September 2013 Parents Newsletter

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Summer (and the break it presents) provides our boys and their teachers with the opportunity to unwind, try new things, contemplate the past year at a comfortable distance and then consider what new and different interests, attitudes and relationships they aspire to for the year ahead. In fact, more than almost any other aspect of modern life, the school calendar still provides a clear beginning and a clear ending with time to reflect in between. As we look to begin our next school year and face with joy the fresh start that this beginning offers us all, most parents will no doubt take a moment or two to consider some reasonable (and occasionally a few unreasonable) goals for our children during the school year to come. Yet, while in no way wishing to imply that setting goals for our sons is unimportant, in the next few paragraphs I would like instead to ask you to consider our own goals as parents as we head into a new school year. I am certain in the knowledge that each successful Brunswick School year is more often than not accompanied by a loving, supportive, informed and judicious parent relationship at home. As often as we might talk about things that Brunswick does and should do for our boys and as often as we ask for and expect the best from our sons, it is probably all too rare that we pause as parents and think of what we can and should do to make our boys’ experience at Brunswick School as fulfilling and worthwhile as possible. With that as introduction, here are a few possible goals for the upcoming year: • Carefully read and review all Brunswick School emails/mailings regarding your son. o Report Cards and Comments o Monthly Mailings for each division o Letters regarding field trips o Notices of special events and meetings …doing so keeps you informed of your son’s progress as well as keeps you abreast of any upcoming commitments with which he might be involved. • Make every possible effort to attend Curriculum Nights and/or teacher conferences for your son(s). o Endeavor to get to know your son’s teachers, advisor and coaches and their expectations for him. …schools such as ours are largely about relationships. Getting to know those adults who interact with your son on a daily basis will help you guide him as he journeys through school and will also help you better understand and appreciate all those whose job it is to help him on that journey. • Make every possible effort to attend a reasonable sampling of events in which your son is involved. o Games o Plays o Performances …doing so allows you to see your son’s talent(s) in areas other than that which can be demonstrated by a simple grade on a report card. Needless to say, your presence at such events is also a much valued and tangible sign of love and support for your son and his efforts. • Support the School, its faculty and its policies. o In the event you ever have a question or concern, contact the School immediately to further explore any areas of confusion and/or disagreement. …as some valuable lessons in life can also be challenging, immediate gratification is not usually the best way to weigh the merit of a given experience for your son. Your support of the School and his resulting sense that there exists a united front of commitment to and expectation for his development will go a long way toward directing his energies in the most positive direction possible. • Finally, although so much of what I have listed above is about involvement, as your son grows older always be aware that he is leading his life, not an extension of your own. o The more that he can learn to do and handle on his own the better served he will ultimately be. …your being aware of and interested in all things regarding his progress in school and in life is normal and encouraged. Try to be there when he needs you but also try to enable him to handle as much as he can on his own. Independence rather than dependence is our collective goal for all our boys. Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year at Brunswick!


Upper school

From The Upper School Office: We hope our students, our faculty and our parents alike are enjoying these last few days of summer! In the Upper School, we have spent the summer preparing for the exciting and rewarding year to come and cannot wait to have these buildings filled with students yet again. Some details for the first month of School: Attendance: It is your son’s responsibility to be at school each morning no later than 7:45am. Any arrival after that will be marked as a “late” and both “lates” as well as “absences” will be noted on each student’s report card and transcript. In the event that a student must miss school for any reason, a parent or guardian must call the Upper School office on his behalf prior to 8:00am (203.625.5856). Students who are absent more than 4 days in a given Quarter will automatically receive an “incomplete” for that grading period. Handbook: The Brunswick Handbook was significantly revised and updated this summer and contains essential guidelines for the effective governance of the School as well as details regarding academic expectations, student services and student behavior. It is essential that its contents (pertaining to the Upper School) be read by both students and parents alike. Handbook’s were mailed home in August and extra copies will be available for pick-up at all Upper School Class coffees; please feel free to give our office a call should you develop any questions while reviewing its contents.

