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I s t h e S e n i o r Ta r H e e l Le g i s l a t u re f o r Yo u ?

The North Carolina Senior Tar Heel Legislature (STHL) assesses the needs of older citizens in a forum modeled after the North Carolina General Assembly. STHL then makes recommendations to the General Assembly about legislation to benefit older North Carolinians.

The STHL was established to:

• Provide information to senior citizens on the legislative process and matters being considered by the General Assembly. • Promote citizen involvement and advocacy concerning aging issues before the General Assembly. • Assess the legislative needs of older citizens.

Delegate Needed

We currently have no delegate in Brunswick County; a new delegate is needed. There is one delegate to STHL from each of the 100 counties in North Carolina, and usually an alternate delegate too. Delegates and alternates must be age 60 or older. Could you be a Brunswick County delegate to the STHL?

For more information or to apply, contact AAA Director Holly Pilson at 910-274-0339, 910-395-4553 ext. 204, or hpilson@capefearcog.org.

STHL is Meeting Online

The first in a series of virtual information sessions was offered by the Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) in January, according to Rebecca Freeman, Consumer Affairs and Legislative Liaison for the DAAS. The webinar gave an overview of the new state budget and showed how STHL priorities were impacted. Freeman encourages candidates to apply who are open to using email and participating in virtual meetings. “STHL has had to pivot like everyone else, and some are really starting to see the benefits of technology,” Freeman says. The next general session of STHL is March 15, and it will be virtual. More information about the Senior Tar Heel Legislature can be found at www.facebook.com/ NCSTHLNC.


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