianity and Islam who may be here with us today.


Now there are parts of this message that some of us may not be studied enough to grasp, don’t worry about that. Because in front of me today are people from different parts of the world and from every strata of knowledge. So we have to speak to every level of knowledge that is here today, for the message that Allah (God) blesses us to bring today the germ of it will be reverberating all over the earth from this day forward. And from this humble city of Gary called the Genesis Center, a new beginning shall come from this day; from this convention for black people all over the world. This act of exalting One serves to identify Allah (God) as the great power of the universe whom the whole world has been looking for. There has to be away that Allah (God) is identified. Since the book say, “…Every eye will see him.” We have to identify him. Since the world is looking for him and definitely in need of him, all right. And lastly, this exaltation opens the way for the fullest development of man’s potential that man may become like unto Allah (God). In the Book of Genesis, there is that Genesis again. The scriptures tell us man is made in the Image and likeness of Allah (God). The Holy Qur’an speaks differently, but the Qur’an teaches us that Allah (God) makes a ruler and places the ruler in the earth and that ruler has wisdom even beyond the wisdom of angels. This is the Qur’an teaching. Man’s potential is to master the universe it’s self. That is our potential. But we have not realized our potential. So Allah (God) in the last days exalts One from among the people to open the way for man to realize the full potential of Himself if man would follow that One whom Allah (God) gives. Now how does this exalted One glorify Allah (God)? How does this exalted One prove the existences of Allah (God)? And how does his exaltation prove Allah (God) intervention in our affairs and how does this exalted one open up the door to the fullest development of the spiritual, moral and intellectual capacities of man? That sun that we hoped for today glorifies Allah (God). Think a moment with me on that great ball of fire, the Sun. Allah (God) produced the sun out of total darkness, is that right? Ok now just think about that. No light at all, darkness, in fact the Qur’an calls it triple darkness. And here the God calls out of darkness not only light but the greatest light of the heavens, a light that is a sign of Himself. Now that Sun lights up our universe and it benefits everything that revolves around it. Is that right? That Sun, listen carefully, is the germinator of all seeds. It is the father of the germination of seeds. That Sun along with the moon draws the water up from the earth’s surface into the earth’s rotation which is called gravitation. Is that right? That Sun with the moon form what is called clouds. And the clouds rain on the earth causing the seeds to germinate swell and burst. That Sun nurtures the seed and causes it to grow from the seed to its fullest potential. Is that right? I want you to think with me. Nothing in the light of the Sun is not evolved, nurtured and developed to its fullest potential. All things in the light of the Sun are freed, freed to develop to their fullest potential. 22

So that teaches us that Allah (God) is the author of freedom and Allah (God) is a hater of slavery, colonialism, imperialism and the domination that suppresses and oppresses the rights of individuals to breath free. How can Allah (God) be with a slave-master? He never has been with a slavemaster. How can Allah (God) be with an exploiter and oppressor and a colonizer of others? If he is the author of the Sun then he is the author of freedom. And the very law of Allah (God) works to free everything that is under its power. So we don’t ask the question, will the American Indian fully develop and come into power? We don’t ask the question, whether the Black Man of America and Africa will fully develop and come into power? We know it! That Sun not only germinates life, nurtures life but that Sun is the author of life and the author of light and the author of power. All right now listen that Sun out there is a sign of that Man that is called in the New Testament, The Son of Allah (God). I am going to say that again, hold tight and don’t get excited. Now for my Muslim brothers and sisters who read the Qur’an don’t worry, we are going to go back and forth out of both books until you understand that both book are from the same author. I am going to repeat this. The Sun out there is a sign of a man that is called in this Book, the Bible, the Son of God. Now well my Muslim brothers and sisters may say, “…Well I don’t believe that. I want what the Qur’an teaches.” The Qur’an teaches the same thing. The Qur’an teaches that, that Sun out there is a sign of the Last Messenger that the Holy Qur’an says who would be produced out of complete darkness of this world, at the end of the world. In Surah 33 45-46 verses of the Qur’an it reads and I quote, “…Oh Prophet surely we have sent thee as witness and a bearer of good news and a Warner and as an inviter to Allah by His permission and as a light giving Sun.” Now hold on. What this verse of the Qur’an is teaching us, that the man that both the Bible and Qur’an are talking about is a part of a process where he evolves, he starts at the lowest point in his development. He is called a prophet, a messenger that is the cheapest title you could give him. I don’t mean to say that is a cheap title but where he goes too, it makes the term prophet and messenger cheap. He is called a prophet, listen, a witness of Allah (God) and bearer of good news and a warner and an inviter to Allah (God) by Allah’s permission and then thee is a coma, and then there is a conjunction and, meaning there is a pause in his development. There is a pause, a secession here and then he goes on, he don’t stop at an inviter but he grows into a light-giving Sun. He becomes a God. He is a man but he becomes a God. You say, Oh no no that is not Islamic. Oh be quite you don’t know that much about Islam. When we get finished with you today, every Christian scholar and every Muslim scholar will have to run back to your books. Because we intend to tell you today, 23

that we have been visited by the mighty One of power. And that is why we stand here today resurrected men and women.

This one that the Bible and Holy Qur’an are talking about, he is born. He comes to birth out of a three-fold darkness. He comes to birth out of triple darkness. As the Sun comes up at the end of the darkness of the night, so does the last Messenger come up or rise up at the end of the world of the darkness of the wicked. In the 39 th chapter of the Holy Qur’an the 6 th verse it reads, “…He creates you in the wombs of your mothers -creation after creation- in triple darkness .” Isn’t that marvelous? He makes our creation in the triple darkness of our mothers wombs to bear witness to his self-creation and how he created that great light out of triple darkness. This One that comes out of 3 kinds of darkness, what are those darkness’? The first darkness, all of us are born out of our mothers wombs, is that right? Yes that is right. The second darkness, all of us are born into the world knowing nothing, that is a darkness. So he is born out of the darkness of the womb of ignorance. Second, he comes to birth out of the darkness of the mud of slander, evil talk, and evil mockery made of him by his opponents. This Qur’an teaches us that Allah (God) fashioned this man out of Black Mud fashioned into shape. The scholars don’t talk about what Black mud means. When you throw slander at someone you call it mud slinging. When a Divine man of Almighty God is evil spoken of and everyone one of the messengers and prophets of Allah (God) were evil spoken of by they’re opponents. Some aspects of their lives that their people did not understand and they mocked the prophet, they slandered the prophet or they spoke evil of him. So he is fashioned out of black mud into shape, meaning he comes up out of that into power. And the third darkness that he comes out of is the actual darkness of physical death, three darkness’. In this Bible they have what is called the seven great I AM’s. I am Jesus says it seven times. I am the door of the sheep, I am the true vine, I am the good shepherd, I am the resurrection and the life, now listen look at what he says, I am the light of the world. I am the light of the world, what is he saying? A man that walks after me shall not be in darkness. There will be no darkness in him if he follows me. Look at what the scripture is saying of this man, this great one. Look brothers and sisters you are so spooked up, hear me well please. You have no respect for man, hear me well. You I repeat have no respect for man , therefore you have no respect for Yourself and therefore you have no respect for Allah (God). How can you say you respect Allah (God) and have no respect for man? You no respect for yourself, listen now. If the Jesus of this New Testament says, “…I am the light of the world.” That is a man talking. The personal pronoun “I” cannot be used by a spirit. It


cannot be used by an animal. It is that which denotes a person. I am, I exist, I function, I have weight and I take up space. And I like the Sun he says, “Am covered with light.” And I am he says, “The light of the world.” That is a man and if you have no respect for men, no wonder the scriptures says, “And the light shine in the darkness but the darkness comprehended it not.” Because when man comes to you filled with divine light of Almighty God you will turn him down and reject him. Because you are looking for someone coming out of space in a space suite or some spook to fly down out of the sky. Jesus’ birth was out of darkness to bring the world into light and into a new divine life. The man was to show men, we don’t have to function on this low cheap plane. We have the capacity, the capability, and the potentiality to live a divine life. Where our every expression is motivated, inspired and stimulated by submission to the will of Allah (God). Now Jesus said, “…As long as I am in the world I am the light of the world.” Now this is a heavy expression. He says, I am in the world, I am shining light but now what is the converse of that? When I am out of the world, when I return to my father then darkness again would envelop the people, is that right? So in between Jesus advent and his Second Coming the world is plunged into darkness, come on now. Now the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his last message to us, I want you to reflect on beloved brothers and sisters. He said, “…the sun is setting but it will rise again.” What was the Honorable Elijah Muhammad saying? He was alluding to his departure from among us. And in 1975 when it was announced to the world that Elijah Muhammad was dead, the light went out. The light went out for me, the light went out for you and darkness not only came over us. But darkness enveloped the Christian world because as long as Elijah Muhammad was here pricking the conscience of preachers, picking the conscience of politicians, pricking the conscience of Black leadership, they could not do the things that they were use to doing when the light was on. But when the light was taken away then the whole world of us was plunged back into darkness. Oh Yes! But look now in the 53rd Surah of the Qur’an called the Star it reads, “By the star when it sets”. The Quranic scholars say that when that star sets calamities are going to come over the people of the earth. I ask any scholar, any scientist here today or any common man with reason and ability to think. When the Honorable Elijah Muhammad left us, I tell you go and study the amount of calamities that have befallen the earth since the time of his departure from us. There has been increase in earthquakes, there has been and increase in pestilence, increases in famine, an increase in the outbreaks of wars moving toward the ultimate war. But it is also pointing to a great spiritual calamity. When the star sets meaning when the light of that Messenger of Allah (God) goes out the Nation of Islam, the Nation of Righteous would be plunged into darkness. But he gave us hope he said, “The Sun is setting but it will rise again.” Oh how gloomy it is when the Sunsets and the darkness comes over the earth. It induces sleep in us. But when we go to sleep with a prayer on our lips, how joyous it is to wake up and see


the Sun on the horizon. And as the Christians sing the song, “I woke up this morning and I work up on time, I woke up this morning and I woke up in my right mind.” See when the darkness comes over you, you begin to think and do out of your mind. When the Honorable Elijah Muhammad left us we lost the light that makes us intelligent men and women. And we went back to doing savage evil things, is that right? But now you can tell that the light is returning, why? You are here as a witness that the Sun is rising again. All Praise is due to Allah! Now beloved Muslims, the day the Honorable Elijah Muhammad made his last speech to us. He gave us two things. He gave us a tape recorded Message on one side was The Judgment and on the other side The Time and What must be Done . And he gave us all a book and that books title was “Our Saviour Has Arrived.” Well you are witnessing the fact today that our Saviour has indeed arrived. What do you mean Arrived? Arrived is the past participle of the verb to arrive, to come to a certain point, a certain place, at a certain time. And when you have got there you have completed your motion. So you have come to that point where you have arrived to that knowledge, that wisdom, that power that will make you able now too save a people. My subject today “A Saviour is Born for The Black Man and Woman of America.” Now that poster that you saw around the city, if I could have that Souvenir Journal, on the front of that Souvenir Journal which is a replica of the poster. And on your program there is a replica of the poster. Now some of my detractors had many ugly things to say about me because of this poster. This poster was designed by a scientist, he is in this audiences somewhere hopefully today. Now some were saying, “Look at that Farrakhan in color and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in black and white, see that. What he doing so close to the Messenger? What is he trying to say?” Well I am so glad that you thought that so I can answer your thinking. Look beloved, I am not scolding you who thought like this. You think like this really because you just don’t quite understand. But please let us help you to understand alright. Now notice it is a completely black background. That black background represents the complete ignorance that covers the masses of us as a people. Will you not agree with me, that we are covered over with the darkness of ignorance, will you not agree with me that the white man is not necessarily our worst enemy? Our worst enemy is our ignorance. And because we are ignorant it allows people of knowledge to manipulate our ignorance and make us enemies of one and other, is that correct? Now the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is coming up out of total blackness here. Farrakhan is in color, why? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is the light that has been produces for us out of darkness. Light is not color, light is the essences of color. All colors are contained in the light. So to show Him in color in this picture just because Farrakhan is in color would diminish the truth of his role. He is the light that produced my color. Aw what do you mean Farrakhan? What do you mean, he is the light that produced your color, make that plain?


