September Newsletter 2011

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MONTHLY MAILING A MESSAGE FROM THE HEADMASTER A “To Do” List for The New School Year As is no doubt true for many, I have a “to do” list on my desk every day. I add to it and cross things off over the course of the day and at the end of each day I measure my progress by how many items I have left on it yet to do. Late last spring, at our Senior Awards Ceremony, I offered up to our Seniors a “to do” list of sorts for their lives ahead. As we begin a new school year, it occurred to me that much of what I had on my “to do” list for them applies to our current students as well. What follows is a “to do” list for our boys for the year ahead: 1) As much as we seek in life to be comfortable, too much comfort for too long a time tends to corrupt. Always be sure to seek ways to challenge yourself. If you are too comfortable for too long, it probably means that there are more or different things that you could be doing that, in pursuing, would foster your growth and add to your experience. Push yourself. 2) Life has referees . . . teachers, coaches, bosses, police, the IRS, SEC, get used to it. Don’t blame the referees in life . . .play by the rules, even it on occasion you suspect others are not. Eventually, those who break rules are usually caught and those who follow them are rewarded. 3) These days with the internet, news and opinions are everywhere. Try to keep reasonably current and informed about the world around you but be wary of those who make predictions about how today’s events will affect the future. They are almost always wrong in one way or another. 4) Always try to be early rather than late in life. When you graduate from college and get a job, if your job starts at 8:00am each day, get to work at 7:30am. If work starts at 7:30am, get there at 7:00am. As a student, if school starts at 7:45am, get there at 7:35am. Use the extra time to get settled and ready for your day ahead. You’ll only gain by being early in life. You’ll never gain by being late. 5) Believe in something greater than yourself . . . God, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Mother-Earth, your country, your school, something. If you don’t, you risk thinking that you are the most important thing in this world and you aren’t. 6) Be respectful of everyone and the work they do/contributions they make. The world needs cooks, plumbers and tolltakers, nurses and waiters probably to a greater extent than it needs investment bankers or lawyers. 7) Always be nice to your parents. Make time for them now and in the future. They’ve been nice to you and made lots of time for you. Without their love and support you wouldn’t be where you are, doing what you are doing today. 8) And finally, as we start a new school year, let’s, all of us - students, parents and faculty alike - commit to making the very most of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. In doing so, we better ourselves and our school. Well, that’s it. Remember Courage, Honor and Truth always and keep those eight pieces of advice at the top of your “to do” list.

Upper school


From The Upper School Office: We hope our students, our faculty and our parents alike are enjoying these last few days of summer to their fullest possible extent. In the Upper School, we have spent the summer preparing for the exciting and rewarding year to come and cannot wait to have these buildings filled with students yet again. Some details for the first month of school: Attendance: It is your son’s responsibility to be at school each morning no later than 7:45am. Any arrival after that will be marked as a “late” and both “lates” as well as “absences” will be noted on each student’s report card and transcript. In the event that a student must miss school for any reason, a parent or guardian must call the Upper School office on his behalf prior to 8:00am (203.625.5856). Students who are absent more than 4 days in a given Quarter will automatically receive an “incomplete” for that grading period. Handbook: The Brunswick Handbook contains essential guidelines for the effective governance of the School as well as details regarding academic expectations, student services and student behavior. It is essential that its contents (pertaining to the Upper School) be read by both students and parents alike. Directories with Handbooks will be available for pick-up at all Upper School Class Coffees. For families with more than one son at Brunswick, Directories will be available at your younger son’s Class Coffee. Please feel free to give our office a call should you develop any questions while reviewing its contents. Dates to Remember in September: 9/6 9/7 9/8-9 9/13 9/15

New Student Orientation 8:30-2pm School Opens Upper School Class Trips School Picture Day New Parent Reception (KS) 6pm Annual Dinner 7pm 9/20 International Dinner 6pm 9/29 Rosh Hashanah NO SCHOOL CLASS COFFEE SCHEDULE: 9/12 9th Grade Coffee 10am PS Gym 9/13 10th Grade Coffee 10am PS Gym 9/19 11th Grade Coffee 10am PS Gym 9/20 12th Grade Coffee 10am PS Gym

