MONTHLY MAILING How Do We Define “Strong Character?” An over-riding focus on the importance of strong character has always been a hallmark of Brunswick School. That said, I appreciate that while offering platitudes about the importance of “strong character” might sound good, platitudes, in and of themselves, don’t help our boys much. “Strong character” is a hard thing to define - I get that. You might know it when you see it, but our boys need a better definition than that. They need specifics to really understand what it is we are seeking for and from them. In my view, to really be effective, Brunswick’s definition of “strong character” must be comprehensive yet clear, realistic yet reaffirming, strong yet supportive. To that end, many of our School’s leaders spent considerable time last year and over this past summer studying, really studying, the teaching and modeling of “character and leadership,” what it means, how it might be best taught, where Brunswick does it well and where we might do it better still. We have visited and studied other schools and colleges, we have had experts in the field come to meet and present to us. The wonderfully, reaffirming news is that those with whom we have consulted are, to a person, incredibly impressed with what they found at Brunswick School. With that in mind, I want to share with you some of the most important elements of “strong character” as Brunswick defines it. Significantly, I have associated each of these 5 parts with a letter of the alphabet: H: Honesty (trustworthiness), meeting our commitments, keeping our promises, being loyal to our family, friends and our nation and doing the right thing regardless of whether it (perhaps especially when it is not) recognized. O: Ownership (accountability), fairness, playing by the rules, reflecting upon our own weaknesses before condemning the weaknesses of others. N: Neighborliness (citizenship), understanding our role as a part of a larger group and society, working with and leading others for the greater good, loving our neighbors as ourselves. O: Open-heartedness (caring), being kind, compassionate and thankful for our manifest gifts. R: Respectfulness, how we treat others, the manners and language we use, our sensitivity to the feelings of those around us, doing what we are supposed to do, doing our best and persevering. Just to make it easy….take the first letter of each element: H: Honesty, O: Ownership, N: Neighborliness, O: Open-heartedness and R: Respectfulness…..and you spell HONOR! At Brunswick School, we tie all the positive traits associated with the importance of strong character together with just three words; Courage, Honor and Truth!
Upper school From The Upper School Office:
The beginning of November brings to a close the first of our four formal grading periods of the year and those results are emailed home the second week of November. We encourage all in our community, students, faculty as well as parents, to take full advantage of all that a quarter's end, well utilized, might offer. Specifically, as parents . . . - now is the perfect time to assess a student's progress to date and to focus on what a student might be able to control that will lead to better results in the next grading period. - all should remember the reaffirmation that comes when we take the time to commend our sons on a job well done. - stress with your son that his experience here at Brunswick transcends grades and therefore this point in the year (25% of the way through) it is also an ideal time to discuss his involvement in other areas of school life. - remember also the importance of keeping in close contact with your son and with the school throughout the year so that together we may provide your son with the very best educational experience possible. Dates to Remember in November:
Some events of note this month:
11/1 End of the 1st Quarter 11/2 SATs at BWK (King Street) 8am 11/1&2 Fall Play “The Real Inspector Hound” Baker Theater, Maher Avenue 7pm Saturday matinee 2pm 11/4-7 US FCD 11/8 US Arts Assembly for GA & BWK US students 11/25 Turkey Bowl (back field) 2:45pm 11/26 Dismissal for Thanksgiving Break 2:00pm 12/2 Classes resume
END OF 1ST QUARTER: The first quarter closes on Friday, November 1st. Comments will be written for all students in every academic course. In addition, parents will receive a report card assessing the academic results achieved by your son thus far in the year. We expect to email report packets home by the end of the first week of November. Please use this mailing as a valuable opportunity to sit down with your son to discuss his progress. NOVEMBER SAT ADMINISTRATION: Saturday, November 2nd will offer the second SAT administration date of the school year. Seniors should remember to show up at their assigned test center with their registration card, several #2 pencils and, if necessary a
