An Important Early New England Collection | Session I Taking the High Road
reference books like the Nutting book that started it all, anything that could communicate or draw a link to the human element of a given piece was prized beyond measure, especially the ability to link it back to a specific craftsman. It made the pieces more than just constructions of dead wood. As such, the Vander Sande collection boasts an impressive number of pieces with known, historic makers, and in some cases a chronological series of pieces that allow one to see how a single person’s craft evolved in style and skill over their lifetime.
Finding such acute enjoyment in that facet of their collection is perhaps why it became so all-encompassing. John and Marie would talk about their passion in the car and over coffee, and read books on the subject to each other before turning in for the night. While their home was full of the fruits of their collecting, Marie was quick to say “We didn’t live in a museum, though some thought we did. We raised a family there.” They emphasized the human element, using their prizes as they were designed to be used, rather than simply displaying them. Together, the Vander Sandes accrued a collection of practically everything one could expect a household of the time period by which they were so enamored to have. From furniture of the Pilgrim Century, William and Mary, and Queen Anne periods, to Bellarmine, Westerwald, Staffordshire, and Delft ceramics, to candlesticks and glass, to needlework and jewelry caskets; Their 17th century house on High Road in Newbury, Massachusetts, with its wide plank floors and open hearth, was a living time capsule, the perfect showcase and the epitome of a New England home from the 17th and 18th centuries.
Within this lovingly curated collection, John’s favorites included 17th century case pieces and chests, Ipswich furniture, particularly that of Thomas Dennis, and North Essex furniture. Marie fondly remembers a shared favorite, a spice box from the late 1600s. Likewise, Marie envisions her husband, in Heaven, speaking animatedly to the craftsmen he so appreciated and the experts he learned from about their shared love of the field and passion for each-other’s work. We hope you take this sale as an opportunity to do the same, and write yourself into the next chapter of the history of these storied pieces.
March 12, 2025
Asheville, North Carolina auction starts at 10:00 am preview by appointment see our website for full catalog
Early English Delft Bowl with Blue and Manganese Decoration probably London, 17th century, deep bowl with flared rim, white ground with blue stylized foliate decoration, with beige glazed exterior, 4-1/2 x 12 x 12 in., surface dirt, scattered glaze voids throughout, significant losses to glaze at rim, approximately 4-1/2 in. vertical crack through body, pinholes and other firing anomalies, very thin firing separation at foot
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
English Delft Blue and White Charger probably London, circa 1700, shallow footed charger, white ground with blue geometric swirl pattern, central helix and concentric semicircular arcs, border of interlocking crescents, 3 x 13-1/4 x 13-1/4 in., surface dirt, scattered glaze voids throughout, pinholes and firing anomalies, extensive crack from rim around foot, with repair at rim (see blacklight photos), restoration to rim
Provenance: Woolley & Wallis April 26-27, 2023, lot 232 sold for £1,800; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
Similar example pictured in English Delftware in the Bristol Collection by Frank Britton pg. 52 fig. 3.2.
English Delft Adam and Eve Charger probably Bristol or London, late 17th/early 18th century, shallow footed charger, white ground with blue, green, and yellow decoration depicting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, serpent with arrow tail, blue dash border, 2 x 13-7/8 x 13-7/8 in., surface dirt, scattered glaze voids throughout, pinholes and other firing anomalies, large crack and repair from rim running through body and foot, chips to foot
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
similar example pictured in English Delftware in the Bristol Collection by Frank Britton pg. 59 fig. 3.31
English Delft Deep Punch Bowl with Polychrome Panel Decoration probably Bristol, early 18th century, exterior in blue, red, and green floral decoration, interior with floral spray, 6-3/4 x 11-3/4 x 11-3/4 in., large hairline crack to interior, likely oversprayed with repairs, some chipping to rim and foot, large chip to foot, hairlines at rim, scattered scratches and abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
London Delft Polychrome Tulip Charger 18th century, in yellow, ochre, green, and blue with tulips and other flowering plants, with blue dash border, 2-1/2 x 13-1/4 x 13-1/4 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, some chipping to rim and foot, two hairlines to rim, scattered scratches and abrasions, a filled chip to rim
Provenance: Northeast Auctions, Plymouth, Massachusetts (label); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
Fine and Rare English Delft Blue and White Charger, London, circa 1630s, shallow footed form with lightly flared rim, central tulip design within circular band of panels with stylized floral and geometric motifs, 2-3/4 x 13-1/4 x 13-1/4 in., presents very well, scattered pinholes, glaze voids, and other small firing anomalies, extensive cracks and repairs through rim and body encircling foot, chips and losses to rim and foot
Provenance: John Philip Kassebaum Collection (sticker on base); Collection of John B. and MarieTeresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $8,000 - $12,000
English Delft Lidded Posset Pot possibly Bristol, late 17th/early 18th century, lid and body with uniquely scrolled handles and decoration, the spout with applied snake, blue and white floral, avian, and insect decoration, lid with acorn finial, 8-3/4 x 9-1/4 x 7-3/4 in., acorn finial likely replaced, scattered anomalies, pinholes, crazing, and glaze voids, some chips and losses at high relief areas, surface dirt and accretion`, likely oversprayed with repairs, hairline at rim
Provenance: BF Edwards Collection; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $8,000 - $12,000
A similar example from the same collection sold at Christie’s New York, The Collection of Benjamin F. Edwards III January 26, 2010 lot 340 for $27,500. Another similar example sold at Christie’s New York, Syd Levethan: The Longridge Collection May 25, 2011 lot 190 for GBP 6,250.
508 - Withdrawn
Near Pair of English Delft Wet Drug Jars probably London, mid 18th century, each flattened bowl shape on splayed foot with straight spout and strap handle, marked on bodies “S:Paralys” and “S. Betonicae” within bird and putto cartouches, larger 7-1/2 x 8-1/2 x 6-3/4 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, crazing, and glaze voids, surface dirt and accretion, some chipping to handles, bases, rims, and spouts, some surface scratches and abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
Three Pairs Early British Brass Candlesticks late 17th/early 18th century, comprising three pairs of varying size and form, all with cylindrical candle cup and segmented knopped shafts, hexagonal and octagonal bases, 6-3/4 x 4 x 4 in. to 7-1/4 x 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered areas of spotting and discoloration, candle cups with verdigris, wax accretion, and some corrosion, scattered bumps and surface scratches; one medium example with break and separation at base, other medium example with possible repair at base of shaft; one smaller example sits slightly off center, warping as made, other smaller example with hole to candle cup; one tall example with crack around base of shaft
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Pair of Early British Brass Trumpet Candlesticks circa 1660, ribbed trumpet form with circular wax pan, 8 x 6-1/8 x 6-1/8 in., surface dirt and wax accretion, some dents and warping throughout, scattered surface abrasions and areas of pitting
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
Two Continental Gothic Brass Candlesticks probably Nuremburg, Germany, possibly early 16th century, each of similar form, cylindrical candle cup on segmented shaft, circular base, 8-1/4 x 5 x 5 in. and 9-3/4 x 6 x 6 in., surface dirt and wax accretion, scattered areas of spotting and discoloration, verdigris and corrosion to candle cup interiors; smaller example with hole in candle cup and several casting anomalies at candle cup base and upper shaft, break and solder at base of shaft; larger with casting flaw at lower shaft, scattered scratches
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
Rare Pierpont Family Pilgrim Century Lift Top Chest
attributed to Cambridge or Boston, Massachusetts, circa 1680, with original hinged lid and open interior, paneled back and sides, original lock and hinges, 25 x 46 x 17-1/2 in., survives in an excellent state of preservation, appears to retain its original lid, battens, lock, and moldings, minor pest damage at foot bottoms, stains and finish wear, especially at top, other very minor surface flaws
Provenance: Descent in the Pierpont family; Collection of John B. and MarieTeresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
An old handwritten note inside the lid records that “This chest was brought from England by the Pierpont family who came to America in 1640. It was in the family of Ebenezer Pierpont, who was the son of Samuel Pierpont, eldest son of Joseph Pierpont, the first of the name that settled in North Haven. Said Joseph was one of the sons of Reverend James Pierpont of New Haven. This chest was given by Ebenezer Pierpont to Rufus Pierpont, son of his cousin Daniel Pierpont in 1854, with a request that it be kept in the Pierpont family...”
New England Pilgrim Century Turned Great Chair Massachusetts or Rhode Island, 1690, ash throughout with woven split seat, turned spindles, mellow surface, 43 x 24-3/4 x 16 in., legs ended out six inches, (lower stretchers probably original), otherwise good condition, some infill at top of one hand grip, two small burns, small repaired crack at one rear stile, distress to split seat, other typical surface flaws
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,500 - $3,500
Pilgrim Century Paneled Oak Lift Top Chest Over Drawer, attributed to Newbury, Massachusetts, circa 1700, original pine top opening to an open interior with lidded till, turned spindles, some traces of early paint, side-hung drawer, paneled and rose head nail construction, 28 x 45 x 18-3/4 in., excellent condition with fine old surface, minor patch at one rear stile at back panel, mortis breakout at top left corner, some edge losses at drawer facing (drawer facing with traces of early paint, no evidence of applied moldings), some minor losses to turned spindles, other typical wear and surface flaws, no apparent loss of height, lid appears to be original
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $6,000 - $8,000
Very Rare American Pilgrim Century Oak Joint Stool probably shop of Thomas Dennis, Ipswich, Massachusetts, 1680-1690, with molded pine top over a splay leg oak frame with stretchers, on original turned feet, 21 x 17 x 10 in., top likely an old replacement, otherwise excellent condition, expected wear at foot bottoms with slight loss of height
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $5,000 - $7,000
With advertisement from Florene Maine Antiques, Ridgefield, Connecticut
Extremely Rare Massachusetts Pilgrim Century Paneled Oak Valuables Cabinet, Boston, attributed to the Mason-Messenger shop tradition, with turnings attributed to the Edsal shop tradition, circa 1660-1690, oak with walnut and possibly cedar, original wrought iron butterfly hinges, traces of early surface, hinged door opening to seven interior drawers, 16-1/2 x 18 x 8-1/2 in., excellent condition, appears to retain all but two original applied molding elements, original applied spindles, three original interior drawers (four are replaced), does not appear to have ever been fitted with feet, lacking lock, minor chips and losses at side moldings
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $100,000 - $150,000
While several related Salem attributed cabinets survive, this exceptionally rare cabinet is one of perhaps only two examples from 17th century Boston.
Featured in The Cabinetmaker & the Carver, Boston Furniture from Private Collections, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, 2013, page 117, along with exhibit placard; see also Follansbee and Trent, “Reassessing the London-Style Joinery and Turning of Seventeenth Century Boston” in American Furniture, 2010, edited by Luke Beckerdite, page 222 figure 31.
American Spindle Back Great Chair in Early Paint probably coastal Massachusetts, 1680-1690, ash and other mixed woods, old brown paint over earlier red, woven split seat, 43-1/2 x 24 x 17 in., excellent condition, minor losses to split seat, typical wear and minor losses at hand grips, small old loss at one spindle, center spindle likely restored, other typical wear and flaws
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
Continental Baroque Carved Gilt Wood and Eglomise Courting Mirror probably Dutch, 18th century, fully developed form with carved and polychromed gilt winged angel’s head crest, 29 x 20 in., excellent condition considering age, mirror plate possibly an old replacement (not removed for examination), break and repair at one corner of crest, small area of loss with crack and repair lower left, other typical cracks, gilding distress, and surface flaws to frame, some distress and infill at joints of small mirror elements
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Rare and Important Boston Shell and Beadwork Armorial Overmantle Hatchment circa 1729, large rectangular composition of shells, beads, and other materials on a painted vermilion and indigo ground, mounted on a single white pine board, the central cartouche featuring coat of arms of Grant and Cookson, Cookson half with trapunto painted lion faces, Grant half with three beadwork rampant lions, flanked by lattice and rosette decoration, 20-1/2 x 61-1/4 in.; possibly original frame with carved decoration and textured and gilt fillet; both the mounting board and the frame are white pine, by micro analysis, 26-1/2 x 67-1/4 x 2-3/4 in., Fragile construction with loose elements and scattered losses throughout, (see detailed photos), frame retains early glass, the moldings with minor bumps and abrasions, paint transfer at top edge, and wear to paint and gilt (frame is possibly original, panel has applied 1/2 inch strips at edges, either accounting for shrinkage or suggesting it was slightly expanded to fit this frame).
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $100,000 - $150,000
This extraordinary shell and beadwork composition was likely made to commemorate the marriage of Samuel Grant (1705-1784) to Elizabeth Cookson (1708-1778), recorded as having occurred on January 1st, 1729. Grant was an upholsterer based at the Crown and Cushion on Union Street in Boston, Massachusetts, where he catered to an elite clientele and was known for fastidious record keeping. He also served in a number of important official roles in Boston, such as town selectman in 1747 and 1757, and town moderator in 1768.
An exceptionally rare and possibly unique survival from early colonial Boston, this composition offers a rare window into the world of an upholsterer who may have made or commissioned this overmantle at the time of his marriage. The vermilion ground is in keeping with the work of some japanners of the period working in Boston, and it also may have been made by one of those craftsmen. The shell and beadwork also suggests a connection to the early shell, wax and rolled paper sconces of the period (Grant is recorded exporting beeswax to England, signaling his access to this material). This rare hatchment may have graced a dramatic and exotic interior that included such Japanned high chests and mirrors, or elaborate sconces. With its vermilion and indigo ground and rich, vibrant colors, this overmantle would have been a dynamic visual complement to a japanned high chest. The Grant and Cookson marriage and the likely timing of the creation of this hatchment coincided with a booming Boston economy as well as the height of taste for japanned furniture. The possible connection between japanners and this hatchment is suggested by John Gore, a successful japanner, who is recorded later in the century having painted and framed a coat of arms for £2.
Rare and Important Ralph Simpson King William III Slipware Royal Portrait Charger, Staffordshire, circa 1690, signed at bottom rim “Ralph Simpson”, cream ground decorated in dark and light brown slip decoration featuring trellis border and chain of linked ellipses centering portrait of a crowned King William III with royal accoutrements, 3 x 19 x 18-3/4 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, and crazing, numerous cracks with repair and retouch, some lost pieces, chips and loss to glaze at edges, surface dirt and accretion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $10,000 - $15,000
Related chargers by Ralph Simpson are in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum. A similar portrait dish was sold at Christies New York, Syd Levethan: The Longridge Collection May 25, 2011 lot 119 for GBP 67,250, see: lot-5433320.
