APRIL 2013
MONTHLY MAILING When, Exactly, Do You Measure Success? So much about the educational experience at a rigorous and competitive level is tied to assessment. From as early as Pre K (or earlier still, during the Admissions process for admittance to Pre K), our students are measured against age-appropriate norms. They are assessed on their various stages of development, their social interactions, their intelligence, and later on, their accumulated knowledge and achievement. Soon, beyond teacher assessments and report cards, they are also measured through standardized tests such as ERBs and, in highschool, by SATs and APs. At some level, all of this assessment is important and valuable. Parents (and students) need to know where they are relative to their peers and their own expectations, and as students in schools such as Brunswick compete for ever-more-competitive places in college and beyond, the simple experience of regular assessment and measurement is a fact of life with which all our boys need to grow comfortable. Specifically, our boys need to understand that their work is being assessed at certain points. They also need to appreciate that with those assessments will come the opportunity to improve upon what they have done and where they are thus far. All-in-all, being tested/assessed/measured/evaluated, when looked at in the right light, can be a good and encouraging thing. Looked at in the wrong way, however, especially at the elementary and secondary school level, assessment can be a risky thing indeed. The key, as with so many things in life, is in the timing. What I mean by this is that boys at the elementary and secondary school level have so much growing and developing yet to do, any conclusions based upon assessments need to be kept in that context. Measuring boys at this stage (girls, too, far that matter) offers only a snap-shot . . . a picture of where he/she is at this moment in time. History is literally full of major figures who, despite unrivaled success as adults, were poor to middling achievers as school children. So the important message here is that it is all in the timing. No boy at Brunswick is a finished product yet. Our hope and goal as we measure our boys and their work is not to determine an ultimate level of achievement for them (they have too much time ahead of them for anyone to make that determination just yet). Rather, our desire is to give them (and their parents) a sense of where they are at this particular moment in time and, far more importantly, what they might do to improve still further going forward. As Brunswick’s goal is to “prepare young men for life,” we accept that life will most certainly involve assessments and measurement along the way, and it will also involve many wonderful opportunities for improvement and growth. Being successful in 5th grade or 12th grade is a great deal less significant than being successful as a husband, parent or in a calling or career. Just as no one should conclude that good report cards at this level assure a bright future ahead, no one should conclude that an occasional weak report card is a guarantee of more disappointing reports to come. It isn’t the results we get on life’s “tests” that matter, but what we learn from those results as we face the future, that will define our lives ahead. Time is on our boys’ side.
Upper school
APRIL 2013
From The Upper School Office: As is clear below, April’s schedule is evidence of the busy nature of the spring; there is much of interest and import to both you as well as your son this month. THIRD QUARTER COMMENTS: The Third Quarter closed on Thursday, March 28th. At this point in the year, comments will be written on all students in all courses. You should receive the emailed report card and comments from each of your son’s teachers during the week of April 8th. Please call the Upper School Office should you not receive an email at that time. ERBs: These standardized tests will be administered to all freshmen during the mornings of Tuesday, April 9th and Wednesday, April 10th. These tests are of proven value to the School as they serve as an effective indicator of a given student's aptitude as compared to his current level of achievement. Students are not expected to prepare for these tests in any way except to get a good night's rest on both evenings prior to testing. Dates to Remember in April: End of 3rd Quarter Good Friday – NO SCHOOL A Global Brunswick 6:15-8:00pm US Dining Hall 4/2 8th Grade Orientation to US 4/6 Alums & Student Mentoring Event 4/6 Greenleaf Dance at GA 7-10pm 4/9&10 Gr 9 ERB tests mornings 4/9 US Jazz Concert 7pm 4/11 US Choral Concert 7pm 4/19 US Improv Concert 7pm 4/24 Teacher Appreciation Day 4/25 End of 4th Interim 4/26 Community Service Day 3/28 3/29 4/2
UPPER SCHOOL SPRING CONCERTS: Tuesday, April 9th – Upper School Spring Jazz Concert, Thursday, April 11th - Upper School Choral Concert, and the US Improv Concert will be held on Friday, April 19th. All performances are at 7:00pm in Baker Theater. FOURTH INTERIM: Thursday, April 25th will mark the end of the Fourth Interim. As with all Interims, you will receive emailed comments from teachers in courses where your son is currently encountering some measure of difficulty (usually meaning a current grade that is less than C-). These comments, as with all such communications, should be used to make whatever improvements/adjustments might be possible before the close of the Quarter in May.
