March 2013 Parents Newsletter

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MARCH 2013

MONTHLY MAILING Broken Windows Last spring, at our year-end Senior Awards ceremony, I shared with the Class of 2012 a perspective on life that was, ironically, derived from a well-respected theory of crime fighting . . . read into that what you will. The theory was first introduced in the 1980s when its author, George Kelling, wrote about it in a magazine called the Atlantic Monthly. After his article was published, his theory quickly became known as the “Broken Window” theory of crime fighting. Let me first explain why it is called that and then I will try to relate the concept to the lives which are ahead for our boys. The “Broken Window” theory: imagine a building in a run-down area of a city with some broken windows. (Close your eyes and imagine the scene in your mind.) The theory is that if the windows that are damaged aren’t repaired, the temptation for vandals is to break additional windows. Because there is a sense that no one cares, over time they may take things a step further and break into the building, stealing or damaging its contents, maybe covering it in graffiti and even, ultimately, setting it on fire. You could say the same thing for a sidewalk that has some litter on it. People who see that litter are more inclined to litter themselves and eventually the whole sidewalk gets covered in discarded McDonald’s bags and broken bottles . . . eventually, maybe, some people even try to break into cars or houses on the street or drug dealers start working the street corners because they sense the degree of neglect and disrepair. So, the “Broken Windows” theory is that if you fix small things right away - repair the first broken window so as to avoid a second getting broken, pick up the first McDonald’s carton on the sidewalk so that a shattered bottle doesn’t come next - then you will not only make small problems better, but you will also (and this is important) avoid having those small problems evolve into bigger problems. Well, as an educator of the “whole boy,” (and as you probably have guessed) I think this theory of the “Broken Windows” applies to life as well. In crime fighting, fixing broken windows means just that - fixing broken windows to keep neighborhoods tidy and free of disrepair and in doing so, keeping out the crime that often accompanies such disrepair and neglect. In life, fixing the “Broken Windows” to me means meeting our smallest commitments so that our bigger ones come more easily: being on time when others are late, being considerate when others are rude, and being honest when others shade the truth. Another way to say this is that I believe that if you take care of the small things in life, the big things will often take care of themselves. And the reason I believe this is that over the years, I have found that life is, to a surprising extent, all about establishing good habits and all about fixing your occasional “Broken Windows.” So often to the extent that any adult has any regrets about his or her life, it is because he wishes that he had done just a little bit more when instead, at the time, he did just a little bit less. Establishing habits in life that take care of the little things can so often lead to success in the big things as well. So often, just a little bit here or there can make all the difference in a situation, in an experience or in a relationship. Whether in school or in life, getting in the habit of doing just a little bit more (when you could have gotten away with less) can make all the difference. In a school such as Brunswick, such a philosophy often translates into whether the book our boys were assigned they really read carefully enough or whether the paper they wrote was really researched enough. In life it means do our boys eventually make the extra effort to be a good husband and a good father? Do they go the extra mile for a prospective client or for a charity with which they become involved? Do they allow themselves the opportunity to fully develop into all that they could be both for themselves and for those around them? Do they always take the little steps to fix the “Broken Windows?” So, as Brunswick teaches to the “whole boy,” it seems to me we must urge our sons to use the opportunities ahead - the big and the little ones, perhaps especially the little ones - to make the most of what they can become. “Broken Windows” are everywhere around us, all the time, in every task, every encounter, every conversation, every job, every thought. If our boys are to succeed at all in life, it is when they get in the habit of fixing life’s “Broken Windows” because we know that when we add all those little bits, all those inch by inch steps, those teeny little opportunities, when we add them together, doing so will make the difference between leading a meaningful life or an empty one, between being just alive and truly living. So, last spring with our seniors and always, I urge Brunswick boys to pay attention to life’s “Broken Windows,” a small opportunity to build greatness.

