Brown discharge is a result of dysfunctional endometrial elimination

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Brown discharge is a result of dysfunctional endometrial elimination If the brown discharge is a result of dysfunctional endometrial elimination your symptoms would likely be a later than usual period, if that. Each of the other conditions mentioned have much more noticeable symptoms of their own in addition to brown discharge. Some of typical additional to brown discharge symptoms are: pain, discharge that is watery or yellowish, depression, vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, frequent urination, infertility, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, burning, itching, rash, hot to touch, mouth ulcers, and loss of appetite.

Brown discharge and/or brown spotting are pretty common side effects of morning after pills. Some women could have brown discharge/spotting or bleeding within the first week of taking morning after pills. Most women will have their next period within seven days of when it is usually due. Just don't panic and be patient. Brown discharge is pretty common after morning after pills. Wear a panty liner or a light maxi pad - use unscented panty liners or pads.

A brown discharge from the vagina can be caused by a number of different medical conditions. Some of them will require medical attention, but many are perfectly normal and are no cause for alarm. A brown discharge occurring before your period may also be a sign of polyps. These tumors or abnormal growths are benign but can cause discomfort in the uterus and may impact your ability to conceive. Bleeding from polyps can result in a discharge that is dark in color and appears in irregular intervals.

A light brown discharge can also be an early symptom of pelvic inflammation disease or a sexually transmitted disease. The cause of light brown or dark brown vaginal discharge is as easy as visiting the gynecologist. They will be able to determine the cause based on the answers you provide to their questions, a pelvic exam, and possibly some other tests if your pelvic exam does not show a cause for the discharge. If the cause of the brown vaginal discharge is simply old uterine cells, then the treatment may be simple life style suggestions such as better nutrition, regular exercise and drinking more water. If you discover that the brown discharge is a result of another condition, better visit your doctor. For More Information Visit: - Brown Discharge

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