UPPER SCHOOL COMMUNITY SERVICE DAY: In an annual celebration of our outreach efforts to the broader community, and in an effort to expose an even greater number of our students to the various opportunities that exist in community service, we will once again be holding our Upper School Community Service Day on Friday, April 26th. The day will begin with an Upper School Assembly at 8:00am and most projects will conclude around noon. Lunch will be served as usual and then the Upper School students and faculty will join in our annual Trivia Bowl in Burke Field House. Practices will then follow according to a normal Friday schedule.
MIDDLE school
APRIL 2013
From Sarah Burdett: We hope that all Middle School families enjoyed a peaceful spring break. These final months, while they pass quickly, provide the time for our boys to work hard and to realize their goals for the school year. As always, with the end of the second trimester, advisors will meet with advisees and teachers will continue to dialogue with their students about how to set realistic and tangible goals. Instead of stating, “I will get straight A’s,” think more about the steps to achieving those kinds of grades. Aim to raise your hand in each class each day; decide to spend 10 more minutes each night reviewing vocabulary for your language class; practice 3 extra math problems; see your history teacher about how to answer an essay question more completely. The boys very quickly realize that these kinds of smaller goals often lead to improved results on their report cards. 8th Grade Orientation: The 8th graders will visit the Upper School on Tuesday, April 2nd. Boys will be bussed to and from the Middle School for a morning visit and tour. Dates to Remember in April: 4/2 4/5 4/8,9,11 4/12 4/15-18 4/18 4/19 4/22 4/26 5/2-5/3
8th Grade Orientation to US Wickends–Grade 7 Dance in Dann Gym 7-9:00pm 4th Grade Student Orientation to MS Mayfair 8th Grade Class Trip to Washington DC Fashion Show 3rd Trimester Mid-Point 4th Grade Parent Orientation to MS – 8:15am Mayfair MS Spring Play
4th Grade Orientation: In April, we will conduct orientation activities for the 4th grade boys and their parents. Parents are invited to an orientation at the Middle School on Monday, April 22nd at 8:15am and the fourth grade students will visit with the 5th grade during the week of April 8th. 8th Grade Field Trip: We will depart on Monday, April 15th at 9:00am on our field trip to Washington, DC for four fun-filled and educational days. Please note that all 8th grade students should come to school on this day at regular time (8:05am). We will return to Brunswick on Thursday, April 18th at approximately 5:30pm.
Third Trimester Mid-Point Check: On Friday, April 19th we reach the mid-point of the trimester. At this time your son’s teachers will assess the progress of each student and inform advisors of any particular difficulties a boy may be experiencing. When a boy’s progress at this point is of genuine concern, parents can expect a phone call from their son’s advisor and a comment from a teacher if a boy is in danger of requiring summer work. Middle School Spring Play: On Thursday, May 2nd at 7:00pm (in Camuto Auditorium at the MS) and Friday, May 3rd at 2:15pm (at CSH), CSH students will join our 7th and 8th grade boys for our spring play. This year’s musical is Pinocchio. Plan Ahead: The MS Concert dates will be as follows: The MS 6th – 8th Choral Concert will be Thursday, May 9th at 6:00pm. The MS 6th – 8th Instrumental Concert will be Tuesday, May 14th at 6:00pm. The Grade 5 Arts Production will be Thursday, May 23rd at 8:30am. Please join us!!!
