Issue 12, Vol. 149. The Brunswickan

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Volume 149 ·November 25 , 2015 · Issue 12

brunswickan canada’s oldest official student publication.





2 •November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149

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UNB ranked one of Canada’s top employers despite union concerns

UNB registered itself to the Globe and Mail ranking, where it was praised as a top employer, but is also at the negotiations table with several unions.

Alex Corbett News Editor UNB has recently received severa l commendat ions as one of the Atlantic region’s, and even cou nt r y’s, top employers. The Globe a nd M a i l ra n ked U N B among its top 100 while Atlant ic Busi ness Maga zi ne ra n ked the school among the top 50 in Atlantic Canada. A mong areas that UNB were pra ised for were its workplace faci l it ies a nd it s t ra i n i ng a nd skills development. Peter Mc D ouga l l , a s so c iate vice-president of human resources at UNB said, “The University of New Brunswick is extremely proud to have been selected for t his recognit ion in t wo of t he past three years and we are proud to have been selected once again for 2016.” Not everyone is so optimistic. Jo h n H ayd e n , p r e s id e nt o f the Professional and Technical Staff Union agrees that UNB is a good employer, but he argues that more cooperation and communication are needed. To H a y d e n , U N B’s r e c e n t

commendations are a part of its PR campa ign. He understa nds why it is good for business to join these ranking programs, but he believes they aren’t necessarily an accurate ref lection of employment conditions. He says an example of this is the top up maternity leave benef its. The Globe and Mail cited this benef it in its analysis, but t hose benef it s don’t apply for everyone. Terms employees, who work on a year-by-year basis and make up a signif icant portion of the workforce, go without top up maternity leave, no matter how long they’ve been working. The PTSU has been a part of negot iat ions w it h U N B admin for two years now. “Our biggest complaint about that is just lack of face time, they don’t seem to want to make the t i me it requ i res. W hen we do meet we are making good progress” Hayden said. “It just stretches things out.” The PTSU isn’t the only union U N B is negot iat ing w it h. The G radu ate Teach i ng A s si st a nt s & R esea rch A s sist a nt s u n ion, which is associated with the large

national union PSAC, has been in negotiations with the admin since the 2013. U NB will also entering negot iat ions w ith the teacher’s union, the AUNBT, in the upcoming spring. “They have t he potent ia l of severa l big u n ion s bei ng i n a strike position at the same time,” said Hayden. Hayden and the PTSU haven t a ken to publ ic l y c a l l i ng t he admin out on its frustrations. “We respect that others have the right and freedom to express t hei r ow n v iews,” McDouga l l replied in response to the complaints. McDouga l says t hat h ig hlight ing U N B’s strengths only improves the university. “ We […] b e l i e ve t h a t it i s important to demonstrate that orga n izat ions in t h is prov ince can be and are every bit as good as organizations in other parts of the country.” “This can only be a positive factor in our efforts to recruit and retain the very best faculty a nd sta f f so t hat ou r st udents receive an exceptional and transformative experience.”

JOIN THE TEAM! The Brunswickan is looking for volunteers! No experence neccessary

November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149 • 3



UNB is researching potential future residence options to stay competitive in the student housing market. Bradley Parker/ The Brunswickan

Students weigh in about on/off-campus living costs, admin studies new residence options Chris Brooks Staff Reporter It is a well-known face that students face rising tuition costs, but tuition is only a part of their university expenses. Many students, especially those entering the later years of their degrees, are faced with the choice of living on or off campus. At what point does the convenient campus life no longer outweigh the costs? The 2015-2016 residence fees page on t he U N B Fredericton website states that a double room costs $9,170 over two semesters. This includes meal plans, which are required for all on-campus students. Proctors, by comparison, only pay for meal plans, paying $4,957 over two semesters. S ubt r ac t i ng pr o c to r ’s me a l costs from the general residence fees gives an idea of the costs of housi ng. I f broken dow n i nto two separate expenses, room and mea l pla n, t hen d ivided a long eight months of the school year, the average student pays around $526/month for a double room a nd $619/mont h for t he mea l plan. That adds up to roughly $1146 a month. The Canadian Mortgage and

Housing Corporation (CMHC) reported that as of 2014 the average rent for a two bedroom apartment in Fredericton was roughly $780 a month, which comes to just under $400 a month for each resident. These prices are not adjusted to include or exclude heat and utilities costs. A llowing for a roughly $125 per week, off-campus grocery cost adds up to $500 a month. These costs are subject to change by the individual, but are overall cheaper than a campus meal plan. Many consider the cost of living on campus is balanced by the convenience. On-campus students can be sure that their bills are pa id, t hey have food on t hei r plates and walkways will be clear of snow. Sea n Hea ly is a fou r t h yea r student who lived in a UNB dorm room for three years, going from resident to house president to proctor, but has since moved off campus. Healy thinks the reason UNB residences are an attractive option is that saving money might not be a f irst priority, especial for new students. “The f irst couple years at university, the social aspect of living

with 100 other people is huge.” Healy said. “If you have anxieties about really anything to do with university then you’re sure to have others in your building who are going through the same thing that you can talk to.” Healy said that when he moved out of h i s dor m a nd i nto a n apartment, his grades went up and he became a healthier person. Even knowing this though, and knowing that he could have saved money living elsewhere, he said that if he had to do it over again he still would have lived in that tiny dorm room for his f irst two years. Dean Martin, Director of Residential Life, says UNB has hired a consulting company, The Scion Group, to do a six month review of residences. The review will help f ind out what needs to be done in order to improve the residence exper ience, whet her or not to renovate or rebuild residences and f ind out what students would be willing to pay for different services. The study started in October and Martin hopes that they will be done by the end of March. It is part of a greater residence renewal capital plan.

Martin admits that residences at UNB Fredericton are in need of work. “The university realized that our buildings are getting up there in age and that it was def initely time to put some work into the bu i ld i ngs,” sa id Ma r t i n, “a nd rather than just do little patch jobs here and there, it was really time for the university to reinvest back into residences.” M a r t i n s ay s t hat col lec t i ng information is the main priority right now and so far that process has included an online sur vey, foc u s g roups a nd st a keholder meetings. The Scion Group is also doing research on apartments off campus. “We need to know what our competitors are doing and how we can attract more students to residence,” said Martin. “T here’s a t rend i n st udent housing to offer more than just double rooms, and here at UNB most of our rooms are doubles.” Recent residence surveys show diagrams of what new residence units might look like, and asks what might a student be willing to pay per month. The f irst of these is a three-bedroom apartment with t wo bathrooms ask-


ing, “How much would you be willing to pay per month for a Three Bedroom Apartment in a new or renovated building on the Fredericton campus?” The price ra nges, i nclud i ng a l l ut i l it ies, are “$1,050 - $1,100 per month, $1,101 - $1,150 per month, over $1,150 per month.” T hese pr ices a l ig n w it h t he three bedroom prices listed for Fredericton by the CMHC except that they would not be divisible between roommates. Accord i ng to Ma r t i n, occupa nc y rates t h is yea r a re up slightly from last year, and are between 94 and 95 per cent but they need to put work into the residence buildings to maintain those numbers. He also said that due to falling enrolment rates in Atlantic Provinces it is important for their buildings to be attractive to new st udent s. On t he ot her ha nd, graduate student populations are on the rise and that calls for a greater variety of residence options. Martin said that the research phase is just one of the f irst steps, and from start to f inish the plan will take 15 to 20 years.


