February 2014 Parents Newsletter

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MONTHLY MAILING Mixed Messages For decades now, schools and parents have been taking the time to speak to children about the manifest danger of drugs. At Brunswick School, like many schools, we regularly present programs to our students emphasizing and explaining these dangers and we have rules in place that are severely punitive for any student who is, to any degree, found to be involved with drugs (use, possession, etc.). We have always taken it as a given that these programs and these rules are necessary because the dangers of drug use are so severe. However, now we, and more importantly our children, are hearing that marijuana is not only legal in some states as medicine but, most recently, legal in Colorado for purchase and recreational use. Sadly, therefore, for many of our students, the messages they have heard so often for so many years just do not correlate with this new reality. -­‐ -­‐ -­‐

Either drugs are bad or they are not. Either inhaling substances into your lungs (whether tobacco or marijuana) is bad for you, or it’s not. Why is something that is OK in Colorado not OK in Connecticut?

The bottom line is that our kids are receiving mixed messages. Mixed messages cause confusion and confusion promotes bad decisions. In the event that they (or you) are confused, and in an effort to help clarify things, I offer the following: Brunswick School does not stop caring about our students as soon as they leave campus for the day. We feel strongly that drugs of any kind (and alcohol for that matter) have absolutely no place in the lives of our students and should never be welcomed at a gathering at which Brunswick students are present. Brunswick’s sole purpose is to prepare young men for life . . . we will do all in our power to ensure that drugs are not a part of that life ahead. We have no confusion about that.

Upper school


From the Upper School Office: Mid-year exams are behind us and the second semester is in full swing. February serves as a fresh academic beginning for many and is an opportunity for all students to renew their commitment to their studies and to re-evaluate their progress to date. It is also an ideal time to consider the addition of new extra-curricular commitments (ones that might have seemed daunting in September may seem either more interesting or more manageable now). Things to consider include involvement in a club or publication, various community service opportunities or any other of the myriad of projects that are available throughout the school. Now on to the details of the month . . . with the mid-winter break, February is a somewhat disjointed month; however, important events occur on either side of the hiatus. Some important dates in the month include: EVENTS TO KEEP IN MIND: Brown and White Formal: You should have recently received a letter regarding the upcoming Brown and White dance that will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Old Greenwich on the evening of February 1st from 8:00pm to 11:00pm. An annual event, we hope that your son will attend and, of course, encourage all parents Dates to Remember in February: to take the time to sit down with your son(s) to discuss appropriate behavior and overall expectations for such an event well in advance 2/1 Brown & White Dance 8-11pm of the evening. Hyatt Regency, Old Greenwich 2/4 2/11

AMC Mathematics exam morning Modern Guild evening presentation 7pm Baker Theater 2/14-17 Winter Break 2/20 Gr 8 Parent Orientation to US 10am Pre School Gym 2/21 End of 3rd Interim

Modern Guild Informational Session on Tuesday, February 11 at 7pm: Through a partnership with Modern Guild, Brunswick is pleased to announce a unique opportunity for juniors and seniors to enroll in an online, self-discovery and career exploration program. Modern Guild offers personalized, one-to-one tutoring to help high school students increase their self-awareness and confidence, discover their career passions, and become more “College Day 1 Ready.” Brunswick is hosting an information session Planning Ahead: for all juniors and seniors and their parents on Tuesday, February 11 3/6-8 Winter Musical at 7pm in Baker Theater. Adrien Fraise, the CEO & Founder of “Phantom of the Opera” Modern Guild, will be presenting and current Brunswick students who have completed the program will also be sharing their experiences. Please join us for what should be an interesting learning experience. To learn more, please visit: www.modernguild.com/brunswick. The deadline to enroll in the program is February 21. Financial aid is available for those who qualify. Winter Break: Beginning at the end of school on Thursday, February 13th, the entire School will be on Winter Break until Tuesday, February 18th when classes will resume as usual. As always, we expect all parents and students to ensure that their vacation plans are kept within the limits of the dates noted above. 8th Grade Parent Orientation to The Upper School: At 10:00am on the morning of Thursday, February 20th, we will hold an orientation meeting for current 8th Grade parents to welcome them to the Upper School. Orientation events for current 8th Grade boys will be held at various points over the course of the spring and prior to the start of school next year. Third Interim: The mid-point of the Third Quarter is Friday, February 21st. At this point, as with all Interims, teachers will be asked to write comments on all students about whom they have concerns. In the Upper School, all faculty members are required to write Interim comments for any student currently performing below the C- level. Interims will be e-mailed home during the week of the 24th. Upper School Musical, March 6thth, - March 8th: “Phantom of the Opera” is this year's Upper School Musical. A perennial favorite, all performances will be presented at Brunswick’s Baker Theater on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 7:00 pm with a matinee performance on Saturday, March 8 at 2pm. At this writing, the cast has been hard at work for weeks perfecting their lines, voices and steps. We hope to see you there!


