這條路,需要更多的 OK 蹦來告訴我們
他嘲笑你癡人說夢, 人在成功時
享受成就, 他們看到你榮華圍繞, 看不到你辛酸努力;
才能看起來毫不費力, 即便是躺著中槍, 也要姿勢漂亮。
by Enzo Lin
by Bruce Lin
我,林軍凱,民國八十二年八月二十四日瑞芳鎮金瓜石出生。2011 年畢業於復興美工,高中時混 水摸魚,自以為是,老師眼裡的朽木。高三時奮發向上,五月放榜,考上第三志願雲科大視傳係。 情緒不穩定,急性子,沒耐心,是個表裡不一的人,但好勝心強大,從高中起對外參加各式比賽, 皆未獲獎。大學一年內,logo 丟了 20 顆,但結果都是肉包子打狗,但熱血的心使我繼續走下去, 在今年 5 月二十一屆時報廣告金犢獎大專組平面廣告類入圍兩項共五個作品。
一年了,今年與去年心靈上提升了不少,從欣賞作品的能力與對事物的洞察力可以得知。對設計 的初衷是有梗的作品不需過多的裝飾。一年的大學即將結束,對設計的想法有所改變。設計需要提 升到更高的價值,不可停留在美麗畫面的層次。設計不被濫用,需要更多的內涵才可完整的支撐整 個架構。
Bruce Lin, born on August 24, 1993 Juifang town Chinkuashih.I graduated from Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School in 2011.In high school, I fished in troubled waters, being self-righteous, and was the dead wood in the eyes of teachers.Then, I made progress in the third year high school, waiting the results which would be released in May.Finally,I was admitted to the third choice--National Yunlin University Visual Communication Design.Emotionally unstable, impatient, duplicity, but my ambition is strong.I joined in all kinds of competition since high school, but it never paid off. Within a year of college, I contribute 20 "Logo", and all of them are not admitted. But the passion for art keeps me going on and on.In may 2012,my 5 works were on the shortlisted of 21th Times Young Creative Awards--Print Advertisement for junior college. It's a year already, my spirituality was raised a lot;It can be learned from my ability to appreciate the work and insight of things.My original intention of design is "just interesting, no excessive grooming."One year of college is going to end, and my opinion of design have been changed. Designs need to be upgraded to a higher value, not just staying in the level of beauty.It can't be abused. It need more and more cultivation to hold all the structure and framework.
平面廣告類大專 組 / 招商銀行產品廣告設計 / 改變 Design: Bruce / 抖抖
系列稿的設計想要表達出,時代的變化,人們對於存錢方式與銀行定義的改變。招商銀行已推出更便利方式結 合科技產品,相對的取代了傳統對於銀行所需要繁雜的程序。文案提出了花費時間、消耗體力、與距離,抽象 的表達代表著一種進步與便利的改變。畫面的構成元素,從古到今再到未來,系列的作品,讓人穿梭時空。
平面廣告類大專組 / 永和豆漿形象廣告設計 /
選擇粉重要 - 起手無回大丈夫 Design: Bruce / 抖抖
合科技產品,相對的取代了傳統對於銀行所需要繁雜的程序。文案提出了花費時間、消耗體力、與距離,抽象 的表達代表著一種進步與便利的改變。畫面的構成元素,從古到今再到未來,系列的作品,讓人穿梭時空。
台中捷運 LOGO 設計 Design / Bruce 造型上,採用台中英文的 T 和 C 作為發想,設計方向採用多意圖形概念,T 字傾斜 15 度角產生捷運速度與 便利的意向,C 有如捷運車頭般交疊著 T 駛向而來,交疊處產生一種捷運轉換循環的概念。整體強調便利、安 全、速度與轉換。
顏色方面採用藍色與黃色搭配,藍色象徵環保、安全、潔淨,黃色一方面象徵台中是個多元文化的城市,另 一方面代表著能量、速度與便捷的轉換。
LOG LOGO DESIGN Design / Bruce
On appearance design, I use the English translation of Taichung T and C as thought, the graphic concept of the design direction for multi-meaning intention to produce rapid transit speed and convenience of the T word tilt angle of 15 degrees, C like a MRT front-like overlap with T sail, overlapping to produce the concept of a rapid transit conversion cycle. Overall emphasis on convenience, safety, speed and conversion.
I use blue and yellow ,the blue symbol of environmental protection, safe, clean, yellow on the one hand a symbol of Taichung is a multicultural city, on the other hand represents the energy, speed and ease of conversion.
