MONTHLY MAILING Creating Innovators For a summer assignment, I had the faculty read the new book by Harvard educator Tony Wagner entitled Creating Innovators. Tony also met with our faculty a few weeks ago at opening faculty meetings. Tony made a comment that I keep replaying in my mind: he said, “Today, knowledge is ubiquitous, constantly changing and growing exponentially . . . today, knowledge is free. It’s like air, it’s like water. It’s become a commodity . . . there’s no competitive advantage today in knowing more than the person next to you. The world doesn’t care what you know. What the world cares about is what you can do with what you know.” To that end, the seven skills he thinks Americans need to stay competitive in a global economy are: ‐ critical thinking/problem solving ‐ collaboration ‐ adaptability and agility ‐ innovation and risk-taking ‐ accessing and analytical skills ‐ effective written/oral communication ‐ curiosity and imagination If you agree with Tony Wagner, then you have to conclude that the United States’ education system needs some immediate reworking. Some problems as things now stand: ‐ many schools tend to emphasize individual achievement whereas true innovation is a “team sport” ‐ disciplines are over-specialized and compartmentalized; our students need to be able to link disciplines and cross subject boundaries ‐ Students are too risk-averse; we penalize mistakes, but without failure there is no innovation ‐ Learning has become too passive; our students learn to consume not to create ‐ Many schools deal too much with carrots and sticks; As and Fs are the focus rather than rewarding inquisitiveness and curiosity When I consider this, I can’t escape the feeling that there is an educational revolution coming and for our boys, I want Brunswick to be in the forefront of this new and better understanding of what skills and experiences young people really need so as to be ready for the 21st century workplace. Brunswick School’s stated mission is “to prepare young men for life” yet “life” is changing fast. Sadly, much of the typical Pre K – 12 curriculum available to students today was originally designed in the 19th century. Our boys live and will work in the 21st century; if we are truly preparing them for life, it has to be for life as it is now, not life as it was two centuries ago. Clearly the future is going to value thinkers over memorizers, team leaders over “lone-rangers.” Brunswick’s focus and programs must be oriented in that way. Keeping our curriculum vibrant and fresh, our faculty eager and involved, our boys engaged and enriched and most importantly, our moral compass focused and true is not only a goal, it is an unequivocal obligation.
Upper school From The Upper School Office:
October is keeping to its reputation as being one of the busiest months of the school year. Please be sure to make note of the following events. Some important events in October: 1st Interim, Friday, October 5th: At this juncture, we will send home a complete set of comments on all new students and will also send home comments for students in any course in which they are encountering difficulty (currently performing at below the C- level). Long Weekend: There will be no school on Monday October 8th in observance of Columbus Day. Dates to Remember in October: 10/5 End of 1st Interim 10/8 NO SCHOOL – Columbus Day 10/11 JOINT US Curriculum Night at Brunswick Maher Avenue 6:30pm 10/16 International Dinner at GA 6pm 10/17 PSATs for Sophomore and Juniors morning 10/19 US Fall Concert 7pm Baker Theater 10/23 Picture Retake Day 10/25 MAP Network Meeting at BWK 6:30pm 11/2 End of the 1st Quarter Upper School Bookstore Hours: Mondays through Fridays 8am-3pm We now have all youth clothing available at the Upper School
Brunswick Upper School Curriculum Night, October 11th at 6:30pm: The Upper School Curriculum Night will be joint with GA this year and will held at Brunswick School’s Maher Avenue Campus for all your son’s Brunswick and GA courses. As always, we hope that you will join us for the wonderful opportunity that the evening’s program provides to meet your son’s teachers and to follow the course of his academic schedule. P.S.A.T.s, Wednesday, October 17th: These standardized tests will be administered to all Sophomores and Juniors during the morning. Students should arrive at school at the usual time and should be in regular Brunswick School dress code. All testing will be held at Brunswick and students should bring several #2 pencils as well as a calculator with them to the test. After testing is concluded, students will return to their normal daily schedule.
Upper School Fall Concert, Friday, October 19th: At 7:00pm on the 19th, please join us in Baker Theater on Maher Avenue for a wonderful evening of music and song featuring a wide variety of our instrumental and choral ensembles. 1st Quarter, Friday, November 2nd: The end of the First Quarter marks the close of the first academic marking period of the year. Comments will be written for all students in every academic course. In addition, parents will receive a report card assessing the academic results achieved by your son thus far in the year. We expect to email report packets home by the end of the first week of November. Please use this mailing as a valuable opportunity to sit down with your son to discuss his progress.
