April 2014, Parents Newsletter

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APRIL 2014


MONTHLY MAILING Good for Good’s Sake Early this year, Brunswick School’s Board of Trustees made a decision that is sure to significantly and positively change the lives of hundreds of young people over the years to come. Given that Brunswick’s implicit purpose is to change the lives of our students for the better, a statement like the one above should not seem too terribly surprising. What is surprising is that the lives that our Board decided to change are led by students and families that, up to this point, have had absolutely nothing to do with Brunswick School. As I said to our Board when I first presented the concept, Brunswick is undertaking a cause which will do “good for good’s sake.” Specifically, Brunswick School has agreed to join the National Consortium of The Horizons Program. To quote from their literature, “Horizons seeks to help children of limited financial means find success in school and to set high goals for themselves including high school graduation. Horizons is committed to the development of the whole child through experiences that enhance confidence, foster awareness of community responsibility, build problem solving skills and encourage a life-long interest in learning.” Founded in 1963, The Horizons Program uses the facilities of high-level Independent Schools across the country during the summer months and on weekends during the school year. Classes are offered to local (in our case Greenwich) Public School students who are identified by their schools as needing the greatest level of academic and financial support. In Brunswick’s Horizon Program, classes will be taught by a mix of Brunswick as well as local, public school teachers and supporting roles will be offered to a select group of our own Upper School students. For the summer of 2014, we will offer two classes of 15 boys each in Kindergarten and 1st Grade running from June 30th through August 8th. The program will be managed on a daily basis by Brunswick’s own Marianne Ho-Barnum and will be overseen by a newly created Horizons at Brunswick Board of Trustees under the capable leadership of current Brunswick parent, Maryellen Feeley. All costs associated with the program are privately funded on an annual basis through fundraising that is separate from any fundraising efforts of Brunswick School. The Horizons Program is large and growing. Last year, 2,500 students participated in the Horizons Program in 34 states and on 33 Independent School or college campuses and Brunswick School is honored to have been selected as its newest affiliate school. It is no understatement to say that the proven results of the Horizons Program are astounding: - Horizons students gain an average of 3 months in reading and math skills over the summer. - Horizons students have a 94% average daily attendance rate and an 84% year-to-year retention. Most critical of all is the immediate need that the Horizons at Brunswick program will address. Currently: - Connecticut has the largest achievement gap for public school students in the entire country. - The Town of Greenwich has one of the largest achievement gaps in the state. - The two local public schools we will be partnering in this effort (Hamilton Avenue and New Lebanon) have over 50% of their students eligible for Free or Reduced Price meals. In sum, the need is real and Brunswick is perfectly positioned to help in a significant way. Our view is that the Horizons at Brunswick program will reinforce and strengthen our own diversity and outreach efforts, it will provide meaningful opportunities for our students, faculty and parents, and it will benefit those in our area who so desperately need help. Good for good’s sake to be sure!

Upper school

APRIL 2014

From the Upper School Office: As is clear below, April’s schedule is evidence of the busy nature of the spring; there is much of interest and import to both you as well as your son this month. THIRD QUARTER COMMENTS: The Third Quarter closes on Friday, April 4th. At this point in the year, comments will be written on all students in all courses. You should receive the emailed report card and comments from each of your son’s teachers during the week of April 14th. Please call the Upper School Office should you not receive an email at that time. ERBs: These standardized tests will be administered to all freshmen during the mornings of Tuesday, April 8th and Wednesday, April 9th. These tests are of proven value to the school as they serve as an effective Dates to Remember in April: indicator of a given student's aptitude as compared to his current level of achievement. Students are 4/2 Gr 8 Orientation to US 4/4 End of 3rd Quarter not expected to prepare for these tests in any way 4/8&9 Gr 9 ERBs (morning) except to get a good night's rest on both evenings 4/8 Jazz Concert 7pm prior to testing. 4/11 4/15 4/18 4/23 4/25

Baker Theater US Improv Concert 7pm Baker Theater US Choral Concert 7pm Baker Theater Good Friday NO SCHOOL Multicultural Potluck Dinner 6:30pm US Dining Hall US Community Service Day

UPPER SCHOOL SPRING CONCERTS: We have three concerts this month, all sure to be a hit: Tuesday, April 8th is the Jazz Concert at 7pm in Baker Theater. Friday, April 11th is the Improv Concert, also at 7pm in Baker Theater. Finally, on Tuesday, April 15th, the Choral Concert will be held in Baker Theater at 7pm. Come join us!

