Executive Update, Spring 2015

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From Headmaster Tom Philip Spring 2015

Happy Spring!

Brunswick Executive Update provides Former Trustees and other especially dedicated members of the School community with a snapshot of our continuing progress.

On Campus

❖ Class of 2015/College Placement — As of April 1, with the college process complete with the exception of movement off the wait list, 66 seniors (71%) have been accepted by their first choice. An additional 18 (19%) have been accepted by at least one of their top three choices. ❖ Admissions Inquiries and Applications — The present trend is for increasing quantity and quality of applicants, due to a new on-line inquiry and application process and Brunswick’s perceived advantages over other area schools. Applications from beyond the “core” market of Fairfield and Westchester counties are now common. The overall acceptance rate this year is: Pre School, 46%; Lower School, 7%; Middle School, 12%; Upper School, 16%.

Facilities and Housing

❖ Construction Projects — Modular housing units near complete on Sherwood Place will add seven two-bedroom units to the School’s faculty housing stock. ❖ 97 Maher Avenue — Renovation of the former Headmaster’s Residence has led to relocation of Development & Alumni Relations staff, creating five new classrooms in the Upper School. Upper School Admissions will relocate to 97 Maher Avenue before the start of the next academic year.

❖ Diversity — Four Brunswick faculty and four students attended the annual NAIS People of Color Conference (PoCC) and Student Diversity Leadership Conference (SDLC), held in December in Indianapolis, Indiana. The gathering convened more than 2,100 adults and 1,600 students from independent schools in 37 states. ❖ Brunswick Faculty Institute — Collaborative work among the 35 faculty members chosen to participate in this year’s program, having begun in June 2014, continues apace. A new group has already been selected to enter the program at the close of this academic year.

❖ Cosby Field Turf Replacement — Investigation has continued with respect to the scheduled replacement of Cosby Field’s artificial turf. In response to concerns about the possible health risks associated with crumb rubber, the underlay, the School has opted for an organic, “green” replacement (coconut husks), after determining that no health or allergy concerns are associated with the new product.

B r u n s w i c k

E x e c u t i v e

U p d at e

S p r i n g 2015

The Brunswick Trust

Enduring Excellence in Character and Leadership Education Achieving one of its major Capital Campaign goals, Brunswick has established a new, whole-school initiative to ensure the excellence of its character and leadership programs. The new initiative is called “The Brunswick Trust.” An inaugural announcement will be mailed to the entire, extended School community shortly. The overall enhanced program will concentrate in three principal areas: Faculty Training, Curricular Initiatives, and Student Positions/Experiences.

Preliminary steps have included: A whole-faculty inaugural meeting (January 30); solicitation of Divisional Committee members. Next steps include: Sending faculty to the 2015 Gardner Carney Leadership Institute; summer 2015 completion by all faculty and staff of an online Coursera program entitled, “Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms.”

Looking Ahead

❖ Upper School Curricular Changes (to be ❖ NEASC 10-Year Evaluation Process — During instituted in 2016-2017) — In assessing Upper the 2015-2016 academic year, Brunswick will be School academic requirements, Brunswick undergoing the scheduled 10-year comprehensive determined that its current requirements are more review by the New England Association of Schools stringent than most/all peer schools, allowing & Colleges (NEASC). Preparations for that review less flexibility in electives and fewer slots for are ongoing. new offerings (Computer Science, Engineering). ❖ Five-Year Technology Plan — Director of Generally, the new plan would offer students of all Technology Sunil Gupta is completing a long-term grade levels greater flexibility to pursue their own assessment of the School’s technology needs. interests; to enroll in more AP courses; and to fulfill requirements through enrollment in Engineering and Computer Science classes.

BPA Fundraisers

We hope you’ll join us for this spring’s major fund-raising events: Biennial Fashion Show — April 23 Winged Foot Golf Outing — May 4 Proceeds will establish the BPA “Extras” Fund, created to assist deserving families in meeting the non-tuition-related expenses of independent-school education and membership in the Brunswick community.

In closing, I’d be remiss not to commend our faculty and staff for their positive response and engagement during the past year, which has seen an unusual amount of change. Major changes in health insurance, assessment policies and procedures, and training have required flexibility and adaptation, and more changes (curricular requirements, etc.) lie ahead. Faculty continue to rise to meet new challenges — to no surprise of anyone, indeed. Questions, thoughts, or observations? Please don’t hesitate to be in touch! Sincerely,

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