May/June 2011 Newsletter

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MONTHLY MAILING A MESSAGE FROM THE HEADMASTER The Best Thing Your Son Can Do Over The Summer There are many things that summer promises a boy! Fresh air, sun, fun outside, relaxation and time with family are some of the first that come to mind. However, there is also a great amount of time that parents always wonder (to some extent or another) how to fill. Although I have said and written words to this effect before, I think it bears repeating. More than any other single activity with which your son could be involved this summer, there is one that will prove more beneficial in a host of ways than any other. What if I told you that there was one activity that is guaranteed - yes, guaranteed - to provide your son with all of not some of the following: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

better success in school a more informed outlook on life a more agile mind a far greater vocabulary more patience more independence better, far better, writing skills an enhanced imagination clearer thinking skills significantly better SAT scores

I know that statement is promising a great deal, but the reality is that if your son can use some of his free time this summer to begin a life-long love of reading, all that I have listed above and more will surely follow. It doesn’t matter whether he reads fiction or non-fiction. All that matters is that he reads on a daily basis. For younger readers, assigning a regular time of the day that is “reserved” for reading might be a good idea but, ultimately, the ideal situation - the goal - is for him to find a book that totally envelopes him . . . a book that you find him picking up at any free moment, a book that causes him to be late to the dinner table, a book that causes him to feel a temporary sense of emptiness when finally he finishes the last page. The bottom line is that reading needs to start as a habit and then evolve into a joy; the summer that your son learns to love reading will be one of the best summers of his life.

Upper school


From The Deans’ Office: May is the last full month of school. As with all school years, it is hard to believe that the time has passed so swiftly. Yet evidence of progress and growth over the past school year abounds and gives testament to time well spent. Another phenomenon of school life is that school years rarely, if ever, end with anything other than a mad rush . . . no doubt this year will prove true to the rule. Therefore, as is clear below, May is fully packed with a host of events and opportunities. Please take careful note of what follows and feel free to call with any related questions. SAT I and SAT II Administration: On Saturday, May 7th, SAT I and SAT II (subject tests) will be administered at Brunswick for our students. The tests will be held on the King Street campus and will begin promptly at 8:00am. Students sitting for the tests should bring several #2 pencils, their admissions tickets, and some form of identification. Advanced Placement Exams: Please see the AP exam schedule listed in each student’s Daily Planner. These tests will be administered over the weeks of May 2nd and May 9th. These tests must be taken by all students currently enrolled in AP courses. Any student taking a test should arrive 15 minutes prior to the test's published starting time. Dates to Remember in May/June: 4/30&5/1 US Spring Play 2pm Senior Exams: Seniors will take final exams as needed on Thursday, May 19th. “Inspecting Carol” Baker Theater 5/2-13 AP Exams Senior Seminar: On Monday, May 23rd seniors will begin Senior Seminars in 5/18 Last Day of classes for seniors an effort to further prepare them for life in college and beyond. Seniors boys 5/19 Senior exams should arrive at school at 8:00am. 5/23 Senior Seminars 8am Senior Awards 3pm Senior Prom: The Senior Prom will be held on the evening of Tuesday, May Senior/Faculty Dinner 5pm 24th and all seniors should be dropped off at the Maher Avenue campus no later 5/24 Senior Alumni Breakfast 7:30am than 5:00pm and picked up upon their return at midnight. All senior parents Senior Seminars 9am should have recently received a detailed letter in this regard. Senior Prom 5pm 5/25 Graduation 3pm Exam Review: Exam review for all underclassmen will be held over the course 5/26&27 US Exam Review Days of the week of May 23rd and most specifically, Thursday and Friday of that week 5/27 End of 4th Quarter will have modified class schedules to ensure that all classes meet so as to 5/30 Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL adequately review for the upcoming Final Exams. 5/31&6/3 US Final Exams 6/6 Faculty Reading Day – NO SCHOOL Senior Awards Day and Senior Faculty/Dinner: All Upper School 6/7 Exam Return Day students will be expected to attend our Senior Awards Ceremony, which will be US Closing Exercises 11:30am held at 3:00pm on Monday, May 23rd at King Street. The ceremony should end around 4:30pm and will be followed by the Senior/Faculty Dinner, which will be held in Middle School Dining Hall beginning at 5:00pm. Graduation: Graduation for the Class of 2011 will be held at 3:00pm on Wednesday, May 25th at King Street. All Upper School students will be expected to attend the ceremony in its entirety. Parents of underclassmen should plan on the ceremony concluding at or around 4:30pm for pick up. End of 4th Quarter: The final quarter of the year closes on Friday, May 27th. Shortly after the conclusion of exams (which will be administered the following week), a full report card and comments for students who have encountered some measure of academic difficulty, along with Advisor comments on each student, will be emailed home. Memorial Day: On Monday, May 30th, there will be no school in observance of Memorial Day. Final Exams: Final Exams for all underclassmen will be administered from Tuesday, May 31st through Friday, June 3rd. The Upper School exam schedule can be found listed in each student’s Daily Planner and is enclosed here. Exam Return and Closing Exercises: On Tuesday, June 7th, all underclassmen will run through a modified mini-class schedule (displayed in the Daily Planner) during which teachers will return exams. Those mini-classes will conclude promptly at 10:45am after which all underclassmen will go to King Street so as to join in Closing Exercises beginning at 11:30am. The ceremony should conclude around half past noon for pick up. Used Book Buy Back: By mid-May, we will be posting on the Brunswick homepage a list of books that we would like to buy back. Last year, we were able to sell more used books to students than in previous years because of our buy back program. It is a win-win for everyone! You get a credit on your son’s bookstore account, and it helps us keep down the cost of books. We are not able to accept books that are in poor condition, have a lot of highlighting, annotating or older editions. Books must be returned by Thursday, June 9th. We appreciate your support!

