MONTHLY MAILING The Winds of Change There is uncertainty in the air . . . I can feel it. As much as I try to push it from my mind, I cannot escape the lingering sense that things are unsettled, people are worried, optimism may be falling prey to pessimism. Some of this is, no doubt, due to the economy. Some, perhaps, is derived from suspicions of diminishing American influence in the world; some of it is, I suppose, due to the upcoming election; some might be due to the unsettled nature of things abroad. I want to hasten to point out that we have, this nation has, been in uncertain times like this before. The 1770s felt this way, the 1860s did too, so did the 1930s and the 1960s…even the parents of those of us who grew up in the 1980s probably felt many of the same uncertainties and anxieties. All these “anxious” periods of American history shared a sensation that things that had for a generation or more been taken for granted were now up for debate. Some constituencies were pushing for change while others were trying equally hard to protect what they had and what they knew in an attempt to maintain the status quo. As a Headmaster, I experience this uncertainty through parents and students who are more anxious, largely, it seems, because the means are less obvious to an end and the end itself is more hazy than it used to be. Along these lines, recently journalists and philosophers have started raising some troubling questions about education, not just about the missing moral element but also about the broader curriculum as well. The questions, generally, include musings such as: what is education really for, who should get it and to what level, what should it cost? And, those questions translate into some very pointed concerns about the status quo: - What’s the point of an education if it means just cramming a young brain with facts, all the while overlooking the need to train that student in how - and I might add, the moral obligation - to use those facts for a greater good? - what good is a liberal arts education if so many students graduate with no specific skills? - does Business School make sense if you can do without it and still advance in your career? - what exactly does “advance in your career” mean? Is it power, is it privilege, is it money or are there other, deeper, more important satisfactions? In sum, more and more Americans are asking tougher and tougher questions about education. The latest Gallup poll measuring the nation’s confidence in institutions was released this summer and as you would expect, the media, Congress, banks and the Presidency all took hits but one of the most startling declines since the last poll was a further 5% drop in the nation’s confidence in public schools to 29%, the lowest since the question has been asked and it has been asked for 40 consecutive years of polling. Fortunately, from an educational standpoint (with passion and conviction), I feel Brunswick couldn’t be better positioned. I feel that way because I think we are managing to maintain a perfect balance between the essential need for a rigorous, foundational and traditional liberal arts education on the one hand and cutting-edge educational theory on the other. Most importantly of all, we do it all under the sturdy and enduring umbrella of Brunswick’s long-standing commitment to the development of strong character for each and every boy in our charge. The bottom line is that as unsettled as things might seem, questions are inherently good, it seems to me. They force us to reconsider what we do and why, and to justify those things that work and reconsider those that do not. Education is all and only about preparation for a successful and rewarding future. Any questions we can ask that lead us to better ways to prepare our boys for the future are good questions, indeed.
Upper school
From The Upper School Office: The beginning of November brings to a close the first of our four formal grading periods of the year and those results are emailed home the second week of November. We encourage all in our community, students, faculty as well as parents, to take full advantage of all that a quarter's end, well-utilized, might offer. Specifically, as parents . . . - now is the perfect time to asses a student's progress to date and to focus on what a student might be able to control that will lead to better results in the next grading period. - all should remember the reaffirmation that comes when we take the time to commend our sons on a job well done. - stress with your son that his experience here at Brunswick transcends grades and therefore this point in the year (25% of the way through) it is also an ideal time to discuss his involvement in other areas of school life. - remember also the importance of keeping in close contact with your son and with the School throughout the year so that together we may provide your son with the very best educational experience possible. Dates to Remember in November: 11/1,2,3
Some events of note this month: END OF 1ST QUARTER: The first quarter closes on Friday, November 2nd. Comments will be written for all students in every academic course. In addition, parents will receive a report card assessing the academic results achieved by your son thus far in the year. We expect to email report packets home by the end of the second week of November. Please use this mailing as a valuable opportunity to sit down with your son to discuss his progress.