MIDDLE school
From Sarah Burdett: Middle school boys are off to an enthusiastic start to the 2012-13 school year. During their first extended advisory period, each group worked thoughtfully to create a logo and a motto that would reflect its collective personality and beliefs. Additionally, students have been busy in class, sharing ideas, writing myths, building models, greeting each other in foreign languages, and working through multi-step problems. Outside of the regular curriculum, many boys have elected to participate in clubs, from The Bruin to China Care, from our literary magazine to Diversity Club. In addition, our Middle School is fielding two robotics teams and two Odyssey of the Mind teams. Finally, all grades took a day off to travel off campus for team-building field trips and returned to school exhausted, but energized. What a busy, but productive and positive September! Now as we approach the academic midpoint of the trimester, we want to remind all parents that this time is a good one to discuss effort and school routines; advisors will also be having midpoint discussions at school to help the boys realize how to put forth their very best effort. Dismissal Procedures: Middle School pick up and drop off procedures are as follows. The lane closest to the curb is where students should enter and exit from vehicles. Please pull all the way through the yellow lines during pick up and drop off times to maximize the number of cars that can line the curb. The Dates to Remember in October: outside lane should be for passing only. If you must get out of your car for any reason during pick up or drop off, you must 10/3 MS Curriculum Night 6:30pm park your car by the field house. You may not exit your car st 10/5 1 Trimester Midpoint during pick up or drop off if you are parked in front of the MS 10/8 Columbus Day NO SCHOOL building. The boys will be reminded of this procedure as well 10/12 Mayfair and will make an effort to get out to the pick up line as quickly 10/26 Wickends-Grade 7 as possible at the end of the day. 10/28-30 Book Fair Middle School Bookstore Hours: After School Supervision: For security reasons, Middle Mon, Tues, Thurs 10:30am-2:30pm School students are not allowed to remain on campus after Wed 10:30am-4:00pm 4:15pm unless they are signed up for the MS After School Program, which runs until 5:30pm or are under the supervision of a responsible adult. If your child is still on campus unsupervised at 4:15pm, we will place him in the After School Program until you pick him up and charge your account for the day. Thank you for your cooperation. Please email Brian Callahan or call the Middle School Office if you need information on the After School Program. Blackboard: Please ask your sons to show you how to login to their Blackboard pages and learn from them how to check weekly homework and their calendar for major assignments. If your son is absent from school, he will use Blackboard to see what classwork and homework he missed. Homework Folders: Homework folders for each student can be found in the Middle School lobby. If your son is sick and he has homework sheets that cannot be downloaded from the website, teachers will put hard copies in his file. Files will be ready to pick up at the end of the school day. Note: you may want to call the office to check and see if there is work before driving all the way to King Street. Middle School Curriculum Night: We look forward to welcoming all parents to our Middle School Curriculum Night that will be held on Wednesday, October 36h at 6:30pm. On this night, your son’s teachers will hold mini-classes and will give a brief overview of curriculum and teaching methods. Please remember that because of the condensed schedule this evening it is not the time to discuss your son’s specific progress with his teachers. The First Midpoint: The midpoint of the first trimester closes on Friday, October 5th. The midpoint is not a formal grading period; thus no report cards will be issued. Rather, midpoints serve as an opportunity to review a student's performance half way through the marking period and to provide you with written comments from each of your son’s academic teachers. These comments should help the boys understand how to focus their efforts for a strong end to the trimester. Parent/Son Book Club: Our first meeting of the year will be Wednesday, October 24th at 6:30pm in the MS library. The first book selection of the year is Airborn by Kenneth Oppel. We are looking forward to another year of sharing our love of reading!
