EU Trainee Bible - October 2017

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WELCOME ALL ABOUT THE CREDITS Welcome to the EU Trainee Bible and an introduction to Brussels Brief, the EU's freshest weekly digest explaining the EU.


PREPARING & WONDERING Where do I live, breathe? Where am I? What is an EU? Answers to the elementary questions, covered.


How do I act? What do I say? What do I do? Making the most of your traineeship both in and out of the the office.


DEVELOPING & THRIVING What's my life's purpose? How can I get on the gravy train? You get one shot at the Eurobubble...Mom's spaghetti.

WELCOME Congratulations for making it to your EU Traineeship. Whether you are fresh out of your European Studies bachelors/masters or are looking for a sly way of getting a taste of what the gravy train life of Eurocrat is like, you have done well in overcoming the notoriously difficult selection process, and the wonderfully convoluted red tape to confirm your place among the EU institutions in the next few months. The 'EuroBubble', as it's often referred to, is a place of European diversity of young (and older) people coming together to work for and in the EU. You will experience what this is all about as you meet other trainees, colleagues, heads of units and more. Be ready to get your conversational skills up and running because the multitude of spoken languages here is impressive. You are one in over 600 trainees that will undergo a traineeship in the EU institutions and be sure that your unit and the European quarter will certainly be ready to host you. You, on the other hand, may not be so ready. Several hundred of you will be scavenging to open bank accounts, activate a working phone, maybe even find a home if that floats your boat. But don’t panic. To get you started, Brussels Brief bring you our indispensable insider tips to give you a head start on your traineeship. We hope you’ll enjoy your time here and maybe even get a job out of it? Bonne chance, The Brussels Brief Team



WHAT IS BRUSSELS BRIEF? Brussels is a weekly digest on and about the EU. We collate and curate the best international media content on the EU from major international news sources, blogs, websites and more and bring it to you once a week in a fresh and irreverent newsletter. The idea is to provide an 'executive summary' so that the most seasoned europhile, concerned citizen, student, and policy wonk can stay in the loop with the most important and interesting reads of the week. We live in an age of news and media saturation. This is exacerbated by the hard to navigate EU landscape. From online, print and social media there has never been a greater need for a single source where you can read with the peace of mind that all your loose ends are tied in what is happening in and around the Brussels Bubble and the EU. Brussels Brief reduces the noise so you don't have to. We started Brussels Brief because we were EU trainees at one point ourselves, but didn’t think the existing media was easy to understand or engaging. Brussels Brief is made with our own millennial generation in mind, keeping things informative but infused with a healthy sense of humour and informed from a myriad of perspectives. In an ambitious leap for our nascent organisation, we decided to expand beyond our weekly newsletter with this EU Trainee Bible, because a lot of the big brotherly/sisterly advice we needed when we did our traineeships wasn’t available to us and we think we can (humbly) offer some insight. Between us, we have been trainees in all the major institutions, so we hope our experiences can be of help to you no matter if you’re starting a traineeship in the Commission, Council, Parliament, Committee or anything else within the Eurobubble. Fix up, look sharp because this applies to you. SIGN UP to Brussels Brief on our website, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @Brusselsbrief.



INTRODUCTION TO EUROCRACY You are now officially a Eurocrat. Congratulations! Everyone hates you. Being a Eurocrat is an unloved job. You make too many rules (not as a trainee you won’t), you are paid fat salaries (nope, not even close as a trainee) and you spend all day drinking wine with lobbyists plotting to remove democracy from real people (if only). The EU bubble is a world far removed from most people’s lives and you’ll have a full-time job ahead of you just trying to explain the difference between the Council of the European Union and the European Council and why the EU is not 21st century Stalinism and/or Neoliberalism run amok (often to the same person). Good luck with that. Brussels is a fascinating place with most of the 30.000 Commission staff working here, the 751 egos (MEPs) and their assistants and much of the 6000 strong European Parliament staff; the 3500 Staff working for the Council, not to mention the 28 Member States’ Permanent Representations (i.e. EU Embassies) and an army of lobbyists (that includes both private sector suits, NGO hippies and everything in between). So you’ll get to meet a lot of different people as long as you try and reach out. This 'Bible' has as its mission, the Herculean task of easing your way into the brave new world of EU intricacies, unspoken rules and constant hustle for jobs. Hopefully, it will bring a little clarity for your new work, explain a bit about the context you are working in and give you some useful tips and tricks in order to land that sweet gig as an overpaid lobbyist when you finish your traineeship. Let the hunger games begin...