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that the Sun that you see out their gives everything it’s color. Everything in the universe gets it color from the Sun, did you know that? It produces color out of the earth. It produces color in the nine- (9) planets; each planet shows up a different color. But it gets its color from the Sun. Now if water hangs suspended in the atmosphere, the water acts as a prism, is that right? And when the light strikes the little drops of water you get what is called a rainbow, is that right? The prisms or the water acting as a prism reflects and refracts the light so that you get all the colors from ultra violet to in far red, its all there. Now what does that mean? This teaches us that when the light of the world appears, his light will make manifest everything that is hidden within us, both good and evil. From ultra violet to in far red, meaning what? In far red enables a person to take a picture in a pitch black room and show up everything that is in that room, is that right? That means then that the light that this One would shine would manifest everything that is done in the darkness. It will be brought out into the light. The Qur’an says, “Though it be the weight of an atom”, think over that. “Hidden in a rock buried in the earth, yet Allah (God) will bring it forth.” The Bible says, “Everything that is done in the darkness will be brought forth into the light." Is that right? All secrets will be made known and that is why the earth is shaking at His coming. It said in the Book of Habakkuk, “The curtains were trembling when he came.” The curtains of falsehood begin shaking because they have lied. And they know that the light makes manifest nothing know one can be hidden when that light appears. That means I will manifest a color and the spectrum of my life will be laid before the world. The things that are dark and the things that are bright, the things of my character that are noble and the things in my character that are not noble. I will be manifest, you will be made manifest so that the things that Allah (God) does not desire in his Kingdom can be separated from us by the power of the light. And what the light makes manifest. So my poster is not off, it is just your thinking have not caught up to it just yet. Now beloved if Jesus of 2,000 years ago was the light of the world then there should be no darkness now. His truth should have obliterated this ignorance. You are Christians; you profess to believe in Jesus as the light of the world. But you are plunged in the darkness of ignorance with all of your profession of faith in Jesus Christ. I am not making mockery beloved that is not my aim at all. Oh Muslims brothers and sisters, you claim that this book the Qur’an is called AlNur the Light. And it is but why is the Muslim world plunged into darkness. The Qur’an teaches us that Almighty God sent Moses with a light. Why are the Jews in Darkness? Why are the people of earth plunged in darkness if Jesus was the light of the world? And nearly 750 to 800 million people believe in him. And nearly a billion people believe in Prophet Muhammad; yet the Christian and the Muslim worlds grown under the weight of a terrible darkness?


Could Jesus of 2,000 years ago be that Sun (son) that is the fulfillment of the sign of that physical day Sun. Oh brother, the Sun was the object set in space by the Lord of the worlds to serve as the basis of time. Men tell time by the movement of the Sun and the movement of the planets in relationship to the Sun. How come you do not know what time it is if you are standing in the light of Jesus Christ? So many Christians preachers say, “He is about to return”. But your actions do not show that you are preparing for his return. How could you say you believe in his return and are not cleaning up your act and getting ready for his return? Come on reverend, how could you preach that he is coming back and is coming soon and you are drunk, chasing the women of the congregation, smoking up all the reefer, and snorting all the cocaine you can get your hands on? And you say Jesus is coming back, you lie, you don’t believe that he is returning. You do not have a hope that you are going to meet Jesus again. Otherwise if the hope of meeting him again was filled up in your breast you and I would be busy washing, scrubbing and getting ready. Because we know when he comes he comes as Judge, when he comes he comes as executioner, his teachings is over, he comes to execute the will of Allah (God), is that right? Now beloved we bear witness that Jesus was a great spiritual light, but was he that light that would illuminate the heavens and the earth? Oh beloved, by the movement of the sun and the casting of shadows we can read the time. What time then can we read in the person, the message and the works of Jesus? What time was it 2,000 years ago when Jesus did his work according to Allah (God’s) timetable and plans, are you with me? If you get a little sleepy I want you to go get some water and throw it in your face because I do not want to stop until we have completed this assignment. Are you all right? Let’s go on now. This is going to plunge deeper and deeper, by the help of Allah (God). Oh brothers and sisters Reverend T.L. Barrett is on the rostrum here, where is my dear brother, would you stand Reverend. Let’s give him a hand. Oh brother let me tell you. I love the preachers because these are the men and women if they do their job right, Black people would be free over night, that is the truth. All right let’s go back to our subject. What time does the sunrise? You notice every morning you get the news it says the sun rose at such and such a time. Does the sun rise at 4 am in the morning? Come on. It does not? You know it does not. The sun generally rises after 6 am in the morning, is that right? What wisdom can we read in that? Are you all right? Ok then. From 12 midnight to 6 am it is generally dark except in the regions of the poles, sometimes you have 6 months of night and 6 months of day. But in the Divine clock of time, Adam’s fall plunged the world into darkness and Christ’s rise out of that darkness ends that darkness. So Jesuses coming four thousand years after Adam is like the sun rising at 4 am, no, no, no. Sun does not rise at 4 am. We do not expect the sun until after the time given to darkness is over and that is at the end of the 6th hour is that right? Now I want you to listen to me good now. This Jesus who comes two thousand years from Moses (Musa), four thousand years from Adam, could not be that light. But only a sign of that light which would come at the 28

end of the 6th hour. Are you with me? Jesus was a star in the night. But he was not even the morning star that John the Revelator was talking about. Why? Because the morning star appears just after the darkest hour of the night, between 4-5 and 5-6 you will see that morning star. And that morning star will lead you right up into the light of the sun and gets lost in the light of the sun. So what does that tell you and me? Well, it says that the morning star is the last sign or object that tells us that the sun is about to rise, become manifest or be observable. And that morning star comes well after the fourth (4th) hour and it comes so close to the time of the sun rising that it takes us up into rising of the sun. And so this man of whom the sun serves as a sign. Is described in Malachi in the fourth (4th) chapter 5th and 6th verses. Now look these verses in Malachi talk about the time of the one coming, that one Malachi which is the last book of the Old Testament of Prophecy. It says, Malachi means My Messenger. And in the fourth (4th) chapter that 4 is significant, it is giving you something about time. It is helping you to calculate time. But in the 5th and 6th verses it talks about, “…Behold before that great and dreadful day of the Lord, I will send you Elijah.” Let’s stop there. Behold before that great and dreadful day, not on the day but before the day you will get a sign that the day is come. And the sign would be a man named Elijah. And Elijah would have a function, a mission, an assignment and that mission, an function would be to turn the hearts of the children to the father and the fathers heart to the children, let the earth be smitten with a curse. We are using higher mathematics to show that the Jesus of 2,000 years ago could not be that S-U-N or S-O-N that scriptures are referring to that Allah (God) is referring to. Who would redeem and save the world. Oh I know this is somewhat shocking but do not let emotion grip you and stop you from reasoning with me. You are on the right road beloved Christians to believe in Jesus is the beginning. Do not stop now, let’s find him. Let’s hold him let’s touch him. Let’s walk with him. Muslims say, “ What kind of preacher of Islam are you? Keep listening. Ok now this great Jesus of the New Testament, when in the scale of time do we find him doing his work? He does his work on the Sabbath Day. He gets into trouble with all Jews because he is working on the Sabbath and they are resting. And they say what kind of thing is this. This man is taking his donkey out of the ditch. This man is doing this, he is healing on the Sabbath. What kind of man is he? So Jesus make a very powerful short statement “man was not made for the Sabbath but the Sabbath was made for man.” Now if you understand brothers and sisters what Jesus was saying is “I am talking to a people who are not made for the Sabbath.” That when Allah (God) comes in the Sabbath they are going to be removed from power, from authority, from rule and even from the face of the earth. But the Sabbath was made for man, the Sabbath was made to heal the work of Satan that had gone on for 6,000 years. And that is why the Jesus who comes on the Sabbath has to open the eyes of people whose eyes were blinded by the touch of Satan. He has to open the ears, unstop their tongues, is 29

that right? He has to raise then from the dead, heal the leopard, cleans the sick, this is a healing work that is done on the 7th day. Now any of you that know music, when you have a scale, do-ray-me fa so-lad –do, you have got 8 notes. But the scale is completed at 6 notes, do-ray-me-fa-so-la, that is the end of the scale. When you get to (tee-) it is unresolved (tee-) it is begging for something else to happen (tee-) where are you going? (Tee-) (Doo-) Now your mind is at ease. Now why is your mind at ease when you hit (Doo-) again? Because you started doray-me-fs-so-lo-tee-doo-. When you hit that doo again you are back to where started only and octave higher. So the 7th thousand year, the 7th day is a day that leads, that leads into the millennium, that leads into the time when Allah (God) will be among men. And men will be with Allah (God) and they will be together like it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the ending, do you understand? All Praise is Due to Allah! You know I am telling you, it really makes me feel good to see everyone or most everyone enjoying a deeply religious subject. Now many of you that are very hip and religion do not mean too much of anything to you. If you pardon the expression, if you hang with me for awhile, it will get sweeter as it goes along. Now listen to this, Muslims and Christians are always clashing, have you noticed it? Muslims and Christians sit down, the Muslim opens his Qur’an, “ Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him is the seal of the Prophets” The Christian say, “hold it brother that is not in my Bible. And if it is not in my Bible I do not want to hear nothing you have to say. I don’t know no Muhammad my Bible do not talk about no Muhammad, is that right? So when you come to the door talking Muhammad, they slam the door in your face, “get out of here with that Muhammad, is that right? Always arguing, always clashing, always this controversy. The cross and the crescent always fighting, it’s the cross and the crescent. We have got to keep up the Crusades. Those crazy Europeans fighting in the name of Jesus. Muslims fighting in the name of Muhammad, killing each other in the name of God, who is One God, who is not the author of confusion but of peace. Muslims and Christians just killing each other off, In the name of God. Now listen, we must end this controversy this day today. No more controversy between Muslims and Christians between the cross and the crescent, why? Because you can not get to the crescent unless you come by way of the cross. Now wait a minute Farrakhan, I knew that you was not teaching the Messengers teachings. Oh hush up! You don’t know the Messengers teachings. Most of you and I never studied like we should have. When it got pass talking about White folk that is when our religion stopped. If there is no White man to beat on you think that we are not teaching Islam. We can talk on Islam all day and never mention the White man. And I don’t intend to mar my subject and the beauty of this subject by wasting your valuable time talking about White people, or talking about any people.


