Bruin AdTeam Snapple Plans Book 2016

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Campaign Overview


Creative Strategy


Research Methods




Competitive Landscape




Consumer Insights




The Strategy


Measures of Success


Media Strategy



executive summary Since Snapple began bottling the Best Stuff on Earth in New York almost 50 years ago, they have become a beloved part of life in the Northeast and a recognized brand nationwide. Despite the loyalty of Snapple’s “Heartland” regional buyers, the brand has struggled to grow top-of-mind brand awareness in the rest of the country. In Snapple’s recent campaign, “New Yorkers Love Snapple,” the brand encouraged people to like Snapple simply because New Yorkers did. Our challenge is to extend this connection organically to Snapple newcomers in the Non-Heartland, while maintaining our nostalgic appeal in the Northeast. After conducting thorough research on Snapple’s brand perception nationwide, we were able to properly segment our target demographic into “Practical Buyers” and “Brand Buyers.” Practical Buyers determine their product preferences through a cost/benefit analysis, while Brand Buyers evaluate a product based on how heavily the brand’s identity aligns with their own. Our strategy remains consistent for Practical Buyers because they simply value


the product itself, and the product remains consistent nationwide. However, we target Brand Buyers in the Heartland and Non-Heartland differently. In order to effectively engage these distinct groups, we created a dual-strategy campaign: “Snap into the Moment.” Our creative approach emphasizes being present in the current moment by savoring life’s simple joys. We target the two regions by emphasizing brand nostalgia in the Heartland, and new adventures to those in the NonHeartland. This dual strategy will increase brand relevance by 22% in the Heartland and grow top-of-mind brand awareness by 16% in the Non-Heartland. “Snap into the Moment” is centered around our belief that Snapple is made from more than just The Best Stuff on Earth.



campaign overview brand history

In 1972, Snapple was introduced as an all-natural apple juice in New York. Since then, the company has dramatically increased its geographic presence and diversity of beverage options. Snapple’s unique brand identity has remained consistent as it has climbed to its position at the forefront of the beverage market.

campaign objectives

Develop a research-based dual strategy to guide our creative executions

Create a campaign that successfully targets both the Heartland and Non-Heartland consumer segments and promotes Snapple’s unique brand identity

the specifics

Optimize consumer interaction with traditional and digital media as well as guerrilla executions in order to increase brand relevance

the challenge

Grow brand relevance and purchase frequency (9x-10x) in the Heartland Increase top-of-mind brand awareness and purchase frequency (1x-3x) in the Non-Heartland

Strategic Planning

Increase Snapple sales volume in the U.S. through an integrated marketing campaign that targets Heartland and Non-Heartland consumers with distinct but complementary executions


research methods research objectives • • •

Understand the consumer mindset within the context of purchasing beverages. Define key similarities and differences between consumers in the Heartland and Non-Heartland to effectively segment our target demographic. Determine Snapple’s strongest competitive advantages to distinguish itself in the beverage market.


research strategies • • • • •

182 Man-On-The-Street Interviews 7 Focus Groups 1,137 Survey Responses Brand Association Tests Brand Perception Maps


Created a 19-question survey in order to gather quantitative data regarding consumer behavior and opinions of Snapple and its competitors. The online distribution of the survey allowed for maximum geographic reach, encompassing both consumers from the Heartland and Non-Heartland.

man-on-the-street interviews

Interviewed a wide range of consumers at various convenience stores, malls, and other locations to test top-of-mind brand awareness and brand associations.


survey responses

focus groups

brand association tests Volunteers were asked to match brand identifying characteristics with Snapple and its competitors to determine which of Snapple’s existing attributes currently have the greatest reach and which needs to be featured more heavily in our campaign.

brand perception maps

We asked 86 participants questions based off of preliminary insights from our man-on-the-street interviews regarding their purchasing behaviors, media habits, and feelings toward Snapple.

Participants were shown perceptual maps labeled with two different axes (i.e. edgy vs wholesome, premium vs cheap) and were asked to place Snapple in relation to its competitors based on their perception of the brand.

Strategic Planning


competitive landscape competitors



• • •

Lowbrow Polarizing brand personality Juvenile

• •

Strong social media presence Affordability

• • •

Lack of traditional advertising Non-resealable packaging Never associated with wholesomeness Alienates a more sophisticated audience

Youthful, exciting, creative packaging Word-of-mouth advertising Strong social media presence Price/volume ratio

• •

Low brand awareness Lack of brand identity

Placement in fountain drink machines

• •

Low awareness of bottled options Outdated brand personality

Effective guerrilla marketing (“Be More Tea Festival”) Variety of product lines Longstanding brand presence

• • •

• •

• •

High price Lack of variety

• •


our opportunity Snapple should be positioned as premium yet attainable: it’s superior to most of its competition without being too expensive. As a brand, Snapple’s personality should be quirkier and more fun than “wholesome” brands like Honest or Coke, but more mature than “edgy” brands like Brisk or Sobe.

Health and wellness brand positioning Strong ethical image




Strategic Planning


consumer insights heartland + non-heartland


“I buy drinks when I enjoy the taste and they fit my budget.”





“I already love Snapple - it’s a part of my life and has a strong presence in my community.”

Rationally analyzes product cost against value.

Associates Snapple with traditions and personal nostalgia.

Barrier: Cost-conscious, exhibits rational purchasing behavior, and lacks brand loyalty.