Dates to Remember in September: 8/23-25 Senior Peer Retreat 8/30 New Student Orientation 9/3 Opening Day 9/5 Rosh Hashanah 9/6 Class Trips 9/10 School Picture Day Gr. 9 Class Coffee (PS Gym) 9/11 Gr. 10 Class Coffee (PS Gym) 9/12 Annual Dinner King Street 9/16 Gr. 11 Class Coffee (PS Gym) 9/17 Gr. 12 Class Coffee (PS Gym)

8:30-2:00pm NO SCHOOL 10:00am 10:00am 7pm 10:00am 10:00am

Senior Peer Retreat: Senior Peers from both Brunswick as well as Greenwich Academy will start their year off with an educational retreat beginning Friday, August 23rd and running through Sunday, August 25th. Stephen Duennebier and Brian Shepard (organizers of the Peer Program) will be contacting all Senior Peers in this regard. New Student Orientation will be held on the morning of Friday, August 30th. All Freshmen, new as well as returning, are invited to arrive at Greenwich Academy at 8:30am for a day-long orientation and tour of both campuses. Freshmen should be picked-up at Greenwich Academy at 2:00pm. New students in other Upper School grades should be dropped off at Brunswick at 11:00am for an orientation period that will conclude with a 12:00pm pick-up at Greenwich Academy.

Opening Day of School will be on Tuesday, September 3rd. All Upper School students should arrive at the King Street Campus (Sampson Field House) before 7:45am for first day welcomes, introductions and announcements. Underclassmen will be shuttled to Maher Avenue for classes following the opening ceremonies; Seniors (with permission on file) will be permitted to drive themselves. Rosh Hashanah: In observance of Rosh Hashanah, there will be no school on Thursday, September 5th. School will resume on Friday, September 6th for Class trips. Opening Week Trips: The first Friday of the year (September 6th) will see each Upper School class embarking upon various trips that will serve to introduce them to their advisors and to each other while at the same time allowing for a relaxed and purposeful introduction and the exciting year ahead. You should have already received a detailed letter from your son’s Grade Dean regarding his trip. Please remember to sign the “blanket” permission form and return it to school prior to September 6th. Annual Dinner: Please join fellow parents as well as faculty for our Annual Dinner in the Burke Field House at King Street on Thursday, September 12th beginning at 7pm. Every effort will be made to seat you with either your son’s advisor or one of his teachers and we certainly hope to see you then! Please return RSVP cards by September 4th to ensure seating. Class Coffees: As in past years, we would like to invite parents to join us for an informal gathering to discuss issues specific to each class as follows: Freshmen Pre School Gym (Maple Avenue), Tuesday, Sept. 10th at 10:00am Sophomores Pre School Gym (Maple Avenue), Wednesday, Sept. 11th at 10:00am Juniors Pre School Gym (Maple Avenue), Monday, Sept. 16th at 10:00am Seniors Pre School Gym (Maple Avenue), Tuesday, Sept. 17th at 10:00am

• •

COLLEGE CORNER Seniors should remember to register for the October SATI/SATII date ASAP. To do so visit online. Meetings with any Seniors considering ED/EA applications will begin Monday, September 9th. Meetings with all Seniors applying regularly will begin shortly thereafter.


MIDDLE school

From Sarah Burdett: While the summer months in the Middle School building have been busy with summer courses, pool construction, and a new roof, the energy is never the same without our students, and we are looking forward to another energetic and enthusiastic start to a new school year. Below please find dates and times of important September events for both students and parents. We hope that all Middle School families enjoyed summers filled with rejuvenation, reading, and adventure. Welcome back! New Student Orientation: All Middle School students who are new to Brunswick are invited to an orientation program on Friday, August 30th from 8:30-9:30am. The boys will meet their teachers and advisors, walk through their schedules, and have a chance to meet some of the other boys in the Middle School. Opening Day: School officially begins on Tuesday, September 3rd at 8:00am. Please note that on this day we are beginning five minutes early to allow boys to check the homeroom lists in the Middle School lobby and check in with their new advisors before heading to the gym for the All School Assembly. Boys should be in dress code with their blue school ties for opening day. If your son misplaced his school tie, please purchase a new one in the Dates to Remember: MS Bookstore before opening day. If your son is entering 5th 8/30 New Student Orientation 8:30-9:30am Grade or is new to Brunswick, he will receive his tie in 9/3 SCHOOL OPENS 8:00am homeroom on the first day. 9/5 Rosh Hashanah No School 9/6 9/9 9/10 9/11 9/12 9/12 9/13 9/17 9/20 9/24 9/27 10/2

