11 minute read
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Do you have an article, letter of photos that you would like to share? Contact the editor on Hakoleditor@tlse.org.uk or 0741 527 7581
May 2007
RABBI PETE REMEMBERS… Two amazing events: Family Funday and Shul of Rock debut.
October 2009
Davina Bennett who, after many years of service to TLSE, voluntary and paid, has left the synagogue.
Hopefully when you read this we will really be more out of lockdown and getting back to some kind of “normal life” the Care Team has kept in regular contact by !"#$%#&'($)&*$+,)&-.$/#0$)%%$+,1$2)'1%.34 phone with our members who need extra care and support and we’re hoping to see you in person in the not too distant future...... We are very sad to have lost members of TLSE during Covid and our thoughts and prayers go out to those families affected in this way...... Please let me know if YOU would like to hear from us for any support or indeed if you would like to join our group of Care volunteers to reach out within our community. We’re looking forward to the time when services at SHUL will resume and we can all meet face to face. It will be good for those of us in this group to be able to meet to chat and exchange ideas as this is something that hasn’t happened for some time, and in the meantime we thank them for all they do. We are here for YOU - and our new motto is KIP - Keep In Touch - and as the old saying goes, It’s Good to Talk! Fondly, Maureen Adams 07961 075657
Sally Lander, Monica Kayne and Tony Arnold
Carter Claret for his bar-mitzvah ceremony on July 3rd Samuel Nathan for his bar-mitzvah ceremony on July 17th Todd Davis for his bar-mitzvah ceremony on August 28th Alex Kaye and Hannah Roberts who are marrying on July 18th Emma Brill and Nathan Cantwell who are marrying on August 15th Jack Walton who got a First Class degree in PPE from the University of Exeter BURIAL
In cases of bereavement, please contact our Burial Officer, Joan Shopper on 01582 792959
Banana Bread
IIf you happen to have too many bananas that are too ripe to eat – make a banana bread! If you are like me and do not like a waste - here is one of my recipes using it! This banana and chocolate chip cake has a moist crumb and warming tones of cinnamon and mix spice. Perfect for a snack, with your packed lunch or breakfast. It is too easy not to make!
Makes 12-15 slices Prep time: 10 mins Bake time: 45 mins Ingredients: 265 g self-raising flour 100 g soft brown sugar 1 tsp mixed spice 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda 2 bananas, mashed (about 180 g of peeled weight) 2 eggs, beaten lightly 125 ml whole milk 85 ml vegetable oil 1 cup (250 ml capacity) of chocolate chip (I use 60% cocoa solids) 1. Preheat the oven to 170*C and line 10x20 cm baking tin with parchment paper. 2. Combine all the dry ingredients together. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Mix in the chocolate chips. 3. Put the batter in the tin and place in the centre of the oven. Bake for about 45-50 mins or until a skewer (cake tester) inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean. 4. Leave to cool in the tin for about 5 mins and transfer to the wire rack. You can drizzle some melted chocolate on top. 5. Enjoy!
Do you have a favourite recipe, that you would like to share?
Homemade oat biscuits with warm orange flavour and addition of dark chocolate to compliment it more. Pecan nuts give a bit more crunch. Easy to make and even easier to eat, a perfect treat! Prep time: 10 mins bake time: 12-15 mins Makes about 24
Ingredients: 150 g self-raising flour 150 g porridge oats 100 g soft brown sugar 60 g pecan nuts, chopped pinch of salt 1 tsp cinnamon 150 g unsalted butter 2 Tbsp golden syrup 1 Tbsp orange juice 1 orange, zest 1/2 tsp orange extract 75 g dark chocolate (about 65%-75%) Method: 1. Preheat the oven to 175*C (350*F) and line a baking tray with parchment paper. 2. Combine all the dry ingredients and orange zest in a bowl. 3. Melt the butter with the golden syrup. 4. Add the butter mixture to the dry ingredients along with orange juice and orange extract and mix well. 5. Shape the biscuits by picking about 1 Tbsp of dough and rolling it in your hands to shape a walnut-sized ball. Place on the prepared baking tray and flatten gently with the palm of your hand. Space the biscuits to allow to spread. Put in preheated oven and bake for about 12 mins (15 mins for more crunchy texture). 6. Leave to cool slightly on the baking tray and then transfer to a cooling rack. 7. When completely cold, melt the chocolate in bain-marie and drizzle over the biscuits. Allow to set.