4 •November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149

Study abroad students in Europe reported safe by UNB Camila Vergara The Brunswickan

On Nov. 13 a series of terrorist attacks killed 127 people in Paris, a common destination for UNB students for a study abroad experience. President François Holland declared a state of emergency and three days of national mourning. UNB faculty and staff in the study abroad co-op learning programs immediately began to reach out to students in France as well as elsewhere in Europe. “We were relieved to hear back from the students that they were, indeed, fine. Only one was in Paris on that night, but was safe,” says David Stonehouse, senior manager in communications in the President’s Off ice. “ O u r s t u d e nt s s t u d y i ng i n France also reported being contacted by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development within an hour of the attacks,” says Stonehouse. Ted Flett is a UNB exchange student currently studying in Bordeaux, a large city about five hours away from Paris, and he could still see evidence of the consequences of the state of emergency. “The local airport was patrolled by military members with machine

guns in hand and security checks were very thorough.” He continued, “The attacks in Paris have left me feeling that I should be ultra aware of my travel plans and any exposure to risk ... Being in France at the time, there was an undercurrent of sadness and angst that is hard to describe or put into words.” The study abroad office has also reached students studying in other areas overseas, to share travel advisories and offer them counseling assistance via Skype. “It’s heartwarming to know that the UNB community is concerned and that they are ready to help at a most unusual time to students studying abroad in Europe,” said Flett. Flett says that the attacks have left him wondering if there’s anywhere safe in the Western world. He’s uncerta in if any big cit y, from Paris to Toronto, can be considered safe. “I felt an emotional desire to just be home among family, friends a nd my pa r t ner, I a m a l ready prett y far from home, and t he attacks, the state of emergency, funeral days, moments of silence and news headlines that followed made me feel even further away,” Flett said.

UNB has students studying abroad around the world. Bradley Parker/ The Brunswickan

Mandatory international student health care a costly ordeal Melly Moore & Alex Corbett The Brunswickan

UNB’s madatory international healthcare policy has some students paying for double coverage. Bradley Parker/ The Brunswickan

UNB is unique among the Atlantic universities by requiring international students to purchase its insurance plan with nearly no exceptions. Because international students are not eligible for Medicare, they are required to purchase mandatory health insurance offered by the university, which costs anywhere from $322 to $966 depending on the duration of a student’s stay. International students are also required to have their own insurance while travelling to and living in Canada before applying for the UNB plan. This means international students are often charged with two separate plans, which can be a costly ordeal. According to the UNB website, only those “who are accepted into the NB Medicare program or students who are in a mandatory Sponsored Program insurance plan can ask for an exemption.” This means that many international students have limited choice of insurance providers. Jerrilyn Bramble is the health insurance administrator for UNB. She says that the current healthcare policy was put to place in 2012 to ensure all students were protected. Providing insurance through UNB was preferred because it not only guaranteed students were covered but that their coverage was up adequate. “What we had were students who would show us their coverage and cancel it right afterwards. So they weren’t covered, and UNB can’t afford to take on such a parenting role if they were

hurt,” Bramble said. International students at Dalhousie University – who make up 14 per cent of the student body –can withdraw from the school insurance plan if they have proof of adequate private insurance. The same option is available at Mount Allison University, the University of Prince Edward Island and St. Thomas University. The benefits to the mandatory plan include available health care 24/7 and unlimited access to doctors on campus and elsewhere in New Brunswick. Students are also able to be covered for up to 15 travelling days at a time if they leave the province and up to 90 days if they leave the country on a training program. Santi Matta is an international student from Honduras. He says he doesn’t mind the UNB coverage. “It worked fine with me because my insurance plan that I have it only covers [in Honduras],” Matta said. “The only thing I don’t agree is that it is forced to be paid because some international students already have an insurance that covers in any country. So, in my opinion, it should not be forced to pay for it because if an international student already has one, it is an extra cost.” The health plan covers just about anything related to sickness or emergencies, and there is a comprehensive dental plan which covers any accidental blows to the mouth. Students are able to be referred the appropriate clinic or hospital and receive high quality care on campus at the UNB Student Health Centre.


November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149 • 5

Fire on Windsor Street

Alex Corbett News Editor A f ire broke out Saturday night at 705 Windsor Street. Fredericton f iref ighters were d ispatched at around 6:47p.m., and by 7:40 had the f lames mostly under control. Three of the buildings six tenants were in Nova Scotia at the time of the f ire. The tenants who were home were initially unaware of the f ire, in part because of too few f ire alarms in the building. No one, including one tenant’s cats, was injured. The cause of t he f ire is st ill under investigation.

Fredericton Fire Departement were dispatched Satuday night in response to the Windsor Street fire. Bradley Parker/ The Brunswickan

UNBSU to review its human resources policy Stephanie Sirois Staff Reporter U N B’s s t udent u n ion i s c u r rent ly a mont h into t he process of d ra f t ing a huma n resou rces pol ic y. Accord ing to U N BSU president K at ie Davey, “It w i l l encompass what posit ions we have available, what the requirements a re for each posit ion, what t he h ir ing comm ittee needs to look l i ke, what t he pay w i l l be. It wou ld a l s o h ave a s e c t ion i n it about a ny compla i nt s f i led aga inst employees.” U N B S U d id s ome re s e a rc h over t he summer look ing into ot her st udent u n ions a nd t heir c u r rent p ol ic ie s. T he c u r rent v ice-pre sident of f i na nce a nd operat ions, W i l l MacMack in, is d ra f t ing t he pol ic y. “I expect it to be upwa rds of 20 pages,” sa id Davey “He’s on page f ive or six r ight now.”

The cu rrent U N BSU by-laws ava i lable on l ine do not have a s p e c i f ic s e c t ion f o r a hu m a n resources policy. However there are sections in the by-laws which do address members, councilors a nd t heir roles. These by-laws were last a mended i n Ma rch 2013. I n compa r i son , St. T homa s Un i ve r s it y ’s S t udent ’s Un ion ha s a hu ma n resou rces pol ic y t hat add resses h ir ing, employees, term inat ion a nd d ism issa l a nd code of conduct. ST USU i s u n ion i z e d , w he re U N B S U is not. W hen a workplace is u n ionized, t hat mea ns t he u n ion work s w it h t he employer to come to an agreement on a work cont ract. Norma l ly t hese work contracts include wage informat ion, benef its, a nd r u les of employment. A common characterist ic of a unionized workplace is a pay bump, meaning the longer

an employee is with a union, the more t heir wage increases. I n a workplace t hat is not u n ion ized, it’s up to t he employer to set wage informat ion a nd of fer benef it s. T he employer a lso decides on hou rs of work, d iscipl ine a nd possibi l it y of promot ion. U N B a lu m n i A nt hony Desmond graduated with a Bachelor of A r t s i n 2012, ju st m is si ng t he last update of t he by-laws in 2013. He sa id he was curious to k now what cha nge s wou ld be happen i ng to t he U N B SU by-laws. “I hope that a new policy corrects any previous ineff iciencies. St udents shou ld be t he number one concern, it is a f ter a l l t heir time and dime invested into this inst it ut ion,” sa id Desmond. The pol ic y is expected to be put into pract ice in t ime for t he hiring of t he new student union employees in Ma rch of 2016.

UNBriefs: Refugee donations welcome Bhavish Ramlochun Staff Reporter U N B communit y invit ed t o learn about the refugee crisis and donate The UNB A IDS/HI V Initiat ive i s f u nd r a i si ng for Sy r ia n Refugees on behalf of the United Nations Refugee Agency. The organization is currently accepting donations and volunteers to join its team to fundraise for immediate relief items such as medical supplies, water, food and winter clothes. Students and staff can donate on an online too. The UNB AIDS/HI V initiative encourages the UNB community to access its UN material and/or to conduct t heir own resea rch to atta in a deeper understanding about the current global refugee crisis. According to the initiative, it is possible to have a cautioned refugee system and still have compassion.

The International Business & Entrepreneurship Centre (IBEC) celebrates the Global Entrepreneurship Week. UNB IBEC organized a “lunch and learn” session at Tilley Hall as a part of Global Entrepreneurship Week. Levi Lawrence, a UNB g raduate a nd fou nder of R ea l Food Connections, made a speech to talk about business startups. “Successful entrepreneurs should always be ready for change,” he said. Housed within UNB’s faculty of business administration in Fredericton, I BEC’s goa l is to facilitate entrepreneurial and experiential learning for students through specialized programs and competitions. IBEC runs a variety of programs that are centered on real life experience, offering students the opportunity to go out into the business world and either work with existing businesses or create their own venture.