LOWER school
From Gina Hurd and Katie Signer: We are thrilled to report the transition back to school has been smooth and successful. During these initial weeks, your sons and their teachers have been working together to set goals and establish routines for the purpose of creating a challenging yet supportive learning environment. New students and their families have been warmly welcomed and older boys have been serving as role models for our younger Bruins. Class coffees were well attended and we are grateful to the many parents who have offered their talents as volunteers. All in all, we are pleased the groundwork has been laid for what promises to be a happy and productive school year. As usual, the month of October is filled with numerous celebrations and important special events. Please take time to read the following information and mark your calendars. Bear Fair: What a wonderful time for the Pre and Lower School community to gather and celebrate Brunswick! Thanks go to Bear Fair Coordinators, Tiffany Burnette and Megan Officer, for their endless efforts, organizational skills, and creativity. We are so grateful to our numerous parent volunteers for contributing their time and talent as well. Coupled with the festivities of Homecoming, this family event is sure to be a huge hit! Don’t miss it! Pre School Curriculum Night: An important night for all Pre School parents is Thursday, Oct. 4th at 6:30pm. The evening will begin with an opportunity for you to visit your son’s classroom, view his work, and meet his teachers. The teachers will present their curriculum, daily classroom routines, and general goals and expectations for Dates to Remember in October: the year. 10/1 BPA Sponsored LS Assembly: Michael “Bad Hand” Terry 10/4 Pre School Curriculum Night 6:30pm 10/5 3S/H Assembly Presentation 8:25am 10/8 NO SCHOOL - Columbus Day Observed 10/9 PK to Sculpture Gardens at PEPSICO 12:45pm 10/10 Lower School Curriculum Night 6:30pm 10/12 BPA Sponsored LS Assembly: Quentin Quark 10/17 3rd Gr. Trip to Metropolitan Museum of Art 7:45am -12:30pm 10/18 BPA Sponsored PS Assembly: Bubblemania 10/18 Grs. 4 & 5 Trip to Greenwich Symphony 10/19 BPA Sponsored LS Assembly: Dinoman 10/23 School Picture Retake Day 10/26 Talent Show - Grades 3 & 4 8:25am 10/28 LS/MS Admission Open House 1-3pm 10/28 Book Fair Preview Party 2pm 10/28-10/30 Book Fair 10/30 LS Visiting Day – 8:15-11am 10/30 PS Visiting Day – 1:30-2:30pm 10/31 Halloween Parade/Civies Day
Lower School Curriculum Night will take place on Wednesday, October 10th at 6:30pm. Following some welcoming remarks in the Lower School Gym, you will visit your son’s classroom, meet his teachers, view his materials and admire his work. In their presentations, the homeroom teachers will share their grade level curriculum and year-end goals. Teachers of special subjects will also be available to meet informally with you. Please note that Curriculum Night is reserved for a general overview and is not intended for individual conferences. Parent/teacher conference sign-up sheets will be posted in each classroom and we certainly invite you to contact your sons’ teachers at a different time should you have any questions specific to your child.
Book Fair: This year’s Book Fair, “Reading Rocks!” is scheduled from October 28th through October 30th. Families th are invited to attend the Book Fair Preview Party on Sunday, October 28 in the Burke Field House. Besides the marvelous array of book choices, families can expect an afternoon filled with entertainment for all ages. Parent Visiting Day: We invite Pre and Lower School parents to visit your son’s classroom on Tuesday, October 30th. Lower School parents are invited from 8:15 to 11:00am. Pre School parents may visit in the afternoon from 1:30 to 2:30pm. We look forward to an enjoyable day with parents in our midst. If you are unable to come and would like to send a close friend or family member in your place, please feel free to do so. Please mark your calendars and stay tuned for more specific details regarding your visit. Pre and Lower School Celebrates Halloween, October 31st: Pre School boys are asked to bring their costumes to school labeled in a bag on that day. Pre Kindergarten will have a special snack in each of their classrooms from 9:45 to 10:30am. Shortly thereafter, the entire Pre School will gather on the playground and will parade through the Upper School and around the block. We welcome our parents to join us (in costume of course!). Following the parade, Kindergarten boys will have a Halloween party in their classrooms from 11:15am-12:15pm. At the Lower School, the boys will have a Civies Day and may dress in casual attire. In the afternoon just prior to the parade, they will take time to change into their costumes. As in previous years, we are asking that any costume accessories such as swords, knives, etc., please stay at home. Boys and teachers will march around the Green and will return to the Lower School for cider and donuts. Uncover and Discover! We are thrilled to introduce our year-long theme of “Uncover and Discover!” in the Pre and Lower School. From BPA assemblies to special activities in and out of the classroom, your sons will be offered multiple opportunities to explore wonders of the past and possibilities for the future. Middle School Bookstore Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays from 10:30am-2:30pm and Wednesdays from 10:30am-4:00pm.
