MARCH 2014
MONTHLY MAILING Seeming Rather Than Being A Latin phrase that was shared with me once has always stayed in the back of my mind: “esse quam videri,” which translates into “To be, rather than to seem.” Let’s acknowledge the fact that all of us are tired of people who try to be something they aren’t. I hope, in life, each of our boys will work to “be” something they are rather than settle for “seeming to be” something they, in fact, are not. While on the subject of “seeming” (and this is coming from someone born in the 1960s), Facebook, Twitter and SnapChat seem such a waste of time to me. When our youth expose themselves, to too great a degree, to habits like Facebook or Twitter they risk “seeming” rather than “being.” They are trying to present themselves as they wish to be (and be seen) and in doing so are belittling some measure of their own individuality and essence. On Facebook, our egos tempt us to present ourselves as how we would like others to see us, rather than as we really are . . . and on Twitter, we constantly expose ourselves to other people’s mundane thoughts rather than using that time to come up with original thoughts of our own. One of my greatest hopes (as we, in the words of our mission statement, “prepare young men for life”) is that we will allow (and teach) our sons to be comfortable and confident in “BEING” rather than succumbing to “seeming” on their journey ahead. Life is too short to waste time on Facebook and with the sending and reading of Tweets. Life is too meaningful to worry about “seeming” when our boys could better use that time “being.” Esse quam videri.
MARCH 2014
Upper school
From the Upper School Office: March passes quickly at Brunswick. We are literally in school a little more than two weeks (11 school days) in March with Spring Break stuck in between. Despite the lack of days, there is not a lack of important events, not the least of which is the course sign up process for the 2014/2015 school year. Given this, I thought it best to list below the important steps for students to follow so as to proceed through their course selections in an informed and easy manner. Step Catalogues distributed Discussion with Advisors Course Registration Concludes
Date Purpose Early February Outline offerings February/early March Choosing courses March 13th
Dates to Remember in March: 3/3 3/6,7,8 3/13 3/14 3/31
Red Cross Blood Drive 11:30-5:00pm At Greenwich Academy Upper School Musical 7pm “The Phantom of the Opera” Baker Theater Matinee performance Saturday 2pm Father/Son Dinner 7pm King Street campus Regular dismissal for Spring Break Classes resume
The course catalogue for Brunswick’s Upper School is something that is best read carefully by both students and parents alike. Although it is essential that each student take responsibility for the courses he wishes to pursue next year, we should emphasize our strong feeling that parents should take the time to discuss with their sons what courses they plan to take for the upcoming school year. A digital copy of the course catalogue can be found on the Brunswick School website. Finally, as always, should any questions come up in this regard, please do not hesitate to give your son’s Grade Dean a call.
Other Happenings in March: Upper School Musical, March 6th, 7th , and 8th: This year, our Upper School musical The Phantom of The Opera, promises to be another wonderful celebration of the talents of our Upper School thespians. All showings are at 7:00pm (with a 2pm matinee performance on Saturday) and tickets are available online through the Brunswick webpage. Father/Son Dinner, Thursday, March 13th: This is one of Brunswick's most special (and oldest) traditions. Although the evening tends to focus to the greatest extent upon the winter sports teams, this is only due to the realities of the calendar. Much more important is the overriding tone of the dinner that pairs fathers with sons among friends in a relaxed atmosphere. Please join us in Burke Field House at King Street beginning at 7:00pm for an evening of dinner and presentations. Seating is limited; please fill out and return the reply card by March 3rd. Questions should be forwarded to Susan Amill (203-625-5810 or We look forward to seeing you there! Spring Break, after regular dismissal, March 14th: Although no doubt all members of our community eagerly await this upcoming vacation, I would like to emphasize once again that vacation days should be kept within the generous constraints of the break period. Classes will resume on Monday, March 31st. End of Third Quarter, April 4th: Friday, April 4th is the close of the Third Quarter. Shortly after that date, we will issue full report cards and a complete set of teacher comments for each student in the Upper School. As always, these grades and comments should be reviewed thoughtfully with your son so as to help assess progress made and strategies for the future.