MIDDLE school

From Sarah Burdett: February is a busy month in the Middle School as we continue with our goal-setting activities and prepare for exams and end of trimester assignments. During the month of January, I was able to watch all of this learning in action as I visited at least one full class of each of our Middle School teachers. It is always a joy to see both our students and our faculty working through our curriculum. Teachers are passionately discussing content and organizing activities and assignments to challenge the boys, while students are engaging in the learning process and challenging their teachers with thoughtful opinions and questions. As always, we love being part of this very dynamic stage of their learning lives. Winter Break. The mid-winter break will begin for students on Friday, February 14th. Classes will resume at the usual time on Tuesday, February 18th. As with all vacations, the school discourages any early departure or late return from school breaks (especially in February because exams are so close). Please do your best to maintain the integrity of this important class time for your sons. Dates to Remember in February: 2/14-17 Mid-Winter Break – NO SCHOOL 2/18 Classes resume 2/20 8th Grade Parent Orientation to US Pre School Gym 10:00am 2/21 2nd Trimester Ends Mayfair 2/24-26 5th Trip to Greenkill 2/26-27 2nd Trimester Exams 2/27 Early Dismissal 1:00pm (no bus service until 3:45pm) 2/28 MS Grading Day or Exam Make-Ups -NO SCHOOL

8th Grade Course Sign-Ups: Tom Philip will brief you on the details of our orientation plans at the Upper School Orientation for 8th grade parents on Thursday, February 20th at 10:00am in the Pre School Gym on Maple Avenue. The first step in their orientation process will take place after the Mid-Winter Break, when Tom, the 8th Grade Advisors and I will meet with the boys to begin the course sign-up process.

5th Grade Greenkill Trip: On Monday, February 24th the Fifth Graders and their teachers will be traveling to Greenkill Outdoor Education Center in Huguenot, NY for a much anticipated three days of fun and learning in a winter environment. The boys will come to school at the regular time on Monday, Feb. 24th and return on Wednesday, February 26th at approximately 2:30pm. Please refer to the letter from the 5th grade teachers outlining the details of the trip. The boys come in for regular classes Thursday, February 27th and will be dismissed with the rest of the Middle School at 1:00pm (see below). End of 2nd Trimester: The current marking period officially closes on Friday, February 21st and the 2nd Trimester will end after 6th - 8th exams on Thursday, February 27th. The end of the trimester, unlike the earlier mid-point, is our next formal grading period for students in all grades. At this point, 5th grade parents will receive an emailed report card, a full set of comments, and a call from your son’s Head Teacher shortly thereafter. When you speak to your son’s Head Teacher, you will be invited to make an appointment for an optional parent conference if you feel the need to discuss your son’s progress further. 6th, 7th and 8th grade parents will also receive an emailed report card, as well as comments from teachers of courses in which your son’s effort is unsatisfactory (“1”) or his grade is a “C-“ or below. After all report cards are sent, your son’s advisor will call to discuss his progress. • 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Exams. Second Trimester exams will take place the week of February 24th. On Friday, February 28th, we will have NO SCHOOL for the boys to enable the faculty to correct exams and calculate grades. MAKE-UP EXAMS will be given on that Friday, February 28th for any boy who is absent on an exam day earlier that week. Please find the exam schedule included in this newsletter. • Note: Dismissal is at the regular time Monday through Wednesday. On Thursday, February 27th we will dismiss at 1:00pm for all grades. Bus service will not be available until 3:45pm, but the boys will be supervised at school if they need to wait for the busses. REMINDER- Mark your calendars: MS ERB’s Monday, March 3rd – Wednesday, March 5th 5th/6th Grade Science Fair/Father/Son Breakfast – Friday, March 7th 7th /8th Grade Father/Son Dinner – Thursday, March 13th 8th Grade Spring Washington Tour – Monday, April 21st , 9:00am - Thursday, April 24th, 5:30pm.




