Mahalo nui loa to my outstanding staff, who poured their heart and soul into advocating for our constituents. I have been incredibly blessed with staff who never hesitated to go "above and beyond" to serve our state. L-R: Keahi Renaud, Chief of Staff; Sen. Shimabukuro; Luke Henderson, Legislative Aide; Patrice Tanna, Community Liaison; Sam Peck, Committee Clerk.
Papahana O Kaiona (POK) is a culturally-based alternative educational program for students of the Nänäkuli and Wai‘anae Complex Area school districts. POK students who visited the capitol include: Brianna Joshua, Akena Talley, Kailee Barrett, Precious Vilmaire-Keola-Noble, Prince-Toa Adkins-Talamoa, Tupetele Ofoia, Orty Chuweinuk, Kingzten Samson-Wright, Jeremy Gonzelves-Yap, Wayne Johnson-Fontes, Charlesten Carson-Lyman, Blaze Nakapaahu, Blaydin Reyes, Trista Tiave, Jason Miller. POK teachers include: Danyel Panui, Shannon Bucasas, Ryan Oshita. Nicole Mikes, Kris Ginoza, and Lisa Yahiku-Hiromoto.
• Makana O Ke Akua (GIA): $150,000 for supportive housing in Maili, Ewa, Waipahu, Kalihi, and Waikiki.
• Homeless Support (HB1800): $6.6M for a Behavioral Health Crisis Center and Supportive Housing Services.
• Short-Term Rentals (SB2919): Clarifies that uses that include the provision of transient accommodations are not considered residential uses and may be phased out or amortized by the counties.
• Zoning Exemptions (HB2090): Beginning 1/1/2025, allows residential uses in areas zoned for commercial use to be considered permitted under certain circumstances.
• Clean and Sober Homes (SR53): Urging DOH to convene an informal working group to assess the registration and monitoring of all group living facilities as described in section 46-4(D) HRS, including clean and sober homes.
• Second Access (HB1800): $3.45M to open the locked portion of Paakea Road to create a parallel route for daily use.
• Ka Waihona o ka Naauao PCS (HB1800): $1M for an emergency access road
• Highways (HB1800): $3.9M for maintenance; $5M stored property and debris removal; $1.2M Google Safety Analytics to collect data needed to develop safety strategies.
• Slow Lane (SB2819): Requires vehicles traveling ten miles per hour or more below the posted speed limit on a two-lane highway, behind which five vehicles are formed in a line, to pull over where possible to let the trailing vehicles pass or overtake.
• School Buses HB1800): $18M for DOE school bus contracts.
• UHWO Carport (HB1800): $5M for plans, design and construction for a PV carport.
I really enjoyed meeting with the bright and inquisitive Youth of the Year participants from our Nänäkuli & Wai‘anae Boys and Girls Clubs. Nänäkuli Clubhouse youth: Ladayna Aranas, and Wai‘anae Clubhouse youth: Cecilia ‘Ceci’ Teixeira, and Shayda and Shaycee Fernandez; were accompanied by staff members: Kristle Jury-Hale and Tiana Wilbur (Wai‘anae Clubhouse); and Kekoa
• HI Promise Community College Scholarships (HB1800): $3.7M
• Nursing (HB1800): $1M and 6.5 positions for UHM-UHWO collaboration.
• Early Childhood Learning (HB1800): $180,910 for 2 positions as UHWO
• Community Colleges (HB1800): $100M CIP, R&M, and deferred maintenance.
• Hawaiian Homes (SB3109): $129M Re-authorized for DHHL Act 279 funding.
• Na Kama Kai (GIA): $150,000 for operating funds.
• Ulu Ae (GIA): $225,000 for intersession and after school program in Kapolei, which focuses on Hawaiian culture and place-based learning.
• Polynesian Voyaging Society (GIA): $100,000 in operating funds.
• Burial Sites Protection (SB2591): Imposes a fine on any private landowner that fails to disclose or record with the Bureau of Conveyances, or in documents used to offer real property for sale, the existence of burial or archaeological sites on their property that the landowner knew or should have known of. Requires fines collected to be deposited into the Hawai‘i Historic Preservation Special Fund.
• Limu (SCR67 / SR55): Urging the Legislature to preserve, protect, and restore Native Hawaiian limu.
• Hawaiian Language (SR56): Requesting businesses in Hawaii to use Hawaiian language. Requesting DOE to develop and implement education programs to teach employees Hawaiian and hire permanent Hawaiian language teachers.