Rare Wrotham Tyg Initialed and Dated 1657 body in dark brown glaze with applied cream slip decoration featuring dots and medallions, two medallions initialed “IW” and dated 1657, four double loop handles, 6 x 9 x 9 in., two large cracks and repairs to body (see blacklight), repairs and retouch to knops at tops of double loop handles, scattered small chips and losses, notably at handles and rim, scattered anomalies, glaze voids and crazing, some abraded areas, surface dirt and accretion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
A similar example marked “IW” can be found in the British Museum, see museum number 1887,0210.17: collection/object/H_1887-0210-17
English Slipware Lidded Honey Pot probably Staffordshire, circa 1720-40, of bulbous form, with strap handle, the body and lid in dark brown dotted decoration atop yellow/cream ground, 6-5/8 x 6 x 6-3/4 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, firing cracks, crazing, chips and hairlines to rim and rim of lid, some chipping to handle, some chips to glaze at body, area of discoloration at left side, area of scattered hairlines cracks to front of body
Provenance: Hollis E. Broderick, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (label); Collection of John B. and MarieTeresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
Rare English Slipware Honey Pot with Brown Ground circa 1680-1710, in line and dot slip decoration atop lead glazed earthenware, with glazed slip interior, 4-3/4 x 6-1/4 x 5-3/4 in., surface dirt and accretion, firing flaws, glaze voids, crazing, and pinholes, handle has been restored (see black light), significant chipping and losses to rim of mouth, large hairline crack extending around body visible at exterior and interior, some small losses to glaze and painted decoration of exterior, loss of glaze at handle commensurate with age and use, some small holes at wall and base of foot rim likely as made
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
According to exhibition guide, this pot was found in the Gilman Garrison House in Exeter, New Hampshire.
Exhibition: Heritage Plantation of Sandwich, A Cubberd, Four Joyne Stools & Other Smalle Thinges..., May 8 - October 23, 1994
English Slipware Dated 1665 and Initialed Puzzle Jug
possibly North Devon, rim with three spouts, neck decorated with pierced holes and body with impressed dot work in abstract foliate patterns, inscription near base “AH/1665”, 8 x 5-1/2 x 7 in., surface dirt and accretion, anomalies, firing cracks, crazing, glaze voids, repairs and retouch to each spout, hairline cracks throughout, notably to handle, some chips to rim and base
Provenance: Skinner Auctions, Boston, Massachusetts, sale 1273 lot 19 (label); Collection of John B. and MarieTeresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
Exhibition: Heritage Plantation of Sandwich, A Cubberd, Four Joyne Stools & Other Smalle Thinges..., May 8October 23, 1994.
Rare Staffordshire Attributed Slipware Decorated Creamer English, 18th century, semi flared body with strap handle and molded spout, dark brown dotted decoration atop yellow ground, 3-1/2 x 4 x 5 in., anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, and crazing, some chips to rim, near and on spout, surface dirt and accretion, some chips and loss to glaze at base
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
Large English Slipware Dish probably Staffordshire, 18th century, with central floral and foliate slip decorations atop dark brown ground, 3-5/8 x 14-3/4 x 15 in., scattered anomalies, glaze voids, pinholes, and chips to rim, pebbles in clay body as made, scratches and abrasions to interior and base, surface dirt and accretion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
English Slipware Chamberstick
possibly Staffordshire, 18th century, circular basin surmounted by double knopped candle cup, with handle, 4 x 4-5/8 x 5 in., anomalies, pinholes, crazing, and glaze voids, surface dirt and accretion, chips to sconce and rim of basin
Provenance: Lomax Collection (label); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
Rare Pilgrim Century Walnut Two Part Chest of Drawers, Boston, Massachusetts, possibly the Mason-Messenger shop tradition, 1670-1690, walnut and pine, with four sidehung long drawers with paneled facings, probably original turned feet, 37-1/2 x 38-1/2 x 23 in., very good integrity overall, appears to retain its original feet (the posts have been trimmed and the feet reset, feet are period and likely original), top has been resurfaced at underside and reset, but is likely original, brasses replaced, expected stains and abrasions to top, applied moldings on drawer facings appear to be largely original
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $6,000 - $8,000
Massachusetts Pilgrim Century Slat Back Great Chair
coastal Massachusetts, 1680-1690, ash and maple with rush seat, upper slat with carved initials “HC:DC”, 40 x 23 x 16 in., some loss of height, substantial old losses at hand grips, later rush seat in good condition
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
Massachusetts Pilgrim Century Paneled Oak Chest Over Drawer, possibly Symond’s shop, Salem, Massachusetts, 1670-1690, early pine lid with battens opening to an open interior, single side hung drawer, 27-1/2 x 39-1/2 x 16 in., pine lid likely original, battens replaced (lid with warping, scar from lock catch does not have corresponding lock scar), possible loss of height, scattered restorations to applied moldings, drawer pulls replaced
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
For more on the Symonds Shop, see Martha Willoughby, “Patronage in Early Salem: The Symonds Shops and Their Customers” in American Furniture, 2000, pp. 169-184.
Chase Family Exceptional Slat Back Great Chair in Original Reddish Brown Paint, Newbury or Charlestown, Massachusetts, circa 1685, possibly made by Thomas Chase (1654-1733) of Newbury, a fine chair in exceptional condition with probably original reddish brown paint, deeply shaped flat arms, remnants of possibly original rush seat, 47-1/2 x 26 x 18 in., in a very fine state of preservation, minor chips and losses at some turnings, typical shrinkage cracks and other wear, losses at rush seat, area of edge loss at two lower slats
Provenance: handed down in the Chase family of West Newbury; Purchased from granddaughter of George Wadleigh Chase (1845 to 1929) and accompanied by John Vander Sande’s notes on the genealogy of the Chase family; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $10,000 - $15,000
Exhibited in Old Town and the Waterside at the Cushing House Museum, Newburyport, 1986, and illustrated in the accompanying catalog by Peter Benes, catalog number 17.
Moll - “Beaver Map”, Map of British Colonies in North America
Herman Moll (c. 1654-1732), A New and Exact Map of the Dominions of the King of Great Britain on ye Continent of North America..., London, Printed and Sold by Tho. Bowles next ye Chapter House in St Pauls Church-yard, John Bowles at the Black Horse in Cornhill, and by I. King at ye Globe in ye Poultrey near Stocks Market, 1715 (this edition circa 1735), eighth state with Carolina inset divided into counties, “Georgia” added, engraving on laid paper with minimal hand colored highlights, sheet 40-3/4 x 25 in.; carved and gilt wood frame, 49 x 32-1/2 x 1-5/8 in., hinged in on mat with archival tape, moderate toning, scattered light staining throughout, several reinforced tears at edges visible verso, some ink bleed verso, fragile at join and fold lines, paper slightly brittle; frame with light wear and abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
Literature: The Southeast in Early Maps by William Cumming, Chapel Hill/London: University of North Carolina Press, 1998, no. 158, pg. 206-208; Degrees of Latitude by Margaret Beck Pritchard and Henry G. Taliaferro, Williamsburg, Virginia: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 2002, no. 19, pg. 114-117
Wells - Map of British Colonies in North America
Edward Wells, A New Map of the most Considerable Plantations of the English In America
Dedicated to His Highness William Duke of Glocester, Oxford, circa 1700, engraving on laid paper with hand color, sheet 18 x 21-7/8 in., plate 14-5/8 x 19-1/8 in.; wood frame, 24-3/4 x 27-3/4 in., hinged in on mat with archival tape along top edge, typical wear and small losses at edges, scattered light staining throughout; frame with light wear and abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts Estimate: $600 - $900
Ogilby - Map of Northeastern America
John Ogilby (1600-1676), Novi Belgii Quod nunc Novi Jorck, vocatur Nova qe Angliae & Partis Virginiae Accuratissima et Novissima Delineatio, London, circa 1671, engraving on laid paper with hand color, sheet 12-1/4 x 15 in., plate 11-1/2 x 14 in.; gilt wood frame, 15-3/4 x 18-3/4 in., hinged in on mat with archival tape along upper edge, margins trimmed, scattered very light staining throughout; frame with light wear and abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Blaeu - Map of Northeastern America Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638), Nova Belgica Et Anglia Nova, Amsterdam, circa 1640, text in Latin verso, engraving on laid paper with hand color, sheet 181/4 x 23-1/4 in., plate 15-1/2 x 20 in.; gilt wood frame, 20-3/4 x 25-1/4 in., hinged in on mat with tape along top edge, some areas of discoloration and possible water staining throughout; frame with light wear and abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
1667 Land Deed [Massachusetts Bay Colony / Boston] on Parchment 17th century, between Samuel Bosworth and Bartholomew Sutton, “...sum of fifteen pounds...”, “...bounded with the land of Thomas Clarke southeast and is then thirty foote the other side with the land of William Holland...”, “ the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred sixty and seven...”, framed 12-1/2 x 25-1/2 in., good overall, areas of fading or roughness, light folds, waviness, not removed from frame for examination
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Massachusetts Pilgrim Century Great Chair
Standing Wrought Iron Two Light Candle Stand, probably 18th century, central shaft with faceted terminal on three spiral turned legs with double ended adjustable lighting element, 52-1/2 x 17-1/2 x 17-1/2 in., some rust and corrosion to surface, lighting mechanism support prongs stiff, very hard to adjust, wax accretion to candle cups
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
Rare New England Pilgrim Century Oak Court Cupboard possibly John Taylor shop, Harvard College, circa 1680, the top with three carved panels with initials “IMB”, two case construction, the upper section with two paneled doors, lower section with single long drawer with false double front over a central paneled door, ebonized bosses and split turnings throughout, 57-3/4 x 47-1/2 x 20-1/2 in., restorations and repairs including replaced top and most or all applied bosses and spindles, backboards replaced, large ebonized turnings resurfaced or restored, other scattered restorations including some door framing, rear feet ended out (see blacklight images)
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $5,000 - $8,000
A very closely related court cupboard is in the collections of the Concord Museum. For this and other examples, see Trent and Podmaniczky, “An Early Cupboard Fragment From the Harvard College Joinery Tradition” in American Furniture, 2002.
South Shore, Massachusetts, probably Ephraim Tinkham shop or tradition, 1660-1690, ash and maple, rush seat, 40-1/2 x 23-1/2 x 18 in., feet with central patches and some loss of height (formerly fitted with rockers, now removed), otherwise good structural condition with typical shrinkage cracks and surface wear, replaced rush seat in good condition
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
Rare Massachusetts Pilgrim Century Paneled and Polychromed Lift Top Chest with Drawer, Newbury, Massachusetts area, dated 1701, hinged lid with open interior, paneled back and sides, paneled front with tartan polychroming, carved initials “IC” and date of “1701”, 27 x 45 x 20-1/2 in., lid replaced and top edge of case has been cleaned, possible refreshing to paint decoration including at drawer facing, brasses replaced, some possible restorations to applied moldings and turnings, as is typical
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
Examples from this well-documented and published group of important chests include examples at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, (Acc. no. 37.91), the Wadsworth Atheneum, and the American Museum at Claverton Manor in Britain. Other notable examples include a related chest from the Vogel Collection, sold Sotheby’s New York, January 19, 2019, 1073. For more on this and related Essex County chests, see Trent, Follansbee, and Miller, “First Flowers of the Wilderness: Mannerist Furniture from a Northern Essex County, Massachusetts, Shop”, in American Furniture, 2001, pgs. 1-64.
Rare Massachusetts Pilgrim Century Paneled Oak and Part Ebonized Slant Lid
Tabletop Desk, Essex County, circa 1690, oak and sycamore?, slant lid opening to an open interior with shelves, 8-1/2 x 25 x 16-1/4 in., very good condition overall, one batten for lid replaced, hinges somewhat loose (lacking several nails), minor patches at lock housing, one bottom board possibly old replacement, base moldings restored
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $5,000 - $7,000
Massachusetts Pilgrim Century Paneled Oak and Part Ebonized Chest Over Drawer, attributed to the Norman shop, Marblehead, Massachusetts, 1670-1690, oak with ebonized highlights and applied spindles, single side hung drawer, paneled back and sides, probably original lid, 29 x 48 x 21 in., good integrity, appears to be original lid with replaced battens, some replaced bottom boards, center applied spindle original with small patch at top, side spindles and knobs replaced, scattered edge wear and distress to top, with some infill at nail holes, lacking lock
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $5,000 - $7,000
Rare Pilgrim Century Great Chair in Old Surface coastal Massachusetts, probably Dorchester area, circa 1690, Carver type spindle back great chair, ash throughout with rush seat, excellent turnings and fine old surface, 49 x 24-1/2 x 16-1/2 in., legs ended out approximately eight inches (turned stretchers possibly original?), cracks and wear at top of front posts, patches at finials, minor break at rush seat, other typical wear
Provenance: Descended in the Stetson family of Scituate, Massachusetts; Collection of John B. and MarieTeresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $5,000 - $8,000
Illustrated: St. George, The Wrought Covenant, 1979, pg. 43.
Important Massachusetts Pilgrim Century Paneled Oak Lift Top Chest
Northern Essex County, dated 1685, front inscribed “The 19 of the 11 MO 1685 GIP”, single side hung drawer, carved ebonized corner brackets, 30-1/4 x 51 x 20-1/4 in., lid replaced, otherwise excellent condition, appears to retain almost all of its original applied bosses and moldings with only scattered minor repairs, fitted with later casters
Provenance: inside of lid with family history, “Thomas Albert Newhall, 1813-1892, Lydia Jane Clark, 18581936, Frances Bernon Stoddard, 1888” and “T.A.N -L.J.N. Walnut Cottage”; Sold Freeman’s, Philadelphia, April 24, 2004 lot 56 for $44,000; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $20,000 - $30,000
For related examples and more information, see Trent, Follansbee and Miller, “First Flowers of the Wilderness: Mannerist Furniture from a Northern Essex County, Massachusetts Shop” in American Furniture, 2001, p. 1064.
Rare Massachusetts Pilgrim Century Great Chair, Roger Bacon Provenance attributed to the Tinkham shop tradition, South Shore, Massachusetts, 1660-1690, in black paint over earlier red, slat and turned rung back, rush seat, 41-1/2 x 24-1/2 x 18-1/2 in., Loss of height with associated breakouts and losses at feet, old paint with draw crackle, typical old losses at some turnings, tips of finals possibly old restorations?
Provenance: found on Cape Cod by noted antiquarian Roger Bacon and subsequently sold in his estate auction September, 1982; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $6,000 - $9,000
Exhibited Heritage Plantation of Sandwich, 1994 and illustrated in the accompanying catalog A Cubberd, Four Joyne Stools & Other Smalle Thinges: The Material Culture of Plymouth Colony, catalog number 131.
New England Pilgrim Century Slat Back Open Armchair Coastal Massachusetts, 1680-1690, with three slat back and turned finials, early woven seat, turned stretchers, 32-1/2 x 23-1/2 x 18 in., restoration to top slat, minor loss at back of one finial, breaks and losses to old woven seat, joints are somewhat loose, no apparent loss of height
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
Very Rare Massachusetts Pilgrim Century Carved Oak Box attributed to Thomas Dennis, Ipswich, Massachusetts, 1670-1700, rare diminutive form, oak throughout, original lid opening to an interior with lidded till, top with some chisel decoration, 5 x 13-1/4 x 7-1/2 in., excellent integrity and condition overall, original lid with replaced hinges and lacking battens, very minor edge wear and molding losses
Provenance: Nadeau’s Auction Gallery, Inc., Windsor, Connecticut, October 24, 2020, Lot 450, $36,000; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $20,000 - $30,000
Rare Massachusetts Pilgrim Century Chest of Drawers Boston, 1670-1700, probably Mason-Messenger Shop tradition, a rare chest incorporating red cedar and other tropical exotics with oak and pine, split two case construction, five drawers, paneled drawer facings with cedar and possibly rosewood panels turned and ebonized feet, unusual construction with inset veneer panels, ebonized white pine side panels, 35-1/2 x 39 x 23-1/2 in., top has been reset with later blocking, scattered molding losses, restorations and distress, shrinkage crack at top, some patches and color variation in the veneer panels, rear stile feet are intact, ebonized front feet are possibly old restorations?