Senior Peer Retreat: Senior Peers from both Brunswick and Greenwich Academy will start their year off with an educational retreat beginning Friday, August 26th and running through Sunday, August 28th. Stephen Duennebier and Brian Shepard (organizers of the Peer Program at Brunswick) will be contacting all Senior Peers shortly in this regard. New Student Orientation will be held on the morning of Tuesday, September 6th. All Freshmen, new as well as returning, are invited to arrive at Greenwich Academy at 8:00am for a day-long orientation and tour of both campuses. Freshmen should be picked up at Greenwich Academy at 2:00pm. New students in other Upper School grades should be dropped off at Brunswick at 11:00am for an orientation period that will conclude with a 12:00pm pick-up at Greenwich Academy.

Opening Day of School will be on Wednesday, September 7th. All Upper School students should arrive at the King Street Campus (Sampson Field House) before 7:45am for first day welcomes, introductions and announcements. Underclassmen will be shuttled to Maher Avenue for classes following the opening ceremonies; Seniors (with permission on file) will be permitted to drive themselves. Opening Week Field Trips: The first Thursday and Friday of the year (September 8th and 9th) will see each Upper School grade embarking upon various trips that will serve to introduce them to their Advisors and to each other while at the same time allowing for a relaxed and purposeful introduction to the exciting year ahead. You should have already received a detailed letter from your son’s Grade Dean regarding this trip and we will consider the signed blanket permission form as pertaining to these trips. School Picture Day: this year, school pictures will be taken on Tuesday, September 13. Please make sure your son wears his sport coat and school tie on that day. Annual Dinner: Please join fellow parents and faculty for our Annual Dinner, which will be held in the Burke Field House at King Street on Thursday, September 15th beginning at 7:00pm. Every effort will be made to seat you with either your son’s Advisor or one of his teachers and we certainly hope to see you then! Please RSVP promptly to this event by returning your invitation card to Susan Amill in the Headmaster’s Office. Class Coffees: As in past years, I would like to invite parents to join me for an informal gathering to discuss issues specific to each class as follows: Freshmen Pre School Gym (Maple Avenue), Monday, Sept. 12th at 10:00am Sophomores Pre School Gym (Maple Avenue), Tuesday, Sept. 13th at 10:00am Juniors Pre School Gym (Maple Avenue), Monday, Sept. 19th at 10:00am Seniors Pre School Gym (Maple Avenue), Tuesday, Sept. 20th at 10:00am Rosh Hashanah: In observance of Rosh Hashanah, there will be no school on Thursday, September 29th. School will resume on Friday, September 30th. ------------------------------------------------------------COLLEGE CORNER • Seniors should remember to register for the October SATI/SATII date ASAP. To do so visit online. • Meetings with any Seniors considering ED/EA applications will begin Monday, September 12th. • Meeting with all Seniors applying regularly will begin shortly thereafter.

MIDDLE school


From Sarah Burdett: Welcome back! We hope that all of our middle school students, parents, and faculty enjoyed a peaceful summer filled with adventure, reading, and rejuvenation. September will once again prove to be a very busy month as we all work together to ease into another school year. Please look carefully at the dates listed below; we look forward to welcoming you to the many opening events that will provide you with both necessary logistical information as well as strategies to help you support your son during the coming school year. New Student Orientation: All Middle School students who are new to Brunswick are invited to an orientation program on Tuesday, September 6th from 8:30am-9:30am. The boys will meet their teachers and advisors, walk through their schedules, and have a chance to meet some of the other boys in the Middle School. Opening Day: School officially begins on Wednesday, September 7th at 8:00am. Please note that on this day we are beginning five minutes early to allow boys to check the homeroom lists in the Middle School lobby and check in with their new advisors before heading to the gym for the All School Assembly. Boys should be in dress code with their blue school ties for opening day. If your son misplaced his school tie, please purchase a new one in the MS Bookstore before opening day. If your son is Dates to Remember in September: entering 5th Grade or is new to Brunswick, he will receive his tie in 9/6 New Student Orientation 8:30-9:30am homeroom on the first day. 9/7 SCHOOL OPENS 8:00am 9/12 9/13 9/14 9/15 9/15 9/16 9/16 9/20 9/22 9/23 9/23 9/27 9/29 9/30 10/5