8th Grade Wickends 5th Grade Class Coffee School Pictures 6th Grade Class Coffee New Parent Reception Annual Dinner 7th Grade Class Coffee 8th Grade Class Coffee 7th Grade Wickends MS Field Trips Mayfair MS Curriculum Night

8:15am 8:15am 6:00pm 7pm 8:15am 8:15am


School Hours: Beginning Wednesday, September 4th our regular daily schedule will begin at 8:05am and end at 3:35pm Mondays through Thursdays. Dismissal on Fridays is at 1:00pm. Brunswick Shuttle: Reminders for all students who have signed up to take the Brunswick Shuttle: Middle School boys should arrive at 7:20am at the Maher Avenue parking lot and the bus should depart at 7:30am. After dismissal, the Middle School shuttle will depart from the Edwards Campus at 3:45pm and arrive at Maher Ave. between 4:00 and 4:15pm. Boys must be picked up promptly because the US building

closes for security reasons and there will not be faculty supervision. Attendance: If your son is ill, please contact Ginny Martin, our school nurse, in her office or leave a voice mail message prior to 8:15am. Ginny’s direct line is (203) 485-3671. Class Coffees: Please join us for our Class Coffees. These occasions provide parents with a great opportunity to become better acquainted with each other and to learn about the Middle School program. See “Dates to Remember” box for the schedule. Field Trips: If you haven’t yet done so, please send in the permission forms for our fall field trips. Middle School field trips will be on Tuesday, September 24th so please return the forms by Friday, September 6th. School Pictures: On Tuesday, September 10th, all students will have their photographs taken. Please make sure boys are dressed for the occasion. Advisors will give them their school ties that morning. New Parent Reception: All new parents are invited to a New Parent Reception on Thursday, September 12th at 6:00pm in the Lower School Dining Hall. This event will take place immediately before our Annual Dinner at 7pm. Annual Dinner: Our Annual Dinner will be held on Thursday, September 12th at 7pm in the Burke Field House. Please join us to spend the evening with other parents and faculty. Please return RSVP cards by September 4th to ensure seating. Sports Schedules: Please remember that the athletic schedule sometimes changes due to weather. Please use our Sports Information Hotline – (203) 485-3650 - to get up to the minute information on athletic schedules and for game confirmation or cancellations of games due to weather.