President’s Letter This year is off to an amazing start! By the time you read this, our class coffees will have concluded. Thanks to our Division Representatives, Bobbi Hanson, Binney Huffman, Nancy Breckenridge and Betsy O’Reilly for working with our class mothers in organizing each grade’s activities for the entire year. On behalf of the Hospitality Committee, I would like to thank all the parents who enthusiastically stepped forward and volunteered to set up for Annual Dinner. The Field House was transformed in record time thanks to the effort and leadership of Tracy Yort and Ellen Mosher. Congrats and thanks to Holly Robinson for coordinating a fun-filled night for all the 8th Graders who participated in their first ‘Wickends. Lots of dancing and fun! Kim Buck and Heather Anderson have done a wonderful job offering us such great items to support the BPA and its many activities. Everyone loves those wastebaskets and blankets! Photo Day was a huge success thanks to the many volunteers and coordinated by Joan Beth Brown, Juliana Belcastro, Jenny Klein and Betsy O’Reilly. Everyone is going to love their son’s photos!! Robin Sherwood and Kim Fulton welcomed our teachers back with some sweet treats and a fun raffle. And finally, thank you to Pam Keller for putting together the August mailing, for which we have had a record response. Wow, it is hard to believe we have just started!! Alison Troy, President, Brunswick Parents Association Bearly Used Closet Looking for a reason to clean out your son's closet? The Bearly Used Closet is the place to donate clean, gently used khakis and shorts, brown sweaters, holiday sweaters, blazers, shirts, athletic clothing and equipment. We also welcome outgrown coats, shoes and boots! A curbside drop-off will take place on morning of Wednesday, October 17th at the Lower School and Middle School from 7:30am - 8:10am. Looking for a place to find your son’s clothing and sports equipment, all at bargain prices? Come to the Bearly Used Closet, located on the ground floor of the Lower School. The Closet is open anytime school is open. The key is in the Lower School lobby; just sign in and follow the directions in the binder. Purchases support the BPA and are charged to your bookstore account. In addition to the October 17th clothing drop, donations are welcome all year long! For more information, contact Sarah Barringer ( or Linda Reals ( Happy shopping! Teacher Appreciation On behalf of all Brunswick parents, we welcomed our faculty back to school with a small treat of chocolate truffles. We will have our second drawing for our teacher appreciation monthly raffle at the October BPA meeting. Our goal is to give eight raffle gifts to faculty members each month so all of our teachers will receive a gift in the three-year cycle of the raffle. In order to meet this goal, we need donations of gift cards from our parent body. It is a nice way to thank our faculty for all they do for our boys! The next time you are in in line for a cup of coffee, think of us. The teachers also love Amex cards, gifts cards to local stores, restaurants, sports and music venues or nail/hair salons. Send donations to: Robin Sherwood, 1 Clapboard Ridge Road, Greenwich CT 06830. Questions? Email Robin ( or Kim Fulton ( Thank you for your help with this important program! Parent Programs Mark your calendars for our special guest Paul Assaiante, famed college squash coach and author of Run to the Roar, who has impacted many students’ lives through his successful coaching principles. Come hear his thoughts on how today’s high pressure environment affects our kids and what we as parents can do to help manage the delicate balance between motivating versus pushing, rescuing versus letting kids fail, and controlling versus letting kids take ownership of their journey. Tuesday, October 23 Greenwich Academy’s Massey Theater 8:00am, coffee 8:30am-9:30am, presentation followed by a book signing This talk is the first in a series of Parent Programs for the GA and ‘WICK communities. There is no charge to attend. Join the BPA! Please join the BPA for 2012-13 by using the form found on the Brunswick website. Annual dues are $30 per family and are greatly appreciated. Dues can be paid by check or bookstore charge. Contact Ann Murray ( with questions.