Rep. Gates honored Fred “Pops” Pereira, who founded the Wai‘anae Boxing Club in 1972. Pereira is a 2019 Golden Gloves of America Coach Hall of Fame inductee. In 2004, when the Wai‘anae Boxing Club brought home its first World Championship title belt, Pereira said “I felt like I was 10 feet tall. I love what I am doing. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I didn’t have this. I don’t know why Wai‘anae produces so many good fighters. Maybe Jesus is helping me a lot because he sees what I’m doing and thinks that it is good. I’m 86 years old now. I don’t know if I’m leaving a legacy, but I know that I sure am enjoying myself.”
• Westside Strikers (GIA): Boxing club which promotes physical health and selfesteem ($50,000).
• Elepaio Social Services (GIA): Emergency food warehouse at WCCHC’s Food and Social Services Campus. This will continue efforts to increase resiliency and address persistent issues of food insecurity ($800,000).
• Clean Beaches (SB2322): Requires DOH to continue water sampling and analysis of Tier 1 beaches during brown water advisories, with certain exceptions and under certain conditions.
• Menstrual Products (HB1800 / SB3000): Requires DAGs to provide menstrual products at no cost in specified restrooms in public buildings maintained by the department ($400,000).
Tupua (NFL YET Nänäkuli Clubhouse). NHIS ‘Ölelo students and staff visited the Captiol on Opening Day.• Kamaile Academy (HB1800): $3.4M for new classroom building, play ground, parking, irrigation, fencing, etc.
• Nänäikapono Elementary (HB1800): $85,000 for sprinkler, landscaping, maintenance, etc.
• Nänäkuli Elementary (HB1800): $2M for Basketball court, cameras, sprinkler, repairs, etc.
• NHIS (HB1800): $9M for performing arts center.
• Waiÿanae Elementary (HB1800): $1.25M for parking lot expansion
• Wai‘anae Intermediate School (HB1800): Shaded playcourt to provide a recreation area for students ($3M).
• Kaiapuni Education (HB2074): $3.5M to DOE for Kaiapuni programs, 3 education curriculum specialists II, and 10 classroom teachers.
• Teacher Licensing (SB2257): Authorizes the HI Teacher Standards Board to consider qualified individuals with at least an associate's degree or high school diploma with comparable education and coursework, industry experience, and content expertise to teach career and technical education courses.
• Food Services (SB3091): $20M for DOE food service operations.
NHIS “Scrappahz Union” students visited the Capitol. Front Row: Makamae Maae, Kumu Nani Gina Peterson, Benjamen Malabey, Marley Marandie, Kelsie Naki, Kanoelani Torres, Kumu Sibley.Second Row: Naehu Kipi, Pumehana Sarol-Silva, Kumu Pieper, Jhanz Kaawa-Kawai, Senator Shimabukuro, Destin Aholeleli, Calsyanna Gonzalez, Janieve Flemina, Raniya McCabeThird Row: Jeremiah Magallones, Malia Felisi-Enriquez, Jenna Ku, Nicholas Kaai Kala, Kawehi Magallones-Kekikoa, Kamryn Titcomb, Ledayna Aranas. Back Row: Carolyn Vike-Sena, Jezeree Ioane, Pai'ea Paaluhi, Jonah Torres and Kaleo Gomes
• Mäkaha Learning Center (GIA): $135,000 for renewable energy and construction trades job training program.
• Mäkua Management (SB1258): Requires DLNR to develop and implement a management system for the Kaena point state park, Mäkua and Keawaula sections.
• Cesspools (HB2743): Authorizes counties to designate sewer improvement districts; establish a cesspool closure and mitigation special fund; and issue grants and low-interest loans to property owners.
As a Kahu at Ka‘ala Learning Center, Uncle Butch Detroye has ignited countless sparks of interest in youth to connect with the ‘äina and embrace the spirit of aloha in all their endeavors. His wife, Charmaine Mapuana “Pua" DetroyeMokuau, was a pure Hawaiian, revered for her dedication as a lifeguard and her enthusiastic devotion to Hawaiian culture. The Legislature cherishes Uncle Butch as a beloved hulu kupuna, honors his legacy, and extends to him our sincerest appreciation and admiration.
• MA’O Organic Farms (GIA): $50,000 for land clearing of 30+ acres of agricultural land, a crucial step towards amplifying the production of high quality, local organic produce.
• Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (HB2546): Allows for the use of fine meshed nets for the protection of plants against invasive species, under certain conditions.
• Da Bux (HB1800): $1.5M for providing a 50% discount on local produce for SNAP shoppers.
• Aquaculture (SCR29 /SR19): Urging DOA to support efforts to improve the aquaculture development program strategic plan
• Community Gardens (SR186): Requesting DAGS and DLNR to work with the City and County of Honolulu to establish community gardens on underutilized public land.
• Fire Prevention (DLNR Grant): Fire fighting dipping wells in Wai‘anae Coast valleys, which will enhance resilience to wildfires ($500,000).