1.1 ACCOMM ODATION Brussels is a bustling city with hopeful politicians, young (and sometimes idealistic) professionals, evil lobbyists (and a few benign ones), journalists, students and many more people moving in and out all the time. So there are always rooms, apartments and houses opening up for new inhabitants. Short term rentals (perfect if you’re only staying for 6 months) are possible across the board but there are a few things you need to be aware of. The standard rental contract is 3 years, so make sure you clarify the length of your contract even before you walk into the viewing. Shorter rentals are available at the discretion of the landlord, or under a sublet agreement with someone on a three-year contract. This latter option is quite common and perfectly legit, however, you may have some issues on registering with your local commune (more on that later) if you opt for this. The options vary depending on preferred location and budget. However, what is important to know is that Facebook groups specific to Brussels housing market, such as Bruxelles à louer, are extremely useful, with a frequent exchange of places and details.


Rooms typically rent between €300 and €600 and it is usually easy to find a place close to the European Quarters. Look out for whether or not charges (for electricity and water) are included in the total rent price. Also, it is important to note that it is likely that your landlord will ask you to create an account to ‘block’ between 1-3 months of rent as a guarantee. This is quite common here in Belgium, although it does vary from landlord to landlord. Your new Belgian bank is familiar with the procedure and it only takes a few minutes to make a blocked account and fill out the document. Once you leave the apartment your landlord signs off on a similar document you can get the bank to release the deposit, and the money should be released within a few days.(as long as you didn’t tear things up in your birthday house party). Websites/groups for accommodation include Bruxelles à louer, Appartement/maison à louer,

'Rooms typically rent between €300 and €600'



Wildcard option: Scooty is a Belgian startup that allows you to rent motorbikes around the city of Brussels on a use by use basis all via your smartphone.

Ask a Roman if they think the Brussels transportation system works well and they’re likely to praise it like you did Britney Spears in the 1990s. Ask a Nordic, and they might refer to Britney in 2007.

'To stay fair, let’s say Brussels transportation takes you from one place to another with certainty. It works efficiently and runs frequently enough.'

To stay fair, let’s say Brussels transportation takes you from one place to another with certainty. It works efficiently and runs frequently enough. They’re also not the dirtiest! Metro, buses and trams get a little more packed, but get particularly tricky during rush hours because of traffic. In order to navigate the transport system in a cost-effective (and legal) way, make sure to get a MoBiB card with either single trips or a commuter subscription early on – it will save you a lot of money. There are two MoBiB cards available; one is a basic card that you can buy over the counter and the other is one with your picture for monthy or yearly subscriptions. If you don’t have a picture ready it can be made at the ticket counter in Gare du Midi when you buy a card.


Want to go green? Take the Villo city bikes, it will get you places quickly and with few less kilos given Brussels hilly hills! If you do though be warned that Brussels’ traffic and air quality together don’t make for the ideal match.


1.3 UTILITIES 101 Opening a bank account If you want to get paid, you will need a bank account and ING, a local bank conveniently located in Schuman and Place Lux is used to welcoming new accounts from trainees, among other places, will soon be A few things to remember when getting your bank account. It is important you head there bright and early to schedule an appointment. Lunch and after work hours are likely to be packed with people so do try to get an early squeeze. Your monthly salary and drunken withdrawals will thank you for it! (you avoid extra fees for operating from a Belgian account!). Remember to bring your trainee contract with you as the bank will require some form of documentation for your employment. Other than that it’s pretty simple and can be done in less than 30 min. Registering in your commune Registering at your commune helps keep track of your residency and allows you to be added to a system that holds you accountable for paying two taxes: transport and recycling trash (the system is well-regulated and organised here in Brussels).


Once you have found a permanent place to reside in (permanent is a very relative term for the world traveller in us, we know) you find your commune (e.g. Ixelles, Etterbeek, Saint Gilles, etc.) and you head over to schedule an appointment to register. You return with all that is necessary (ID, ID photos, etc.) and the clerk assigned will help you register in the system. Police will follow up in the coming weeks with a visit to your apartment (ensuring you are home at the same time as the police is the impossible bit you will have to overcome) to confirm your place of residency (make sure to have your name on the door). If this step goes well, you can return to the Commune in the coming days to pick up your residency card. (Simple as pie) Gym Membership It goes without saying that physical exercise is great for the body, but also for the brain, activating just the right kind of hormones that keep you energised and feeling good (we are all hooked on dopamine it’s that chemical that activates every time we get a like on Facebook). So if you feel like staying active offwork hours, here are some options.