LOWER school


From Katie Signer and Gina Hurd: While the long days of summer certainly allowed for relaxation and rejuvenation, we are now looking forward to the return of fall. Undoubtedly, we have all enjoyed the slower pace of summer, but there is no denying the fact that we miss the rhythm and routine that fall offers. We also miss the boys! We are eagerly awaiting the first day of school to reconnect with familiar faces and welcome our new students and families as well. This year is sure to be a great one! Please note the important dates and details for Pre and Lower School below. After reviewing them, please do not hesitate to call the appropriate division if you have any questions. New Student Orientations: Pre and Lower School Visiting Day is Friday, August 30th. Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten visits begin at 9:30am at the Pre School. Pre Kindergarten will have their Welcome Party at 10:30am on the Pre School playground. All new Lower School students, including all First Graders, are invited to come visit their classrooms and meet their teachers any time between 11am and 12 noon at the Lower School. In addition, new First Grade students and their host families are invited to a welcome celebration immediately following on the Lower School playground. Medical and Emergency Forms: If you have not yet returned your medical and emergency forms, we urge you to send them in as soon as possible. Our Pre and Lower School Nurses, Cheryl Renn and Ginny Martin, will be on hand the week before school begins to receive medications or answer any questions you might have. Dates to Remember in September: 8/30 Pre School Visiting Day 9:30-10:30am Summer Work Packets: Boys entering First, Second, Third and 8/30 Pre Kindergarten Welcome Party 10:30-11:30am Fourth Grades were responsible for assigned summer work in 8/30 LS New Student Visiting Day 11:00-12:00pm reading, writing and math. Please make sure your son comes with 9/3 OPENING DAY his completed summer packet on the first day of school. 9/5 NO SCHOOL – Rosh Hashanah 9/6 Kindergarten Class Coffee 10:00am Abbreviated Schedules: To ensure a smooth transition from 9/6 Kindergarten Welcome Party 11:45-1:00pm summer to school days, Pre Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First 9/9 Pre Kindergarten Class Coffee 10:00am Grade will follow an abbreviated schedule from September 3rd 9/10 School Picture Day through September 10th. Please be sure to refer to the schedule that 9/10 1st Grade Class Coffee 8:15am was enclosed in the August mailing. 9/12 2nd Grade Class Coffee 8:15am 9/12 New Parent Reception 6:00pm Class Coffees: By now, you should have received an invitation for 9/12 Annual Dinner 7:00pm your son’s grade level coffee. At this meeting, we will take time to 9/16 Encore Begins/Cubs Begins share some important details of your son’s academic year and you 9/16 3rd Grade Class Coffee 8:15am will also hear from one of our special subject teachers. 9/18 4th Grade Class Coffee 8:15am Representatives from the BPA will share information about the 9/26 4th Gr. trip to Sturbridge Village 7:00-3:30pm year’s activities and invite your participation in many. Please come 9/27 Civies Day with your calendar as it is a wonderful opportunity to sign up for 9/27 3M/P Presentation 8:25am special events and take note of important dates to remember. After School Offerings: A list of Lower School Encore offerings was enclosed in our August mailing and can be found on the School website. If you would like your son to participate and have not yet submitted a sign-up form, please make sure to return it by Wednesday, September 4th to the Lower School Office. Spots fill quickly and our Encore Coordinators will be working hard to accommodate each family’s requests and needs to the best of their ability. All Clubs, as well as Pre K Cubs, will begin the week of September 16th. School Photos: Individual and class photographs are scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th. Please make sure your son comes to school neatly dressed. Lower School boys are to be in full uniform. Brown sweaters are required. King Street Bookstore Hours: The bookstore will be open throughout the school year on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30am to 2:30pm. On Wednesdays it will remain open from 10:30am to 4:00pm. The store will not be open on Fridays. Parking Lot Guidelines: With pool construction well underway on the King Street campus, we ask that all drivers carefully review the parking lot guidelines and pay close attention to the traffic flow. With an extra eye on safety and an added dose of patience, we should be able to navigate the process smoothly. Thank you in advance for working with us. As always, good communication between home and school is a vital ingredient for a happy and successful year. Please do not hesitate to call over the course of the year if we can assist you or your son in any way. Here’s to a wonderful school year!