calculator. THE UPPER SCHOOL FALL PLAY: “The Real Inspector Hound” will be presented on the evenings of November 1st and 2nd . As always, the fall theatrical production promises to be a wonderful theatrical event. All performances will begin at 7:00pm, with an additional 2pm matinee performance on Saturday, and will be held at Brunswick’s Baker Theater. FREEDOM FROM CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY (FCD): Over the course of three full days (November 4th, 5th and 6th) representatives from one of the nation’s leading substance-abuse educational programs will be visiting with our Upper School boys. Interacting directly with all sophomores and presenting and available to the full Upper School, we welcome these professional educators back for another year to help us combat what is, we believe, one of the greatest, ongoing risks to the success of our boys. THANKSGIVING BREAK: Finally, students will be dismissed from classes at 2:00pm on Tuesday, November 26th for Thanksgiving Break (some teams will have practices that day). As with all school vacations, we ask that parents not seek an earlier dismissal for their sons. We feel strongly that it is important for all students to be present for all classes and commitments that meet on Tuesday. On behalf of all the members of the Faculty, we wish you and your families all the best of sharing and gathering on this most special of American holidays. All are welcome to "A Global Brunswick", a community-wide diversity & inclusion event, featuring small group discussions led by upper school diversity club members, engaging activities and light snacks. Friday, November 8th in the Middle School Cafeteria, 1252 King Street, Greenwich 1pm - Light lunch and information tables providing descriptions of upper school initiatives 1:30-3pm - "A Global Brunswick" for 3rd grade to adults - parents please also attend with your boys RSVP/Questions:
MIDDLE school
From Sarah Burdett: Once again, November is a month in the Middle School when we focus on the community that exists beyond our Brunswick walls. Our Eighth Graders have been visiting their service sites: all places that establish a longer-term relationship between our Brunswick boys and the people with whom they interact. In addition, our MS Student Council announced an initiative at the end of October, requiring each MS advisory to decide on and carry out its own service project. Finally, this month we will again participate in our Thanksgiving Drive (see details below) and in December will provide gifts from wish lists for local families in need. Many thanks, as always, for your support of our programs. Cell Phones: Reminder that all cell phones must be turned off during school hours. Any communication to and from home must be made through either the Middle School Office or the Nurse’s Office during the day. A Global Brunswick: Please join us on Friday, November 8th from 1:00-3:00pm for an opportunity to engage with parents and students from 3rd – 12th grades in discussions about diversity. Activities and discussions will take place in the MS Dining Hall. Please RSVP to by November 1st. Dates to Remember in November: Middle School Parent Workshop: Wednesday, November 13th at 7:00pm in Camuto Auditorium. Neil 11/13 MS Parent Workshop 7:00pm st Minsky’s presentation this year will be Understanding Motivation 11/15 1 Trimester ends and Cognition in the 21st Century Mind. He will discuss how Mayfair Middle School boys think, particularly with regard to 11/20-21 1st Trimester Exams: 6th-8th Grades motivation. As always, Neil will mix his knowledge of 11/21 MS Dismissal at 1:00pm (Bus service at 3:35pm) cognitive development with his understanding of our 11/22 NO SCHOOL – Faculty Grading Day Brunswick boys and offer specific strategies to help guide your 11/26 Thanksgiving Break REGULAR DISMISSAL sons through their middle school years and beyond. All 12/2 Classes resume parents are encouraged to attend this informative and relevant evening. End of 1st Trimester: The first marking period officially closes on Friday, November 15th and the first trimester will end after 6th - 8th exams on Friday, November 22nd (Make-Up Exam Day). Please see letter sent with Midpoint Comments for more details. Trimester Exams - Sixth, Seventh & Eighth Grade: First Trimester exams will take place the week of November 18th. Along with this newsletter, you will find a copy of the exam schedule. As exam week approaches, please look over this information with your son so that you may work with us to guide him in his preparation. Note: Thursday, November 21st will be a 1:00pm dismissal for all MS students. There will not be bus service until 3:35pm. We will supervise boys here if they need to wait for the bus. Thanksgiving Drive: During the weeks before Thanksgiving, each Middle School advisory group will be putting together a Thanksgiving dinner for a local family. Middle School Student Council will provide the turkeys for each family and the boys will be required to bring in the rest of the meal. Advisory groups will assign each member to bring in a food item. Please check with your boys in November to find out their assignments. All food items will be due no later than 8:00am on Tuesday, November 26th. Thanksgiving Break: The boys will be dismissed at the regular time on Tuesday, November 26th for Thanksgiving break. We ask that parents do not pull their sons from school early for this or any other school vacation. We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! Winter Sports: The winter season will begin on Monday, November 25th. The options include basketball, wrestling, hockey, and squash. Boys should have their winter sports equipment with them on the 25th.
