February 2011 Newsletter

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MONTHLY MAILING A MESSAGE FROM THE HEADMASTER The World in Which We (and our Children) Live Consider the following statistics drawn directly from http://socialnomics.net: 1. Over 50% of the world’s population is under 30 years old. 2. 96% of them have joined a social network. 3. Facebook tops Google for weekly traffic in the US. 4. Years to reach 50 million users: radio (38 years), television (13 years), Internet (4 years), iPod (3 years). 5. Facebook added over 200 million users in less than a year. 6. iPhone applications hit 1 billion in 9 months. 7. If Facebook were a country it would be the world’s third largest ahead of the US and only behind China and India. 8. 80% of companies use social media for recruitment. 9. The fastest growing segment on Facebook is 55-65 year old women. 10. 50% of the mobile Internet traffic in the UK is for Facebook . . . people update anywhere, anytime . . . imagine what that means for bad customer experiences? 11. Generations Y and Z consider email passé – some universities have stopped distributing email accounts . . . instead they are distributing eReaders + iPads + Tablets. 12. The #2 largest search engine in the world is YouTube. 13. Kindle eBooks outsold paper books on Christmas. 14. 24 of the 25 largest newspapers are experiencing record declines in circulation. 15. We no longer search for the news, the news finds us. 16. We will no longer search for products and services. They will find us via social media. Conclusion: Even though social networking will never fully supplant direct human interaction, clearly, the active use of social media isn’t a passing trend. Rather, it is a fundamental change in the manner in which kids expect others (even adults and future employers) to communicate with them. Two suggestions: 1. It is essential that we stress with our children that, as the “socialnomics” site says, “what happens in Vegas stays on YouTube, Flickr, Twitter and Facebook.” In other words, be careful what you post. 2. Social networking might be a “new world” to many of us as parents, but like it or not, it is the world in which an overwhelming number of our children “live.” It might be time…gulp…that we as parents open our own social networking site. After all, living in a different world than our children is never a good idea.

Upper school


From The Deans’ Office: Mid-year exams are behind us and the second semester is in full swing. February serves as a fresh academic beginning for many and is an opportunity for all students to renew their commitment to their studies and to re-evaluate their progress to date. It is also an ideal time to consider the addition of new extra-curricular commitments (ones that might have seemed daunting in September may seem either more interesting or more manageable now). Things to consider include involvement in a club or publication, various community service opportunities or any other of the myriad of projects that are available throughout the school. Now on to the details of the month . . . with the mid-winter break, February is a somewhat disjointed month; however, important events occur on either side of the hiatus. Some important dates in the month include: EVENTS TO KEEP IN MIND: Dates to Remember in February: 2/8 2/16 2/17

A Global Brunswick 6-8pm End of 3rd Interim Professional Development Day NO SCHOOL 2/17-21 Winter Break – NO SCHOOL 2/22 Classes Resume 2/24 Gr 8 Parent Orientation to US 10am 3/3-5 US Winter Musical “Into the Woods”

Third Interim: The mid-point of the Third Quarter is Wednesday, February 16th. At this point, as with all Interims, teachers will be asked to write comments on all students about whom they have concerns. In the Upper School, all faculty members are required to write Interim comments for any student currently performing below the C- level. Interims will be emailed home during the week of the 28th. Professional Development Day: Our Professional Development Day this year will be held in lieu of classes on Thursday, February 17th. We have scheduled this day at the front end of the Winter Break in the hope that doing so will prove more convenient for our parents.

Winter Break: Beginning at the end of a FULL school day (including sports) on Wednesday, February 16th, the entire School will be on Winter th Break from Thursday, February 17 through Monday, February 21st. Classes will resume as usual on Tuesday, February 22nd and, as always, we expect all parents and students to ensure that their vacation plans are kept within the limits of the dates noted above. Upper School Musical, March 3 – 5th: INTO THE WOODS is this year's Upper School Musical. All performances will be presented at Brunswick’s Baker Theater on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 7:00pm with a matinee performance Saturday at 2pm. At this writing, the cast has been hard at work for weeks perfecting their lines, voices and steps. We hope to see you there! Snow Bulletin: Please tune in to your local radio stations (WGCH or WSTC) for a list of cancellations or delays. You may also call the school after 6:00am on the main number (203-625-5800) to hear a recording with the latest information. The homepage of the website, www.brunswickschool.org, will also note closings and delays. Families who have given Brunswick permission will also receive an automated phone message from the school giving notification of a school cancellation.