LOWER school

From Katie Signer and Gina Hurd: 2014 is off to a great start in our Pre and Lower Schools. Our boys have been putting forth their best effort and have been approaching their studies with renewed enthusiasm and a seriousness of purpose. Having settled back into their routines, we are asking parents to encourage your son to read as a part of his regular nightly homework and whenever possible, take time to read with him. With shorter days and colder weather outside, there is nothing better than cuddling up with a good book. Take time to indulge. It’s good for you! Report Cards: Shortly after receiving this newsletter, you should receive your son’s midyear report card. Should you have any questions at all regarding the report or your son’s performance, please do not hesitate to call his teacher(s). B-I-N-G-O! Don’t miss out! Come to our annual Pre and Lower School Family Bingo Night Party on Friday, February 7th from 5:30-7:00 pm. Please note that the event will be held in the Burke Field House on the King Street campus. Special thanks go to our coordinators, Mia Newton and Dominique Crosby, for coordinating this night of family fun. Dates to Remember in February: 2/6 Student Council Meeting 2/7 Open Ice Time for Grades 3 and 4 2/7 Bingo Night 2/10-13 “Go Global” Mini-Term Week 2/11 BPA Assembly, Hobey Ford 2/12 Kindergarten Valentine’s Day Party 2/13 Pre Kindergarten Valentine’s Day Snack 2/14-17 No School - Winter Break 2/20 Student Council Meeting 2/18 Classes resume 2/21 Wrestling Tournament, Burke Field House 2/28 Civies Day 2/28 Talent Show, Grs. 1 and 2

7:40am 1:30-2:30pm 5:30-7:00pm 1:30pm 1:45pm 1:45pm 7:40am 10:30am 8:25am

International Celebrations at the Pre School: A big thank you goes out to Sahar Ross-Wiley, Marianne Barnum, and the Pre School parents that presented during our International Celebrations on January 16th. What a wonderful multicultural experience for our youngest Brunswick Bruins. The Lower School goes GLOBAL with Mini-Term 2014! In the days leading up to our Winter Break, Lower School boys will have an opportunity to participate in a multi-day, mixed grade level workshop experience. Mini-Term will offer boys an opportunity to “go global” in a project based, handson, creative way. Boys will learn about other cultures and customs, and in turn will open their

minds as they explore a diverse array of topics. Winter Break: After regular dismissal on February 13th, the boys will officially begin their mid-winter break. Classes will resume as usual on Tuesday, February 18th. All early departures or late returns are strongly discouraged. Anyone who absolutely needs to deviate from this schedule should notify the school in writing well in advance of the anticipated departure. Thank you for your cooperation. Wrestling Tournament: As usual, during the month of February, our Lower School physical education program will center around teaching your boys how to wrestle both safely and skillfully. Typically known as a sport that builds stamina, endurance and determination, the boys will learn how to use their bodies and manage their strength. Another important focus of this unit is to offer all boys an individual competitive experience, while encouraging sportsmanship and fostering fun. The culminating event will be a wrestling tournament that will be held in the Burke Field House Wrestling Room on Friday, February 21st. Due to time restrictions and large numbers, only the top two boys from each weight class will be represented at this event. Pre School Happenings: February is a fun time for our boys to focus on their special friendships as they practice their handwriting and share Valentines with their classmates and teachers. In addition, our Pre School boys are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our 100th Day. The actual date will be determined dependent on snow days. Pre Kindergarten will mark the event with many counting activities. Kindergarten boys will create collections of “100” that will be brought in to school to be shared. The countdown is on! Dismissal Reminders: In an effort to streamline our dismissal process we ask that you make every effort to come as close to your son’s pick-up time as possible. Also, please remember to use your color-coded name sign so we can deliver your sons to their cars in a safe and timely fashion. We thank you for following our guidelines carefully as we work together to ensure the safety of all of our boys.



