How to Start a Greeting Card Business? People need greeting cards for countless occasions – birthdays, anniversaries, deaths, graduation, valentine’s, and whatnot. Some people do not even give a gift unless there isn’t a greeting card attached with it. If you have an idea for a line of greeting cards and the artistic talent to keep it unique, you are surely going to earn big. So, if you want to start your greeting card business, make an announcement already, or just simply say thanks. Because we’ve got you covered. We have put together this detailed guide that will answer all your questions from “How to start a Greeting Card Business?” to “How to frame the perfect greeting card business plan?”. Create a full-proof, well-planned, legally compliant, customer friendly greeting card business plan.
Decide your Target Audience Deciding the target audience or the target market is the essential step zero. You cannot probably sell without knowing who you’re trying to sell to. Decide what audience you want to target. Deciding this at an early stage is essential so that you can create designs that appeal to those audiences. You must go through a series of steps to decide your target audience. Let’s look at it one by one. 1. Find your Niche You need to think of a strategy that would mark your identity and would differentiate you from the pool of competitors. Defining a unique niche is a part of your larger brand strategy. A lot of things will depend on the niche of your business, like the name, specialization, marketing strategies and so on. Once you specialize in a certain type of message, you may find it difficult to branch out because the name you chose for your business may or may not align with your new specialization. So, it is better to know it all before you begin. 2. Greeting Card Type Decide what kind of cards you are going to design. Categorization could be based on size, material and so on. Ask yourself all sorts of questions and brainstorm. All these questions will help you decide your inventory and supplies and will eventually help you estimate the cost of your plan. •
Size Decide the size of your cards. What kind of size are you going to offer? Are you going to offer multiple sizes options? Are you going to offer custom-sizes?