3 minute read
Bingo at Home
Let’s Play!
By Beth A. Klahre
Since August 2020, the Brunswick Senior Center at Supply has been interacting in a fun new way with homebound seniors who participate with the Meals on Wheels program. They are playing bingo. And it’s all being done remotely.
Sherry Confer, front desk receptionist at the center, has been running the game. Here’s how it works: Every Meals on Wheels participant receives a paper bingo card from their volunteer mealdelivery driver. Each day, Confer records a message on the center’s group notification system (similar to a robo-call phone system). During that call, seniors hear the bingo letters and numbers for the day. When someone believes they have bingo, they call the center to confirm the numbers—and the chance to yell “bingo!”
To date, the center has had at least one winner every month. Some months had two lucky winners. Confer messages everyone when there’s a winner and the game ceases for a week for prize delivery and to make new bingo cards.
Themes Make the Day
Even more enticing is the theme of the day which Confer imaginatively weaves into every recorded message. Past themes included history, weather, education, and cultural events like Black History Month and Women’s History Month. More senior-relevant themes included advocacy, such as Medicare scam alerts and heart health. And Confer throws in trivia and odd facts about North Carolina and Brunswick County for the curious.
It was B-7 on National Hot Dog Day. B for bun! And G-59 on Hug Your Dog day. G for good boy!
Confer says, “I try to make the recording cheerful and fun. I like to record the script in my own voice so there is better inflection, emphasis, and tone.” She’s the creative brain behind the themes and the recorded messages.
And while this is just a game, some of the homebound seniors take it very seriously. Seriously fun, that is. Confer adds, “They call me if they missed a number. And they call me to let me know that I have called the same number twice in one game!”

Patrick Cooney was a recent winner of the Brunswick Center at Supply’s at‐home bingo game for seniors receiving Meals on Wheels.
Winner Takes All
Are there prizes? Of course! Many prizes have been live plants and a variety of lap throws. The prizes are also delivered by the Meals on Wheels delivery driver. Brunswick Senior Center at Supply director Melissa Starr loves how Confer has engaged with the
seniors. “Sherry does a fantastic job of making witty and chatty announcements,” Starr says.
Listen in as Confer announces the bingo numbers:
“Good morning everyone! I am excited to tell you that today is Thursday, May 6. It is International No Diet Day! Its original purpose was to encourage body acceptance and accept body-shape diversity. I think it's a great time to indulge in some tasty treats! So our bingo numbers today are I-23. I for Indulge. And G-51. G for goodies! Now, all of you on special diets need to be mindful today and not splurge too much! I'm going to go find me some yummy key lime pie!
“Enjoy, everyone! Sherry.”
Confer started as a volunteer at the center providing administrative support to the staff. One of her major assignments was working on state certification requirements. During COVID, Confer continued volunteering in the kitchen by packing meals for both homebound seniors and curbside weekly congregate pickups. In November 2020, Confer applied for the part-time receptionist position she holds today.
Starr says, “Our bingo game is a brief outreach conversation designed to stay in touch with our seniors not able to join us in the center. Folks have really enjoyed the ability to participate in bingo. They really feel a part of the center through this fun activity.”
The program will continue throughout the year.

Above: Sherry Confer, front desk receptionist at the Brunswick Center at Supply, has been running a Bingo game for homebound seniors. Here’s how it works: Every Meals on Wheels participant receives a paper bingo card from their meal-delivery driver. Each day, Confer records a message on the center’s group notification system, letting them know that’s day’s number. When someone wins, they get to call in and yell, “Bingo!” Left: Magdalene Duran recently won a hanging plant playing bingo through the Supply center’s at-home bingo game.