FOURTH INTERIM: Friday, May 2nd will mark the end of the Fourth Interim. As with all Interims, you will receive emailed comments from teachers in courses where your son is currently encountering some measure of difficulty (usually meaning a current grade that is less than C-). These comments, as with all such communications, should be used to make whatever improvements/adjustments might be possible before the close of the Quarter in May. UPPER SCHOOL COMMUNITY SERVICE DAY: In an annual celebration of our outreach efforts to the broader community, and in an effort to expose an even greater number of our students to the various opportunities that exist in community service, we will once again be holding our Upper School Community Service Day on Friday, April 25th. The day will begin with an Upper School Assembly at 8:00am on the King Street campus and most projects will conclude around noon. Lunch will be served as usual and then the Upper School students and faculty will join in our annual Trivia Bowl in Burke Field House. Practices will then follow according to a normal Friday Schedule.

MIDDLE school

APRIL 2014

From Sarah Burdett: The week before our spring vacation saw a terrific change in the daily life of our Middle School. During our first ever March MiniTerm, all middle schoolers worked on collaborative long-term challenges; each group either repurposed an abandoned factory space, designed an urban play space, or designed a rubber band vehicle. Each challenge involved planning, design, building, and marketing. The results were quite impressive and showcased the creativity of our boys as well as their ability to work as teams. In addition, our elective periods allowed the boys to pursue interests such as cooking, Chinese calligraphy, sports history, propaganda, maple syrup making, glass work, improvisation, advertising, German, mathemagic, and so many others. Many thanks to Neil Minsky and the faculty committee for creating such a dynamic week of learning! 8th Grade Student Orientation: The 8th graders will visit the Upper School on Wednesday, April 2nd. Boys will be bussed to and from the Middle School for a morning visit and tour. Dates to Remember in April: 4/2 8th Grade Student Orientation to US 4/4 Wickends 4/11 Mayfair 4/14,15,17 4th Grade Student Orientation to MS 4/17 3rd Trimester Mid-Point 4/18 Good Friday – NO SCHOOL 4/21-24 8th Grade Class Trip to Washington DC 4/26 Brunswick Benefit 5/1 4th Grade Parent Orientation to MS – 8:15am 5/1-2 MS Spring Play

MS Parent Son Book Club: Neal Bascombe’s award winning thriller, “The Nazi Hunters” is a true story of how a team of spies and survivors captured the world’s most notorious Nazi. Come join the lively discussion on Monday, April 7th at 6:30pm in the MS Library. Contact our MS librarian for further details. mmcshane@brunswickschool.org. 4th Grade Orientation: In April, we will conduct orientation activities for the 4th grade boys and their parents. The fourth grade students will visit with the 5th grade during the week of April 14th. Parents are invited to an orientation at the Middle School on Thursday, May 1st at 8:15am.

Third Trimester Mid-Point Check: On Thursday, April 17th we reach the mid-point of the trimester. At this time your son’s teachers will assess the progress of each student and inform advisors of any particular difficulties a boy may be experiencing. When a boy’s progress at this point is of genuine concern, parents can expect a phone call from their son’s advisor and a comment from a teacher if a boy is in danger of requiring summer work. 8th Grade Field Trip: We will depart on Monday, April 21st at 9:00am on our field trip to Washington, DC for four fun-filled and educational days. Please note that all 8th grade students should come to school on this day at regular time (8:05am). We will return to Brunswick on Thursday, April 24th at approximately 5:30pm. Middle School Spring Play: On Thursday, May 1st at 4:00pm (in Camuto Auditorium at the MS) and Friday, May 2rd at 2:00pm (at CSH), CSH students will join our 7th and 8th grade boys for our spring play. This year’s musical is “Xanadu Jr.” Important reminder: You may not park your car in front of the building during pick up or drop off time. If you need to come into the building, please park by the Sampson Field House doors so that traffic can continue uninterrupted along the curb. Plan Ahead: The MS Concert dates will be as follows: The MS 6th – 8th Choral Concert will be Tuesday, May 6th at 6:00pm. The MS 6th – 8th Instrumental Concert will be Tuesday, May 13th at 6:00pm. The Grade 5 Arts Production will be Thursday, May 22rd at 8:30am. Please join us!!