MIDDLE school


From Sarah Burdett: The Middle Schoolers were very fortunate to have several exciting assemblies over the last two months of the school year. At the end of April, all seventh and eighth grade boys had a chance to board the Bio Bus, a mobile science laboratory, for special workshops guided by Dr. Ben. Our boys were also treated to a performance by Ginga Brasiliera; the audience was riveted as we learned more about Brazilian culture through the demonstrations of Afro-Brazilian dance and music. Finally, we were honored to welcome author, Henry Neff, who spoke to our boys about his novels and the writing process and even provided a special workshop for sixth graders about deconstructing fairytales. Many thanks again to all who helped to coordinate these very special assemblies. Attendance and Lateness: Please make every effort in the last weeks of school to schedule appointments outside of school hours and to have boys in homeroom promptly at 8:05am. As we head into the final weeks of school, it is critical that the boys have a very consistent routine. Many thanks for your support. Dates to Remember in May and June: 5/10 MS Choral Concert (6th-8th) 6-7pm 5/19 MS Instrumental Concert (6th-8th) 6-7pm 5/25 Dismissal for MS 12:30pm Upper School Graduation 3:00pm 5/26 Fifth Grade Spring Production 8:30am 5/27 End of 3rd Trimester 5/30 NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day 6/1,2 Middle School Exams 6/2 Dismissal at 1:00pm Busses at 3:45pm 6/3 NO SCHOOL - Make-Up Exams 6/6 Exam Review Day 12:00pm Dismissal 6/7 Awards Day 11:30am - 1:00pm

Middle School Spring Choral Concert Grades 6-8: Tuesday, May 10th 6:00pm. Boys should wear a solid shirt (any color), a solid tie (any color), khaki pants, and dress shoes. Vocal warm-up will be at 5:30pm. Middle School Spring Instrumental Concert Grades 6-8: Thursday, May 19th 6:00pm. Boys should wear their usual school dress minus the blazer. Instrumental warm-up will be at 5:30pm. Early Dismissal – Graduation Day: On Wednesday, May 25th, Middle Schoolers will be dismissed at 12:30pm to enable Middle School faculty and families to participate in Upper School Graduation at 3:00pm. Regular bus service will be available.

