Brunswick April Newsletter 2011

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APRIL 2011


MONTHLY MAILING A MESSAGE FROM THE HEADMASTER We’re Down 6 – 1 I read recently that some economists are predicting that within the next decade or so, America will become the second largest world economy after China and that shortly thereafter our economy will be surpassed by India as well. That prediction dovetailed nicely with another article I read in the The Asia Times a while back. In the article entitled, “Greater China…China’s Six-to-One Advantage Over the United States,” the author outlines both subtle as well as obvious ways the United States is losing ground to China. “America outspends China on defense by a margin of more than six to one, the Pentagon estimates. In another strategic dimension, though, China already holds a six to one advantage over the United States. Thirty-six million Chinese children study piano today compared to only 6 million in the United States. The numbers underestimate the difference, for musical study in China is more demanding. It must be a conspiracy. Chinese parents are selling plasma-screen TVs to America and saving their wages to buy their kids pianos – making American kids stupider and Chinese kids smarter.” Then the author of the article goes on to say: “The present shift in intellectual capital in favor of the East has no precedent in history…The world’s largest country is well along the way to forming an intellectual elite on a scale that the world has never seen, and against which nothing in today’s world – surely not the inbred products of the Ivy League puppy mills – can compete.” …and his conclusion: “Few of China’s piano students will earn a living at the keyboard, to be sure, but many of the 36 million will become much better scientists, engineers, physicians, businessmen and military officers.” My point in sharing this article with you is not to push piano lessons for all Brunswick School students, but rather to point out how time is being spent by the youth of one country versus the youth of another. Maybe we will learn in twenty years or so of the wide and powerful intellectual benefits of excessive screen time (video games. TV, Facebook, AIM, etc.) on America’s youth … but somehow I doubt it.

“Greater China….China’s Six-to-One Advantage Over The US” by Spengler, The Asia Times, December 2, 2008.

APRIL 2011

Upper school From the Deans’ Office: After the winter we have had, spring is certainly welcome this year.

Both students and faculty alike returned from Spring Break rested, renewed and (hopefully) healthy and poised for a successful conclusion to the school year. As is clear below, April’s schedule is evidence of the busy nature of the spring; there is much of interest and import to both you as well as your son this month. Third Quarter Comments: The Third Quarter closes on Friday, April 1st. At this point in the year, comments will be written on all students in all courses. You should receive the emailed report card and comments from each of your son’s teachers during the week of April 11th. Please call the Upper School Office should you not receive an email at that time. Dates to Remember in April: 4/1

End of 3rd Quarter Open Mic Night 4/5&6 ERB Testing for Grade 9 PS Gym 4/7 US Spring Jazz Concert 4/12 US Spring Choral Concert 4/15 Spring Improv Concert 4/22 Good Friday – NO SCHOOL 4/28 End of 4th Interim 4/29 US Community Service Day 4/30 & 5/1 US Spring Play “Inspecting Carol” Baker Theater

7pm 8am 7pm 7pm 7pm


ERBs: These standardized tests will be administered to all freshmen during the mornings of Tuesday, April 5th and Wednesday, April 6th. These tests are of proven value to the school as they serve as an effective indicator of a given student's aptitude as compared to his current level of achievement. Students are not expected to prepare for these tests in any way except to get a good night's rest on both evenings prior to testing. Upper School Spring Concerts: There are three concerts this month that all promise to be great musical performances featuring our Upper Schoolers. On Thursday, April 7th, the US Spring Concert will take place in Baker Theater at 7pm. On Tuesday, April 12th, the Spring Choral Concert will take place at 7pm, also in Baker Theater. On Friday, April 15th, the Spring Improv Concert curtain is at 7pm, Baker Theater. We look forward to seeing you at each of these wonderful spring musical events!

