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The Pharma Report

Sponsored Supplement

Strategy's 5th annual Pharma Report shines a spotlight on how agencies are innovating and helping brands rede�ine the healthcare marketing space. Share how your company plays an integral role.

Commitment deadline: July 25

To book your spot contact Neil Ewen at newen@brunico.com


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Responsible Packaging

See what global trailblazers are doing when it comes to more sustainable packaging solutions.

The Future of Retail

Our experts weigh in on the factors they think will have the greatest influence on retail in the next five to ten years.

Data and Privacy

Marketers and media agency execs gather to discuss how some of their new, cookie-less approaches have fared.

4 Editorial Can we really predict the future?

• 6 Upfront Filling in our blind spots, making really good ice cream and dealing with the impact of a greying population

• 30 Pepsi celebrates 125 years with a brand refresh (and Cheetos has a birthday, too)

• 62 Hall of Marketing Gold Welcome three new inductees!

• 64 Forum Seriously. Stop wasting time.

ON THE COVER: What will the retail space of the future look like? Well, that's a tough call. It's always hard to predict the future. Weren't we promised jet packs and flying cars at some point...?

But, at least when it comes to retail, you can look to the trends and factors that will likely have the biggest influence. Think of things like demo shifts, scarcity, inclusivity, universal brandscapes and AI. But, yeah, I still want my jet pack, dammit. Don't think I forgot about that. (Cover illustration by Tom Froese.)


Canada's top agencies show how advertising can have a meaningful impact on the world, while building brand equity and business.

SPONSORED SUPPLEMENT 33 Status quo doesn’t cut it anymore. Just look at how Canada’s top brands approach marketing to see how much has changed. But how to achieve that next level? This year’s A-List is cross- section of agencies have proven their creativity and innovation strength on the awards circuit show how advertising can have a meaningful impact on the world, while building brand equity and business.

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