LOWER school
From Gina Hurd and Katie Signer: This is a wonderful time of the year to stop for a moment and appreciate all that we have to be thankful for. Here at school, the boys will be offered many opportunities to think of others. We would also like to express our thanks for the numerous ways you support our efforts. Please take note of the many events outlined below and do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. Parent-Teacher Conference Day: On Monday, November 4th, please note that the Pre and Lower School boys will not have school, allowing teachers the necessary time to meet with parents. In addition to the conference, all Lower School families will receive a fall checklist highlighting your son’s progress in academics, work habits and social behavior. If you have not yet signed up for a conference time, please be sure to do so. Student Council and Community Service in the Pre and Lower School: We would like to draw your attention to the Community Service section found at the end of this newsletter. This month you will find details regarding Lower School Student Council Elections and the Thanksgiving Food Drive. Be sure to check this section each month for information relating to our service learning efforts.
Dates to Remember in November: 11/4 Conference Day - No School for Boys 11/8 Student Council Speeches 8:30am 11/10 LS/MS Admission Reception 1-3:00pm 11/10 Book Fair Preview 2:00pm 11/11 Book Fair 8-4:00pm 11/12 Book Fair 8-12:00pm 11/12 LS Parent Visiting Day 8:15-11:00am PS Parent Visiting Day 1:30-2:30pm 11/13 Grs. 4 & 5 Trip to Greenwich Symphony 11/14 Kindergarten Night Party 5:30-7:00pm 11/15 2W/M Assembly Presentation 8:25am 11/19 BPA PS Assembly “Dirtmeister” 1:30pm 11/20 3rd Grades visit the Kindergartens 11:30-1:30pm 11/20 Colonial Day Preview 7:00pm 11/21 4th Gr. Colonial Day 11/22 Civies Day 11/26 Pre School Thanksgiving Feast 11/26 Regular Dismissal for Thanksgiving 11/27-12/1 Thanksgiving Break
Reading Rocks!! Special thanks go to Doreen Griffin and Trisha Dalton for coordinating this year’s Book Fair. With a funfilled Kick-off Party on Sunday, November 10th and a vast selection for all ages, it is sure to be a huge hit. Many Lower School boys enjoyed designing their own bookmarks and are excited to see their artwork on display. We look forward to this special event that encourages us all to open a book and read! Pre and Lower School Parent Visiting Day is November 12th. We are pleased to invite parents to visit and join in a special learning experience with your son on Parent Visiting Day. Parents of First and Second Graders will enjoy a visit that incorporates homeroom time, a specials period and a visit to the Book Fair. In addition to time in the classroom and a visit to the Book Fair, Third and Fourth Grade parents are invited to a special parent education workshop. Enclosed you will find a schedule for each grade level. Pre School parents are invited to visit their son’s classroom in the afternoon from 1:30 to 2:30pm. We look forward to a wonderful day with parents in our midst. Please note, we ask that only one parent visit at a time. If you are unable to come and would like to send a close friend or family member in your place, feel free to do so.