Good Friday: There will be no school on Friday, April 22nd in observance of Good Friday. Fourth Interim: Thursday, April 28th will mark the end of the Fourth Interim. As with all Interims, you will receive emailed comments from teachers in courses where your son is currently encountering some measure of difficulty (usually meaning a current grade that is less than C-). These comments, as with all such communications, should be used to make whatever improvements/adjustments might be possible before the close of the Quarter in May. Upper School Community Service Day: In an annual celebration of our outreach efforts to the broader community, and in an effort to expose an even greater number of our students to the various opportunities that exist in community service, we will once again be holding our Upper School Community Service Day on Friday, April 29th. The day will begin with an Upper School Assembly at 8:00am and most projects will conclude around noon. Lunch will be served as usual and then the Upper School students and faculty will join in our annual Trivia Bowl in Burke Field House. Practices will then follow according to a normal Friday Schedule. Upper School Spring Play: At 2:00pm on the afternoons of April 30th and May 1st, we will be presenting the Upper School Spring play, “Inspecting Carol.” Always a wonderful production, we welcome you and your family to attend either afternoon’s performance in Baker Theater.

MIDDLE school

APRIL 2011

From Sarah Burdett: We hope that your Spring Break was full of time outdoors after a long and snowy winter. As we head into our final trimester at school, please make note of the many events on the school calendar. From concerts to orientations to field trips, these last two months prove to be very busy ones as we wrap up this school year and prepare for next. As always, we appreciate having open communication between school and home to insure that we are partnering effectively to help your son progress academically, socially, and extracurricularly. Many thanks for your support thus far. Here is to a productive spring term! 8th Grade Orientation: The 8th graders will visit the Upper School on Tuesday, April 5th. Boys will be bussed to and from Maher Avenue for a morning visit and tour. Dates to Remember in April: 4/4-7 4th Grade Student Orientation to MS 4/5 8th Grade Orientation to US 4/11 4th Grade Parent Orientation to MS – 8:15m 4/12-15 8th Grade Class Trip to Washington DC 4/13 Brunswick Benefit 4/15 Happenings–Grade 7 at Arch St. 7-9:00pm 4/21 3rd Trimester Mid-Point 4/22 NO SCHOOL – Good Friday 4/28-4/29 MS Spring Play

4th Grade Orientation: In April, we will conduct orientation activities for the 4th grade boys and their parents. Parents are invited to an orientation at the Middle School on Monday, April 11th at 8:15am and the fourth grade students will visit with the 5th grade during the week of April 4th. 8th Grade Field Trip: We will depart on Tuesday, April 12th at 9:00am on our field trip to Washington, DC for four fun-filled and educational days. Please note that all 8th grade students should come to school on this day at regular time (8:05am). We will return to Brunswick on Friday, April 15th at approximately 5:30pm.

Third Trimester Mid-Point Check: On Thursday, April 21st we reach the mid-point of the trimester. At this time, your son’s teachers will assess the progress of each student and inform advisors of any particular difficulties a boy may be experiencing. When a boy’s progress at this point is of genuine concern, parents can expect a phone call from their son’s advisor and a comment from a teacher if a boy is in danger of requiring summer work. Middle School Spring Play: On Thursday, April 28th at 7:00pm and Friday, April 29th at 2:15pm (at CSH), CSH students will join our 7th and 8th grade boys for our spring play. This year’s review, A Little “Off” Broadway, will be a musical tour of Broadway shows. Plan Ahead: The MS Concert dates will be as follows: The MS 6th – 8th Choral Concert will be Tuesday, May 10th at 6:00pm. The MS 6th – 8th Instrumental Concert will be Thursday, May 19th at 6:00pm. The Grade 5 Arts Production will be Thursday, May 266h at 8:30am. Please join us!!