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $10,000 - $15,000
Illustrated: Follansbee and Trent, “Reassessing the London-Style Joinery and Turning of Seventeenth-Century Boston”, in American Furniture, 2010, figure 40, page 227. As Follansbee and Trent note, this chest is distinguished by having contrasting plaques made of rosewood or some other dense, dark tropical hardwood. The plaques are set in recesses, cut in the front stiles and drawer fronts.
This lot contains animal or plant material that may be restricted under federal, state and/or local law. Prospective bidders should check all applicable government wildlife restrictions prior to placing a bid. The buyer is solely responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses or permits from federal, state and/or local authorities applicable to their purchase or transport of the object. Please note that bidders in New Jersey may not bid on any lots containing elephant ivory, mammoth ivory, or rhinoceros horn.
17th Century Document Relating to Boston Cabinetmaker, Henry Messenger circa 1680, deed of sale between parties William Clough and Henry Messenger, and his heirs and assigns, also Daniel and Mary Matthews, retained wax seals, framed, overall 21 x 31-1/2 in., good overall, foxing, fading, wear and losses at periphery and fold intersections
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500

Henry Messenger (working dates, 1640-1681) and his wife Sarah, were residents of Boston prior to the year 1640. He was the first known proprietor, as appears by the Book of Possessions, of the land on which now stands the building owned and occupied by the Massachusetts Historical Society, and a part of that now covered by the Boston Museum. His house and garden were bounded on the west by the street leading to the common, now Tremont street; on the north by land of Richard Crychley; on the east by land of Major Sedgewick; and on the south by land of Thomas Scottow and the burying place. He was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1658; a freeman in 1665; and by trade a joiner. His will was dated March 15, 1672, and his signature, written in the old style, is quite distinct. He probably died in 1681, as his property was appraised (at £496 9s 6d), April 30th, of that year. He leaves his estate to his wife, with power to divide it as she may choose among her children, with the exception of his eldest son John, to whom he bequeaths “Five shillings and no more, for reasons best known to myself.”

Rare Westerwald Salt Glazed William & Mary Portrait Jug Dated 1691 German, reeded neck and strap handle, in cobalt and manganese glaze, body in scrolling floral decoration centering rare medallion picturing King William and Queen Mary, partially legible inscription in low relief, dated “1691”, 7-7/8 x 6-1/2 x 7-1/2 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, and firing cracks, some roughness and chipping at base and rim, one underglaze chip to base, small hairline to rim
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
Large Westerwald Salt Glazed “AR” Stoneware Jug German, early 18th century, with reeded neck and strap handle, in cobalt and manganese glaze, body in scrolling floral decoration surrounding central medallion with initials “AR” for Queen Anne, 9-7/8 x 7-1/2 x 8-1/2 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, and firing cracks, large chip to rim, some hairlines to rim, handle, and base, surface dirt and accretion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000
Westerwald Salt Glazed Crucifixion Scene Pitcher German, 18th century, reeded neck, strap handle, and molded spout, in cobalt and manganese glaze, the body with three octagonal medallions featuring Jesus on the cross flanked by onlookers, each within floral cartouche, 7-3/8 x 6 x 7 in., scattered anomalies, firing cracks, pinholes, and glaze voids, chip to rim and handle, firing anomaly at proper left shoulder, surface dirt and accretion, some abrasions at rim and base, some loss to raised decoration
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $700 - $1,000
Westerwald Salt Glazed Portrait Jug with Tapered Neck, Queen Mary German, late 17th/early 18th century, in cobalt and manganese glaze, the body in scrolling floral and foliate decoration centering applied oval portrait plaque of Queen Mary II, titled along portrait perimeter “MARIA. D.G. MAG. BRIT. FRANC. ET. HIB. REGINA. &.”, 9-1/2 x 5-3/4 x 6-1/2 in., scattered anomalies, glaze voids, pinholes, and firing cracks, surface dirt and accretion, large chip to rim and hairlines to rim and handle, hairline to neck and body at proper right side
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000
Large White Westerwald Salt Glazed Jug date 1698 German, reeded cylindrical neck and strap handle, the body with scrolling foliate decoration centering crest, titled around perimeter “ET. DECI. D. I. BEILS. T FRANCISC: AL... AND: PR: NA: SOV. C: CATZIM: VIAND: (?)” and dated “1698”, 9-3/4 x 7-1/2 x 8-1/8 in., surface dirt and accretion, anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, and firing cracks, some crazing, some hairlines to rim, foot, and handle, some wear to rim, base, handle, and areas of high relief
Provenance: John McInnis Auctioneers, LLC, Amesbury, Massachusetts, Cliff Bonney Estate October 24, 2020 lot 44 sold for $2,250; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
White Westerwald Salt Glazed Royal Portrait Jug, King William III German, late 17th/early 18th century, reeded necks and strap handles, body in scrolling floral decoration centering octagonal medallion with portrait of King William III, titled along portrait perimeter “WILHELMVS : III. D. G. MAG. BRIT. FRANC. ET. HIB. REX. ...”, 7-1/4 x 6-1/4 x 6-3/4 in., surface dirt and accretion, anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, crazing, and firing cracks, some wear at rim, handle, and base, small chips to rim and handle
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000
Large Salt Glazed White Westerwald Royal Portrait Jug, Queen Mary German, late 17th century, reeded cylindrical neck and strap handle, the body with scrolling flowers and applied oval portrait plaque of Queen Mary II, titled along portrait perimeter “MARIA. D.G. MAG. BRIT. FRANC. ET. HIB. REGINA. &.”, 10 x 7-1/2 x 8-1/2 in., remnants of cobalt glaze, scattered anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, firing cracks, and surface dirt/accretion, some chips to rim and base, hairlines to rim and base, hairline to base of handle, large abraded area at shoulder
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
Near Pair of White Westerwald Salt Glazed Royal Portrait Jugs, King William III & Queen Mary, German, late 17th/early 18th century, reeded necks and strap handles, bodies in scrolling floral decoration centering octagonal medallions with portraits of King William III and Queen Mary, one slightly larger 5-7/8 x 4-5/8 x 5-1/4 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, firing cracks, and surface dirt/ accretion, some chips to rims and bases, some hairlines to handles
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Exhibition: Heritage Plantation of Sandwich, A Cubberd, Four Joyne Stools & Other Smalle Thinges..., May 8 - October 23, 1994.
Two Westerwald Salt Glazed “GR” Jugs German, 18th century, comprising: circa 1720, small jug with scrolling floral decoration surrounding central medallion with “GR”, 6-1/4 x 4-7/8 x 5-1/2 in.; large jug with reeded neck and manganese, the body with scrolling floral and foliate decoration centering medallion with “GR” flanked by two panels featuring stags, 9-3/4 x 6-7/8 x 7-3/4 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, firing cracks, glaze voids, surface dirt and accretion, some chipping, roughness, and hairlines to rims and bases; larger example with loss to foliate decoration at proper left front
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
Large Westerwald Salt Glazed “GR” Jug German, 18th century, reeded neck and strapped handle, in manganese and cobalt glaze, checkerboard, floral, and scroll decoration centering medallion with “GR”, 11-3/4 x 9-1/4 x 10-1/2 in., some anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, and firing cracks, surface dust and accretion, roughness to rim and base, abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
Two Westerwald “GR” Jugs with Checkerboard Decoration German, 18th century, each in cobalt and manganese glaze, with reeded necks and strap handles, each with alternating incised decoration centering applied medallions with “GR”, larger 7-1/2 x 5-3/4 x 7 in., anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, and firing cracks, surface dirt and accretion, larger example with chips to decoration at body
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Westerwald Salt Glazed Jug with Cobalt Blue and Manganese Decoration
German, 18th century, reeded neck, strap handle, body in repeating abstract floral and foliate decoration, 9-3/4 x 7-1/2 x 8-1/2 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, firing cracks, and glaze voids, surface dirt and accretion, chip and hairlines to rim, crack to base with associated large hairline to body, small surface chip to proper front right
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Two Westerwald White Stoneware Lidded Teapots
German, circa 1744-50, each rotund body with impressed fan/foliate decoration, larger 5-3/4 x 7-1/2 in x 5 in., surface dirt and accretion, anomalies, glaze voids, and firing cracks; larger example with notable firing cracks to base, surface dirt at neck (fluorescence in blacklight photos); smaller example’s lid possibly restored (chalky matte appearance), but does not fluoresce under blacklight, small chip to rim at underside
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
Three Westerwald Tankards, Two GR German, 18th century, each in cobalt glaze with strap handles, two centered with “GR” medallions, one in intricate figural decoration, largest 8-1/4 x 6 x 8-1/2 in., some anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, and firing cracks, surface dust and accretion, some small chipping and roughness to rims and bases, largest example with large area of vertical repair and retouch to front, figural example with some small chips and abrasions at raised decoration
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $400 - $600
Two Early Westerwald Salt Glazed Bottles, One Dated 1656 German, 17th/18th century, comprising: large jug with cobalt and raised decoration featuring three medallions, each with partially legible inscription in low relief and dated “1656”, two rampant lions, 13 x 9 -1/4 x 9 in.; small jug with cobalt and incised circular decoration, 8 x 5 x 5 1/2 in., some anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, and firing cracks, surface dirt and accretion; larger example with notable firing cracks/hairlines to body, two large chips to rim, some chipping to body; smaller example with hairline to body on proper right side
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $400 - $600
Portrait of a Gentleman (British or American School, possibly 18th century)
Gentleman in a Tan Coat, unsigned, pastel on paper, 13-3/4 x 10 in.; wood and gilt wood frame, 17-1/4 x 14 in., cut through 1-1/4 inches from bottom of paper, taped back together, wear and smudging at edges; frame with the expected wear commensurate with age
Provenance: Collection of John B. and MarieTeresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $400 - $600
Attributed to Benjamin Blyth Pair of Portraits (Massachusetts, 1746-1786)
Gentleman and Lady in Blue, both unsigned, pastel on paper, both 14-1/4 x 10-1/4 in., paper backed by panel, presumably as made, vivid colors, the expected wear at corners and edges
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $6,000 - $8,000
This lot is accompanied by supporting material on Blyth by art historian Bettina Norton, including a photograph of the gentleman in blue as being the work of Blyth. 567 - Withdrawn
18th Century Drawing of Queens (British or American, 18th century)
Queen Elizabeth and Queen Ann, unsigned, illegibly inscribed lower edge, ink and colored ink on paper, 7-1/2 x 12-1/2 in.; burl wood frame, 12-1/2 x 16-1/2 in., floating on backing board, not examined out of sealed frame, four way creases and damage from creases, losses at edges, tears and losses along crease lines; frame with wear
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $800
Pair of Colonial Painted Plaster Portraits, King George III and Queen Charlotte, molded plaster relief busts of royal couple within oval borders, with old painted surfaces, verso with old inscribed ownership label “Miss Louisa Snow”, 14 x 11-1/2 x 1-1/2 in., surface dirt and accretion, heavy crackle, flaking, and losses to painted surfaces, some cracks and losses to plaster, tears to paper backings; she with large break through top section (currently intact, held on by backing but loose), break and repair to lower section
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $200 - $400
Three Framed Hand Painted American Armorials late 18th/19th century, three hand painted coats of arms for the McCollum, Beall, and Barnes families, Barnes example with hand written note describing arms verso dated April 10, 1802, all ink and pigment on paper, largest sight 15-1/2 x 11-1/2 in., largest framed 20 x 16 x 1-3/4 in., not examined out of frame, all with toning and scattered staining throughout; Beall example with large area of water staining at lower edge; McCollum example with losses to top right edge; frames with light wear and abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Pastel Portrait of Gentleman in Tan Coat (British or American School, possibly 18th century) illegibly signed on backing board, pastel on paper, 7 x 5-1/2 in.; original wood frame, 9-1/2 x 8 in., tears at upper edge, wear at all sides, possible foxing right side; frame with wear commensurate with age
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $400 - $600
Fine and Rare Boston William and Mary Caned Side Chair
Massachusetts, 1710-1720, with carved, incised, and scrolled crest, turned stretchers and Spanish feet, dry black paint over earlier gray/blue, 45-1/2 x 17-1/2 x 16-1/4 in., seat frame depth 14-1/2 in., skirt replaced, otherwise excellent condition, typical wear and holes from seat caning, edge wear to front legs and feet, old surface with expected paint losses, other distress at caning
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
Illustrated in Ward, The Cabinet Maker and the Carver: Boston Furniture from Private Collections, catalog no. 9.
Rare Boston William and Mary Caned Side Chair, Massachusetts, 1710-1720, carved and scrolled crest, turned stretchers and Spanish feet, 45 x 17-1/2 x 17 in., seat depth 14-3/4 in., crack and separation at crest rail attachment, some surface losses and distress at caning at crest, legs ended out, break and repair at one front leg at stretcher attachment, typical distress at seat caning with some repairs at front corners of seat, lacking its front skirt
Provenance: Collection of John B. and MarieTeresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,500 - $3,500
A very closely related chair is in the collections of the Wadsworth Atheneum; see Glenn Adamson, “The Cane Chair and its Sitter,” in American Furniture, 2002, fig. 1, pg. 174.
