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The Progressive Taste
Back in 1999 and early in the 2000s some small Jewish charities were producing cook books for sale at a nominal charge with recipes donated by members of the organisation in question and the proceeds given to the charity. I have several of these recipe books. Penny Beral with the help of Nancy Shavick and others produced a recipe book for Hertsmere Progressive Synagogue’s 30th Anniversary. Newer members may not realise that our synagogue’s name was subsequently changed to our current name, as at that time Hertsmere and Progressive frequently needed clarification to prospective members (I was Membership Secretary). There are 72 pages of members favourite recipes, to which I still refer.
To commemorate 100 years of Liberal Judaism in February 2002, Penny produced a cook booked named “The Progressive Taste” “A recipe book of favourites to celebrate the ULPS Centenary”. This recipe book contained recipes donated by members of various liberal communities with many from Hertsmere, the former congregation of Harrow & Wembley and The Liberal Jewish Synagogue, as Penny knew enough members of these communities in general to be able to nag for recipes. Incidentally, this book included Indian Jewish cuisine. The following is my good old English recipe from that book:
Apricot & Apple Brown Betty
Ingredients: 900g peeled & sliced sweet apples 220g French apricot conserve 110g butter ½ level teaspoon cinnamon 180g fresh breadcrumbs preferably from brioche Lemon juice A little brown sugar if wished Method Heat oven to 170C (fan oven) Lightly butter a deep baking dish. Melt butter slowly in a pan, add breadcrumbs and stir until they are all coated, stir in cinnamon and some lemon juice and optional brown sugar. Sprinkle one third of the buttered breadcrumbs over the base the prepared baking dish .Cover with the apple slices and more crumbs, then the rest of the apple slices and top with crumbs. Bake 40 minutes until crisp on top.
Refurbishment of the Sanctuary
Great news - work has started on the refurbishment of the Sanctuary, which includes decorating throughout, new plumbing and electrics, lighting, flooring and chairs. This should take 5-6 weeks and when we finally are able to return to having services in the Synagogue sometime this Summer, it will be to a beautiful and fresh Sanctuary.