'registering in your commune helps keep track of your residence' BRUSSELSBRIEF.EU

Basic Fit is a decently priced gym that has several spaces across the city. The convenience lies in the membership being applicable in allocations Bonus feature: they have locations in 5 countries with universal access to members. Wildcard option: there is also another option right by the parliament, World Class, although this one has only one location, its indoor pool makes it all worth the while (close your eyes and imagine you’re in Santorini). Membership can vary between gyms and it depends on the package you choose but you are safe in estimating €20-€30 per month. Phone With EU roaming finally abolished, rejoice, you can actually use your phone while abroad without bleeding money. But should you want to get a local Belgian number (a good idea if you want to get called for a job interview) then try out; Mobile Vikings: an easy solution that allows you to top-up as you go, with different packages heavy on either data, calling or texting. They can send you a sim card for free and you just take it from there, easy-peasy. Proximus: The legacy company in Belgium. They had a monopoly until the EU said, “hey stop that!”. Monopolies just aren’t very EU’ish.


Internet If your new home doesn’t have internet then you might be in for a rough ride. Most Belgian operators are slow and expensive, with a cap limit on your amount of surfing. That is not ideal when you are trying to binge watch House of Cards. On top of that, most try to bundle you with a TV and phone subscription, that’s a load of beeswax if you’re only here for 6 months, so check if your apartment has some kind of internet. Should you need to acquire your own internet package, you'll have to wait for 2 weeks before getting an appointment for them to come by another 2 weeks later) then try out: Telenet: takes about a week to come by, but you can schedule an appointment for either morning (9-13) or afternoon (14-20).

'that's a load of beeswax if your only here for 6 months'




Practical Information

Suffice to say all politics is local, nowhere more so than in Brussels. So are you living in Etterbeek, Bruxelles-Ville, Ixelles, Schaerbeek or one of the other 15 communes It matters for many services, taxes, rules and more especially if you stay here after your traineeship. You were warned!

Being a bilingual city remember that all proper names in Brussels (i.e. street names, areas etc) have both a French and Flemish moniker: Bruxelles-Ville=Stad Brussel; Ixelles =Elsene; Port de Namur=Naamsepoort and so on. Sometimes it is more obvious than others, but people almost exclusively refers to the names in French. However, a bus or tram might have the name written in Flemish, so it is helpful to remember a few places (your address) in both languages (even Google Maps falls into this trap). Neighbourhoods What Brussels lacks in city wide management it makes up of for in diversity. The city’s 19 Communes (municipalities) are a diverse amalgamation of Belgian society combined with immigrant neighbourhoods, university areas, EU institutions, parks and recreational areas and much more The most popular areas among students and young professionals are Ixelles, Etterbeek, Bruxelles Ville, Saint-Gilles and Schaerbeek. They are all close to the main EU buildings around Schuman and it is relatively easy to find an affordable accommodation on a trainee budget.


There is a reason why they put the EU in Belgium. They’re quite used to politics being complicated. Not only is the country divided in Flemish north, Walloon south and love child Brussels stuck in the middle (yes we left out the tiny German enclave, sorry).

Weather — The Belgian Tax You’re Paying You might not be paying any taxes of your EU wage, but the tax you’re paying is the Belgian weather. Brussels has a lot to offer but blue skies and sunshine are not always on the menu. When they are though, it is blissfulness. On the rest of the days, cover up, wear waterproof shoes, and forget your umbrella. Yes, forget the umbrella. It’s often rainy in such a way, with such a wind, that an umbrella in Brussels has an estimated life of 7 days. Don’t believe us? Try your luck!

'there's a reason they put the EU in Belgium.' BRUSSELSBRIEF.EU

Groceries and Home Goods


For all the little things in your new home, Hema and Blokker are fantastically utilitarian; spoons, towels, glasses, sheets. Any utility for your new house can be found here and you’ll most likely become great friends with the staff after 5-6 repeat visits. For a more eclectic and less useful trip, go to Flying Tiger, the Danish superstore of wondrous eclectic everythings.

You didn’t just come to save the world by day, no you’re here to shake some serious bureaucratic booty at night. Brussels has a decent and varied nightlife spread, something for every type, taste and budget. We recommend the places we hang out in and that way it's more likely you can buy us a drink.

Brussels is home to a few supermarkets that aren't well known to people from abroad. One of the most ubiquitous is Delhaize and offers a big variety. Good croissants and baked goods for that homemade brunch.

