February 2013, Parents Newsletter

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MONTHLY MAILING An Early Spring Tale Perfect for Mid-Winter Even though it is now mid-winter, I have thought for many years that one of the defining moments of the Brunswick Experience occurs annually in the weeks of early spring/late winter, immediately prior to Spring Break. This is the time of year when we hold the performance of the annual Upper School Musical (directed by Seth Potter and Alexander Constantine), regularly involving a cast of what seems to be thousands. This time is special not because of what the musical is (this year, it’s Sweeney Todd), but rather it is special because of who the musical involves. You see, for a host of complicated reasons, the time of year when we hold both the rehearsals as well as the production of the Winter Musical coincides with the final weeks of the Third Marking Period and the closing weeks of the winter athletic season. To say that it is an enormously busy time of year for our Upper School students is an understatement. As academic classes always occupy their rightful place as a priority at our institution, the close of a marking period inevitably means a seemingly endless stream of tests, quizzes, projects and reports, all of which must be successfully completed before Spring Break. At the same time, our winter athletic teams, more often than not, find themselves invited to the annual New England Prep School Tournaments. In fact, with great pride, I can say that several of our winter teams, squash, wrestling, basketball and hockey, have either won the tournament in recent years or have reached very advanced rounds of competition. Furthermore, as we are obviously located in the southernmost reaches of New England, these tournaments invariably occur closer to Boston than they do to New York City and many of our varsity athletes find themselves on long road trips to far away tournament sites. At this point, I expect some readers must be saying “all that might be interesting, but what has this all to do with the Winter Musical?” The answer is simple. Because of the host of involvements made available to each of our students, few boys at Brunswick accurately define themselves by just one area of school life. Most Brunswick students see themselves as a mix of “students,” “athletes,” “artists,” and “actors.” So, on an annual basis, when the curtain rises on the first night of the musical, on stage, I thrill to see not only our talented actors and singers, but also a host of Honor Roll students, varsity athletes, and leaders of Student Government and Community Service, all in significant roles. Brunswick is a community that believes entirely in the comprehensive nature of the learning experience. In sum, we want our students to graduate having been exposed to a host of experiences. We want all our boys to be students first and then also to be involved in the arts, in community service and in athletics. What is truly wonderful about this ideal is that, as a school, we still manage to achieve it for so many. Using even this incredible end-of-winter/early spring crunch as an example, great and laudable pains are taken by teachers, coaches and play directors to try to accommodate each other’s expectations for their shared students in the hope that no student has to decide to forgo any worthwhile experience that we offer because of a conflicting commitment. As all adults know, life will inevitably provide ample time to fine tune each of our sons’ interests. In the meantime, as a school community, we are overjoyed that so many of even our oldest students still manage to expose themselves to so much of the wide range of experience that our school has to offer. The words carved on the entryway of both our Upper and Middle School campuses say, “with all thy getting, get understanding.” At Brunswick, because so many experiences are made available for the “getting,” we fervently believe, in turn, much “understanding” of learning and of life will surely follow.

Upper school


From The Upper School Office: Mid-year exams are behind us and the second semester is in full swing. February serves as a fresh academic beginning for many and is an opportunity for all students to renew their commitment to their studies and to re-evaluate their progress to date. It is also an ideal time to consider the addition of new extra-curricular commitments (ones that might have seemed daunting in September may seem either more interesting or more manageable now). Things to consider include involvement in a club or publication, various community service opportunities, or any other myriad projects that are available throughout the school. Now on to the details of the month. With the mid-winter break, February is a somewhat disjointed month; however, important events occur on either side of the hiatus. Some important dates in the month include: Brown and White Formal:

You should have recently received a letter regarding the upcoming Brown and White dance that will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Old Greenwich on the evening of Dates to Remember in February: February 2nd from 8:00pm to 11:00pm. An annual event, we hope that 2/2 Brown & White Dance 8-11pm your son will attend and, of course, encourage all parents to take the Hyatt Regency, Old Greenwich time to sit down with your son(s) to discuss appropriate behavior and 2/5 AMC Exam (morning) 2/14 Half-day of classes (12:20pm dismissal) overall expectations for such an event well in advance of the evening. 2/15-18 Winter Break (classes resume 2/19) 2/21 Gr 8 Parent Orientation to Upper School Pre School Gym 10am 2/22 End of 3rd Interim 2/28-3/2 Upper School Musical 7pm Sweeney Todd, Baker Theater (Thursday at 7pm, Friday at 7pm, Saturday at 2pm and 7pm) 3/7 Father/Son Dinner 7pm King Street