US Fall Play 7pm Baker Theater 11/3 SATs 8am King Street 11/5-7 US FCD 11/9 US Arts Assembly A Global Brunswick 1pm At King Street 11/20 2pm Dismissal for Thanksgiving Break NOVEMBER SAT ADMINISTRATION: Saturday, *Check insert for holiday early dismissals November 3rd will offer the second SAT administration date of the school year. Students should remember to show up at their assigned test center with their registration card, several #2 pencils and, if necessary, a calculator.
FREEDOM FROM CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY (FCD): Over the course of three full days (November 5th, 6th and 7th), representatives from one of the nation’s leading substance-abuse educational programs will be visiting with our Upper School boys. Interacting directly with all Sophomores, presenting and available to the full Upper School, we welcome these professional educators back for another year to help us combat what is, we believe, one of the greatest, ongoing risks to the success of our boys. THE UPPER SCHOOL FALL PLAY: “The Diviners” will be presented on the evenings of November 1st, 2nd and 3rd . As always, the fall theatrical production promises to be a wonderful event. All performances will begin at 7:00pm and will be held at Brunswick’s Baker Theater. THANKSGIVING BREAK: Finally, we will be having dismissal after a FULL DAY of classes and sports on Tuesday, November 20th, for Thanksgiving Break. As with all school vacations, we ask that parents not seek an earlier dismissal for their sons. We feel strongly that it is important for all students to be present for all classes and commitments that meet on Tuesday. On behalf of all the members of the faculty, we wish you and your families all the best of sharing and gathering on this most special of American holidays. SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, January 10, 6-8pm Off-Campus and Summer Study Fair – representatives from semester- and year-long programs as well as leading summer programs will be here to meet with parents and students about options for language immersion, experiential education and enrichment opportunities. Please contact Tucker Hastings at if you have any questions. A GLOBAL BRUNSWICK: A community-wide Diversity Event Friday, November 9th in the Middle School Dining Hall Inviting upper school parents to join us for an afternoon with activities and small group discussions facilitated by Upper School DIA students. 1-1:30pm Light Multicultural Snacks (including Churros) 1:30-3pm Program for 3rd grade & older (Recommend 3rd & 4th grade be accompanied by an adult.) Please RSVP:
MIDDLE school
From Sarah Burdett: Middle School life is busy in November, and our students have all been busy working on planning their advisory community service projects. Our boys all have terrific ideas about how to help our local, national, and international communities, and advisors have been working with them to put their ideas into action. November also is the month for our Thanksgiving Food Drive (please find details below). We thank our Middle School Student Council for leading our charge in aiding others. Middle School Parent Workshop: Wednesday, November 7th at 7:00pm in Camuto Auditorium. Neil Minsky’s presentation this year will be Preparing 21st Century Minds in Middle School. Specific topics will include fostering creativity and adaptability, weighing the role of technology, understanding the dangers of specialization, among other topics that will help parents reinforce positive study habits. Parents that have attended Neil's workshops will agree that he is able to take information from current brain research and present it in an accessible manner that is relevant towards our boys and will enhance their cognitive skills. It is highly recommended that all parents make every effort to attend. A brief question and answer session will follow the presentation. Dates to Remember in November: 11/7 MS Parent Workshop 7:00pm 11/9 1st Trimester ends Mayfair 11/14-15 1st Trimester Exams: 6th-8th Grades 11/15 MS Dismissal at 1:00 (Bus service @ 3:35) 11/16 NO SCHOOL – Faculty Grading Day 11/20 Thanksgiving Break REGULAR DISMISSAL 11/26 Classes resume Winter Sports Season begins 11/27 FCD Parent Coffee Grades 5-7 8:15am FCD 8th Grade Parent/Son Evening 7:00pm 11/29-30 MS Musical 11/30 5th Grade Conference Day – No School for 5th Graders
Cell Phones: Reminder that all cell phones must be turned off during school hours. Any communication to and from home must be made through either the Middle School Office or the Nurse’s Office during the day. A Global Brunswick: Please join us on Friday, November 9th from 1:00-3:00pm for an opportunity to engage with parents and students from 3rd – 12th grades in discussions about diversity. Activities and discussions will take place in MS Dining Hall. Please RSVP to by November 2nd.