If I have to stand here today and rehearse what you already know, how are you being advanced? E very one of us has scars on us from White folk. So for me to stand up here and waste your valuable time saying, “See here what he did to me, look over what he did to me.” How are we advancing ourselves? He did what he was put here to do and his time to do it is up. So why talk about that, let’s get on with the healing process. Now what is the controversy between Muslims and Christians? The Muslims say, “ We believe in Jesus”. And all Muslims believe in Jesus brothers and sisters Christians. All Muslims believe in Jesus, but the Muslims believe that Jesus was only a Prophet, that starts a clash. Muslims say, “ Jesus did his work like all the other Prophets. He is dead and he is gone and that is it. We respect him.” But that does not satisfy Christians. They do not like that and I do not blame them because I am a Christian and I do not like it. You say, ” now wait a minute Farrakhan you better break all of that down for me.” If you hang with me for a few more minutes and when we walk out of here, we are going to be Muslims and Christians, walking out of here with our arms locked together. And we are never going to be arguing with each other again over what neither one of you really understand. Let’s go after it now. The Muslims refuse to accept Jesus in the great role that the Bible gives to him, referred to as the Christ. Muslims do not accept that role. Okay on the other hand, the Christians reject Muhammad as being the seal of the Prophets. They say, “ no just a moment you made a mistake Jesus is the seal, Jesus is the end.’ Then the Muslim comes back, “no you Christians made a mistake Muhammad is the seal I have got it here in the Holy Qur’an.” The Christians says, “now my Bible tells me that there no name under the heavens where by a man can be save but by the name of Jesus.” And now we are into each other and we say, “well don’t you ever talk to me again.” And the other responds, “well don’t worry I won’t.” And this is the way we part, our families break up over mis-understandings. And the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “It is better not to even know the truth then to mis-understand the truth after it comes to you.” Now look brothers and sisters, the name Prophet is not a worthy title for the man that this Bible talks about as the Son of God. Prophet does not fit him. He is more then a prophet. Anytime a man starts off in the world as a messenger and a warner and as an inviter to Allah (God) by Allah’s permission. And then grows to be a life giving sun/son, what is that final title that you give him when he grows to be the light of the world? What are you going to call him? You can’t call him prophet, you can’t call him Messenger, what is his proper title? What is his name? He becomes a God. And man rejects that because they do not think that in man is the capability of becoming God. And I say to every scholar, both Muslim and nonMuslim, “You do not understand your book either Bible or the Holy Qur’an because it is quite within the realm of your possibility to grow up into God.” Why else could you be called the Children of God? Wait a minute. Children do not continue to remain children. 31

You feed your child and he grows just like you, making babies just like you made babies. He doesn’t like you calling him a child after he becomes a daddy like you. He is your son but he is not a child. Well if Allah (God) continues to feed us his divine light, will you continue to be children of God or will you evolve to reflect the very God that is feeding you? Now listen I don’t care what the Muslim world says. The Muslim world is in darkness because you do not understand the Holy Qur’an yourself. And whether you like it or not, we have to teach you that today that you do not understand. That man Jesus grows up and becomes God, not the Supreme power of the universe but he becomes so close to that power till he reflects that power more perfectly than any being that ever lived. I say to the beloved Muslims, “you do not properly understand the Qur’an.” You put Muhammad of 1,400 years ago in the place of the Jesus of the Bible. While Allah (God) cause Muhammad to speak of Jesus as the Messiah. This Qur’an speaks of Jesus as the Messiah. And the Messiah was not to come 2,000 years ago. The Messiah comes at the end of the world. So Muhammad himself bears witness to the Jesus as the Messiah. All right lets look at what we are saying here now. Bear with me. Do you know that the word of Muhammad in the Hadith puts Jesus above Muhammad in rank? Let’s see. In fact most Muslims scholars by saying that Muhammad is the answer to the prophecy made by Jesus of one coming after him who would be a comforter. They say that Muhammad of Arabia is that one because he came after Jesus. But the scriptures in the book of John tell us that Jesus would send the Comforter. So the sent is not greater then the one who sends. So if Muhammad is the fulfiller of that then Jesus is greater then Muhammad because Jesus sent Muhammad and not Muhammad sending Jesus. You see both of you misunderstand. Both the Christians and the Muslims and the reason you misunderstand is because you are taking something that was to happen in the future and you are putting it in the past. And that is why you are missing today and you are crossing each other, confusing each other and fighting and killing each other. The Muslims please bear with me this is a difficult part of the subject but bear with me. The Muslims use the scripture of the New Testament to justify Muhammad as being the fulfiller of the prophecy of the Gospel’s. They say this answers the description of the last Messenger written of in the Torah and the Gospel’s. The Qur’an in Chapter 7 talks about one who is written of in the Gospel’s, in the Torah who would be fulfilling the Holy Qur’an. They say that that man is the one that Deuteronomy 18:18 talks about that Allah (God) would raise up a prophet from among their brethren like unto Moses but they are mistaken. With All Due Respect, Prophet Muhammad of Arabia (Peace Be Upon Him) was at best a type or a sign of the last one. Prophet Muhammad was born in Arabia not born in a strange land among strange people. Please listen Muslims, Prophet Muhammad


was not enslaved by a superior force and power. Prophet Muhammad arose from an ignorant people not a people under the power and dominion of another people. The Moses of the Bible and the Moses of the Holy Qur’an was brought out of a people who were under subjugation of a powerful wicked ruler, is that right? That never happened with Muhammad of 1,400 years ago and it never happened with Jesus of 2,000 years ago. Neither one of them answer that description. Jesus was not born a slave. He was not in bondage in Palestine. They were under the rule of the Romans but they were not in words a slave captivated under the very power of Rome not in that way that Pharaoh had put Israel under bondage. Jesus just does not answer that. Oh yes of course, Moses brought a law and Muhammad brought the Qur’an which is a law, that is true. But look in order to say that this is the man you can not just take a few aspect of the life and say well he fits Moses in this aspect and that aspect. He must fit him in every aspect otherwise he is not the man but a sign of the man that is yet to come, are you all right? We are at the end of that controversy today. Jesus of this Bible is the greatest man who ever lived and the greatest man whom will ever live. Hear me well now! The Jesus of this Bible is the greatest man who ever lived. And he is the greatest man who will ever live according to what is written of him. “Oh now just a moment Mr. Farrakhan.” How then does this compare to the Muhammad of the Holy Qur’an, who comes with Allah (God) in the resurrection and the judgment of the world? Muhammad means one worthy of praise and one praised much. And Muhammad is one that shows forth the praise of Allah (God) and establishes the praises of Allah (God). Jesus the Christ is the effective witness of Allah (God). He is the glory of Allah (God). And he too establishes the praises of Allah (God) on the earth. This did not occur in the universal sense historically but this is the ultimate picture of the magnitude of the accomplishment of the one that would come at the end of the world according to the Bible and the Holy Qur’an. So the Jesus of the New Testament is not a man yesterday, he is a man to come at the end of the world. The Muhammad of the Holy Qur’an is not a man of yesterday, he is a man that comes at the end of the world. So the Jesus of the Bible is the same man as the Muhammad of the Holy Qur’an, they are one man, one man. Now listen, here you have a Hebraic Judaic Geek expression of the last man. Here you have an Arabic expression of the last man. And you are both fighting and killing each other. When the last man comes, Jesus and Muhammad you will never see a difference in them. You see one man because the Muhammad of the Holy Qur’an is the Jesus Christ of the Bible and the Jesus Christ of the Bible is the Muhammad of the Holy Qur’an. And they have not been here 2,000 years ago or 1,400 years ago. They are yet to come at the end of the world. Ok let’s move on. Now let us see. The Holy Qur’an says in the 32 Surah that Allah (God) will send a Warner to a people to whom no Warner had gone before. You can not say that is the 33

Arabs, Abraham was among the Arabs, Ishmael was among the Arabs, Noah was among them and Lot was among them. All of the prophets came out of that Middle Eastern area of the world. But here Prophet Muhammad is made to say out of his mouth that a Warner would come to a people to whom no Warner had come before. Muhammad was in Mecca and Abraham was in Mecca. He built or rebuilt the Ka’bah, he and his son Ishmael. How then could Mecca be the place that had never had a Warner when Abraham was the father of it all? You misunderstand your book. But Elijah Muhammad by the help of Almighty God will clear up the misunderstanding if you give the man a chance. But you are so arrogant. You do not think that wisdom should come out of a dumb silly people such as the Blackman of America. The poor dumb Black people they should be taught by the whole world because we have nothing to teach anyone else. You want to be out teacher. Come on down from Rome, come on down from Galilee, come on down from Mecca and sit here in the dust with the Blackman and woman of America. You will find your teacher coming up out of us today. All Praise is due to Allah. Now brothers and sisters can you take a deep breath and bear with me another minute? Of all the histories of Allah (God) prophets and Messengers none is more controversial then the history of Jesus. There is more controversy over whether Jesus is living or dead then any man who ever lived and that controversy rages right now. It is true there is somewhat a controversy surrounding the death and burial place of Moses. As you record, when Moses completed the first part of his mission and went away to get the law. There was talk that he is dead. When Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) left Mecca in his Hijrah or flight on his way to Madinah hiding in a cave. The word got to Madinah that Muhammad is dead, is that right? Even the great battle of Uhud the battle where the Muslims lost that battle against the Quraysh and Muhammad was mortality wounded. The disbeliever were exulting because Muhammad, they said was dead. And even though they were just a few Muslims left Ali cried out, “He lives”. You make mockery of Farrakhan today because I cry out to the world, “Elijah Muhammad is not dead he lives .” The Holy Qur’an does not teach that Muhammad is alive. The Holy Qur’an teaches that when Muhammad dies that was the end of it. But if you read the Holy Qur’an, it hints that Jesus is alive, come on now. This Holy Qur’an says that they had planned to kill him and they thought they had carried out the plan. But the Qur’an tells them, he is not dead. You did not kill Jesus the son of Mary, the Messiah. You planned to kill him but he got away, he escaped it. What do you mean? And none of the scholars of Islam can pin point who the Qur’an is actually talking about. Listen, this Qur’an hints that Jesus is alive. See now many of you are getting hot under the collar. Well you can get hot. Then you go back to your book and study. Don’t argue with me without knowledge, do not dispute me without knowledge, go back and pick up your book and read. Even the Hadith of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) says in the end Jesus will return. It does not say Muhammad is coming back, it says Jesus is coming back. 34