President’s Letter The BPA is gearing up for the second half of the school year and all of our many activities! The Pre and Lower School Skate Party was a great success. A big thank you to Tammy Kiratsous and Kimberly Johnson for running such a fun event! The boys had a fantastic time skating with their classmates and members of Brunswick’s hockey teams. Congratulations to Stephanie Hoover and Gail Reynolds for orchestrating another successful ‘Wickends – the sports theme was perfect and loved by all. Many thanks as well to Alison Troy for organizing the BPA nominating process for the 2014-2015 school year. Given Alison’s stewardship, we are off to a very strong start placing next year’s Board! Finally, we are grateful to the Division Reps and their class parents for organizing the class luncheons that many of us are enjoying this month. There are so many events still to come so mark your calendars! Bingo Night is February 7, followed later in the spring by the Father/Son Dinner, Teacher Appreciation Day, ‘Wick Walk Run, and our biennial Spring Benefit and Auction, “Light Up The Night,” on April 26. Thank you to all the Benefit volunteers working behind the scenes to create a night that will be remembered for quite some time. Kimberlie Fett, President, Brunswick Parents Association ‘Wick Walk Run The ‘Wick Walk Run will be held on Saturday, May 10. We are looking for volunteers who are ready to have some fun with this all-school family event. Whether you prefer working before the event or on the day of the run, we would love your help and enthusiasm! If you are interested please contact co-chairs Jeanie Wahl (jeaniewahl@gmail.com) or Darrelle O'Connor (darrelleg@aol.com). Teacher Appreciation Our "gifted" January teachers were: Anne Allwood, Mikel Berrier, Sarah Burdett, Margaret Clark, Alexander Constantine, Jay Crosby, Stephen Garnett, Jeffrey Harris, Gina Hurd, Kristen Ingarra, James Phillipson, Rebecca Weitzman, and Paul Withstandley. Special raffle opportunities this month included New York Rangers tickets, The Late Show with David Letterman tickets and New York Giants Tickets. We rely on your generosity to keep the Teacher Appreciation raffle going throughout the school year. Gift cards and last minute tickets to sporting events or concerts are always welcome. Please mail gift cards to Kim Fulton, 13 Anthony Place, Riverside, Conn. 06878 or email her at kfulton22@gmail.com. Questions? Contact Kim Fulton (kfulton22@gmail.com) or Barb Baxter (barbbaxter@optonline.net) Bearly Used Closet In January, the Bearly Used Closet partnered with Skate Night, and many Bruins visited the Closet for skates! We are looking to restock and welcome your donations of skates, sports equipment and uniform clothing. With spring break around the corner, come to the Closet for short-sleeved polos, shorts and more. The Bearly Used Closet is located on the lower level of the Lower School. Please pick up the key from the binder beneath the whiteboard in the Lower School lobby. All proceeds benefit BPA projects. Pre School And Lower School Bingo Night Calling all Bingo players!!! Bingo Night will take place on Friday, February 7 from 5:30-7:00pm at the Burke Field House. Come enjoy a fun-filled evening for Pre and Lower School families! There will be a few grade-wide prizes awarded plus every child leaves with one of our exciting individual prizes. Please visit http://www.brunswickschool.org/events/bingonight/ to register, to volunteer to help, and to donate water or nut-free baked goods. Donations will be collected on Friday, February 7 at the PS or LS entry at morning dropoff, or at the Burke Field House right after drop-off. For any questions, please contact Mia Newton (mianewton@verizon.net) or Dominique Crosby (dominique.crosby@nick.com).