Barrier: Prone to brand fatigue, high familiarity leads to minimal attention paid to Snapple advertisements.

“I’m willing to try Snapple if I can identify with the brand.”

Lacks pre-existing affinity to Snapple, allowing for the development of a fresh brand image. Barrier: Lacks top-of-mind brand awareness, minimal understanding of Snapple’s principles.

pitch Snapple is a premium everyday indulgence, great for personal and group experiences.

Snapple is a culturally relevant brand that surfaces cherished memories and is closely tied to heartland tradition.

Strategic Planning


Snapple is an adventurous and socially conscious brand that appeals to forward-thinking shoppers.

the strategy Made For You. Made From Tradition. Made For The Future. Made From the Best Stuff on Earth. Practical Buyers determine preferences through their own personal cost/benefit analysis. While the thought process of a Practical Buyer transcends regions, that of a Brand Buyer varies from region to region. Therefore, our strategy will diverge with respect to Brand Buyers.




Made For You

Made From Tradition

Made For The Future

Brand Buyers evaluate products subjectively, and their selection process is based heavily on how closely the brand’s identity aligns with their own. Due to the fact that Snapple is a historical and ubiquitous brand in the Heartland, we take a nostalgic approach in our Heartland executions. We grow brand relevance in this region by fostering a sense of tradition both within the community and at the individual level. Instead of targeting Brand Buyers with in-store deals, our “Made From Tradition” strategy emphasizes brand principles, regional nostalgia, and personal sentiment to encourage lifestylebased purchases.

Outside of the Heartland, Snapple is not top-of-mind and consumers lack a pre-existing brand affinity because of its limited presence. Our strategy will highlight Snapple’s values and position it as a forwardthinking brand. By promoting pro-social ethics and values that will build rapport between the brand and its consumer base, we hope to convert High Awareness to Top-Of-Mind Brand Awareness. Furthermore, we will market Snapple as a lifestyle brand associated with adventure and ethos. The “Made For The Future” strategy will engage a new audience by unveiling Snapple as not only a brand with rich history, but one with an exciting future.

Focuses on the tangible features of Snapple products rather than the sentiment they associate with the brand. For this reason, Practical Buyers do not feel a strong affinity to any particular brand, and purchase products on a case-bycase basis by conducting a cost/ benefit analysis. We will target Practical Buyers primarily at the point of purchase, influencing their decision with in-store deals. We will position Snapple as a brand that is individuallyoriented and “Made For You” to assure consumers that Snapple is, objectively, the best brand for them.

Strategic Planning


media strategy Establish. Connect. Grow. The Media Placement Strategy for the 2017 Snapple Marketing Campaign breaks the year down into three segments that build on each other to create a cohesive progression of creative executions. In an attempt to maximize engagement and increase brand relevance, these segments will re-establish and grow the tradition of Snapple within the Heartland while establishing brand awareness and a future for Snapple outside the Heartland.

establish Establish, the first segment of our Media Placement Strategy, runs from January through April and initiates our year-long advertising executions. This portion will see the implementation of our commercial, in-store executions and social media executions. These methods will serve to create a foundational brand awareness of Snapple for consumers outside the Heartland while refreshing Snapple’s image for customers with whom the brand’s image has faded.



Connecting people and their communities with Snapple commences in April and continues through summer’s peak beverage consumption times. The executions begin with transportation-focused ads placed on Gas Pump Televisions, Billboards, Subways, Bus-stops, and the Radio meant to target commuters and families on road trips throughout the summer. A subsequent van tour across the nation, paired with its own web series and grand finale concert in San Diego, CA will further connect people with their community and Snapple.

Growth concludes our campaign and focuses on expanding consumers’ connections to Snapple. Our “Know the Facts” and Instagram campaigns are geared towards generating earned media. These will also be complemented by in-store executions and the conclusion of our Digital and TV ads. These campaigns will work by bolstering sentiment towards Snapple in the Heartland and ingraining it as a new tradition for the future in the non-Heartland. By the end of 2017, our Media Strategy will have elevated the Snapple brand across the nation by making it a company of both tradition and the future.

media markets The major media markets have been chosen based on the size of market respective to their position in the Heartland or Non-Heartland. These markets will help us both reach a large audience for our Out-of-Home, In-Store and Guerrilla executions while executing our dual strategy inside and outside of the Heartland. Heartland Media Markets: New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Hartford, Syracuse, Albany, Washington, D.C./Baltimore Non-Heartland Media Markets: Los Angeles, San Francisco/Oakland, Seattle, San Diego, Denver, Phoenix, Austin, Houston, Dallas/ Ft. Worth, St Louis, Chicago, Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, Columbus, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Detroit, Tampa

Media Planning


creative strategy snap into the moment. the interpretation The best moments are made from people, places, and Snapple. the connection Heartlanders and Non-Heartlanders alike desire a brand that understands where they come from, who they are, and where they’re going. the call to action Become present in your daily moments by savoring life’s simple joys. the execution Our lighthearted campaign celebrates a variety of quirky and spontaneous situations where customers can seize the day by enjoying a Snapple. This increases purchase frequency and showcases the brand’s unique identity. the reaction To ensure that our creative strategy resonates with our target demographic, we held a focus group consisting of both native Heartland and Non-Heartland participants. We presented our creative concept along with several executions, taking careful note of the participants’ questions, comments, and concerns. We utilized their feedback to refine our ideas and strengthen our campaign. Creative


creative snap into the moment: being present by savoring life’s simple joys

Deliverables: Our commercial is about connecting with the moment around you — no matter who you are or what you’re doing. It will feature relatable characters whose moments are joyously transformed through the visual transition from monotone to vibrant full color. Each scene will be tied together by the attention-grabbing pop of a Snapple cap and the lively events that follow. The bright aesthetic, upbeat music, and quirky moments create a familiar feel with a “Snapply” twist.


