2 minute read
Buzz Contributors
After retiring from leadership roles in engineering and IT at a major confectionary manufacturer, Beth Klahre relocated to Southport with her husband Jeff and their dog, Betsy. Beth has been enjoying reading on the beach, learning to play the harp, and writing human-interest stories. She is a volunteer board member of the Friends of the Library of Oak Island and Southport. Beth tells us about the Southport’s Maritime Museum’s offerings on page 10.
Joan Leotta has been playing with words on page and stage since her childhood in Pittsburgh. Her poetry and essays appear in many publications. Her four historical fi ction novels feature strong women in times of U.S. wars, and her newest poetry chapbook, Feathers on Stone, was recently released. Joan shares cookie recipes submitted by Buzz writers on page 16.
Donna Ruth Morgan is a book lover who supports better libraries for better communities. She volunteers with area library organizations and enjoys sharing her passion for reading with family and friends. See page 19 for Donna’s picks—and pans— for cozy winter reading.
Pat Naughton and his family moved from Richmond, Va. to Winding River Plantation in Brunswick County in 2017 after Pat retired as a mechanical engineer at a nuclear power plant. He has been an avid gardener for 35 years and is a Brunswick County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer. On page 21, Pat lays out a winter gardening schedule.
Wendy Kaplar is a freelance writer, researcher, and advocate for the preservation of Carolina wildlife. She recently placed among the top columnists in The Albuquerque Journal 2022 Reader’s Choice awards. Local history comes naturally to Wendy, as both sides of her family are from eastern North and South Carolina. She enjoys spending time with her husband, Bob, and their Black Mouth Cur rescue dog, Rosie. Wendy investigates Gullah Geechee culture in our area on page 14. ABOUT THE COVER
Photo by Shelagh Clancy
Kevin Whiteheart teaches Yoga for Healthy Bones at the Brunswick Center at Southport. This popular class provides a full workout for strength and for fun. Check Southport’s calendars on pages 36-39 for details.
Editor Shelagh Clancy buzz@bsrinc.org (910) 622-1036 Contributing Writers Wendy Kaplar, Beth Klahre, Joan Leotta, Jodi Lower, Mike McGurn, Donna Ruth Morgan, Tikila Morgan, Pat Naughton, Casey Poplaski, René Tarquinio Contributing Photographers Tonya Barnes, Melissa Catlett, Shelagh Clancy, Sarah Goodwin, Jillian Hardin, Beth Klahre, Mike McGurn, Pat Naughton, Melissa Starr Advertising Sales (910) 754-2300 Anita Langin alangin@bsrinc.org Shelagh Clancy buzz@bsrinc.org © 2022 Brunswick Senior Resources Inc. All rights reserved www.bsrinc.org