MIDDLE school
MARCH 2014
From Sarah Burdett: The early March weeks leading up to our spring break provide us with the opportunity to reinforce important lessons and habits and to experiment with new projects and areas of interest. In particular, we continue to work thoughtfully with the boys on academic integrity and how to maintain our high standards while the digital age allows for those lines to become increasingly blurred. Specifically, we have discussed plagiarism on research papers, questioning others about quizzes and tests, and using tests and exams from previous years to gain advantage not intended by the teachers. We have also launched another read-a-thon this March and encourage all Middle School boys to read throughout the month not only for their own enjoyment and benefit but also to raise money for the Brunswick Upper School chapter of Room-to-Read. Finally, March allows us this year to spend a few days on our first ever mini-term. During these days, boys will work in advisory groups on problem-solving projects designed to test their creativity and collaboration. Other periods during the day will allow them to take electives designed by our faculty to practice all of their academic skills in the context of new and intriguing coursework. End of 2nd Trimester: The current marking period officially closed on Friday, February 21stand the 2nd Trimester will end after 6th - 8th exams on Thursday, February 27th. The end of the trimester, unlike the earlier mid-point, is our Dates to Remember in March: next formal grading period for students in all grades. 3/3 3rd Trimester Begins At this point, 5th grade parents will receive a report Spring Sports Begins card and comments from each of your son’s academic 3/3-5 MS ERBs th th teachers. 6th, 7th and 8th grade parents will be sent a 3/7 5 /6 Grade Father Son Breakfast & Science Fair 7:30am report card, as well as comments from teachers of Mayfair courses in which your son’s effort is a 1 or his grade is 3/13 Father/Son Dinner (Grades 7-12) 7:00pm a C- or below. After report cards are emailed, your Burke Field House son’s advisor will call to discuss his progress. 3/14 Spring Break Begins (Regular Dismissal) 3/31 Classes Resume Spring Sports: The new athletic season will begin for 7th and 8th graders with first practices on Monday, March 3rd – boys should have their gear and be ready to play. MS ERBs: All Middle School students will take ERBs during their morning periods March 3rd – March 5th. Please do not schedule any appointments during these times as we are not able to reschedule individual ERBs. 5th/6th Grade Science Fair and Father/Son Breakfast: The 5th and 6th graders have been working hard on their projects and look forward to showing them off on Friday, March 7th . Fifth and sixth grade fathers (or mothers if fathers cannot attend) are invited to join their sons for breakfast and the fair at the Middle School. Please arrive at 7:30am and park behind the athletic building when you arrive. The event will conclude by 9:00am. Father/Son Dinner for 7th and 8th Graders: Thursday, March 13th at 7:00pm in the Burke Field House at King Street. Over the course of the evening, we honor our teams and athletes in grades 7 through 12. Middle School Spring Play Auditions: This spring, 7th & 8th actors from Brunswick School and Convent of the Sacred Heart will be performing a revue-style show under the direction of Alexander Constantine. The MS boys and girls will have an opportunity to audition on Tuesday, April 1st and Wednesday, April 2nd from 4:00 - 6:00pm. Rehearsals will be held at the Middle School after school. The performances will take place on May 1st at 4:00pm and May 2rd at 2:00pm in Camuto Auditorium on the King Street campus. 8th Grade Class Trip: For advanced planning, please note that the 8th grade will be traveling to Washington, DC for our spring field trip in April. We will be departing from Brunswick on Monday morning, April 21st and returning early evening on Thursday, April 24th. Brunswick Summer Session: starting our seventh year, Summer Session is gearing up once again for classes beginning on June 9thand running through July 3rd for boys and girls in grades 5-12. Please find our course catalogue and an application form at For more information, please contact the Summer Session Office at (203) 625-5861 or email We look forward to seeing you in June!