Establish Jan


Substantiation: The commercial’s images will be familiar to both Heartland and Non-Heartlanders alike, while simultaneously engaging with the three mindsets identified in our consumer insights. Whether they are heavy Snapple users or new to the brand, viewers can appreciate life’s unexpected joys. Viewers attribute the heartwarming and optimistic feelings evoked by these candid moments to the Snapple brand. The ubiquity of the iconic bottle across scenes helps maintain a consistent linkage between Snapple as a premium product and the “Snap into the Moment” lifestyle.




Placement: Our TV placement strategy centers on year-around airings of our commercial as its themes apply to each of the three sections of our Media Strategy. Our selection of shows get high ratings with the target demographic of 18-­49 and draws a diverse audience that will appreciate Snapple’s tone and attitude. Broadcast television ensures a national reach for our campaign, while cable television encompasses a greater variety of programs and allows us to target more specific interest groups.

grow June










many moments. endless possibilities Deliverable: Snapple will implement interactive banner ads on desktop and mobile platforms to captivate users. These interactive ads will showcase characters whose quirky clothing is constantly shifting, while their faces remain static. When viewers click on a character’s outfit, they will be redirected to a Yelp search result page related to the corresponding image. For instance, clicking on a ballerina character will take the viewer to ballet performances in the area, while clicking on the cowboy attire will lead to local horseback riding lessons. Substantiation: The use of interactivity within the ad draws audiences to venture out of their comfort zone. By partnering with Yelp, this execution serves as a liaison to connect users with opportunities to “Snap Into the Moment.” This targets consumers in both the Heartland and Non-Heartland by leading them to search results that encourage viewers to explore their city or try something new. Additionally, these banners are complemented by traditional banner and pre-roll video ads on websites that reach our target demographic. The pre-roll video ads will showcase the “Snap into the Moment” commercial helping to further increase brand awareness and engagement.


Establish Jan





grow June










photo booth

virtual reali-tea

Deliverable: Snapple-themed photo booths will be placed outside select Target stores, featuring a green screen to transport participants into quirky destinations and scenarios. In order to activate the photo booth, people must purchase Snapple and scan the barcode found on each bottle. From space travel to skydiving, each photobooth backdrop will “snap” the user into a unique moment. Pictures will be printed on a traditional photobooth slide, and people will be prompted to enter their email to have the photo and video of their photobooth experience digitally delivered to them. The booths will also feature a “Share on Social Media” option that connects users to multiple platforms, including Facebook and Instagram.

Deliverables: Snapple will launch a Virtual Reality 360° series on Facebook which emphasizes the exploration of iconic American sights. This video will feature major landmarks across the United States such as: the Empire State Building, the Grand Canyon, and the Golden Gate Bridge. Additionally, the Facebook page will feature Instagram posts, web series links, and updates from the van tour to establish a more cohesive social media campaign. Substantiation: Snapple offers people a unique opportunity to explore immersive perspectives, while embodying the “Snap into the Moment” mentality. This stimulates traffic on Facebook, which promotes numerous other Snapple executions and effectively creates buzz around Snapple’s social media platforms. The series will also appear as a sponsored ad.

Substantiation: Each booth is strategically located outside of Target stores, engaging multiple age groups and prompting customers to buy Snapple as a part of their weekly shopping routine. Prominent Snapple and #SnapIntotheMoment logos at each photobooth help to garner further brand recognition. The flow of branded photos to social media also increases the impressions associated with this execution. Additionally, each booth accumulates a large database of emails to reach out to with Snapple promotions and campaign updates.


Establish Jan





grow June









creative fill in the facts Deliverables: Twitter users can submit fill-in-the-blank responses for weekly Snapple Facts. The most creative response will be drafted into a Snapple Cap image shared across Snapple’s Twitter and Facebook, including the contributor’s handle for recognition and shareability.

Substantiation: Fill in the Fact Mad Libs are an easy, quick, and a fun way for followers to interact with Snapple on Twitter. This execution reinforces Snapple’s light-hearted and quirky brand image with “Made for You” users on social media.

Snapple Challenges You Deliverables: Snapple will challenge followers to complete quirky tasks on Instagram. Participants will post picture or video submissions with the #SnapIntoTheMoment hashtag, and then challenge their friends to do the same. Snapple will select the best submissions to be reposted on the brand’s Instagram page.

Substantiation: This execution inspires participants to make any moment a “Snapply” one. These challenges encourage users to engage with the brand personality while creating earned media for Snapple. A strong Instagram execution at the beginning of the year will supplement the launch of the #SnapIntoTheMoment hashtag and connect users with Snapple’s new campaign.

snapple buzz Deliverables: Snapple will partner with Buzzfeed to create sponsored articles featuring interactive quizzes, DIY Snapple projects, and other “Snapply” activities, such as discovering which spontaneous road trip you should take.