LOWER school

APRIL 2014

From Gina Hurd and Katie Signer: Spring has sprung and we are happy to welcome your boys back after a good two week respite. At the close of our third quarter, April 11th has officially been set aside for the Pre and Lower School Parent/Teacher Conferences. If you have not yet confirmed or need to reschedule a conference time, be sure to call your son’s teachers. Conferences are a wonderful opportunity to check in on progress made and come together to collaborate and help make your son’s final term as productive and happy as can be. April is also filled with a number of special activities. Please note the Pre and Lower School Happenings outlined below. Pre School Parent Orientations: The Pre School faculty and Gina Hurd look forward to sharing with you some of the special features of our Pre School programs and answer any questions that you might have regarding your son’s transition in September. Parents of boys entering Pre Kindergarten or Kindergarten, please note the following dates and times: Pre Kindergarten Orientation: Monday, April 28th at 8:30am, Pre School Gym; Kindergarten Orientation: Tuesday, April 29th at 8:30am, Pre School Gym. Lower School Parent Orientation: The First Grade teachers and Katie Signer look forward to meeting with all incoming First Grade parents. At this meeting, we hope to familiarize you Dates to Remember in April: with life at the Lower School and introduce you to some of 4/1 KA/B and KD/P to Greenwich Library the special features of the First Grade year. First Grade 4/2 Brucemobile Outreach visits First Grade Orientation: Wednesday, April 30th 8:30am, Lower 4/3 KI/H to Greenwich Library 4/3 1st Gr. Trip to Stone Barns School Dining Hall. 4/3 LS Student Council Meeting 7:40am 4/4 3C/B Presentation 8:25am 4/5 NSCF Chess Tournament (King Street Campus) 4/10 2 C/D Presentation 2:00pm 4/11 NO SCHOOL - Parent/Teacher Conference Day 4/14 4F/V visits Middle School 4/15 BPA sponsored Animal Embassy at the PS 4/15 4I/G visits Middle School 4/16 Teacher Appreciation Day 4/17 NEON COLORS Free Dress Day 4/17 Music in The Atrium 7:40am 4/17 4S/S visits Middle School 4/17 2M/B Presentation 2:00pm 4/18 NO SCHOOL - Good Friday 4/22 Brucemobile Outreach visit PK 4/25 1R/S Presentation 8:25am 4/25 Civies Day 4/28-5/1 ERB Testing, Grades 3 & 4 4/28 PK Parent Orientation (PS Gym) 8:30am 4/29 K Parent Orientation (PS Gym) 8:30am 4/30 Gr. 1 Parent Orientation (LS Dining Hall) 8:30am

Lower School Happenings: Spring Dress Code: Upon return from Spring Break, we look forward to warmer weather and our popular spring dress code. In place of slacks, Lower School boys may wear hemmed, traditional styled khaki shorts. Brunswick Chess Tournament: Congratulations to our Chess Team for a wonderful year so far. We are pleased to announce Brunswick will be hosting a National Scholastic Chess Foundation Tournament on Saturday, April 5th at the King Street campus. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Betsy Korn at betsyberns@gmail.com. Good luck to our team!

Middle School Visits and Parent Orientation: Fourth Graders will have an opportunity to visit the Middle School this month. On his designated visiting day, your son should come to school dressed in Middle School attire; jackets and ties are required. There will also be a fourth grade parent orientation the first week of May: Middle School Parent Orientation: Thursday, May 1st at 8:15am, Middle School Dining Hall. ERB Testing: Educational Records Bureau tests will be administered to all Third and Fourth Graders in the morning on April 28, 29, 30 and May 1. A week or two prior to these dates, homeroom teachers will review test-taking strategies with the boys and administer ERB practice tests. As parents, your job is simply to make sure that your son is present on the test dates, gets a good night’s sleep, eats a healthy breakfast and arrives at school on time. Test results should return in June. If you are interested in obtaining your son’s scores, please notify the Lower School office and we will be happy to mail them to you. If you have any questions regarding ERBs or the interpretation of these scores, please feel free to call.