School on Thursday, February 14th: Due to Hurricane Sandy, we will hold classes on Thursday, February 14th in lieu of our previously scheduled Faculty Development Day. The school day will begin at the usual time (7:45am) and will end at 12:20pm. Winter Break: Beginning at the end of school on Thursday, February 14th, the entire School will be on Winter Break until Tuesday, February 19th when classes will resume as usual. As always, we expect all parents and students to ensure that their vacation plans are kept within the limits of the dates noted above.

Third Interim: The mid-point of the Third Quarter is Friday, February 22nd. At this point, as with all Interims, teachers will be asked to write comments on all students about whom they have concern. In the Upper School, all faculty members are required to write Interim comments for any student currently performing below the C- level. Interims will be emailed home during the week of the 25th. Upper School Musical, February 28th, - March 2nd: Sweeney Todd is this year's Upper School Musical. All performances will be presented at Brunswick’s Baker Theater on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 7:00 pm plus a matinee performance Saturday at 2pm. At this writing, the cast has been hard at work perfecting their lines, voices and steps. We hope to see you there! Snow Bulletin: If there is a delayed opening or a school cancellation due to bad weather, we will make every attempt to use the Brunswick automated messaging system. Parents may also check the Brunswick School website (www.brunswickschool.org), tune into your local radio stations (WGCH or WSTC), or call the school after 6:00am on the main number (203-625-5800) for cancellation or delay information. Donate your old, working laptops to Reboot. Laptops must be capable of word processing; some physical damage is okay. No speakers, printers, or desktops, please. Laptops will be cleaned and donated to local students in need. A collection bin will be in the front foyer of the Upper School throughout the school year or laptops can be picked up at your convenience. Please contact Henry Hobbs (HHobbs@brunswickschool.org) with any questions.


MIDDLE school

From Sarah Burdett: As you can see from the notes below, February is a busy month in the Middle School. We spent time in January setting goals for the new year, and now students and teachers are working together to try to realize those goals. We have been reviewing study strategies and time management skills and helping our boys to balance their busy schedules and to insure a positive and productive end to the second trimester. As we head into February, please remember that this is a month when 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are preparing for their next round of exams and all of our class time is critical. Please make careful note of the vacation days (including the addition of February 14th as a school day) and try to keep vacation plans from impacting school time. As always, thanks for all of your support! Winter Break. The mid-winter break will begin for students on Thursday, February 14th at 12:30pm. Classes will resume at the usual time on Tuesday, February 19th. As with all vacations, the school discourages any early departure or late return from school breaks (especially in February because exams are so close). Please do your best to maintain the integrity of this important class time for your sons. 8th Grade Course Sign-Ups: Tom Philip will brief you on the details of our orientation plans at the Upper School Orientation for 8th grade parents on Thursday, February 21st at 10:00am in the Pre School Gym on North Maple Avenue. The first step in their orientation process will take place after the MidWinter Break, when Tom, the 8th Grade Advisors and I will meet with the boys to begin the course sign-up process. Dates to Remember in February: 2/14 Dismissal at 12:30pm for Winter Break 2/15-18 Winter Break (classes resume 2/19) 2/21 8th Grade Parent Orientation to US – Pre School Gym at 10am 2/22 2nd Trimester Ends Mayfair 2/25-27 5th Trip to Greenkill 2/27-28 2nd Trimester Exams 2/28 Early Dismissal 1:00pm (no bus service until 3:45pm) 3/1 MS Grading Day or Exam Make-Ups - NO SCHOOL