Establish Jan





Substantiation: Our research has found that 50% of monthly unique views on Buzzfeed reach the target demographic. The content produced can be shared easily throughout other online social platforms, increasing brand impressions while simultaneously encouraging its viewers to “Snap into the Moment.”

grow June









creative your city, your facts Deliverables: Billboards will display engaging facts relevant to their region of placement. Heartland billboards will celebrate their cities’ heritage and tradition, while Non-Heartland billboards bring the cities’ social-conscious efforts to light. Using a digital billboard, the facts can be updated and modified to keep up with relevant current events. Substantiation: This execution harnesses our dual-strategy by appealing to both the nostalgic Heartlanders and the pro-social Non-Heartlanders. The “Your City, Your Fact” billboards establish a personal connection between Snapple and local communities across the country. Placement: Our billboards will be placed both in the Heartland and other major U.S. cities guaranteeing maximum visibility and impressions.

snapstop Deliverables: Snapple will execute a unique strategy that involves creating an adventurous world around various bus stops. These bus stops will have customized settings such as a jungle or an underwater coral reef to immerse people in different environments.


Establish Jan





Substantiation: Going along with the adventure that the NonHeartland encapsulates, the bus stop ads place pedestrians in an unfamiliar world. It momentarily takes people away from their routine surroundings and every day schedules, motivating them to “Snap into the Moment.”

grow June









creative hear the pop Deliverables: Snapple will write and record two fifteen second radio commercials that will broadcast across the country on local FM radio channels. The Heartland commercial will feature a woman in New York who decides to re-explore her city. The Non-Heartland ad will focus on two children finally appreciating a family road trip. In both ads, the pop of the Snapple will inspire the main characters to “Snap into the Moment.”

Substantiation: Radio commercials provide brand exposure to a wide variety of potential buyers, both in the Heartland and NonHeartland. Listening to Snapple on the radio acquaints listeners with the “Snap into the Moment” mentality when they’re on the go. The Heartland narrative touches on crucial elements of nostalgia, while the Non-Heartland scenario emphasizes adventure and exploration.

snapping across the country Deliverables: Snapple will gather a group of fun, enthusiastic Heartland natives to lead an adventurous Van Tour across the NonHeartland in order to grow Snapple’s relationship with consumers. These Snapple “Vanbassadors” will travel coast-to-coast in a low-emissions van, making thousands of impressions across the country as they get local communities involved in their quirky community service activites. Examples of these adventures include taking a retirement home go-carting, and turning an abandoned lot into a softball field. Substantiation: The Vanbassadors’ interaction with local communities


Placement: The van tour will visit 17 towns and cities throughout the majority of the summer. The tour capitalizes on Snapple’s strong seasonal sales and grows brand awareness throughout the Non-Heartland.


Establish Jan

establishes a deeper connection between the customers’ lives and the Snapple brand. While traveling, the van will act as a driving billboard and spread awareness of the tour to the Non-Heartland. The Vanbassadors’ Snapply personalities are showcased on their Snapchat via the humorous clips and stories that they post. This will help further develop their social media presence and shed light on what Snapple does for the community, while retaining the brand’s wholesome and quirky feel.




grow June










weekly web series:

new york kickoff carnival

“follow the van”

Deliverables: To celebrate the summer and the beginning of the van tour, Snapple will throw a family-friendly carnival in New York City. The carnival will feature food trucks, music, and activities that incorporate Snapple, such as a ring toss onto Snapple bottles and a Snapple factbased trivia competition.

Deliverables: The web series will be a weekly video created by the “Vanbassadors” on their journey across the country. It will be shot and edited by the Vanbassadors themselves, providing a first hand look into what they do in each city. Integration of the web series on Snapple’s website will allow fans to follow the van’s adventures throughout the summer. Additionally, these videos provide weekly opportunities to link to our official commercial, which will also be on YouTube.

Substantiation: This Heartland-centric festival celebrates the region’s decades-long affinity to Snapple. The event also unveils the new Snapple Van to the world and kicks off its nationwide tour across the Non-Heartland. Additionally, catering to families drives larger group purchases and establishes Snapple as a household drink.

Substantiation: This series is designed to familiarize viewers with the Vanbassadors by using longer-lasting social media content. Utilizing Facebook’s autoplay feature, this execution increases engagement rates within our target demographic. Videos on YouTube will be two to four minutes long, highlighting the adventures of the Vanbassadors and their efforts to engage local communities. This program aims to rekindle the nostalgia and adventure of road trips, targeting both Heartland and Non-Heartland buyers.

Placement: The festival will take place in New York’s Washington Square Park. The event will occur in the start of the summer, immediately before the Snapple Van departs and begins its tour across the country.


Establish Jan





grow June










click into Deliverables: Snapple will post all updates and information about the Summer Van Tour and the Soundwaves Music Festival on the homepage of the website. There will be a multitab layout similar to the current website design, with the addition of a tab specifically reserved for the van tour and festival. The tour page will include an interactive map that tracks the van’s route and will allow users access to 17 unique city microsites. Lineup information for the festival and ticketing portal will be released exclusively on Snapple’s website.

Substantiation: All major social media outlets for both the brand and the “Vanbassadors” are referenced on the website to encourage cross promotion and higher user engagement. Releasing the lineup for the Soundwaves Music Festival exclusively on the website, coupled with the ticket portal, not only generates traffic from around the country, but also redirects visitors to the other informational tabs. The interactive map allows fans to track the trip all summer long, helping to build city pride and gain traction for the Vanbassadors along their route.