LOWER school
MARCH 2014
From Katie Signer and Gina Hurd: While we will only be in school for half of the month of March, we have much to look forward to. Please take note of the special activities listed below and don’t hesitate to contact the School should you have any questions. Kindergarten Space Expo: Kindergarten parents are invited to come and explore the solar system with the Kindergarten astronauts on Wednesday, March 12th from 2:00-2:45 pm in the Pre School gym. The boys will be excited to share all that they have learned from their study of the planets. This March, Lower School boys will participate in Read to Feed, a reading incentive service-learning program designed to foster a love of reading, a passion to help others and a motivation to help create a better world. The program will raise money for the organization, Heifer International. The goal of this program is to help our children develop a broader view of life on earth as they study and understand the relationships between people, their actions, animals and the environment. We are thrilled to welcome spokeswoman Beatrice Biira, one of Heifer International’s greatest success stories at a Dates to Remember in March: special kick-off assembly on Friday, March 7th. 3/6 Student Council Meeting 7:40 am 3/10 BPA Assembly - Chris Waddell Our Lower School welcomes Paralympian 3/11 Kindergarten to Stamford Planetarium Chris Waddell! Thanks to the BPA Assembly 3/11 Gr. 3 Trip to Stone Barns committee, we are also excited to welcome 3/11 PK Trip to Hill House acclaimed Paralympic athlete and presenter Chris 3/12 Gr. 1 Mammal Exhibits 8:30-9:15 Waddell. He will be sharing his story and teaching 3/12 Kindergarten Space Expo 2:00-2:45 pm our boys about resilience and that “it’s not what 3/12 4th Gr. Play 7:00 pm happens to you. It’s what you do with what 3/13 Winter Encore ends happens to you.” To learn more about his 3/14 Regular dismissal for Spring Break inspiring message, visit his website 3/14 Lower School Civies Day 3/15-30 Spring Break 3/31 Classes Resume First Grade Mammal Exhibits: First Graders 3/31 Spring Encore Begins are excited to share their study of mammals with parents on Wednesday, March 12 from 8:30 - 9:15am. Come enjoy the culmination of this interdisciplinary project and celebrate their learning and growth as students. You will certainly be impressed! 4th Grade Play: Please note that the 4th grade play, “The American Revolution,” is scheduled for 7pm on Wednesday, March 12th in the Lower School gym. The boys and their teachers have put a tremendous amount of time and energy into preparing for this production and are eagerly awaiting “show time.” We look forward to seeing all of our 4th grade parents and friends at this special performance. Lower School boys will have an opportunity to enjoy the play themselves during a dress rehearsal performance earlier that day. Spring Encore: Our Spring Encore session begins on Monday, March 31st, upon our return from Spring Break. If you have any questions regarding sign-ups or offerings be sure to contact one of our Encore Coordinators, Sara Hirsch and Amanda Smith. Spring is in the air: Many of our Lower School boys will eagerly invite the option to wear their khaki shorts when they return from Spring Break. Please note the rest of their uniform stays the same. Getting “snowed in” earlier in February offered families a moment to pause, and the upcoming Spring Break can offer us the same luxury. Looking ahead, we encourage our families to do that which seems so precious and limited at times: spend quality time together. Take the time to play a board game as a family, or simply take a walk. Sit for an extra minute at the dinner table. We encourage you to turn off the television and read by example, to take a trip to the library and read together as a family. Before we know it, our schedules will once again be packed with schoolwork and extra-curriculars and we will be wondering why we forgot to rest. Take time and treasure it. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on March 31st.
MARCH 2014
President’s Letter Snow, snow and more snow was February’s theme, but Spring Break is coming and not a moment too soon! We did fit in Bingo Night between storms on February 7 and it was a huge success. Many thanks to Mia Newton, Dominique Crosby and their fantastic committee for planning such a fun event – a great time was had by all. Before Break, we have a few terrific events we hope that you can attend. The Upper School Musical, The Phantom of the Opera, is March 6, 7 and 8, and the Father/Son Dinner, a long standing Brunswick tradition, will be held on March 13 for fathers and sons in grades 7 through 12. See you there! Exciting News! Invitations have been mailed for “Light Up The Night,” our Spring Benefit and Auction to be held on April 26. It is going to be a fabulous night with dinner, dancing, great friends and an amazing silent auction. We hope to see the entire Brunswick community there. Proceeds from “Light Up The Night” will help to build the BPA STEM Endowment Fund, enabling Brunswick to strengthen its current initiatives and further develop integrated science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs at all levels. Best wishes for a wonderful break! Kimberlie Fett, President, Brunswick Parents Association Teacher Appreciation Mark your calendars for the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on Wednesday, April 16. Volunteers will be needed to help set up, serve, and to donate drinks and