Upper School Performing Arts Broadway’s longest running musical makes its way to the Baker Theater stage! Brunswick's Upper School musical will be Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera. The production will involve over 80 Brunswick and Greenwich Academy students on stage and behind the scenes. Beneath the Paris Opera House hides the Phantom in a shadowy existence. Shamed by his physical appearance and feared by all, the love he holds for his protégée Christine Daaé is so strong that even her heart cannot resist. This Opera Ghost tangles beauty and terror over the course of two acts. Students are hard at work with rehearsals and staging, and they will bring this beautiful tale to life in Baker Theater on March 6, 7 and 8 at 7pm with a matinee on Saturday at 2pm – be sure to mark your calendars for this can’t-miss event! Ticket ordering information will be available soon; check the Brunswick homepage! Father/Son Dinner for Grades 7 through 12 The Hospitality Committee will be confirming volunteers for The Father/Son Dinner, to be held in the Burke Field House on Thursday, March 13. If you would like to help set up and/or serve, please contact Anne Marie Mellert (mellert@optonline.net) by February 14. Assemblies Hobey Ford, a very talented puppeteer is coming to the Brunswick Pre School on February 11. Hobey will bring his handmade golden rod puppets to life in a series of short acts entitled, "Tales for the Young." After the performance, the boys will be given their very own peeper puppets so they too can be puppeteers. Pre School and Lower School Skate Night It was so fun to see the boys and their families enjoy a fantastic afternoon on the ice! Thank you to all our supporters who purchased WCK Hockey jerseys, to the volunteers who helped the day of the event, and to everyone who supplied the beverages and treats. Special appreciation goes to the Bearly Used Closet for helping to outfit the skaters, to Marc and his varsity hockey players who acted as role models, “guards” and instructors, and of course, to Chuck Redahan and his wonderful maintenance crew. ‘Wickends - To the parents of all 7th and 8th graders The ‘Wickends Skate and Sports Night on January 11 brought out over 300 7th and 8th grade students from Brunswick, Greenwich Academy, Convent of the Sacred Heart and the School of the Holy Child. The highlighted activities that evening included skating to Arch Street's DJ in Hartong Rink, along with ping-pong and basketball in the gymnasium. A big thank you to all the moms who baked brownies for all to enjoy. The next and final ‘Wickends event is a DJ Dance and Game night on Friday, April 4. Middle School Athletics A big THANK YOU to our Team Parents for the Winter sports season: Margot Stephens, Mavis Osemobor, Laura Penfield, Heather Wise, Michele Wolfram, Nancy Breckenridge, Emilie Powers and Emily Burns. Your amazing organization and communication has made all our MS lives easier! If you would like to be a team parent this spring, please email Sonnet McKinnon (sonnet.m@icloud.com) and indicate the sport your son will be playing. Go ‘Wick! Upper School Athletics Many thanks to our Team Parents for the Winter sports teams: Lisa Rodger, Nan Johnson, Michelle Ullman, Anne Marie Mellert, Susan Hartong and Sara Keller. If you would like to volunteer as a non-varsity team parent for spring sports and help coordinate transportation, drinks/snacks, and communications for US teams, please email Susan Hartong (susanhartong@optonline.net) and indicate the sport your son will be playing. Go 'Wick! Save the date for our next Parent Program: Thursday, April 10 Our second Parent Program will feature Dr. Sylvia Rimm. Dr. Rimm is a psychologist, the Director of Family Achievement Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio and a clinical professor at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine. She is the author of many books including, among others, How to Parent So Children Will Learn, Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades and Growing Up Too Fast: The Rimm Report on the Secret Lives of America’s Middle Schoolers. Dr. Rimm’s presentation will address all ages of adolescence, discussing topics such as peer pressure and bullying. She will conclude by recommending how parents and teachers can work together to stem the rising tide of precocious adolescent behaviors. Dr Rimm’s Parent Program will take place at Greenwich Academy’s Massey Theater on Thursday, April 10. Coffee is at 8am, followed by the presentation at 8:30am. This talk is the second in a series of Parent Programs for the GA and ‘Wick communities. There is no charge to attend.



Brunswick School Spring Benefit 6:30pm Burke Field House Fun Cocktails, Delicious Food, Silent Auction, Giving Tree, Dancing & Great Friends Proceeds from "Light Up the Night" will help to build the BPA STEM Endowment Fund, enabling Brunswick to build on its current initiatives, adding integrated sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs to the curriculum at all levels.