] ny

Deliverables: Snapple will set up an open frame in New York City’s Central Park. By using this local hotspot, Snapple will invoke a sense of pride amongst natives of the city while reestablishing brand awareness. Whether it’s taking a picture, walking through the frame, or simply admiring its colorful design, Snapple encourages its audience to “Snap into the Moment” through a new-framed perspective.


Establish Jan





Substantiation: The frame highlights a local spot and reminds the public of their city’s unique environment. Engaging with #SnapIntotheMoment will boost traffic to Snapple’s social media channels and will successfully generate earned media. Placement: This installation will appear in Central Park during Memorial Day Weekend.

grow June









creative snapple presents:


Deliverables: Soundwaves is the culmination of the Snapple Van Tour on August 5, 2017. This summer festival will take place on the beach in San Diego with free admission after presenting a Snapple bottle upon entrance. Local music artists will be showcased throughout the day before headliners, Vampire Weekend and Pharrell, take the stage at night.

Substantiation: Soundwaves celebrates summer, shared moments, and reconnecting the country with Snapple. A live stream of the festival on will drive traffic to the website and allow people from across the country to experience the fun. Featured artists connect the Southern California community and well-known headliners embody the upbeat brand image and appeal to the target demographic.

snap into the festival Deliverables: A Snapchat Live Story during the Soundwaves festival will showcase highlights from the van tour and moments submitted by people at the festival. The story will be featured on the main page of Snapchat for users across the nation to engage with the event and tour.

Substantiation: The Soundwaves Story connects the live audience with Snapchat viewers from across the country, implementing user-generated content to give everyone access to the full festival experience. Highlighting clips from the Web Series brings awareness of the tour to a larger audience, and celebrates the best moments from the summer road trip.

groundbreaking perspectives Deliverables: Snapple will install floor decals in grocery stores to encourage passing shoppers to “Snap into the Moment.� These floor decals will illustrate vivid images of adventurous moments or iconic Heartland spots in a 3D perspective. Possible images could include perspectives from the top of a roller coaster or the peak of the Empire State Building.


Establish Jan





Substantiation: By incorporating exaggerated artistic perspectives, consumers are drawn to our distinctive floor decals. Their in-store placement and diversity of graphics ensure this execution appeals to Practical Buyers in the Heartland and Non-Heartland alike.

grow June









creative made from the best beats on earth Deliverables: Snapple will sponsor and advertise a summerthemed playlist on Spotify. The playlist will consist of upbeat summer songs, including music from our Soundwaves concert’s headliners, Vampire Weekend and Pharrell. Substantion: Spotify is one of the most frequently streaming services in the U.S. and reaches millions of people daily. We appeal to a broad age demographic across various regions by creating a featured playlist that includes diverse genres of music. Our upbeat playlist brightens listeners’ days and encourages a positive relationship with the Snapple brand. By advertising our playlist on Spotify radio in July, we increase awareness of the playlist and the “Snap into the Moment” campaign before the Soundwaves concert.

youtube mini lessons Deliverables: Snapple will turn 15 second pre-roll ads on YouTube into memorable moments by featuring witty and entertaining informational videos. Viewers will enjoy short lessons that will vary from learning classic tap dance moves to teaching your dog to “shake.” A voiceover will introduce the featured lesson, and the ad will end with a “Snap into the Moment” splash screen. Substantiation: Unexpected, yet useful, lessons encourage viewers to make the most of the brief moment before their video plays. Entertaining content makes these cheerful snippets worth watching over and over again, connecting viewers with a Snapple moment. This execution is especially appealing to our “Made for the Future” Non-Heartland brand buyers because it embraces the spirit of constantly learning new things and having novel experiences.


Establish Jan





grow June










picture perfect

storefront fun

Deliverables: Print advertisements in Heartland subways will feature scenes depicting people from eras past riding the subway while drinking Snapple. The scenes will be shown on the walls of the subway train and will focus on subway life in past decades in Heartland cities. Substantiation: Print advertisements will effectively target multiple demographics that ride the subway. These subway riders are already familiar with the brand, so the historic images serve to reinforce Snapple as a part of Heartland culture. The playful contrast between past and present subway environments targets “Made from Tradition” Heartland brand buyers by touching on nostalgic undertones. The advertisement will also encourage potential consumers to #SnapIntoTheMoment by demonstrating how Snapple inspires you to engage with the people around you.

Deliverables: Outside of select Target stores, Snapple representatives will run a contest for customers who buy a six-pack of Snapple. They will be eligible to play a plinko board game and win a prize; the prizes will include Snapple coupons, brand merchandise, and a grand prize VIP ticket for the Soundwaves concert. Substantiation: Grocery store contests have extremely high engagement rates that will boost Snapple purchases for at-home consumption. The representatives, through their activities, will help Non-Heartlanders gain a personal connection to the brand. With a variety of possible prizes, the plinko boards incentivize grocery shoppers to purchase Snapple and “Snap into the Moment” by spontaneously participating in a game while going about their daily routine.

discover what’s snappening Deliverables: Snapple will partner with publishers such as Timeout, Billboard, and Upworthy to create native ads that promote the “Snap into the Moment” lifestyle. These platforms will connect Snapple with a new, diverse audience. The articles will feature the interests of our demographic, some activities include: exploring different cities, discovering new music, and making an impact on social issues. Substantiation: Our strategically placed articles interact with consumers by providing content that aligns with their interests. Each article’s core message helps strengthen brand awareness and fosters positive associations with the product. connect

Establish Jan





grow June










know the facts

takeover tuesday

Deliverables: Over the course of four months, we will release special codes on the back of five million Snapple caps that can be redeemed on for a sponsored donation to a charity. Each code will have a random value ranging from $1 to $500. Consumers will choose to direct their donation towards the organization of their choice. The organizations will be introduced on the website with a unique fact, tailored to highlight the positive difference they are making in the world.

