portfolio bruna paim pasquali unit A | 2013 | sem B
situation United Kingdom London Whitechapel
the site
principal buildings 1/5000
whitechapel station booth house idea store
whitechapel gallery
the royal london hospital
altab ali park aldgate east station
london muslim mosque
uses nearby the site 1/2500
second oor 1/1500
rst oor 1/1500
The Whitechapel Road is characterized by the predominance of service and commerce on the ground floors. The other floors are characterized primarily related services to large number of immigrants living in the area (lawyers, notaries, English courses). It is also possible to find residen al complexes. It’s not possible to iden fy the use of some floors of the buildings just looking from the outside, but probably harbor services or flats.
uses site ground oor 1/1500
residen al restaurants related with immigra on commerce other services uniden fied
the market The Whitechapel street market a racts a en on by the variety of products sold. It is no ced that the goods are returned to the popula on that inhabits the area, currently muslim immigrants. The harmonic mess of colors also draws a en on.The market has the largest ow of people along with Whitechapel sta on.
visual polution 1/2500 The Whitechapel Road is characterized by buildings of three to five floors with a predominance of commerce on the ground floor. The shops that occupy these rooms use signs too flashy, with too many colors and different styles of le ers, genera ng visual pollu on and hiding the old buildings they occupy.
the ow 1/5000 The movement of people is mainly in the area around the Whitechapel sta on and the Whitechapel street market. Predominantly, it is seen more men than women in the street, and usually muslins. But we can see some women in the shops and in the street market. Li le people from outside the area is seeing. The hospital also generates a zone of high flow, but compared to the market/sta on is very small. Nearby the Aldgate East sta on perceive a median concentra on of people. And note that due to the financial center that is nearby the sta on the style of those who pass changes a bit. Nearby the Mosque, the flow increases at mes of worship, but in the rest of the day follows the same line as bit stream across the street. The flow of cars and buses is high throughout the day in Whitechapel Road.
whitechapel station
uses site high flow
the royal london hospital
average flow low flow high flow - whitechapel road
muslim centre aldgate east station
nancial centre
the contrast
The Whitechapel's story shows that the area has always been inhabited by the city's working class. Only in the mid-sixteenth century was recognized as the 'other half' of London (s ll outside the city walls). The local has always suered with problems of poverty and overcrowding. Between 1837 and 1901, the area that already housed poor Englishmen began to receive Irish and Jews immigrants. Currently, the area has received the focus of real estate specula on to be a rac ng ar sts to the region. The contrast between the old buildings and low-rise clashes with the transparency of glass and opponency of the ďŹ nancial center nearby.
brief Whitechapel over the years was and con nues to show as a transi on area, but always maintaining its characteris c of house the working classes and immigrants of the city. This is the main link between the past and present of this region.
Yesterday, Jews and Irish; today, Muslims. By the percep on of daily life, par cularly the Whitechapel Road, it is remarkable that the links between each sector is based on the fundamental values of the culture of the people inhabi ng the place. For example, the street market and the connec on he has with the establishments. And par cularly by the internal stores inside these establishments. And many perceives that the shops are geared towards the use of the local community (immigra on, English courses, lawyers, cultural food restaurants).
Can not be predicted what will be tomorrow's, but the high specula ons of the area suggest that a new transi on can occur. The financial center and the ar s c incen ves to the area are a strong point for further change.
As a conclusion of the research and visits made and based on the ini al brief of a health center, the op on for a mental health center is due to the area be a point of constant change and which was o en forgo en by the rest of city. By the fact the center is for people in need, the shelter just outside the site of the project also influenced this decision. It is inevitable not to think about possible changes that occur due to specula on and also the clash between the financial center and the current situa on of whitechapel is clear. A mental health center, open to all the public in need, crea ng connec ons between the two worlds, will be welcome.
whitechapel mental health centre
group room
reception / waiting area
private rooms
functional programme service entrance
public semi-public private
small kitchen storage relaxing room
silent noisy connections
studies + composition
The first concern was to create a building that would integrate with the site. It was made the checking of the heights of neighboring buildings so it would be possible to create composi onal rela onships with them. Knowing the importance of a threshold, the entry is marked by the projec on of the third floor and by the first floor retreat. Besides marking the entry, it creates a feeling of invita on to entry. Being a small site, however long, the concern with ligh ng and ven la on was evident. For this, light sha s were created allowing
entry of light and crea on of openings for air circula on. Apart from the func onal, they create light beams that fill the atmosphere of the collec ve ac vi es room. The materials used are cement boards and insula on for the walls. Reinforced concrete structure. Openings in aluminum. The work on the facades is made of glass and corten steel, to resemble the tone of bricks. Internally concrete and wood. All materials were designed for the building reflects its me, but for it also integrates itself with the rest of the buildings on the site.
roof plan 1/200
ite Wh
d Roa l e ap
ground oor plan
oad el R
ch hite
entrance 1 reception / waiting area 2 toilet 3 group room 4 service entrance 5 storage 6 small kitchen 7
3 4
5 7
rst oor plan
oad el R
ch hite
private rooms 8 ofce 9
second oor plan
oad el R
ch hite
relaxing room 10
Whitechapel Road
section A 1/100
tech section 1/20 All materials were designed for the building reects its me, but for it also integrates itself with the rest of the buildings on the site.
cement boards
insola on
openings in aluminum
facades glass
corten steel
ous board apparent
reinforced concrete structure
elevation 1/200
context perspective
the different views of the building
third oor corridor + roof shaft + side shafts
collective activity room + light shafts
axonometric of structural system