• Sex Trafficking Establishments (SB2758): Authorizes civil claims to be made against a business, owner of a business, or operator of a business that profits from sexual exploitation.
• Ammunition Possession (SB2845): Prohibits selling ammunition to a person under 21. Prohibits a person under 21 from owning, possessing, or controlling ammunition, with exceptions.
• Dangerous Dogs (HB2058): Establishes the offense of negligent failure to control a dangerous dog. Beginning 7/1/2025, establishes provisions regarding the designation of dangerous dogs, requirements for owners of dangerous dogs, and impoundment of dangerous dogs.
• Ceasefire item: (SCR13 / SR6) Urging the President of the United States and members of Hawaii's Congressional Delegation to support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.
L-R: Navy Master Sergeant Justin Kaahanui, Lena Suzuki, Sen. Shimabukuro and Rep. Gates.
• Sex Assault (SB2439): Extends the statute of limitations for civil actions brought by adults subjected to sexual offenses after June 2012 for a two-year period. Allows a claim to be brought against legal entities if there is a finding of gross negligence. Authorizes a court to award attorney's fees to a defendant when an accusation of sexual abuse was made with no basis in fact and with malicious intent.
• Fire Marshal (SB2085): Establishes the Office of the State Fire Marshal, to be headed by a State Fire Marshal.
• Juvenile Justice (SCR213 / SR189): Requesting the Office of the Administrative Director of the courts to collect, compile, and share data on the assessment of fees, court costs, fines and restitution in cases against minors.
• Cost of Living (HB2404): Reduces the tax burden on working families by approximately 71% over time, by adjusting tax brackets and the standard deduction alternately every other year through 2031.
L-R: Family friend, Shelly Enos; mother, Karen Young; son, Keani; and Sen. Shimabukuro.
After much soul-searching, I have decided to resign from my State Senator position, effective May 31, 2024. It has been an amazing journey, and such a privilege, to serve as an elected official since 2002.
I could not have done my job without the tireless support of the amazing staff I have had over the years. My current Chief of Staff, Keahi Renaud; and Community Liaison, Patrice Tanna; are truly my “right and left hands.” My current session staff, Sam Peck and Luke Henderson, give me great faith in our young generation.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank all of my fellow legislators, capitol staff, passionate advocates, constituents, and of course my family and friends, for all the support, teamwork, mentorship, and camaraderie that you have gifted me over these past 22 years.
I am so proud of the many things we
have accomplished together, such as, the Nänäkuli contraflow lane; MA‘O Organic Farms’ expansion; buildings for Searider Productions, LCC Wai‘anae Moku, Papahana O Kaiona, E Ala Voyaging Canoe, Na Kama Kai, and Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center, to name a few. Bills such as legalizing paiai, extending the statute of limitations for sex abuse victims, eliminating the reconstructed car inspection, transfer on death deeds, prohibiting the removal of sand from our shorelines, beach brown water testing, and requiring counties to maintain DHHL infrastructure, will have a tremendous positive impact on the generations to come.
Fortunately, the Wai‘anae Coast is in very good hands, under the excellent leadership of Representatives Cedric Gates and Darius Kila. I will continue to work with them to push for initiatives to improve the district and our state as a whole.
After my departure, I look forward to tending to my mother and son, spending time with family and friends, focusing on my legal services work, volunteering for nonprofits, and enjoying the healing powers of nature and the ocean.
Thank you again for providing me with the immense privilege of serving you.
A hui hou,
Senator Maile Shimabukuro
Rep. Gates and Sen. Shimabukuro watched a thrilling and victorious NHIS basketball game. After the game, NHIS team members presented honorary certificates to teachers. Wai‘anae Moku Kupuna Council has been urging the military and other officials to support a secondary access for the Wai‘anae Coast in the wake of the Lahaina fire.HŪLŌ, HŪLŌ, HŪLŌ !!
We had the honor and pleasure of confirming on to the Kaua’i Burial Council, Mr. Wayne Harada, in the Senate.
He has an eclectic cultural background working with Kanuikapono Public Charter School as their kumu of Hawaiian cultural practices and knowledge. Kumu Harada is also a Kumu of ‘Ōlelo Hawai’I, hula, fishing, and farming. This helps to build a cultural core of his teaching style which grounds his haumāna to both the ‘āina and their ancestors.
As an educational and cultural leader, we have nothing but the utmost confidence to be an effective and valuable member of the Kaua’i Burial Council ~ Senator Maile
I had motivated LAHAINA STRONG members wanted to advocate for their island of Maui on their ongoing struggle to recover and flourish.
They are looking for legislators to advocate for SB2919 which establishes county-level control for zoning ordinances controlling short-term rentals (transient accommodations). This will help provide more affordable homing options for many displaced by the fire. ~ Maile