MARCH 2013

Upper school From The Upper School Office:

March passes quickly at Brunswick. We are literally in school a little more than two weeks (11 school days) in March, with Spring Break stuck in between. Despite the lack of days, there is not a lack of important events, not the least of which is the course sign-up process for the 2013-2014 school year. Given this, I thought it best to list below the important steps for students to follow so as to proceed through their course selections in an informed and easy manner. Step Catalogues distributed Discussion with Advisors Course Registration Concludes

Date Mid-February Late February/early March March 7th

March Dates to Remember: 2/28-3/2 US Winter Musical “Sweeney Todd” 7pm each evening 2pm matinee on Saturday, Baker Theater 3/6 Red Cross Blood Drive 11:30am-5:15pm Pre School Gym, North Maple Avenue 3/6 National Latin Exam 3/7 Father-Son Dinner 7pm Burke Field House, King Street 3/9-24 Spring Break 3/25 Classes Resume 3/28 End of 3rd Quarter 3/29 Good Friday – NO SCHOOL

Purpose Outline offerings Choosing courses

The course catalogue for Brunswick’s Upper School is something that is best read carefully by both students and parents alike. Although it is essential that each student take responsibility for the courses he wishes to pursue next year, we should emphasize our strong feeling that parents should take the time to discuss with their sons what courses they plan to take for the upcoming school year. Finally, as always, should any questions come up in this regard, please do not hesitate to give your son’s Grade Dean a call. Other Happenings in March: Upper School Musical, February 28th, March 1st and 2nd: This year, our Upper School musical, Sweeney Todd, promises to be another wonderful celebration of the talents of our Upper School thespians. Held in Baker Theater, all three evening performances are at 7:00pm with a 2pm matinee performance on Saturday. Tickets are available online

through the Brunswick web page. Father-Son Dinner, March 7th: This is one of Brunswick's most special (and oldest) traditions. Although the evening tends to focus to the greatest extent upon the winter sports teams, this is only due to the realities of the calendar. Much more important is the overriding tone of the dinner that pairs fathers with sons among friends in a relaxed atmosphere. Please join us in Burke Field House at King Street beginning at 7:00pm for an evening of both dinner as well as presentations. We look forward to seeing you there! Spring Break, after regular dismissal, March 8th: Although no doubt all members of our community eagerly await this upcoming vacation, I would like to emphasize once again that vacation days should be kept within the generous constraints of the break period. Classes will resume on Monday, March 25th. End of Third Quarter, March 28st: Thursday, March 28th is the close of the Third Quarter. Shortly after that date, we will issue full report cards and a complete set of teacher comments for each student in the Upper School. As always, these grades and comments should be reviewed thoughtfully with your son so as to help assess progress made and strategies for the future. Good Friday: School will be closed in observation of Good Friday on Friday, March 29th.

MARCH 2013

MIDDLE school

From Sarah Burdett: As we all prepare to head off for Spring Break, I would like to remind you that once again this year our Middle School boys will participate in a read-a-thon to support our chapter of the Room to Read organization which supports literacy worldwide. Please discuss this important service opportunity with your son and help him to choose many interesting titles to read over Spring Break. If he needs suggestions, Marianne McShane, our Middle School librarian, always has recommendations for every grade level and every genre. Our hope is that all Middle School boys can have a vacation from school filled with reading and relaxation. Enjoy! End of 2nd Trimester: The current marking period officially closed on Friday, February 22nd and the 2nd Trimester will end after 6th - 8th exams on Thursday, February 28th. The end of the trimester, unlike the earlier mid-point, is our next formal grading period for students in all grades. At this point, 5th grade parents will receive a report card and comments from each of your son’s academic teachers. 6th, 7th and 8th grade parents will be sent a report card, as well as comments from teachers of courses in which your son’s effort is a 1 or his grade is a C- or below. After report cards are emailed, your son’s advisor will call to discuss his progress. Dates to Remember in March: 2/28 Early Dismissal at 1:00pm (no bus service until 3:45pm) 3/1 Grading Day – NO SCHOOL (Grades 5-8) Make-up Exams 3/4 3rd Trimester Begins Spring Sports Begin 3/7 Father-Son Dinner (Grades 7-12) - Burke Field House 3/8 5th/6th Grade Father Son Breakfast & Science Fair Spring Break Begins (Regular Dismissal) 3/25 Classes Resume 3/29 Good Friday -NO SCHOOL

6th, 7th & 8th Grade Exams. Second Trimester exams took take place the week of February 25th. On Friday, March 1st, we will have NO SCHOOL for the boys to enable the faculty to correct exams and calculate grades. MAKE-UP EXAMS will be given on that Friday, March 1st, for any boy who is absent on an exam day earlier that week. Note: On Thursday, February 28th we will dismiss at 1:00pm for all grades. Bus service will not be available until 3:45pm, but the boys will be supervised at school if they need to wait for the busses.