高齡友善健康照護 LOGO 設計 Design / Bruce 造型意念上運用了年長者會使用的「拐杖」與象徵關懷溫暖的「愛心」作結合,結構相同的兩把拐杖,以 45 度傾斜角度交叉重疊著,圖地反轉中隱隱約約帶出了「愛心」的結構。
色彩方面使用了鮮明的黃色與正紅色搭配,明度的差異使視覺變得強眼。「黃色」代表溫暖的關愛與照顧, 「紅色」則象徵著熱情與希望,兩種能量結合成「一顆心」,讓世界變的更美好。
LOG LOGO DESIGN Design / Bruce
Modeling ideas on the use of older people will use the "stick" and a symbol of caring warm "love" for the combination of the same structure of two crutches, overlapping 45-degree tilt angle, with a diagram to reverse a vaguethe structure of the "love".
The colors are used with distinctive yellow and are red, and the differences in brightness of the vision to become a strong eye. "Yellow" on behalf of the warm love and care, "red" is a symbol of passion and hope, both energy combined into a heart, "to make the world a better place.
Design:Bruce 在難以掌控的情勢下,第四次世界大戰終於爆發。台灣被各國的軍隊入侵。美國空軍與 CIA 組織決定派兵支援我國。跳傘降落 在雲林地區展開一連串秘密的作戰計劃。拉帝斯在完全不熟悉地形,更不能使用任何通訊的設備下,必須迫降。九宮形資料中有 家人的照片、暗殺對象、準確經緯數據、組織單位、乘坐飛行器、完整安全點地圖示意圖、最後是他寫給他家人的信。這份九宮 文件,並不會隨著拉帝斯跳傘而隨身攜帶,說難聽點這是他身前離他最近的物件,說好聽點是種榮耀的象徵。戰爭結束後,拉帝 斯若不幸去世,就變成一個寄到家人手裡的遺書。另外方面,因為無法使用通訊設備,所以必須設計出一種也可以在夜晚清楚看 清楚的地圖,這張地圖上面標示著重要的資訊,紅點代表軍隊會合點等 ... 所以萬一遺失了將會釀成大禍。設計時三層式的構成, 最外層是種陸軍在草叢裡的保護色,就算遺失了,也很難被發現。迷彩上印著紅色的點,那就是秘密的會合點。中間層放置了完 整的地圖。這份文件必須由手電筒在底下透上光,才會完全顯示出正確的機密及資訊。若沒有光,他就像一般般的一塊迷彩罷了。 保密程度是種最不安全的地方往往是最安全的概念設計,而且最重要的是,它不需要攜帶任何的電子產品的啓動,就可以在夜晚 時看的一清二楚。
Design:Bruce Difficult to control the situation, the Fourth World War finally broke out. Taiwan's military invasion of the countries. The organization of the U.S. Air Force and theCIA decided to send troops to support our country. Parachuted in Yunlin launched a series of secret war plan. Pull Otis completely familiar with the terrain, not to useany communications device, must be forced to land. Jiu gong shape data, family photos, assassination target, accurate latitude and longitude data, organizational units, to take the aircraft, complete security map diagram, the last letter he wrote to his family. The Jiugong file, and not with the pull Otis parachute to carry, said bluntly point which is before him and his nearest object, to put it nicely is a kind of symbol of glory. After the war, pull Otis tragic death, it becomes a sent to the family and in the hands of a suicide note. Another respect, because they can not use the communication equipment, it is necessary to design a can also be clearly at night to look at the map, this map above marked with important information, the red dot represents the meeting point of the armed forces ... so if lost will lead to disaster.The design of three-tier composition of the outermost kinds Army protective color in the grass, even if lost, it can hardly be found. Camouflage printed on the red dot, that is the secret rendezvous point. The middle layer is placed a complete map. This document must be through the glazing by flashlight at the bottom will be completely confidential and information. If there is no light, he is like in general like a camouflage nothing. The level of confidentiality is the most unsafe place is often the safest conceptual design, and most importantly, it does not carry the start of any electronic products, you can see clearly at night.
Design:Bruce 角色設定為一個性格憂鬱但又必須時常表現出開心的小丑。臉部是顯現一個角色最直接的手法,眼神則是最為重要的焦點。 一個很鎮定無關緊要的感覺和臉上沾滿的鮮血表現出強大的衝突感,眼神是死的是無神的,但卻對周遭發生的事情一點感覺都沒 有。我想表達的是現在的社會攘我們像個小丑,每天出門都需要帶上屬於自己對外的一個面具,把真實的自己隱藏起來。做人處 世有時候因為不想傷害別人而委屈了自己。其實大家都像個小丑,不是嗎?