Fine William and Mary Walnut Mirror with Pierced Crest and Early Mirror Plate probably British, early 18th century, with distressed mirror plate with deeply molded figured walnut surround, unusual laminated pierced carved crest, fine old surface, 23 x 14-1/2 in., probable restorations to pierced crest (see blacklight and detailed photos), typical minor cracks and repairs to fretwork, typical molding and veneer cracks and minor distress, distressed mirror plate probably original
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
Very Rare Boston William and Mary Japanned High Chest of Drawers Massachusetts, 1710 to 1720, the maple case retaining some of its original japanning and ebonzing, original engraved brass escutcheons, several inscriptions that appear to read “Bayley”, 63 x 42-1/2 x 22 in., legs and stretchers restored, brass drawer pulls replaced, some rebuilding to drawer secondary (later black paint), typical losses and distress to japanned surface throughout
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $6,000 - $9,000
Featured in The Cabinetmaker & the Carver, Boston Furniture from Private Collections; Massachusetts Historical Society founded 1791, Boston, 2013, page 19, along with exhibit placard
Queen Anne Japanned Slant Front Dressing Mirror
British, early 18th century, with arched beveled mirror, fitted desk interior, the lower drawer with dividers, resting on turned feet, 33-1/2 x 18 x 11 in., generally good condition and integrity, typical losses and distress to japanning, one support for lid is missing, lid is slightly loose, ball feet are replacements, other surface wear, distress, and losses overall (see detailed photos)
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
Rare Boston William and Mary Caned Side Chair Massachusetts, 1710-1730, probably maple throughout and retaining an early red wash, carved and scrolled crest, turned stretchers, Spanish feet with traces of ebonizing, 44-1/2 x 17-1/2 x 18 in., good condition overall, skirt replaced and side rails with later strips at outer edges, legs with typical minor cracks and checking
Provenance: Northeast Auctions, August 2nd, 1997; Alan Miller, Quakertown, Pennsylvania; Collection of George S. Parker, sold Sotheby’s, 19 January, 2017 for $3,500; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
Two Continental Baroque Reversed Reverse Painted Courting Mirrors probably Dutch, 18th century, each with eglomise panel over an early mirror plate with veneered surround, the first depicting a falconer with hare, the second a figure overlooking his estate, 19 x 13-1/4 in. and 19-1/4 x 13-3/4 in., first in excellent condition and with old surface, flaking and losses to paint and silvering; the second, backboard replaced, distress to mirror to silvering, otherwise good
Provenance: One with tag for Cliff Boney estate; Collection of John B. and MarieTeresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
Massachusetts William and Mary Carved and Black Painted Banister Back Side Chair, Boston or North Shore, 1720-1735, with scrolled and leaf carved crest. turned stretchers and Spanish feet, old black painted surface, 47-1/2 x 20 x 16 in., old dry paint surface, old loss at one rear foot, chip at front turn stretcher, typical wear at feet
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
Massachusetts William and Mary Carved and Black Painted Banister Back Side Chair, Boston on North Shore, 1725-1735, carved crest and turned finials, turned stretchers and rush seat, 45-3/4 x 18 x 15 in., one rear foot tipped out approximately one inch, one foot tipped out half an inch, old dry paint surface is somewhat thin, some minor chips and distress at crest rail, other typical surface flaws
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
Very Fine Massachusetts William and Mary Diminutive Drop Leaf Table in Old Surface, probably Boston, with a Newbury area history, fine old lustrous surface, single dovetailed drawer, ring and baluster turnings, on tall, double turned feet, traces of early red and black paint, maple and other mixed woods, 27 x 36-1/2 x 13-1/2 in., opens to 43 in., excellent condition with fine old surface, some old added hinges (lacking one original butterfly hinge), one leaf with shrinkage crack, resurfacing at drawer facing Provenance: with early card “Gate leg table, very old. From Newburyport. Bought at Mrs. Gilman’s, Exeter”; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $5,000 - $7,000
William Hogarth, Marriage la mode (British, 1697-1764)
Trompe L’oeil Painting, George I (British, 18th century)
A mezzotint tacked to wood paneling, partially visual title from mezzotint George Lewis D.G. Elector of Brunswick & of the Holy Roman Empire, after Johann Hirschmann, John Smith, engraver and publisher, 1706, oil on canvas, 21-1/2 x 17-1/4 in.; unframed, original stretcher and tacking edge with rose head nails, some deterioration of canvas at edges, loss at lower left corner, yellowed varnish
Provenance: Northeast Auctions (label verso); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Plates I-VI, 1745, published by W. Hogarth, London, B. Baron, Ravenet and Scotin, engravers, engravings on heavy laid paper, sheets approximately 15-3/4 x 18-3/4 in.; 18th century style parcel gilt and painted print frames, by Perry Hopf, 17-5/8 x 20-7/8 x 1 in., not examined out of frames, lined with linen, stretched on strainers with some edges turned, with some small tears and losses to margins, tacking edges with deterioration, toning, abrasions, small stains; frames with abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
Five Mezzotints Portrait Engravings, Arts and Sciences (British, 18th century)

Two after Godfrey Kneller, John Smith, engraver; Johannes Smith, 1716, engraver, plate 13-1/2 x 10-1/8 in., Godfridus Kneller, after self portrait, sheet 14 x 10-1/2 in; two by Peter Pelham, engraver: Peterus Paulus Ruebens, after self portrait, 1724, plate 13-7/8 x 9-7/8 in.; Jacobus Gibbs, Architectus, after H. Husing, sheet 14-1/8 x 10-1/8 in.; Colley Cibber Esq., 1758, after J. B. Vanloo, Eward Fisher, engraver, with collectors stamp for Royal Library Windsor, Victoria, Queen of England from 1837 to 1901 (L. 2535), plate 14-1/16 x 10 in.; miscellaneous print frames, largest 17-1/4 x 13 1 in., not examined out of frames, varying levels of light toning, “Reubans” with foxing, abrasion to ink upper left, rich dark impressions, “Kneller” trimmed to plate, laid down on paper, creases and some light abrasions to ink from mildew spotting, “Cibber” trimmed near to plate, creases, possible restoration upper left, stain or restoration lower left, “Gibbs” trimmed to plate, light foxing, small losses at edge, laid down on paper; frames with wear and abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Six Mezzotints, Five Reverse Applied (British, 18th century)

Georgius D.G..., 1716, after Godfrey Kneller, John Simon, engraver, sight 14 x 10 in.; John Wilkes Esq.,1768, after Robert Edge Pine, Kitcheman, engraver, sight 14 x 9-7/8 in.; The Right Hon.ble Sr. Robert Walpole, after Thomas Gibson, Gerhard Bockman, engraver, sight 14-1/8 x 10/1/4 in.; Henricus Sacheverell S.T.P., after Anthony Russel, John Smith; sight 14-7/8 x 10-1/2 in.; William Villiers, 2nd Earl of Jersey and Mary Granville, Lady Lansdowne, after Godfrey Kneller, John Smith, engraver, possibly first state before lettering, sight 14-7/8 x 10-1/2 in.; the Hon.ble Edward Vernon Esq.r Vice Admiral of the Blue..., after Godfrey Kneller, pseudonym Richards, Johnson, engraver, hand colored mezzotint, sight 13-1/4 x 9-5/8 in.; mostly 18th/19th century print frames, largest 19-1/8 x 13-5/8 x 1 in., not examined out of frames, “Georgius” with some lifting, discolorations, “Wilkes” with complex tears and associated lifting, discolorations at bottom, “Walpole” with toning, discoloration, crackle, “Sacheverell” with dark toning, painted margins, “Villiers” with areas of lifting, discoloration, “Vernon” trimmed, laid down, damp staining, small stain lower left; frames with wear and abrasions, one with losses to composition, some warping
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
Four Mezzotints After Sir Godfrey Kneller (British, 18th century)
Five Dutch Related Mezzotints (British, 18th century)
Three after Peter Lely: The Duke and Duchess of Lauderdale, 1678-1679, Robert Williams, engraver, sheet 13-1/4 x 16-1/4 in.; Madam Jane Robarts, 1680-1700, Alexander Browne, publisher, plate 13-1/8 x 10 in.; Madame Davis, R. Thompson, engraver, plate13-1/4 x 9-5/8 in.; two royal portraits: Wilhelmus III, D.G. Anglia, Scotia..., after Nicolaes Visscher, Jabob Satur, engraver, sheet 13-3/8 x 10-1/4 in.; Petrus Simon Eques Romanus, 1694, after Petrus Ernou Eques Romanus, GE Eques Romanus, sight 15 x 11 in.; miscellaneous print frames, 16 x 19-1/2 x 1 in., not examined out of frames, “Lauderdale” floated on mount, trimmed retaining plate mark, handling grime, text impressed lightly, “Robarts” with margins, light toning and handling grime, “Davis” laid down, abraded ink, “Wilhelmus” floated, trimmed to plate, wear at edges, ink with abrasions, creases, handling grime, “Petrus” with toning, handling grime, faint foxing; frames with losses to composition, abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Portraits of gentlemen, John Faber, engraver: Charles Dartiquenave Esqr., 1734, sight 14 x 9-7/8 in.; Charles Montagu Earl of Halifax, 1732, sight 14-1/4 x 10-1/4 in.; Edmund Dunch Esqr., 1733, sight 14 x 10-1/8 in.; John Tidcomb Esqr.,1735, sight 14 x 10 in.; miscellaneous print frames, largest 17-3/8 x 13-1/4 x 1 in., not examined out of frame, “Dartiquenave” trimmed to plate, laid down, some handling grime, creases, abraided ink, “Montagu” with toning, some abraided ink, “Edmund” trimmed to plate, handling grime, toning, staining, abraded ink, small tears, laid down on paper, “Tidcomb” laid down on paper, ink inscription lower left, trimmed to plate, tears, creases, abraided in; frames with abrasions and losses
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $200 - $400
Two Similar Massachusetts William and Mary Carved and Turned Banister Back Chairs Boston area, 1720 -1730, of similar form, one in black paint, both with carved crests, turned stretchers and feet, rush seats, second example with one stile with initials “HP”, black example 48-1/2 x 18 x 16 in., second example 48-3/4 x 18-1/2 x 18 in., black example is good overall, old loss at one finial, typical shrinkage cracks, surface wear to black paint; second example with small patch and repair at top center crest, stiles re-pinned at crest rail attachment and legs re-pinned at lower stretchers, surface distress, other possible repairs, both rush seats generally good condition Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
Massachusetts William and Mary Carved and Black Painted Open Armchair Boston or North Shore, 1720-1730, dry black paint surface, carved crest and boldly turned front stretcher, 51 x 24 x 17 in., very good condition, some possible retouch at arm tops, modern rush seat in good condition, feet do not appear to be ended out (difficult to tell given the paint surface, no fluorescence under ultraviolet light)
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
Important Trask Family Pilgrim Century Oak and Walnut Chest with Drawer attributed to the Symonds Shop, probably James Symonds, Salem, Massachusetts, circa 1690, oak, maple and walnut, interior with lidded till, paneled back and sides, single side-hung drawer, 29-1/2 x 47-1/4 x 21-1/2 in., very good overall, original top with typical minor warping and stains, two bottom boards of chest compartment replaced and chest compartment with later vertical wooden divider. Patched mouse hole in back. Proper left knob replaced, retains original applied turnings, scattered restorations to applied moldings, slight loss of height (formerly fitted with casters)
Provenance: Provenance per the Sotheby’s catalog entry: William Trask II (1640-1691) or his son, John Trask (1678-1737), both of Salem Village (now Danvers); William Trask III (1702-1748), son of John; William Trask IV (1744-1806), son; Martha (Trask) Bullock (1777-1866), daughter; Isaac Bullock (1800-1870), son; William Blake Trask (1812-1906), first cousin;
New England Historical and Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts; Sotheby’s New York, Important Americana, January 25, 1990, sale 5968, lot 1243; Israel Sack In., New York; Sotheby’s New York, Selections from Israel Sack, Inc., January 20. 2002, sale 7761, lot 1380; Sotheby’s, New York, 22 January 2011 lot 225; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $15,000 - $25,000
Exhibited: The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, 1870 and 1912-after 1968 (loan no. 931.12)
Literature (per the Sotheby’s catalog entry): William Blake Trask(e), “Captian William Traske and Some of His Decendants,” New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. LV (July 1901), pp. 321-338; Benno M. Forman, The Seventeenth Century Case Furniture of Essex County, Massachusetts and Its Makers, (Newark, DE: MA thesis, University of Delaware, 1968), pp. 108-110, cat. III; Benno M. Forman, “The Osborne Family Chest Re-Discovered,” Historical New Hampshire 26, no. 1 (Spring 1971): 27-30, fig 2.; Israel Sack, Inc., American Antiques from Israel Sack Collection, vol. 10, p. 2544, P6264; Christie’s New York, The Joseph and Bathsheba Pope Valuables Cabinet, January 21, 2000, sale 9426, p. 21. The chest is discussed but not illustrated; Willoughby, Martha H. “Patronage in Early Salem: The Symonds Shops and Their Customers.” American Furniture, (Milwaukee, WI: Chipstone Foundation, 2000), p. 171-2, 175, figs. 5 and 6; Israel Sack, Inc., advertisement, Magazine Antiques, (May 2001), inside front cover.

Rare Massachusetts William and Mary Side Chair with Carved Crest and Stretcher, North Shore, Massachusetts, possibly Newbury, 1715-1725, in ash and walnut, with rush seat and Spanish feet, carved crest and front stretcher, 46 x 19 x 16 in., very good structural condition, some traces of red and black paint or wash, minor wear at toes, rush seat with minor breaks and losses
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
Examples of this form with carved front stretchers are very scarce.
A Rare Salem, Massachusetts Pilgrim Century Paneled Oak Chest Dated 1697 attributed to the Symonds Shop, inscribed “WP 1697”, original hinged top, open interior with lidded till, single side hung drawer with false double front, ebonized applied bosses and turnings, original turned feet, 29-1/4 x 47 x 20-1/4 in., original top with deep wear, some edge losses and patinated surface, original feet, scattered restorations to applied turnings and moldings, lacking one lower side molding, crack and small loss at one side of front foot attachment
Provenance: Estate of Elisabeth H. Skinner, sold George Thomas Lewis and Company, Saturday, February 6, 1988, Lot 55; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $6,000 - $9,000
Very Rare Early Massachusetts Slat Back Turned Great Chair
Plymouth County, Massachusetts, 1715-1730, Tinkham shop tradition, in maple and ash, the back with two incised decorated vertical slats, mushroom hand grips, rush seat, 45-1/2 x 24 x 18 in., legs ended out approximately 5 in. and lower stretchers replaced, otherwise generally good, one mushroom pommel with hole in top, top inch of finials restored, old edge losses at one vertical slat, replaced rush seat in good condition, frame with other typical surface wear
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $4,000 - $7,000
Illustrated in Trent and Goldstein, “New ‘Tinkham’ Chairs”, American Furniture, 1998, figure 21. Also illustrated in “A Cubberd, Four Joyne Stools & Other Smalle Thinges: The Material Culture of Plymouth Colony”, catalog number 134. The catalog notes “This is a very rare variant of the work of the Tinkham shop... The incised decoration is unlike anything seen before.
Boston Queen Anne Style Carved Walnut Caned Open Armchair probably late 19th century, walnut throughout with carved crest and scrolled arms, 45 x 25-1/2 x 21-1/4 in., tacking scars at seat frame, crack and repair at one arm attachment to rear stile, surface wear and finish drips, bumps and wear at knees
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Rare Cromwellian Signed and Dated Needlework Casket British, 17th century, signed “Elizabeth Wiggins her cabinet begun August 29, 1656” at underside, tiered tapered rectangular form, top hinged lid opening to divided six compartment interior housing five lidded glass bottles, front with two hinged doors opening to four drawers, hinged at middle to reveal a secret compartment with mirror, mirror additional secret compartments, decorated all over with applied embroidered silk panels depicting various scenes with people and animals, interior drawer fronts with embroidered stylized floral panels, on ball feet, pink silk lined interior, 12-1/4 x 10-1/4 x 7-1/4 in., interior lock mechanism functioning at time of inspection, upper lid and outer door locks not working at time of inspection, one escutcheon off but present, heavy fraying, shattering to silk and losses to embroidered panels throughout, tears and staining to interior linings, some chips and losses to ball feet, spotting and losses to mirror plate, escutcheons and hinges possibly replaced
Provenance: Fiske & Freeman Fine and Early Antiques, Belmont, Vermont (accompanied by copy of writeup); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $5,000 - $7,000
A similar example is illustrated in New England Begins: the 17th Century, Vol. I-by Jonathan L. Fairbanks and Robert F. Trent, Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1982, no. 389
17th Century British Needlework and Tortoiseshell Table Casket of rectangular form with locking hinged lid above divided lined interior upper compartment, over two hinged panel doors opening to three drawers, decorated with silk and wool needlework embroidered scenes, tortoiseshell veneers, on ball feet, 10 x 12 x 10 in., lid with heavy surface dust and accretion, heavy losses to embroidered panels throughout, lifting and detached stitching to top panel at left corner, fading, browning, and staining to fabric elements, lifting and losses to tortoiseshell veneers, feet loose
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
This lot contains animal or plant material that may be restricted under federal, state and/or local law. Prospective bidders should check all applicable government wildlife restrictions prior to placing a bid. The buyer is solely responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses or permits from federal, state and/or local authorities applicable to their purchase or transport of the object. Please note that bidders in New Jersey may not bid on any lots containing elephant ivory, mammoth ivory, or rhinoceros horn.