LOWER school

APRIL 2011

From Gina Hurd and Katie Signer: April 8th has been set aside for Pre and Lower School Parent/Teacher Conferences. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with your son’s teachers, check in on progress made and come together to collaborate and help make his final term as productive and happy as can be. If you have not yet confirmed a conference time, please be sure to call your son’s teachers and schedule one. Pre School Happenings: Kindergarten is proud to announce that the Post Office will be up and running from April 18th through April 29th. This is a timehonored tradition in our Pre and Lower School and a wonderful way to promote meaningful learning across all disciplines. During the second week, Kindergarten classes will spend a day visiting their Third Grade buddies and delivering mail in the Lower School. In addition, they will have an opportunity to become familiar with the First Grade classrooms and teachers. Dates to Remember in April: 4/1 LS Civies Day 4/1 3C/E Presentation 8:25 am 4/4 4F/H visits Middle School 8:30-1:00 pm 4/5 4I/D visits Middle School 8:30-1:00 pm 4/6 3rd Gr. Trip - SUNY Purchase 11:15-1:00 pm 4/7 4S/W visits Middle School 8:30-1:00 pm 4/7 2nd Gr. visits PK Buddies 1-2:00 pm 4/8 NO SCHOOL – PS/LS Conference Day 4/11 4th Gr. Parent Orientation to MS 8:15 am 4/13 2011 Spring Fashion Show & Luncheon 11:30 am 4/15 1D/M Presentation 8:25 am 4/15 Pre School Appreciation Assembly 4/18-22 Kindergarten Post Office (PS only) 4/21 Pre Kindergarten to perform at Hill House 1 pm 4/22 NO SCHOOL – Good Friday 4/25-28 ERB Testing, Grs. 3 & 4 4/25-29 Kindergarten Post Office (PS and LS) 4/25 Parent Orientation for Pre Kindergarten 8:30 am 4/26 Parent Orientation for Kindergarten 8:30 am 4/26 2nd Gr. Trip to Discovery Museum 8:30-1 pm 4/26 Pre K Baseball Party 12-2 pm 4/27 Parent Orientation for 1st Grade 8:30 am 4/28 PS BPA Assembly “Soro Bindi” with Greenwich Academy PC and CC 4/29 LS Civies Day 4/29 1L/T Presentation 8:25 am

Springtime also means the beginning of baseball season. Pre Kindergarten boys will be having a Baseball Party on Tuesday, April 26th complete with popcorn and hot dogs! Pre School Parent Orientations: The Pre School faculty and Gina Hurd look forward to sharing with you some of the special features of our Pre School programs and answer any questions that you might have regarding your son’s transition in September. Parents of boys entering Pre Kindergarten or Kindergarten, please note the following dates and times: Pre Kindergarten Orientation: Monday, April 25, 8:30 am, Pre School Gym; Kindergarten Orientation: Tuesday, April 26, 8:30 am, Pre School Gym. Lower School Happenings: Spring Dress Code: Upon return from Spring Break, we look forward to warmer weather and our popular spring dress code. In place of slacks, Lower School boys may wear hemmed, traditional styled khaki shorts. Middle School Visits and Parent Orientation: Fourth Graders will have an opportunity to visit the Middle School this month. On his designated visiting day, your son should come to school dressed in Middle School attire; jackets and ties are required. There will also be a fourth grade parent orientation the following week: Middle School Parent Orientation: Monday, April 11, 8:15 am, Middle School Dining Hall.

Lower School Parent Orientation: The First Grade teachers and Katie Signer look forward to meeting with all incoming First Grade parents. At this meeting, we hope to familiarize you with life at the Lower School and introduce you to some of the special features of the First Grade year. First Grade Orientation: Wednesday, April 27, 8:30 am, Lower School Dining Hall. ERB Testing: Educational Records Bureau tests will be administered to all Third and Fourth Graders in the morning on April 25, 26, 27, and 28. A week or two prior to these dates, homeroom teachers will review test-taking strategies with the boys and administer ERB practice tests. As parents, your job is simply to make sure that your son is present on the test dates, gets a good night’s sleep, eats a healthy breakfast and arrives at school on time. Test results should return in June. If you are interested in obtaining your son’s scores, please notify the Lower School office and we will be happy to mail them to you. If you have any questions regarding ERBs or the interpretation of these scores, please feel free to call. An Earth Friendly Message: As many of you know, Friday, April 22nd is Earth Day. Stay tuned for details regarding a special activity spearheaded and coordinated by our Green Bruins!