5th Grade Class Coffee 8:15am School Pictures 6th Grade Class Coffee 8:15am New Parent Reception 6:00pm Annual Dinner 7:00pm Mayfair – Pre School 5th Grade 4:30-5:30pm 6th Grade 6:00-7:00pm th 7 ‘Wickends 7:00 – 9:00pm 7th Grade Class Coffee 8:15am 8th Grade Class Coffee 8:15am 8th ‘Wickends 7:00 – 9:00pm Mayfair – Pre School 5th Grade 4:30-5:30pm 6th Grade 6:00-7:00pm MS Field Trips Rosh Hashanah No School Mayfair – Pre School 5th Grade 4:30-5:30pm 6th Grade 6:00-7:00pm MS Curriculum Night 6:30pm

School Hours: Beginning Thursday, September 8th our regular daily schedule will begin at 8:05am and end at 3:35pm Mondays through Thursdays. Dismissal on Fridays is at 1:00pm. Brunswick Shuttle: Reminders for all students who have signed up to take the Brunswick Shuttle. Middle School boys should arrive at 7:20am in the parking lot on Maher Avenue and the bus should depart at 7:30am. After dismissal, the Middle School shuttle will depart from the Edwards Campus at 3:45pm and arrive at Maher Avenue between 4:00 and 4:15pm. Attendance: If your son is ill, please contact Ginny Martin, our school nurse, in her office or leave a voice mail message prior to 8:15am. Ginny’s direct line is 485-3671. Class Coffees: Please join us for our Class Coffees. These occasions provide parents with a great opportunity to become better acquainted with each other and to learn about the Middle School program. See “Dates to Remember” box for the schedule. Field Trips: If you haven’t yet done so, please send in the permission forms for our fall field trips. Middle School field trips will be on Tuesday, September 27th so please return the forms by Friday, September 9th.

School Pictures: On Tuesday, September 13th, all students will have their photographs taken. Please make sure boys are dressed for the occasion. Advisors will give them their school ties that morning. New Parent Reception: All new parents are invited to a New Parent Reception on Thursday, September 15th at 6:00pm in the Lower School Dining Hall. This event will take place immediately before our Annual Dinner at 7:00pm. Annual Dinner: Our Annual Dinner will be held on Thursday, September 15th at 7:00pm in the Burke Field House. Please join us to spend the evening with other parents and faculty. Please RSVP promptly to this event by returning your invitation card to Susan Amill in the Headmaster’s Office. Homecoming: All Middle School families are encouraged to join in this year’s Homecoming activities during the weekend of October 14th16th. Please check the mailing from the Alumni Office for times and places of specific events. In addition, 7th and 8th grade parents please note: we have invited the GA girls to join us for a dance in the Pre School Gym on the Maple Ave. campus from 7:30 - 9:30pm on Friday, October 14th following the bonfire. A letter from your class dean will follow with more details and guidelines. Sports Schedules: Please remember that the athletic schedule sometimes changes from the printed copy you will receive at the beginning of the season. Please use our Sports Information Hotline – 485-3650 - to get up to the minute information on athletic schedules and for game confirmation or cancellations of games due to weather.



