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The Borehamwood

TLSE has had some involvement with the Borehamwood Foodbank, part of the Trussell Trust Charity since it started. 2023 celebrates its 10-year anniversary. Sue Woolf was the first person to get involved in the project and I started volunteering in January 2014. I immediately got involved with cooking for Family Lunches which were run every half term and end of term. In addition to this I started volunteering every Monday afternoon is well supported by local in the distribution area, meeting Supermarkets and very generous clients, and giving out packs of food. people donating food and money to Then, we had time to talk to clients allow the Charity to Feed our clients. have a cup of tea and a biscuit and A recent innovation introduced to see if there were areas we could help. guarantee no one goes hungry. A small group of volunteers come together on a Monday morning and cook in the Church Kitchen, we then portion the food and either give it out in the afternoon session or freeze for another day. It is proving to be very popular. The Cooking Crew are a small band of enthusiastic cooks working under my supervision. Typically, we make, Soup, Meatballs, Bolognaise, Chicken Curry, Apple Muffins, Chocolate Chip Muffins, As the years have gone on the numbers have increased enormously and we barely have time to say hello because of the queues of clients needing extra food to feed themselves and their families. The Bread Pudding, and anything else that is easy to box up and will travel home safely. A huge thanks to TLSE for your continued support of the Borehamwood Foodbank. contribution that TLSE has given the Foodbank over many years is invaluable. There is a misconception that anyone using the foodbank is poor, out of work and on benefit, this is far from the truth. Many of our clients are on low paid jobs and struggle to give their families a healthy nutritious meal or have enough money for Gas and Electricity. Borehamwood is lucky to be in an area where the Foodbank