November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149 • 6


‘Top 100 Employer’ has no merit Recently UNB has received the designation of one of Canada’s top 100 employers by the Globe and Mail – a program where employers register themselves for consideration. From the Canada’s Top 100 Employers website, the selection process involves an evaluation based on eight criteria, including “work atmosphere and social” and “health, financial and family benefits.” The process continues by comparing each employer to others in the same field. However, at no point are the employees given a chance to express their opinions on the matter. In this case, I’m not sure how much being one of “Canada’s top 100 employers” is worth. And the university administration is deluding itself if they truly believe this recognition has any real merit. Awards such as these are a means of hiding the fact that the university’s employees are dissatisfied with the upper administration. Statements from UNB HR of being “extremely proud” for this recognition seem a farce to

drown out the voices of disgruntled faculty and staff. As if the title of “Top Employer” can act as a bandage to cover up past issues. This designation does not reflect reality: Currently UNB is in negotiations with two employee unions on campus and will be entering into negotiations with a third in the spring. When the unions are saying that their employer doesn’t take the time to talk to them, that’s a concern. When the majority of the university’s faculties have expressed non-confidence in the senior admin, that can’t be ignored. If the UNB admin think they can hide behind their fancy title and not face these issues head-on, they’re in for a surprise. UNB admin: maybe you should reach out to your employees to see how well you stack up as an employer before patting yourself on the back.

Emma McPhee is the Editor-inChief of the Brunswickan

THE BRUNS the brunswickan

Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief • Emma McPhee Business Manager • Adam Travis News • Alex Corbett Arts • Sebastian Maynard Sports • Rob Trites Photo • Bradley Parker Art Director • Andrew Spindler Copy • Jadrien Hong Multimedia • Sean McCullum Staff Advertising Sales Rep • Bess Teague Delivery • Dan Gallagher Staff Reporters • Nathan Delong, Chris Brooks, Stephanie Sirois, Camila Vergara, Bhavish Ramlochun Contributors Mark Mancini, Alec Boudreau, Josh Steeves, Josh Daniels, Iain MacMillan,

Melanie Michaud, Michelle Lavery, Brett Anningson, Stacey Taylor, Shawn Goff, Starlit Simon, Caroline Mercier, Katie Kim, Brock Slipp, Josh Steeves, Fernanda Damiani, John Robb, Dylan Renouf, Jeremy Slayter, Aman Electricwala, Sarah Badibanga, Bennett Smyth, Anne Ugabi, Kyle Lamkin, Rebecca d’Entremont, Kristopher Wilmot The Brunswickan relies primarily on a volunteer base to produce its issues every week. Volunteers can drop by room 35 of the SUB at any time to find out how they can get involved. About Us The Brunswickan, in its 148th year of publication, is Canada’s Oldest Official Student Publication. We are an autonomous student newspaper owned and operated by

The little fish with big potential DIVE IN

Michelle LaVery I had the opportunity to chat (over a beer, of course) with Dr. Bryan Crawford last week about his research in the UNB biology department. He’s the recent recipient of the Faculty of Science Excellence in Teaching Award and manages a remarkable zebrafish-rearing facility in the C.W. Argue Research Wing of Bailey Hall. His research is innovative and his passion for it seeps into every conversation he has. Dr. Crawford strives to understand the link between genotype (the information in your DNA) and phenotype (the physical manifestation of that information – the patterns in your cells and body). Living cells contain a complete set of DNA, yet those cells somehow decide which parts of your DNA they will choose to use. For example, your brain cells contain the genes for making muscle proteins, but choose not to – instead, they use only the skin-related genes. There are complicated and unknown control mechanisms that help cells decide which genes to use, communicate with one another about those genes, and organize themselves into complicated tissues like muscle, toenails, taste buds etc. The cells of these tissues produce a matrix of different substances in order to hold the tissue together (so that you’re

not a “pile of goo on the floor”) and give the tissue specific properties (elasticity, strength, malleability, etc.). Dr. Crawford’s research specifically investigates how cells choose where to create this matrix and when to remodel it into another form, using molecules call matrix metalloproteinases (or MMPs). So how do zebrafish help him investigate those control mechanisms? Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are a species of Southeast Asian freshwater fish about the size of a house key. They’ve become a popular aquarium fish worldwide, with many different colourful and interesting strains. They’re also gaining popularity in biological research since they’re considered a near-perfect “model organism” (some other model organisms include white mice and fruit flies); it only takes three days for them to hatch after eggs are fertilized, they’re raised in freshwater (so we don’t have to pump ocean water into the lab), they’re vertebrates (just like us), and their embryos are completely transparent. Furthermore, we’ve sequenced their genome, so we know what genes are in their DNA. This has allowed researchers worldwide to create different genetic strains – certain genes can be added, removed or inhibited, depending on what questions you’d like to answer. For example, there are completely transparent zebrafish strains with fluorescent proteins attached to their blood cells, so that their blood lights up under certain conditions and their circulatory systems can be observed. Given that these fish can be cultured quickly and their genome can be manipulated (relatively) easily, it seems obvious why Dr. Crawford uses them in his lab. They have a very similar matrix holding their cells together as us and their MMPs can be manipulated to remodel the matrix in different ways.

Dr. Crawford’s graduate students are currently working on a variety of different questions about this matrix and the associated MMPs. For example, Emma Chaston-Vickers has developed a method to visualize the activation of MMPs and will be using it to determine how MMP activity is regulated during development. Emma Matchett is currently trying to tease apart how active MMPs interact with inhibitors once they begin remodelling the matrix. Knowing how MMPs are supposed to function and how they are inhibited is important information, since these remodelling molecules can sometimes get out of control - particularly when tumours are spreading through different tissues. If we can tell when our MMPs are out of control (in diseases like cancer and arthritis, and during heart attacks) and how they would normally be stopped, we might have a better chance at preventing the damage they can cause. If Dr. Crawford’s lab is able to address this many challenging questions about the matrix between our cells, just think of the other questions we could address with zebrafish! Questions about cells, organs, organ systems, behaviours, disease, pathogens, nutrition and food production – to name a few. If I could pack that much potential into my house key, I would have already been to the Moon a few times, solved world hunger and stopped forgetting my keys everywhere… For more information about the wonderful world of zebrafish, head to I’ll be on hiatus over the holidays, but you can look forward to learning more about fish in January’s column! Good luck with final exams, and remember – stay curious. ><(((°>


Letters must be submitted by e-mail to editor@thebruns. ca including your name, as letters with pseudonymns will not be printed. Letters must be 500 words at maximum. Deadline for letters is Friday at 5 p.m. before each issue.

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Brunswickan Publishing Inc., a nonprofit, independent body. We are a founding member of the Canadian University Press, and love it so. We are also members of U-Wire, a media exchange of university media throughout North America. We publish weekly during the academic year with a circulation of 4,000. Letters to the editor Letters must be submitted by e-mail to including your name, as letters with pseudonymns will not be printed. Letters must be 500 words at maximum. Deadline for letters is Friday at 5 p.m. before each issue.

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November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149 • 7

on What’s YOUR eek? w s i h t mind

What is your plan for Black Friday and what do you want to buy?

Sara Ahmadi

Chantal Rich-Joncas

Danika Carleton

Laura McNicholas

Brendon Robinson

“Plan on spending it shopping and buying make up. ”

“Blanket scarves, spending it shopping after class.”

“Online shopping, buying clothes .”

“Preparing myself for my 3 week practicum binge, buy some teaching clothes .”

“Buy some alcohol.”

Nicole Lawrence

Aaron Steeves

Robbie Tree

Troy Wilson

Emma Wistaff


“I’m not gonna buy anything I’m poor.”

“Going to a potluck . ”

“Go to school, I don’t usually do black Friday. ”

“Spend it at the mall buying Christmas gifts.”

UNB ONE OF ATLANTIC CANADA’S TOP 50 EMPLOYERS … REALLY? • Lockout of full-time faculty in January 2013 after first day on the picket line in AUNBT’s history!


• Professional and Technical Staff Union certified on 20 March 2013 still without first Collective Agreement! • Union of Graduate Student Workers without second Collective Agreement since 1 May 2013! • New retirement policy claws back severance pay of Administrative, Professional, and Technical staff working over age 65!

SHAME!!! Professional and Technical Staff Union—PSAC 60551

Become a PARLIAMENTARY GUIDE Applications due January 15, 2016 This summer, be part of the action at the Parliament of Canada.