LOWER school


From Katie Signer & Gina Hurd: As September arrives it is hard to ignore the strong pull back to a fresh start and regular routine. Our teachers have been busy preparing their classrooms for the year and we are all excited for the arrival of your sons. The September calendar stands in strong contrast to what many of us experienced in the lazy days of August. Please take note of the following important dates and details and do not hesitate to call if you need further clarification. New Student Orientation: We invite all Pre Kindergarteners, Kindergarteners, First Graders and new students in grades 2, 3 or 4 to come visit their classrooms and meet their teachers on Tuesday, September 6th. Pre School Visiting Day is from 9:30 to 10:30am, followed by Lower School Visiting Day from 11am to 12 noon. Medical and Emergency Forms: If you have not yet returned your medical and emergency forms, we urge you to send them in as soon as possible. Our Pre and Lower School Nurses, Cheryl Renn and Ginny Martin, will be on hand the week before school begins to receive medications or answer any questions you might have. Dates to Remember in September: 9/6 Pre School Visiting Day 9/6 Pre Kindergarten Welcome Party 9/6 LS New Student Visiting Day 9/7 OPENING DAY 9/9 Kindergarten Class Coffee 9/9 Kindergarten Welcome Party 9/13 School Photos 9/13 1st Grade Class Coffee 9/14 Pre K Class Coffee 9/15 2nd Grade Class Coffee 9/15 Annual Dinner 9/19 Encore Begins/Cubs Begins 9/19 3rd Grade Class Coffee 9/21 4th Grade Class Coffee 9/29 NO SCHOOL – Rosh Hashanah 9/30 Civies Day

9:30-10:30am 10:30am 11:00am-12:00pm 10:00am 11:45am 8:15am 10:00am 8:15 am 7:00pm

Summer Work: All boys entering grades 2, 3 and 4 should return the first day of school with their summer math, reading and writing assignments completed to the best of their ability. Binders will be collected by their homeroom teachers. Abbreviated Schedules: To ensure a smooth transition from summer to school days, Pre Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade will follow an abbreviated schedule. Please be sure to refer to the schedule that was enclosed in the August mailing.

Class Coffees: By now, you should have received an invitation for your son’s grade level coffee. At this 8:15am meeting, we will take time to share some important 8:15am details of your son’s academic year and you will also hear from one of our special subject teachers. Representatives from the BPA will share information about the year’s activities and invite your participation. Please come with your calendar, as it is a wonderful opportunity to sign up for special events and take note of important dates to remember. Pre Kindergarten Cubs program: If you are interested and have not yet enrolled your son, you may do so by contacting Beth Barsanti at Cubs will begin on Monday, September 19th. After School Clubs: A list of Encore offerings was enclosed in our Lower School August mailing. If you would like your son to participate and have not yet submitted a sign-up form, please make sure to return it by Wednesday, September 7th to the Lower School Office. Spots fill quickly and our Encore Coordinators will be working hard to accommodate each family’s requests and needs to the best of their ability. All Clubs will begin the week of September 19th. King Street Bookstore Hours: Please note our bookstore hours have changed. The bookstore will be open throughout the school year, Mondays through Thursdays from 11:00am to 2:00pm, and Fridays from 10:00am to 1:00pm. School Photos: Individual and class photographs are scheduled for Tuesday, September 13th. Please make sure your son comes to school neatly dressed and in full uniform. Brown sweaters are required for all Lower School boys.