Bars: Maison du Peuple for a drink, or two, or five. It’s a great spot, decorated with exposed brick and it gets crowded on Saturday nights with some of the best company in the city. It’s also located in one of Brussels’ trendiest and most upcoming neighbourhoods, St Gilles. Madame Moustache is a dive in St Catherine that will enamour you once you walk. The eclectic decor, funky music and hipster crowd will want you going back.

German socialist paradises Aldi and Lidl offer the shopping prices most friendly to your trainee level income. They also have the best gin and Whiskeys in the world (no joke). So this is a good place to go if you’re having a Crémaillère (housewarming). Wildcard option: If you want to shop like a pro go to the outdoor bazaar at Gare du Midi on Sundays (6am-2pm). The bazaar is one of the biggest outdoor markets in Europe, so if you have the stomach for haggling a bit you can get a good deal on vegetables, flowers, clothes. Poetic and cheap. Wildcard option 2: Marche des Tanneurs is a fruit and vegetable market that sells coveted bio products that are so in right now. All joking aside, most if not all of their products are locally sourced.


Clubs: Fuse. Work life got you feeling dull? Need a techno release? Fuse will make sure to fix that. Among Brussels biggest clubs, Fuse is an alternative way to spend your weekend out (because realistically you won’t make it home before 4 am and then there goes your twoday rest period). Wildcard option: Cafe Beguin hosts live music every weekend and it’s free entry (almost) every time. If you’re looking for some of the best cocktails in town and some live worldinspired music, this is your place. (Great place for a dinner and a date).

'you can buy us a drink' BRUSSELSBRIEF.EU

1.4 EU 101

The Commission employs around 30.000 people. That may sound like a bunch, but remember that it services the EU’s 500 million citizens. What’s more, the EU only has about 1% of the total EU budget. Compare that to 20% in the US or 57% in France.

The EU is a strange beast. More of a state than an international organisation making some unnerved, but not enough of a state to make others happy.

Of all the EU budget, 94% is spent back in member states (that means less money for trainees) putting some restrictions on what the Commission can implement of utopian EU rules. The Commission is essentially accountable to the European Parliament and its President is practically elected by the Parliament by the beautifully onomatopoeic ‘Spitzenkandidaten’ procedure. It sounds like democracy, doesn't it?

To say the least what matters in the EU is to find compromise and getting legislation through is a long process involving multitudes of partners, institutions, political and cultural considerations and some finely honed political skill making. But you’re here to change the world, so go ahead, but don’t be surprised if your policy document gets stuck in a hearing for 6-8 months. Below we briefly go through the main EU actors, and most likely your new boss... The European Commission The European Commission is the EU’s executive arm. Nobody knows what that means exactly, but basically, it is the EU’s government. It consists of 28 Commissioners (one from each country) lead by the President (sort of like your prime minister at home). Known as ‘ the guardian of the treaties’ they are exclusively responsible submit a proposal for legislation, check that member states are doing what they should be doing in implementing EU law and run the day to day EU affairs - pretty much like your government at home.


The European Parliament The only directly elected EU institution - so basically your guarantee for democratic participation. It has grown from a symbolic place with virtually no influence to a political powerhouse equal to the Council of Ministers and has since 2014 decided that it elects the Commission president.

'The EU is a strange beast'


The EP has equal say in almost all legislation and never misses a chance to let anyone know that it feels it should be more involved (it is elected by us citizens, so fair enough). Made up of 751 MEPs (Member of the European Parliament) elected by (almost) proportional voting in the member states. It consists of several political groups, the biggest ones being the conservative EPP and the social democratic/socialist S&D. For legislation to pass it usually requires a majority, which no single political group has meaning that compromise is not just a virtue, but unavoidable. Council of the European Union The Council of the European Union or the Council of Minister. We’ll just say Council, thank you. This is where Member States meet and vote according to national interests with final say belonging to, you guessed it, the ministers. Technically 10 Council formations exist (one for agriculture, one for foreign policy and so on) who then work together with the European Parliament on finding a compromise on legislation. This is similar to the process in the US, with the Council being similar to the Senate. Each country votes according to population size and to pass a law needs a double majority: 55% of the countries and 65% of the population.


The European Council Wait what? didn’t you just mention that? Well not exactly. The European Council is where the EU heads of state (presidents, prime ministers) meet a few times a year to discuss the general direction of the EU. It’s sort of a parent version of the Council. Although the European Council is not part of the daily legislation it is important because nothing can be done without the member states (they pay the bills). The President is elected for a 2.5 year period and can be re-elected once. The President shares the role of representing the EU with the President of the Commission in international settings. This makes it really messy to figure out who is the leader of the EU not to mention the obviously confusing names of the institutions. The EU might be expertly skilled at ensuring a balance of power but not on naming things.