APRIL 2014

President’s Letter Welcome Back! I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful spring break. April is a busy month for the BPA and the Brunswick community. We begin with 7th and 8th grade ‘Wickends on Friday, April 4. On Thursday, April 10, we are excited to have Sylvia Rimm as our spring Parent Programs speaker. Then, on Friday April 11, we will hold the last 5th and 6th Mayfair dance of the year. The following week take it up a notch on Wednesday, April 16 for Teacher Appreciation Day when we recognize our incredible faculty and staff with a very special luncheon in their honor to thank them for all they do for our boys. This all leads up to the biggest event of the year -- the Brunswick Spring Benefit, “Light Up the Night,” on Saturday April 26. On this night, the entire Brunswick community comes together to celebrate our extraordinary school. There will be dinner and dancing and an amazing silent auction. Over 100 volunteers are hard at work making this a night to remember. Hope to see you all there! Kimberlie Fett, President, Brunswick Parents Association Parent Program Event Our second Parent Program will feature Dr. Sylvia Rimm. Dr. Rimm is a psychologist, the Director of Family Achievement Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio and a clinical professor at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine. She is the author of many books including, among others, How to Parent So Children Will Learn, Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades and Growing Up Too Fast: The Rimm Report on the Secret Lives of America’s Middle Schoolers. Dr. Rimm’s presentation will address all ages of adolescence, discussing topics such as peer pressure and bullying. She will conclude by recommending how parents and teachers can work together to stem the rising tide of precocious adolescent behaviors. Thursday, April 10 Greenwich Academy’s Massey Theatre 8:00am: Coffee 8:30am: Presentation 9:30am: Book Signing This talk is the second in a series of Parent Programs for the Brunswick and GA communities. There is no charge to attend. Teacher Appreciation The Teacher Appreciation Luncheon is on Wednesday, April 16. Volunteers are needed at both the Maher Avenue and King Street campuses. Opportunities to help set up, serve, and to donate drinks and desserts are available. Please visit the Sign Up Genius link to help the teachers enjoy their special day: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C0844ADAC22A46-fsaluncheon2 The lucky winners of the March raffle were: Marianne Ho Barnum, Margot Beattie, Joe Falco, Timothy Fowler, James Manyuru, Hector Marban, Vanessa Metzger, Nicholas Salazar, Amanda Smith, Robert Taylor, Anne Wamunyu, and Katie White. A lucky theatergoer was able to see a production of King Lear at the Theatre for a New Audience at the Polonsky Shakespeare Center. Thank you for your generosity and support throughout the year. The faculty and staff are so appreciative for all that you do. Questions? Contact Kim Fulton (kfulton22@gmail.com) or Barb Baxter (barbbaxter@optonline.net) ‘Wick Walk Run Lace up your sneakers for the 2014 annual 'Wick Walk Run! We are back on Saturday, May 10 for another fabulous year at the King Street campus. Race check-in begins at 9:30am. Cafe Bon, music, Glenville Fire Truck and a special appearance by 'Soccer with Aldwin' after the race will ensure fun for the whole family. To guarantee your 2014 'WWR t-shirt, please pre register by Sunday, April 20. See the website (http://brunswickschool.org/wwr) to register and to check out more details. Please contact Jeanie Wahl (jeaniewahl@gmail.com) or Darrelle O'Connor (darrelleg@aol.com) with any questions.


APRIL 2014

Mayfair Mayfair continues to be a success with great fun and learning being had by all! We hope to see your 5th and 6th grade boys at the final Mayfair dance on Friday, April 11. ‘Wickends The last ‘Wickends event, a dance and game night, will be held on Friday, April 5 from 7-9pm in the Dann Gym. We look forward to seeing all the 7th grade students from Brunswick, Greenwich Academy, the Convent of the Sacred Heart and Holy Child at this special event! Bearly Used Closet Spring is here, and the Bearly Used Closet has everything you will need to gear up your Bruin. Stop in for short-sleeved polos, khaki shorts, lacrosse gear, and gym clothes. We also have dress shirts, blazers and ties for graduation. Make room in your closet by donating to Bearly Used Closet's curbside collection on Thursday, April 10 between 7:30am-8:15am. We will be at the Middle School and Lower School to collect your donations. Thank you in advance! Upper School Performing Arts The Spring Musical The Phantom of the Opera was a huge success! Special thanks go to Seth Potter, Matthew Kirby-Smith, Alexander Constantine, and Abby Redmond, who worked with 70+ Brunswick and GA students to bring this dramatic Andrew Lloyd Webber work to life. Nearly 1,500 students, parents, siblings, and faculty members attended four sold out performances of the show in Baker Theater. Many thanks to everyone for supporting Brunswick's Performing Arts programs! Middle School Performing Arts Auditions for the joint Brunswick/Sacred Heart Spring Musical, Xanadu Jr., will be held Tuesday, April 1 from 4:00-5:30pm in Camuto Auditorium. The auditions are open to all 6th - 8th grade students. Mark your calendars for the performances to be held on Thursday, May 1 at 4:00pm and Friday, May 2 at 2:00pm.