President’s Letter Welcome to the 2011-12 school year and a special welcome to our new families and their sons. Over the summer, the BPA was hard at work planning for the upcoming year and we look forward to seeing everyone at the Class Coffees to be held over the month of September. For both returning and new families, the Class Coffees are an important introduction to the BPA’s plans for the upcoming year. Thus, we encourage all parents to bring their calendars so that, as you learn more about the year’s events, you can sign up and become involved. The BPA’s goal is to enrich our boys’ education and strengthen our school community through educational projects and social events. We hope that you will consider joining the BPA by mailing in the acknowledgement form you received this summer along with your dues. Your support helps fund special programs such as student assemblies, parent lectures, ‘Wick Flicks, and Teacher Appreciation events. Many thanks! Christina Kazazes, President, Brunswick Parents Association Join the BPA! New this year – you can now charge your BPA dues (and donations) to your bookstore account! (Checks are also welcome.) Please join the BPA by paying your $25 dues (additional donations are also welcome) using the form you received in our summer mailing. Your contributions fund many enriching programs and are greatly appreciated. Please contact Candice Bednar ( if you have questions. Bearly Used Closet Same location, brand new look! Come visit the newly renovated Bearly Used Closet. The Bearly Used Closet has your back to school needs at bargain prices! Come get your shorts, khakis, brown sweaters, shirts, blazers, dress shirts, athletic clothing and equipment. We even have some great fall fleeces looking for owners. Located on the ground floor of the Lower School, the closet is open anytime school is open. The key is in the Lower School lobby; just sign in and follow the directions in the binder. Purchases support the BPA and are charged to your bookstore account. Clothing and equipment donations are welcome all year long! For more information contact Doreen Griffin ( or Sarah Barringer ( Happy shopping! Teacher Appreciation Thank you to everyone who has donated funds or gift cards to our monthly Teacher Appreciation raffle. Please consider donating raffle prizes throughout the school year for our deserving teachers. Our faculty loves gift cards from Amex, bookstores, restaurants, grocery stores, as well as sports tickets and concert tickets! Please mail gift cards to Rene Chronert, 10 Marlow Court, Riverside, CT 06878. Please email Rene ( with questions about donations for our Teacher Appreciation raffle. BPA IS EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE ITS FALL FUNDRAISER! Brunswick Sports Folding Chairs Get ready for fall activities with a Brunswick Sports Folding Chairs! This lightweight black nylon chair has 2-cup holders and a carry case. Each chair includes a yellow Brunswick seal on the front and logo on the back of the chair. $25 per chair or two for $45. Brunswick Tumblers by TervisTM The classic 16oz tumblers feature the embroidered Brunswick patch and are packaged in sets of 2 for $28. To order the chair or tumblers online, go to Please place orders by September 6th for pick-up at class coffees. Order early, as quantities are limited! wrapping paper and gifts will begin on September 9th. Go to and select “EZ” to enter your order. Our school number is 103912. Fundraiser ends October 16th and 50% of proceeds go to the BPA activities that benefit your boys! Questions? Contact Jane Sprung ( or Kim Buck ( 2011-12 Upper School Athletics We are looking for team parents to coordinate transportation, snacks drinks and communications for US teams. If interested, please contact Patty Dudzik ( 2011-12 Middle School Athletics We are looking for team parents to coordinate transportation, snacks, drinks and communications for 7th and 8th grade MS teams. Please contact Maureen Forester ( if you are interested in helping, and thanks for volunteering!