Deliverables: Over the course of ten weeks, ten different Instagram influencers will take over the official Snapple account for a week at a time. Influencers will be highly recognizable, creative content producers with strong social media presences. Influencers will extend from visual artists, photographers, and dancers, to chefs and extreme athletes. Each influencer’s specific talent will uniquely incorporate Snapple into their work, maximizing engagement to a diverse audience.

Substantiation: Our endorsement of charitable causes builds brand affinity by giving consumers the opportunity to engage with Snapple in an altruistic way. A nationwide charity campaign earns Snapple significant media attention regardless of whether or not all consumers choose to donate. The cap-to-online donation process brings new traffic to, and builds loyalty in “Made for the Future” consumers.

Substantiation: A partnership with social media influencers embodies Snapple’s brand personality through a new perspective and exposes the influencer’s followers to the brand. The creative content will paint Snapple as a lifestyle brand that appeals to both Heartland and Non-Heartland Brand Buyers. Artists emphasize how they live in the moment through their own lens; these take-overs will help expand viewership, drive traffic to Snapple’s Instagram account, and grow brand awareness.

pins with snapple Deliverables: Snapple’s new Pinterest account will feature a variety of boards to highlight the objects and moments that are better with Snapple. People can explore boards that will vary from meal inspiration to up-cycling projects and outdoor summer activities.


Establish Jan





Substantiation: A strong Pinterest execution capitalizes on the target 30-year-old and family-based demographics. Integrating Snapple with the consumer’s daily life and emphasizing the iconic bottle makes the brand a part of the home and special family moments.

grow June









Media Planning





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$1,200,000.00 $3,437,500.00

Digital Youtube Homepage Takeover “Youtube Mini Lessons”


“Made from the Best Beats on Earth” Spotify Playlist

$2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $89,750.00 $660,000.00 $1,498,400.00 $1,500,000.00

$5,067,640.00 -$31,170,780.00 $2,380,000.00 $1,426,834.50 $1,200,000.00

“Groundbreaking Perspectives” - Grocery

“Picture Perfect” - Photo Booth

“Storefront Fun” - Snapple Plinko Board

“summer sweet trivia challenge”

$3,500.00 $5,000.00

“New York Kickoff Carnival” - Van Kickoff Agency Production Commission Measures of Success and Contingency Total

$656,560.00 $5,000,000.00 $743,440.00 $2,843,131,892.50 $50,000,000.00 *There will be periodic posts on Snapple’s Social Media Accounts apart from these executions throughout the year.

$1,000,000.00 $20,013.00


“Snapple Presents: Soundwaves”

$18,000.00 $750,000.00


“I [Frame] NY” Snapple Frame

“Snapping Across the Country”


$2,976,786.00 $0.00 $0.00 $70,600.00 $1,708,000.00 $500,000.00 $100,000.00 $6,000.00 $8,614.00

$496,664,097.00 $6,077,760.00 $779,200.00 $1,266,200.00 $143,419,469.00 $15,000,000.0 0 $7,483,733.00 $3,600,000.00 $3,456,550.00

Social Facebook (Executions + Sponsored) Twitter “Snapple Challenges You” - Instagram “Take Over Tuesdays” - Instagram Instagram Sponsored “Snap into the Festival” - Snapchat Festival “Snapple Buzz” - Buzzfeed “Follow the Van” - Weekly Web Series “Pins with Snapple” - Pinterest Partnerships and In-store “Know the Facts” Social Charitable Partnership Partnership with WALMART




“Discover What’s Snappening” - Native Ads

$3,187,035.00 $2,258,024.00 $350,000.00

$81,319,270.00 $151,700.00

Traditional Banner and Video Paid Search




“Hear the Pop” - Radio Commercial

“Many Moments, Endless Possibilities” Interactive Banner Ad

$1,245,000.00 $1,357,028.00

“People of the S-Line” - Subway Ads “Snap Stop” - Bus Stop Ads Radio

$850,000.00 $550,000.00

$384,868,421.00 $6,036,750,000.00 $449,030,580.00 $389,159,798.00

“Your City, Your Facts” - Billboard Ads













“Fuel up with Snapple” - Gas pump Television












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y r a u

Common Strategy


Tv “Snap Into the Moment” Commercial Out of Home


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Flowchart Common Strategy-PRESSED


media placement budget $9,130,000











Partnerships & In-store








Contigency & Measures of Success

$50,000,000 Total

out-of-home Billboards, Transportation Ads, and Gas Station Televisions help brand Snapple as an “on the go” beverage for a road trip or a commute. Billboards and Gas Pump Televisions will reach a national audience in the top­-25 Media Markets and will provide repeated exposure in the large, commuter demographic. Gas Pump Televisions are especially effective due to high engagement rate, monthly viewership, and close proximity to point­-of­ purchase. Transportation advertisements will be placed on Subways in New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. and Bus­Stops in major Non­-Heartland media markets. This will help grow national brand relevance and increase top­-of-­mind awareness when consumers face future purchase decisions.

television Our TV placement strategy centers on year­ round airings of our commercial as its themes apply to each of the three sections of our Media Strategy. Our selection of shows get high ratings with the target demographic of 18­-49 and draws a diverse audience that will appreciate Snapple’s tone and attitude. Broadcast television ensures a national reach for our campaign, while cable television encompasses a greater variety of programs and allows us to target more specific interest groups.