MIDDLE school

From Sarah Burdett: The Middle School boys are working hard in 2011! Our Fifth Grade and Sixth Grade boys are hard at work planning their Science Fair projects. The MS Student Council has been planning student activities to raise money for local charities. The Bruin writers have been feverishly writing and editing to keep up with their very ambitious publication deadlines. The Eighth Graders have been rotating through trout care responsibilities; we are happy to report that the trout seem happy and healthy and are on track for a late spring release. As always, we are incredibly impressed with the level of energy and enthusiasm that our boys bring not only to their classroom assignments but also to the extracurricular opportunities they choose to pursue. Winter Break: The mid-winter break will begin for students on Thursday, February 17th. Classes will resume at the usual time on Tuesday, February 22nd . As with all vacations, the school discourages any early departure or late return from school breaks (especially in February because exams are so close!). Please do your best to maintain the integrity of this important class time for your sons. NOTE: Thursday, Feb. 17th – Professional Development Day-NO SCHOOL. Dates to Remember in February: 2/17

Professional Development Day – NO SCHOOL 2/17-21 Mid-Winter Break 2/24 8th Grade Parent Orientation to US – Pre School Gym 10:00am 2/25 2nd Trimester Ends 2/28-3/2 5th Trip to Greenkill 3/2-3/3 2nd Trimester Exams 3/3 Early Dismissal 1:00pm (no bus service until 3:45pm) 3/4 MS Grading Day or Exam Make-Ups – NO SCHOOL

8th Grade Course Sign-Ups: Tom Philip will brief you on the details of our orientation plans at the Upper School Orientation for 8th grade parents on Thursday, February 24th at 10:00am in the Pre School Gym on the Upper School Campus. The first step in their orientation process will take place after the Mid-Winter Break, when Mr. Philip, the 8th Grade Advisors and I will meet with the boys to begin the course sign-up process.

5th Grade Greenkill Trip: On Monday, February 28th the Fifth Graders and their teachers will be traveling to Greenkill Outdoor Education Center in Huguenot, NY for a much anticipated three days of fun and learning in a winter environment. The boys will come to school at the regular time on Monday, Feb. 28th and return on Wednesday, March 2nd at approximately 2:30pm. Please refer to the letter from the 5th grade teachers outlining the details of the trip. The boys come in for regular classes Thursday, March 3rd and will be dismissed with the rest of the Middle School at 1:00pm (see below). End of 2nd Trimester: The current marking period officially closes on Friday, February 25th and the 2nd Trimester will end after 6th 8th exams on Thursday, March 3rd. The end of the trimester, unlike the earlier mid-point, is our next formal grading period for students in all grades. At this point, 5th grade parents will receive an emailed report card, a full set of comments, and a call from your son’s Head Teacher shortly thereafter. When you speak to your son’s Head Teacher, you will be invited to make an appointment for an optional parent conference if you feel the need to discuss your son’s progress further. 6th, 7th and 8th grade parents will also receive an emailed report card, as well as comments from teachers of courses in which your son’s effort is unsatisfactory (“1”) or his grade is a “C-“ or below. After all report cards are sent, your son’s advisor will call to discuss his progress.  6th, 7th & 8th Grade Exams. Second Trimester exams will take place the week of February 28th. On Friday, March 4th, we will have NO SCHOOL for the boys to enable the faculty to correct exams and calculate grades. MAKE-UP EXAMS will be given on that Friday, March 4th for any boy who is absent on an exam day earlier that week. Please find the exam schedule included in this newsletter.  Note: Dismissal is at the regular time Monday through Wednesday. On Thursday, March 3rd we will dismiss at 1:00pm for all grades. Bus service will not be available until 3:45pm, but the boys will be supervised at school if they need to wait for the busses. 8th Grade National Spanish and Latin Exams: On March 8th and 9th, all eighth grade Spanish students will take the National Spanish Exam online with the laptop cart computers over two consecutive days (40 minutes for each section). Latin students will also take national exams on March 8th. REMINDER- Mark your calendars: 7th /8th Grade Father/Son Dinner – Thursday, March 10th, 7pm 5th/6th Grade Science Fair - Father/Son Breakfast – Friday, March 11th 8th Grade Spring Washington Tour – Tuesday, April 12st, 9:00am - Friday, April 15th, 5:30pm.