Spring Sports: The new athletic season will begin for 7th and 8th graders with first practices on Monday, March 4th – boys should have their gear and be ready to play.

Father-Son Dinner for 7th and 8th Graders: Thursday, March 7th at 7:00pm in the Burke Field House at King Street. Over the course of the evening, we honor our teams and athletes in grades 7 through 12. Reservations are required. 5th/6th Grade Science Fair and Father/Son Breakfast: The 5th and 6th graders have been working hard on their projects and look forward to showing them off on Friday, March 8th. Fifth and sixth grade fathers (or mothers if fathers cannot attend) are invited to join their sons for breakfast and the fair at the Middle School. Please arrive at 7:30am and park behind the athletic building when you arrive. The event will conclude by 9:00am. Middle School Spring Play Auditions: This spring 7th & 8th actors from Brunswick School and Convent of the Sacred Heart will be performing a revue-style show under the direction of Alexander Constantine. The MS boys and girls will have an opportunity to audition on Tuesday, March 26th and Wednesday, March 27th from 4:00 - 6:00pm. Rehearsals will be held at the Middle School after school. The performances will take place on May 2rd at 7:00pm and May 3rd at 2:15pm. 8th Grade Class Trip: For advanced planning, please note that the 8th grade will be traveling to Washington, DC for our spring field trip in April. We will be departing from Brunswick on Monday morning, April 15th and returning early evening on Thursday, April 18th.

Brunswick Summer Session: starting our sixth year, Summer Session is gearing up once again for classes beginning on June 10thand running through July 3rd for boys and girls in grades 5-12. Please find our course catalogue and an application form at For more information, please contact the Summer Session Office at (203) 625-5861 or email We look forward to seeing you in June!



LOWER school

MARCH 2013

From Katie Signer and Gina Hurd: Huge thanks go to Lisa Lejdstrom and Sara Howard who, as we write this letter, are coordinating Bingo Night for the second time, having rescheduled the event after the February blizzard that took us all by surprise. We are hopeful many Pre and Lower School families will be able to attend this Friday night, and we thank our parent volunteers for all of your help. The boys love competing by grade level and we can’t wait to hear which grade will earn the prize for the most wins. No matter what, it is always great to gather as a community for some good ol’ fashioned fun. Kindergarten Space Expo: Kindergarten parents are invited to come and explore the solar system with the Kindergarten astronauts on Wednesday, March 6 from 1:30-2:30pm in the Kindergarten classrooms. The boys will be excited to share all that they have learned from their study of the planets. 4th Grade Play: Please note that the 4th grade play, “The Thirteen Colonies,” is scheduled for 7pm on Wednesday, March 6 in the Lower School gym. The boys and their teachers Dates to Remember in March: have put a tremendous amount of time and energy into 3/1 BPA Sponsored Assembly - Freestyle Repertory Theatre preparing for this production and are eagerly awaiting 3/1 Bingo Night 5:30-7:00pm “show time.” We look forward to seeing all of our 4th 3/4 KA/B trip to Stamford Planetarium 9:00am grade parents and friends at this special performance. 3/4 KI/S trip to Stamford Planetarium 10:00am 3/4 KD/S trip to Stamford Planetarium 10:00am Lower School boys will have an opportunity to enjoy 3/6 Kindergarten Space Expo 1:30-2:30pm the play themselves during a dress rehearsal 3/6 4th Gr. Play 7:00pm performance earlier that day. 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/8 3/8 3/9-24 3/25 3/25 3/27 3/28 3/28 3/29