Navigating Your Son’s Digital World: A Parent Education Workshop As mentioned above, Third and Fourth Grade Parents are invited for a special parent education opportunity coordinated by our Director of Student and Counseling Services, Leslie Andersen, and Pre and Lower School Technology Teacher, Tim Coupe. They will offer practical suggestions on how to address this topic, which can tend to be both intriguing and intimidating. Parents are invited to attend the morning of Parent Visiting Day on November 12th, at 8:20am, in the Lower School Dining Hall. On Thursday, November 14th, our Kindergarten boys will culminate their Night Time Study with a “Night Party.” Dressed in pajamas, the boys will come back to school at 5:30pm for pizza, stories, an outdoor search for their nocturnal animals and a family sing-a-long in the gym. The boys will be on their way home by 7pm. Lower School Colonial Day: Here Ye! Here Ye! On Thursday, November 21st, Lower School students can expect to take a step back in time as they visit Hingham, Massachusetts, circa 1764. Fourth Grade Parents are invited to a Preview Party on the evening of November 20th at 7pm. This time-honored tradition is a wonderful way for our students to learn history and transport us all back to Colonial times. Thanksgiving in the Pre School: In addition to bringing in food items for the Thanksgiving Food Drive, Pre School boys are being asked to practice an act of kindness to earn their food donation. The acts will be recorded on paper feathers they will receive from their teachers. The feathers will adorn a turkey in the Pre School Lobby as a reminder of how small acts of kindness can truly make a difference. We encourage all families to discuss the importance of thinking of others during this holiday season. Before dismissing for the Thanksgiving Break, the entire Pre School community of boys, teachers and staff will gather together to give thanks at a specially prepared Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday, November 26th. The boys will not need to pack a lunch on this day. This is a special time of the year to stop for a moment and appreciate all that we have to be thankful for. On behalf of all of us in the Pre and Lower Schools we wish you and your families warm wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!
President’s Letter November is the month our thoughts turn to what we are thankful for, and I am so very thankful to be part of the Brunswick community. I am grateful for our terrific faculty and staff, and for all our wonderful parent volunteers who strengthen our school every day. Homecoming weekend was another tremendous success this year, and the Bear Fair once again outdid itself! Congratulations to Megan Officer, Janine Braun and their many volunteers for creating an outstanding day for our community. Thank you to Margharet Nash and Beverly Floersheimer for organizing our first Parent Program lecture with author and CBS news correspondent Jim Axelrod. It was a thought provoking morning about what is truly important in life. Even after such a busy fall, there is still more to come - Book Fair, Family Skate Party, Bingo Night, and our Spring Benefit and Auction just to name a few - so much fun ahead! Happy Thanksgiving! Kimberlie Fett, President, Brunswick Parents Association Teacher Appreciation Congratulations to the October raffle winners: Kim Amussen, Brian Freeman, Lauren Gallagher, Lisa Lane, Steve Mandes, Thomas Nins, Anna Paternina, Katie Smith, and Krista Wynia. We were able to offer some very special items this month including tickets to the season premier of “A Midsummer Night's Dream” at the Metropolitan Opera House, and two separate visits to an Arizona condo during the upcoming holiday breaks at Thanksgiving and in December. We rely on your generosity to keep the Teacher Appreciation raffle going throughout the school year. Please mail gift cards to Kim Fulton, 13 Anthony Place, Riverside, Conn. 06878 or email her at Questions? Contact Kim Fulton ( or Barb Baxter ( Bearly Used Closet Thanks to all who donated to the Drive-By Clothing Drop in October and to those who have generously brought gently used things to the Bearly Used Closet. We now have some wonderful merchandise for your sons. The Closet is boasting a great selection of polo shirts, trousers, sweaters, blazers, as well as gym clothes and sports equipment. The Closet is located in the lower level of the Lower School lobby. Just pick up the key in the binder under the Lower School white board and stop in to stock up! Book Fair The fun gets underway on Sunday, November 10 from 2:00-5:00pm at the Kickoff Party with entertainment by “The Amazing Andy,” magician and juggler extraordinaire, as well as some wonderful guest authors. It continues Monday, November 11 all day from 8:00am to 4:00pm, and Tuesday, November 12 until noon (Parents’ Visiting Day for Pre and Lower School). Come shop the incredible selection of books Booktopia has to offer and get your holiday shopping done early! We will even have a complimentary gift-wrapping station at the Kickoff Party. Come early to the Kickoff Party so you don’t miss Rohan Das, ’14, rocking the Burke Field House on his electric guitar at 2:00pm. Please visit for the full program of events for the Kickoff Party, to volunteer, to donate to your son’s classroom or library, and/or to change the amount your son is authorized to spend at the Book Fair. Limited quantities of the Book Fair merchandise will be available for sale during Book Fair hours. For any questions, please contact co-chairs Doreen Griffin ( or Trisha Dalton ( PLEASE SAVE THE DATE FOR PRE SCHOOL AND LOWER SCHOOL SKATE NIGHT Join us on our new date of Saturday, January 11, 2014 from 3:00-5:30pm for our annual Skate Party. If you have any questions please contact Tammy Kiratsous ( or Kimberly Johnson ( Hope to see you there! BPA Fall Fundraiser Thank you to everyone who purchased a 'Wick towel, a cooler tote or ordered Innisbrook wrapping paper. Your contributions made our School's Ways and Means fundraiser a huge success! If you missed your chance to order, we have a very limited amount of towels and totes available for sale. Please contact Heather Anderson ( to order.