Charles II Framed Needlework, “Time Calls to Justice to Right Patience”
British, 17th century, vibrant scene featuring three allegorical figures of justice, time, and patience, among various animals, and hilly landscape, banner across top with title “Time Calls to Justice to Right Patience”, laid on wood backboard, 11 x 14-1/4 in.; black painted frame with carved gilt fillet, 14 x 17 x 1 in., fading, some looseness and loss to stitching, most notably to face and neck of “Time” and lower left corner, slightly off center in frame, possible restoration to upper right corner below title; frames with bumps, abrasions, and loss to painted surface, some loss to gilt, chip to fillet in upper left corner, surface dirt and accretion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
17th Century Needlework Portrait in Frame
British or Continental, depicting gentleman with feather headdress, atop lakeside landscape with castle, sight 8 x 6 in.; tortoiseshell and wood frame 13-1/4 x 11-1/4 x 1-1/2 in., not examined out of frame, slightly shifted in frame, some minor toning and staining, minor picked and pulled threads; frame with some flaking, cracks, and loss to tortoiseshell veneer, some separations at seams, slight bumps and abrasions, some cracks, chips, and pest damage to wood, notably at verso, some glue residue
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
This lot contains animal or plant material that may be restricted under federal, state and/or local law. Prospective bidders should check all applicable government wildlife restrictions prior to placing a bid. The buyer is solely responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses or permits from federal, state and/or local authorities applicable to their purchase or transport of the object. Please note that bidders in New Jersey may not bid on any lots containing elephant ivory, mammoth ivory, or rhinoceros horn.
British Framed Wool and Silk Needlework Pastoral Scene
possibly 17th century, depicting a woman seated in a pastoral landscape with dog and sheep, floral sprays and dragonfly upper left, sight 10-1/2 x 10-1/4 in.; carved wood frame, 12-1/2 x 12-3/8 x 1/2 in., stitched in over board on backing, not fully examined out of frame, some fading and staining throughout, scattered holes and small losses; frame with pest damage, paint flaking and loss, several splits, cracks, and chips
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
British Dated and Initialed Embroidered Purse initialed and dated “AT” and “1769”, bifold purse/wallet with two interior pockets, green silk ground with cream and brown embroidered floral decoration, wirework and beadwork borders and butterfly decoration, 7 x 4 x 3/8 in., opens to 7 x 8-1/4 in., scattered light staining throughout, some shattering and losses to silk along spine exterior, some picked/pulled threads, structurally sound
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
English Framed Shaped and Cut Paperwork with Harbor Scene 18th century, dimensional scene of figures at work and leisure among animals, boat, and buildings, attached to wood backboard, 9-1/8 x 13-1/2 in.; within black painted period shadowbox, 10-5/8 x 14-7/8 x 2-1/4 in., surface dust and accretion, some small losses throughout, warping and bent elements, notably one figure’s head on right side, crack to top half of backboard visible at interior, some scattered staining and fading, notably at edges; scattered bumps, abrasions, and loss to paint on frame, some air bubbles to glass
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
English Framed Shaped and Cut Paperwork with Figural Scene 18th century, oval cartouche centering scene featuring figures at work and leisure among animals, trees, and buildings, attached to wood backboard, 11-1/4 x 13-1/2 in.; within black painted period shadowbox, 13-1/2 x 15-1/2 x 2-5/8 in., surface dirt and accretion, surface dust and accretion, some small losses throughout, warping and bent elements, some staining and fading, backboard cut unevenly, slightly shifted in frame; scattered bumps, abrasions, and loss to paint on frame, some separations at seams, some air bubbles to glass
Provenance: Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Annual Summer Auction, August 3-5, 2012, lot 1233 for $3,186; Collection of John B. and MarieTeresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
British Queen Anne Initialed and Dated Framed Quillwork initialed “DR” and dated “1708” within circular band of floral scrollwork, fabric and multicolored rolled paper elements on silk backing, in shadowbox frame, 103/4 x 12-3/4 x 2-1/4 in., scattered staining throughout, some fading, some apparent looseness and warping to some elements, some tears and losses to lining at edges, floral elements at border with visible glue stains at attachment points, not removed from glass for examination, frame with light wear and abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
Serapi Carpet
Persia, circa 1900, polygonal medallion on salmon colored field, trailing leafy vines, white spandrels, blue border, 11 ft. 7 in. x 11 ft. 4 in., restorations, wear to pile consistent with age and use, loss to ends, wear to selvage, soiling, grime, abrash, fading
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000
Fine Nottingham Carved Double Walled Stoneware Mug
English, circa 1700, reeded cylindrical neck and strap handle, double walled body finely pierced with floral sprays, in lustrous brown glaze, 3-5/8 x 3-3/4 x 4-1/4 in., some anomalies and pinholes, surface dirt and accretion, numerous small chips to rim and some to base
Provenance: Jonathan Horne, London, England (labels); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $6,000 - $9,000
Nottingham Carved Double Walled Stoneware Mug
English, early 18th century, reeded cylindrical neck and rope twist handle, double walled body pierced with floral sprays, in lustrous brown glaze, 4-1/2 x 3-7/8 x 4-3/4 in., some anomalies and pinholes, surface dirt and accretion, small chips to base and rim
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $5,000 - $7,000
Nottingham Carved Double Walled Stoneware Mug
English, early 18th century, reeded cylindrical neck and rope twist handle, double walled body pierced with floral sprays, in lustrous brown glaze, 3-3/4 x 3-1/2 x 4-1/2 in., some anomalies and pinholes, chips to base and rim, one notable chip to rim, surface dirt and accretion
Provenance: J + K Chorley (label); Jonathan Horne, London, England (label); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $5,000 - $7,000
Nottingham Salt Glazed Stoneware Mug
English, 18th century, lustrous glaze, of cylindrical form, tiered base, strap handle, and impressed dotted decoration, 4-1/8 x 2-7/8 x 4 in., some anomalies, glaze voids, and pinholes, chip to base rim, small hairline to rim
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
Nottingham Stoneware Bowl
English, mid 18th century, in lustrous brown glaze, 3-5/8 x 6-3/4 x 6-3/4 in., some anomalies, pinholes, firing cracks, and glaze voids, surface dirt and accretion, some chips to rim and base, some scratches, craters and losses to interior
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
Two Diminutive Nottingham Stoneware Mugs
English, 18th century, each in lustrous brown glaze and with strap handle, one cylindrical and one barrel form, 2-1/2 x 2-3/4 x 2 in., some anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, surface dust and accretion; cylindrical example with cracks and repairs to rim, one hairline to rim; barrel form example with hairline to rim
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Large English Salt Glazed Stoneware Bellarmine Jug
mid to late 18th century, glazed Bartmann or “bearded man” jug, with incised “4”, 17-1/2 x 10-1/4 x 11 in., scattered anomalies, glaze voids, firing cracks, surface dirt and accretion, some roughness at rim and base, some abrasions to body
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Exhibition: Heritage Plantation of Sandwich, A Cubberd, Four Joyne Stools & Other Smalle Thinges..., May 8 - October 23, 1994.
Rare English Signed and Dated 1729 Salt Glazed Hunting Mug probably Fulham, of cylindrical form with strap handle, the body in raised decoration featuring hunt scene with spotted dogs and fox, houses among trees, and central interior scene with gentlemen at table, incised signature to front “JN Thompson”, dated to base “1729”, 8-1/4 x 5-1/2 x 7-1/2 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered anomalies, firing cracks, pinholes, and glaze voids, some chipping and roughness to rim, base with some notable hairlines
Provenance: Godden Reference Collection (label); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
Near Pair of Large English Salt Glazed Stoneware Hunting Mugs with Silver Collars, probably Fulham, 18th century, of cylindrical form with strap handles, each body in raised decoration of hunt scene with dogs and stag, trees and houses, and central interior scene, each with silver collar stamped “T.H”, larger 8-1/2 x 6-3/8 x 7-1/2 in., anomalies, firing cracks, pinholes, and glaze voids, surface dirt and accretion, larger example with repair and retouch to rim at base and face of one dog, the handle with old metal and staple repairs, smaller example with some chips to base and raised decoration, some denting and warping to silver collar
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
Large English Brown Stoneware Jug possibly Fulham, 18th century, reeded neck, strap handle, and rounded lip, gradated brown glaze, 16 x 10-1/2 x 10-1/2 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, surface dirt and accretion, numerous abrasions/glaze voids to body, large chip to base, two chips to lip, small chip to impressed decoration at bottom of handle, firing cracks at handle
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
English Salt Glazed Stoneware Mug probably Fulham, circa 1770, with excise mark near handle “WR(?)”, gradated brown glaze, 6-3/4 x 3-7/8 x 5 in., anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, surface dirt and accretion, some chipping to rim, some filled chips at rim (see black light)
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
Two English Brown Stoneware Bottle Jugs probably Fulham, late 17th century, each salt glazed bulbous body with flared neck and base, strap handles, larger 8-3/4 x 5-1/2 x 4-1/2 in., some surface dirt and accretion, scattered anomalies, firing cracks, and glaze voids, some surface abrasions, some chips to base rims and collars; smaller example with notable chips to neck
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Two English Brown Stoneware Vessels probably Fulham, 18th century, each salt glazed bulbous body with flared neck and base, strap handles, larger 8-1/2 x 6-1/4 x 6-3/4 in., scattered anomalies, glaze voids, pinholes, and abraded areas, surface dirt and accretion, some chipping and roughness at bases and rims; larger example with large chip to handle; smaller example with chip to front near base, some paint transfer
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Large English Brown Stoneware Pitcher possibly Fulham, 18th century, reeded neck, molded spout, and strap handle, gradated brown glaze, 13-1/8 x 9-1/8 x 10 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, and firing cracks, large chip to rim, handle, and base, a few small chips to handle, circular anomaly at surface on front (possible filled chip), surface dirt/accretion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200 620
Three British Brown Stoneware Honey Pots possibly Fulham, early 18th century, of typical form, each with rounded lip and reeded decoration at shoulder, each in gradated brown salt glaze, largest 9-1/2 x 7 x 7 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, surface dirt and accretion, some abraded areas; smallest example with filled hole at shoulder (see black light); largest example with some chips to base and rim
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
Continental Baroque Mirror
Framed Courting Mirror probably Dutch 18th century, the crest with repousse metal mounts surrounding remnants of a printed panel, veneered frame with distressed mirror plates, 25-3/4 x 18-1/2 in., good as-found condition with scattered molding losses and distress, lacking most of print panel, extensive distress to silvering, original backboard
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $400 - $600
Very Rare Boston Queen Anne Caned Side Chair Massachusetts, 1710 to 1720, the back stamped with “I”, rare “horse bone” legs, finally turned stretchers, carved, scrolled, and pierced crest, 45 x 17-1/2 x 14-1/2 in., apron replaced, otherwise excellent condition considering the fragile nature of the form, some minor pest damage at feet with minor associated losses, one old loss at back edge of rear foot, typical caning scars, back of front legs with later metal bracket supports Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $6,000 - $9,000
A fine example from a small group of known Boston cane chairs, this example is illustrated in Adamson, “Politics of the Caned Chair,” in American Furniture, 2002. Also illustrated in Ward, The Cabinet Maker and the Carver: Boston Furniture from Private Collections, catalog number 9. Also illustrated in Lasser, “The Cane Chair and its Sitter,” in American Furniture, 2010, pg. 58 and 59.