Alright let’s go get it. I just want you to be patient with me for a few more minutes. Now brothers and sisters, we know that Muhammad is dead, so we don’t expect him. But Allah cause Muhammad to say in the Hadith that Jesus would appear in the last day and he would appear with the Mahdi. All the jurist of Islam and all the companions of the Prophet Muhammad agree on this point, that Jesus will be seen in the last days with the Mahdi. So the Holy Qur’an teaches outright that which the Bible gives hints of, that Jesus of 2,000 years ago and the his Mother were a sign. Jesus, listen to me carefully and his Mother. Now look, man and woman (Oh Allah I pray that he helps me get through this subject) brothers and sisters Jesus and his Mother were a sign. You don’t talk about Jesus and not talk about his Mother. You never hardly hear too much mention of the father but there is talk about the mother and her son, is that right? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that neither book teaches us of whom and what Jesus was a sign of. Why? If Jesus is a sign, what is he a sign of? We do not know. Why don't we know, come on scholars, why don’t we know if Jesus was a sign. What was he a sign of? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has said to us that the reason we do not know is for protection of that one that he was a sign of. If the world knew what it meant they would have killed the One he was a sign of before he even came unto the planet. So it is done to protect him and it is also done to serve as a test of knowledge between the believers and the disbeliever’s in the last days. This is how you are going to know that Allah (God) has been among the people because they will be able to answer the questions that the scholars themselves are baffled by. It is written in the New Testament, “ I thank thee father in heaven for keeping these things from the wise and the prudent man and reveling then unto babes.” Who are the babes? Who are the wise and prudent men that do not know this? You wise scholars of Islam, You wise scholars of Christianity, you wise scholars and rulers of the world, this is your world but Allah (God) kept the secret of this back from you. So that at the end of the world he would reveal it to a people that are considered babies. But out of the mouth of babes today is going to come that precious wisdom that will solve the controversy, settle the argument and establish peace. There is among the scholars this Messianic secret . It is about who this Messiah is and from among what people will he appear. When is the time of his appearance? What work will he do? They know that but the plot against his life which was unsuccessful leads to the messianic secret. How did he escape? And after his escape the messianic secret comes into that mystery that is hidden in Allah (God) which deals with that period of darkness between the advent of the Jesus and his Second Coming. The world does not really know what happened to this man. And in that dark hour a man stands up; not to give the Gospel of Jesus but to give the Gospel about Him. The Gospel of Jesus is the word that He taught. The Gospel about Jesus is the good news about a man from among the people whom Allah (God) had exalted to his right hand and who’s now enthroned in power and his going to return and judge the people. 35

Now the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught it for years that about 75% of what we read in the Bible about Jesus is referring to a future man and a future people all hidden under the name Jesus. Only 25% of what you read of Jesus is actually referring to the man who lived 2,000 ago, just 25% of it. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad pointed out and some theological students in seminaries in America are coming to understand this extremely important and key truth. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that the world would be surprised at the revealing of this One. He said, “ The Muslim world is mistaken and the Christian world is mistaken both worlds are going to be surprised at the revealing of this One.” Now I think we are ready to sort of wrap it up. Now 25% look at the ratios now, 25% and 75%. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad also taught us that 75% of the earth’s surface is covered under water. And 25% of it is land. So that you have 139,685,000 square miles of water as opposed to 57,255,000 square miles of land. How does this fit with the prophecy or the teachings that 75% of Jesus teaching or the teaching of Jesus refers to a future man and a future people. Only 25% refers to the man who lived 2,000 years ago. And how does this have connection with the fact that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “ 75% of his work is with the black woman? And only 25% of his work is with the blackman?” How does that compare with Jesus and his mother “a sign”? Oh father, this thing is so deep that if you bear with me a couple of minutes we will wrap it up. And I think you will be so happy when it’s finish not because of the time. But I hope that you will be happy when it is finished when you see the conclusion of what you have been believing all the days of your life both Muslims and Christians. Now look the historical Jesus 25% (the land) if we stand solidly on the truth of Him we can see into the approximately 75% of water that we may bring out of water the vision of this future man. Now the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that the earth is 24, 896 miles in circumference. If the diameter and the circumference of the life of the real Jesus of 2,000 years ago can be know to us. Then we can absolutely step off and see that One that that Jesus was made a sign of. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “If my poor people could be taught the true history of Jesus they would awaken at once.” Now hear me well, I am going to repeat this. “ If my people could be taught the true history of Jesus they would awaken at once.” Do you know that your being a sleeping people is tied into the truth of Jesus? Not only you but Mexico, not only Mexico but all of South America and really all of Africa is asleep. And the truth of Jesus would wake them all up at once. Now you may not believe that but let’s see. Do you know, I am going to mention white folks for a minute. Just a brief minute. White people thought they got the jump on Allah (God) by spreading the message of Jesus Christ all over the earth but spreading it in a false way. Hear me well now, you know that white people came to Africa with the Bible. And the so-called message of Jesus Christ is that right? When it ended up we had the Bible 36

and Jesus and they had the land and the mineral wealth, is that right? Yes that is right! They had us to, that is the truth Kwame! Now look they came here to my brothers the American Indians. The American Indians have a very beautiful way of relating to the Divine Supreme Being. They turn around and abolish his thinking and give him the Lord Jesus Christ and now the Indians is now on a reservation. He has the Bible, he has Jesus and he has the reservation. In Mexico and Central and South America, look at the poor people, they live in abject poverty, squalor, filth and disease. They have the Bible and they have Jesus Christ, but the white man has the money, is that right? I am not making mockery of Jesus, hear me well now. They brought out fathers to America and many of our fathers did not know anything about Jesus. They would not let us read the Bible, in fact it was a crime to read. Then about a 140 years ago they said it is not compatible for us to be a slaves and Christians too. So they gave us the Bible and they gave us the lord Jesus Christ and they took the land, our minds, our women and everything from us. And here we are today, they got the world and we got Jesus. Now look but white folk don’t know what they did. You see they planned a plan and Allah (God) also planned a plan and he is the best of planners. Oh yes brothers and sisters, white folk use to laugh, you got Chinese Christians, Japanese Christians, African Christians, Indian Christians, and they are going all over the world to talk to the savages. “Get these savages the Lord Jesus Christ and get them out of their ways.” Oh I hear the evangelist running to and fro in the world, “Jesus saves”. These Hypocrites , they hide their wickedness behind Jesus holy name, is that right? Ok isn’t it interesting that when Goliath came out after David, he laughed at David? David was bold and David was brave but he was not the equal of Goliath in size and strength. But David had a faith in Allah (God) and hit that man in the head with a smooth stone. Notice now after Goliath fell David walks over to Goliath and takes Goliath own sword and chops his head off with his own sword. What does this mean? See white folk you thought you had really put it over on the people of the world. You put it over on yourself. You gave our people the right man when you gave them Jesus. But you gave them the wrong understanding of that man to make their love of Jesus serve you and not Jesus. But did not you know that one day someone was going to come. And did not you know that when he came he would hit you in the head with a smooth stone and have you so confused that you would not know what to do. And then he would walk right up to you and take your Bible that you killed black people in and raise those same people from the dead that you killed with the Bible. He would take your sword and cut off your head with your own sword. Oh yes and now it is happening. Black people were actually afraid, afraid to stand up against white people because they felt secretly that they were fighting against Jesus. See white folk took Jesus and made him white. Now that was a terrible thing for you to do especially when you know that that great man was not white. You say, “Well color don’t make no difference”. Well if it did not make a difference why did you color him up your color? Evidently it made a difference to you. You made him white, bless your heart. You made his mother white, the 37

subtle suggestion was, and the father is white too. Now if Jesus grows up to say, “Me and my father are one. And when you see me you see the father.” Then what are you telling me as a black person is when you see Jesus I have seen Allah (God). Translate that down and transpose it down and it means when you see white people you see the people of Jesus and you see the people of Allah (God) and that is why we don’t revolt against them. They have put on us a more cruel oppression then any people that ever lived on earth and we smile on through it. Now wait just a minute. “Y’all don’t revolt now, God don’t like ugly.” So many times preachers have used Jesus to keep black people from revolting against a terrible oppression. You think you are saving them but you are hiding cowardliness behind Jesus name. When every people of oppression knows that some of us must die in order that others may live. The Whole history of Jesus Christ is his sacrifice of life that others may live. How dare you be so niggardly that you do not want to sacrifice your life for the freedom and justice of these babies that we are bring into the world that they may have a secure future. That is why we have this color like this brothers and sister (lighter skin). Our women can’t resist because our women know we need Jesus. I mean we need him brothers. And here comes this blond head and blue eyed fellow that resembles Jesus knocking on your door. “Hello Ms. Jones I am the insurance man.” All of our resistance is gone. He comes in getting to our wives and our daughters and giving us all of these kinda of spotted up children that he don’t even want to claim as his own. Police man, look at the way they walk, swagger. When they walk in a black community they know they can strike terror in black people hearts just by their presence. “Here comes the cops man.” We are out in the community killing up each other with passion. We are bad bad until white folks show up. When they show up, you see the lump come up in the throat. And we begin talking soft, “Well officer you say we should move on yes sir.” What happened to you? Deep down in your subconscience mind that white image is working on your mind making you ineffective. Have you noticed that those who love the memory of Dr. Martian Luther King and who want to see Dr. Martian Luther King birthday made a national Holiday. Notice how they go to Washington appealing to the people that killed him. Where are you going, we are marching on Washington. Who are you going to? I am going to the murder, who do you think I am going too? What do you want from the murder? I want him to recognize Dr. Martian Luther King and give him his due and we want a national holiday so that we don’t have to go to work and we get paid, you understand. You lazy trifling things. Do you feel that only when white people recognize Dr. King that he will truly be recognized? Don’t you know that if you love Dr. King and I love Dr. King and we love Dr. King, don’t go to Washington no more. Don’t you waste your time and the people’s money to petition the murders of Dr. King, let us declare January 15 a holiday! If that is what you want, no black person go to school that day, no black person ride the train that day, no black person fly a plane that day, no black person go to a movie that day, and stand up for your leadership.