5th Grade Greenkill Trip: On Monday, February 25th the Fifth Graders and their teachers will be traveling to Greenkill Outdoor Education Center in Huguenot, NY for a much anticipated three days of fun and learning in a winter environment. The boys will come to school at the regular time on Monday, Feb. 25th and return on Wednesday, February 27th at approximately 2:30pm. Please refer to the letter from the 5th grade teachers outlining the details of the trip. The boys come in for regular classes Thursday, February 28th and will be dismissed with the rest of the

Middle School at 1:00pm (see below). End of 2nd Trimester: The current marking period officially closes on Friday, February 22nd and the 2nd Trimester will end after 6th - 8th exams on Thursday, February 28th. The end of the trimester, unlike the earlier mid-point, is our next formal grading period for students in all grades. At this point, 5th grade parents will receive an emailed report card, a full set of comments, and a call from your son’s Head Teacher shortly thereafter. When you speak to your son’s Head Teacher, you will be invited to make an appointment for an optional parent conference if you feel the need to discuss your son’s progress further. 6th, 7th and 8th grade parents will also receive an emailed report card, as well as comments from teachers of courses in which your son’s effort is unsatisfactory (“1”) or his grade is a “C-“ or below. After all report cards are sent, your son’s advisor will call to discuss his progress. •

6th, 7th & 8th Grade Exams. Second Trimester exams will take place the week of February 25th. On Friday, March 1st, we will have NO SCHOOL for the boys to enable the faculty to correct exams and calculate grades. MAKE-UP EXAMS will be given on that Friday, March 1st for any boy who is absent on an exam day earlier that week. Please find the exam schedule included in this newsletter. Note: Dismissal is at the regular time Monday through Wednesday. On Thursday, February 28th we will dismiss at 1:00pm for all grades. Bus service will not be available until 3:45pm, but the boys will be supervised at school if they need to wait for the busses.

8th Grade National Spanish and Latin Exams: On March 5th and 6th all eighth grade Spanish students will take the National Spanish Exam online with the laptop cart computers over two consecutive days (40 minutes for each section). Latin students will also take national exams on March 6th. REMINDER- Mark your calendars: 7th /8th Grade Father/Son Dinner – Thursday, March 7th 5th/6th Grade Science Fair/Father/Son Breakfast – Friday, March 8th 8th Grade Spring Washington Tour – Monday, April 15th , 9:00am - Thursday, April 18th, 5:30pm.



LOWER school


From Katie Signer and Gina Hurd: 2013 is off to a great start in our Pre and Lower Schools. Our boys have been setting goals and putting forth their best effort. We have seen many examples of curiosity, collaboration, risk taking and mistake-making in action. They are being asked to focus on their work with grit and determination, and on our long winter days will be encouraged to come to each lesson with energy and zest! From what we have seen so far, our boys are giving it their all! UNCOVER AND DISCOVER CONTINUES! Last week our Lower School boys embarked on a special challenge. Boys were asked to “uncover and discover” the contents of a cardboard box and were challenged to work on a team to “innovate, collaborate and CREATE!” The exercise was a great example of how challenging and rewarding it can be to work with others, under the pressure of time, to create something totally unique. We saw everything from sculptures to vehicles to inventions. If he hasn’t already shared, we encourage you to ask your son all about it. You may find him digging through a recycling bin at home to create a project of his own! This year Lower School boys will celebrate the Super Bowl in a whole new way! Under the leadership of our Lower School Student Council, we will be conducting a Brunswick “SOUP”er Bowl – a one-day canned food drive event. On Friday, February 1st, Lower School boys will have a special Super Bowl Civies Day and are encouraged to dress Dates to Remember in February: in the colors of the team they hope to win. With designated team 2/1 Brunswick PS/LS “SOUP”er Bowl vans to greet them at drop-off, boys will be invited to place their 2/5 PK S/D to Bruce Museum 1:00pm food donations in the vehicle of their choice. Who will take home 2/7 PK E/B to Bruce Museum 1:00pm the trophy for most donations? The AFC or the NFC? Stay tuned 2/8 Family Bingo Night, Burke Field House 6-7:30pm for our results! Later that morning, Lower Schoolers will be 2/12 Kindergarten Valentine’s Day Party 1:45pm challenged to answer questions testing their knowledge of 2/14 Pre-Kindergarten Valentine’s Day Snack 10:45am geography, sports and general trivia in a special Lower School 2/14 Early Dismissal: Trivia “Soup”er Bowl coordinated by Señora Hoyos. With a Pre School 11:45am focus on football, trivia, collaboration and donation, February 1st 1st & 2nd Grs. 12:15pm is sure to be a “SOUP”er day! 3rd & 4th Grs. 12:30pm 2/15-18 Winter Break 2/19 Classes Resume 2/21 BPA sponsored Arab Music and Culture Assembly - Karim Nagi 2/22 LS Wrestling Tournament, Burke Field House 10:30am 2/22 Civies Day