Find out more and apply online at

November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149 • 8



The Glorious Sons, The Poory Young Things and Northcote will be performing back-to-back shows at The Capital on Nov. 28 & 29. Rob Pinnock/ Submitted

Dirty, sweaty rock n’ roll Cameron Milburn The Brunswickan

A “d i r t y s weat y R ock n’ R ol l show, packed with inspirational lyrics and loud guitar” is what T he Glor ious Sons f ront ma n Bret t Em mons says is to be ex pec ted t h i s Wed nesday a nd Thu rsday n ight at t he Capita l Complex. The Glorious Sons will be joined by fellow Ontario rockers and friends The Poor Young Things as well as Victoria, British Columbia natives Northcote. The Glorious Sons have been touring almost nonstop since the release of their freshman album, The Union, in 2014. Frederictonian’s had the pleasure of seeing them take the stage of FredRock in the summer of 2014, obviously creating a lasting impression that warranted the two-night stint at the Capital. The popularity of The Glorious Sons has exploded since their seven-song EP, A Shapeless Art, which came out in 2013. It seems like it was just yesterday I was hearing “White Noise” play on Fredericton’s 105.3 the Fox; now I f ind it hard to turn on the radio without hearing something by the guys. When I had my chat with Brett Emmons (lead vocalist), he said he felt the same way. “It’s hard to measure success when you’re in the moment with

the band. Each day is a different step, whether it’s a music video or a song,” explained Emmons. He felt the real turning point for the band was prior to their radio hits, after playing three shows on New Years Eve in their hometown of K ingston, Ontario. Brett said that after those shows he felt that he could easily do this for the rest of his life. The bands latest album, The Un ion , i s packed w it h a ver y d iverse col lect ion of t rack s. R a ng i ng f rom loud a nd heav y rock songs such as “Contender,” “Heav y,” and “The Union,” to slower moving jams like “Lightening,” “Amigo,” and “Gordie.” Each a nd ever y song however maintains their distinctive sound and energy. Emmons describes the album as one with a “smart blue collar vibe with energy, inspired by growing up in small town families, going to bonf ires and drinking shitty beer.” Truly the staples of any great Canadian rock n’ roll album. W it h t he med ley of sou nds, emotions and power contained in their freshman album, it’s nearly impossible to predict where the Glorious Sons will go with their next album. Brett reassured me however that “it’s still going to be Rock n’ Roll with really high energy because we don’t like to play any thing else.”

Brett explained that some of the bands success can be attributed to John Angus from the Atlantic Canadian rock band The Trews. As well as producing both their album and EP, Angus has helped in other aspects as well. “Before we were just a bunch of dirty dudes tearing bars apart screa m i ng ou r asses of f. Joh n taught us how to really represent ourselves as who we are as a band.” I asked Emmons what he thought of touring the Maritimes and he said he sees Fredericton a lot like their hometown K ingston in the sense that it is a small city with hard working families. A lthough the band doesn’t get a whole lot of free time before shows, Brett enjoys taking time to throw on a pair of headphones and walk along the ocean when he is in the Maritimes. “I k now t hat sou nds cor ny, but we don’t get t he ocean in Ontario.” The band hits Fredericton as one of the last shows on their tour before they go back to K ingston. The tightly packed Capital atmosphere and talents of The Glorious Sons is sure to leave Frederictonians with the same level of ecstasy that was experienced at FredRock. “ It ’s gon n a b e a f u n n ig ht dude.”

The Glorious Sons’ Brett Emmons promises exciting performances at The Capital. Rob Pinnock/ Submitted


November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149 • 9

When adults read things they wrote as children Nathan DeLong Staff Reporter Cringe Fest 2015 is set for Sunday, Nov. 29 at 7:30 p.m. at the W i lser’s R oom of t he C apit a l Complex. It will feature Fredericton’s f inest reading things they wrote as children. “It’s really f unny,” said Lisa Anne Ross, Solo Chicken’s artistic producer. “Adults dig t hrough boxes at their parents’ house to f ind journal entries or autobiographies they wrote in grade seven that are embarrassing and share them with a crowd.” Ross said Cringe Fest was inspired by the CBC Radio Podcast G row nups R e ad T h i ng s T he y Wrote as K ids. Among the ten readers scheduled for Cringe Fest are Theatre New Brunsw ick’s Tania Breen, Green Party Leader David Coon, Rya n G r i f f it h f rom T he Nex t Folding Theatre Company, local artist Natalie Sappier and Julie Schriver from Goose Lane Publishing. “It’s a col lect ion of f u n local people,” said Ross. “A lot of people wanted to do it, but they would look for stuff to share only to f i nd t hat t hei r mom t h rew everything away.” A ll the proceeds from Cringe Fest will support the Coop, which is Solo Chicken’s new initiative to s u p p o r t b ot h pr of e s s ion a l

Josh Steeves The Brunswickan

a nd emerg i ng New Br u nsw ick performance artists through the creation of new works. The Coop was launched by Ross and artist Lesandra Dodson in May. Its members include JeanM ichel Cliché, A lex Donova n, Ian Goff, Alexa Higgins and Lexi MacRae. Since its launch, the Coop has begun creating a new play, A Record of Us. “It uses the text of [Miramichi native and author] David Adams R ichards,” said Ross. The Coop started creating the play during a two-week residency at The Charlotte Street Arts Centre in May. They are currently the company and artists in residence at St. Thomas University. In January, the Coop will begin a re sidenc y at T he Playhou s e T he at re i n Fre der ic ton. T h at residency will f inish in July 2016, when A Record of Us will be premiered at The Playhouse. “In order to support our residenc y at The Playhouse, we needed to have a f u nd ra iser,” said Ross. Z ach A t k i n son, t he C apit a l Complex manager, said the complex has hosted a couple of Solo Chicken’s events before. “We’ve been doing a lot more fundraisers and theatre and comedy based events where normally the Capital Complex has been – and still is – a music venue,” he

All proceeds from Cringe Fest 2015 will be in support of Solo Chicken’s new iniative, the Coop. Submitted

said. “We have been for a long time, and we’ll continue to be, but over t he last couple years, we’ve expanded and started offering the opportunity for small theatre groups, upcoming artists or touring comedians to use the space.” A t k i n son sa id t he potent ia l crowd can only be measured by

the buzz surrounding the event, but Cringe Fest seems to be quite anticipated. “There are a lot of people talking about it,” he said. “So I imagine we’ll see a great turnout.” Ross certainly hopes so. “We’re hoping to get a diverse crowd out,” she said. Ad m ission to Cr inge Fest is

l im ited to adu lts aged 19 a nd over. Tickets will be available at the door for $10 for students and under waged and $20 for everyone else. Ross said anyone who donates $25 to $50 will be part of the Elite Poultry Club, and tax receipts can be issued for donations of $25 or more.

Films from the stacks

A Criterion release of a film is akin to being knighted. Their seal of approval is the benchmark of excellence that is encapsulated by their logo on the spine of the packaging. The idea of DVD extras were ruined by the lack of purpose most extras came with; Criterion cuts out the garbage and treats every release as a thesis project with extras that reinforce the need for the particular release. The HIL has a large selection of great Criterion releases you should check out. They even have Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom. A Woman Under the Influence (1974) Dir: John Cassavetes I’m not one for bold claims, but one, arguably two, of the best performances found at the HIL are found here. Mabel (Gena Rowlands) and Nick (Peter Falk) are a married couple going through the motions of domesticity. Mabel begins to descend into a madness that Nick doesn’t understand and believes can be “fixed.” Rowlands is running on all cylinders as a woman who never had any support and struggles to align herself with domestic expectations. While Rowlands breaks your heart, it is easy to not recognize how great Falk is

as well. As a blue collar man who knows life’s trajectory, he captures the desire and inability to save the one he loves. A tough, rewarding film.