End of 1st Trimester: The first marking period officially closes on Friday, November 9th and the first Trimester will th th th end after 6 - 8 exams on Friday, November 16 . (Make-Up Exam Day). Please see the letter sent with Midpoint Comments for more details. Trimester Exams - Sixth, Seventh & Eighth Grade: First Trimester exams will take place the week of November 12th. Along with this newsletter, you will find a copy of the exam schedule on the back of the calenar. As exam week approaches, please look over this information with your son so that you may work with us to guide him in his preparation. Note: Thursday, November 15th will be a 1:00pm dismissal for all MS students. There will not be bus service until 3:35pm. We will supervise boys here if they need to wait for the bus. Thanksgiving Drive: During the weeks before Thanksgiving, each Middle School advisory group will be putting together a Thanksgiving dinner for a local family. Middle School Student Council will provide the turkeys for each family and the boys will be required to bring in the rest of the food. Advisory groups will assign each member to bring in a food item. Please check with your boys in November to find out their assignments. All food items will be due no later than 8am on Tuesday, November 20th. Thanksgiving Break: The boys will be dismissed at the regular time on Tuesday, November 20th for Thanksgiving break. We ask that parents do not pull their sons from school early for this or any other school vacation. We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! Winter Sports: The winter season will begin on Monday, Nov. 26th. Options include basketball, wrestling, hockey, and squash. FCD Week: We have again invited a national drug education group, Freedom From Chemical Dependency, to visit the Middle School the week of November 26th. During this week, Glen Hall - our FCD representative – will work primarily with 8th graders (although he will spend some time with 6th & 7th graders) and offer an evening session for 8th grade parents and boys, which will take place on Tuesday, November 27th at 7:00pm in the Camuto Auditorium. We encourage all 8th grade families to attend. For parents of 5th -7th graders who might want to meet with Glen, we will schedule a coffee at 8:15am on Tuesday, November 27th in the Dining Hall. Middle School Musical: We are looking forward to two entertaining performances of “Little Mermaid” on Thursday, November 29th at 7:00pm and Friday, November 30th at 3:30pm in the Baker Theatre at the Maher Avenue campus. Information regarding ticket sales will be forthcoming.
LOWER school
From Gina Hurd and Katie Signer: November offers us numerous opportunities to come together with our parents and we are thankful for that! Please take note of the many events outlined below and do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. Reading Rocks!! Special thanks go to Kim Augustine and Doreen Griffin for coordinating this year’s Book Fair. With a fun-filled Kick-off Party and a vast selection for all ages, it is sure to be a huge hit. Many Lower School boys enjoyed designing their own bookmarks and can’t wait to see their artwork on display. We are excited for this special event that encourages us all to open a book and read! Lower School Student Council Elections will take place on Friday, November 2nd. Each third and fourth grade boy running for office will deliver a speech to the entire Lower School student body. All candidates are asked to attend a meeting on Thursday, Nov. 1st at 7:45am to address any final questions. Please note that all boys who campaign for office will be invited to sit on the council. We commend them for their courage and wish all candidates the best of luck. The main focus of our Student Council is coordinating school-wide community service projects. Many thanks in advance for supporting our service learning efforts this year. Dates to Remember in November: 11/2 Student Council Speeches - 8:25am 11/8 Kindergarten Night Party - 5:30pm 11/9 2W/B Presentation - 8:25am 11/11 Pre School Admission Reception - 1-3pm 11/12 NO SCHOOL - Conference Day 11/14 4th Gr. Colonial Day Preview - 7:00pm 11/15 4th Gr. Colonial Day 11/20 Pre School Thanksgiving Feast 11/20 Regular Dismissal for Thanksgiving Vacation 11/21-25 Thanksgiving Vacation 11/30 BPA Sponsored Assembly - Author Steven Kellogg Civies Day
Pre School Food Drive: Beginning on Monday, November 5th, all Pre School boys will be invited to donate non-perishable goods for a Thanksgiving Food Drive. Please consider sharing canned or boxed goods from your pantry (no glass, please!). The boys at the Pre School are being asked to practice an act of kindness to earn their food donation. The acts will be recorded on paper feathers they will receive from their teachers. The feathers will adorn a turkey in the Pre School Lobby as a reminder of how small acts of kindness can truly make a difference. We encourage all families to discuss the importance of thinking of others during this season.