desserts. Keep your eyes out for a Sign Up Genius to offer your services! The lucky winners of the February raffle were: Ruth Bodell, George Boynton, Brian Coughlin, Timothy Coupe, James Duval, Valerie Fenton, Carter Hempleman, Sara Hirsch, John Kaptcianos, Dana Montanez, Brian Shepard, Eric Tillman, and Rachel Wells. Special raffle opportunities this month included tickets for several different New York Knicks games, New York Rangers hockey tickets, and a block of seats for the New York Rangers/New York Islanders outdoor game at Yankee Stadium. Gift cards and last minute tickets to sporting events or concerts are always welcome. Please mail gift cards to: Kim Fulton, 13 Anthony Place, Riverside, Conn. 06878 or email her at Questions? Contact Kim Fulton ( or Barb Baxter ( Bearly Used Closet Spring is here and the Bearly Used Closet has everything you will need to gear up your Bruin. Stop in for short-sleeved polos, khaki shorts, lacrosse gear, and gym clothes. We also have dress shirts, blazers and ties for Graduation. Make room in your closet by donating to Bearly Used Closet's curbside collection on Thursday, April 10 between 7:30am-8:15am. We will be at the Middle School and Lower School to collect your donations. Thank you in advance! Save the date for our next Parent Program: Thursday, April 10 Our second Parent Program will feature Dr. Sylvia Rimm. Dr. Rimm is a psychologist, the Director of Family Achievement Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio and a clinical professor at Case Western Reserve Sylvia Rimm School of Medicine. She is the author of many books including, among others, How to Parent So Children Will Learn, Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades and Growing Up Too Fast: The Rimm Report on the Secret Lives of America’s Middle Schoolers. Dr. Rimm’s presentation will address all ages of adolescence, discussing topics such as peer pressure and bullying. She will conclude by recommending how parents and teachers can work together to stem the rising tide of precocious adolescent behaviors. Brunswick School and Greenwich Academy Parent Programs present
, noted child psychologist, author, radio personality and contributing correspondent for 20/20, The Today Show and Weekend Today
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Thursday, April 10
Massey Theater
coffee 8:00AM | presentation 8:30AM
Dr Rimm’s Parent Program will take place at Greenwich Academy’s Massey Theater on Thursday, April 10. Coffee is at 8am, followed by the presentation at 8:30am. This talk is the second in a series of Parent Programs for the GA and ‘Wick communities. There is no charge to attend.
Pre School And Lower School Bingo Night Thank you to all of the families who came out in support of Brunswick Bingo Night. What an amazing turnout and fun evening of friendly competition and school spirit! We are very grateful to our incredible group of parent and Middle School boy volunteers. A big thank you to Mr. Coupe who knows how to keep the energy high and the bingo games moving and to Mr. S. for help with the sound system. Lastly, a special shout-out to Chuck Redahan and his crew for helping us transform the Field House. Congratulations to the 4th grade for getting the most Bingo wins and earning a movie and special snack, and also to both Pre K and Kindergarten who tied for the most wins in the Pre School, thereby earning an Olympics day.
MARCH 2014
Upper School Performing Arts QSFTFOUT
Don't miss this year’s Upper School Musical! Nearly eighty Brunswick and GA students have been hard at work with rehearsals and staging. They will bring Broadway's longest running theatrical performance, The Phantom of the Opera, to life in Baker Theater on March 6, 7 and 8 at 7pm with a matinee on Saturday, March 8, at 2pm. Tickets will be available for purchase on the Brunswick homepage.
MARCH 8 2:00 PM
Middle School Performing Arts Auditions for the joint Brunswick/Sacred Heart Spring Musical will be held Tuesday, April 1 from 4-6pm in Camuto Auditorium. The auditions are open to 6th - 8th grade students. Performances will be Thursday, May 1 at 4:00pm and Friday, May 2 at 2:00pm. Assemblies On March 10, the Lower School welcomes Chris Waddell, a Paralympic athlete and motivational speaker. The most decorated male skier in Paralympic history, an inductee to both the Paralympic Hall of Fame and the US Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame and the first paraplegic to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro unassisted, Chris promotes a message of resilience: "It's not what happens to you. It's what you do with what happens to you." During his two 45-minute Nametag presentations planned for a combined 1st/2nd grade and 3rd/4th grade, Chris will encourage students to challenge the assumptions and limitations that result from labels we give to ourselves and to others. For more information on this incredible motivational speaker, author, athlete and adventurer please visit his website:
Invitations to “Light Up the Night,” the Brunswick School Spring Benefit on April 26, will be arriving in your mailboxes soon. We are also thrilled to announce the launch of the official “Light Up the Night” website! Find it by clicking on the “Light Up the Night” icon on the Brunswick homepage. Please visit it often for up-to-date news about featured Silent Auction items and the online RSVP option. Introducing Brun & Zwick! Our STEM Bears will be the spotlight on STEM
roaming the campus to help put education in action.