Z (1969) Dir: Costa-Gavras If political corruption is your cup of tea, might I suggest Z. In a Greek city in the 1960s, the leader of the political opposition is attacked on the streets during a rally and later dies in the hospital. The dead politician was against any type of foreign intervention in national affairs and was considered a threat by the right wing power. The film is a satire of sorts on politics although the humor may be lost in the deadpan presentation. Your patience may be tested in the first 20 minutes but wait it out, it gets pretty kooky. Cries and Whispers (1972) Dir: Ingmar Bergman With their sister Agnes dying of cancer, Karin and Maria come together for the first time in ages. As Agnes’ condition deteriorates Karin and Maria seem incapable of empathy, reserving their time for long-repressed feelings between the siblings. Agnes’ only saving grace is her maid Anna, a long serving maid who is closer to Agnes than her sisters will ever be. Lies, deceit,

guilt, callousness, forbidden love: this is a downer you should watch.

Branded to Kill (1967) Dir: Seijun Suzuki If you threw a bit of Russ Meyers in with the coolness of Jim Jar-

musch you would probably get Branded to K ill. The third best hitman in Japan is given a job by a mysterious woman. He botches the hit and loses his ranking while becoming a hit in the process. The number one hitman is hired to take

out the formerly ranked number three which results in a surreal nightmare. Things to note, number three has a fetish for sniffing rice and uses a dead bird for a rear view mirror.


10 •November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149

Dance Fredericton presents Fredericton’s own Nutcracker Katie Kim The Brunswickan As we approach the end of the year, it is a nice idea to enjoy art that reflects the cold weather and festive mood. Dance Fredericton is presenting an option for that, as they will be performing the Nutcracker on Nov. 28 and 29 at The Playhouse. A timeless classic, the musical score by Tchaikovsky has many different adaptations. This production of the Nutcracker, however, features original choreography created for Dance Fredericton. “We thought Fredericton should have its own version of the Nutcracker,” said Janis Thomson. The choreography was developed by a teacher from the Royal Winnipeg Ballet school, and was progressively developed until its completion in the past few years. “What you see on the stage is different from the Nutcracker you would see anywhere else,” Thomson said. Despite being Fredericton’s original, the production still holds true to its Victorian style. Set in 1895, everything from the set, costumes, hairstyles and jewelry is Victorian. This year marks the ninth year that Dance Fredericton has been presenting their annual production of the Nutcracker. Even though things like the set and choreography have changed slightly from year to

year, Thomson says that there is a consistency to the production that the audience will recognize. “This year we have a new gingerbread house that will wow the audience. But as far as the dances themselves, the audience will be looking for something we normally offer.” The local audience might also enjoy noticing the progression of Dance Fredericton’s the Nutcracker. “They’ll see things that are familiar. They might notice the set, or the dancers from the past year.” Because the dancers from Dance Fredericton stay with the team for a long time, you might recognize the progression of individual dancers as they move on to different roles within the play. Along with Dance Fredericton, four guest soloists will be decorating the stage. One of the main performances by the guest soloists will be in the second act’s pas de deux. Two of the guests, Alanna McAdie and Yosuke Mino, are from Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet Company. The other two, Louis Phillip Lion and Anton Lukyanov, were dancers with the Atlantic Ballet Theatre and play the roles of Drosselmeyer and Mouse King, respectively. Filled with extravagant costumes, dolls, and animals, the Nutcracker ballet production promises to bring the original fairy tale to life. “It’s a really magical piece. It’s our gift to Fredericton.”

The annual performance of The Nutcracker will be happening on Nov. 28 & 29 at The Playhouse. Larry lamsa / Flickr CC

Grimross brewery brings more options to locals

Grimross Brewing Co. opened last December on Bishop Drive. Brad Parker / The Brunswickan

Chris Brooks Staff Reporter Grimross is a relatively new brewery in Fredericton, opening the doors to its taproom and brewery in December of last year. Located on Bishop Drive, the brewery is

bringing local flavor to a new part of the city, and though it’s located on an Industrial strip, once you step in the doors you enter a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. Stephen Dixon is the owner of the brewery and graduated from UNB in 1991. Between then and

now he’s done everything from managing the Parks and Recreation department in Nackawic to training athletes at high altitudes. Opening up a brewery was always his dream though. Specializing in Belgian beers, Grimross offers something new

to those who have been limited to trying just Picaroons (who make traditional British style beers), and according to Dixon the response has been positive. “Since we opened up we’ve had a wide variety of people come in, anywhere from retired seniors to university students trying their first ever craft beer,” said Dixon. “Overall, reactions have been great.” Along with quenching the city, Grimross has also been actively supporting the local music scene by letting musicians play in their taproom. Dixon said the first live music act was at least six months ago, and it just kind of happened naturally. “We never really made a conscious decision to start hosting music, I’d say the idea developed organically from the atmosphere we created,” said Dixon. “We got requests from some bands who wanted a place to play so I thought it would be great for customers to be able to hang out and listen to music while enjoying our beers.” Dixon said that the musicians have ranged from single acts to full bands and the genre of the music has been even more varied. He estimates that 12 or more bands have played in the taproom so far, and

he’s hoping to have at least three more before Christmas. Regular customers really enjoy the music nights, according to Dixon, but they also attract followers of the musicians, so he’s excited to continue offering live music for the life of the brewery. He said he’s also open to the idea of bringing in other types of acts or exhibits to the brewery. If you want to make it out to one of the live music nights, Grimross mostly advertises through their Facebook and Twitter, but if you’re just looking to try out a different local craft brew then they’re open from noon to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, noon to 11 p.m. on Fridays, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m on Saturdays and noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays. It’s also on tap at a number of restaurants downtown. Though they have experience early success, Dixon also mentioned that three breweries might be opening up in Fredericton in the next year, with Maybee Brewing being the closest to completion at its location on Wilsey Road. Despite the potent ial compet ition, Grimross seems to have been welcomed by the city, and it is here to stay.


November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149 • 11

Songs of the week

Sebastian Maynard Arts Editor

Leon Bridges – “So Long”

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25 The Forbidden Room Film Screening Tilley Hall, 8 p.m. The Glorious Sons, Poor Young Things, Northcote The Capital, Nov.25 – 26, $21.99


Texas crooner Leon Bridges has been making a name for himself this year, first with the release of his debut album, Coming Home, and then with features on Apple ads and now a song on the upcoming Concussion soundtrack. On “So Long,” the gospel and soul inspired musician creates a song reminiscent to Coming Home’s standout, “River,” as it is a mellow track with a strumming acoustic guitar, a soothing background choir and Bridges’ silky vocals that create a melancholy ballad that somehow still manages to sound hopeful. Concussion, which stars Will Smith as the doctor who discovers the seriousness of brain injuries in the NFL, comes out on Christmas. It is possible, though, that “So Long” will be what steals the show.

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men Marshall D’Avray Hall, Nov. 26 – 27

FRIDAY, NOV. 27 Charlotte Street Arts Centre Open House Charlotte Street Arts Centre, 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

SATURDAY, NOV. 28 The Nutcracker The Playhouse, Nov. 28 – 29, $13.27 (Student) Elliott Brood The Capital, 8 p.m., $24.99 (Advance)


Taylor Bennett – “Broad Shoulders (feat. Chance the Rapper)” While Chance the Rapper has become one of the more prominent artists in hip hop, his younger brother Taylor is beginning to try and follow in his older brother’s footsteps. Of their relationship, Bennett explained that the “thing with my brother is that he always wanted me to work on myself and create my own name before we got to work together. He always knew that I was great enough to get a fan base and sell out shows and get a lot of views. It’s a very meaningful song to our family and our next generation.” “Broad Shoulders” is the first released collaboration between the two brothers, and is said to also be the title track of Bennett’s yet to be released debut album.

NBCCD Christmas Craft Fair & Open House New Brunswick College of Craft and Design, Nov. 27 – 29

MONDAY, NOV. 30 Monday Night Film Series: 99 Homes Tilley Hall, 7:30 p.m., $7

TUESDAY, DEC. 1 St. Mary’s Festival of Lights St. Mary’s First Nation, Dec. 1 – 26

Thundercat – “Paris” With the terrible attacks that happened in Paris, France on Nov. 13, the music world was shaken as one of the locations of horror was at an American rock band’s concert. While the members of The Eagles of Death Metal were okay, many people in the venue and around the city were not, and in the following days musicians have released songs in homage and tribute to those affected. Yasiin Bey (formerly known as Mos Def) released a blunt song titled “NO Colonial Fiction” while producer and multi-instrumentalist Thundercat shared a short instrumental track titled “Paris.” Whether it was the street performer who was video taped playing John Lennon’s “Imagine” among a crowd in Paris, soccer rivals singing the French national anthem together or the songs that were recorded on the other side of the world, people have shown that music crosses borders, religions and languages, and can help heal and unite in the times when we need it most.