New England Queen Anne Rush Seat Side Chair Massachusetts, 1720-1740, maple and birch, turned stretchers and Spanish feet, 43 x 19-1/2 x 16-1/2 in., good structural condition, minor breakouts to joints at front corners of seat frame, later rush seat in good condition
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $400 - $600
Queen Anne Red Japanned and Parcel Gilt Dressing Mirror
British, probably 18th century, fine dressing glass with arched beveled mirror, fitted desk interior over an elaborately fitted dressing drawer, 38-1/2 x 18 x 11-1/4 in., losses and distress to japanned surface overall with areas of retouch and other distress, some repairs to mirror crest
Provenance: Bottom of one box with a white label “Mallett”; sold Stair Galleries, May 18th, 2023, lot 33; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Rare Set of Three Queen Anne Caned and Japanned Side Chairs
British, early 18th century, well-preserved chairs with scrolled crests, turned legs and stretchers, Spanish feet, red japanned surfaces with gilt highlights, caned back and seats, 46-1/2 x 17-1/4 x 18 in., breaks, distress, and repairs to caning, the frames generally good with expected surface wear, especially at seat frames, other minor patches and repairs at caning attachments
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,500 - $3,000
Rare Pair of Massachusetts Queen Anne Side Chairs in Original Surface and Original Leather Seats, North Shore, possibly Newbury, mid 18th century, each in fine original surface with original leather seats with brass tacking, turned stretchers and Spanish feet, maple and birch, 40-1/2 x 19 x 18 in., one chair with large splits to leather seat, the other chair with feet ended out approximately two inches, both with dry leather with expected edge wear and distress
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
Early Over Mantle Mirror with Distressed Mirror Plate probably 18th century, ogee molded frame centering a distressed beveled single plate mirror, 19-1/4 x 39 in., frame with distressed varnish and typical shrinkage cracks, the mirror plate with extensive distress to silvering, lacking one section of backboard (mirror plate not removed for exam)
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Rolfe Family Pair Queen Anne Side Chairs with Another Related Example Newbury, Massachusetts, mid 18th century, comprising a pair with flame stitch upholstered slip seats, in figured maple frames together with a closely related example with embroidered upholstery and old brown dry painted surface, 40-1/4 x 20 x 20-1/2 in., flame stitch examples with some breaks to slip seat frames, moth damage and other distress to upholstery, the frames generally good, some possible restorations at knee returns; the single example in good condition, very minor cracks at feet
Provenance: Vander Sande notes record that the pair descended in the Rolfe family of Newbury; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
Four George III Reverse Applied Mezzotints, Arts and Sciences (British, active 1752-64)
Poetry, Musick [sic], Architecture, and Astronomy, after G. P. Pannini, John Bowles & Son, publishers, Cornhill, circa 1764, hand-colored mezzotints with etching reverse applied to glass, each approximately 10-1/2 x 14-1/2 in.; matching 18th century or style black lacquered frames, sanded and gilt sight liners, 14-1/8 x 181/8 in., not examined out of frames, some lifting, toning; frames with wear and some resurfacing
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Four Illustrated Song Lyric Engravings, Robert Sayer, Publisher (British, 18th century style)
Poor Tom Bowling, 1791, Paddy Bull’s Expedition, 1792, The Soldier’s Adieu, 1793, Walter and his Three Graces, 1794, largest sight 13-3/4 x 10 in.; original matching painted wood frames, original glass, largest 15-7/8 x 12-1/8 in., not examined out of frames, dark toning, stains, “Poor Tom Bowling” with small areas of pest damage; frames with wear and abrasions commensurate with age
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Five Engravings from Robinson Crusoe (British, late 18th century)
from Daniel Defoe’s, The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: Robinson Crusoe and the young Priest..., Robinson Crusoe and his Companions..., Robinson Crusoe and his man Friday fireing upon..., Robinson Crusoe and his man Friday going to relieve the Captain..., Robinson Crusoe instructing his man Friday..., George Thompson, publisher, West Smithfield, 1797, hand-colored engravings, largest sight 6-1/2 x 10-1/2 in.; original matching brown painted wood frames, some with original glass, largest 8-3/8 x 12-1/2 x 3/4 in., not examined out of frames, toning, likely loose, watercolor with fading and light toning, some with small stains; frames with wear and abrasions commensurate with age
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $200 - $400
Five Mezzotints After Sir Godfrey Kneller (British, 18th century)
Portraits of women in gardens, John Smith, engraver: The Hon.ble Lady Essex Mostyn, sight 13-3/4 x 10 in.; The Hon:ble Sherard., sight 13-1/4 x 9-3/4 in.; Mrs. Arabella Hunt, 1706, sheet 13-1/2 x 10 in.;` Margaret Cecil, Countess of Ranelagh, sight 13 x 9-1/2 in.; Madam D’Avenant, sight 13-3/8 x 9-7/8 in.; matching black painted print frames of varying sizes, largest 15-7/8 x 12-1/4 in., not examined out of frames, “Mostyn” trimmed, laid down to paper, loss upper left corner, light toning and staining, some abrasion to ink, small tear in image middle right edge, creases, “Sherard” with light toning and foxing, slight waviness to paper, “Arabella” trimmed, inside of plate, laid down on paper, creases, light staining and toning, ink with some abrasions, “Ranelagh” with light toning and foxing, surface abrasions, retouch on rock middle left , “D’Avenant” with light foxing, laid down on paper, small losses lower left corner, abraded ink lower left; frames with abrasions and minor losses, one with white paint accretion, one piece of glazing with scratch
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Eight Mezzotints of Nobility in Various Interior and Garden Settings (British, 18th century)
Five after Godfrey Kneller: Her Grace the Duchess of St. Albans, The Hon.ble Lady Midelton, both John Faber, engraver, sight 18 x 12-1/4 in.; The Hon.ble Lady Howard, sight 16-3/4 x 10-5/8 in.; The Lord Buckhurst & Lady Mary Sackvil His Sister, 1695, sight 17-3/8 x 10-5/8 in., both John Smith, engraver; His Royal highness, James Duke of York, Isaac Beckett, engraver, sight 16-3/4 x 9-7/8 in.; three after Dutch artists: Gulielmus D.G..., after William Wissing, John Smith, engraver, sight 16-3/8 x 9-7/8 in.; Maria D.G. Anglice, Scot...,after Nicolaus Visscher, Jacobus Gole, engraver, sight 17-1/2 x 12-7/8 in.; Mr James Thynne,1690-1703, son of the Lord Weymouth, after John Kersseboom, W. Faithorne, engraver, sight 13-7/8 x 10-1/8 in.; miscellaneous print frames, largest 20-1/2 x 15-3/4 x 1-1/4 in., not examined out of frames, “Albans” trimmed, repair upper left, ink abraded, “Midelton” printing creases, trimmed, possible repairs, “Howard” with slight toning and foxing, “Buckhurst” restorations with attempt of removal of inscription in lower margin, small tear, toning, “James” with dark toning, some foxing, tears and small losses primarily at bottom, trimmed, laid down, “Gulielmus” trimmed to plate, light toning and foxing, “Maria” with toning and light foxing, possibly laid down, trimmed, small tear bottom edge, “Thynne” with creases, tear bottom corner in margin, light toning; frames with abrasions and wear
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
Boston-related print by Giovanni Battista Cipriani after John Singleton Copley (British, 18th century)
Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West Church in Boston, in New England an Assertor of the Civil and Religious Liberties of his Country and Mankind, who, Overplied by Public Energies, Died of a Nervous Fever., Thomas Hollis, publisher, London, 1767, etching and engraving on laid paper, plate 9-1/2 x 7 in.; 18th century print frame, 12 x 9-3/4 x 7/8 in., not examined out of frame, toning, light foxing; frame with wear commensurate with age
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $100 - $300
Portuguese Faience Portrait Plate and French Faience Table Salt circa 1660, plate with scroll decorated rim surrounding central scene of soldier with flag, in blue and manganese decoration, 1 x 8-5/8 x 8-5/8 in.; 18th century, salt with scalloped base, with polychrome landscape and floral decoration, 1-3/4 x 3-5/8 x 3-1/8 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes and glaze voids, surface dirt and accretion, some slight chipping and loss at edges, some abrasions and scratches; plate with spider crack to base and hairline to rim, plate with notable stilt mark and firing anomaly to upper right, notable chipping and glaze voids to rim; salt with hairline crack and chip to body and base, large chip to base
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Pair of Chinese Export Grisaille and Gilt Porcelain Plates
18th century, rims with four panels of floral sprays surrounded by gilt geometric pattern, centering scene featuring sea shells, beetle, butterflies, vegetation, and flowers, 1 x 9 x 9 in., some anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, loss to enamel and gilt, surface dust and accretion, one plate with cracks and repair to center and repair to chip at rim (see black light)
Provenance: J. Reis Fernandes, London, England (label); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $400 - $600
Hispano-Moresque Lustre Charger probably Valencia, 16th century, white ground with decoration in copper lustre, spiral decoration at underside, with green glaze drips, 2 x 13 x 13 in., some cracks and repairs to body and rim, one notably large crack to body, drilled hole to rim for suspension, scattered chips to rim and surface, some flaking and loss to retouch of central decoration
Provenance: John Philip Kassebaum Collection (label); Collection of John B. and MarieTeresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $400 - $600
similar example from the same collection pictured in The John Philip Kassebaum Collection, Vol. I, pg.16, fig.19
German Dated 1613 and Initialed Silver Mounted Jug salt glazed stoneware in iron oxide slip, with later silver collar in foliate decoration, initialed and dated “AP/AC/1613” to shield, 7 x 5-1/4 x 4-3/4 in., surface dirt and accretion, firing flaws, glaze voids, crazing, and pinholes, wear and some loss to glaze at handle commensurate with age and use, abrasions to top of handle, splitting and losses to exterior of oxidized silver collar at handle, collar peeling and flaking at interior, silver collar with discoloration and tarnish, damage to rim under silver collar rattles
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
Exhibition: Heritage Plantation of Sandwich, A Cubberd, Four Joyne Stools & Other Smalle Thinges..., May 8 - October 23, 1994.
German Stoneware Jug Dated 1585
Bellarmine style jug with flared and reeded foot and neck, strap handle, body with three applied figural medallions, each dated 1585, 9-1/4 x 6 x 6-3/4 in., scattered anomalies, glaze voids, firing cracks, chips to rim and foot, scattered abrasions, some small chips throughout, surface dirt and accretion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
German Dated 1594 Salt Glazed Stoneware Mug with Relief Decoration, possibly Siegburg, possibly Christian Knutgen, unmarked, decoration after the engravings of Theodor de Bry, with inscription “Jan Allers 1594”, 4-1/2 x 3 x 4-1/2 in., anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids and firing cracks (notably to raised decoration), cracks and repairs to handle and rim, repair to joints of handle at body (see black light), with visible glue, surface dirt and accretion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
“Jan Allers was a wholesale merchant from Antwerp, Belgium whose name is often found in Westerwald bottles of the period.” (Cullity, 1994)
Exhibition: Heritage Plantation of Sandwich, A Cubberd, Four Joyne Stools & Other Smalle Thinges..., May 8 - October 23, 1994.
Two German Salt Glazed Stoneware Mugs 16th/17th century, each with strap handle, one with applied oval medallion, larger 4-5/8 x 5 x 5-1/4 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, firing cracks, surface dirt and accretion, each with chipping to rims; larger example with repairs to handle at joints with body, abraded area at front lower right; smaller example with large chip to handle, some chips to base, crack to base and body only visible in raking light (see black light)
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Two Large German Stoneware Jugs, One Bellarmine probably 17th century, comprising: glazed stoneware Bartmann or “bearded man” jug, with loop handle, body with three oval crests, 17-3/4 x 11 x 11 in.; large jug with reeded neck and strap handle, impressed with number “4” on neck and shoulder, 18 x 10 x 9-3/4 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered anomalies, glaze voids, firing cracks, and wear; Bellarmine with chipping to base, notable hairlines to body at lower half, chip and hairlines to rim, discoloration possibly as made to top half; “4” jug with chipping to base, rim, and handle
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
Exhibition: Heritage Plantation of Sandwich, A Cubberd, Four Joyne Stools & Other Smalle Thinges..., May 8 - October 23, 1994.
Three German Salt Glazed Jugs, Two Bellarmine 17th/18th century; two glazed stoneware Bartmann or “bearded man” jugs, one with impressed “4” and one with medallion, larger 17-1/2 x 10 x 10-1/2 in.; ovoid jug with reeded neck and strap handle, 11 x 6-1/4 x 6 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, surface chips/abrasions, firing cracks, surface dirt and accretion; largest example with some chips to rim, void/crater at surface with embedded rock (?), smaller Bartmann with chips to handle, hairline cracks to back right side of body; lighter example with chips to base and rim
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Large German Stoneware Bellarmine Jug with Medallions 18th century, glazed Bartmann or “bearded man” jug, body with impressed medallions, 17-1/2 x 10 x 10-3/4 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered anomalies, firing flaws, and glaze voids, repaired crack to neck, large crack to body, some abrasions to rim, base, and body, some chipping to base and handle
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
George I Initialed and Dated Olive Green Blown Glass Seal Bottle
British, applied medallion “W.O. 1722”, dark olive green glass, club form with cylindrical base and tapered neck, 9 x 6 x 6 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered surface scratches and typical wear to base, several small chips to lip, small chip to medallion edge, scattered small air bubbles and anomalies as made, large streak/anomaly to neck
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
George II Initialed and Dated Dark Olive Blown Glass Seal Bottle
British, applied medallion “T.W. 1757”, dark olive brown glass, cylindrical base with tapered neck, 9-1/4 x 4-1/2 x 4-1/2 in., surface dirt and accretion, heavy accretion to interior, small chips to lip exterior, scattered scratches, typical light wear to base, minor warping as made
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
Four Early Olive Green Glass Vessels
British, 18th century, comprising: two small club form examples, one example with cork, one example lightly inscribed “Robart Rall...?”, each approximately 8 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 in.; one large club form example, 11-1/4 x 7-1/2 x 7-1/2 in.; pitcher, approximately 11 x 8-1/2 x 8-1/2 in., all with surface dirt and accretion, minor warping and other small anomalies as made, all with typical light wear and roughness to bases; small club form examples with chips to rims; large club form example with chips to rim, air bubbles; pitcher with several air bubbles, several abrasions with spider cracks visible at interior, large crack running through body and base
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
British Glass Lidded Epergne with Two Hanging Baskets
late 18th century, lidded basin atop tapered segmented shaft issuing scrolled arms supporting two glass baskets with fluted exteriors, circular base, lid with foliate scrollwork finial, 14 x 7 x 7 in., surface dirt, scattered scratches and flea bites, break and repair to one scrolled arm, some edge roughness to arm supports, likely as made, chip to one lower rim at base of shaft, break and glue repair to one basket handle, chip to one basket foot, probable break and losses to finial (edge roughness, likely lacking elements), some air bubbles at lid underside
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Seven Georgian Air Twist Clear Glass Stems all of similar form, four double twist examples, circular bases, largest 6 x 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 in., minor surface dust, scattered air bubbles and anomalies throughout, typical light wear to bases
Provenance: (one) Anthony S. Werneke Fine Antiques (sticker on base); Collection of John B. and MarieTeresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Six Georgian Engraved Air Twist Clear Glass Stems of varying size and form, including five air twist examples, 5-3/4 x 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 to 7-3/8 x 2-7/8 x 2-7/8 in., some surface dust, tape remnants, scattered fleabites, scattered anomalies (small air bubbles and debris throughout)
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
Nine Georgian Clear Glass Stems of varying size and form, all with conical/trumpet form bodies and circular bases, three with teardrop air bubble at stem, 5-3/4 x 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 in. to 7-3/4 x 4 x 4 in., some light surface dust, scattered fleabites, tape residue, scattered small anomalies (air bubbles and debris), some edge roughness as made
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Three English Cruciform Glass Decanters 18th century, each clear cruciform glass bottle with slightly flared neck, largest 11 x 4 x 4 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered scratches and typical wear to bases, scattered air bubbles and other small anomalies as made; one with some cloudiness to neck and base and small chip to band at neck
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
Six Assorted Pieces of Early Glassware British/Continental, probably 18th century, comprising: two “Turlington’s Balsam of Life” glass bottles, marked “London” and “King’s Royal Patent...”, each 2-5/8 x 1-3/8 x 7/8 in.; green glass vase, possibly German, bulbous form with molded band at neck, flared rim, 8-1/2 x 4-1/2 x 4-1/2 in.; three clear glass vessels of varying size and form, largest 6-1/2 x 4-5/8 x 4-5/8 in., all with surface dirt and accretion, scattered air bubbles and small anomalies as made, all with rough pontil marks; Turlingtons with some warping to interior rim as made; green example with several large air bubbles at neck and rim
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $200 - $400
Four English Leather Drinking Vessels 18th century, of varying size and form, all of stitched leather construction, one with applied paper label with poem, one with incised wheel motif, 5 x 4-1/2 x 3-1/4 in. to 9-1/4 x 10-1/2 x 8 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered cracks and scuffs to stiff leather, some warping to leather throughout, most slightly misshapen; some losses to stitching to interior of mug
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
One pictured in Forgotten Frontier: Untold Stories of the Piscatagua by Emerson W. Baker and Nina N. Maurer, p. 55.
Near Pair of London Delft Polychrome Tulip Chargers with Sponged Rims 18th century, each in yellow, ochre, green, and blue with tulips and other flowering plants, larger 2-1/2 x 12-3/4 x 12-3/4 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, some surface scratches and abrasions, some chipping at edges, some loss to enamel; smaller example with more notable wear and chips to foot, crack to interior
Provenance: Pook & Pook Inc., Downingtown, Pennsylvania, Americana & International - Session 2 October 10, 2023 lot 668 for $2,750 (label); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
English Delft Blue and White Dated and Initialed Plate bands of scrollwork centering inscription “TSS/1737”, 7/8 x 8-3/4 x 8-3/4 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, notable chipping along edge, scattered abrasions and scratches,
Provenance: Johnathan Horne, London, England (label); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
This plate is similar in style and may relate to a rare group of delft plates made for Chester County, Pennsylvania Quaker families, each of which is dated 1738. The plates are pictured and discussed in Paint, Pattern & Quilt, Furniture of Southeastern Pennsylvania, 1725-1850, by Wendy A. Cooper Wendy A. Cooper and Lisa Minardi, pgs. 14-15. An example from the collection sold at Christies New York, The William K. du Pont Collection: Important Americana from Rocky Hill January 22, 2022 lot 645 for $27,720.