President’s Letter Welcome to the 2013-2013 school year! The Brunswick Parents Association extends a warm welcome to all our new families and their sons. Over the summer the BPA was hard at work planning for the upcoming school year and we look forward to seeing everyone at the September Class Coffees and sharing our plans with you. For both new and returning families, the Class Coffees are an important introduction to the BPA's many activities. We encourage you to participate in as many events as possible. The purpose of the BPA is to enrich the lives of our boys and strengthen our school community through educational projects and social events. We hope you will consider joining the BPA by returning the Dues and Contributions form that you received in your summer mailing. It can also be found on our School’s website. Your support helps fund student assemblies, athletics and the arts, parent lectures, teacher appreciation events and much more. Many thanks, and once again, welcome back! Kimberlie Fett, President, Brunswick Parents Association Join the BPA! Please join the BPA by paying your dues using the Dues and Contributions form you received in our summer mailing. Annual dues are $30 per family. Your tax-deductible dues, teacher appreciation donations and additional contributions fund many enriching programs and are greatly appreciated. Dues can be paid by check or bookstore charge. Please contact Vicki Morton ( if you have questions or need another copy of the form. Teacher Appreciation Our committee conducts a monthly raffle drawing for faculty throughout the school year. We need your help to have a supply of items to give away. Please consider donating gift cards to local stores, restaurants and theaters. If you would rather not shop, you can make a donation for Teacher Appreciation to the BPA and we will do the shopping for you. If you have any sporting event tickets or theater tickets that you will not be able to use, you can let us know and we can raffle those as well. Please mail gift cards to: Kim Fulton, 13 Anthony Place, Riverside, CT, 06878 Questions? Contact Kim Fulton ( or Barb Baxter ( Bearly Used Closet The Bearly Used Closet opens on Thursday, August 29 and has everything your son needs for school and fall sports at bargain prices. Come get your shorts, khakis, sweaters, shirts, gym clothes, and athletic equipment. Located on the ground floor of the Lower School, the Closet is open any time school is open. Sign in and follow the directions in the binder. Purchases are charged to your school account and support BPA projects. We welcome your donations too, just drop off in the "drop-off" bin in the closet. Contact Linda Reals ( or Maine Park ( for more information. Bear Fair – Saturday, October 26 Come join us and celebrate this fun-filled Brunswick tradition on October 26 from 10am-3pm at the Burke Field House. Tickets and Bracelets are available online at, through Friday Folders, and on the day of the event. Prepay to avoid lines! Merchandise - Wondering what to wear to Bear Fair? Check out the stylish new custom WCK jerseys and socks available at Parents – Bear Fair can't happen without you! If you'd like to volunteer for a shift (9:45-11:45am, 11:30am-1:30pm or 1:15-3:15pm), you can sign up online at or contact Suzanne Cabot ( or Kristen Von Summer Waldorf ( Middle School Boys - Looking for community service credit? We need you to run the games! Middle School volunteers please sign up online at or contact Anne Marie Hesser ( or Cynthia Borcherding ( Bake Sale - Please consider making a Bake Sale donation! Sign up online at Baked goods will be collected at drop-off the day before Bear Fair (October 25). Please contact Maine Park - MS (, Christina Kazazes - LS ( or Lauren Saunders - PS ( General Bear Fair questions? Contact Megan Officer ( or Janine Braun ( See you on the 26 of October!! Annual Dinner This year’s Annual Dinner will take place on Thursday, September 12 at 7:00pm. At this event for the entire parent body, the Headmaster and Chairman of the Board will speak about the state of the School. Parents will be seated by grade with their teachers or advisors. To secure a spot, please be sure to send in your RSVP card that was mailed with the invitation. All new families are invited to the New Parent Reception prior to the Annual Dinner at 6:00pm in the Lower School Dining Hall.



