5 minute read
LIVE mom next door
Jasmin Newsome
OCCUPATION: Elementary teacher at Parkview Baptist School HUSBAND: Nakia Newsome, M.D. CHILDREN: Nash, 11; Nyles, 9; Nelan, 7; Nox, 5 HOBBIES: Food, hot pilates, working out, drawing
IF you asked Jasmin Newsome two years ago where she thought she would be today, she would not have guessed that she would be teaching at the same school her children attend. In fact, she thought she would be owning and running her own business after teaching for eight years and then raising her four boys for nine years after that, but she says God had other plans for her. These plans presented an opportunity she could not miss (and right before the outbreak of COVID-19!): having handson involvement in the education of all her boys, which wound up being perfect for her family’s plan. It all started when the school took her on as a substitute teacher during a time of multiple maternity leaves among the faculty, which eventually brought her back to the classroom. She’ll start that business one day, but, for now, she spends her days with her boys while enjoying their unlimited amount of hugs and finding time to draw, read the Bible, and work out.
What does a normal day look like for you?
JASMIN: I usually wake up before the house wakes up, which is about 30-45 minutes before everybody else. I start off by opening the YouVersion Bible app, where I watch a speaker discuss the verse of the day. Then, once I have myself pulled together, I wake up the boys and continue with our day.
What can you never leave the house without?
JASMIN: My cell phone, of course.
What are some of the joys and challenges of raising your children?
JASMIN: I love watching them mature and grow into leaders based on the values my husband and I have taught them. The challenges, well, being a mom of four boys that are so close in age requires a lot of energy every day. It’s a lot, so it can be hard to find a calm moment after school or at the end of the day.
How would you describe yourself as a mother?
JASMIN: I am my sons’ biggest cheerleader, so I consider myself very involved, active, and supportive, along with godly. I want them to know they can have fun and act silly. Don’t take yourself so seriously all the time, and, sometimes, it’s okay to eat dessert before dinner.
them to cultural happenings around town like music, art, plays, and festivals. We go on beach vacations, too.
What’s your favorite thing about being a boy mom?
JASMIN: Buying clothes is very easy, and so is getting ready for school and having to make any bathroom stops. I also love their love! They love on me so much to the point of smothering at times. Sometimes I need my space, though, because I grew up as an only child, but I love their unlimited hugs every day.
What’s the funniest thing about being a mom?
JASMIN: I am always laughing at how much my boys are just like my husband and me. What’s even funnier is that they don’t even realize it!
What has parenthood taught you?
JASMIN: Tolerance, understanding, patience, and that I have to make sacrifices but keep a firm handle on things at the same time.
What are some things you hope to teach your children?
JASMIN: I hope to teach them to be good husbands and fathers and how to care for others. At the same time, I want them to know they can have fun and act silly. Don’t take yourself so seriously all the time, and, sometimes, it’s okay to eat dessert before dinner.
What is something your job has taught you about parenting?
JASMIN: My job has taught me that even though my four boys come from the same household and the same parents, each one has their own path and personality that will lead them in different directions. Whatever natural God-given gifts are in
them, it’s my job to nurture that and make sure they are good people.
How do you tackle any challenges you face as a mother?
JASMIN: I pray on it first, then I listen to worship music, which seems to be the one thing that centers me and calms my spirit. I also lean on close mom friends that have experience with kids in the same age bracket.
How do you make time to relax?
JASMIN: I set boundaries. I don’t believe in life balance–I believe in life boundaries. For me that means a lot of time management, so when something comes up, I will put something else aside and make sure I have time for myself. It is a protective boundary with no flexibility around it. In my case, it is working out, drinking hot tea, listening to worship music, and sketching, which I find very therapeutic and meditative.
What personality trait of yours do your children also have?
JASMIN: Two of them have my bubbly personality, and all four of them have my go-getter attitude.
Do you have any advice for other parents?
JASMIN: Two things. First, buy or keep leather furniture as long as you can while they’re young. When you have leather furniture, you can wipe up any spills without a problem. Second, do not listen to any unsolicited advice. God gave you those children, so go with your own natural, parental instinct. ■
In my fridge, you will always find… fruit and freshly squeezed juices next to the junk food.
My favorite dessert is… chocolate macaroons from Whole Foods.
My favorite food is… anything that gives me energy that I’m not allergic to.
My guilty pleasure is… crime documentaries, online boutique shopping, and Smart Food kettle corn popcorn.
The first thing I do when I wake up is… open my YouVersion Bible app.
My dream travel spot is… any bungalow over the water either in the Maldives or Bora Bora.