English Blue and White Delft Tankard slightly tapered form with single arced handle, blue and white floral decoration, unmarked, 7-1/4 x 5-3/4 x 4-1/4 in., surface dirt, glaze voids and losses, particularly around rim, foot, and at side of handle, numerous hairline cracks throughout, large spider crack at base, scattered pinholes, multiple cracks visible at interior
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
English Delft Polychrome Punch Bowl possibly Bristol, 18th century, exterior in red, blue, and yellow floral decoration and diapering, interior centered with blue floral sprig decoration, 4-1/4 x 10-1/4 x 10-1/4 in., anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, exterior gloss finish with rubbing, loss to sheen, losses to overglaze, some loss to enamel decoration, hairlines visible at interior center, some chipping to rim and foot
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
English Delft Charger with Powdered Manganese Ground Wincanton or Bristol, c. 1740, with circular central reserve containing ten segments of trellis vand scale pattern, rim with fir cone and wheat sheafs, 2 x 12-7/8 x 12-7/8 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, some chips to rim, surface dirt and accretion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
Nearly identical example pictured in English Delftware in the Bristol Collection by Frank Britton pg. 250, fig.15.49
12 English Delft Polychrome Parrot Plates probably Lambeth, 18th century, each with floral sprays centering scene of parrot perched atop rocky outcropping, comprising; eight luncheon plates, 1 x 8-3/4 x 8-3/4 in.; four side plates, 7/8 x 8 x 8 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, crazing, glaze voids, and small chips to edges, some more notable than others, surface dirt and accretion, some loss to enamel, some plates possibly later; two luncheon plates with filled cracks
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
Delft Blue and White Lidded Posset Pot and Bottle Vase
English or Dutch, 18th century, each in Chinoiserie decoration, comprising: posset pot with lid in matching decoration, 6-1/4 x 8-1/2 x 6 in.; small bottle vase with tapered neck and flared rim, 6-3/4 x 3-3/4 x 3-3/4 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes and glaze voids, some chipping and abrasions to bodies, rims, and bases, surface dust and accretion; posset pot with three hairline cracks to rim and one hairline to base, lid with some repaired chips at rim; bottle vase with glaze drip as made
Provenance: (bottle vase) Benjamin F. Edwards III Collection, St. Louis, Missouri (label); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
Two Dutch Delft Queen Mary Lobed Dishes circa 1689-1695, each in polychrome decoration featuring floral sprigs centering portrait of Queen Mary with initials “KM”, larger 2-5/8 x 11-3/4 x 11-3/4 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, crazing, and glaze voids; some chips at rim, surface dirt and accretion, larger example with repaired crack and chip at rim, large chip to foot, some hairlines to rim and base; smaller example with two hairlines from rim, chip to foot
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
Dutch Delft Lobed Charger and Dish
late 17th century, comprising: charger with yellow and blue Chinoiserie decoration, 2-1/2 x 13-5/8 x 13-5/8 in.; dish with manganese and blue decoration in transitional Ming style with figure in a garden landscape, 1-5/8 x 8 x 8 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, some roughness and chipping at edges; charger with hairline and chip to rim, some loss to yellow enamel; dish with chip and small hairline to rim
Provenance: (dish) Mark & Marjorie Allen Antiques, New Hampshire; Pook & Pook Inc., Downingtown, Pennsylvania, Americana & International Auction - Session Two April 19, 2024 lot 652 (labels); (charger) Nye & Company, Bloomfield, New Jersey, Estate Treasures Auction June 14th, 2023 lot 258 (label); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
Dutch Delft King William III Lobed Charger
Holland, circa 1694-1702, underglaze blue, floral decorations centering portrait of King William III with initials “KW”, underglaze blue hashmark to base, 2-3/4 x 13-1/4 x 15-1/4 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, crazing, and glaze voids, some surface scratches and abrasions, some surface dirt and accretion, hairlines to rim, some chipping to rim, one notably large chip to rim, some hairlines to base, notable hairline to lower portion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
Exhibition: Heritage Plantation of Sandwich, A Cubberd, Four Joyne Stools & Other Smalle Thinges..., May 8 - October 23, 1994
Six English Delft Blue and White Dinner Plates
Bristol or Liverpool, circa 1760, each with central decoration of flowers and rocky outcropping, rims with floral sprigs, 1-1/4 x 8-7/8 x 8-7/8 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, scattered chipping to rims, some surface dirt and accretion; one plate with notable abraded area at underside rim
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
English Delft Blue and White Flower Brick
probably London, circa 1730, decorated with floral bouquets within quatrefoil panels atop diapering, 3-5/8 x 6-1/4 x 2-3/4 in., some anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, notable chipping at rim and base, surface dirt and accretion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
English Delft ‘Bleu Persan’ Porringer
London, circa 1680-1700, of typical form, exterior decorated white splatter, 2-3/4 x 7-1/4 x 5-1/2 in., some anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, chipping to rim and edges of handle, some surface dirt and accretion, four hairlines/small cracks to rim, some scratches and abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Similar example was exhibited at the Heritage Plantation of Sandwich, A Cubberd, Four Joyne Stools & Other Smalle Thinges..., May 8-Oct 23, 1994.
Similar example pictured in Delftware: The Tin-Glazed Earthenware of the British Isles by Michael Archer, pg. 281, fig. F1.
Delft Blue and White Ointment Pot and Double Handled Sauce Boat, comprising: probably Bristol, early 18th century, ointment/ galley pot, with striped decoration, 3-5/8 x 4-1/2 x 4-1/2 in.; Dutch or English, 18th century, double handled sauce boat/bowl, in floral and foliate decoration, 2 x 6-3/4 x 5-7/8 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, glaze voids, and chipping to bases and rims, surface dirt and accretion; ointment pot with notable chipping to rim and base, three hairlines to rim, one notable, large abraded area on side wall, probably lacking handle
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
Bristol Delft Blue and White Bottle Vase
English, mid 18th century, the body in floral decoration with bands of diapering and scrollwork, 9-1/2 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, some chipping to rim and base, body with some scratches and abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $400 - $600
English Delft Polychrome Parrot Bowl probably Lambeth, circa 1770, the exterior in vibrant decoration of parrots, insects, and flowers, the interior centered with blue parrot, 4 x 10-3/8 x 10-3/8 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, two large chips to foot, some chips and hairlines to rim, interior with notable abrasions, some loss to enamel
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
English Delft Ann Gomm Style Plate probably London, circa 1790, in blue manganese, red, green, and yellow decoration of octagonal spider webs and flowers, 1 x 10-3/8 x 10-3/8 in., scattered anomalies, pinholes, and glaze voids, light spider crack to base, multiple areas of repair and retouch to rim, surface scratches and abrasions
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $200 - $400
Similar examples pictured in English Delftware in the Bristol Collection by Frank Britton, pg.158
Pair of Brass Repousse Floral Wall Sconces Dutch or English, 18th century, circular plate with hammered floral and foliate urn decoration, each with raised slot for detachable S form candle arm and cup, 13-1/2 x 11-1/2 x 4 in. with arm attached, surface dirt, scattered areas of spotting and discoloration, minor dents and warping, candle cups with some verdigris
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $200 - $400
Set of Four British Brass Push Up Candlesticks possibly 18th century, each with segmented cylindrical shaft with central banded knop, push up mechanism, rounded octagonal bases, 7 x 3-3/4 x 3-3/4 in., scattered areas of discoloration and spotting, interiors with verdigris and oxidation, interior push up mechanisms with rust and corrosion (two stuck), scattered dents and bumps to bases
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $200 - $400
Two Impressed Leaded Bronze Posnet Pots Dated 1684
British, each tripod basin with tapered handle with impressed slogan “PITTY THE PORE 1684”, larger 6 x 14-1/2 x 6 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered areas of spotting and discoloration, some pitting to surface; larger example with black painted exterior with flaking and losses; smaller example with heavy polish wear and scratches, some verdigris around handle and feet
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
One illustrated in English Bronze Cooking Vessels and their Founders 1350-1830 by Roderick Butler & Christopher Green.
Rare Initialed Early British Bronze Mortar and Pestle possibly by Robert Orrell (fl. 1587-1614), initialed “RO” on body, mortar of tapered form with flared base, single loop handle, 3-3/4 x 5-1/2 x 4-3/8 in.; with segmented tapered pestle, 7 in., surface dirt, scattered areas of rubbing and discoloration, scattered dents particularly at rim and base, surface pitting and craters
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Literature: Similar initialed mortars are pictured in English Decorated Bronze Mortars by Michael Finlay.
English Fathers Foundry Attributed Bronze Cauldron Sommerset area, 17th century, attributed to James Fathers or John Fathers III, with John Fathers scratch mark and trefoil scratch mark, squat ovoid basin with flared lip, triangular lug handles and three reeded legs, approximately 9 x 12-1/2 x 12-1/2 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered areas of verdigris, some pitting and craters to surface, large vertical seam from rim to underside
Provenance: Wilkinson’s Auctioneers, April 2019 lot 76 (accompanied by copy of receipt); Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
This example is illustrated in English Bronze Cooking Vessels & Their Founders 1350-1830 by Roderick Butler and Christopher Green figure no. 19. The text notes numerous cauldrons bearing these scratch marks have been recorded and examples can be found in the SHAKESPEARE BIRTHPLACE TRUST COLLECTION, Stratford-upon-Avon and Honiton and Torqay Museums, Devon. None are dated or otherwise inscribed or decorated.
Three Leaded Bronze Posnet Pots with Impressed Handles
British, 17th century, each tripod basin with tapered handles, one impressed “Edmond (?) Giles”, one impressed “Praies God for all”, and one impressed “C.V.B. loyal to his magiste”, smallest 4 x 9-3/4 x 4-1/2 in., largest 5-1/2 x 18-1/2 x 8 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered areas of spotting and discoloration, some pitting to surface, scattered areas of verdigris and oxidation; smallest with several small cracks to basin rim; largest with repair to one leg, patch visible at interior
Provenance: (smallest) Bonhams, September 13, 2021, lot 38; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Similar examples all pictured in English Bronze Cooking Vessels and their Founders 1350-1830 by Roderick Butler & Christopher Green
Four Impressed English Leaded Bronze Posnet Pots, John Fathers
British, all tripod basin forms with tapered handles; larger two with handles impressed “Iohn Fathers”, each approximately 5-1/2 x 17 x 7 in.; two smaller example, one impressed “Iohn Palmar(?)”, one impressed “Tho Palmar”, larger 4-1/2 x 11 x 6 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered areas of spotting and discoloration, some pitting to surface, some casting anomalies as made; one larger example with black painted exterior with flaking and losses, crack to basin rim; other larger example with heavy verdigris to basin and handle support; Toh Palmar example with heavy scratching to interior; smallest example with one replaced leg
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
William and Mary 17th Century Pewter Tankard, William Eddon
British, late 17th century, of typical squat form, with S form handle and molded lid, interior base with “hourglass” touch mark of William Eddon, 6-3/4 x 7-3/4 x 5 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered scratches and bumps throughout, repair to molded lip at lid, some surface losses at body, rim, and handle, lid slightly loose on hinge
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
Accompanied by copy of valuation by Richard Mundey dated April 1980
Seven Assorted Pewter Items
British, mid 17th/early 18th century, comprising: one dish, one caudle cup, one broth bowl, one shallow dish, one armorial cup, three porringers, two with lids, one with two handles, largest 5-3/4 x 9-3/4 x 7-1/4 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered areas of spotting and discoloration, surface scratches and bumps commensurate with age and use, scattered dents and warping; caudle cup with solder repair foot; saucer with corrosion and losses to surface
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $200 - $400
Six 18th Century Brass Table Objects British/Continental, 18th century, comprising; bronze and brass writing standish with pen tray, pounce box, inkwell, and adjustable candle arm, 12 x 7-3/4 x 5-1/2 in.; scalloped ovoid tray on paw feet with very faintly impressed figural decoration and scrollwork borders, 1 x 21-1/4 x 17 in.; pair of wick trimmers; wick trimmer tray stand; two casters, larger 6 x 2-3/4 x 2-3/4 in., surface dirt, scattered areas of spotting, discoloration, and verdigris; some cracks and minor dents to tray and with one repaired foot; probably solder repairs to feet of wick trimmer tray stand; standish with candle arm support slightly loose, sits slightly off center, heavy corrosion and losses to mirror plate
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
Set of Four Armorial Pewter Plates with Matching Platter
British, mid 18th century, arms of a bend raguly impaling arms of a chevron between three lions heads, touch of Henry Maxter; four dinner plates, 5/8 in x 9-3/4 x 9-3/4 in.; one platter 1-1/2 x 16-1/2 x 16-1/2 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered spotting and areas of discoloration, numerous scratches commensurate with age and use, some tape remnants, minor warping to rims
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Nine Pieces English and Continental Flatware including English silver punch ladle with twisted baleen handle, bowl with George II coin dated 1745, marked “Lima” (minted with Spanish silver); with six early forks with horn and silver handles; ceramic pistol handle knife and fork, 7-3/4 in. to 141/4 in., ladle with repair at handle and rim; horn and ceramic handles with cracks, all with wear, some with loss and damage, most blades and tines with corrosion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $200 - $400
17 Early English Silver Pistol Grip Hollow Handle Knives and Forks
18th/19th century, including one set of 12 with shell and scale decoration: five large knives; some small knife; six knives with three tines; set of three with shell and wave decoration: one knife with blunt blade; one with pointed blade; one two tine work, two knives with shell handles, two tines, heraldic devices, 7-1/2 in. to 10-1/2 in., all with wear, some with loss and damage, most blades with corrosion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $600
English White Salt Glazed Oversized Tankard 18th century, tall, slightly tapered cylindrical form with scrolled handle, 7-3/4 x 6-3/4 x 5-1/2 in. Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates, June 20, 2024, lot 0981; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts, light surface dirt and accretion, a few pinholes and small firing anomalies, very thin firing separation at top of handle, small firing crack at base of handle, large hairline crack extending through body, running down through foot and base, kiln debris to base, small chip to rim interior
Provenance: Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates, June 20, 2024, lot 0981; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
16 Early English Silver Hollow Handle Knives and Forks 18th/19th century, including one set of 12 with scroll and bead decoration: four knives with blunt blades; two knives with pointed blades; six forks with three tines, set of four with foliate decoration: one knife and three tine tines forks, 8-1/4 in. to 11 in., all with wear, some with loss and damage, most blades with corrosion
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $600
Three Staffordshire White Salt Glazed Plates 18th century, comprising: a pair of octagonal dishes with molded floral and foliate borders, each 1 x 9-1/8 x 9-3/8 in.; scalloped pierced dish with molded diapering and scrollwork, 1 x 8 x 8-1/4 in., some surface dirt, scattered pinholes and small glaze voids, one octagonal dish with some abraded areas/losses at rim, scattered surface scratches, typical light wear to bases; scalloped example with hairline through rim at one pierced section, extending to foot
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Staffordshire Creamware Chintz Pattern Coffeepot and Cover English, late 18th century, possibly from the workshop of Robinson and Rhodes, pear shape with double entwined strap handles, polychrome enamel decorated with exotic striping, 9-1/2 x 9 x 4-3/4 in., minor surface dirt, some glaze crazing throughout, scattered areas of rubbing and losses to polychrome decoration, typical light wear to base, some possible areas of retouch, especially at spout, very small firing void at one handle terminal
Provenance: Skinner, October 10, 2015, lot 242, sold for $7,995; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
Nine Staffordshire King’s Rose Table Objects
18th century, all with polychrome enamel floral decoration, comprising; lidded coffee pot with flower lid finial and molded cross double strap handle; three lidded teapots; creamer; tea caddy; 8-1/4 in. plate; cup and matching saucer; largest 10 x 7-1/2 x 4-1/2, surface dirt and accretion, several with glaze crazing throughout, some rubbing and small losses to enamel decoration, typical light wear to bases/feet; coffee pot with restored lid; one teapot with break and repair to spout, with several visible hairline cracks around spout base, break and repair to lid finial; one teapot with hairline cracks and small chips and losses at body around rim, several hairline cracks and chips to foot and base; tea caddy lacking lid; one teapot with firing cracks and small chips at spout, crazing and small chips to foot/base, sticker remnants and losses to enamel at lid
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,200 - $1,800
Rare Elers Brothers Staffordshire Dry Redware Covered Milk/Teapot late 17th/early 18th century, pear form jug with applied floral sprigging, silver collar and chain at loop handle, attaching conforming lid, 6-1/4 x 4-1/2 x 3-1/2 in., minor surface dirt, some scattered craters and other small firing anomalies, scattered small chips to rim and spout, tarnishing to silver elements, hairline crack to lid, small area of restoration to inner lid rim, some substance accretion/varnish(?) to foot ring
Provenance: E & H Manners, London, sold June 25, 2016 for £6,200; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
For a similar example, see John and David Elers and their Contemporaries by Gordon Elliott, figure 4.