On Thursday, November 8th, our Kindergarten boys will culminate their Night Time Study with a “Night Party.” Dressed in pajamas, the boys will come back to school at 5:30pm for pizza, stories, an outdoor search for their nocturnal animals and a family sing-a-long in the gym. The boys will be on their way home by 7pm. Global Brunswick: Third and fourth graders and their parents are invited to attend A Global Brunswick on Friday, November 9th from 1 to 3pm in the Middle School. Participants can expect to engage in meaningful discussion with other students and their parents in Grades 3 through 12 around topics of diversity. This event is coordinated by our Director of Diversity, Marianne Ho Barnum, and will be run by members of the Upper School Diversity in Action club. If you are interested in attending or helping out, please rsvp at Parent-Teacher Conference Day: On Monday, November 12th, please note that the Pre and Lower School boys will not have school, allowing teachers the necessary time to meet with parents. In addition to the conference, all Lower School families will receive a fall checklist highlighting your son’s progress in academics, work habits and social behavior. If you have not yet signed up for a conference time, please be sure to do so. Lower School School Supply Drive: This November, we are reminded to give thanks for how lucky we are at Brunswick School and encourage our boys to share in that appreciation. Our first school-wide service learning project will begin on Tuesday, November 13th, when Lower Schoolers will be encouraged to bring in school supplies to donate to another school in need. Stay tuned for more details! Lower School Colonial Day: Here Ye! Here Ye! On Thursday, November 15th, Lower School students can expect to take a step back in time as they visit Hingham, Massachusetts, circa 1764. Fourth Grade Parents are invited to a Preview Party on the evening of November 14th at 7pm. This time-honored tradition is a wonderful way for our students to learn history and transport us all back to Colonial times. Pre School Thanksgiving Feast: Before dismissing for the Thanksgiving Break, the entire Pre School community of boys, teachers and staff will gather together to give thanks at a specially prepared Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday, November 20th. The boys will not need to pack a lunch on this day. This is a special time of the year to stop for a moment and appreciate all that we have to be thankful for. On behalf of all of us in the Pre and Lower Schools, we wish you and your families warm wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!