LOWER school
APRIL 2013
From Gina Hurd and Katie Signer: Spring has sprung and we are happy to welcome your boys back after a good two week respite. At the close of our third quarter, April 12th has officially been set aside for Pre and Lower School Parent/Teacher Conferences. In an effort to make up the day we missed due to snow before spring break, Pre and Lower School boys will now have school that day. Conferences will continue to be held on Friday, April 12th and during the surrounding weeks. If you have not yet confirmed or need to reschedule a conference time, be sure to call your son’s teachers. Conferences are a wonderful opportunity to check in on progress made and come together to collaborate and help make your son’s final term as productive and happy as can be. April is also filled with a number of special activities. Please note the Pre and Lower School Happenings outlined below. Pre School Happenings: Kindergarten is proud to announce that the Post Office will be up and running at the Pre School ONLY from April 23rd through April 25th. This is a time-honored tradition and a wonderful way to promote meaningful learning across all disciplines. More details to follow... Pre School Parent Orientations: The Pre School faculty and Gina Hurd look forward to sharing with you some of the special features of our Pre School programs and of course answer any questions that you might have regarding your son’s transition in September. Parents of boys entering Pre Kindergarten or Kindergarten, please note the following dates and times: Pre Kindergarten Orientation: Monday, April 29th at 8:30am, Pre School Gym; Dates to Remember in April: Kindergarten Orientation: Tuesday, April 30th at 4/2 Music in the Atrium (5th Gr. Band) 7:40 am 8:30am, Pre School Gym. 4/4 2nd & 3rd Gr. Trip to Greenwich Symphony 12:00 pm 4/5 3C/B Presentation 8:25 am Lower School Parent Orientation: The First Grade 4/8 4F/P Visits Middle School teachers and Katie Signer look forward to meeting with all incoming First Grade parents. At this meeting, we hope to 4/9 4I/W Visits Middle School familiarize you with life at the Lower School and introduce you 4/11 4S/A Visits Middle School to some of the special features of the First Grade year. First 4/11 Talent Show - Grades 1 & 2 2:00 pm Grade Orientation: Wednesday, May 1st 8:30am, Lower 4/11 BPA PS Assembly-Dinoman Space Program 1:30 pm School Dining Hall. 4/12 PS/LS Conference Day - SCHOOL IN SESSION
4/13 NSCF Chess Tournament (King Street Campus) 4/19 PS Appreciation Assembly 10:00 am 4/19 LS Photography Contest entries due 4/19 1R/M Presentation 8:25 am 4/22 4th Gr. Parent Orientation to Middle School 8:15 am 4/23 Post Office run by KI/S @ PS 4/24 Post Office run by KA/B @ PS 4/25 Post Office run by KD/S @ PS 4/25 Teacher Appreciation Day 4/26 Civies Day 4/26 lL/M Presentation 8:25 am 4/29 PK Orientation (PS Gym) 8:30 am 4/29-5/2 3rd & 4th Gr. ERB Testing 4/30 K Orientation (PS Gym) 8:30 am 4/30 Music in the Atrium (US Blue Notes) 7:40 am 5/1 Grade 1 Orientation (King Street Campus) 8:30 am
Lower School Happenings: Spring Dress Code: Upon return from Spring Break, we look forward to warmer weather and our popular spring dress code. In place of slacks, Lower School boys may wear hemmed, traditional styled khaki shorts. Grades 1 and 2 Talent Show: On Thursday, April 11th, First and Second Graders will showcase their special talents. If your son is interested in performing, he should get a form from his homeroom teacher. Brunswick Chess Tournament: Congratulations to our Chess Team for a wonderful year so far. We are pleased to announce Brunswick will be hosting a National Scholastic Chess Foundation Tournament on Saturday, April 13th at the King Street campus. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Betsy Korn at Good luck to our team!
Middle School Visits and Parent Orientation: Fourth Graders will have an opportunity to visit the Middle School this month. On his designated visiting day, your son should come to school dressed in Middle School attire; jackets and ties are required. There will also be a fourth grade parent orientation the following week: MS Parent Orientation: Monday, April 22nd 8:15am, MS Dining Hall. Photo Contest and Earth Day: This year we are resurrecting an old tradition and are adding a modern environmental twist. Lower School boys will be invited to participate in a photography competition honoring our environment and planet Earth. All entries will be on display beginning on Earth Day, April 22nd. Stay tuned for details! ERB Testing: Educational Records Bureau tests will be administered to all Third and Fourth Graders in the morning on April 29, 30, May 1 and 2. A week or two prior to these dates, homeroom teachers will review test-taking strategies with the boys and administer ERB practice tests. As parents, your job is simply to make sure that your son is present on the test dates, gets a good night’s sleep, eats a healthy breakfast and arrives at school on time. Test results should return in June. If you are interested in obtaining your son’s scores, please notify the Lower School office and we will be happy to mail them to you. If you have any questions regarding ERBs or the interpretation of these scores, please feel free to call.