And you know what in Washington, they will say, “The Niggers didn’t show up to work today. There was no Niggers on the train today. There was no Niggers downtown today. What the hell is going on among the Niggers today?” Then they will say, “You know what today is Dr. Martian Luther King’s birthday.” And then they will follow your lead and they will declare his birthday a National Holiday. Listen brothers and sister, white folk are not innovators, they are followers of the original. You are the original then be yourself and make them follow you, All Praises are due to Allah! Now I am going to say something, 75% water and 25 % land. How did it get to be that way? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said a scientist 66 trillion years ago became dissatisfied because he could not get all of the people to speak the same dialect. He wanted everyone to be exactly alike and speak exactly alike. And when he could not get this he became so frustrated. He actually became imbalanced and he drilled a hole in the then called moon, which was apart of this earth at that time and filled it with high explosives and set it off. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that piece that is called moon turned over and over, and was blown out into 12,000 miles and this part called earth dropped 36,000 miles and it started rotating in a new pocket. All of the water on that part called moon came onto this part called earth. So that the moon now has no water and the earth has the water that the moon once had. So the poor moon is out there now pulling the water of the earth trying to get back what she lost. Now when white folk went to the moon they said they smelled something like gunpowder, bearing witness to what little Elijah Muhammad taught us. He told them they weren’t going to find nothing on the moon but it’s an old dead piece of the earth. They brought back rocks from the moon that resembles the rocks of the earth. And the only difference between the moon and the earth is, the earth has water and the moon has none. Now our bodies is three quarters water and one quarters flesh and tissue and bones, is that right? Now look at the relevance here. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that history that was taught to him by Allah (God) to give us a picture of what is growing in the mind of the present rulers of the world. If they can not get there ideas in the head of everyone in the world then they become so frustrated that they would rather kill all of humanity then co-exist with ideas that are foreign to theirs. And if you watch there is a growing madness coming among the rulers and leaders of the white world. They are mad when Africa rejects their democracy, they are mad when black people don’t want Marxist socialism but they want to develop a socialism that is akin to Africa. They are hot when we turn down their religion and accept ourselves. And they are so frustrated now you see then running to and fro like mad people ready to set the world on fire because black people are coming out from under the power of their rule. But actually what it is hinting at is that when white people went 2/3 or all the way around the world giving the name Jesus and the man Jesus to the people. What he was giving them was a highly explosive doctrine. And at the right time a knock and an explosion of a dynamite type would take place but it will be like an atomic explosion. Where an atom


would be cracked and that atom would set off a chain reaction. And what would happen is this great explosion, the Caucasian world would fall to destruction. You have in the Bible about an Angel that stood with one foot on the land and one foot on the water and stretched forth his hands to the heavens. And he said, “Time that thou knowest shall be no more.” What does it mean? It has a meaning on two levels. It means that an Angel or a servant of Allah (God) would stand on the 25% of the land with one foot on 75% of the revelation of Allah (God). And he would declare that the mystery of Allah (God) is finished and that the mystery hidden God is exposed and the messianic secret is revealed. And when the messianic secret is revealed it will set off a chain reaction. And explosion starting where it is revealed rippling everywhere and everywhere that secret is made known the world of the Caucasian built upon lies. The world of the Anti- Christ built upon evil, hatred and murder will start coming down. And it is wrapped up in the secret of who is this great man “Jesus”. Oh brother and sisters, and when this secret is made known they will be made known as the Anti-Christ, people who use Christ name to shield a dirty religion, people who praise Christ with their lips but there hearts are far removed from him. Christ is not in the White House. Christ is not in the congress. Christ is not in the state house or city hall. Christ is not in the education. Christ is not even in the religion, a form of Christ is preached but the denial of the power of Christ is also there. And when the truth is made known explosions will start breaking out in the churches. They will start breaking out in the world. Preachers will be called to account by the members of their congregations. Preacher are going to be killed if they, listen to me good, I am not just talking about just Christian preachers. When the secrets are made known people are going to start asking questions. And if you don’t come up with the right answer the people who had to suffer and gloned under the darkness of oppression both religious oppression, educational, and political oppression. They will rise up against the things that are oppressing them. Their political leaders will have to be accountable or the people will kill them. This is a day of blood shed, this is not a thing to play with. That is why the secret has been so carefully guarded. And anyone that would approach telling the secret they were killed because when the secret is made known the end of their world comes and it ushers in a time of great darkness. And then Jesus the Christ has to come as left in darkness. He returns in darkness to gather up his people and to destroy the world. Yes we will usher that day in. This day, the day that the world have waited for, the time that the prophets predicted. It is come today that the secret of Jesus the Christ will be made known. And from this place and from this day there will be an explosion started in our hearts and in our minds and a judgement of America will begin. And persecution of the righteous will begin and death and mourning will begin. But at the end of it, at the end of the dark night it is a glorious new day when Jesus the Christ will re-appear and take up those who believe in him. You can take it or let it alone brother.

Our people never revolted. And because how the White man taught us about Jesus we took them as the people of Allah (God). So that to revolt 40

against them equals a revolt against Jesus and Allah (God). And they used this to hide themselves and they used this so that they could work effectively behind Jesuses name and behind religion and the false use or the misuse of religion. Oh I am so glad Chicago Illinois that you showed white people that a new day is dawning. I am so glad Chicago Illinois that you looked up and recognized that even though you are considered nothing even though you have not ever thought enough of yourself but Brother Harold Washington gave us a reason to hope. We saw a black man on television debating white folk and we saw him handle himself with skill and wisdom. We saw him beat back their cheap arguments. He is a man experienced and he is a man that knew. And at first black folk said, “listen man this cat running a game see they put him in this thang. He ain’t serious. At the last minute he is going to make a deal. And before you know it we will be voting in vain.” But they misjudged the time and they misjudged the man and they misjudged the people. And the morning after Harold Washington was declared the winner. I was in Phoenix Arizona getting a little sun. I wanted you to know that I was a member of the family. And I looked on my television and white folk looked like an explosion had taken place. They were shocked and they were upset and you could see they could not get their words together. “Oh no it couldn’t be. The Niggras those people, these southside and westside jungle bunnies, those people. They went to the polls and they at last voted for one of their own kind. And now there is a heavy possibility a high possibility a distinct probability that a black man may be the mayor of the second most important city. But it is really the first most important city in the country, Chicago. Oh yes. Now president Reagan, all of the republicans, big money people, and everyone saying, “ We got to get him. We got to get it back. We don’t want a Nigger in the city hall.” They say it’s a color question. It’s race, it has always been race with them. And for the first time in your life, you acted intelligently. And for the first time in your life in a major city, not the first time but in Chicago it’s the first time. You voted like people that love yourself and believe in yourself and want to see yourself ruled by yourself and your own people. And now white folk are going back in their rooms are saying, “What does this means?” It means that black folk who were the most unnatural people on the earth, who loved everyone else except themselves are now beginning to love themselves. And it is a signal that the end of their rule has come. And this is why they are marshalling all of their forces to come down on Chicago to make sure that Mr. Eppton becomes the mayor. But I say to the beloved black people of Chicago and intelligent white people of Chicago that are for Harold Washington. Remember as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said there is a long way between the ground and the stirrup. And when you go to mount a horse if you are not careful you will break your neck. So don’t think because the horse is there and you got your hand on the bridle or saddle and you take your eyes off where you are suppose to put your foot. And that horse get a jerk and you will be suspended in space. Don’t get so happy that you fail to realize that the work of electing the brother is yet in front of you. And organization, organization, organization, has to continue, and money 41

has to be raised. And know that they are going to fight this brother with everything they have. But they will not win if we say they won’t. Now the secret let us look at this Jesus as we get near this conclusion. Did you know that Mary and Joseph were childhood sweethearts? And when they were 6 years old, so teaches the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, they had promised that when they were old enough they would marry. Joseph and Mary went off to school and when they matured Joseph came and asked for Mary’s hand in marriage. Joseph was a carpenter according to the scriptures and Mary’s father was an exquisite builder. And he did not feel that Joseph was good enough. So he rejected Joseph desire for Mary. And in the dominate Muslim world you don’t go grab a woman and run off with her and then tell the father later. In the Holy Land the first person you meet is the father. And you don’t even go to the woman first, “Say baby I am going to talk to your father.” No you don’t like that in the Holy Land. You go right to the father and you say, “Sir (And he is sitting there scrutinizing every word that comes out of your mouth) I have intentions for your daughter.” He asks you what are your intentions? And he will start questioning you to find out what kind of qualifications have you to want his daughter in marriage. And if he says no, the daughter don’t say, “Look daddy you don’t know what is happening and I love him and I am going with him anyway.” The daughter may pine and grieve but she doesn’t say against her father. So it was with Mary and Joseph. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that Joseph recognized the father’s authority and he left and he married another woman. And from that woman he produced 6 children and those children are mentioned in the book of Mark in the Bible. That Jesus had brothers and sisters not by Mary. So where did these brothers and sisters come from? Come on now ok. The Bible says that Joseph and Mary were espoused to be married, meaning they were engaged to be married. Now they put it in a very clever way it’s written very masterfully but under the light of Allah (God) the truth is made manifest. Mary’s father seeing Mary pining away at her love for Joseph like any father he would bring young men in that he thought was suitable to Mary and she rejected them. He worried over his daughter time passed and the father became occupied going away to build a great religious Edifice. And knowing that in that part of the world the enemies are very insulting of our women. He was afraid that when Mary would go out to feed the livestock that she would be unprotected and the enemies would insult her. And if you look at our women all over the world, when the Caucasian sees your women he likes to make advances at our woman. And he has made us made us that kind of crazy way too. He will come among you and spot your women and insult them. Pat on them, pinch them, feel on them and tell them a little sly dirty joke with the object to get them in a position where he can romance them. Mary’s father knew that these enemies were there and so he made an actual goat’s beard and dressed Mary up in his cloths. So that when she would go out and feed the live stock they would think it was the father and they would not bother her. Now a great dust storm appeared there in the Middle East as those dust storms blot out the light of the sun 42

and it gets very dark. Mary became very afraid and naturally when you are afraid you call out for the one whom you love. This has great meaning, I am not going to just recite this what we would call parable but give by Allah’s help the meaning of it. Mary called out for Joseph and Joseph came under the cover of darkness. Joseph said, “Well when you go out the feed the live stock. I will put on the beard and the cloths and I will look like your father and you are feeding the livestock.” Under that three days of darkness Mary become pregnant. Joseph was frighten because the law states in the dominant Muslim world that if a girl is found to have committed fornication or a man is found to be committing adultery. The Law of Moses said that they should be stoned to death or they should be killed. Joseph was so frighten on his way, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us, he met an old prophetess woman and that woman is styled in the scripture here as an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph. And told Joseph to fear not and too take Mary unto him as a wife for that which is conceived in her is a child of the Holy Ghost. What the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is saying that his old prophetess woman told Joseph that he was the father of Mary’s child. And he became terrified and he denied it. He did not know who this woman was or how she could know what was done. And he knew the consequences for himself as well as Mary. But the old woman told him fear not because that child is to be the last prophet to the Jews. And I have come to show you how to protect that child because the Jews are planning to kill him. Now listen carefully this sort of relieved Joseph. So Joseph now goes to the father and confesses to the father but he also tells the father what this prophetess woman said; that this is to be the last prophet to the Jews. And that if the father helped him in protecting Mary his name would live as long as the baby’s name would live. So they took Mary out of the public and they put her in an ox stall. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that they put a space in the ox stall and filled the ox stall with hay all around except the center and Mary stayed in that ox stall for the remaining 6 months of her pregnancy. But your Bible teaches you that Herod was expecting the Messiah, is that right? And therefore he was looking for the woman who was pregnant. Looking and questioning every pregnant woman. But Mary was hidden away, protected. This is why the scholars don’t know when Jesus was born. He never was born on December the 25th. All of these scholars of religion bear witness that he never born on December the 25th for the scriptures say there were certain shepherds keeping watch over there flock abiding in the field by night. And in Palestine it gets cold in the winter at night and there are no flock in the field at night in the Holy Land in December. So most scholars agree that Jesus had to be born sometime in later summer or early fall. This is a fact, the religious scholars, and Christian scholars agree on this. The birthday that you celebrate on December 25th is actually the birthday of Nimrod. This is why they call it X-Mass because X stands for the unknown and you really don’t know who it is that you are worshipping on that day. You drink more whiskey, you do more evil on Christmas then any other day of the year. And that is not the way you celebrate the birth of a Holy One, hear me out now. 43