Assemblies Our first Pre School assembly will take place November 21, featuring The Dirtmeister with his performance of “Science Around the House.” As the name suggests, this show takes a wild and wacky look at some of the science that takes place in and around the home. Using some "Dirt Cheap" materials such as coffee cans, soda bottles, mixing bowls and even a toilet plunger, the boys will explore science behind gravity, air pressure and sound. All experiments are safe and the boys are encouraged to actually try them at home! On November 22, the Lower School welcomes Dovie Thomason: Stories of the First Nations. Dovie, who has had "a lifetime of listening and telling the traditional stories, both wise and mischievous, that are the cultural ‘heartsong’ of community values and memory," brings the "rich oral tradition of her Lakota and Plains Apache family" to this exciting performance. Mayfair - To the parents of all 5th and 6th graders Our first and second Mayfair classes, held on September 27 and October 18, were a huge success! We had a record number of participants in both the 5th and 6th grades. Barclays, our new dance instructors, continued to run the class smoothly. The 5th graders practiced looking others in the eye and giving a firm handshake, and how to escort their dance partner back to her seat after a dance. In addition, they had plenty of time to learn some new dance moves. The 6th grade class enjoyed sitting at tables and engaging in conversation with the girls. They learned the importance of standing when a girl comes over to join the table and how to get refreshments to bring to their dance partner. They also enjoyed lots of dancing, especially the Cha Cha. Great fun was had by all! We look forward to our next Mayfair dance on Friday, November 15. It is not too late to sign up! We still have spots available for 5th and 6th grade boys. Please contact Carol Henderson ( or Cate Nutting ( with any questions. Bear Fair Thank you to the entire Brunswick community for making Bear Fair such a fun and successful event! We really appreciate all of the volunteer efforts, merchandise orders, baked goods donations and attendance. We could not have done it without the outstanding parent and Middle School student volunteers who worked so hard to make it all happen, especially our committee chairs: Amusements: Vicki Morton Bake Sale: Maine Park, Lauren Saunders and Christina Kazazes Decorations Chairs: Linda Reals & Lisa Lejdstrom Live Games: Alyssa Keleshian Bonomo & Julia Gilbert Marketing & Communications: Ally Roach Middle School Volunteers: Anne-Marie Hesser and Cynthia Borcherding Parent Volunteers: Kristen Waldorf & Suzanne Cabot Prizes: Gretchen Bylow Small Prizes: Lara Rockman Big bear hugs go out to all our guest emcees for hosting such fun games for the children. We are grateful to Libby Edwards in Alumni Relations for her help coordinating Bear Fair with Alumni Homecoming Weekend, as well as to Wayne Lin for our website and Donna Miller for her assistance with ticket sales/billing. Meghan McCarthy also contributed greatly with her work on our communication pieces and Neil Minsky worked to organize all our MS volunteers. Additional thanks go to Katie Signer, Gina Hurd and Sarah Burdett for helping us coordinate all of our Bear Fair efforts. Of course, Bear Fair would not have been such a success without the support of Kimberlie Fett and the entire BPA. Finally, a huge round of applause goes to Chuck Redahan and his fabulous maintenance staff for their help before, during and after the event! Megan Officer & Janine Braun Middle School Athletics We would like to thank our amazing fall Team Parents who did an incredible job organizing the soccer, football and cross country teams: Meg Russell, Sheryl Sorbaro, Cosby George, Chrissy von Oiste, Linda Delgado, Tracy Grossman and Suzanne Peisch. You were all so helpful and Power Fraser was very grateful. Please email Sonnet McKinnon ( if you would like to be a team parent this winter. Go ‘Wick! Middle School Performing Arts Rehearsals for our Brunswick/GA Middle School fall musical production of "Alice in Wonderland" are well under way. This show is sure to be entertaining for all ages. Tickets will be available Monday, November 18 online through the Baker Theater Box Office. You will receive more information in the weekly email blast on how to purchase tickets. Performance dates for "Alice in Wonderland" will be Thursday, December 5 at 7:00pm and Friday, December 6 at 3:30pm. There will also be a dress rehearsal on Wednesday, December 4 at 5:30pm.