APRIL 2011

President’s Letter After this not-so-Dolce winter, we have a lot to look forward to this spring! Besides better weather, our Fashion Show is only days away. If the preview party at Saks was any indication, the Show will be great fun, truly "La Dolce Vita." We're sure you'll be inspired to rush down to Saks and purchase a new spring wardrobe! Thank you in advance to Michelle, Amy, Saks Fifth Avenue, and the committee for the hard work they have committed to make this very important fundraiser such a success. Winter wasn't all that bad ... Between blizzards we managed to host fabulous Bingo and Skate Nights and many class cocktail parties and luncheons filled our calendars. Thank you to Doreen Griffin and Christine Fouts for a great Bingo Night, to Amy McGrath and Tammy Kiratsous for hosting a successful skating party, and to all the class parents for their flexibility in scheduling and rescheduling lunches and parties! Wishing you a sweet, gentle spring, a "Dolce Primavera!" Julie Johnson, President, Brunswick Parents Association The Tuition Raffle Sponsored by Greenwich Academy Parents Association Spring Benefit You can win $30,000 of tuition! • Valid for kindergarten through graduate school, at any accredited U.S. school ! • ONLY 500 tickets will be sold. The price per ticket is $200. • Reserve your tickets at GA’s front desk or Bookstore. Bearly Used Closet Spring is in the air, time to think about shedding the layers and getting ready for the great weather to come. The Bearly Used Closet is stocked with shorts, lightweight khakis, short sleeve shirts and plenty of needed sports equipment. If you are in need of a lacrosse helmet, pads or gloves come by and see what we have. Also do not forget to take a look at the blazers you might need one for the upcoming spring holidays. The closet is open during school hours. If you have questions please contact Chrissy von Oiste : or Doreen Griffin : Save the Dates: Happenings 7th and 8th graders: Don’t miss the last two Happenings events of the year with Greenwich Academy, Convent of the Sacred Heart and School of the Holy Child.  8th Grade Dance Party - Friday, April 1st at Arch Street from 7 - 9pm  7th Grade Dance Party - Friday, April 15th at Arch Street from 7 - 9pm Any questions please contact Maria Schmidt or Lisa Ryan Boyle Parent Programs The Whitby School Parents Association has extended an invitation to our Brunswick parents to attend a lecture by Tony Wagner, EdD., author of The Global Achievement Gap, which will take place on Thursday, April 7, at 7pm at Greenwich Library (Cole Aud.). Seating is limited and reservations are required. Please send a request for tickets to: MAP Network All are invited to MAP Network’s first movie night and discussion, Friday, April 8, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Brunswick’s Baker Theater, 100 Maher Avenue. Come view “CRASH!” the 2005 Oscar winner for Best Picture. “This is the rare American film really about something, and almost all the performances are riveting.” ~ Stephen Hunter, Washington Post Light refreshments will be served. Sponsored by MAP Network and BPA Diversity Committee. For more information, contact Marianne Barnum, 203-625-5809, Please RSVP to Allison Lake,, 914-997-0178