“Celebrating the Fives”: Fifth grade families come celebrate your sons’ artistic talents on Thursday, May 26th. Fifth Grade Band Concert and “The Boys Band Together ” will follow at 8:30am. (As stated in the letter, if parents are unable to attend the Thursday morning show, you may come to Tuesday afternoon’s full dress rehearsal.) End of 3rd Trimester: The final academic trimester will close on Friday, May 27th. At the end of the year, all students will receive a report card and teacher comments for those students who encountered difficulty in a course or on the exam (grade of "C-" or below). Advisors and Head Teachers will also write year-end reports on every boy in their homeroom. Report cards and comments will be emailed home the week of June 13th. Exams: Review for 6th – 8th grade final exams will begin on Friday, May 27th. Exams will be given on Wednesday, June 1st and Thursday, June 2nd. The full exam schedule is included in this newsletter (on the reverse side of the calendar). Please note: 1) all boys will now be required to stay at school until 3:30pm on Tuesday and Wednesday for exam review, and 2) we will have a 1:00pm dismissal on Thursday, June 2nd but there will not be bus service until 3:45pm. Exam Debriefing Day: In an effort to provide time to debrief from 3rd trimester exams, we are conducting a half-day of abbreviated classes on Monday, June 6th. On this day, exams will be passed back and reviewed, providing the boys with an opportunity to learn what they can from this exam experience. Dismissal on June 6th will be at 12:00pm. Closing Exercises: The Brunswick Closing Exercises ceremony will take place Tuesday morning, June 7th at 11:30am in the Dann Gym at King Street. All Middle School students are required to attend this program, which honors the achievements of both Middle and Upper Schoolers. Please drop your sons off at 11:00am on Tuesday and tell them to meet their Advisors/Head Teachers. Pick up on June 7th will be at 1:00pm. Textbook Returns: We would like to be able to offer more used textbooks next fall at a discounted rate, but need your help. The Middle School bookstore will credit your son’s bookstore account for all books returned in good condition that will be used in the curriculum again next year. All books must be returned to the bookstore by Thursday, June 9th with your son’s name clearly marked so credit can be given. Please check the school webpage in May for a list of titles that we will buy back. Should you have any questions please feel free to call the bookstore at (203)-485-3663.



LOWER school


From Gina Hurd and Katie Signer: Many thanks to the BPA for a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Day. The hot air balloons adorned with words of gratitude and the beautiful flowers made us feel “out of this world!” Much gratitude also goes to our BPA Division Representatives, Jenny Klein and Ann Murray, and all of our parents for your overwhelming support this year. We are looking forward to celebrating the artistic talents and efforts of our Lower School boys at Arts Night 2011. All Lower School families, including grandparents, are cordially invited to take part in this special night on Thursday, May 12th. The festivities will begin at 6:00pm when everyone will gather in the Burke Field House for a delightful musical concert entitled “What a Wonderful World.” Under the direction of Ms. Wamunyu, the boys in grades one through four will take us on a musical journey around the world. Following the concert we invite all families to enjoy a gallery of artwork displayed throughout the Lower School. Every boy’s artistic talent will be showcased so be sure to allow plenty of time for browsing and admiring. With guidance this year from Kim Amussen, the boys have created a truly spectacular display. (Please note that Ms. Amussen has requested that the boys leave their artwork intact for Grandparents’ Day, the following morning.) Grandparents’ Day: In addition to celebrating Arts Night with us, we invite all grandparents to visit the Pre and Lower School and attend classes with their grandson on Friday, May 13th from 8:30 to 9:30am Dates to Remember in May/June: in the Pre School and from 10 to 11:45am in the Lower School. A 5/3 Pre K trip to Hill House shuttle bus will be available to transport grandparents between the Pre st th 5/4 1 and 4 Grs. Big/Little Brother picnic at Pepsico School and Lower School. It will depart the Pre School at 9:35am and 5/4 “Popsicle Playdate” for NEW Pre K boys 1-2pm will arrive back at the Pre School around noon. In case grandparents 5/5 Second Grade Cinco de Mayo at GA 9-10am cannot attend, please note your son may invite a special friend 5/5 Kdg. Mother/Son Tea 1:30-2:30pm (preferably someone other than a parent). 5/6 Pre K Mother’s Day Celebration 5/6 1D/F Assembly Presentation 8:25am Field Day, May 17: Pre and Lower School students will gather for a 5/11 Second Gr. trip to Bush Holley House 11:30-2pm fun-filled athletic day coordinated by our fantastic physical education 5/12 Arts Night 6pm team. It will be a Lower School Civies Day and all boys will be asked 5/13 Grandparents’ Visiting Day to wear a red or white shirt depending on their team. The Pre School Pre School - 8:30-9:30am Lower School - 10-11:45am boys will travel to King Street with their teachers via the Brunswick 5/17 PS/LS Field Day shuttle bus. Following these events, the Student Council will sponsor 5/19 Pre K Class Party a soda sale for the Lower School boys. Weather permitting, it 5/20 Lower School Appreciation Assembly 8:25am promises to be a great afternoon. In case of rain the events will be 5/23 Kdg. Class Party rescheduled for Thursday, May 19th. 5/24 First Grade Class Party 5/24 Pre K trip to Stamford Nature Center Pre School Closing: You are cordially invited to join us at 10:00am 5/24 Kdg. Community Service trip to Head Start on Thursday, June 2nd when we celebrate the closing of our Pre 5/25 Upper School Graduation School. The boys are asked to arrive a half-hour early at 9:30am. Pre 5/25 Early Dismissal for Pre and Lower School Kindergarten boys should be dressed in nice slacks and a shirt; st nd PS at11:45am, 1 & 2 Grs. at 12pm, Kindergarten boys in jacket and tie. Refreshments will immediately rd th 3 & 4 Grs. at 12:15pm follow giving everyone a chance to say goodbye and take some 5/26 Second Grade Class Party memorable photos. 5/27 Civies Day 5/30 NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day Lower School Closing: Friday, June 3rd is our last day of Lower 5/31 Third Grade Class Party School. Traditionally, it is a special day for the Lower School boys, 6/1 Fourth Grade Class Party teachers and parents to honor the Fourth Grade class as they prepare 6/2 Pre School Closing 10am to move on to Middle School. All boys are required to attend the 6/3 Lower School Closing 10am closing ceremony that will begin at 10am. In addition, they are asked to wear long khaki pants with a jacket and tie, and should arrive in their classrooms at 9:30am. If you are unable to attend the assembly, please pick up your son at the Lower School at 11:30am. Please note that there will be no bus service on this day. Report Cards: Teachers will take time this month to carefully complete a final report card documenting your son’s growth and learning this year. All reports will be mailed home mid-June. ERB test results for third and fourth graders will also arrive in June. If you are interested in receiving your son’s scores, please notify Nancy Freyre and she will mail them to you. If you have any questions or need further help interpreting these scores, please be sure to call. Summer Work Assignments: Lower School students will receive their summer math, reading and writing assignments during the last week of school. We encourage the boys to spread the work over time and keep it in a safe place. All work should come to school next fall. In closing, we offer congratulations to our boys at the completion of a wonderful year. Thank you for your hard work and boundless energy. Have a happy, healthy, and fun-filled summer!