They don’t know the day of his birth because his birth has to be protected from the wicked who wanted to slay him at birth. Now wait until you hear the meaning of this it will blow your mind. The baby was delivered by Joseph, the Bible teaches you that Jesus and his mother Mary fled into Egypt, is that right? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said they put Mary and the baby Jesus when he was 3 months old on this camel and sent the baby into Egypt. Jesus grew up the first years of his life in Egypt. He was a very smart young man. He studied, he was really at the top of his class but when he became 14 years old an old prophet came to meet him. And this old prophet asked some little boys (you know how you are trying to get to someone) and you ask do you know where such and such address is? Well that was just a ruse that the old prophet used because he knew that the boys would say oh its right next to where Jesus lived. But he wanted to get a chance to get next to Jesus because he had two things to teach Jesus. He had to teach him first, who he was and second he had to teach him how to protect himself from the evil planning of his enemies. And he had to be taught a certain knowledge that is called ‘The Science of Tuning In’ . Now if you look at Jesus in the scripture that man Jesus knew the peoples thinking. And it said, “And Jesus knowing their thoughts did thus and so”. And when they expected Jesus to be here, he showed up there. And this was the way he protected himself against his enemies because he knew how his enemies were thinking. He was 14 years old and after he learned this knowledge he was ready to go on with his mission to the Jews. His mother Mary gave him 2,000.00 dollars to help him get to Jerusalem, where he would begin teaching. And the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us, he was such a charitable good natured warm hearted person that he gave away the 2,000.00 dollars to the beggars on the street of Cairo before he got to the gates of Cairo. And he walked from Cairo to Jerusalem which is 600 miles doing little odd jobs on the way getting enough money to keep going. When he got into Jerusalem he started preaching. And from day one the Jews rejected Jesus, for 22 years of his life he was running, hiding, fleeing from his enemies. I am making this quick. Finally the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us Jesus of 2,000 years ago came to see in the revelation that Allah (God) had given to the Jews that he was 2,000 years too soon to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and bring about the Judgement of the wicked. Now he made a mistake in his judgement of himself but when he found that he was 2,000 years to soon, look at the way he responded. He said, ‘He would give his life for the truth that he taught that his name might live till the time of the one who would come that would actually clear his name of all the evil charges that the Jews had placed against him and destroy his enemies.’ Jesus decided to die. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says he went out on the streets and the Roman authorities were looking for Jesus. They had a 1,500-dollar and a 2,500-dollar price on his 44

life. 1,500-dollars if you bring him in alive. And 2,500 dollars if he were brought in dead. Jesus when out on the streets of Jerusalem to die. He found a Jews store and stood in front of the old Jews store and began to preach. He had his largest audience in 22 years numbering nearly 35 or 36 people. That Jesus back there never taught multitudes. There was no multitudes among the Jews who paid any attention to what Jesus taught. He was a hated man among those people for the truth that he taught. That morning the Jewish person that owned that store came out and said, ‘move away from my store’. Jesus said, ‘If you permit me to teach the people that are listening to me I will ask them to go in and buy something from you.’ Well the Jewish fellow let him go ahead and teach. But when no one was coming in to do any buying he started paying a little closer attention to his teaching. And in hearing the man’s teaching he found that this is the One that the authorities were looking for. They sent for the authorities and Jesus never moved. Two men came after Jesus and when they spotted him they came running after him as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us. And on running to get Jesus they had wagered among themselves that who ever gets to him first would bring him in, like a bounty hunter thing. Both of them got there almost simultaneously and an argument broke out among them and Jesus asked would they allow him to settle the argument. And they said ‘yes’ and he said, according to what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us, that the man on the right touched me 3/10’s of a second before the man on my left. So the man on the right takes Jesus and while he is walking with Jesus and talking with Jesus. He is appealing to Jesus that if you allow me to take you in they are going to torture you. But if you let me kill you I will do it quickly and I am a poor man and I will get 2,500.00 dollars. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that Jesus said come and do it. And he stood behind an old boarded up store not on a cross. But his hands in the form of a cross facing his murder. And that Roman solider took out a small swordlike knife that is sharp 2/3 of the way up the blade on either side. And rushed and plunged it into Jesuses heart with such force that his nerves froze and he died instantly in the form of a cross. His body was later turned over to Joseph. And Joseph had that body embalmed to last for 10,000 years. This is known and kept as a secret by certain of the wise of this world. They were fighting, the Muslims and the Christians were fighting for years over the city of Jerusalem over the Holy Grail. They were fighting really for the body of Jesus. Pope Pious the XII when he died, listen carefully, the Pope’s doctor said we have embalmed the Pope’s body in much the same manner as Jesuses body was embalmed. Now the White people know that the Jesus of 2,000 years is dead and he is not sitting up in the sky waiting to return. They murdered him and they know he is dead. Listen brother and sister. The wise Masons and Shiners, not the black ones but the white one’s. When they reach a certain degree they travel East and on there way to Jerusalem they stop by Rome to 45

see the Pope who is the door of the Caucasian world to the Middle East area. And if you notice, all of your leaders when they leave here (America) going they pass by the Pope and they come through the Pope. He is not the Vicegerent of Jesus, he is something altogether different. We shouldn’t fear to tell the secret it has to be known. He who was taught the secret, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, he knew it and Allah (God) knows it. And if I don’t tell it I am not a servant of Allah (God). What should I be afraid of, what can you do to me, what can America do to me? What can Reagan do to me? What can the Pope of Rome do to me? You think you can kill me? Not unless it pleases Allah (God) but you can’t kill the Idea, foolish man. Black people are so afraid to speak the truth. What is the matter with you, ‘Well I know it but I don’t want to say nothing because white people may not like it and I am get in trouble. They may close down my church or they may send the IRS in or they may do this. “Let them what ever they have to do, don’t you be afraid to tell the truth even if it cost your life.” Jesus died for the truth, what kind of man and woman are and I that we can’t live for the truth and when it becomes necessary give our life for the perpetuation of truth. I am almost finish. Muammar Qadhafi sent a letter here through his representative’s. Was it read? He said he was our brother in struggle. Why should we receive a letter from the president or the leader of the revolutionary Republic of Libya and hide it under the rostrum because white folk don’t like Muammar Qadhafi? What the hell do we care about what white folk like? If you are afraid of friendship then you will never be a friend and you will never have a friend. In the news there are attacking Libya as though Libya is some big bully. Little tiny Libya, a big county with oil, most of the country is desert. Mr. Bush speaking last night called Mr. Qadhafi a bully, you big bully. America is the bully not Libya. America is the enemy not Libya. America is the opposer and the oppressor not Libya. The Libyan people did not send their ships off the coast of New York talking and about there are having maneuvers. It was America sending her ships into the Gulf of Sidra talking about they are having maneuvers. What are you Mr. America? You are a troublemaker under the pretext that she moving her soldiers. Did she move them out of her boarders? You mover your troops wherever want, who can come from Mexico and say ‘I heard that you were moving your troops down by the Mexican boarder and we are having maneuvers now in the gulf. We send our warplanes over and our spy planes over to see what you American’s are doing.’ You would say just a minute Mexico have we crossed into your boarders well this is our boarders we have the right to move our men and our munitions in our own boarder. Why should they mover men around if that is what they are doing or is this an excuse for America to get into a limited war to bail out there economy? Make Mr. Qadhafi look like the #1 enemy of the world while he is a devoutly religious man but a religious man that will not bow to Western Imperialism. Now should I be afraid to say that if that is what I believe is the truth because I will lose friendship? If you don’t want to be a friend of truth then I don’t need your friendship. The fearful and the unbelieving will have there part in a lake that burns with fire. Why shouldn’t Jesse Jackson visit the PLO? Why shouldn’t Jesse Jackson speak for the hurt of


the Palestinian people if he fells the right to do so? Why should Black people only be limited to Civil Rights matters? We are an International people, why shouldn’t we be involved in the International affairs of the world and study those affairs and speak with authority on those affairs as other nations and people do? The secret is to be told. Mary and Joseph was childhood were sweethearts, what does it mean? Allah (God) and you and I had a promise to be together. Oh I want you to listen now. It was prophesied that Allah (God) would come and chose the despised and the rejected and the unloved and the unwanted and he would be there people and they would be his God is that right? Is there anyone more despised and more rejected and more unloved then Black people of America? Allah (God) promised that he would marry with us, it was done over 6,000 years ago, the promise was made. From the time that Adam fell and hell reign supreme on the earth Allah (God) prophesied or promised through the mouth of his prophets that in the last days he would come and chose a people to be his own. It said when we are old enough we will marry. It means that at the fullness of time and when you are matured and when you are ready for Allah (God) he will present himself. He can’t come to you before the time. He can’t come after the time. He must come on time. I can’t marry you now, you have something to go through with to evolve and to develop. And you Saviour have something to go through to evolve and develop. And when you both have fully matured let the marriage take place. It is talked about in the Book of Revelations as the marriage of the lamb with the Church. Joseph and Mary were childhood sweethearts. Now when they are old enough Allah (God) presents himself, the Messenger presents himself and the father of Mary stands in the way. Mary is a prototype of Black people, you are really the woman here that is going to give birth to a child. You are the people that are to give birth to the Messiah. You don’t know it but you are the people that are going to do that. And white people like a father is standing there looking at who comes to be your leader and marry you. No Kwame Ture, I don’t like him because he is a revolutionary leave him alone. Have you noticed that ever black leader that wants to unite with black people that is not made by white people they reject him for you? And when white people reject him you reject him. You rejected Marcus Garvey, didn’t we? We rejected Noble Drew Ali, Malcolm X, and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Why did we reject them? Because white man didn’t want them for us, is that right? He becomes and interference between us marrying on with anyone that has truth to tell. But the book says darkness came over the people and Mary called out and even though Joseph had married and had six children. It is actually talking about Allah (God) bringing up Prophets out of the other nations of the earth but we were the apples of his eye all along. Listen to me good now brother and sisters, from Abraham count Abraham, Noah, Lot, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and we can put Aaron in there too because Aaron was also considered a Prophet but not equal to Moses but a subordinate of Moses. You have 6 don’t you that is what I thought. There are other little Minor Prophets in there. He is bringing up prophets all over the world but none of these prophets delight his heart not 47

