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Religion School report
he Religion school continues on -line every Sunday in term time. Last term we studied the Women in the Torah who often get over looked when we hear T the stories. We discussed how Sarah must have felt knowing that Abraham nearly sacrificed the son she waited so long to have and tried to imagine how that conversation between the couple went. How Rebecca had no choice in her marriage to Isaac. We looked at the sibling relationship between Leah and Rachel and as we approached Pesach we learnt about the importance of Miriam, how she looked out for Moses as a baby and how she led the celebrations as the Israelites left Egypt and crossed the sea of reeds.
The children made origami Moses baskets, Miriam’s timbrel and baked Matza in under 18 minutes. If you are in school years 1-6 join us on a Sunday morning at 10am, currently on zoom.
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