President’s Letter What an amazing year! I cannot adequately express my gratitude to all of our BPA volunteers and I know that the School shares my sentiments. Your hours of effort brought many enriching gifts to our boys in the form of fantastic assemblies, arts, fun-filled fairs, and quality time with parents and teachers skating and playing bingo. Our teachers were reminded monthly how much we appreciate them with thoughtful gifts, generous raffle prizes, and a luncheon feast. And even our parents were the recipients of the opportunity to learn and grow due to the thought-provoking programs we sponsored. Due to the BPA's fundraising successes, we will fund scholarships for language immersion programs, purchase equipment for the new weight room, contribute books and shelving to our libraries, and donate projectors, Smart Boards, and laminators. Brunswick is a better place than it was a year ago thanks to all of your volunteer efforts. Thank you for the privilege of serving as President! Julie Johnson, President

Assemblies Spring has been chock full of many entertaining assemblies. Animal Embassy welcomed the Pre School boys back from Spring Break with a host of fascinating animals to see and touch. In April, the boys learned about Ghanaian stories, dance, songs and culture during an energetic performance by Soro Bindi. At the Lower School, the Caldecott winning illustrator Jerry Pinkney delighted the boys with his illustrations and books. In April, the Middle and Lower School boys were mesmerized by Ginga Brasiliera and their fusion of Afro-Brazilian music with martial arts. The month ended for both Lower and Middle School boys with a visit from the Biobus, a mobile science laboratory. The Lower School boys were thrilled to listen to Shane Kirsch during his performance at Music in the Atrium in April. They are looking forward to another performance in May featuring Alexander Constantine. The Middle School boys are anxiously anticipating Henry Neff in early May. Mr. Neff will talk to the boys about his popular fantasy series, “The Tapestry.” We hope your boys have had fun and learned a great deal from the variety of assemblies presented this year. Juliana Belcastro and Nancy Breckenridge