The BPA is pleased to announce its fall fundraiser! Support the BPA with these new and original 'Wick items. Supplies are limited so order early! The ultimate carry-all for food and drinks...the original Brunswick Cooler Tote! - water-resistant interior and exterior with five pockets for extra storage; - fully insulated inside compartment with plenty of room for food and drink items; - all materials used exceed federal and state safety regulations, so safe for food storage; - perfect for the beach, sporting events, or long trips in the car; - $38 each Dry off at the pool or the beach with your very own monogrammed 'Wick beach towel! - soft cotton terry cloth - chocolate brown and white cabana stripe - washes and wears beautifully for years of fun in the sun! - $30 each Book Fair Join us for this year’s book fair, Reading Rocks! The fun gets underway on Sunday, November 10 from 2-5pm at the Kickoff Party with entertainment by “The Amazing Andy,” magician and juggler extraordinaire, as well as guest authors. It continues all day on Monday, November 11, and ends Tuesday, November 12, at noon. The Book Fair will be held at the Burke Field House on the King Street campus. For any questions or to volunteer, please contact co-chairs Doreen Griffin ( or Trisha Dalton ( 2012-2013 Upper School Athletics We are looking for team parents to coordinate transportation, snacks, drinks and communications for non-varsity Upper School teams. Please contact Susan Hartong ( if you are interested in helping. Thank you for volunteering! 2012-2013 Middle School Athletics We are looking for team parents to coordinate transportation, snacks, drinks, and communications for the 7th and 8th Middle School teams. Please contact Sonnet McKinnon ( if you are interested in helping. Thank you for volunteering! ‘Wickends – To the parents of all 7th and 8th graders 7th Graders: Mark your calendars for some fun 7th Grade ‘Wickend events! On Friday, September 20 from 7-9pm, there will be a dance party featuring DJ Bronfman. On Saturday, January 11, we are bringing back the ever-popular sport and skate party. Finally, on Friday, April 4, we will replay our fabulous game and dance night. Any questions please contact Gail Reynolds ( 8th Graders: We have similar and fun 8th Grade ‘Wickend events as well! Get excited the first week of school because on Friday, September 6 from 7-9pm, there will be a dance party featuring last year's DJ Bronfman! Saturday, January 11, will be the ever-popular sport and skate party. Finally on Friday, April 4, we are bringing back the game and dance night to 8th grade. Any questions please contact Stephanie Hoover ( Mayfair - To the parents of all 5th and 6th graders Don't miss out on the Mayfair dances for your 5th or 6th grader! The program was completely re-designed last year and was a big hit with both the children and the parents. Mayfair is a series of dance classes in which 5th and 6th grade boys and girls (both Greenwich Academy and The Convent of the Sacred Heart) are taught ballroom and popular dancing, as well as social etiquette. During more formal classes, the students learn traditional dances such as the Waltz, Foxtrot and Cha-Cha. Other classes will include some Rock-n-Roll and line dances with current music. The 6th grade will have a series of theme nights (no costumes) where they will have seating at tables with refreshments. The series provides a wonderful way for the children to interact socially as well as to continue to develop confidence and learn more advanced dancing, table manners and other aspects of social etiquette. Instruction for both grades is provided by The Barclay Classes. Classes will be held in the Pre School Gym on the following Fridays: September 27, October 18, November 15, December 6, January 24, February 21, March 7, and April 11, with a make-up date (if needed) of May 9. The 5th grade meets from 4:30-5:45pm and the 6th Grade meets from 6:15-7:30pm. Please contact Carol Henderson ( or Cate Nutting ( if you have any questions, or if your son did not receive an invitation in the mail. Brunswick Benefit: Light Up the Night! Save the Date for the 2014 Brunswick Benefit! Saturday, April 26, 2014 will be a fun evening not to be missed! Plans are already underway and we would love help from anyone interested in volunteering. If you want to help us “Light Up The Night,” please email Mary Jones (, Juliana Belcastro ( or Kim Augustine ( We will have a kick-off meeting in October, so stay tuned for details to follow! The proceeds from the Benefit will go directly to the S.T.E.M. Endowment Fund.



