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amazing kid James Robinson, Jr., a senior at Tara High School, knows the difficulties students face when entering high school and navigating the day-to-day experiences. To help these students communicate their concerns, James created B hEARD, a student-led organization that provides a platform for students to come together and speak on the issues that are affecting them, receive counseling, and solve any problems they may be experiencing. Although the support group was only recently established, it has been flourishing. “The response has been amazing. We have 20 students in the organization, and we have multiple students that come and visit us,” says James. James, who is also the school’s student body president, hopes to expand the organization, introducing it into other schools in the community. Schools such as Belaire and Broadmoor have reached out with interest in starting the organization at their schools. After graduation, James has expressed interest in staying local in order to assist other schools in implementing the support group. In his free time, James models and is an assistant photographer for his sister’s studio. When he attends college in the fall, he will be studying mass communication and journalism. James is a visionary and an outstanding peer. His positivity is admirable, and he describes himself as funny and goofy, and always the “loudest and tallest one” in the crowd. With his creative mind and compassion for others, he’s truly one amazing kid. ■ DO YOU HAVE ONE AMAZING KID? Email: education@brparents.com
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