n Sunday 16th May we delivered cheesecake packs to TLSE members to enjoy over the festival of Shavuot. Thank you to everyone who baked for us! O
…those crazy Purim days
RABBI PETE REMEMBERS… So many KTers, so little space
As I’m attempting to write this edition’s “Editor’s Word” the only thing I can think to write about is the leaving of Rabbi Pete, which is probably in everyone’s thoughts. I’m not going to comment on all his achievements, that has been done in his potted biography. Instead I shall comment on the man. I first met Pete approximately 35 years ago when as a student rabbi involved at Northwood and Pinner Progressive Synagogue, he was allocated to our new offshoot community “South Bucks Liberal Community “operating first from a church hall and then Dr Challoner’s Boys School. It was all very exciting and new and Pete was the perfect person for us with his innovative ideas. We were a small group and Pete gave us motivation and guidance and it was also fun. I can only speak from my children’s attitude towards Judaism, they were happy at Religion School and learnt as well as having fun and have never forgotten him. Move on 35 years, recently arrived back in Radlett after 16 years living in Spain, still a member of NPLS I’m thinking where shall I go and then I hear Pete is in Elstree just down the road – great – problem solved. We meet up and then he drops his bombshell he’s off to America but I decide I’ll make the change anyway. Who was to know what was about to descend on us – COVID. Pete’s move was on hold temporary. What has struck me most during this period when all our lives changed dramatically and
L*4,3$!E$54'M!=*45!@%4*(>M! we lived in fear of this awful ,/*01"$%!*-&1'-%&'. disease, is how Pete despite the fact he was being stopped from doing what he had planned, re-invented our ?$2,4$!J'44'&&!H+*M!$)&'%!0$45!5'$%-!*)!-'%2,3'!&*!=N9IM 2*(74&$%5!$4>!O$,>M! religious lives. Not only did he keep +$-!(')&!&+'!-54$A*A7'Pthe spirit of the Shul alive through the Shabbat and High Holy Day services on line, which incidentally have increased the number of people attending, but he added his own special daily event. These 6.30pm slots have been stimulating, comforting and amusing and have held the community together and helped those not able to get out and see loved ones and friends to cope. Pete will be missed by the community and all those who worked with him closely but he leaves behind a legacy that will not be forgotten. Thank you Pete and we all wish you every happiness and fulfilment in your new rabbinic role, and joy and love with your family particularly watching the grandchildren as they grow. I hope you will miss us as much as you miss WatfordFC – only joking but we will miss you.
Elstree High Street, Elstree, Hertfordshire WD6 3EY Phone: 020 8953 8889 Email: office@tlse.org.uk www.tlse.org.uk Edited by Susan Paessler Would all those involved in arranging functions services or meetings please contact the office on 0208 953 8889 or office@tlse.org.uk so that they can be scheduled in the Synagogue diary. This ensures that any physical set-ups in the Synagogue are arranged and that meetings do not conflict. If you need to talk to Jacqueline Bernard in the office, please note that she is mostly working from at home so it is better to email her at office@tlse.org.uk and she will respond.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure that details printed in Hakol are correct no responsibility can be accepted for information misprinted or incorrectly given to the editor. Please let the Editor know of any errors or corrections. The Editor reserves the right to edit material submitted for publication. The deadline for submissions to the next edition of Hakol is Monday 6th August 2021 but submissions will be accepted at any time and early submission is appreciated.
“Has anyone read any Jewish themed or related books they would like to review for the magazine, either ction, non- ction or faction? Are there any members interested in forming a Book Club (obviously virtual at the moment) If so please contact Hakoleditor@tlse.org.uk Or 0741 527 9581
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Sanctuary Now Finished