April 26, 2014 Burke Field House 6:30 PM Purchase tickets online and read the latest Benefit News at www.brunswickschool.org/benefit Check it out! Starting on April 7, all Auction items will be online and available to preview. Exciting News! On Thursday, April 17, all of our boys will have a NEON CIVVIES DAY. Please encourage them to wear their brightest colors to celebrate the upcoming event.

From Sue Das and Brian Coughlin, Lower School Student Council Advisors: The Lower School is excited to be participating in Heifer International’s Read to Feed Program. The Program was kicked off on Wednesday, March 12, and it will conclude on Thursday, April 10. All sponsor sheets and donations should be returned to the homeroom teacher by that date. * Annually, the Lower School sponsors a child, who is currently in the fourth grade in Rwanda, named Bonaventure Maniraguha. To help cover the cost of his sponsorship, the Lower School holds an Annual Bake Sale in April. This “time honored tradition” is eagerly anticipated by the entire lower school, including faculty, and is for a great cause. Each child is allowed to spend up to a dollar on treats, and we welcome any additional, small donations. We will be sending out the details of the Bake Sale in early April. Thank you. From Neil Minsky, Director of Middle School Community Service:

The past month, though shorter due to Spring Break, was busy with various community service projects in the Middle School. As of this writing, the advisories of Ms. Sargent, Mr. McGrath, and Mrs. Duennebier launched the first annual Penny Competition in which each grade competed against each other to raise the most money for the charity of their choice. Final amounts are still be counted and the winning grade and charity will be announced in next month’s newsletter. Seventh Grade students, led by history teacher Mr. Crosby, have been collecting old laptops to be donated to schools in Haiti. At the same time, the entire Middle School has been collecting clothes and shoes for children up to ten years old for the Project Blessing Clothing Drive. Finally, our Eighth Grade boys continue to visit their community service sites on a regular basis.

From Johnny Montanez, Director of Upper School Community Service:  Community Service Day, Friday, April 25: In addition to community service efforts throughout the year, Upper School faculty and students will band together to commit a day serving the community together; in effect, strengthening our own community. Plans exist to serve organizations in Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, Norwalk, and Port Chester where students will spend time in shelters, assist with the elderly, work with children, clean the environment, and much more. If there is an organization that you would personally like to connect to the Brunswick Community Service Program, please reach out to me via phone or email, as we are open to increasing our outreach to those in need.  Neighbor to Neighbor: There are only two remaining Neighbor to Neighbor food drives this year, on April 24 and May 15. Please drop off non-perishable food items in the Upper School lobby bins marked “N2N.”  The Donkor Foundation: Jack Jones, and Jonny Yorke, Mathhew Mejia-Johnston are leading the effort to collect tennis gear for children in Ghana as well as those youths under represented in our own backyard. With your donation and the support of the Donkor Foundation, this drive will be a huge success. The following tennis equipment is needed: tennis rackets, tennis balls, gently used sneakers/tennis shoes, youth tennis shirts. Please bring all donations to the Upper School reception bins marked “Donkor Foundation.” Thank you for your support!

Brunswick School 100 Maher Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 a 1252 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 (203) 625-5800

April 2014 Sun












BPA Meeting 10am



8 Passover







*Gr 4 Student Orientation to MS, 8:15am *US Choral Concert 7pm, Baker 22

Teacher Appreciation Day

23 Multicultural Potluck Dinner 6:30pm US Dining Hall

Gr 8 trip to Washington, DC 28

29 *PK Parent Orientation 8:30am, PS Gym *LS ERBs


30 *K Parent Orientation 8:30am, PS Gym

*Gr 1 Parent Orientation to LS, LS Dining Hall, 8:30am

NSCF Chess Tournament (LS)

*End of 3rd Qtr (US) *Wickends 7th & 8th Grade Game Night 11

Parents Program at GA, 8:30am



Varsity Team Dinners

*US ERBs *US Jazz Concert 7pm, Baker Theater

15 Gr 4 Student Orientation To MS, 8:15am

Gr 8 Student Orientation to US


*PS/LS Conference Day *US Improv Concert, 7pm, Baker *Mayfair at PS

17 *Gr 4 Student Orientation To MS, 8:15am *3rd Trimester Mid-Point (MS)




19 Good Friday NO SCHOOL

26 *US Community Service Day *New Student Testing

Spring Benefit / Dinner Dance

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