Report Cards: Shortly after receiving this newsletter, you should receive your son’s midyear report card. Should you have any questions at all regarding the report or your son’s performance, please do not hesitate to call his teacher(s).

B-I-N-G-O! Don’t miss out! Come to our annual Pre and Lower School Family Bingo Night Party on Friday, February 8th from 6:007:30pm. Please note that the event will be held on the Edwards Campus in the Burke Field House. Special thanks go to our coordinators, Lisa Lejdstrom and Sara Howard, along with our parent volunteers, for organizing this night of family fun. Winter Break: After a half-day dismissal on February 14th, the boys will officially begin their mid-winter break. Classes will resume as usual on Tuesday, February 19th. All early departures or late returns are strongly discouraged. Anyone who absolutely needs to deviate from this schedule should notify the school in writing well in advance of the anticipated departure. Thank you for your cooperation. Wrestling Tournament: As usual, during the month of February, our Lower School physical education program will center around teaching your boys how to wrestle both safely and skillfully. Typically known as a sport that builds stamina, endurance and determination, the boys will learn how to use their bodies and manage their strength. Another important focus of this unit is to offer all boys an individual competitive experience, while encouraging sportsmanship and fostering fun. The culminating event will be a wrestling tournament that will be held in the Burke Field House Wrestling Room on Friday, February 22nd. Due to time restrictions and large numbers, only the top two boys from each weight class will be represented at this event. Pre School Happenings: Pre School boys will also participate in the “SOUP”er Bowl. They are asked to bring in cans of soup and place them on the designated team tables in the Pre School lobby. They too are encouraged to wear the colors of the team they hope will win the Super Bowl. February is also a fun time for our youngest boys to focus on their special friendships as they practice their handwriting and share Valentine’s with their classmates and teachers. In addition, our Pre School boys are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our 100th Day. The actual date will be determined dependent on snow days. Pre Kindergarten will mark the event with many counting activities. Kindergarten boys will create collections of “100” that will be brought in to school to be shared. The countdown is on!