'compromise is not just a virtue, but unavoidable.'




The Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee are two EU bodies charged with bringing together stakeholders and representatives from society to feed input to the EU. Each consists of 350 members and not much political power between them.

There are a number of EU agencies spread out across the 28 Member States. The different EU agencies perform a range of monitoring, technical and scientific tasks helping and supporting the Commission in many of its regulatory tasks where a high degree of technical expertise is needed.

The Committee of the Regions is comprised of local and regional politicians from around the 28 EU member states. They weigh in with opinions on EU legislation since most EU law affects their local work and has to be implemented by local officials.

Most commonly known are Europol (the EU’s police cooperation organisation), the European Medicines Agency (the EMA, at the moment set to leave London with other Member States trying to get the rose) and The European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA) located in Parma, because when it comes to food safety we can only trust the Italians.

The Economic and Social Committee similarly is made up of “social partners” that is representatives of businesses and labour unions and other social partners like NGOs in order to have their voices heard in Brussels, since the well-functioning of the Single Market is paramount to the EU and no Brussels bureaucrat wants to be told they have ignored the people.

'when it comes to food safety we can only trust the Italians.' PAGE 15 | BEFORE





2.1 FIRST DAY Being the newbie in town isn’t always so bad, especially when you know the environment you are coming into. It might be helpful for you to sit down for a coffee with a colleague or two, and ask about ordinary office life. It’s always good to know as soon as you get there if the entire unit goes for morning coffee at 10, or that it organizes weekly meetings to catch up on work, or drinks. It might also be that your boss likes reports submitted in a certain kind of way or at a certain hour. Get on frequency from the first day.


This information might not be explained to you within the first day of walking into your office. So find a moment with a colleague you feel comfortable with to ask about the do’s and don’t’s of your unit. If you have a supervisor then don’t be afraid to ask. Supervisors are made out of the same organic material you are, and they don’t bite. If they do, let us know your story after you’ve let the police know.


2.2 WORK TIME Dress Code There is no official dress code. Yes, you will see a bit of everything and are free to do almost what you like, but being the newcomer on the block, it’s not a bad idea to overdress a bit (you can always scale back) and take cues from your unit. One thing to keep in mind: will you be participating in meetings with people outside your institution? In that case, remember that you are also representing your unit and first impressions go a long way (you might want a job with the people you meet). You may find yourself in a relaxed environment, or in one that tends to be more formal, in which case look at the way others are dressed and learn to adapt to your surroundings. Perhaps, if you notice it is a minority of colleagues that go around without a tie perhaps start wearing one to work. Sure, it is not fair, but you're also the last one on the ladder so learn to make your way up with respect and with fine etiquette. It's the little things that can help you stand out (for better or for worse).


Security Recent years of terror attacks around Europe and in Brussels made its mark on people's’ consciousnesses and on the face of many capitals, now littered with extra police and military. This applies to Brussels in particular. The city hosts the EU and regularly have 28 heads of state come by for coffee meetings, so it's logical security is tightened. In daily practice, you’ll manage. Remember to give yourself a few extra minutes to pass through security, much like a standard airport check. Also be aware that when the big 28 are in town, Schuman is a no go area so be prepared to adjust your morning commute to make way for the motorcades. Procedures can vary from place to place with the main buildings like the Berlaymont (where all the Commissioners are) being extra heavy. One annoying feature is the fact that you cannot necessarily go from a Commission building to the Parliament or Council building. Even senior staff have to go through security at the other institutions. That's a little excessive and wasteful, but it’s how it is. Sorry champ.

'it's the little things that make you stand out'


Etiquette The world is beautiful because it is varied, but only up until a certain point. Your educational and cultural background may differ from your neighbours, and that is not to say either one of you are in the wrong. However, in the workplace, there are a series of unspoken rules that should be accounted for. These are considered appropriate etiquette for the context you may find yourself in. For instance, in writing or responding to an email from a colleague, always use formal and adequate language. Address the person with respect and authority, kindly ask them for clarification, do not dismiss them or talk in abbreviated, slang terms. There is no need to demand a response, or abruptly request things such as a foot massage (stranger things have happened). Etiquette also refers to the way you behave in the office. Perhaps it is not absolutely necessary to ask for your days off on the very first day of work. That can be done as you settle into the new workplace, and get to observe the behaviour and the work patterns of other colleagues, as well. Show up on time, and in the first, few weeks, notice how others go about the day. Of course, you can ask for the precise working hours. In doing so, you set yourself to those hours (in the limits of human and/or transport error of course). A few minutes won't kill anyone, but avoid being the last one to show up and the first one to go.