APRIL 2013
President’s Letter It’s amazing what a two week break can do to recharge one’s batteries! Better weather, longer days and only two months until the school year ends – it is simply remarkable how time flies. Enclosed you will find the 2013-2014 BPA Board slate. We are delighted to have another group of fabulous parents in place and ready to begin planning for the next school year. Many thanks to Christina Kazazes, Nominating Chair, in coordinating these efforts. We will be voting on the slate along with by-law changes at the April meeting. Bingo Night was a huge success and we can’t thank Lisa Lejdstrom and Sara Howard enough for all their hard work and effort bringing us this fun family event! Many thanks also to Tracy Yort and Ellen Mosher who along with 150 volunteers were primed to bring us an incredible Father-Son Dinner, whose plans unfortunately went awry due to Winter Storm Saturn. We have lots happening in April at which we hope to see you and your sons – we have the MAP Potluck Dinner, 7th Grade ‘Wickends, US Jazz, Improv and Choral Concerts, and Mayfair. April highlights also include an incredible Parent Program planned for the 9th, the Brunswick Fashion Show and Luncheon on the 18th, and the Golf Outing on the 29th at Winged Foot Golf Club’s famed West Course. We look forward to seeing you all at these great events! Alison Troy, President, Brunswick Parents Association Pre and Lower School Family Bingo Night What a great evening we had at Bingo Night! Thank you to everyone who came out in support of our school. A huge round of applause goes out to all of our wonderful volunteers who helped make the evening a success, and to all of the bakers who supplied the delicious treats! Mr. Coupe, it wouldn't have been the same without you – you certainly know how to keep the crowd on their toes! We are grateful to Mr. S as well for making sure both Mr. Coupe and the playlist could be heard. Congratulations to the 1st grade for getting the most Bingo wins and earning a pajama day, and also to both Pre K and K who tied for the most wins in the Pre School thereby earning a costume day. Last but certainly not least, thank you to Chuck Redahan and his wonderful maintenance crew for all their help. Lisa Lejdstrom and Sara Howard. Upper School Performing Arts The production of Sweeney Todd was a huge success! Special thanks go to Seth Potter, Matthew Kirby-Smith, Alexander Constantine, and Abby Redmond, who worked with 50+ Brunswick and GA students to bring this dramatic Sondheim work to life. Nearly 1,000 students, parents, siblings, and faculty members attended four performances of the show at Baker Theater. Many thanks to everyone for supporting Brunswick's Performing Arts Programs. Middle School Performing Arts Please mark your calendars for the Brunswick & Sacred Heart Middle School spring musical Pinocchio on Thursday, May 2 at 4pm in Brunswick's Camuto Auditorium and on Friday, May 3 at 2:30pm at the Convent of the Sacred Heart. We hope to have the Lower School boys join us again after Thursday's dismissal for the 4pm show at Brunswick. Details to follow. Teacher Appreciation Thank you for donating your awesome condos and gift cards! Your generosity keeps the monthly raffle going strong and our teachers are so appreciative. If you have any items to donate, please email Robin Sherwood ( or Kim Fulton ( The March winners were Marcus Chioffi, William Rogers, Jamie Fessenden, Robert Benjamin, Richard Beattie, Jean Westhoff and Kristen Dinkels. Congratulations teachers! On Wednesday April 24, the BPA will host the Annual Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. Please save the date if you would like to volunteer. An email will be sent the week after spring break with a link to the sign-up genius website where you can volunteer to help out at the luncheon or bake something sweet for dessert. It is a wonderful opportunity to show our appreciation to our amazing faculty. Bearly Used Closet Do you need lacrosse pads? Shin guards for spring soccer? A new bike helmet? Come to the Bearly Used Closet! We have equipment for spring sports as well as a large supply of khaki shorts and short-sleeved polos to keep your guy looking sharp for spring and summer. As always, we welcome your gently used donations. The Bearly Used Closet is located in the lower lobby of the Lower School and is open whenever school is open. Pick up the key under the whiteboard at the entrance. All proceeds benefit BPA projects.
