Mother Nature... I
t’s a fact of nature that it takes two people to make a baby. It is not a fact that two people are required to physically experience pregnancy and labor together. Even the best hubster can’t fully appreciate the nine months of providing a utero-condominium inside his belly. From the moment you saw two lines on the pregnancy test, you knew life would never be the same. Tears of joy or shocked awe may have been the responses on your husband’s face at that moment, but pretty soon he realized he was along for the ride. No matter what. For months, you waddle around like a duck, sit down like a chicken on an egg, and sweat like a pig, all in consideration of the baby. And for the last three weeks of your pregnancy, you constantly answer friends and family who are on standby waiting for “the word” that you have gone into “real” labor. You wait and wonder when it will be your turn to deliver. You spend sleepless nights unable to roll over in bed, and every hour on the hour, there’s a trip to the bathroom that leaves you praying that when you return to bed you can find that comfortable position again. You spend months imagining your new baby’s every feature, touching that soft baby skin, and smelling that special new baby smell. Then the time comes and you go over what you learned in the Lamaze class. “Hee Hee, Hoo, Hoo.” Will it work? It didn’t for me. I forgot how to breathe with the first really strong contraction. All I wanted was an epidural. But the truth is that you will soon find out just how loud a baby can scream and what the sun looks like through your curtains every morning at five a.m. But most of all, you are about to find out just how much you love your baby. Though the process may be painful and uncomfortable, the outcome is pure love.
Amy Foreman-Plaisance Publisher/Editor in Chief
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