1 minute read
Melissa Catlett, Center Director
Jackie Knott, Assistant Director
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8–4
1513 N. Howe St., Ste. 1
Southport, NC 28461
Please stop by the hurricane prep table in the lobby. There is an abundance of valuable informa on to keep you safe. Olive is reminding you there is a pamphlet available to keep your furry babies safe.
Summer Schedule Changes
Diane Sloan’s Watercolor Class is cancelled star ng June 1 un l fall.
Dean’s Tai Chi Class on Fridays Is cancelled star ng May 26.
Jim Lightbourne’s Monday Balance-Strength and Mo on cancelled for the summer effec ve immediately.
Please remember there is always an updated schedule at the front desk.
Joe Albanese, a Leland volunteer, spoke with our lunch crowd regarding the parking fees on OKI and the way it is affec ng senior ci zens. There will be a pe on circula ng soon. It takes a village!
Turtle Nes ng Presenta on by Martha Johnson. Look for the date to be announced in early June.
Safe Surfin Founda on EZ –ID program sponsored by the Moose Lodge.
Voter Registra on and Informa on presenta on by the Board of Elec ons.
Bingo Bus going to Shallo e June 13, sign up at Front Desk.
Flag Presenta on by Peter Heyd June 23 @ 12:30.
Don’t Be A Vic m Workshop being held by Nancy Adelis, a cer fied instructor. Visit refuse.nra.org Look for email blast and flyer to come.