because he doesn’t love his prophets but the prophets were unsuccessful. Satan’s power was so great the prophets couldn’t overcome the power of Satan and the prophets were killed by Satan. So Allah (God) sent the prophets but secretly in his heart he wanted a Son, he wanted someone that would help him in his mission and help him in his work. He was looking for the ideal prophet not the prophet of yesterday but he knew that there was one coming. He had a convent or contract marriage with Israel. He had a contract of marriage with the Muslim world but none of them have fulfilled what Allah (God) wanted. Hear me well! The Muslim world has not fulfilled it’s convent to Allah (God) neither have the Jews neither have the Christians. So he has to go outside of the family and find one outside of the family, a woman outside of the family to make a child for him self. Listen to me please this is the end of it. Just like David child, the heir to the throne was not out of the original family it came from batchsheba who was a strange woman is that right? And the Bible tell you that the last man would be a man like David. Now the woman is under darkness and she cries out for her lover to come. It is the people, black people in a time of great trouble and turmoil and tribulation, crying out to Allah (God) have mercy on us. The Bible say, ‘Jehovah heard the moaning and the groaning of Israel.’ He didn’t say, ‘I am going to send someone.’ He said I am coming myself to see where the cry is altogether what I heard, is that right? So it is you that have been crying out for 400 years under the continual stroke of white people. But Allah (God) couldn’t come in the 1st century. He couldn’t come in the 2ond century. He had to come on time, he said I think I will go to Mary under the cover of darkness. He knows that the father did not want him, meaning the government of America and the white leaders of America. They do not want Allah (God) in America. They don’t want Allah (God) in the hearts of black people. They want to be your teachers into divine so that they know what they teach you and that will allow them to control you. So Allah (God) had to slip in under the cover of darkness just like Joseph came unto Mary under the cover of darkness. Allah (God) in the book it says he would come as a thief in the night in sinful flesh to condemn sin in the flesh. And if Joseph put on the beard of a goat, a goats beard came under disguise. Master Fard Muhammad came into America looking like a white man even though he was not a white man. He came in sinful flesh to condemn sin in the flesh. He came like a thief in the night. He was coming to you because you called on him and he has come for you because you called on him. And now he has come to you and now you are pregnant and don’t even know it yet. When you are pregnant blood stops flowing. When he (the father) began to see Mary taking on weight he knew that something was wrong. So he had to talk with Mary. When you watch white folk and they start see black people making changes they start talking to you. They ask you question like this, “what is that you have on, why are you acting like you are? You know when you are on your job and you don’t feel like acting the


fools and they look at you and say what is the matter. They are questioning you because they want to know the reason for the change in you. What America was coming to understand is that a prophet was growing in the ranks of black people. But they were searching for him, looking for the messiah to kill him at birth. But they could not find the birth but the birth has already taken place. White people were looking for the messiah coming up out of us. J. Edgar Hoover was looking for the messiah to come up out of us. J. Edgar Hoover knew that you are the people that are to produce the messiah. He looked at Kwame Ture, he looked like the messiah. He looked at Malcolm X, he was calling for black power then. He had the right cry but they knew he was too young to have the substance behind the cry. But he was dangerous anyway for just having the cry. Martian Luther King looked like the messiah. And Martian Luther King with his masterful oratory he appeared like the messiah but he came out of the doctrine of the Caucasian people and they knew the messianic secret had to be revealed. And it did not look like Dr. King was going to reveal it. But Dr. King was dangerous because he could attract people especially when he internationalized the problem. Malcolm X looked like the messiah and talked like the messiah. They said this is a dangerous nigger. But he is a student of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad looked like the messiah but they taught he was too old. Now why are all of these thoughts going on? It is because Allah (God) was working among us under the cover of darkness and no on had a clear view of anyone. You never saw Kwame Ture, Malcolm X, or the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as they were nor did you see your self as you are because we were all under the cover of darkness. And the light shined in the darkness but the darkness comprehended it not. And he was in the world but the world knew him not. Who do they say I am? Oh they say you are that prophet that was to come. He knew that they did not know who he was. And it was not time for him to reveal was. And now beloved brothers and sisters if you can see that as you became pregnant with a divine one from among yourselves. And whether you want to recognize it or not that one that Allah (God) gave us is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. A strange man, a strange looking man with faz on his head. His faz with the sun, moon and star in the front of his forehead in a black background. It was not a little just a little pillbox on his head. It was a sign that Allah (God) would ultimately bring him to him and teach him to utmost of his signs. And give him power over that which he had in his head and on his head because the Jesus is suppose to taught by Allah (God) the mastery of the forces of nature where he becomes God over the universe. Look at this now brothers, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was in our mists and we did not know who he was. Jesus was in our mists and we did not know who he was. Listen to me carefully brother, when he spoke to you and me he spoke to us and our eyes open up. When he spoke to us our ears open up. When he spoke to us we spoke back 49

and the knot in our tongue was gone. When he spoke to us our hands got busy working. When he spoke to us our feet got busy walking. When he spoke to us we came up from a dead level and the world recognized that life was coming into the black man. The resurrection process had begun. You want to give credit to Malcolm X but you don’t want to respect Malcolm X’s teacher. Malcolm X taught you and Malcolm X opened your eyes as a disciple of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm X taught you for (13) years as a disciple of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He only lived (2) years out of the discipleship of his teacher and during that (2) years he was confused and his new direction had not formal concretized itself. So you did not get anything from those last two years, everything you got from Malcolm X was in the (13) that Malcolm X was a student of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm X taught at Howard University and Kwame Ture stood up, not to follow Malcolm X but the light that was in Malcolm X’s mouth struck his mind and turned his mind on. And now Kwame Ture stands. The light from Malcolm X struck practically every crop of black leaders that is around. And behind that light was the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. But brothers and sisters He had (40) years to work and his term among us would be up. His first term, and that is why he gave Muslims Lessons that were called ‘First Term Examination Assignment of Mr. Elijah Muhammad’ a term is a fixed period of time. And his term was given as (40) years. 40 years in Lesson #2 there were (40) questions and (40) answers. The first term of Moses among the people was (40) years. And the real answer to the man like Moses had to be someone coming from black people in America who are the only people that resemble Israel who was under the bondage of Pharaoh as we are under the bondage of white people in America. So the real Muhammad who would be a man like Moses and the real Jesus who would answer the prophets prediction would come out from among these despised and rejected people. As that sun comes out of complete darkness so will the God give is a man out of the complete darkness and ignorance of this world. And now look the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has been slandered like no other leader and teacher that has ever walked among us. And why is he slandered, he is slandered over an episode in his domestic life that many of us do not understand. Malcolm X stumbled over that, Wallace Muhammad the son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad stumbled over that and other members of the family stumble over that. We as followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad stumble over that and feel into the slander and feel victim to the slander. But there it is in the scripture, read it for yourself. Why do you think the Muslim world, Christian world, and Buddhist world refuses to recognize that Allah (God) has given black people in America a Divine Messenger? They are saying that Allah (God) wouldn’t do that and Allah (God) would not double cross us. We have the covenant, we are his children, we are the true people of Allah (God), we are the children of the Father, are you listening to me?


They do not want to believe that Allah (God) has visited among a dead people, a strange people, a people out of the wedlock of unity and Allah (God) has wrought and brought up a man out of our lions to be the greatest of them all. And it is that same problem of the family, reconciling itself to the children of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad outside of that first family. You have to reconcile yourself to that. Your father did not sin, the Messenger did not sin, but he did exactly what is written of him in the Holy Qur’an and in the Bible. And the reason you hate Muhammad is because you don’t understand either one of these books. You can defend Muhammad of yesterday who had wives and children but you will not defend the Muhammad of today. It was nothing for that man yesterday to have wives in Arabia but it is a hell of a thing for a Messenger of Allah (God) today to have wives. Why did Allah (God) allow Muhammad to have more then one wife? What does that have to do with the Bible prediction and the universe that you have over your head, (9) planets with the (10 th ) planet being the sun? Every planet has a different color and every planet bringing up a different kind of life on it? Why do you have (9) systems in your body? Why are there (9) functions to this mind and body? Why did Allah (God) say Muhammad have (9) wives? The man is from a New World order, he must break up the old and bring in a new world order. Allah (God) gives him wives to bring up different kinds of children. The same seed, the same son, the same light, but the scripture say that when the Jesus returns he will marry and have offspring. That Jesus back there had no children. Prophet Muhammad had no sons that lived. But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has sons and he has family that lived. And it is to end all passing on of rulership by bloodline. That is why the Qur’an say, ‘Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, he is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets.’ You can’t claim this man because you are born of his physical bloodline. You don’t pass on divinity in a bloodline. Some of the bloodline of the prophets were the worst damn rulers that have ever come up. And Wallace D. Muhammad proves that the bloodline is not the right line. You want to say that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad picked his son, he most certainly did not. He never picked that young man. You say that Master Fard Muhammad wrote his name on the back door and had his family trace his name. Why did he write his name on the wall and he had the family trace over that name. He gave him a name like has own name. Wallace D. Muhammad he never put the ‘Fard’ in there because ‘Fard’ meaning you are obligated to obey. You were not obligated to follow that man but we willfully followed him against the teachings of his father. We followed out of the light of his father into the darkness of the world of Satan in the name of getting new teachings. How could it be new teachings if it (1,400) years old? No no no beloved that son was desired by the father. The father wanted a son to help him. The father wanted a member of his own family, what natural father would not want that? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad loves his children and he loves Wallace D. Muhammad but he began to see that his own son would not follow his path. Why didn’t he stop him? Why didn’t Jesus stop Judas? It had to be fulfilled. He say go and do it quickly.