Pre School Division Representative Brunswick Pre School is a very special place for our boys and is made all the more extraordinary by the enthusiastic participation of the parent body. We were very fortunate to have such a dedicated core of class parents this year including Katie Boehly, Afton Fraser, Beth Pope and Jill Raker in the Pre K Class, and Caroline Mock, Jill Weiss, Janine Larkin, Tricia Barakett, Alyssa Bonomo and Kim Fulton Michalik of the Kindergarten Class. A special thank you to Head Class Parents Katie Boehly and Caroline Mock for their leadership and generosity of time. And to Gina Hurd, Martha Campel, Nurse Renn and the incredible Pre School faculty, thank you for all of your guidance, support and lasting impression on our boys. Jenny Klein, Pre School Division Representative Lower School Representative I would like to thank our Class Parents who did an amazing job organizing all the activities throughout the year. Our Head Class Parents were Katie Neviera, Jill Oberlander, Elizabeth Gish and Kimberlie Fett. Our Class Parents were Tiffany Altschul, Alison Belknap, Dawn Konzerowsky, Ally Roach, Emily Warren, Maritza Block, Anne-Marie Hesser, Kinga Lampert, Yukari Lee, Andree Palmgren, Christine Fouts, Fiona Kingery, Marcie Molloy, Tina Salame, Lisa van den Born, Kim Augustine, Sarah Barringer, Tracy Grossman, Helene Pyne and Rima Williams. I would also like to thank Katie Signer and Nancy Freyre for their guidance and support this year. It has been a pleasure to work with all of you. Thank you! Ann Murray, Lower School Division Representative Middle School Representative Brunswick is fortunate to have parents who generously volunteer their time and energy. In particular, I want to thank the Middle School Class Parents: Sonnet McKinnon, Sharon Pierce, Supurna Vedbrat, Susan Carmichael, Catherine Farello, Kristen Reynolds, Beverly Floersheimer, Kate Sperry, Juliet Bakker, Kelly Albano, Laurie Cassoli, Esther Lee, Susan Maounis, Lili O’Malley, Renata Weiss, and Lisa Wysocki. A special thank you to the Head Class Parents for their leadership: Debbie Kolman, Katie Baccile, Cristina Ventosa, and Jill Ciporin. In addition, I want to thank Sarah Burdett and Ellen Hynes for their unwavering support and gracious guidance. I appreciate having the opportunity to work with all of you this past year. It has been a real pleasure! Elizabeth Darling, Middle School Division Representative Middle School Arts This has been an extraordinary year in the Middle School Arts! Our theater season began with an extraordinary production of "Beauty and the Beast." Our talented cast played to capacity audiences each night and the response was overwhelming. Thanks to a generous audience on our preview night, we were able to make a nice donation to the "Clay Arts" in Port Chester. It was truly a magical weekend for all involved! As you each know, none of the "magic" happens at our school without support from the parents of our community. They are dedicated to helping with not only the vision of our creative team, but they also support making our shows the best possible experience for all of our young actors. My deepest thanks to each parent who helped out in any capacity and a special thanks to Sarah Burdett for her ongoing support of the arts. I would also like to add a personal thank you to Paige Montinaro, our BPA Middle School Arts Chair, whose 24/7 enthusiasm and encouragement has been a cherished gift throughout the year! Stay tuned for future announcements concerning next year's shows. Have a wonderful summer and go and see a Broadway show with your family! Alexander Constantine Middle School Choral and Theater Save the Dates: BPA MEET & GREET – Thursday, June 9th The BPA invites you and your family to an event on Thursday, June 9th from 6pm to 8pm at 100 Maher Avenue to welcome Upper, Middle, Lower and Pre School incoming students for 2011-12. This is a perfect opportunity to have you and your sons meet the new boys and their parents and reconnect with other current families. Host families are particularly encouraged to attend. There will be a BBQ, fun and games for all ages. Please RSVP to Sara Tierno, 203-359-3386 End of Year Gifts Please remember the Bookstore if you need an end-of-year gift or graduation present. We have many fun items!



Summer Session 2011 A Co-Educational Program for Grades 6-12 Monday, June 13th—Thursday, July 8th Brunswick School’s co-educational Summer Session is a program that offers two and four-week classes to students who are interested in broadening their horizons. We offer a wide variety of interesting courses to Middle and Upper School-aged students and specialize in preparatory work for the academic year ahead. Please visit our website for more information on courses and how to apply ( We look forward to seeing you at Summer Session!

Paul Withstandley, Summer Session Director ( (203) 625-5861

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