Assemblies We are looking forward to an exciting year of assemblies in all divisions. In September, the Lower School boys will kick off with Scott Jameson and the Magic of Communication, a performance that is sure to delight with its theatrical brand of magic and juggling. In October, the Lower School will join the Middle School boys to hear Peter Lourie, a writer of adventure books, as he explores some of the mysteries of the world with the boys. The Pre School boys will learn and sing songs about creatures that crawl, creep and fly when Doodlebugs, Earthworms and Dirt comes to visit. Later in October, the Middle School boys will visit with meteorologist Art Horn, who will fascinate them with his knowledge of weather patterns and storm stories. Be sure to ask your boys about these programs. Save the Dates: Mayfair - To the parents of all 5th and 6th graders It’s not too late to sign up for Mayfair! Classes will be held in the Pre School Gym on the following Fridays: September 16, 23 and 30 October 21 November 4 and 11 December 9 and 16 The 5th Grade meets from 4:00-5:00 pm and the 6th Grade meets from 5:30-6:30 pm. It is a fun and memorable experience. A new edition to Mayfair: Lovely Manners - a fun and interactive way to learn manners. Additional Friday dates (same times and place): January 6 and 27 and February 3. Please contact Catherine Cone ( or Tracy Grossman ( to register your son. ‘Wickends (Formerly known as Happenings) To parents of all 7th and 8th graders- Happenings has undergone some big changes! We have a new name, a new look, a new DJ and prizes too! Invitations were mailed mid August. It’s not too late to RSVP. Please mark your calendars for the upcoming events: 7th Grade September 16, 7-9pm DJ Night in Dann Gym/King St. Campus January 7, 7-9pm Skate & Sport Night/King St. Campus April 13, 7-9pm Dance Party at Arch St Teen Center/Greenwich 8th Grade September 23, 7-9pm Dance Party at Arch St Teen Center/Greenwich March 30, 7-9pm Dance Party at Arch St Teen Center/Greenwich Please contact Lisa Magliocco ( or Fiona Kingery ( with any questions. Upper School Performing Arts This marks the fourth year since the opening of Brunswick's beautiful Baker Theatre, and we look forward to another entertaining and memorable Performing Arts program. Auditions for this year's fall play, to be directed by Seth Potter, will be held in mid-September. Audition and performance dates will be announced soon - watch for our email! If your son is considering being a part of this year's a cappella groups, The Mahertians (coed ensemble) and/or The Twelve (guys only ensemble), and he has not expressed his interest to Mr. Constantine, there is still have time to do so! Please ask your son to send Mr. Constantine an email ( and he will respond with an audition time and a rehearsal schedule. A Cappella is a great way for your son to become involved in an energetic musical ensemble that performs throughout the course of the school year at concerts and special events. Good luck! If you would like to volunteer to help with the Upper School Performing Arts program, please contact Beth Rosecrans ( or Kathy Starrs LaBossiere ( Annual Dinner Our Annual Dinner will be held on Thursday, September 15th. This dinner for the entire parent body features an address by the Headmaster and Chairman of the Board of Trustees on the State of the School, with parents seated by grade with their son’s teacher or advisor. Invitations have been mailed from the Headmaster’s office and an RSVP is required to attend this event. Please promptly return your invitation card to Susan Amill in the Headmaster’s Office. Middle School Performing Arts We are very excited to announce that our fall Middle School musical this year will be "Suessical!" We will once again inviting the Group VII and Group VIII girls from Greenwich Academy to join our Seventh and Eighth grade boys to produce this delightful musical. The audition dates for the show will be as follows: Monday, September 26, 4-6pm for girls (GA) Tuesday, September 27, 4-6pm for boys (MS, Camuto Auditorium) Wednesday, September 28, 4-6pm - Make-up audition, Camuto Auditorium (for those not attending Monday or Tuesday's audition). Show Dates: December 1st (7:00pm), December 2nd (3:30pm) Baker Theater, Maher Avenue campus



Homecoming, October 14-15 Bear Fair Bear Fair - Saturday, October 15, 10am -3pm at the Burke Field House, rain or shine! Come join us and celebrate this fun-filled Brunswick tradition! Tickets and bracelets available through Friday Folders, online at and on the day of the event. Pre-pay to avoid lines! Please consider making bake sale donations on October 14 – please contact Katie Boehly (, Jenny Klein ( or Katie Neviera ( Parents and Middle School Boys – We need you to run the games! To volunteer, please contact Maritza Block ( for parent volunteers or Mary Jones ( for Middle School volunteers. General Bear Fair or merchandise questions? Contact: Maine Park ( or Tiffany Burnette ( ‘Wick Walk Run For a variety of scheduling and other reasons, the BPA has decided to move the ‘Wick Walk Run, which is typically held in the autumn during Homecoming Weekend, to the spring. Look for details regarding this popular event in our newsletters in early 2012. Parent Programs Our first Parent Program will kick off on Wednesday, October 26th in GA’s Massey Theater (coffee served at 8:00am and presentation at 8:30am). We are thrilled to have Dr. Edward Hallowell as our featured speaker. Dr. Hallowell is the author of over 18 books on parenting, health and wellbeing. For ‘Wick and GA parents with children of all ages. More details to come. Book Fair “Paws” for Reading! The fun gets underway on Sunday, October 30th from 2-5pm at the Preview Party, and continues Monday October 31st all day and Tuesday November 1st until noon. The Book Fair will be held at the Burke Field House on the King Street Campus. For any questions or to volunteer, please contact co-chairs Bridgette Jean-Jacques ( or Kim Augustine (

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