President’s Letter President’s Letter November is the season for thankfulness and we are thankful to all our volunteers for your selfless contributions. Your efforts ensure the success of our activities and events. Homecoming was another tremendous success – a spirit-filled day of athletic games and an incredible Bear Fair. Kudos to Tiffany Burnette and Megan Officer for creating such an outstanding event filled with exciting games, delicious baked goods and endless prizes. It was magical! Thanks as well to their legion of parent volunteers along with the Middle School boys who ran the games and donned the Bear mascot costume. They were all terrific! Betsy Korn and Margharet Nash organized our first Parent Program lecture with author and coach Paul Assaiante. His inspiring discussion about "Raising Balanced Kids in a Pressurized Society" was so relevant as the school year kicks into high gear. I can’t wait to read his book Run to the Roar to learn more. Even after such a strong start to the year there is still more to come – student assemblies, the Book Fair, Family Skate Night, Bingo Night, ‘Wick Walk Run, a Golf Outing and the 70th Anniversary of the Brunswick Spring Fashion Show, just to name a few. We have so much to look forward to! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Alison Troy, President, Brunswick Parents Association Bearly Used Closet Thanks to all who donated to the Drive-By Clothing Drop in October and to those who have generously brought gently used things to the Bearly Used Closet. We now have some wonderful merchandise for your sons. The Closet is boasting a great selection of trousers and blazers in sizes 12 and up for Middle and Upper School boys, as well as nearly new sweaters, gym clothes, shirts and pants in all Lower School sizes. We also have a number of skates, helmets and pads to get your guy ready for ice time. The Closet is located in the lower level of the Lower School lobby. Just pick up the key in the binder under the Lower School white board and stop in to stock up! Teacher Appreciation Thank you to all of our generous parents who have donated cash, gift cards and tickets for our monthly faculty raffle. Winners for the month of September and October were as follows: Anne Arzeno, Jaime Gonzalez-Ocana, John Martin, Terry Boyd, Marianne McShane, Susan Smith, Jean Dobbs, Robert Sampson, Paul Raaen, Krista Kern, Tim Ostrye, Amy White, Joseph Bracchitta and Kathleen Meyer. We were lucky to be able to add Giants tickets, Pat Metheny tickets and tickets for “Annie” on Broadway to our raffle. We rely on your generosity to keep the monthly raffle alive and well. Please send gift cards to: Robin Sherwood, 1 Clapboard Ridge Road, Greenwich. Questions? Email Robin at Upper School Performing Arts The month of November kicks off with Brunswick's fall play, "The Diviners," to be performed in Baker Theater on November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd at 7pm. Under Seth Potter’s direction, students from Brunswick and GA interpret this dramatic, depression-era story of a disenchanted preacher, an unusually gifted but troubled teenager and their impact on the deeply religious residents of a rural midwestern town. We encourage you to purchase tickets in advance through Brunswick's website, starting one week before the show. Brunswick and GA students will also present GA's fall play, "Museum," directed by Dawn Fuller in Massey Theatre on November 16th and 17th at 7pm. This work explores the effect of art on the viewer by showing the varied, and at times humorous, reactions that a wide range of museum visitors has to a display of contemporary American artwork. Tickets will be available for purchase on GA's website. The month wraps up with auditions for the Spring 2013 Upper School Musical, Stephen Sondheim's "Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street," directed by Seth Potter, with musical direction by Alexander Constantine. We appreciate your support of the arts at Brunswick! Upper School Athletics Many thanks to our Team Parents for the fall sports teams: Darby Fox, Susan MacFaddin, Lisa Rodger, Alice Ruf, Cynthia Russell and Krishen Sud. If you would like to volunteer as a non-varsity team parent for winter or spring sports and help coordinate transportation, snacks, drinks and communications for US teams, please email Susan Morrisroe( and indicate the sport your son will be playing. Go 'Wick!