Yes the father was betrayed by a kiss but the father wasn’t betrayed because he understood it all. You think the Messenger didn’t see us? These are the witnesses of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad seated out here and up here. Didn’t the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say the Nation would fall? Oh ministers and disciples of the Messenger didn’t he say that everyone of us would leave him? Did the Nation fall? Did we leave him? Did he say that a hypocrite would rise and that would make the work of Malcolm look like baby work? I am sorry but it don’t make me feel good to say that such one right out of his family but was not Absolone a son of David? Did not Absolone conspire and make war against his own father? Was that wicked rebellious son of Noah a member of the family? Wasn’t Yacub a member of our family? Wasn’t the one who destroyed and set that moon up, wasn’t he a member of our family? Family don’t make you right. Family don’t give you no power. It is right that make you right and it is truth that make you right. And today the family must not be a family of blood. It must be a family of spirit and it must be welded together by the love of Almighty God and the love of that man Christ and the love of that man Muhammad. And we become one family. When Master Fard Muhammad use to write the Honorable Elijah Muhammad he use to write him and at the end of the letter he would say, ‘Best wishes to you and the whole family of 17,000,000.’ He did not say best wishes to you and your children. He included all black people in America as that family. And all of us are indeed the family of Allah (God). And he has made us pregnant with a Messenger. And in my conclusion that man Muhammad whom the world said was dead and that man Jesus whom his disciples looked upon as being dead. It is not talking about 2,000 years ago now. That Jesus didn’t die on a cross. Do you know who died on the cross, here you are look at you brothers and sister. Look at your hands, are they nailed? Why haven’t we built anything in 400 years? Hands nailed. Why haven’t we walked the path of free men in 400 years? I am sorry your feet nailed. You have been to college and universities, why don’t your knowledge serve you black brothers and sisters? It is because you got a crown of thorns on your head. Have you been wounded in your side? Yes your blood is running and your moral strength is leaving you and the black community today is the most immoral debased wretched community of all. We prey on each other and our elderly can’t walk the street. The young are killing the old. We are killing each other and you cry out ‘my God my God why have thou forsaken me’. Well we buried a man that we thought was The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. But by the law of compound probability, that if I have 3 dice in my hand and I throw them up and they come down all of them showing one on it. You say man that is luck. What is the probability of me throwing them up twice or three times or four times and it come up snake eyes every time? And suppose I had 50 dice and I threw all 50 up and walked away and they all showed up with one on it. What is the law and the mathematical probability of that happening? And if it happens once and twice you would examine the dice to see whether it is loaded. And if the dice was not loaded you would certainly know that there


was a measure of control here exercising beyond your capacity to understand that kind of control, is that right? Look beloved, I know that we all believed most of us (90%) of us that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was dead and that was the end of it. We buried him in 1975 and that is the end of it. Now everything that man told us would come to pass, it marched right in concession. Now if he is not the man if he is not the Jesus and if all the aspects of his life touched the lives of the prophets. Not just one or two but as you examine his life and put it over the prophets lives it touches all the way down to today. Then how can you say this is not the One? He is the One and if he is the Jesus of this book (the Bible) he is not dead. And everyone of you as Ministers of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad you taught that he was Jesus of that Bible. Every one of us taught when he open our eyes we knew that this was the Jesus. He raised us from the dead he is the Jesus. The government was on him and the government hated him is that right? How can this be the end of his life? You have it in the Holy Qur’an, the night journey by Muhammad. I am at the end now. They say Muhammad had a night journey and they are auguring with each other over whether he went to heaven physically or spiritually? And the same argument is raised by the scholars of Christianity, did Jesus go to heaven bodily or did he go to heaven in spirit. The ascension of Muhammad in the night and the ascension of Jesus Christ to the right hand of Allah (God) it is the same story told from a different angle. I am at the end now just bear with me a few more seconds now. Muhammad is on the way at night, listen to this, His chest is opened up and his heart is taken out and washed and poured in it faith and wisdom. And he is sowed back up. Listen to this now this is the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad. His entail or stomach in here is take out and washed and wisdom and faith is poured in. And a steed called Ba’ruk is outside and it is a white animal in between an ass and a mule. It says but it leaps and as far as the eye can see it reaches it in a step, stop it. You don’t have an animal that can see and reach in on step as far as it can see, it is not talking about an animal. And the name Buruk means like lighting, it moves with the swiftness of lighting. In the book of Daniel in the 7th chapter a man is taken by angels in the darkness of the night and is excorted to the throne. This Qur’an said, “I caused you to die and exalted you after your death in my presence. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told you and me that he had a second meeting that he had to attend with Master Fard Muhammad. He worked and he told us he was going away. He didn’t never say he was going to die. He knew that death would come to him but in that scriptures it says that that Jesus he lived at least 120 years. This man, the son of man the Jesus excorted to the throne and in the presence’s of the angels dominion and power is given to him and kingdom is given to him, did you hear me. John the Revelator in the fifth chapter of the revelation he is looking at it from another end. Daniel is seeing it in a night vision. John is in the heaven looking at it from the heavenly side of it. And John says, ‘there in heaven was a lamb that looked like it had been slain from the foundation of the world. And the lamb walked up to him that sat on the throne and did not ask him for the book but just took the book out of his hand and 53

everyone was weeping in heaven because no one was found worthy to release the seals of the book. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us he was going away to get that book. He showed us a vision that Allah (God) gave him of that future book and that book that represents the guidance for the Hereafter. And just as Moses went to the mountain to meet with Allah (God) to come back with the guidance for the Promised Land. The people went crazy thinking that Moses was dead. And just as Elijah left us, we think he is dead and we went as crazy as the people of the prophets of old. And now what I am here to tell you, the Messianic Secret is that a Black Man from among us is one chosen by Allah (God) to be exalted to the highest place that any man has ever gone. In that vision of Muhammad and his ascension in the night he passes Adam, Jesus, Aaron, Moses, and the last one he meets is Abraham and the Gabriel can’t take him any further and he goes on by himself. And he gets closer then any man has ever gotten to Allah (God). Listen to this now., and he gets so close to Allah (God) that the Holy Qur’an in the 53rd Surah describes it as He is meeting Allah (God) on a second decent on the furthest horizon under the lout tree. And there Allah (God) reveals what he revealed. What Allah (God) revealed to Prophet Muhammad is in this book (Holy Qur’an) But in that second meeting it does not tell you what Allah (God) revealed because both the Bible and the Holy Qur’an close say, “…Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, not has it even entered into the heart of man to conceive what lays beyond.” So the Qur’an does not tell what Allah (God) revealed. But the Hadith says, “ He showed him the utmost of his signs.” The Bible says, “ He taught him and he put everything under his foot except he himself.” And now I am here to tell you that Jesus that rose from the dead is a man coming up out of a dead people. Whether you take it or let it alone that man paid a horrible price for me to stand here today and declare what I am declaring. I am free because my debt is paid and you are free because your debt is paid. You have been redeemed and you don’t have to obey white people anymore. If they call you to go to the army you can tell them I have been redeemed. I am not your slave and I am not your servant, my debt has been paid and my price has been paid. I am a free man. Look here brothers and sisters you are able to go as far as you want to go today if you would come to the light. If you would believe on his name and if you would accept the fact that he is not dead but he is alive and he is about to return. And the book says, “…That he came and he went away in a cloud.” The history says it was between 9 and 10 in the morning that he died. And if you look on the East Coast the time of death that they assign to The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was 9:10 am eastern standard time, 8:10 am central standard time, it is all there. He is gone but he is not dead. I warn you in the name of Allah that he is on his way back and I want to know how are you going to act. White people of America when the Christ you have been preaching about is a black man now that Allah (God) has enthroned in power, listen to me white folks. I am talking to you today bold as a lion because my man is in power in heaven. I am talking too you today black man bold as a lion because Christ is definitely king. That pray that is given in the New Testament is one of the best prayers we could say, “Our father which art 54

in heaven hollowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth even as it will now is being done in the heavens. Give us this day our daily bread.” Why you’re daily bread? Famine is coming on America and you are going to pray for bread but if you are the Lords and he is yours, you don’t have to worry about eating. He will feed you. “And lead us not into temptation and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trust pass against us.” If you don’t show forgiveness to one and other you can’t expect any forgiveness from him that is in power. And everyone of us has sinned against him and we need mercy in order to hide from his judgement on his return. So I would advice you too start right now looking at each other and saying brother forgive me for what I have done and sister forgive me and let us come together in that bond of love and brotherhood. I say to my Muslims brothers and my Christian brothers, I know what I say is strange but I am a divine protected man. And I tell you what he promised me, he told me before he left. He said, “Brother don’t change the teaching while I am gone. What I have giving you is just a wake up message.” And that is right; this message of Jesus will wake up but after you wake up you need a message that will carry you on into the Hereafter. The Qur’an is a book of preparation for you. But he said, “If you are faithful when I return I will reveal the new teaching through you.” A new book is coming and that is why he told you to watch me and that is why he told you to listen to me because if you watch me you will see something taking place. And if you listen to me you will hear something taking place and when it happens the whole world will know that the man that I represent to you is the Jesus, the Christ, and the Muhammad. And if you want to know what the real Christians look like look at them. Sisters if you want to know what the real Righteousness you look at them. We are going to show you what Christians should do. We are going to show you how Christians should act. We are going to show you how the true followers of Christ should behave. And Muslims we will show you too how a Muslim is suppose to behave. I leave you beloved, I don’t want you to get up and run wait until I finish please. 30 days of Ramadan and 10 days of Hajj is 40 days. I will give you 30 nights and I will strength you with 10 more and then after that tell Aaron to take my place among the people. And don’t create mischief but act well and do justice. Beloved The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is that One and I hope and pray that something that I have said here day has made you to understand you are the people of Jesus. You are the real people of the book. You are the people that have a great destiny and your price and debt has already been paid. If the El Rukns are here today and if the Cobra stones are here today, if the Disciples are here today that I invited here today. I want to say to you my brothers, I would love that you from this date stop killing each other and stop maiming your people and stop destroying your people. And in the name of Allah and in the name of his Christ the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad from this day forward let us commit ourselves to the struggle, to the act of saving and redeeming our people. You don’t have to be worried about money selling dope for money or doing evil for money. Money is the least of your worries. I will show you by the help of Almighty God 55

Allah through the program of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that billions of dollars is awaiting us if we go to work on the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. You don’t have to sell drugs for money you don’t have to kill anyone for money. You just need to straighten up your lives and the money will come to you. The scripture says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all its righteousness and all things will be added unto you .” Don’t worry about the things just get your life in order. Don’t worry about the money get your life in order because when he returns he doesn’t come to play. He comes to kill all of those who have not heard and responded properly. And woe to America when Christ returns. Woe to the kings of the earth when Christ returns and if you reject him woe to you on his return. Beloved disciples of Muhammad, John Muhammad, Jeremiah Shabazz, John Shabazz, Minister John Muhammad, Minister Samuel Adizz and all of those who were taught by him. The whole world is waiting for us to get out act together and clean up our lives and solve our differences and get out there in the work that the Messenger taught us to do. Which is to save and redeem our people. Come on brothers and sister let us do this. Let us iron it out and let us clean it up. Christians and Muslims hold hands and lets walk together. We are at the end of this world and we have come to the beginning of a brand new day. Thank you for listening and for attending. I to you everyone of you let’s get busy save our people and let everyday be Saviours’ Day from this day forward. Thank you for listening May Allah Bless you as I greet you in peace As-Salaam-Alaikum.




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