LOWER school


From Katie Signer and Gina Hurd: As expected, January was a busy and productive month. Despite snow closures and delays, our Pre and Lower School boys were hard at work and at play. While February may be a short month, with a Winter Break in its midst, there are a few important “happenings” worthy of note. Report Cards: Shortly after receiving this newsletter, you should receive your son’s midyear report card. If you have any questions at all regarding the report or your son’s performance, do not hesitate to call his teacher(s). Wick Flicks: Pizza and Movie: Students in Grades 1 - 4 are invited to a Wick Flicks Kick-Off event on Friday, February 11th. Immediately following dismissal, students are invited to enjoy a pizza lunch in our Lower School Cafeteria and a viewing of the foreign film, “The Cave of the Yellow Dog,” in the Middle School Auditorium. This G-rated movie depicting a nomadic Mongolian family is a full length film with an English language soundtrack. If you have not already signed up and would like to do so, please be sure to contact Ana Jasson at ana.capella@jpmorgan.com. Dates to Remember in February: 2/1 BPA Assembly @ Pre School - “Hobey Ford” 2/4 Talent Show – Grades 1 & 2 8:25am 2/14 Pre K Valentine’s Day Snack 2/14 Kdg. Valentine’s Day Party 2/11 Pre and Lower School Bingo Night 6-8:00pm 2/14 4th Gr. Play 7:00pm 2/17 NO SCHOOL - Professional Dev. Day 2/18-21 NO SCHOOL – Winter Break 2/22 Classes Resume 2/25 Wrestling Tournament 10:30am 2/25 Civies Day 2/26 Skate Party Pre School 3-4:00pm Lower School 4-5:30pm

Family Bingo Night: Don’t miss out! Come to our annual Pre and Lower School Family Bingo Night Party, Friday, February 11th, from 6:00-8:00pm. Please note that the event will be held on the Edwards Campus in the Burke Field House. Prize donations are much appreciated and special thanks go to our Coordinators, Doreen Griffin and Christine Fouts, for coordinating this night of family fun. A Pajama Civies Day will go to the grade levels that reach a targeted number of wins. Come win prizes and guarantee your son the chance to wear his PJs to school!

Winter Break and Professional Development Day: After regular dismissal on February 16th, the boys will officially begin their mid-winter break. Classes will resume as usual on Tuesday, February 22nd. All early departures or late returns are strongly discouraged. Anyone who absolutely needs to deviate from this schedule should notify the school in writing well in advance of the anticipated departure. Thank you for your cooperation. Wrestling Tournament: As usual, during the month of February, our Lower School Physical Education program will center around teaching your boys how to wrestle both safely and skillfully. Typically known as a sport that builds stamina, endurance and determination, the boys will learn how to use their bodies and manage their strength. Another important focus of this unit is to offer all boys an individual competitive experience, while encouraging sportsmanship and fostering fun. The culminating event will be a wrestling tournament that will be held in the Burke Field House Wrestling Room on Friday, February 25th. Due to time restrictions and large numbers, only the top two boys from each weight class will be represented at this event. The Pre and Lower School Skate Party will take place on Saturday, February 26th and should be great fun. Thanks in advance go to our Skate Party Coordinators, Amy McGrath and Tammy Kiratsous, for coordinating this event. After the initial hour devoted specifically to Pre School-aged children, Lower School boys will be invited to join in. T-shirt orders have been sent home in Friday Folders. Be sure to return your form if you would like to purchase one. Sharpen those skates and we’ll see you at the Hartong Rink. Children Helping Children: One of the most important elements of any service learning program is helping students connect with the joy of helping others. Thanks to the incredible generosity of our boys and families, we were so pleased to be able to send St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital close to $10,000. Our boys were thrilled when they learned the amount they collectively earned. In an effort to further connect our boys to children in need, the Lower School Student Council is coordinating a program with another hospital right around the corner, Blythedale Children’s Hospital. Lower Schoolers are invited to collect and sort items into ageappropriate Activity Boxes designed to welcome and entertain new patients. Stay tuned for details! Pre School Happenings: February is a fun time for our youngest boys to focus on their special friendships as they practice their handwriting and share valentines with their classmates and teachers. In addition, our Pre School boys are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our 100th Day. The actual date will be determined dependent on snow days. Pre Kindergarten will mark the event with many counting activities. Kindergarten boys will create collections of “100” that will be brought in to school to be shared. The countdown is on!