1st Gr. Mammal Exhibits 8:30-9:15am PK to Hill House 12:45-2:30pm Winter Encore ends BPA Sponsored Assembly - “Go For the Stars” Space Program Regular dismissal for Spring Break Spring Break Classes Resume Spring Encore begins 4th Gr. Trip to Philadelphia 7:00am 4th Gr. Returns from Philadelphia 5:00pm Civies Day NO SCHOOL - Good Friday

First Grade Mammal Exhibits: First Graders are excited to share their study of mammals with parents on Thursday, March 7 from 8:30 to 9:15am. Come enjoy the culmination of this interdisciplinary project and celebrate their learning and growth as students. You will certainly be impressed!

Celebrating 110 years on the 110th day! What is special about March 7th? It is 110th day of school! In honor of Brunswick’s 110th year, Lower School boys will “uncover and discover” special traditions from Brunswick’s past and will take time to create a time capsule for the future. Special thanks go to the Development Office for creating a comprehensive timeline to help boys understand the history of their school. Be on the lookout for a link to the new interactive timeline so you can explore it yourselves. Spring is in the air! Many of our Lower School boys will eagerly invite the option to wear their khaki shorts when they return from Spring Break. Please note the rest of their uniform stays the same. Spring Encore: Our Spring Encore session begins on March 25th, upon return from Spring Break. If you have any questions regarding sign-ups or offerings be sure to contact one of our Encore Coordinators, Laura Hudson and Caroline Barnett. Fourth Graders visit Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: To further enhance their study of early American history, the fourth graders will depart with their teachers and chaperones for an overnight trip to Philadelphia, PA on Wednesday, March 27th. A visit to the Constitution Center, a tour of Valley Forge and even a Philadelphia 76ers game are just a few of the highlights of this exciting trip. The boys will return on Thursday, March 28th at 5:00pm having gained a deeper understanding of our country’s early history. We are sure all will enjoy the opportunity to rest up the following day as there is no school due to Good Friday.


MARCH 2013

President’s Letter Spring Break is almost here! After a very busy February, it is time for some much-needed rest before we sprint to the end of the school year. We do have some great events before we leave for break which we hope you all can attend. The Upper School Musical, Sweeney Todd, is February 29 through March 2. After Winter Storm “Nemo,” Bingo Night was rescheduled to March 1 starting at 5:30pm. The Father-Son dinner, a long-standing Brunswick tradition, will be held on March 7 for fathers and sons grades 7 through 12. Reservations are required. Invitations have been mailed for the Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon on Thursday, April 18. Many thanks to Afton Fraser and Laura Darrin and their talented committee - we know it will be a fabulous event! Also, get ready to “tee it up” at the 2013 Golf Outing to be held at Winged Foot on Monday, April 29. Nancy Axilrod, Alice Ruf, Jane Sprung and their committee have been hard at work coordinating what should be a spectacular outing. Safe travels! Alison Troy, President, Brunswick Parents Association Pre and Lower School Family Bingo Night: NEW DATE AND TIME Don't forget Bingo Night will be held on its new date and time of Friday, March 1 from 5:30-7:00pm. We hope to see you all there! To register or volunteer, please visit the website at: Please direct any questions to Lisa Lejdstrom ( or Sara Howard ( Assemblies Shakesperience returns to the Middle School with interactive Romeo & Juliet workshops for the 8th grade boys. In the Lower School, Freestyle Repertory Theatre brings their high-energy program of songs, stories, poems and scenes. The boys will also “Go for the Stars” with a space program presentation. Please be sure to ask your boys about all they have seen and enjoyed! Upper School Performing Arts Mark your calendars for this year’s Upper School Musical, Sweeney Todd, Stephen Sondheim’s award-winning version of an English tale dating back to the 1840s. Nearly 40 Brunswick and GA students have been hard at work with rehearsals and staging, and they will bring this legendary tale of the “Demon Barber of Fleet Street” to life in Baker Theater on February 28, March 1, and March 2. All evening performances are at 7:00pm, with a matinee performance Saturday at 2:00pm. Please go to the Brunswick website for ticket information. Middle School Performing Arts Auditions for the Spring Show, performed jointly with middle schoolers from the Convent of the Sacred Heart, will be held on Tuesday, March 26 from 4:30-5pm in Camuto Auditorium. All 6th-8th graders are welcome to audition. Mark your calendars for the Brunswick performance on May 2 at 4pm and the CSH performance on May 3 at 2:30pm. Teacher Appreciation Looking ahead to April, our Faculty Appreciation Luncheon will be Wednesday, April 24. Please save the date if you are able to volunteer, bake, or bring drinks for the luncheon. Sign-ups will take place via "Sign-up Genius" right after Spring Break. An email will be sent with the link to the sign up, so keep an eye on your emails when school resumes. Thank you to all of our generous parents who have donated gift cards and tickets over the past month. We were able to gift seven teachers in February with Vineyard Vines gift cards, tickets to the Harlem Globe Trotters and other assorted items. The happy winners were Dwight Jackson, John Booth, Kristine Brennan, Neil Minsky, Kathryn Hurd, Kim Iorillo, and Genevieve Broche. If you have tickets, empty condos, gift cards or other items you are willing to donate to teacher appreciation, please email Robin Sherwood ( or Kim Fulton ( Bearly Used Closet Spring is around the corner and the Bearly Used Closet has all you will need to gear up your Bruin. Stop in for lacrosse gear, gym clothes, shorts and polos. We also have dress shirts and blazers for Easter and graduation. As always, we welcome your donations of gently used clothing and sports equipment. The Closet is located in the lower lobby of the Lower School. Pick up the key from the binder under the lobby bulletin board and come shop! Your donations and purchases benefit BPA projects.