The Brunswickan’s Food & Liquor: Cheap Beers 2.0 James Ready 6.0 James Ready 6.0: cheap and drinkable. The ugly cousin of Moosehead Lager, JR is $18-20 per 12-pack, compared to $22-24 of the upper echelon beers. Those four dollars in savings can be huge to a university student who in most cases is drinking for the effect and not the taste. The taste however is not that bad for a six percent beer, would recommend. Drink cold.

Miller Lite If the spelling doesn’t throw you, it doesn’t take long into your first drink to realize that Canada wasn’t really missing anything before Miller Lite was introduced. While it goes down easy, the drink lacks character, taste or any memorable qualities. Don’t let Rob fool you, splurge and spend that extra couple of dollars on a nice beer. You deserve it.

Sebastian Maynard

Rob Trites Molson Dry As far as cheap beer goes, this is on the upper end. Molson Dry is a 5.5% lager that fails to deliver the shitty aftertaste of most beer in its price range. This has a dry, smooth finish that is exactly what I want out of my cheap beer and it’s ideal for a beer pong or flip cup brew. I’m not about to say that it is “a reminder how good life can taste” as the can says, but this isn’t bad for what you’re paying for.

Devin Patterson

Jadrien Hong

Homemade Like the DIY approach? Then head over to the Fredericton Co-op and pick yourself up MB’s Bottle Brew, a beer-making kit that comes with everything you need in a two litre pop bottle – just add yeast! This basement brew packs enough of a punch that by holding your nose you can get decently buzzed in just a glass. Worth it for the broke college student who likes to chug their beer instead of sipping.

November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149 • 12



The V-Reds have had a difficult time on the road this season but came back with a 5-1 win over the Dalhousie Tigers on Saturday. Jimmy Bennett / Submitted

Reds back on track

Rob Trites Sports Editor

The V-Reds got themselves back in the win column Saturday night with a 5-1 win over the Dalhousie Tigers. Prior to the win, UNB had lost t hree st ra ight games, including a 6-5 loss to StFX on Friday night. Despite t he sea son h ig h si x goals allowed to the StFX X-men, UNB competed hard and found themselves in the hockey game in the late going. The V-Reds have had a diff icult time on the road this season and found themselves trailing early against StFX on Friday, spotting the X-men to a 3-1 lead after the f irst period. A lex Dubeau, who started the game in net for UNB, was pulled a f ter a l low i ng t h ree goa ls on eight shots. UNB would rally to bring the game even with a pair of goals from captain Cam Critchlow and line mate Rob Mignardi. T he g a me wa s k not ted 3 -3 breif ly before the X-men scored a pair of power play goals to regain their two-goal lead. C a m B r a c e b r o u g ht U N B within one goal just 20 seconds into t he t hird period w it h his nint h goa l of t he season. Eric L o c ke, howe ver, re stored X ’s t wo goal lead six minutes into the period.

Francis Beauvillier would add another goal for the V-Reds to round out the scoring. Etienne Marcoux, who relieved Dubeau, allowed three goals on 18 shots. Dubeau was charged with the loss. StFX moved past UNB in the AUS standings with the win. That’s more like it Marcoux was back in net for the slumping V-Reds Saturday night as they took on the seventh place Dalhousie Tigers. UNB faired much better in this one, coming away with a 5-1 win that came on the back of 14 save performance from t he start ing net minder. Cam Brace scored his tenth and eleventh goals of the season in the victory and also collected an assist and would go on to be named first star of the game for the V-Reds. Marcoux’s shutout bid was ended eleven minutes into the third period when Dalhousie’s Daniel Walsh scored on the power play. The win brought UNB to 102-2 on the season. UNB will return home from a six game road-trip after they face Moncton on Wednesday, Nov. 25. The t wo tea ms w i l l play a home-a nd-home as Moncton travels to Fredericton on Friday to take on the V-Reds at 7 p.m. at the A itken Centre.

UNB takes down seventh place Dalhousie to end their three game skid. Jimmy Bennett / Submitted


November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149 • 13

V-Reds volleyball drops 3 of 4 matches

Nathan DeLong Staff Reporter It was a disappointing weekend for the U NB V-Reds volleyball teams. T he women fel l 3 -2 to t he Un iversité de Moncton A ig les Bleues last Sat u rday on t he road, while the men’s side went 1-2 at t heir interlock event in Sherbrooke, Q.C., held Nov. 20 and 21. With the losses, the women’s squad fell to 3-6, good for third in the Atlantic University Sport con ference. T he men’s tea m’s record dropped to 4-4 overall, but they held on to f irst place in the AUS. Women lose to Moncton A fter dropping the f irst t wo set s 25-20 a nd 25-15, t he VReds tied the match with 25-20 and 25-18 wins in the third and fourth sets. Moncton ended up taking the f ifth and f inal set 15-10 to seal U NB’s fate. The V-Reds’ best set by far was the third one, with 10 kills and three attack errors. U N B had eight k ills but six errors in the fourth. Janie-Eve Doucet led t he VReds w it h 15 k ills and six errors on 61 total attempts, while A llison Quiring added f ive kills and one error on 15 attempts. Mega n K ucia k recorded t h ree k i l l s a nd si x er ror s on 19 attempts for U NB. The U N B women don’t play again until the New Year, when they face the Acadia A xewomen on the road on Friday, Jan. 15 at 7 p.m. Men’s team beats Sherbrooke The V-Reds opened the Sherbrooke i nterlock event w it h a 3-0 win over the host Université de Sherbrooke Ver t & Or last Friday, Nov. 20. U NB took the f irst set 25-19,

t he second set 25-18 a nd t he third set 27-25. The V-Reds’ offense was the st ronge st i n t he t h i rd set , a s they managed 22 kills and eight errors on 40 total attempts. They recorded 13 kills and three errors on 20 attempts in the second set. Ryan Colpitts led U NB with 10 k i l l s a nd one er ror on 22 attempts. Tristen Burridge and Elvind A nderson each had nine kills, but Burridge recorded f ive errors on 18 attempts. A nderson had 2 errors on 23 attempts. Samuel A lves and Elliott A llison knotched seven kills apiece for t he V-Reds, but A lves had two errors on 11 attempts. A ll ison had no er rors on 13 attempts. Men’s team falls to Laval The V-Reds fell to the Université de Laval Rouge & Or 3-0 in their f irst of t wo matches on Saturday. Laval took the f irst set 25-23, t he second set 25-19 a nd t he third one 25-21. Without a doubt, U NB’s best outing was in the f irst set, when the V-Reds had 11 kills and no errors on 35 total attempts. A nderson was solid once again for U NB, recording 10 kills and two errors on 29 attempts. Pascal McCarthy had f ive kills and one error on 11 attempts, and A lves added four kills and no errors on six attempts. Men’s team loses to Montreal The V-Reds rounded out their Sherbrooke interlock event with a 3 -1 l o s s t o t h e Un i v e r s i t é de Mont rea l Ca rabins in t heir second contest on Saturday. Montreal took the f irst set 2515, then U NB evened the match with a 25-16 win in the second set. Mont rea l t hen rebou nded with a 27-25 victor y in the third set and didn’t look back, as the Ca rabi ns took t he fou r t h a nd f inal set 25-22.



The men’s volleyball team travelled to Sherbrooke Quebec on the weekend to take one of three matches. The women dropped their only match of the weekend to Moncton. Brad Parker / The Brunswickan

T he s e cond s e t w a s U N B’s best offensively, as the V-Reds posted 10 kills and no errors on 36 attempts. C olpit t s a nd A nder s on h ad 13 kills each, but A nderson had

two errors on 38 attempts, while Colpitts had made three errors on 31 attempts. McC a r t hy had si x k i l l s a nd four errors on 20 total attempts for U NB.

“Holly Holm recently overcame being a huge underdog to beat Rhonda Rousey in UFC 193; what’s the biggest upset, in any sport, that you remember?”