President’s Letter While the winter has been off to a slow start, the BPA is charging forward with activities for the second half of the year! Many thanks to the Division Reps and Class Parents for coordinating class luncheons and making sure that the rescheduled cocktail parties went off without a hitch. All have been so fabulous and enjoyed by all. The Pre and Lower School Skate Party was a huge success many thanks to Suzanne Cabot and Lisa Murray for the coordinating. The boys had a fantastic time skating, the fleece hats were so cute, the varsity players in their jerseys were so great and the treats and hot chocolate contributed to a wonderful event. Congrats as well to Holly Robinson and Deb Kolman for orchestrating another successful ‘Wickends – the sports theme was perfect and loved by all. Thank you, Christina Kazazes, for organizing the BPA nominating process for the 2013-2014 school year. Given Christina’s stewardship, we are off to a very strong start placing next year’s Board! There are so many events still to come, so mark your calendars! Bingo Night is fast approaching on February 8th, followed later in the year by the Father-Son Dinner, Teacher Appreciation Lunch, Upper School Musical, Middle School Play and much more. Finally, don’t miss our two bi-annual events, the Fashion Show and Luncheon on April 18th and the Golf Outing on April 29th. Many thanks to these committees whose members have been hard at work all year working to create events that will be remembered for quite some time. Alison Troy, President, Brunswick Parents Association Bearly Used Closet In January, the Bearly Used Closet partnered with the Skate Party, and many Bruins visited the closet for skates! We are looking to restock the Closet and welcome your donations of skates, sports equipment and uniform clothing. With Spring Break around the corner, come to the Closet for short-sleeved polos, shorts and more. The Bearly Used Closet is located on the lower level of the Lower School. Please pick up the key from the binder beneath the whiteboard in the Lower School lobby. All proceeds benefit BPA projects. ‘Wick Walk Run The ‘Wick Walk Run will be held on Saturday, May 11th. We are looking for volunteers who are ready to have some fun with this all-school family event. Whether you prefer working before the event or on the day of the run, we would love your help and enthusiasm. If interested please contact Amy McGrath (amymcgra@aol.com) or Catherine Farello (cfarello@gmail.com). Pre and Lower School Family Bingo Night Come and enjoy Bingo Night on Friday, February 8th from 6-7:30pm at the Burke Field House. It will be a fun-filled evening for Pre and Lower School families where every child will leave with a prize -- there are grade-wide prizes to be won too!!! Registration and volunteer forms are available on the website at: http://brunswickschool.org/events/bingonight Contact Lisa Lejdstrom (magnisa@optonline.net) or Sara Howard (howard.sara76@gmail.com) if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help. Baking volunteers can deliver their nut-free baked goods on February 8th at the PS or LS entry during morning drop-off or to the Burke Field House right after drop-off. Please contact Jackie Homan (Jackie@homan.cc) or Kristin Ingarra (kfrat@optonline.net) if you are able to contribute. We look forward to seeing you! Middle School Athletics Many thanks to our Team Parents for the winter sports season: Sally Mann, Laura Darrin, Ilene Grasso, Angelique Bell, Michelle Binnie, Abby Pillari, Nancy Breckenridge and Dana Rogers. If you would like to volunteer as a team parent for spring sports and help coordinate transportation, snacks, drinks and communications for MS teams, please email Annabelle Marvin (annabellemarvin@me.com) and indicate the sport your son will be playing. Go 'Wick! Mayfair Mayfair continues to be a successful event. We have had almost perfect attendance at each dance so far, an indication that the boys are enjoying the classes! Barclays teaches dance steps to the boys and girls as well as manners. This past month part of the Mayfair class was dedicated to table manners, such as learning how to set a table, how you sit down nicely at a table, why it is not polite to reach across the table, which direction to pass the food, and even how to deal with a burp. It was lots of fun and a great education in etiquette. We have also received a tremendous amount of positive feedback on the addition of live music to some of the Mayfair dances this year. The children have enjoyed the opportunity to experience and appreciate the musicians playing live music while they dance. We are looking forward to our next Mayfair dance on February 22nd.



Pre and Lower School Skate Party What a FUN afternoon for the boys and their families! Thank you to all our supporters who purchased the yellow fleece hats, to the volunteers who helped the day of the event, and to everyone who supplied the beverages and treats. Special appreciation goes to the Bearly Used Closet for helping to outfit the skaters, to Marc Streleckis and his varsity hockey players who acted as role models, “guards” and instructors, and of course, to Chuck Redahan and his wonderful maintenance crew. Upper School Performing Arts Brunswick’s US musical production this year will be Sweeney Todd, Stephen Sondheim’s award-winning version of an English tale dating back to the 1840s. When Sweeney Todd returns home after serving 15 years in prison, he opens a barbershop on Fleet Street with the intention of seeking revenge for his wrongful imprisonment. Todd plans to “dispatch” every customer, with the hope that one day the judge who unjustly sentenced him, and took his wife and daughter, will land in the barber’s chair himself. Todd’s dark deeds are made profitable by his girlfriend, whose popular “meat” pies include a most unsavory ingredient. Nearly 40 Brunswick and GA students are hard at work with rehearsals and staging, and they will bring this legendary tale to life in Baker Theater on February 28th, March 1st, and March 2nd – mark your calendars! Upper School Athletics Many thanks to our Team Parents for the winter sports teams: Annie Carter, Tracey Gerber, Lisa Pendo, Lisa Quackenbush, Chip Smith and Heidi Vorweck. If you would like to volunteer as a non-varsity team parent for spring sports and help coordinate transportation, snacks, drinks and communications for US teams, please email Susan Morrisroe (gsmor@optonline.net) and indicate the sport your son will be playing. Go 'Wick! Teacher Appreciation Our "gifted" teachers in the January raffle were John Pendergast (US), Elizabeth Baker (US), Alina Hoyos (US), James Canning (MS), Zach Williams (MS), Joan Michie (LS) and Connie Dragone (PS). The wonderful donations included Vineyard Vines gift cards, Bed Bath and Beyond cards, and several restaurant certificates. As always, donations from our parent body are welcome and necessary. Gift cards, sporting tickets, theater tickets, etc. are all things a deserving teacher would appreciate. Contact Robin Sherwood (redwood2020@gmail.com) to send gift cards or other donations. We appreciate your support! Father-Son Dinner for Grades 7 through 12 The Hospitality Committee will be confirming volunteers for The Father-Son Dinner, to be held in the Burke Field House on Thursday, March 7th. If you would like to help set up and/or serve, please contact Ellen Mosher (emosher@greenwichfineproperties.com) by February 15th. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TEE UP WITH BRUNSWICK! Support the Brunswick Golf Outing with a stylish, limited edition Brunswick Head Cover $30 each Proceeds will help establish the Brunswick Parents Association STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Endowment Fund For information go to http://brunswickschool.org/13golfouting