Middle School Performing Arts Rehearsals for our Brunswick /GA Middle School fall musical production of "The Little Mermaid" are well on their way. This show is sure to be entertaining for all ages. Tickets will be available Tuesday, November 6th online through the Baker Theater Box Office. You will receive more information in the weekly email blast on how to go about purchasing tickets. Performance dates for "The Little Mermaid" will be Thursday, November 29th at 7pm and Friday, November 30th at 3:30pm. There will also be a dress rehearsal on November 28th at 5:30pm that will be free with the optional donation of any Disney book. Middle School Athletics Many thanks to all our Fall Team Parents: Katie Baccile, Joey Schlank, Meg Russell, Lisa Hennessy, Binney Huffman, Michelle Ullmann, Nan Johnson and Chrissy von Oiste. If you would like to volunteer as a Team Parent for winter or spring sports, please contact Annabelle Marvin ( Go Wick! Assemblies Our first Music in the Atrium for the Lower School boys was on Tuesday, October 23rd. We thank Mr. Constantine and his a cappella singers for a great start to the school day. In November, renowned author and illustrator Steven Kellogg will bring his energy and reverence for arts and storytelling to the Lower School. SAVE THE DATE FOR PRE SCHOOL AND LOWER SCHOOL SKATE NIGHT 2013 Join us Friday, January 25th, 2013 from 3:30-6pm for our annual Skate Night. Pre Schoolers have the ice from 3:30-4:30pm at which point they are joined by the rest of the Lower School. Beginners are encouraged to come join the fun and comfortably skate in a special safety zone. A volunteer sign-up for drinks, food and "parents who can skate with the boys" will be circulated in early November, with more details to follow. Please contact Suzanne Cabot ( or Lisa Murray ( with any questions. Bear Fair Thank you to the entire Brunswick community for making this year’s Bear Fair a fun and successful event through volunteer efforts, merchandise orders, baked goods donations and attendance. We could not have done it without all the outstanding Parent and Middle School student volunteers who worked so hard to make it all happen, especially our committee chairs: Bake Sale Chairs: Maritza Block, Dominique Crosby and Ginger Stickel Decorations Chairs: Linda Reals and Lisa Lejdstrom Floaters: Jennifer Hausmann and Lara Rockman Games Chairs: Alyssa Keleshian Bonomo, Julia Gilbert and Vicki Morton Guessing Jar Chair: Pam Keller Marketing & Communications Chair: Ally Roach Merchandising Chair: Maine Park Middle School Volunteer Chairs: Sarah Barringer & Mary Jones Parent Volunteer Chair: Sara Howard Big bear hugs go out to our emcees for hosting such fun games for the children: Hector Marban, Tim Coupe, Peter Hausmann, Bill Park, Graham Officer, Don Casturo, Brian Coughlin and Brett Martell. We are grateful to Libby Edwards in Alumni Relations for her help coordinating the Bear Fair with Alumni Homecoming Weekend, as well as to Bonni Brodnick and Donna Miller for their assistance. Meghan McCarthy also contributed greatly with her work on the Bear Fair website, posters and so much more. Additional thanks go to Katie Signer, Gina Hurd and Sarah Burdett for helping us coordinate all of our Bear Fair efforts. Of course, Bear Fair would not have been such a success without the support of the BPA, Alison Troy, Kimberlie Fett and Candice Bednar. Finally, a huge round of applause goes to Chuck Redahan and his fabulous maintenance staff for their help before, during and after the event! BPA Fall Fundraiser! Thank you very much to all who took part in the BPA Fall Fundraiser. With your help we sold close to 300 wastebaskets and more than 100 blankets. The BPA is grateful as always to the amazing Brunswick community for their support!
Mayfair - To the parents of all 5th and 6th graders Our first Mayfair dance on Friday, October 12th was a huge success! We had a record number of participants and our new format and new dance instructors seemed to please both the 5th and 6th graders. The 5th graders practiced looking others in the eye and giving a firm handshake, and how to escort their dance partner back to her seat after a dance. In addition, they had plenty of time to learn some new dance moves. The 6th grade class enjoyed sitting at tables and engaging in conversation with the girls, the importance of standing when a girls comes over to join the table and how to get refreshments to bring to their dance partner. They also enjoyed lots of dancing, especially the Cha Cha Cha. Great fun was had by all! We look forward to our next Mayfair dance on Friday, November 9th. It is not too late to sign up! We still have spots available for 5th and 6th grade boys. Please contact Tracy Grossman ( or 203.561.7630) with any questions. SAVE THE DATE FOR BINGO NIGHT 2013! Bingo Night will be held on February 8th, 2013 from 6:00-7:30pm in the Burke Field House. It promises to be a fun-filled evening for Pre and Lower School families! Please contact Sara Howard ( or Lisa Lejdstrom ( if you would like to volunteer. A GLOBAL BRUNSWICK A community-wide Diversity Event will be held Friday, November 9th in the Middle School Dining Hall. All faculty, staff, parents and students are invited to join in an afternoon filled with activities and small group discussions facilitated by Upper School students. The festivities begin at 1pm with light multicultural snacks (including Churros), followed by a program from 1:30-3pm for students 3rd grade and older (it is recommended that student in 3rd and 4th grade be accompanied by an adult). Please RSVP to Marianne Barnum ( We hope to see you there! Join the BPA! Join the BPA! Please join the BPA for 2012-13 by using the form below. Your tax-deductible dues fund many enriching programs and are greatly appreciated. Dues can be paid by check or bookstore charge. Please mail the form below to: Brunswick Parents’ Association, 100 Maher Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830. The form can also be download from the Brunswick website at: Contact Ann Murray ( with questions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BRUNSWICK PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 2012-2013 Annual Dues @ $30 per family
General BPA Contribution Teacher Appreciation Donation TOTAL Dues and Contributions Check made payable to Brunswick Parents’ Association Bookstore Charge (Son’s name: Name: Address: Sons:
From Johnny Montanez, Director of Community Service: Community service has jumped off to another rocket start, for the second straight year. During both junior and sophomore class trips at the beginning of the school year, Mr. Hastings and Mr. Hruska organized community service trips for the boys. Mr. Hastings took the juniors to the Audubon Center in Greenwich where they painted fences, rebuilt a bridge, cleared invasive species, found an abandoned bridge submerged in the river, carried debris out of the woods, and planted some trees. Mr. Hruska took the sophomore class to Guilford, CT. The boys spent their day weeding, filling pots, cleaning buckets and attached bamboo to help guide growing rose bushes. Tenth graders also donated $3,000.00 to benefit the Roses for Autism program. This program helps people with autism learn essential job skills.
On September 14, 16 students joined Mr. Martin, Mr. Pendergast and me in New York City for a Midnight Run project. We assisted over 150 clients and distributed 180 sandwiches, toiletry kits and handed out eight 25-gallon tubs of clothes containing sweaters, pants, jackets, shoes, under garments, and blankets, all donated by generous Brunswick families. This was the first of four Midnight Runs planned for this year. Boys should make sure to sign-up on the door of the Community Service Office if they are interested in participating on the next run. We can always use donations and will gladly accept them at any time. Please send me an email if you are interested in donating any items. On October 15, we kicked off our advisory community service projects. Two advisories from each grade went to their respective community service sites, which included the Thomas Edison School in Port Chester, Waterside School in Stamford, and Family Centers on the Arch Street and Gate Way campuses. Students from the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes will spend two hours with kids from pre school through fifth grade, helping with homework, planning and implementing physical activities, and providing positive interactions to the elementary students. With all that we have already accomplished this year, we have fallen a bit short on our major project for the town of Greenwich. Our monthly food donation to Neighbor to Neighbor relies heavily on donations from Brunswick. We were able to donate nearly 1,600 cans of food last year but with that said, our first US collection in September only netted 27 cans. I believe in my heart that we can do better. With more and more people asking for help, it is more important than ever to step up as a community to help make a difference locally. I am asking each US student for a donation of TWO cans per student per month. If we did this every month we will make a significant contribution to those in need. Donations times and visits to Neighbor to Neighbor are noted in the Daily Planner. Let’s make every month count! As always, I am ever grateful for the continued effort of each of our boys when it comes to making a difference in the life of another.