Design:Bruce The role is set to a melancholy but must always show a happy clown. The face is the most direct approach to show a role in his eyes, is the most important focus. A very calm feeling insignificant and face covered with the blood of the performance of a strong sense of conflict, the eyes are dead godless, but not feel a thing happening around. I want to express now the society throw into confusion like a clown, go about their daily need to put on a mask belong to their external true self-hidden. The life attitude of life sometimes do not want to hurt others wronged. Infact, we all like a clown, isn't it?
Design:Bruce 阿理諾斯是個中年女子,出生阿拉伯 邊界,這是她的一次露臉。驚恐的表情, 眼神也是我表現情緒最重要的關鍵,假 睫毛的線條與眼睛裡刺眼的線條呼應, 重重的眼影讓視覺更加強烈。紅色的鮮 血從貼布裡流出來,噴濺在臉上,嘴上 誇張的紅唇,代表他們需要更叛逆的想 法,才能平復內心的不安。
Design:Bruce Alinorth is a middle-aged woman, borned in the Arabian border, it was her first time to show up. Frightened expression on her face,the expression in her eyes is the most important key to the emotional performance,the lines of false eyelashes echo to eyes, heavy eye shadow make its visual more intense. Red blood from the Post Bridget flow, splash in the face, mouth exaggerated lips, on behalf of the idea that they need to be more rebellious, in order to calm the restless.
Design:Bruce 鯊魚動物代表,中間文字把名字簡化為兩個字,音義雙關讓文字 上作變化,文字結合圖像,雕刻在木頭上,把線挖深讓圖凸出,光線 從斜側方向打下來時,那種立體力道非常的強裂。
鯊魚,個性的另一種詮釋,是套用在其他的物件上產生對比,灰 色髒色調搭配,說明了我這個人捉摸不定,猶豫不決。
Design:Bruce Shark representative of the middle the text to simplify the name to changes for the pun of the word, sound and meaning to the text, text and image,carved in wood, the lines deepening Figure protruding, light from direction to play down the kind of threedimensional force is very strong crack. Shark character similar to their own personality, the personality of another way of interpreting the law, is applied to other objects, the contrast between the gray dirty tone with the color, indicating that this uncertain, hesitant.
Author:Bruce 從第一次的一卡皮箱的演講,那種感動一直在 我的體內徘徊,他是設計師,不賣東西,他總是 說故事感動著大家。真的很幸福,世界上有一個 偶像,尤其在台灣,他一字一句都飄在腦裡,不 用過多辭彙的修飾,簡單的話語拼湊成的故事真 的好感動。從一卡皮箱之後,我就一直期待著再 次被感動,今天我好滿足。剛剛在路上跟金煌聊 了很多,感性的時代,設計已經不在是做的美美 的,感動人的力量,會在心裡存在很久很久,是 可以一直拿出來體會與品嘗的,在每個時期都會 有不一樣的味道。蕭青陽是我們的偶像,不是盲 目的崇拜,被感動了。好棒。真的很感謝雲科的 朋友與老師們的合作,讓這個機會成真,很棒!
Author:Bruce From the first speech of YAHOO has been hovering in my body, he is a designer, not to sell something, he always said to everyone touched by the story. Really very happy, an idol in the world, especially in Taiwan, word by word are floating in the brain, without modification of excessive vocabulary, simple words put together into a story really touched. From a box after Kapil, I have been looking forward to be touched again, and today I'm so satisfied. Just with Jinhuang talked a lot on the road, emotional times, the design has not done the United States and the United States, moved by human power, in the heart, there are long, long time, can always come up to experience and taste, in every period there are not the same taste. Xiaoqing Yang is our idol, idolatry, was moved. Haobang. I really appreciate the cloud Section friends and teachers for their cooperation, the opportunity to come true, great!
唐山大地震文字海報 Design: Bruce
應用文字的組成,搭配電影海報方式呈現。使用雙重符碼 的手法表現,人類死亡時的心電圖與大地震來臨時,氣象 局的地震坡圖。仔細一看,會發現組成圖像的文字都是死 去家屬的姓名拆解重組,象徵地震帶走人們的心跳生命。
Design: Bruce
Design: Bruce
以片中出現過的台詞解構重組後, 排列成電影中在竹子群中打架的