Tyler Belyea

Iain MacMillan

John Robb

Former Mediocre Athlete


V-Reds Fan

My earliest baseball memories involve some of the biggest upsets of all-time. I choose the three teams from 2001-2004 who beat the dynasty that was the New York Yankees. The Diamondbacks shocked the world in 2001, the Marlins in 2003 with their historically low payroll, and of course my boys, the Boston Red Sox coming back from 0-3 to eventually end the 86-year curse! What a time to be alive!

The men won’t return to action until 2016, when they face the Dalhousie Tigers on Friday, Jan. 15 at 8 p.m. in Halifax.

During the 2007 NCAA football season (American University), the Michigan Wolverines, who were ranked #5 in the country at the time, played their season opener against the Appalachian State Mountaineers. The Mountaineers belonged in the FCS, which is an entire subdivision lower than FBS. These games were considered warm up games for FBS teams, especially for the #5 ranked team in the country. Appalachian State won by blocking a last second field goal, 34-32.

Buster Douglas over Mike Tyson, by far, bar none, biggest upset of all time. Was supposed to just be a formality and a chance for Mike to make huge bank from the Tokyo Dome crowd. Didn’t turn out that way, down went Tyson and some would argue he hasn’t stopped falling.

Nathan DeLong Staff Reporter

When the Los Angeles Kings won the 2012 Stanley Cup as an eighth-seeded team. I didn’t pick the Kings to beat the President’s Trophy champs, the Vancouver Canucks, in five games in the first round, nor did I pick them to overcome Marty Brodeur and the New Jersey Devils in the final. I also didn’t expect to see the San Jose Sharks, Boston Bruins, Pittsburgh Penguins and Chicago Blackhawks lose in the first round that year.


14 •November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149

UNB ball teams travel to NFLD Rob Trites Sports Editor Both UNB basketball teams travelled to Saint John’s Newfoundland last weekend to play a pair of games each versus the Memorial Sea Hawks. The Women swept their two game set with the Sea Hawks while the men earned a split in their respective series. Men lose, win one UNB is now 2-3 on the season after a decent road trip. The men dropped their first game to the Sea Hawks 9584 in which they held a twelve point lead at one point. UNB shot only 32 per cent from the floor on Saturday night with the starting backcourt of Javon Masters and Matt Daley shooting a combined 9-29 from the floor. The Reds had a particularly hard time beyond the arc as they shot 17.9 per cent from three. The three-pointer has been the bread and butter of UNB’s attack for the past two seasons and they have had trouble winning when the threes don’t go. Masters was the highest scorer for the V-Reds as he put up 20 points along with six rebounds and four assists. Mark Matheson had another good statistical game for UNB as he scored 16 points and collected 13 rebounds. The Reds were able to right the ship on Sunday and they were able to hang on to a 99-96 win in their second game versus Memorial. UNB got out to a big lead in the

first half but saw Memorial put up a good fight to claw back into the game. The V-Reds were up 97- 93 with just seconds left on the clock when Davion Parnsalu hit a half-court shot for the Sea Hawks to bring the game within one. Masters however, sealed the deal with a couple of made free throws. Masters and Daley picked up the slack from Saturday to score a combined 57 points on 23-48 shooting. UNB shot 50 percent from the floor and 45.5 per cent from three in the win. The men will see their last action of 2015 when they host Saint Mary’s this weekend. They will play a pair of games at the Currie Center against the Huskies on Friday and Saturday night. Both games will tip-off at 8 p.m. Women sweep two game set The V-Red ladies handed the winless Seahawks their fifth and sixth losses of the season over the weekend. Scoring depth has been an issue for the V-Reds so far this season however, UNB had four players score in double digits on Saturday night in an 85-80 win. The game was back and forth all night but UNB managed to hold on for their second win of the season. Laura Kaye paced all UNB scorers with 17. Memorials Sydney Ezekiel led all scorers in the game with 32 points to go along with eight rebounds. The game Sunday morning was not nearly as competitive as the tight affair the night before. UNB blew the Sea

The V-Reds took three of four games in Saint John’s over the weekend. Ian Coultas / Submitted

Hawks out of their home court by a score of 84-65. The turning point of the game was the third quarter in which UNB outscored Memorial 28-13. Kaye was once again the leading

scorer for the V-Reds as she dropped 15. Ezekiel came back down to earth on Sunday and saw her game high 32 points the night before cut to just eleven. The women are now 3-2 on the

season and will close out their year with a pair of games against the SMU Huskies this weekend. Their games will tip-off Friday and Saturday night at 6 p.m. at the Currie Center.

Save your money, stick to food: The truth and danger behind suppliments Caitlan Vance CUP­—The Xaverian Have you taken your multivitamin today? The supplement industry is an ever-growing multi-billion dollar industry. From vitamin C capsules to raspberry ketone miracle weight loss pills, Canadians spend a heck of a lot of money buying such products. The question is, are these products worth the extra money? And is there any truth behind all these wonderful health claims? The truth and science behind it all may not be what you’d think. One of the most commonly used supplements is the well-known multivitamin. I can still hear my mums voice in the back of my head every time I get sick telling me to drink some tea and take my multivitamin and all will be well. Multivitamins contain a wide arrange of vitamins and minerals in different quantities. Despite the popular belief that taking multivitamins is an added benefit to the diet, scientific research does not show any correlation with intake and health improvements. Shockingly, the result is opposite. Studies on beta-carotene, vitamin A and vitamin E have shown that these nutrients, taken as isolated pills, caused an increased risk of death. For example, one study done on smokers focused on beta-carotene and it’s cancer-fighting properties. It was found

that there was actually 18% more lung cancer and 8% more deaths in those taking the beta-carotene supplements compared to the placebo group. Whether for the sake of your health or back pocket, you’re better off skipping that morning multivitamin. Taking wholesome fresh foods and isolating select vitamins and minerals just doesn’t make sense. The body is equipped to process and obtain it’s vitamins and minerals along with the carbohydrates, fiber etc present in food. Subjecting your body’s cells to 50x the amount of a vitamin that it would normally be exposed to from food results in chemical imbalances in the body. Clinical supplementation is a different story. Often vitamins and minerals are prescribed when there are deficiencies or health problems in the body; in these cases the positive effects of supplementation typically outweigh the negative. Unless there is a prevalent and diagnosed deficiency, supplements will do you no good. Especially in Canada with our lack of sunlight during the colder months, Vitamin D can be a concern. Vitamin D, is important for bone health, it is actually synthesized by the body during direct exposure to the sun. In Canada we don’t get as much direct sunlight to acquire the daily 600 IU that Health Canada recommends. We can

opt for more vitamin D by getting more sunshine throughout the day. Alternatively, vitamin D can be obtained through the diet through foods such as fatty fish or fortified beverages. Canadians often use supplements throughout the winter to make up for lost sun, but talk to your doctor for specific doses if that is your course of action. Weight loss pills are just gimmicks also. No one likes to hear it, but change takes time. In order to successfully lose and keep off the weight one needs to make a lifestyle change to incorporate healthier foods and consistent exercise. A pill can’t do that for us. Although the technology used to make supplements can be helpful at times, more often than not they’re not necessary or beneficial for us to take. Self-driven efforts to improve our health should be placed in the diet. We don’t find beta-carotene or vitamin E on it’s own in nature, but we do find nutritious produce. Including a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in the diet is a much more efficient means of ensuring we get all our vitamins and minerals than any store bought pill. Taking vitamins often acts as a safety blanket and excuse for unhealthy habits, and based on the research, a safety blanket that doesn’t even exist. Save your money, don’t buy the pills.