APRIL 2013
‘Wick Walk Run Lace up your sneakers for the annual 'Wick Walk Run! We are back on May 11 for another fabulous year at the King Street campus. Race check-in begins at 10:00am. Specialty food trucks, music, and a Trilogy LAX clinic after the race will ensure fun for the whole family. Stick around for varsity tennis, 9th grade lax, and JV baseball games! To guarantee your WWR t-shirt, please pre-register by April 17. See website ( to register and to check out more details. Please contact Amy McGrath ( or Catherine Farello ( with any questions. Parent Program Event Growing up in a Digital Culture: How Technology & Digital Devices Affect You, Your Family & Your Relationships MIT professor, author and psychologist Sherry Turkle will discuss her most recent book, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. Specifically, she will address: - Society’s relationship with technology and social media - The lost art of conversation - Strategies for raising kids in a digital world Ms. Turkle is a featured media commentator on the social and psychological effects of technology for CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, the BBC, and NPR and has been a guest in programs such as Nightline, Frontline, 20/20, The Colbert Report and the 2012 TED talks. Tuesday, April 9 Greenwich Academy’s Massey Theater 8:00am: Coffee 8:30am: Presentation 9:30am: Book Signing ‘Wickends The last ‘Wickends event, a dance and game night, will be held on Friday April 5 from 7-9pm in the Dann Gym. We look forward to seeing all the 7th grade students from Brunswick, Greenwich Academy, the Convent of the Sacred Heart and Holy Child at this special event! Mayfair Mayfair continues to be lots of fun for the 5th and 6th grade boys! See you at the next Mayfair dances on April 12 and then again on April 26. Mark your calendars! Our snow date is May 17. Any questions please contact Tracy Grossman ( or Carol Henderson ( Swing into Spring at The Brunswick Fashion Show The biannual Brunswick Fashion Show and Luncheon will be held in the Burke Field House on Thursday, April 18 at 11:30am. It’s not too late to… Purchase Tickets: Sit with your grade or invite friends to sit with you. Limited tickets are still available. Order today! Acquire Bespoke Merchandise: Check out our colorful Brunswick ties and logo umbrellas. There are only a few left so don’t miss out. Peruse our Gallery of one-of-a-kind, limited edition, vintage Hollywood photos for sale. Capture Spring with a gorgeous Winston Flowers centerpiece available to take home after the show. Ponder your Outfit: The Brunswick community is invited to visit our fashion show partner, Angela’s in Rye, and enjoy a 20% discount on all purchases made during the week of April 1- April 7 in the store located at 24 Purchase Street, Rye, New York. For one-stop shopping, visit our website at We thank you for your support of this time-honored and beloved Brunswick tradition, benefitting the Brunswick Parents Association STEM Endowment Fund.
From Johnny MontaĂąez, Director of Community Service: Brunswick and GA team up for another successful Red Cross Blood Drive Brunswick School and Greenwich Academy recently joined forces to conduct one of the most successful Blood Drives to date. The Red Cross was able to collect 49 units, matching the total from last year. Each unit has the potential to help three recipients for a total of 147 transfusions. Donated blood has a shelf life of approximately 46 days so our blood drive is essential to keeping our local hospitals stocked with fresh supplies. This could not have been achieved without the help of faculty member Kelly Teagarden who led the charge to inform, educate, sign-up, and motivate Greenwich Academy. I would also like to thank our maintenance staff for all of their support by donating blood and setting up the Pre School, and the entire Brunswick community for their contributions. Thank you all for your continued pursuit to help others in need. Community Opportunities Brunswick Third Grade students Lucas Korn and Max Konzerowsky are recruiting volunteers to help teach chess to the homeless children at Inspirica Shelter in Stamford. Lessons are held most Mondays from 5:00pm - 5:45pm. Volunteers of all ages and all levels are welcome. Students who are interested should contact: Max at Lucas at Matthew Mejia-Johnston ‘14 We need your help to collect athletic gear for children in Ghana as well as other young people closer to home. With your donation and the support of the Donkor Foundation, we know this drive will be a huge success. Please donate the following gently used athletic equipment: w tennis rackets w baseball mitts w baseballs w soccer balls w hockey sticks w lacrosse sticks w footballs w gently used jersies and shoes Please bring all donations to the Upper School reception bins in the foyer. Thank you for your support! Upcoming Events: Upper School Community Service Day, Friday, April 26 In addition to community service efforts throughout the year, Upper School faculty and students will band together to commit a day serving the community together; in effect, strengthening our own community. Plans exist to serve organizations in Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, Norwalk, and Port Chester where students will spend time volunteering in shelters, assist with the elderly, work with children, clean the environment, and much more. If there is an organization that you would personally like to connect to the Brunswick Community Service Program, please reach out to me via phone or email as we are open to increasing our outreach to those in need. Neighbor to Neighbor: April donations are due on Thursday, April 25. Please donate non-perishable food items such as cereal, peanut butter, canned fruit and vegetables, pasta and sauces, tuna, soups and the like. Food is always in need as Neighbor to Neighbor has over 500 families that they serve each week. So often, our local food pantries become heavily stocked around the holidays, but as we progress towards spring, donations dwindle. Please donate what you - can they really need our continuing support!!