Parent Program Event Save the date for our next Parent Program "The Effect of Society’s Relationship with Technology," featuring MIT professor and renowned author and psychologist, Sherry Turkle. Sherry Turkle has spent the last thirty years researching the psychology of digital technology with human relationships. Her most recent book, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other, was a featured TED2012 talk describing the role of technology in affecting our thinking, creativity, and innovativeness. Tuesday, April 9th Greenwich Academy’s Massey Theater 8:00am: Coffee 8:30am: Presentation followed by a book signing This talk is the second in a series of Parent Programs for the GA and ‘Wick communities. There is no charge to attend.

Don’t miss this year’s 70th anniversary celebration! Thursday, April 18th 11:30am Invite family & friends Individual tickets and tables available Seating is limited so reserve early Invitation to follow or visit our link at www.brunswickschool.org/13fashionshow


From Johnny Montañez, Director of Community Service: On Saturday, January 12, Chris Lucey, Ryan Hanrahan, Mr. Michael Hannigan, Mr. Justin Rumack, and I spent over eight hours on a Midnight Run. We shopped for toiletries, fruit, bread, cold cuts, water, and undergarments in the afternoon and prior to leaving for the Run, we prepared sandwiches, toiletry bags, organized clothes, and loaded the van. The best part of the night, however, was distributing over 100 toiletry bags, 108 sandwiches, fruit, water, and over 400 articles of clothing between 10pm3am to the homeless in Manhattan. It was a great night and the weather cooperated with us. A very special thank you goes to Mr. Jimmy Romanello for his preparation, help, and significant clothing donations to this Midnight Run. We are in the need of the following items for our next Midnight Run in April:

w Sneaker/Shoes

SUGGESTED DONATIONS (Adult men’s and women’s sizes ONLY) w Blankets w Men’s briefs (NEW ONLY) w Socks (NEW ONLY)

Upcoming Events: The Brunswick School Blood Drive is set for Wednesday, March 6. This year we will join forces with Greenwich Academy with the goal being to donate 43 units of blood to the Red Cross. The Blood Drive will take place in the Brunswick School Pre School Gym on North Maple Avenue. Collections will run from 11:30 pm – 5:15 pm. Every drop counts; please visit the community service website for more information. www.community.brunswickschool.org Community Service Day, Friday, April 26 In addition to community service efforts throughout the year, Upper School faculty and students will band together to commit a day serving the community together; in effect, strengthening our own community. Plans exist to serve organizations in Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, Norwalk, and Port Chester where students will spend time in shelters, assist with the elderly, work with children, clean the environment, and much more. If there is an organization that you would personally like to connect to the Brunswick Community Service Program, please reach out to me via phone or email as we are open to increasing our outreach to those in need. Neighbor to Neighbor: February donations are due on Thursday, February 28. Please donate non-perishable food items. Food is always in need. So often, our local food pantries become heavily stocked around the holidays, but as we progress towards spring, donations dwindle. Please donate what you can.

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