MARCH 2013

SAVE THE DATES A Global Brunswick: Tuesday, April 2, 6:30-8pm in the Upper School Dining Hall Join us for an all-school diversity event gathering all faculty, staff, parents and students for engaging activities and student-led, small-group, inter-generational discussions about issues relevant to daily school life. This is a great opportunity to hear the many voices in our community. MAP Network Multicultural Potluck Dinner: Thursday, April 25, 6:30-8:30pm in the Upper School Dining Hall Come out and represent your heritage/culture/country/continent/island/geographic region. Let's top last year's 13 countries, 20 delicious dishes and an evening that was far too short for those who attended! This year will be even more exciting with steel drums and an engaging presentation by a special guest. Enjoy mouthwatering delicacies from around the world all under one roof! Come and bring one of your favorite dishes to this adults-only event. More information will follow. Mayfair Mayfair continues to be a success with great fun and learning being had by all! We hope to see your 5th and 6th grade boys at the next Mayfair dance on Friday, April 12. More information will follow in regard to the snow date make up session. 2013 Golf Outing at Winged Foot Golf Club

Gather a foursome of family, friends, fellow alumni, or business colleagues and join us on Monday, April 29 at Winged Foot Golf Club’s famed West Course for a spectacular day of golf, dining and a silent auction to support the Brunswick Parents Association STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Endowment Fund Sign up to play or support the event at

Parent Program Event: "Growing up in a Digital Culture" Save the date for our next BPA Parent Program featuring MIT Professor and renowned author and psychologist, Sherry Turkle. Ms. Turkle is a featured media commentator on the social and psychological effects of technology for CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, the BBC, and NPR and has been a guest on programs such as Nightline, Frontline, 20/20, The Colbert Report and the 2012 TED talks. Her talk will focus on her most recent book, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. Specifically, she will address: society’s relationship with technology and social media, the lost art of conversation, and strategies for raising kids in a digital world. Tuesday, April 9 Greenwich Academy’s Massey Theatre 8:00am: Coffee 8:30am: Presentation 9:30am: Book Signing This talk is the second in a series of BPA Parent Programs for the GA and Brunswick communities. There is no charge to attend.