SAVE THE DATE FOR BINGO NIGHT 2014! Bingo Night will be held on Friday, February 7, 2014 from 5:30-7:00pm in the Burke Field House. It promises to be a fun-filled evening for Pre and Lower School families! Please contact Mia Newton ( or Dominique Crosby ( if you would like to volunteer. Upper School Athletics Many thanks to our Team Parents for the fall sports teams: Kate Sperry, Rhonda Beninati, Fiona Kingery, Evan Clark, Marie-France Kern, and Joey Schlank. If you would like to volunteer as a non-varsity team parent for winter or spring sports and help coordinate transportation, snacks, drinks and communications for our US teams, please email Susan Hartong ( and indicate the sport your son will be playing. Go 'Wick! Upper School Performing Arts The month of November kicks off with Brunswick's fall play, "The Real Inspector Hound," to be performed in the Baker Theater on Friday, November 1 at 7:00pm and Saturday, November 2 at both 2:00pm and 7:00pm. Under Seth Potter’s direction, students from Brunswick and GA interpret this wild comedy, which centers on a crazy murder mystery exploring the cycle of the rise and fall in the theater world. It is a one-act play appropriate for all ages. Tickets can be purchased in advance through Brunswick's website, or you can buy them at the box office. GA and Brunswick students will also present GA's fall play, "Little Women, the Musical,” on Friday, November 22 and Saturday, November 23. Dress rehearsal will be Thursday, November 21. All performances will be at 7:00pm in Greenwich Academy’s Massey Theatre. Tickets will be available for purchase on GA's website. This month wraps up with auditions for the Winter Upper School Musical, Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Phantom of the Opera," directed by Seth Potter, with musical direction by Alexander Constantine. We appreciate your support of the arts at Brunswick!
SAVE THE DATE! Brunswick’s Spring Benefit Light Up the Night Saturday, April 26, 2014 7pm
From Sue Das and Brian Coughlin, Lower School Student Council Advisors: Community Service in the Lower School: Lower School Student Council Elections will take place on Friday, November 8th. We have about 50 candidates participating in this year’s election. Each third and fourth grade boy running for office will deliver a speech to the entire Lower School student body. All candidates are asked to attend a meeting on Thursday, Nov. 7th at 7:45am to address any final questions. Please note that all boys who campaign for office will be invited to sit on the council. We commend them for their courage and wish all candidates the best of luck. Annual Lower School Food Drive: Beginning on Monday, November 18th, all Lower School boys will be invited to donate non-perishable goods for our Thanksgiving Food Drive. Please consider sharing canned or boxed goods from your pantry (no glass, please!) All items will be collected by The Lower Fairfield County Food Bank prior to our Thanksgiving break. We encourage all families to discuss the importance of thinking of others during this holiday season. From Neil Minsky, Director of Middle School Community Service: As we head into November, our 8th grade students have been active in their monthly sites, including Greenwich Adult Day Care (Berisso), Children’s Village in Dobb’s Ferry (Chioffi and Kennedy), United Cerebral Palsy of Westchester (Fischetti), and as featured in last month’s column, Sweet Readers (Landesman, Stephens, Williams, Withstandley). Our boys will visit these sites monthly and create a real connection with the people and programs in which they are involved. For boys in the 5th-7th grade, they have begun planning their advisory community service projects that will take place during the year. In