Be sure to follow them on Twitter @Brunswick1902.
From Sue Das and Brian Coughlin, Lower School Student Council Advisors: During the month of March, we are excited to lend a hand to the Project Blessing Clothing Drive. The Drive, initiated by Upper School students, will run from March 3 – March 14. The Lower School will assist by collecting clothing and shoes for boys and girls ages 0-10. All the collected items will be delivered to Rwanda where an Upper School boy has seen the donations distributed first hand. There will be a flyer with details sent home in your son’s Friday Folder. The Student Council will have one meeting prior to our Spring Break. At this meeting, we are planning on looking inward for a change. Typically, after our morning meeting, we do the recycling, clean up the lost and found, and distribute missing clothing. It is our hope that we can find a way to improve the organization of the lost and found. If you are missing any items at home, please stop by the lost and found, which is located down the Art Room hallway, before Spring Break. Any clothing left there after Spring Break will be donated to the Bearly Used Closet, or will be given to families in need. From Neil Minsky, Director of Middle School Community Service: Before reporting about what’s happening in March, there were some notable efforts from February worth mentioning. Borrowing an idea from the Lower School, we had our first annual SOUPER Bowl in which students brought canned goods and put them in a pile for either the Denver Broncos or the Seattle Seahawks. While the student support for each team was much closer than the actual game, the real winner was the local soup kitchen that was able to restock their shelves and help those in need. I would also like to thank the Middle School boys that helped with Lower School Bingo Night in early February. Led by our Student Council President Hayden Hoover, along with his classmates Harrison Caponiti, Timmy Kenny, Will Kolman, and JJ von Oiste, these boys volunteered their time to help the event run smoothly. Save your spare change! During March Mini-Term Week, the advisories of Ms. Sargent, Mr. McGrath, and Mrs. Duennebier are teaming up to launch a Penny Competition called "Change for Change" in which they will place 4 receptacles, one for each grade, in the Middle School lobby to collect pennies and other loose change. Teams place pennies in their own jars to earn points for their grade and silver coins in the jars of other grades to deduct points from their total. The grade that has the most points at the end of the week will send all the collected money to the charity of their choice. Stay tuned for more exciting advisory projects as we enter the third trimester. From Johnny Montanez, Director of Upper School Community Service: Thank you, Mr. Philip, for leading the charge on our coat drive. Students, faculty, and staff donated over 200 gently used, warm coats to the Midnight Run, an organization that works with the homeless of NYC. Brunswick and GA team up for another successful Red Cross Blood Drive: Brunswick School and Greenwich Academy are working together in hopes to match last year’s blood drive numbers. We are looking to collect 49 units. Each unit has the potential to help three recipients for a total of 147 transfusions. Donated blood has a shelf life of approximately 46 days so our blood drive is essential to keeping our local hospitals stocked with fresh supplies. Thank you, Kelly Teagarden! Your leadership served to inform, educate and motivate Greenwich Academy students , generating many sign-ups. Thank you all for your continued pursuit to help others in need. Community Service Day, Friday, April 25, 2014: In addition to community service efforts throughout the year, Upper School faculty and students will band together to commit a day serving the community together; in effect, strengthening our own community. Plans exist to serve organizations in Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, Norwalk, and Port Chester where students will spend time in shelters, assist with the elderly, work with children, clean the environment, and much more. Neighbor to Neighbor: There are only two remaining Neighbor to Neighbor food drives this year, on April 24 and May 15. Please take a second to donate non-perishable food items on these dates at the Upper School lobby.
Brunswick School 100 Maher Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 1252 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 (203) 625-5800
March 2014 Sun
Sat 1
*MS ERBs *Red Cross Blood Drive At GA 11:30-5pm
6 US Musical “The Phantom of the Opera” 7pm
BPA Meeting 10am
13 4th Grade Play “The American Revolution” LS Gym, 7pm
8 *Gr 5&6 Father/Son Breakfast/Science Fair 7:30am *US Musical
*Boathouse Breakfast *US Musical 2pm & 7pm
Father/Son Dinner 7pm
Spring Break
24 Spring Break
31 Classes Resume