Social media etiquette is key in modern work settings. Suffice to say, posting about your job can be fun, but an Instagram picture of the latest amendment to a report is of no-ones interest, let alone of use to your office. When it comes to adding your colleagues to social media, play it by ear. The usual good practice is to add them on LinkedIn. Twitter is the next best logical step and save Facebook and Instagram for your BFFs. Humility There is no doubt in our minds you have worked a long and steep road to get where you are. You have managed to make it through a selection of tens of thousands of candidates to secure a spot as a Bluebook or Schuman trainee within the EU institutions. As you walk with pride, however, remember where you came from. You are young (yes, below or around 30 is a young age for Eurobubble standards). There is much you have yet to learn and there isn't a boss, a unit, or a working environment that cannot teach you something about human nature, professional realisation, or your very own life. Take it all in and keep in mind that there are a variety of nationalities, background and people surrounding you.

'there are a series of unspoken rules that should be accounted for' BRUSSELSBRIEF.EU

Not everyone has a path like yours, but it doesn't mean yours is better (or worse in fact). Just because you have a half-dozen degrees, went to the College of Europe, LSE and/or Sciences Po and your uncle is Jose Manuel Barroso doesn’t mean you can go around treating people like they are inferior. Brussels is a small town and reputations are consequential. Take it all in like a sponge and remember, humility will likely get you a few extra friends too, nobody likes a showoff. Ask Questions You are new to your position, probably new to Brussels and so you will need to ask questions. Your new colleagues know this so don’t be shy. It is a much better strategy to ask a question one time extra than making a preventable mistake. Besides, asking questions just demonstrates that you are interested in your work, your colleagues and are taking your job seriously. That’s a good way to start your career and it will pay off. Secondly, traineeships vary a lot depending on the DG, agency, and the individual unit you will be working in. Some have too much work for you, so speak up in case you’re drowning, but others forget to delegate enough work.

KYU - Know your unit/other units An organigram is not a musical instrument. Rather it is the source of context in an organisation. Every decent intranet should have a copy of the organigram showing your unit and its relation to the other units within your DG. Perhaps the fun element is that you can see who your boss’ boss is and know exactly what someone is talking about when they are introducing themselves and what they do.

'You are new to your position, probably new to Brussels and so you will need to ask questions.'

If you find yourself in that situation remember this: It never hurts to ask an extra time if you can help out with something, it only makes you stand out even better.



Other Trainees - Know Your Peers A stranger is a friend you don’t know yet, and a fellow trainee is a future colleague. No one is better equipped to help you out than your fellow trainees because they know exactly what kinds of problems you are facing and probably have some good advice to share, albeit where the next bar is. It is easy to fall into the trap of hanging out only with trainees in your same office, and unit. There can be a great camaraderie with those but there is a shared feeling of fraternity with trainees in other DGs and even institutions that you won’t have when you finish your traineeship. So make the most to reach out, join trainee-organised events such as those from the EC Trainee’s Committee and Schuman Trainees Committee. Your time as a trainee is as short as and if done properly, as fun as an Erasmus and should be enjoyed like one.

The most effective way to get a job after your traineeship is to be referred by someone. That doesn’t have to be the boss of your boss. It can just as easily be your fellow trainee, your supervisor or your landlord (no jokes, turns out eurocrats have some spare change to invest in property and such things). Make yourself visible and be honest about your interests. Even though you might not get the first dream job there will be an opening somewhere soon and having shown your face and talked about your background is the best way to get ahead. That being said don’t be overly interested, it is wise to flatter people with power but remember that the advice in Machiavelli’s magnum opus ‘The Prince’ was intended for people already with some power, not trainees.

Networking Network network network is an age-old cliche... that works. To most people, a dreaded thing but no man (m/f) is an island especially in Brussels where you’ll find yourself creepily sharing Facebook friends with everyone, let alone LinkedIn contacts. That being said don’t worry. You’ll network all the time even if you don’t know it. Networking is asking questions, showing up at conferences and explaining who you are and your background. Use your time as a trainee to gather information and get to know people. Hand out business cards like its free candy and collect them like they’re Pokemon. Business cards are like seeds, they tend to sprout when you least expect them to.