From Johnny Montañez, Director of Community Service: This past month, our Lower School students participated in a soup can drive to celebrate the Super Bowl. The boys met with great success by collecting enough cans to fill more than four 35-gallon tubs, each of which was donated to Neighbor to Neighbor Food Pantry in Greenwich. I would like to thank every boy, parent, and teacher from Pre Kindergarten through Fourth Grade for taking such a “social” sporting event and turning it into a meaningful cause. A Message from Two Upper School Clubs: Stop Sarcoma! Books Wanted! Please donate new or gently used fiction or nonfiction books for patients undergoing chemotherapy in Greenwich and Stamford Hospitals. These patients spend multiple hours in the Cancer Treatment Centers and a good book goes a long way towards helping them relax. A collection bin will be in the front foyer of the Upper School during March. Please contact Tom Morrisroe ( if you have any questions. Blue Blazer Fund – Henry Baker ‘13 Since 2008, the Blue Blazer Fund has supported 12 Israeli boys whose parents were transported to Israel from Ethiopia nearly twenty-five years ago. Monies raised are used to support the boys’ educational growth by funding a tutoring program in their hometown of Netanya, Israel. Each summer, several members of the Blue Blazers travel to Israel to mentor, aide, tutor and bond with these 12 young men. In an unprecedented event, the Blue Blazers are bringing these amazing boys to the United States this July where they will stay with the Baker family and experience a slice of life here in the USA. I am sending you this message to ask for your help. While my family and friends will give our twelve brothers all we have, we could use help by having members of the community donate any of the following items or experiences:  a dinner, theatre tickets, movie tickets, sporting event tickets, museum tours, zoo tours, night out at the ESPN Zone, an afternoon of soccer, etc. Anything you can do to help us make this the best trip ever for these boys will be greatly appreciated. Please contact Henry Baker at with questions or pledge donations. Upcoming Events: The Brunswick School Blood Drive is set for Wednesday, March 6. This year we will join forces with Greenwich Academy with the goal of donating 43 units of blood to the Red Cross. The Blood Drive will take place in Brunswick’s Pre School Gym. Collections will run from 11:30am – 5:15pm. Every drop counts; please visit the community service website for more information. Community Service Day, Friday, April 26 In addition to community service efforts throughout the year, Upper School faculty and students will band together to commit a day to serving the community. Plans are already in place to work with organizations in Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, Norwalk, and Port Chester. Students will work in shelters, assist with the elderly, work with children, clean the environment, and much more. If there is an organization that you would personally like to connect to the Brunswick Community Service Program, please reach out to me via phone or email. We are always open to increasing our outreach to those in need! Neighbor to Neighbor: Our next donations are due on Thursday, March 28. Please donate non-perishable food items such as breakfast cereal, peanut butter, canned soups, vegetables and fruits, pasta and sauces and condiments. Donations are always needed. Often, our local food pantries become heavily stocked around the holidays, but as we progress through the spring, donations dwindle. Please donate what you can!

Brunswick School 100 Maher Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 1252 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 (203) 625-5800

March 2013 Sun





F ri




*MS Grading Day NO SCHOOL for MS *US Musical, 7pm, Baker Theater *LS Bingo Night, 5:30-7pm, King St





7 *Blood Drive, 11:30-5:15pm, PS Gym *National Latin Exam *4th Gr Play, 7pm



8 *Father-Son Dinner, 7pm, Burke Field House *1st Grade Mammal Exhibits, 8:30am

US Musical 2pm & 7pm Baker Theater

9 *Gr 5&6 Science Fair/Breakfast *Regular Dismissal for Spring Break




















25 Classes Resume

Easter Sunday


Gr 4 Trip to Philadelphia, 7am

End of 3rd Quarter (US) *Gr 4 Returns from Philadelphia, 5pm

30 Good Friday NO SCHOOL

Annual Red Cross Blood Drive 2013 Where: 116 Maple Avenue , In the Brunswick School Pre School Gym. When: Wednesday, March 6th - 11:30AM to 5:15 PM *Height and Weight Requirements:


If you’re a male (to donate blood) Minimum Height



5' or taller

Minimum Weight




If you’re a female (to donate blood) Minimum Height









5'6'' or taller

Minimum Weight











A Photo ID and 30 minutes

********************** Blood donations are very much needed across our region; blood reserves are close to an all-time low.To make an appointment to donate blood, please contact Johnny Montanez @ (203)625-5854 or email or Kelly


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