We will buy 30-second spots on the following shows: •

Broadcast Primetime: NFL Sunday Night Football, Empire, The Big Bang Theory, Scandal, Gotham, NCIS, Law and Order: SVU

Broadcast Late Fringe: Tonight

Trevor Noah, Conan, Watch What Happens, Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore, Rick and Morty, Family Guy, American Dad

Cable Primetime: The Walking Dead, Talking Dead, Better Call Saul, Sportscenter, American Horror Story, WWE Monday Night Raw, Tosh.0

Cable Fringe: Daily Show with

Media Planning


Summer Broadcast: America’s Got Talent, The Bachelorette, Celebrity Family Feud, MasterChef, Last Comic Standing, The Big Bang Theory -r,

Show with Jimmy Fallon, Saturday Night Live, Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel Live

Hollywood Game Night

Summer Cable: Love and Hip­ Hop Atlanta, Naked and Afraid XL, Deadliest Catch, Duck Dynasty, The Last Ship, Rizzoli & Isles, Suits

media placement social


Our strategy for social is to advertise on Facebook, Instagram, Buzzfeed, Snapchat and Pinterest. We believe that these platforms fit extremely well with our target demographic of 18­-49. Social media advertising comes either in the form of sponsored posts on Facebook and Instagram and in content that is generated for Snapple’s own social media accounts. Advertising on social media is particularly effective and engaging due to its low CPM/CPC and large reach. The sharable content and involvement of users in the executions will also create earned media.

Radio targets commuters in their cars, with the highest times of activity being weekdays during morning and afternoon drives. Afternoon drives occur every weekday from 3 PM to 7 PM and this time is ideal for advertising because it reaches consumers with a high likelihood to be either grocery shopping or approaching a point of purchase. To reach our target demographic, we will be advertising on contemporary, Top 40, and alternative radio stations during these peak times in the summer months.

in-store + partnerships


In-Store activations help increase sales and brand recall by targeting shoppers at point of purchase. Executions are meant to boost sales in summer and when people are less likely to buy a Snapple in the winter. Our partnership with Walmart will feature Snapple on endcaps, a strategy proven to increase sales by 98% and also feature the Photo Booths and Snapple Stations art select stores. These executions provide an additional incentive at point of purchase and help build inventory of emails to send coupons later. Our year ends with a social partnership through the Know the Facts campaign, meant to bolster our “grow” media strategy and also be a source of earned media.

Our guerrilla events are critical for our “Connect” phase as they create the most personal interaction with the brand. The events center around a Van Tour, starting the weekend before Memorial Day with a Kickoff Carnival and culminates at the Snapple Soundwaves Concert in San Diego. These events will generate a large number of impressions and strengthen the personal connection between Snapple and the consumers. For instance, the concert admission price is a bottle of Snapple, effectively driving trial with new consumers in the Non­-Heartland. After the Van Tour departs, Snapple Frames will continue to engage our Heartland consumers. Our guerilla events will be further strengthened through their sharable nature, generating earned media.

digital Banner and video ads, along with native ads and paid search, will be placed on both desktop and mobile platforms to maximize engagement. We will reach a broad consumer base by focusing on websites across a variety of verticals such as news, sports, entertainment and e-commerce. The effectiveness of these ads will be improved by programmatic buying and sequential retargeting. Additionally, search ads will be implemented at specific points throughout the year, such as the van kickoff, web series, and San Diego concert. This will increase traffic to our website to promote those executions. Our targeted websites will include: • • • • • • •

Amazon CNN ESPN Fandago Huffington Post IMDb

• • • • • • •

Native ads will connect Snapple with ideas of adventure, music, and social consciousness. They will be placed on: • TimeOut • The College Human • Billboard Network • Upworthy • Boston Globe • Business Insider • Grub Street • Thoughtcatalogue • Universal Hub

NBC Target TechCrunch Forbes Yahoo wikiHow Yahoo

Media Planning


measures of success preliminary campaign testing In order to ensure growth in brand relevance amongst heavy users within the Heartland and increased awareness amongst light users in the Non-Heartland, we conducted preliminary tests before and after exposure to the campaign. We analyzed the consumer consideration sets and asked participants for word associations that pertain to Snapple’s personality and products. In the Heartland, we measured an increase in brand relevance from 52% to 74%. After exposure to our campaign, Heartland consumers described Snapple with phrases like “nostalgic” and “family drink,” showing that our executions reconnect consumers to Snapple and grow brand affinity.