President’s Letter As I write this, we are at the exact mid-point of the school year and starting to plan for next year. The nominating process has begun and we can already tell that next year's BPA board will be just as strong as ever. Thank you to Anne Castine for organizing this effort. In January, many of us had the privilege of hearing Barbara Strauch speak about her new book, The Secret Life of the Grown-up Brain. If you missed her lecture, the message was very positive . . . Our brains are the best they've ever been! All we have to do is get regular aerobic exercise and challenge our brains by getting them out of their "comfort zone." Perhaps by taking on a BPA job?!? Lots to look forward to this spring! Come see the Student Film contest at Baker Theater on Saturday, February 12 and stay for some free food and view “Slumdog Millionaire.” On Wednesday, April 13, we will host the much anticipated "Brunswick Fashion Show". Many thanks, of course, to all of our volunteers who have worked hard all year on all of our BPA events! Julie Johnson, President The Tuition Raffle Sponsored by Greenwich Academy Parents Association Spring Benefit You can win $30,000 of tuition! • Valid for kindergarten through graduate school, at any accredited U.S. school ! • ONLY 500 tickets will be sold. The price per ticket is $200. • Reserve your tickets at GA’s front desk or Bookstore. Upper School Performing Arts: Rehearsals are now underway for “Into the Woods,” this year's Upper School Musical. This engaging musical is inspired by the book The Uses of Enchantment, by Bruno Bettelheim. It is based on several Brothers Grimm fairy tales, including Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, Rapunzel and Cinderella and will feature dozens of talented actors, singers and crew from both Brunswick and Greenwich Academy. This year’s production is directed by Seth Potter, with musical direction by Alexander Constantine, technical design by Matthew Kirby-Smith, and costumes by Abby Taylor Redmond. All performances will take place in Baker Theater at 7pm from Thursday, March 3 through to Saturday, March 5 with a matinee at 2pm. Ticketing details will be forthcoming on the Brunswick website. Please mark your calendars for what is sure to be a delightful and inspired theatrical extravaganza for all the family. Dee Hickey, Chair Beth Rosencrans, Co-chair Teacher Appreciation We are continuing with our monthly raffle drawings for our wonderful teachers. Gift cards, sporting tickets, etc., are all things a deserving teacher would appreciate. We try to have eight to twelve teachers win each month, so donations from our parent body are welcome and necessary to keep this program going strong. Please send gift cards / prize donations to Jill Coyle, 5 Lauder Way, Greenwich, CT 06830. Thank you! Recent raffle winners: Brynn John, Lindsey Furnary, Brian Coughlin, Kim Iorillo, Brett Farson, Sarah Burdett, Suzanne Zekonis, Sarah Crawford, John Van Atta, Michael Hannigan. Save the Dates: Pre/Lower School Family Bingo Night Family Bingo Night will be held on Friday, February 11 from 6:00 to 8:00pm at the Burke Field House. Toys and volunteers are needed and much appreciated! Donation boxes for new, unopened toys are in the Pre and Lower School lobbies. Please contact Christine Fouts at christinefouts01@yahoo.com or Doreen Griffin at doreen.griffin@gmail.com with questions or if you would like to volunteer to help. Parent Programs Our next Parent Program features Dr. Wendy Mogel discussing her most recent book, The Blessing of a B Minus: How to Raise Resilient Teenagers. Dr. Mogel is a bestselling author (The Blessing of a Skinned Knee), nationally known clinical psychologist, parent educator and keynote speaker. Dr. Mogel will address the question she is asked most frequently: how to be an effective parent in a culture that breeds anxiety and entitlement in older children and teens. The program will take place on Friday, February 25, in Massey Theater. Coffee at 8:00am; presentation at 8:30am. Dr. Mogel will sign books after the event, and we will have her books available for purchase. We hope to see you all there!



WCK SK8 Party 2011 Family Skate Party See you on the ice! Saturday, February 26th in Hartong Rink! Pre School Only 3:00 – 4:00pm Pre and Lower School 4:00 – 5:30pm Help make this a success! Volunteers are needed, sign up on line to distribute t-shirts, help at the treat table, and make snack donations, go to http://www.brunswickschool.org/skate. All skaters must have helmets and gloves. If you have any questions please contact Amy McGrath amymcgra@gmail.com or Tammy Kiratsous - tammy@kiratsous.net

ALL SCHOOL PHOTO - Don't forget to order your 2010-11 All School Photo! $30 Unframed. Please go to Panfoto.com to order. Past years also available. Please contact the Brunswick Bookstore for more information.

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