Assemblies Exciting assemblies are lined up for the 2013-2014 school year! In early October, the Lower School welcomes national author and awardwinning professional underwater photographer Michael Patrick O'Neill. This author/photographer visit is designed to encourage kids to read and become involved in science and conservation through a photo slide show and discussion focusing on ocean exploration, marine biology, photography and the writing process. The Lower School has purchased Michael Patrick O'Neill's seven books collection. Parents, teachers and students are welcomed to preview the books before his upcoming visit. The author's collection will also be available to the students for purchase and personalization, as well. The Lower School is also excited to have creative writing consultant Donato J. D'Albis who will provide a writer's workshop for students. D'Albis, who has a master of fine arts from Yale University and taught dramatic writing at New York University, says his purpose is "to get students excited about writing." The Middle School looks forward to a performance by Kathryn Woods portraying Sojourner Truth. The productions is adapted from Truth’s famous speech delivered in 1851 at the Woman's Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio entitled "Ain't I A Woman?" as she experiences hardships as a slave and a mother who has no control of the future of her children and eventually her work as one of the leading abolitionists. Finally, in November the Pre School welcomes The Dirtmeister, who will demonstrate how science is everywhere in our homes. Be sure to ask your boys about these wonderful programs! Upper School Performing Arts The Upper School offers several extraordinary opportunities for our sons to participate in the performing arts: On Stage or Backstage: Three plays are performed in Baker Theater each year, in November, March (the winter musical) and May. GA also produces a play in the fall. Seth Potter has scheduled auditions for the fall play (Tom Stoppard's “The Real Inspector Hound”) for September 9 and 10. “Phantom of the Opera” is going to be the winter musical with auditions in November. All students are welcome to audition or be a part of the technical side of the shows. Any student or parent with additional questions can contact Seth ( Singing: Mr. Constantine’s two a cappella groups perform throughout the year at concerts and special events. Opportunities include "The Mahertians" (a coed ensemble) and "The MOB" (Men of Brunswick-boys only). If your son did not have a chance to meet with Mr. Constantine to audition for a cappella this fall, please have him email Mr. Constantine ( and he will set up an audition time at the beginning of the school year. Instruments: Mr. Raaen’s award-winning big band, the Blue Notes, and Mr. Kirsch’s Improv program offer
the chance to perform in three major concerts during the year. Questions? Please contact Kelly Albano ( Middle School Performing Arts What could be more special than being at a tea party whose guest list includes the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the White Rabbit and a curious girl named Alice? Why, being a part of the cast of “Alice In Wonderland,” the fall Brunswick/GA musical! Auditions for this “Wonderland” production will take place in September (date to be announced). Your son won’t want to miss the opportunity to play one of the many colorful characters that have been part of the charm of this beloved Disney musical for decades.The show dates are: Thursday, December 5 at 7:00pm and Friday, December 6 at 3:30pm. Both performances will take place at the beautiful Baker Theatrer and the production will be directed by Mr. Constantine. ‘Wick Walk Run Join the fun and volunteer for Brunswick's all-school annual event! This year our low-key, fun run/walk race will be held in May 10, 2014 at our King Street campus. For more information and to volunteer please contact Jeanie Wahl ( or Darrelle O'Connor ( Bear Hugs Bear Hugs is a wonderful way to provide support to current Brunswick parents, faculty and staff during difficult life-changing events by assisting with meals, carpools, etc. If you would like to help, please contact Carolyn Wiener ( to be put on the volunteer list. Parent Programs – Monday, October 7 We are pleased to announce our first parent program of the year. Jim Axelrod, National correspondent for CBS News, former Chief White House correspondent and author of In The Long Run: A Father, a Son and Unintentional Lessons in Happiness, will discuss his high-powered life and the journey that ultimately taught him to be happy in his own skin. Jim will take us through his journey of self-discovery, discussing the personal costs paid when ambition and talent are not enough to ensure success. Monday, October 7, Brunswick School Baker Theater at the Maher Avenue campus • 8:00am: Coffee • 8:30-9:30am: Presentation • 9:30am: Book Signing This talk is the first in a series of Parent Programs for the GA and ‘Wick communities. There is no charge to attend.

Brunswick School 100 Maher Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830  1252 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 (203) 625-5800

September 2013 Sun





F ri









Labor Day



10 *5th Grade Class Coffee, 8:15am *PK Class Coffee, 10am


16 *3rd Grade Class Coffee, 8:15am *11th Grade Class Coffee, 10am




*School Picture Day *1st Grade Class Coffee, 8:15am *9th Grade Class Coffee, 10am



*6th Grade Class Coffee, 8:15am *10th Grade Class Coffee, 10am




*2nd Grade Class Coffee, 8:15am *New Parent Reception, 6pm


7th Grade Class Coffee, 8:15am

Yom Kippur

*Annual Dinner 7pm


*8th Grade Class Coffee, 8:15am *12th Grade Class Coffee, 10am


20 GA Annual Dinner, 7pm

4th Grade Class Coffee, 8:15am

25 Gr. 5-8 Class Trips


Rosh Hashanah NO SCHOOL


*K Class Coffee 10am *US Class Trips *’Wickends Gr 8 Dance, 7-9pm



‘Wickends Gr 7 Dance, 7-9pm

27 Gr. 4 Trip to Sturbridge Village, 7am-3:30pm

28 Mayfair 4:30pm—5th Grade 6:15pm—6th Grade

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