Outside the Heartland, we measured an increase in topof-mind brand awareness from 17% to 33%. After exposure to our campaign, Non-Heartland consumers described Snapple with phrases such as “charitable,” “quirky,” and “fun,” demonstrating that our executions illustrate a novel, adventurous, and pro-social brand image for Snapple. When participants were asked to narrow their consideration set from four beverage brands to two, 70% included Snapple in the set, demonstrating our campaign’s success in increasing Brand Relevance.

campaign maintenance QUANTITATIVE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Use Google Analytics including website traffic and click through rates to evaluate online initiatives, specifically the Know the Facts campaign Measure increases in likes, followers, shares/retweets on social media sites and views/subscribers on YouTube Use Nielsen, Kantar and Experian to measure the reach of specific media channels Trace participation of target demographic, especially 30 yr olds in guerrilla and in-store executions Distribute surveys via social media and email marketing


Review comments and feedback on social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube 2. Monitor Media Coverage (TV, Online, and OOH) 3. Conduct pre-tests and post-tests for the campaign in focus groups

Given these maintenance techniques, we have budgeted $700,000 in contingency to make adjustments and further press the most effective platforms of our campaign.

orders & revenue Snapple currently has annual sales of 35 million cases, generating over half a billion dollars in revenue. Our efforts by the end of the campaign will grow Snapple volume in the United States. After conducting pre-tests and post-tests of our campaign along with impressions and engagement rates from eMarketer and Experian, we expect to generate:

Media Planning

$960 MM in revenue with upwards of 60 Million Snapple cases sold. This will meet and likely exceed our goal of growing heavy user buying rate to 9x to 10x per year and light user buying rate from 1x to 3x per year.


sources 1.

Adspender (n.d) from

2. Barakat, Christine. “Cause-Related Marketing and the Millennial Mindset.” AdWeek. AdWeek, 1 Feb. 2016. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. <>. 3. Bennett, Aronte, and Amitav Chakravarti. “The Self and Social Signaling Explanations For Consumption of CSR-Associated Products.” Association for Consumer Research 36.68 (2009): n. pag. Association for Consumer Research, 2009. Web. 15 Jan. 2016. <http://www.>. 4.

“Dr Pepper Snapple Group - History.” Dr Pepper Snapple Group. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. <http://www.drpeppersnapplegroup. com/company/history/>.

5. eMarketer (n.d.) from http://www. Totalaccess.emarketer. com. 6. Experian HitWise (n.d) from marketing-services/marketing-services.html 7.


Freeman, Becky, Bridget Kelly, Louise Baur, Kathy Chapman, Simon Chapman, Tim Gill, and Lesley King. “Digital Junk: Food and Beverage Marketing on Facebook.” American Journal of Public Health 104.12 (2014): n. pag. AJPH. Web. 8 Dec. 2015. <http://ajph.>. Fromm, Jeff. “Five Marketing Lessons For Brands In The Adult Beverage Category.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 28 Oct. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2016. < jefffromm/2014/10/28/five-marketing-lessons-for-brandsin-the-adult-beverage-category/#4d6a7a3e7587>.

9. GSTV (n.d.) from 10. Kantar Media. (n.d.) from http:// www/ nmp?newsess=y.

12. Nielsen Academics. (n.d.) from http://www. 13. Ratcliff, Christopher. “Red Bull vs GoPro: Taking Content Marketing to the Extreme.” Econsultancy. Econsultancy, 8 Sept. 2014. Web. 24 Jan. 2016. < blog/65416-red-bull-vs-gopro-taking-content-marketingto-the-extreme/>. 14. Shimp, Terence A., and J. Craig Andrews. Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications. 9th ed. Mason, OH: Thomson/SouthWestern, 2007. Print. 15. “Snapple Beverage Corporation History.” FundingUniverse. Web. 08 Nov. 2015. <http://www.>. 16. “Snapple Museum of Best Stuff on Earth.” Snapple. Snapple Beverage Corp. Web. 08 Nov. 2015. <http://www.>. 17. “Sustainability Overview.” Dr Pepper Snapple Group, n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. <http://www.drpeppersnapplegroup. com/values/sustainability/>. 18. “Why Transparency Should Matter to Food and Beverage Companies.” Forbes. The Hartman Group, 16 July 2015. Web. 08 Nov. 2015. < thehartmangroup/2015/07/16/why-transparency-shouldmatter-to-food-and-beverage-companies/#56638e827a64>. 19. Zmuda, Natalie. “Coca-Cola Puts Major Marketing Push Behind Fuze.” Advertising Age News RSS. Advertising Age, 20 Aug. 2012. Web. 12 Nov. 2015. < article/news/coca-cola-puts-major-marketing-pushfuze/236765/>. 20. “2015 State of the Market Report.” The Beverage Almanac (2015): 42-43. Statista. May 2015. Web. 1 Nov. 2015. <http://>.

11. Leubsdorf, Ben. “We’re Working More Hours-and Watching More TV.” WSJ. Wall Street Journal, 24 June 2015. Web. 20 Oct. 2015. < articles/were-working-more-hoursand-watching-moretv-1435187603>.



the team account executives

Claire Couch

Caitlin O’Malley

Nicholas Tasato

Strategic planning

Adam Gefkovicz

Jessie Gold

Elizabeth Lehrer

Elizabeth Kim

Julia Seaton

Stan Kuboi

Dora Parnanen


Director: Samuel Valdez

Copy Editor: Emma Bone

Copy Manager: Callaghan Kennedy

Mitchell Bendersky

Maya Bovshow

Charu Chaudhary

Zach Martinucci

Quinn Miller

Harit Muttreja

Monse Ortega



media planning

Director: Rujul Gupta

Copy Editor: Shashvat Somany

Copy Manager: John Malchar

Betty Chen

Kevin Crosson

Amy Ke

Randy Lee

Nicholas Leminh


Director: Deanna Lam

Mai Lee

Koby Otsuka

Tiffany Taimoorazy

Yujin Tsuruo

LeAnn Woo

special thanks Jane Bitar & Michael Suman



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