'The most effective way to get a job after your traineeship is to be referred by someone.'


2.2 DOWN TIME Lunch EU canteen food is subsidised much like the Common Agricultural Policy. No butter mountains or wine lakes in the institutions though. If you decide to go for lunch in your DG’s canteen it’s usually a good idea to go before 12:30 when the internal clock of all EU officials cries out for sustenance. It is worth asking if your canteen does trainee discounts (this varies across canteens) and if so, always show your badge. Canteen workers have no mercy when it comes to charging you full price. It's your job to remind them. Most trainees will work in the European Quarter fairly close to each other. So where to go for that networking lunch you’ve finally managed to set up? At Brussels Brief we like bagels and Art’s and Bagels in Schuman or Karsmakers close to Place Luxembourg are known for some mean bagels. Alternatively, there’s always an EXKI close by or try Pulp or Paul if you want an extremely standard sandwich. Wildcard tip: Like some Moroccan food for a great price? Try Cafe Jenner in Etterbeek for delicious Moroccan dishes at a very discounted price. If you want to pay homage to the beloved Central European staple of Schnitzel, try Restaurant Maxburg for a pricey yet worthwhile piece of breaded meat heaven.


PWDs - Post Work Drinks Place Luxembourg (or Plux) on Thursdays. Plux is the new centre of your life and you’ll learn to hate it and live to love it. It is THE centre for young Eurobrats such as yourselves to go socialize after work and it is where you will try desperately to get news about a contract agent position in the DG of your dreams. From time to time the place is crawling with real Eurocrats so don’t miss the opportunity to pick them apart and ruin their evening asking for career advice. Remember that happy hour is from 6-7pm only where most beers are 2 euros which become 4 just when you are getting happy enough to not care about the price. If you do care about the price, (and you will), the Delhaize in Place Lux is open until 8 pm and there is a night shop just around the corner (opposite Luxembourg train station) which is notoriously popular servicing thirsty drunk trainees with €1.50 Jupiler and questionably delicious samosas until late. These, of course, are to be consumed in the grass area and under no circumstance to be smuggled into the bars...under no circumstance...never ever. Ever.

'Plux is the new centre of your life and you'll learn to hate and live to love it' BRUSSELSBRIEF.EU

Chatelain on Wednesdays. Wednesday ( or hump day) is one of those days which is hard to make an opinion of. Luckily, Brussels has given Wednesdays a spin that perhaps can give you a boost as much as it has done with us in the past. The Chatelain farmer's market occurs every day from 1 pm to 7 pm after which it turns into an after work drink up until late. Its location is in a rather London-esque neighbourhood of Brussels, with little, brick and colourful townhouses all around. Its cosy streets leading up to this main square (Place du Chatelain) make it a great place for the heavy consumption of food, from Italian piadinas and pad thai to Moroccan delicacies and beer to wash it down. Wildcard option: Stay at home all week and go out on the weekends like an adult. Jokes aside, Chausseurs Ardennais in Schaerbeek is ten minutes walk from the Commission and could be considered the Belgian Plux on Fridays. Much like Chatelain, it is an outdoor market whose star feature is an Alsatian bar serving cremante wine, Strasbourg beer and pretzels. Weekends Museums: If rainy days discourage you, Brussels’ museum scene will take you into refuge. Magritte, a pride and joy of the Belgians and man who is famous for saying that a pipe is not a pipe has his very own spot. Located right next to one of Brussels’ most iconic views, you will find the hours spent inside fly by. Organised so you, the viewer, can experience his life through his art pieces, the museum has some of his most original work.

Royal Museum of Fine Arts. An elegant and wellkept building to lose yourself in the wonderfully pretentious. A variety of styles to wander through, from antiquities to modern contemporary art and limited photography exhibitions, you’ll find yourself travelling through time and space. If you’re under, you’ll get in for €2. You can’t eat culture, but for 2 euros I’ll take all I can eat. Museum of Instruments offers a chance to experience music from its birth, through the eras and different cultures and across a variety of instruments. This museum allows you to live the music like you haven’t before. Taking you through pianos, harps, trumpets, drums, local and regional music trends, it will get you inspired to start your own philharmonic if you only took those piano lessons seriously when you were five years old.