Staffordshire Lead Glazed Earthenware Pineapple Teapot British, 18th century, Whieldon type, press molded, diamond textured fruit with cabbage spout, leaf molded handle, flattened foliate finial, lower body with stiff leaf tips, 5-1/2 in., surface dirt and accretion, minor chips to finial, lid rim, tip of spout, and foot, chips to a few leaves, crazing, discoloration, hairline to interior, firing flaws to lid, interior, and leaves
Provenance: Brunk Auctions, Asheville, North Carolina, September 16, 2022, lot 546, sold for $3,997.50; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000
For a similar example see: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, “Teapot in the form of a pineapple”, circa 1750-70, 14.68.6a, b
Three Staffordshire Cauliflower Vessels
English, 18th century, each with cream colored florets over green glazed leaves, comprising: teapot, 4-3/4 x 7-1/4 x 4-1/4 in.; tea caddy, 4-1/2 x 3-1/8 x 2-5/8 in.; lidded bowl, 4-1/4 x 4-7/8 x 4-7/8 in., minor surface dirt, glaze crazing, teapot with small hairline at interior rim, restoration to spout tip, small chips and losses to foot, break and repair to lid finial; tea caddy with restorations to rim and lid (see blacklight photos); bowl with firing crack to lid near finial, kiln debris to foot
Provenance: Skinner, July 14, 2018, Laver Collection, lot 207, sold for $2,583; Collection of John B. and MarieTeresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
Four Staffordshire Cauliflower Tea Vessels
English, 18th century, each with cream colored florets over green glazed leaves, comprising: three teapots of varying size, largest 7-1/2 x 10 x 5-1/2 in.; tea caddy, 5 x 3-1/2 x 3-1/2 in., all with some surface dirt and glaze crazing; tea caddy with small chips and hairline to rim, small chip to foot, lacking lid; one smaller teapot with breaks and repairs/restorations to handle and spout, hairlines and chips to lid, break and repair to lid finial, firing cracks to base; one smaller teapot with kiln debris to foot; largest teapot with wax accretion(?) to exterior
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
18th Century Silver Mounted Dutch Redware Teapot early 18th century, squat spherical form, impressed oval running dog mark within lettered band “Jacobus.D.Caluwe”, with silver spout and handle collar with chains, 4 x 5-3/4 x 3-1/2 in., minor surface dirt, a few scattered voids/craters to body, three small rim chips to lid interior, some tarnishing to silver, some abrasion to foot ring
Provenance: E & H Manners, London, purchased November 18, 2019 for £4,000; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
Whieldon Type Chinoiserie Teapot and Cover British, circa 1765-70, hexagonal form with molded panels depicting figures in recreation, reeded spout and handle, conforming lid with griffon finial, tricolor green, yellow, and blue glaze, 6-1/4 x 7-3/4 x 4 in., surface dirt, glaze crazing throughout, typical light wear to base, small chips and losses to finial ears and wing tip, restoration to spout tip
Provenance: Skinner, Marlborough, Massachusetts, European Decor & Design, April 2, 2022, lot 1212, sold for $2,000; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,200 - $1,800
Press Molded Staffordshire Naturalistic Stump Form Teapot
mid/late 18th century, molded in the form of a stump covered in moss and foliage branch form stem, spout, and finial, cream ground with gray, green, and brown glaze, 5-1/2 x 8 x 5-1/4 in., surface dirt, scattered areas of glaze crazing, small chips and edge roughness to lid rim, some chips and losses to molded elements, restoration to upper spout half and lid (see blacklight photos), tape remnants and small firing void to base, typical scratches
Provenance: Sotheby’s, New York (sticker to lid underside); Skinner, April 08, 2016, lot 256, sold for $4,920; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,200 - $1,800
Lidded Staffordshire Agateware Teapot
British, probably mid 18th century, squat circular form with single loop handle and curved spout on lion’s paw feet with lion mask terminals, lid with recumbent fu lion finial, 5-1/4 x 8-1/4 x 4-3/4 in., light surface dirt, firing anomaly to base (protrusion), some minor warping to base as made, restorations to all feet, spout tip, rim, and lid rim (see blacklight photos)
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Yellow Astbury Type Lidded and Footed Teapot
British, 18th century, squat circular form with single loop handle and naturalistic S form spout, on paw feet, lid with bird finial, mustard yellow ground with molded cream foliate sprigging, 5 x 7 x 4 in., surface dirt, cracks and repairs to handle, breaks and losses to bird finial, bird finial reattached, small chips to lid rim, break and repair to one foot, some losses and cracks to sprigging, crack and repair to back foot
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
Two Staffordshire Redware Teapots
18th century, larger of spherical form with branch form handle, spout, and lid finial, with scrollwork lyre and trumpet motifs, 5 x 9-1/2 x 6 in.; smaller example of spherical form with loop handle and straight cylindrical spout, molded scrollwork, floral motifs with pastoral scene, 3 x 4-1/2 x 2-3/4 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered scratches and typical light wear to bases, scattered very small chips and cracks to molded elements; larger with small crack to lid rim
Provenance: (larger) Skinner, October 9, 2015, lot 216, sold for $677; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
Three William Greatbatch Creamware Tea Vessels mid to late 18th century, all attributed to William Greatbatch, comprising: cylindrical form lidded teapot, enamel decoration depicting “The Prodigal Son Taking Leave” and “The Prodigal Son Receives His Patrimony”, flower lid final, 6 x 8-1/4 x 4 in.; creamware lidded teapot and creamer, each with molded foliate and berry decoration, multicolored glaze, mushroom lid finials, teapot 4-3/4 x 7 x 4-1/4 in., creamer 6 x 4 x 3-1/2 in., surface dirt, and accretion, glaze crazing throughout, typical light wear and scratches to bases; molded teapot with break and repair to mushroom finial, hairline crack and staple to lid, restorations to spout tip; creamer with firing separation around foot
Provenance: (Prodigal Son teapot) Tennants Auctioneers, January 13, 2023, lot 140; (Molded teapot) Sotheby’s, October 23, 2019, lot 43; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
The story of the Prodigal Son is told in six prints, usually found paired on William Greatbatch teapots: The Prodigal Son Receives his Patrimony with The Prodigal Son takes his Leave; The Prodigal Son in Excess with The Prodigal Son Feasted on his Return. David Barker, William Greatbatch, a Staffordshire Potter, pg. 229-232 discusses the series in detail and illustrates a number of extant pots together with excavated shards decorated with details from the various prints, plates 140-144. Additionally, for a similar William Greatbatch prodigal son example, see Sotheby’s New York, Important English Pottery, the Harriet Carlton Goldweitz Collection, January 20th 2006, lot 175.
Very Rare Staffordshire Glazed Redware Teapot, Samuel Bell possibly Samuel Bell, Pomona Works, Newcastle-under-Lyme, mid 18th century, hexagonal form molded in relief with six arched panels depicting figural scenes, each surmounted with impressed title “China Rock, Young Vice Roy of Kanton, etc.”, 5 x 6-3/4 x 3-1/2 in., some kiln debris to base, break and restoration to lid rim (see blacklight photos), chip to one lid corner, possibly lacking element at finial (apparent chip), firing void/crater visible at interior wall
Provenance: Tennants Auctioneers, September 17, 2021, lot 90, sold for £1,700; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
For a similar example, see Sotheby’s New York, Important English Pottery, The Harriet Carlton Goldweitz Collection, January 20, 2006, lot 60
Thomas Whieldon Attributed Staffordshire Redware Teapot mid 18th century, with molded figural and foliate scrollwork motifs, with conforming silver lid with wood finial and applied silver spout, 4-1/4 x 7 x 3-1/4 in., surface dirt and accretion, sticker remnants to base, some warping and irregularities to edges as made, heavy tarnish to lid and spout, split to wood lid finial
Provenance: Woolley and Wallis, April 27, 2023, lot 222; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
For a similar example see Sotheby’s New York, Important English Pottery, the Harriet Carlton Goldweitz Collection, January 20, 2006, lot 113.
Staffordshire Salt Glaze Camel Form Lidded Teapot mid 18th century, molded in relief in the form of a recumbent camel with drivers, white ground with blue mottled glaze, 6 x 6 x 2-1/4 in., surface dirt and accretion, glaze crazing, large hairline through lower body and base, kiln debris to foot, some restorations to spout tip (see blacklight photos), some putty remnants to base
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Two British Enamel Decorated Salt Glazed Lidded Teapots 18th century, comprising: blue glazed example of spherical form with branch and foliate form handle and spout, enamel polychrome floral cartouche, 4-1/4 x 7 x 4-1/4 in.; cream ground example with enamel chinoiserie motifs, azalea finial, crossed double strap handle, reeded and foliate spout, 5-1/4 x 7-1/2 x 4 in., minor surface dirt, typical light wear to bases; blue example with some glaze voids around base of handle and lower body, small chips to foot, restorations to spout tip (see blacklight photos); cream example with glaze crazing, some warping to foot as made, restoration to upper half of spout (see blacklight photos)
Provenance: (blue glazed) Pook & Pook Inc., October 6, 2022, lot 701; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $200 - $400
A similar example is illustrated in Ceramics of Derbyshire 1750-1975, ed. H. G. Bradley, London: Gilbert Bradley, 1978, pg. 263, fig. 411
Staffordshire Astbury Type Lidded Teapot and Pitcher 18th century, each with dark reddish brown ground with cream foliate and floral molded decoration, comprising: lidded teapot, 4-1/4 x 6-1/4 x 3-1/2 in.; lidded pitcher/creamer, 6 x 4 x 3-3/8 in., minor surface dirt, scattered pinholes, scattered surface scratches, typical light wear to bases, scattered firing anomalies and roughness to molded decoration; creamer with chips to lid, firing crack and large area of loss as made
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Five Piece Staffordshire White Salt Glazed Tea Set 18th century, each of block molded form, panels depicting stag and unicorn hunt, comprising: teapot, 5 x 6-1/4 x 4 in.; lidded creamer, 6 x 4 x 3-1/2 in.; three teacups of varying size and form, largest 3 x 4 x 2-3/4 in., surface dirt and accretion, scattered pinholes and small firing anomalies, especially at bases; teapot with firing cracks at handle and lid finial, small chips and losses to spout, putty remnants to base; creamer with restoration to foot and lid finial (see blacklight photos); one teacup with very thin firing separation at foot
Provenance: (teapot) Bonhams, May 2, 2018, lot 195; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,200 - $1,800
Three Salt Glazed Staffordshire Pecten Shell Tea Vessels, 18th century, white ground with molded pecten shell, floral, and scrollwork motifs, comprising: lidded teapot, 4-1/4 x 6-1/2 x 4 in.; creamer on three paw feet, 3 x 3-1/2 x 2-5/8 in.; teacup, 2-1/2 x 3 x 2-1/2 in., surface dirt and accretion, some abraded areas to feet and bases; some small firing separations to creamer feet, very small chip and hairline crack through spout, small chips to molded rim
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
Staffordshire Astbury Type Miniature Lidded Teapot and Pitcher 18th century, each with dark reddish brown ground with cream foliate and floral molded decoration, comprising; lidded teapot, 3-1/2 x 5 x 2-3/4 in.; lidded pitcher/ creamer, 6 x 4 x 3-1/4 in., minor surface dirt, scattered pinholes, scattered surface scratches, typical light wear to bases, scattered firing anomalies and roughness to molded decoration; teapot with small chip to lid rim, some kiln debris to foot, very small chips and abrasions to spout; creamer with restored lid, some kiln debris to body
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $300 - $500
Near Pair of Stafforshire Salt Glazed House Form Teapots, 18th century, each of rectangular molded house form with dragon head spout and tail handle; smaller 4-3/4 x 6 x 2-1/4, larger 5-1/8 x 6-1/8 x 2-1/2 in., surface dirt and accretion, glaze crazing, typical light wear and scratches to bases; larger with restoration to lid finial and spout mouth, hairline crack to base (see blacklight photo)
Provenance: (larger) Skinner, January 12, 2008, lot 41, sold for $3,318; From the Collection of John B. and Marie-Therese Vander Sande
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
Two Staffordshire Astbury Type Teapots mid 18th century, each with dark brown ground with cream foliate and floral molded decoration, each of spherical form with loop handle and curved spout on circular foot, 3-1/4 x 4-1/2 x 2-1/2 in. and 7 x 10 x 6 in., minor surface dirt, scattered pinholes, scattered surface scratches, typical light wear to bases, scattered firing anomalies and roughness to molded decoration; larger example with break and repair to spout with additional later chip, some firing cracks at molded elements, some small chips to rim interior, several breaks and repairs to foot (see blacklight photos); smaller example with restored lid
Provenance: smaller with sticker for Garry Atkins; (larger) Skinner, October 10, 2015, lot 210; Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $500 - $700
Large Treen Burl Bowl probably American,19th century, probably Ash burl, 5-1/2 x 17-1/2 x 17-1/2 in., cracks, separations, and surface voids as made, scattered scratches throughout, exterior with small ink mark, some slight irregularities to rim as made
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $600 - $900
“Bloody Butchery by the British Troops”, Late 19th Century Print circa 1875 reprint of the famous Lexington and Concord broadside; framed, overall 22 x 17-1/2 in., pasted down to thicker board, staining and discoloration, tears and losses throughout lower half
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $100 - $300
New England Begins: The Seventeenth Century by Jonathan L. Fairbanks and Robert F. Trent, Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1982, three volumes (complete), unread in plastic dust wrapper, unopened, some tears and tape repairs to plastic dust wrapper
Provenance: Collection of John B. and Marie-Teresa Vander Sande, Newbury, Massachusetts
Estimate: $100 - $200