Brunswick School
100 Maher Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 ď Ą 1252 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 (203) 625-5800
November 2012 Sun
US Fall Play 7pm, Baker Theater
7 *BPA Board Meeting 10am *ELECTION DAY
MS Parent Workshop 7pm
Gr 12 BWK/GA Parent Luncheon
12 PS Admission Reception 1-3pm
PS/LS Conference Day NO SCHOOL for PS/LS
BPA Past Presidents Luncheon
*Colonial Day Preview Party, 7pm
US Fall Play 7pm, Baker Theater
10 *End of 1st Trimester (MS) *A Global Brunswick 1pm, King Street *Mayfair
*MS Dismissal at 1pm *Colonial Day
MS Faculty Grading Day NO SCHOOL for MS
*MS 1st Trimester Exams
27 *Classes Resume
*MS FCD Week
*Gr 5-7 FCD Parent Coffee, 8:15am *Gr 8 FCD Parent/Son Night, 7pm
22 Thanksgiving
Regular Dismissal for Thanksgiving Break (US Dismissal at 2pm)
*End of 1st Quarter (US) *US Fall Play 7pm, Baker Theater
29 *K Luncheon *Gr 5 Luncheon
Alumni Skate & Squash Sampson Field House 3-6pm
30 *Pre K Luncheon *MS Musical 7pm, Baker Theater
*Gr 5 Parent Conferences NO SCHOOL Gr 5 *End of 2nd Interim (US) *MS Musical 3:30pm, Baker Theater
MIDDLE SCHOOL EXAM SCHEDULE – NOVEMBER 2012 Monday (November 12) will be a regular schedule, including sports. Friday (November16) is NO SCHOOL for students unless they are making up an exam. FIFTH GRADE Tuesday, 11/13 Regular Classes Regular Dismissal 3:35 PM
SIXTH GRADE Tuesday, 11/13 Regular Classes for Exam Review Regular Dismissal 3:35 PM
SEVENTH GRADE Tuesday, 11/13 Regular Classes for Exam Review Review Sessions/Study Hall Regular Dismissal – 3:35
EIGHTH GRADE Tuesday, 11/13 Regular Classes for Exam Review Review Sessions/Study Hall Regular Dismissal – 3:35
Wednesday, 11/14 Regular Classes Lunch at 12:25 Regular Dismissal 3:35 PM
Thursday, 11/15 Regular Classes 8:05 – 11:20 Lunch 11:40 Math 12:00 – 12:40 Homeroom 12:45 – 12:55 Dismissal 1:00
Wednesday, 11/14 Homeroom 8:05 ENGLISH EXAM 8:20 – 9:50 Sports 10:00 – 11:15 Rest of Day as Usual Regular Dismissal 3:35 PM
Thursday, 11/15 Homeroom 8:05 MATH EXAM 8:20 – 9:50 Sports 10:00 – 11:15 Lunch/Recess 11:20 – 12:00 6th Period 12:05 – 12:45 Homeroom 12:45 – 12:55 Dismissal 1:00
Wednesday, 11/14 Homeroom 8:05 ENGLISH EXAM 8:20 – 9:50 Break 9:55 – 10:15 3rd Period 10:20 – 10:45 4th Period 10:50 – 11:15 Lunch/Recess 11:20 – 12:00 Periods 6 & 7 at Regular Times Advisory 1:35 – 2:00 Review Sessions/Study Hall
Thursday, 11/15 Homeroom 8:05 SCIENCE EXAM 8:20 – 9:50 Break 9:55 – 10:15 MATH EXAM 10:20 – 11:50 Lunch/Recess 11:55 – 12:45 Homeroom 12:45 – 12:55 Dismissal 1:00
Wednesday, 11/14 Homeroom 8:05 HISTORY EXAM 8:20 – 9:50 Break 9:55 – 10:15 ENGLISH EXAM 10:20 – 11:50 Lunch/Recess 11:55 – 12:45 7th Period 12:50 – 1:30 Advisory 1:35 – 2:00 Review Sessions/Study Hall
Thursday, 11/15 Homeroom 8:05 MATH EXAM 8:20 – 9:50 Break 9:55 – 10:15 LANGUAGE EXAM 10:20 – 11:50 Recess/Lunch 11:55 – 12:45 Homeroom 12:45 – 12:55 Dismissal 1:00
NOTE: There will be no town bus service at 1:00 PM on Thursday, November 15th. There will be supervision until 3:35 PM if your son must wait for the bus.