Spring Fashion Show – Black & White Please join us for our kick-off meeting on Thursday, October 4th at 8:30am in the Lower School dining hall. Come hear about plans for the show, meet the committee chairs and heads, and learn about volunteer opportunities that might interest you. All that plus coffee and refreshments, too! This year’s co-chairs are Laura Darrin ( and Afton Fraser (
Upper School Performing Arts Mark your calendars! This year's first performance on the stage of Baker Theater will be the Fall Concert on Friday, October 19th at 7pm when the Upper School's vocal groups (directed by Alexander Constantine) and instrumental ensembles (directed by Shane Kirsch and Paul Raaen) will once again show off their incredible talents. Please check the website regarding ticket sales. Brunswick and Greenwich Academy actors are already hard at work on the Brunswick fall drama production entitled "The Diviners," directed by Seth Potter. Performances will take place in Baker Theater at 7pm on November 1st, 2nd and 3rd. This year's fall production at Greenwich Academy, a play titled "Museum,” will be performed in GA’s Massey Theatre on Friday, November 16th and Saturday, November 17th at 7pm. Middle School Performing Arts The musical "The Little Mermaid" will be produced by our Middle School Arts Department and will feature a combined Middle School cast from Brunswick and Greenwich Academy. You won't want to miss this spectacular production featuring terrific music and starring a host of memorable characters. The production will take place in Brunswick's Baker Theater on Thursday, November 29th at 7:00pm and Friday, November 30th at 3:30pm. Ticket sales for both performances will be announced to the entire community and will only be available through the Brunswick box office. We hope that your entire family will join us! Bear Hugs Bear Hugs is a wonderful way to provide support to current ‘Wick parents, faculty and staff during difficult life-changing events by assisting with meals, carpools, etc. If you would like to help, please contact Anne-Marie Hesser ( Bear Fair – Saturday, September 29th Bear Fair will be held at the Burke Field House from 10am to 3pm. Please join us rain or shine to celebrate this fun-filled Brunswick tradition. It's a great day of games, prizes, food and friends. Lunch is available and may be purchased at the Fair. Tickets: Tickets and bracelets are available for purchase at the event. Pre-ordered tickets can be picked up at the check-in table. Merchandise: Fantastic merchandise is available for sale including Brunswick soccer balls ($20) and BPA-free water bottles ($6). All pre-ordered merchandise will be delivered to your son's homeroom on September 27th. Volunteers: Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered. For any parent volunteer related questions, please contact Sara Howard ( or Megan Officer ( Bake Sale: Baked goods will be collected at the PS and LS drop off lines on Friday, September 28th. Please contact Dominique Crosby - PS (, Maritza Block - LS (, or Ginger Stickel - LS ( for any bake sale related questions. Guessing Jar: The Bear Fair Guessing Jar will run this week (September 24th-28th) in the PS and LS lobbies. One guess is 50 cents and 5 guesses are $2.00. Winner(s) will be announced Monday, October 1st in the PS and LS lobbies. For any general Bear Fair related questions please contact Tiffany Burnette ( or Megan Officer ( We look forward to seeing you at the BEAR FAIR!! Support the BPA Fall Fundraiser! Brunswick Wastebaskets: Keep the playroom and the kids’ rooms neat with a Brunswick wastebasket. This brown and gold wastebasket has the Brunswick Bear logo on one side and “Wick” on the opposite side. $28 plus tax per wastebasket. Brunswick Nordic Blanket: Stay dry in wet grass or keep warm and dry on rainy game days with a Brunswick blanket. Featuring a nylon exterior to protect against wetness and a fleece interior for warmth. $50 plus tax per blanket. Order forms are available on line. Quantities are limited.
Book Fair - Reading Rocks! The Book Fair will be held at the Burke Field House on the King Street campus. The fun begins on Sunday, October 28th from 25pm at the Book Fair Preview Party. Come shop the incredible selection of books that Booktopia has to offer, from picture books for the Pre Schoolers up to the Classics for the high schoolers, along with a great choice of novels and gift ideas for adults. Get your holiday shopping done early! There will be lots of entertainment starting with Poetry in Motion, a hip-hop dance group led by Austin Dailey. He will perform two shows at 2:45pm and 3:30pm so be sure not to miss that. Our very own Tracy Chadwell, ‘Wick mom and author of Bruin, an adorable book about a little bear who is scared to start school, will also be at the party to read her book and sign copies for our boys between 2:30pm and 3:30pm. Lastly, Jerry Craft, creator of Mama's Boyz, will be there between 3:30pm and 4:30pm to show the boys how he makes his comic strips and talk about his journey to comic strip artist. The Fair continues on Monday, October 29th between 8am and 3pm, and Tuesday, October 30th from 8am to noon (Parent's Visiting Day). It isn't too late to order merchandise on the Brunswick