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Rabbi Pete Rabbi Pete is not an athlete He's a musical rabbi we shall never repeat We will remember him with a sigh When we have to say goodbye We hope he thinks of us at Elstree When he's in his new ministry
Wishing Rabbi Pete Many years in good health Sincerely Shirley and Ugo Piazza
I remember when I was learning for my bar mitzvah and I was always really nervous that I would mess up, he was always there when I felt like I could not do it, and after all of the help from him I ended up completing it just fine. As well as that when we moved away from my dad he always helped us out if we ever needed anything and always made me happy when I felt down.
I know we have to, but I think it is sad we have to say goodbye to Pete. Aaron
I remember the first time I went to religion school. I was scared and Rabbi Pete was really nice. From then on I was always happy to go. He always made it exciting, plus I always learnt a lot. I remember how exciting it always was to go to the ‘bean bag room ’ . He was always so nice to my family, and always helped us when bad things happened. I remember him getting me and my brother tickets to see movies and Nandos when him and my mum were talking. I will miss sorely when he goes to America but I hope he makes other people as happy as he has made me. Dominic de Jonge
Rabbi Pete Rabbi Pete always manages to make you laugh and smile especially when your learning your bar and barmitzah portions. Also im very thankful to rabbi pete for letting me be able to do my batmitzah. It was made so special. This was in march when we were beginning to head into lockdown. So thank you for all of it! Aswell as this he managed to get me to do my batmitzah during a pandemic which is absolutely amazing and something I will always remember.
Lawrence and I were at one of the lunches which took place after the Shabbat service once a month. Lawrence was quite disabled at that time and was in his wheelchair. I was standing next to him and was chatting with a couple of female friends. It was always very difficult for Lawrence as, when he was sitting in his wheelchair, the conversations often went on over his head. Whilst I was just standing there chatting, Pete walked up and wheeled Lawrence away. He said he was taking him away from us women to chat with some men. He took Lawrence off to the side of the room where a couple of men were sitting on chairs and sat with them and Lawrence so that Lawrence could be included properly in the conversation. It was so lovely and thoughtful of Pete to do that and showed the loving and caring person he is. It must be at least four or five years ago now but I will never forget it and never stop appreciating Pete's caring and thoughtfulness. I wish I had a photograph of it but, sadly, I don 't.
When I was learning my portion for my Bat Mitzvah I kept getting a word wrong. On the day on the Bimah when I got to that part Rabbi Pete kicked me ( very gently) so I didn’t get it wrong. It made me laugh.
Recently I went to a Seder at my friend who is quite orthodox. The family asked me about my traditions and
I gave them Rabbi Pete’s explanation of the plagues. They said it was interesting!!! Amber Bernard