addition, the month of November brings us our annual Thanksgiving Drive. Each homeroom will collect items for a specific family, allowing those less fortunate to have a hearty and memorable Thanksgiving dinner with loved ones. A few boys, along with members of the student council will have the opportunity to deliver the food baskets in Port Chester. More information about the Thanksgiving Drive will be given as we get closer to the event. Finally, a thank you goes out to all the boys (and parents!) that helped out at Bear Fair. The event cannot run smoothly without the Middle School boys manning their activities, and I am very appreciative of their efforts. From Johnny Montanez, Director of Upper School Community Service: The Thanksgiving Drive for Upper School will run from November 1st to November 22nd. Thanksgiving baskets will be delivered on Friday, November 22nd to Family Centers, Insprica, Pacific House, Thomas Edison School, as well as some anonymous recipients. Details will be given to the boys in the coming days. In keeping with the Thanksgiving tradition, the Third Annual Turkey Bowl will take place on Monday, November 25th on the back field on Maher Avenue. All Upper School students are welcome to sign-up to participate. November donations to the Neighbor to Neighbor food bank will be delivered on Monday, November 25th. Collection bins are located in the Upper School lobby. Thanks very much for your generous donations! I would like to give a special thank you to all of our Upper School students who participated in the 5K Waterside Scholarship Run last month. Their energy and support went a long way toward meeting Waterside’s goal. Looking ahead, our Christmas Drive will begin on Monday, Dec. 2nd through Wednesday, Dec. 18th. Details will follow in next month’s newsletter.
MIDDLE SCHOOL EXAM SCHEDULE – NOVEMBER 2013 Monday (November 18) will be a regular schedule, including sports. Friday (November 22) is NO SCHOOL for students unless they are making up an exam. FIFTH GRADE Tuesday, 11/19 Regular Classes Regular Dismissal 3:35 PM
SIXTH GRADE Tuesday, 11/19 Regular Classes for Exam Review Regular Dismissal 3:35 PM
SEVENTH GRADE Tuesday, 11/19 Regular Classes for Exam Review Review Sessions/Study Hall Regular Dismissal 3:35
EIGHTH GRADE Tuesday, 11/19 Regular Classes for Exam Review Review Sessions/Study Hall Regular Dismissal 3:35
Wednesday, 11/20 Regular Classes Lunch at 12:25 Regular Dismissal 3:35 PM
Thursday, 11/21 Regular Classes 8:05 – 11:20 Lunch 11:40 Math 12:00 – 12:40 Homeroom 12:45 – 12:55 Dismissal 1:00
Wednesday, 11/20 Homeroom 8:05 ENGLISH EXAM 8:20 – 9:50 Sports 10:00 – 11:15 Rest of Day as Usual Regular Dismissal 3:35 PM
Thursday, 11/21 Homeroom 8:05 MATH EXAM 8:20 – 9:50 Sports 10:00 – 11:15 Lunch/Recess 11:20 – 12:00 6th Period 12:05 – 12:45 Homeroom 12:45 – 12:55 Dismissal 1:00
Wednesday, 11/20 Homeroom 8:05 ENGLISH EXAM 8:20 – 9:50 Break 9:55 – 10:15 3rd Period 10:20 – 10:45 4th Period 10:50 – 11:15 Lunch/Recess 11:20 – 12:00 Periods 6 & 7 at Regular Times Advisory 1:35 – 2:00 Review Sessions/Study Hall
Thursday, 11/21 Homeroom 8:05 SCIENCE EXAM 8:20 – 9:50 Break 9:55 – 10:15 MATH EXAM 10:20 – 11:50 Lunch/Recess 11:55 – 12:45 Homeroom 12:45 – 12:55 Dismissal 1:00
Wednesday, 11/20 Homeroom 8:05 HISTORY EXAM 8:20 – 9:50 Break 9:55 – 10:15 ENGLISH EXAM 10:20 – 11:50 Lunch/Recess 11:55 – 12:45 7th Period 12:50 – 1:30 Advisory 1:35 – 2:00 Review Sessions/Study Hall
Thursday, 11/21 Homeroom 8:05 MATH EXAM 8:20 – 9:50 Break 9:55 – 10:15 LANGUAGE EXAM 10:20 – 11:50 Recess/Lunch 11:55 – 12:45 Homeroom 12:45 – 12:55 Dismissal 1:00
NOTE: There will be no town bus service at 1:00 PM on Thursday, November 21st. There will be supervision until 3:35 PM if your son must wait for the bus.