website. Click on the Book Fair link and the order form can be downloaded. For any questions or to volunteer, please contact co-chairs Kim Augustine ( or Doreen Griffin ( Brunswick School Golf Outing – Save the Date The third bi-annual Brunswick School Golf Outing will be held at Winged Foot Golf Club's Championship West Course on April 29, 2013. Questions? Contact Nancy Axilrod (, Alice Ruf ( or Jane Sprung ( Fresh Green Light Returns – To the parents of 9th and 10th Graders Brunswick is once again pleased to host a fall session with the Fresh Green Light Driving School. Classes will begin October 16th and run on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6pm-8pm. Register at Please contact Heather Anderson ( with any questions. ‘Wickends - To the parents of all 7th and 8th graders 7th Graders: PLEASE NOTE THE NEW DATE: New happenings for this year's ‘Wickends! The first DJ dance party will be Friday, October 26th from 7pm-9pm in Dann Gym at the Sampson Athletic Field House on King Street with a new exciting DJ. Back by popular demand, our Skate and Sports Party will be held Saturday, January 12th in the Hartong Rink and Dann Gym. The third event for the 7th grade will be a very exciting DJ dance party and game night. We look forward to seeing all of our 7th grade students there, as well as our guests from Greenwich Academy, Convent of the Sacred Heart and School of the Holy Child. Invitations to participate in ‘Wickends have been mailed to students during the first week of September. For further information or questions contact Debbie Kolman ( 8th Graders: The 8th grade September ‘Wickends Dance Party was a great success. Get ready for January when you can bring your basketballs, ping pong rackets and skates for our annual Skate and Sports Party on January 12th from 7pm-9pm. DJ Bronfman will also be back to entertain us. For further information or any questions please contact Holly Robinson ( Mayfair - To the parents of all 5th and 6th graders It is not too late to sign up for the ALL NEW Mayfair dances for 5th and 6th graders. Mayfair is a series of dance classes in which boys and girls (GA and Sacred Heart) are taught ballroom, popular dancing, and social etiquette. During the more formal classes, students learn traditional dances such as the Waltz, Foxtrot and Cha-Cha. Rock-n-Roll and line dances with current music will also be included. Sixth grade will have a series of theme nights (no costumes), which will emphasize a new learning experience. They will have seating at tables with refreshments at each session, providing a wonderful way for the children to interact socially as well as to continue to develop confidence and learn more advanced dancing, table manners and other aspects of social etiquette. Instruction this year is provided by The Barclay Classes, The 5th Grade meets from 4:30-5:45pm and the 6th Grade meets from 6:15-7:30pm. Save the Dates: Classes will be held in the Pre School Gym on the following Fridays: October 12, November 9, December 14, January 25, February 22, April 12, April 26 and May 10. Don't let your son miss out on this fun and memorable experience! Please contact Tracy Grossman ( or Carol Henderson ( to register your son.
Directory Changes: Please note the following changes to the Brunswick Parent Directory. Student Name CEDENO, Justin
Grade 12
Change Home email:
FLOERSHEIMER, Andrew & William
9, 12
Home email:
Cheryl Baity use cell phone as home phone: 203-979-4001
Home phone: 203-485-9374
KELLY, Cameron
Home phone: 203-219-6443 Mom (Colette): cell 203-219-6673 Home email:
Home email:
MacGILLIVRAY, William, David, John
2, 6, 9
Home email:
POWERS, Jack, William
Home email:
Home email:
SHAFFER, Charles
Home phone: 203-769-5124
SINGSEN, Jackson
Dad’s new address: 17 Palmer Street #3 Cos Cob, CT 06807
WOLFSON, Brent, Jared
5, 7
Mom’s new address: 25 Hillside Road Greenwich, CT 06830 203-869-0736 Email:
FERVIL, Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fervil 41-09 54th Street #1R Woodside, NY 11377 Home phone: 646-384-2087 Email: Mom’s cell: 646-384-2087 Dad’s cell: 347-944-2485
GROEN, Boden
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Groen 2 William Street Riverside, CT 06878 Email: Mom’s cell: 203-979-0657 Dad’s cell: 203-410-5529
POPP, Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Popp 51 Centre Street Rye, NY 10580 Home phone: 914-921-0295 Email: Mom’s cell: 914-260-0540 Dad’s cell: 914-447-1148
Brunswick School 100 Maher Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 1252 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 (203) 625-5800
October 2012 Sun
MS Curriculum Night, 6:30pm
Columbus Day NO SCHOOL
BPA Meeting 10am
16 International Dinner AT GA, 6pm
30 Book Fair
*Book Fair *PS/LS Parent Visiting Day
11 LS Curriculum Night, 6:30pm
31 Halloween
13 Mayfair
US Fall Concert, 7pm Baker Theater
25 MS Parent/Son Book Club, 6:30pm
*1st Trimester Midpoint, MS *End of 1st Interim
US BWK/GA Joint Curriculum Night AT Brunswick, 6:30pm
PSATs for Sophomores & Juniors
*Parent Program at GA, 8:30am *Picture Re-Take Day
*Book Fair Preview Party *LS/MS Admission Reception, 1-3pm
*PS Curriculum Night, 6:30pm *Fashion Show Volunteer Meeting, 8:30am, LS Dining Hall
MAP Network Meeting, 6:30pm AT BWK
27 ‘Wickends Gr 7, 7-9pm