APRIL 2011

Teacher Appreciation Show our wonderful Brunswick teachers your appreciation! If you would like to help with set-up, serving, and/or bringing yummy baked goods for the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon being held this year on April 27th, please contact either Jill Coyle ( or Rene Chronert ( We can direct you to our online secure web sign-up page. We hope you’ll join us in thanking our teachers! Upper School Performing Arts Congratulations to the entire cast, crew, and faculty involved with “Into The Woods.” The Baker Theater was filled for every performance, as both young and old who showed up to support this amazing production were wowed by the experience. April will see a flurry of arts activity beginning on April 7th with an Upper School jazz concert with more information to follow. Later on in the month is the spring play, entitled “Inspecting Carol,” directed by Stephen Duennebier. The performance dates are April 30 and May 1 at 2pm in Baker Theater. Please come and enjoy all that spring has to offer in Baker Theater. Dee Hickey, Chair, Beth Rosencrans, Co-chair BRUNSWICK SCHOOL GOLF OUTING AT WINGED FOOT GOLF CLUB! Calling all golfers - RESERVE YOUR SPOT FOR BRUNSWICK SCHOOL’s GOLF OUTING at WINGED FOOT GOLF CLUB on Monday, May 2nd. Schedule of events are warm up at 10:30am, shotgun at 1:00pm followed by buffet cocktail reception. You and your spouse are invited to gather a foursome of friends, fellow alumni, or business colleagues to come enjoy a great day of golf and support Brunswick’s new Foreign Language Immersion Program (F.L.I.P). Individual ticket prices are $1,500. The outing will be held on the Championship West Course so space will be limited! Questions? Contact Libby Edwards in the Development Office at Recycle Your Old Sneakers Brunswick will participate again this year in the annual sneakers drive. The annual sneaker collection is organized by the Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board in conjunction with the Nike Reuse-A-Shoe program. The BPA community service committee will coordinate the effort and we ask for your help. We will leave containers in each school building for you to drop off your old sneakers beginning right after the spring break and continuing for two weeks. Thank you for your cooperation. Faten Sabry and Kelley Johnston


APRIL 2011

Brunswick Parents Association, Spring Fashion Show & Luncheon, April 13, 2011

Centerpieces for sale Preserved boxwood topiaries in antiqued pots Boxwood Trees 16-inches high … $39 22-inches high … $49 29-inches high … $59 Globes 12-inch diameter … $139 Pre-order today! Please contact Wendy Henderson at

Brunswick Parents Association Proposed Slate 2011-2012 Exectuive Committee President *Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer *Assistant Treasurer *Member At Large/Nominating Division Representatives Upper School Middle School Lower School Pre-School Committee Chairs Arts Chairman US *Arts Chairman US Arts Chairman MS Assemblies Chair *Assemblies Co-Chair Athletics Chair US Athletics Chair MS Bear Fair *Bear Fair Co-Chair Bear Hugs Chair Bearly Used Closet Chair *Bearly Used Closet Co-Chair Book Fair Chair *Book Fair Co-Chair Community Service Chair *Community Service Co-Chair Diversity Chair *Diversity Co-Chair Happenings 8th Grade Chair Happenings 7th Grade Chair Hospitality Chair *Hospitality Co-Chair Mayfair Chair *Mayfair Co-Chair Parents Programs Chair *Parents Programs Co-Chair Publicity Chair Teacher Appreciation Chair *Teacher Appreciation Co-Chair Ways and Means Chair *Ways and Means Co-Chair Wick Flicks *Indicates a roll-over position

Christina Kazazes Alison Troy Joan Beth Brown Pam Keller Haley Elmlinger Candice Bednar Julie Johnson Kimberlie Fett Beba Errichetti Meg Russell Afton Fraser Beth Rosencrans Kathy LaBoissiere Starrs Elizabeth Darling Nancy Breckenridge Katie Neviera Patty Dudzik Maureen Forester Maine Park Tiffany Burnette Sally Polak Doreen Griffin Sarah Barringer Bridgette Jean-Jacques Kim Augustine Kelley Johnston Catherine Farello Ana Jasson Mavis Osemobor Amy Fraser Lisa Magliocco Shelby Saer Tracy Yort Catherine Cone Tracy Grossman Laura Darrin Betsy Korn Ally Roach Renee Chronert Robin Sherwood Jane Sprung Jill Weiss Beverly Florsheimer

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