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General Information
Elstree High Street, Elstree, Hertfordshire WD6 3EY Phone: 020 8953 8889 Email: office@tlse.org.uk www.tlse.org.uk Edited by Terry Benson Would all those involved in arranging functions services or meetings, please contact the office on 0208 953 8889 or office@tlse.org.uk so that the event can be scheduled in the Synagogue diary. This ensures that any physical set-ups in the Synagogue are arranged and that meetings do not conflict. If you need to talk to Jacqueline Bernard in the office, please note that she is mostly working from at home so it is better to email her at office@tlse.org.uk and she will respond. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that details printed in Hakol are correct, no responsibility can be accepted for information misprinted or incorrectly given to the Editor. Please let the Editor know of any errors or corrections. The Editor reserves the right to edit material submitted for publication. The deadline for submissions to the next edition of Hakol is Monday 1st February 2023 but submissions will be accepted at any time and early submission is appreciated.
hakoleditor@tlse.org.uk GENERAL INFORMATION TLSE TRUSTEES AND PRESIDENTS!"#$%!&'#!$$#%()*%+&$#,*$)!#
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Designed & Printed by 020 8449 6688 www.brunswickpress.co.uk
Enjoy a great lunch! Make new friends! Be entertained! Venue: The Synagogue Time: 1pm TLSE members: £5 Non-Members: £6
Tuesday 31 January
Tuesday 28 February