From Sue Das and Brian Coughlin, Lower School Student Council Advisors: The Lower School boys will celebrate the Super Bowl in a special way. Under the leadership of our Lower School Student Council, we will be conducting our second annual Brunswick “SOUP”er Bowl – a one-day canned food drive event. On Friday, January 31st, Lower School boys will have a special Super Bowl Civies Day and are encouraged to dress in the colors of the team they hope to win— the Denver Broncos or the Seattle Seahawks. With designated team sections to greet them at drop-off, boys will be invited to place their food donations for the team of their choice. Who will take home the trophy for most donations? The AFC or the NFC? Stay tuned for our results! The donations will restock the shelves at the Lower Fairfield County Food Bank where they distributed more than 2,000,000 pounds of food last year. Additionally in February the Student Council is looking forward to sponsoring the annual Faculty Baby Photo guessing contest. Bringing some fun, unusual guesses, bad haircuts, and black and white photos from back in the day is a nice way to break up the winter doldrums. Who will win this year’s coveted “golden” prize at one of our Friday assemblies? From Neil Minsky, Director of Middle School Community Service: In February, each advisory will choose a project that interests them and serves the greater community. An idea that started last year, Fifth Grade homerooms will choose a project that benefits Greenwich and the surrounding communities. The Sixth Grade homerooms will concentrate on projects that affect communities across the nation, while the Seventh Grade will look for opportunities and projects that span the international community. Each project, no matter how small, will hopefully teach our boys as they go through the Middle School that they can make a difference. The Eighth Grade homerooms will continue visiting their monthly sites as they have been throughout the year. Not to forget that Brunswick is also a community, a special and personal thanks to all the Middle School boys that helped out at the Brunswick Invitational Wrestling Tournament over Martin Luther King Weekend. Nearly 30 boys volunteered their time to help Brunswick host one of the premier varsity tournaments in New England. The Middle School boys helped by working the tables, keeping score, assisting the referees, and doing anything else that was asked of them while cheering on our Upper School wresters. As an aside, Brunswick won the tournament for the sixth straight year. Go Wick!

From Johnny Montanez, Director of Upper School Community Service: Congratulations to the varsity basketball coaches, players, and parents for raising money during the annual “White Out” event held on January 24th for the fight against cancer! Each dollar raised from T-shirt sales will be donated to both Coaches vs. Cancer and Officials vs. Cancer in support of cancer research. Upcoming Events: Ø The Brunswick School Blood Drive is set for Monday, March 3rd . For the second straight year, we will join forces with Greenwich Academy in an attempt to donate 43 units of blood to the Red Cross. The Blood Drive will take place in Greenwich Academy’s Young Auditorium. Collections will run from 11:30am –5:15pm. Please call (203) 625-5854 or email jmontanez@brunswickschool.org if you have any questions. Community Service Day – April 25, 2014 Ø If there is an organization that you wouldlike to connect to the Brunswick Community Service Program, please reach out to me via phone (203-625-5854) or email (jmontanez@brunswickschool.org), as we are open to increasing our outreach to those in need.

Brunswick School 100 Maher Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830  1252 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 (203) 625-5800

February 2014 Sun





F ri

Sat 1 Brown & White Dance 8-11pm Hyatt Regency, Old Greenwich








*BPA Meeting, 10am *Modern Guild Presentation, 7pm Baker Theater




*MS Class Parent Meeting *PS/LS Bingo Night, 5:30-7pm



Senior / Mother Breakfast






25 Gr 5 Trip To Greenkill

Regular Dismissal For President’s Weekend


20 Gr 8 Parent Orientation To US 10:00am , PS Gym

Classes Resume




27 MS 2nd Trimester Exams

MS 2nd Trimester Exams MS 1pm Dismissal



21 *End of 3rd Interim (US) *End of 2nd Trimester (MS) *LS Wrestling Tournament *Mayfair at PS

28 MS Faculty Grading/ Exam re-take Day NO SCHOOL for MS


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