2018 Sailing Calendar

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Oakland Yacht Club 2018 Racing Events

2018 Racing Events

Sunday Brunch Sunday Brunch Series Series

January 7 & 21 January 7 & 21 4 & 18 February February 4 & 4, 1818, 25 March March 4, 18, 25 First Gun 1200 First Gun 1200

New racers always welcome! New racers always welcome!

YRA Contacts Board of Directors CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD* 2018-2019: Don Ahrens (415) 308-9771, chairman@yra.org IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN* 2015-2016: Charles Hodgkins (510) 504-4076, charles@sailingmischief.com SECRETARY* 2017-2018: Bob Naber Hm (510) 769-0309, k38bob@aol.com TREASURER* 2017-2018: Bobbi Tosse Hm (925) 939-9885, Fax (925) 906-9282, bobbi@jfcbat.com EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Laura Muñoz Wk (415) 771-9500, Cell (415) 994-4711, Fax (415) 276-2378, info@yra.org *Executive Committee DIRECTORS AT LARGE 2018-2019 Vallejo YC Representative: (707) 643-1254, info@vyc.org 2018-2019 Corinthian YC Representative: (415) 435-4771, info@cyc.org 2018-2019 Sequoia YC Representative: (650) 361-9472, office@sequoiayc.org 2018-2019 Encinal YC Representative: (510) 522-3272, info@encinal.org

Series Presidents In-the-Bay Series (Includes HDA/ODCA): Rich Pipkin (510) 377-3269, rpipkin@aerosources.biz

Rites Rites of of Spring Spring Saturday, Saturday,March March17 17 Singlehanded,Doublehanded Doublehanded Singlehanded,

ndFull FullCrew Crew aa nd

Sweet Sixteen Sixteen Sweet WednesdayNight NightSeries Series Wednesday

May2-30 2-30June June66-20 -20 May July18 18&&25 25••August August1-29 1-29 July September 5 September 5

First Gun 1825 First Gun 1825 Challenging courses in protected waters. Challenging courses in protected waters. Great food, fun and prizes at the Great food, fun and prizes at the clubhouse afterwards

clubhouse afterwards

Oktoberfest Oktoberfest Saturday, October 13 Saturday, October 13 Celebrate the spirit of Lederhosen and Dirndl

Celebrate thearound spirit ofTreasure Lederhosen andto Dirndl in a race Island the in a race around Treasure Island the clubhouse and have beer, brats andtoprizes! clubhouse and have beer, brats and prizes! • Please join us on race day for a • Please join on race day for a cocktail orus meal mealafter every race •cocktail Awardsor given • •Awards given available after every race Guest docks • Guest docks available

Contact: race@oaklandyachtclub.com 1101race@oaklandyachtclub.com Pacific Marina, Alameda CA Contact: OYC Web: Marina, oaklandyachtclub.net 1101 Pacific Alameda CA OYCWeb: Web: oaklandyachtclub.net oaklandyachtclub.net OYC Page 8 •

Latitude 38

• 2018 YRA Calendar

Ocean Series (OYRA): Andy Newell (408) 391-0963, andy.newell@sbcglobal.net Classic Boat Series (CBRA): Robert Thalman Hm (415) 479-3281, Fax (415) 499-8077, bobthalman@aol.com CBRA, YRA REPRESENTATIVE: Don Wilson Hm (510) 527-1619, windansea@sprintmail.com See page 16 for PHRF (Performance Handicap Racing Formula) committee.

US Sailing DIRECTOR, AREA G: Peggy Lidster, (303) 717-0449, palidster@gmail.com AREA REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGE: Mike Gross, (831) 476-2054, mike.gross@charter.net ARO, AREA G: Jeff Zarwell, (415) 595-8364, jzarwell@regattapro.com

Appeals Committee John Christman, Hm (510) 797-5524, Cell (510) 410-6771, Fax (510) 790-3273, john.christman@jc2tech.com Mike Gross, (831) 476-2054, mike.gross@charter.net Paul Kamen, Hm (510) 540-7968, Fax (510) 540-6324, pk@well.com Tom Roberts, Hm/Wk (415) 898-7802, tensleyrob@aol.com John Siegel, (408) 234-0442, jasiegel@earthlink.net

Latitude 38 has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information, but please confirm your schedule with your fleet captain and look in the monthly Latitude 38 Race Calendar or on www.latitude38.com for changes. Due to space limitations, not all information could be included.

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