Brunswick School 100 Maher Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 1252 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 (203) 625-5800
April 2013 Sun
F ri
5 Gr 3 Luncheon
*BPA Board Mtg, 10am *Gr 8 Student Orientation to US *A Global Brunswick 6:30-8pm, US Dining Hall
Sat 6 Gr 7 Wickends
9 Gr 4 F/P Student Orientation to MS, 8:15am
10 *Parents Together Speaker at GA *Gr 4 I/W Student Orientation to MS, 8:15am *US ERBs US Jazz Concert, 7pm
11 MS Parent/Son Book Club, 6:30pm
Gr 4 Parent Orientation To MS, 8:15am
29 *BPA Golf Outing At Winged Foot *PK Orientation, 8:30am, Maple Avenue
*Gr 4 S/A Student Orientation to MS, 8:15am *Gr 2 Luncheon *US Choral Concert, 7pm Baker Theater
24 *Gr 6 Athletic Orientation at MS, 8:15am *Teacher Appreciation
30 K Orientation 8:30am, Maple Avenue
25 *End of 4th Interim, US *Gr 8 Luncheon *MAP Network Potluck Dinner
13 *PS/LS in session— Conference Day *Mayfair
*Fashion Show 11:30am King Street *Gr 1 & 2 Talent Show 2pm
Gr 8 trip to Washington, DC
Chess Tournament Lower School
20 *3rd Trimester Mid-point MS *Improv Concert, 7pm, Baker Theater
27 *Community Service Day *Mayfair
Lacrosse Camp Boys from all schools are welcome.
Sunday, June 9th – Thursday, June 13th 2013 Grades as of September 2013
Session 1: $325 9th Grade – 12th Grade
3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Session 2: $325 4th Grade – 8th Grade
4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Session 3: $200 2nd Grade – 3rd Grade
4:30 pm - 5:45 pm
For more information please contact David Bruce. Email:
Phone: 203-485-3660
Brunswick Lacrosse Camp - Registration Please complete and send to David Bruce with your check (payable to Brunswick School) 1252 King Street, Greenwich, CT 06831 Session 1 and 2: $325 Session 3: $200 Name:____________________________________________Age:_____________ School:_________________________________________Grade:_______________ Entering
Session 1:____________Session 2:____________Session 3:_____________ 9th – 12th
4th – 8th
2nd – 3rd ($200)
Skill Level (for 2nd – 8th grade): Expert
Attack/Midfield_______________ Defense_____________Goalie____________ Mesh-Shorts Size (circle one):
Address:_____________________________________________________ City:______________________________________Zip:__________ Phone:______________________________________________ E-Mail:___________________________________________ I realize that there are inherent risks in competitive sports and am willing to assume these risks. I hereby authorize the camp directors and staff to act on my behalf in any emergency situations requiring medical attention. I also waive the release of the camp staff, Brunswick School, and the facility of any liability for any illness or injury incurred by the above participant while at the camp or in transit to and from the camp. I further acknowledge that Brunswick and the camp directors do not assume liability for the loss or damage to personal or other property. ______________________________________Date:________ Parent or Guardian Signature