SHOW US YOUR SPORT FACE the brunswickan sports


November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149 • 15

Brooks out of bounds Chris Brooks

I don’t belong writ ing for t his sect ion. I’m not t he g uy who fol lows ever y ga me on N F L Sunday or even a guy who could na me ever y tea m i n t he N BA without using Google; and then there’s the fact that I’m actually a Tommie … (If someone wants to let me k now what a Varsit y Red is I’d appreciate it.) However, I t h i n k I a m a n at h lete in k ind of t he same way t hat I t h i n k I ’m a n a r t i st becau se I enjoy work ing w it h wood. At hlet ics for me isn’t on t he court

or on a lined f ield; it’s in t he woods a nd I l i ke to ta l k w it h ot her people like t hat. To i n t r o d u c e t h i s c o l u m n here’s some background inform a t i o n o n m y s e l f : I ’m f r o m r u r a l N e w H a m p s h i r e a nd i f t here’s an outdoor act ivit y t hat requires boots instead of cleats I’ve either tried it or would love to. I sk i, hike, hunt, f ish, r un, snowshoe, canoe, but t here’s so much more t hat I haven’t t ried. In this column I’m going to talk to U N B st udent s about what t hey do t hat brings t hem out of doors and of f t he play ing f ield. Sa m Mason is a fou r t h yea r st udent in elect r ica l engineering, and we went to high school toget her. He a lso convinced me t hat instead of buy ing an economical car and having to repair it a ll t he t ime, I should buy a four wheel drive SU V and beat on it so I have to repa ir it even more often. This is because Sam is a four wheel drive ent husiast. H e o w n s a b e a u t i f u l To y o t a 4R u n ner t hat ma kes my t r uck lo o k l i ke a demol it ion de rby

vehicle, and he loves t hat car as much as any hockey player loves t heir favorite pa ir of skates. Brooks: When were you introduced to of f-roading? Mason: I was k ind of int roduc e d to it o ut of ne c e s s it y. Grow ing up we needed a four wheel d rive in order to get in and out from our prett y remote camp which meant t wo or t hree miles of f road on unma inta ined roug h roads t hat were of ten washed out, muddy or u nderwater, a nd I rea l ly st a r ted to enjoy some of that t ime off road and started to learn what a four wheel drive vehicle can do. Brook s: W h en did you s tar t get ting serious about the hobby? Mason: W hen I turned 16 and got my own t r uck I rea lized I could just go out and drive t he t ra i ls myself casua l ly a nd so I started to rea lly enjoy work ing on my t r uck and t hat’s importa nt because brea k i ng t h i ngs i s so i mpor t a nt to t he spor t , brea k i ng t h i ng s a nd lea r n i ng how to f ix t hem. Brooks: Has there been a time

wh en y ou want ed t o s ell y our truck and buy a sedan? Mason: Somet imes it’s tempti ng to sel l out of t he spor t because it gets expensive when you t a ke t he c a r you have to ta ke t he vehicle you rely on for t ransportat ion and ta ke it and bash it t h rough rocks a nd see how much water it can ta ke before you k ill it. Brook s: If you were to gues s h o w m u c h t i m e y o u’ v e s p e n t w o r k in g o n y o u r t r u c k w h a t would you say? Mason: It would have to be in t he t riple d igits for hours t hat’s for sure. Brooks: Does university get in the way of your hobby? Mason: No I’d actually say the opposite. I don’t have to rea lly use my t r uck for t ransportat ion all that much when I’m at school so when I go out on t he t ra ils I feel a litt le more comfortable beat ing on it because I’m not a ll t hat worried if it needs to sit in t he driveway for a few days before I get t ime to f ix it. Brook s: Do you follow any

professionals or events? Mason: Yeah I’ll caref ully follow K ing of t he Hammers and t he Baja 1000, but t here’s new teams so it’s d if f icult to follow one team or one driver. Brooks: Is it a physically exhausting hobby? M a s o n : Ve r y e x h a u s t i n g . W hen you’re pulling 90 feet of 5/16 cable of f of a dr um t hat ra rely wa nt s to u nw i nd ea sily you have to put a ll of your body weight into pulling ever y foot of t hat across terra in t hat was rough enough to get your t r uck stuck. Brooks: What’s exciting about it? Mason: Coming across some k ind of obstacle and wondering if you’re going to get stuck, and it’s an equa l t hrill if you do get stuck or if you don’t get stuck. Then you eit her feel successf ul or you have to f igure out a way to get out of t here. If you or somebody you k now at U N B would be a good f it for t his column t hen contact me at cbrooks@ t hebr



Brace is a second year UNB hockey player who was a close runner-up to teammate Randy Gazzola for 2014-15 AUS rookie of the year. Brace has already surpassed his goal total of nine from last season as he has eleven so far this year. Brace had 23 points total last year in 28 games and has 22 points this year in only 13 games.

Men’s Hockey UNB @ Moncton, 7 p.m. Moncton, NB

FRIDAY, NOV. 27 Women’s Basketball Saint Mary’s @ UNB, 6 p.m. Currie Center

Background: Brace played Junior Hockey in the OHL. He played five years for the Owen Sound Attack and spent his final year of junior eligibility playing for the Belleville Bulls. He scored 216 points over his junior career and was recruited by head coach Gardiner MacDougall to eventually fill a spot on UNB’s first line.

Men’s Hockey Moncton @ UNB, 7 p.m. Aitken Centre Men’s Basketball Saint Mary’s @ UNB, 8 p.m. Currie Center



Height: 5’10” Position: Forward Year: 2 Studying: Bachelor of Recreation and Sports Studies From: Markham, Ontario

UNB achievements: AUS championship and CIS silver medal in his rookie campaign.


Women’s Basketball Saint Mary’s @ UNB, 6 p.m. Currie Center


Men’s Basketball Saint Mary’s @ UNB, 8 p.m. Currie Center

Wade is in her third year of eligibility playing for the V-Reds, she became a starter at the beginning of the 2014-15 season and averaged 11.0 points and 3.5 assists per game. Wade will look to lead her team into CIS nationals this year when UNB hosts the tournament in March.



“The goal is to win that AUS banner and surprise some people at nationals.”



Background: Grace grew up playing club basketball in Moncton and began playing at the provincial level when she was 13. She played for team New Brunswick until she was 17 and was recruited by head coach Jeff Speedy to play for UNB. Wade was recruited by head coach Jeff Speedy when she played for her high school team in Moncton. Career Highlight as a V-Red: “To be honest I’d have to say it’s a collection of moments. All The times I’ve spent with my teammates have been hilarious and amazing. I’ve met some pretty special people so far.” Pre-game meal: Pesto Chicken at McGinnis Landing.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Height: 5’7” Position: Point Guard Year: 3rd Studying: Sciences, Majoring in Psychology From: Moncton, New Brunswick


16 •November 25, 2015 • Issue 12 • Volume 149

Reds Notebook: Charli LeBlanc qualifies for CIS 100m backstroke Rob Trites Sports Editor The V-Reds hit the pool at Dalhousie’s Kemp-Fr y Invitational swim-meet over the weekend and had some quality results. UNB’s Charli LeBlanc qualif ied for the CIS 100m backstroke on S at u rd ay w hen she placed second at the Dal meet. StFX beaten in Uteck Bowl There will be no AUS representation in the Vanier Cup for the eighth straight year as the StFX X-men were beaten 36-9 by the UBC Thunderbirds in the Uteck Bowl on Saturday. UBC asserted their dominance early in the game and held StFX to two points in the f irst half. The X-men’s only touchdown came late in the game as f ifth year senior Donald Tabor hauled in a pass from Tevin Cook who found the senior in the endzone. UBC will face Montreal in the Vanier cup as the Carabins held off the Guelph Gryphons in their Mitchell Bowl matchup. Track team takes off The U N B t rack tea m w i l l take part in their f irst meet this weekend a s t hey t ravel to t he Oromocto Field house. The Oromocto L ast Cha nce invitational will essentially be a warm up for the UNB squad as they will be the only team competing. UNB will use the meet to set benchmarks for themselves. Robbie Park named AUS athlete of the week A UNB soccer player is named AUS athlete of the week for the second week in a row as Robbie Park takes home the honours. Park was instrumental in UNB’s silver medal run last week. He scored the game-winning goal in extra time in the Reds semi-f inal game versus UQA M.

Alexander Maxwell / Submitted

Oliver Jones of the men’s soccer team was given the same honours the previous week.

Volunteers wanted I f you or a nyone you k now wants to get experience writing about sports, email and tell us what you are

interested in. T he Br u n s w ic k a n S p or t s i s looking for people to cover and recap live events and write sport relevant news stories.

The Br u ns Spor ts sect ion is also looking for someone who is interested in writ ing a column that is based on health and f itness or recreation.

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