8:15 – 9:10
8:20 – 9:20
Parent Education Program*
9:10 -‐ 9:40
Book Fair
9:30 – 9:40
9:50 – 10:30
Phys. Ed.
9:40 – 10:10
Book Fair
10:40 – 11:00
10:10 – 11:00
8:15 – 8:30
8:20 – 9:20
Parent Education Program*
8:30 – 9:00
Book Fair
9:30 – 10:30
9:00 – 10:00
10:30 – 11:00
Book Fair
10:00 – 10:40
Art (2W/M)
*Navigating Your Son’s Digital World: Third and Fourth Grade Parents are invited to attend a Parent Education workshop led by Tim Coupe, our Pre and Lower School Technology Specialist, and Leslie Andersen, our Director of Family and Student Services, in the LS Dining Hall.
Library (2M/B) Science (2W/D) 10:40 – 11:00
1:30 – 2:30
A SPECIAL NOTICE FROM BRUNSWICK SCHOOL On October 30, 1987 the Federal Government enacted legislation for application through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), entitled through the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). The law requires all elementary and secondary schools, both public and private, to conduct inspections to determine the location of asbestos containing materials and subsequently, to develop a management plan to ensure proper maintenance of these materials. This legislation requires, moreover, that students’ parents and teachers be apprised of the results of such inspections. This notice is provided to comply with that requirement. In consultation with a state certified contractor, the Brunswick School has submitted the required asbestos survey report and management plan to the State Department of Public Health. As required the management plan will be available for public inspection during normal school hours in the Main Office.
A SPECIAL NOTICE FROM BRUNSWICK SCHOOL On October 30, 1987 the Federal Government enacted legislation for application through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), entitled through the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). The law requires all elementary and secondary schools, both public and private, to conduct inspections to determine the location of asbestos containing materials and subsequently, to develop a management plan to ensure proper maintenance of these materials. This legislation requires, moreover, that students’ parents and teachers be apprised of the results of such inspections. This notice is provided to comply with that requirement. In consultation with a state certified contractor, the Brunswick School has submitted the required asbestos survey report and management plan to the State Department of Public Health. As required the management plan will be available for public inspection during normal school hours in the Main Office.
Brunswick School 100 Maher Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 ď Ą 1252 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 (203) 625-5800
November 2013 Sun
F ri
2 *End of 1st Quarter (US) *Fall Play Baker Theater, 7pm
*PS/LS Conference Day NO SCHOOL for PS/LS
6 *BPA Meeting Maher Avenue, 10am *Phone-a-thon
*SATs at BWK King Street, 8am *Fall Play Baker Theater, 2 & 7pm
*BWK FCD Night 7pm
*US FCD Week
*Book Fair Preview Party 2pm *LS/MS Admission Reception, 1-3pm
12 Book Fair 8am-4pm
13 *Book Fair, 8-12pm *LS Parent Visiting Day, 8:30-11am *PS Parent Visiting Day, 1:30-2:30pm
*MS 1st Trimester Exams *Colonial Day Preview, 7pm
26 *5th Gr trip to Wolf Conservation Center *Regular Dismissal for Thanksgiving (US Dismissal at 2:00pm)
*MS End of 1st Trimester *Mayfair at PS
MS Parent Workshop Camuto Auditorium, 7pm
*MS 1st Trimester Exams *Colonial Day *MS Dismissal 1pm *Varsity Team Dinners
*MS Faculty Grading / Exam Re-take Day NO SCHOOL for MS
29 Thanksgiving Day