'Magritte, a pride and joy of the Belgians and man who is famous for saying that a pipe is not a pipe'




Parks: Parc Cinquantenaire. If you’re keen on going for a run while staying in the midst of the (political) action this is the place for you. Right by the EU headquarters, Cinquantenaire is a fine reflection of the city’s best. Characterised by the monumental arc that brings inspiration just by looking at it, this park is a great place to take a lunch break, too. It also holds a reasonable track field and a mosque. Common sights include people practising Tai Chi, Acro Yoga and passed out revellers from Friday night. Parc Royale. Class and melancholy characterise this park that faces what was once the Royal Palace, now only used for official state visits and tourist ones, too. Parc Royale is a centrally located green space to walk through as you head towards downtown. It is often home to food and music festivals, which are always an excuse to toast to the remaining monarchists in the 21st century. Parc Leopold. A favourite of ours. With large weeping willows, green hills and a pond, this is a great place to lay in and spend hungover Sundays at. It’s also home to a basketball court but more importantly, the House of European History. The park is also strategically located between Place Jourdan (where the fries are made) and the European Parliament (where the sausages are made). Bois de la Cambre. A runner’s favourite. This much larger park is a great getaway location for those who want to stay in Brussels but escape the urban setting. It’s great for walks, picnics, occasional music festivals and marathon runners.



'Common sights include people practising Tai Chi, Acro Yoga and passed out revellers from Friday night' BRUSSELSBRIEF.EU




3.1 STAYING IN THE EU INSTITUT IONS The most addictive aspect of obtaining a traineeship within the European Institutions is that it gives you a taste of a cake you once had, want again, but can't figure out how to get to that precise bakery. If you are at the end of your traineeship and your experience has proven to be not awful, mildly motivating and inspiring enough to want to continue working for the EU then it turns out that you can. While attempting (and passing) the EPSO 'Concours' is the one most definite, long-term strategies to working for the EU, there are other ways around that can get you a foot in the door. Interimaire (The Glorified intern) The most common way to stay on after your traineeship. Go pay a visit to Randstad, an ‘interimaire’ agency, which is to be the middleman between you and the EU Institutions, specifically the Commission.


Go in to see them or write them an email informing them of your background (briefly, no need to let them know what you had for dinner), your latest employment and your interest to work for the EU. You must be determined and persevere, despite what may seem like an initial disregard/dismissal from their part. They will invite you in for an EPSO styled computerbased exam. Should you pass this, you will be placed on a list that they will send to the Institutions on a monthly basis. Depending on the need or available vacancies of a unit, you could be contacted via Randstad. If you’re lucky enough to get an interview with an interested unit and be selected, boom you’re an interimaire. In this case, as with any good indenture, you are working within the EU institutions but you are employed by Randstad. Many of the benefits that you would be receiving as an employee of the EU Institutions are not in the cards (healthcare, tax-exclusion, ecc.) Still, you make it off pretty well with weekly contracts (hence, weekly paychecks) and a chance to explore the life of an EU official without all the elements that make the job actually attractive. Think of it like non-alcoholic beer or decaf coffee.

'a taste of a cake you once had, want again, but can't figure out how to get to that precise bakery.' BRUSSELSBRIEF.EU

Contract Agent (The Mercenaries) This position allows you to work within the EU Institutions for a total of 6 years and is quite possibly the sweetest gig out there. Under this title, you are a full-fledged employee of the EU, which means you receive all the benefits (and all the responsibilities) you could expect from an EU official. To do so you, must place your personal and background information (name, past academic and professional experience, etc.) onto the EU CV online database. From here, interested and seeking units can find you using key words. Should they find your profile potentially suitable for their vacancy, you will be called and asked to take an EPSO-styled exam, with the addition of a competencybased section. If you pass this exam (which needs an overall lower score than the EPSO one), you will be called in for an interview(s) until the perfect match is made. At that point, once a unit has chosen to hire you, the paperwork procedure takes approximately 1-3 months. You are then on probation for the first 9 months, and should your employer be as satisfied with you as you are with them, your contract is extended to 2 years after the first year and for three years after that first renovation. Jumping through hoops never had such great consequences. EPSO (Fool’s Gold) You think studying for your degree was hard? Now comes the real challenge. Here’s some good news, if you are Danish, Swedish or Lithuanian (sorry Brits, this one is closing rapidly) you just need to pass, and you are basically guaranteed a ticket on the gravy train.


Why? Because of these countries are heavily underrepresented in the EU institutions. That, therefore, means that it is hard for Italians and Spanish people to get in as they are continuously over-represented in EU institutions compared to population size. That being said, there are no formal quotas only an attempt to have a balanced composition of EU public officials. EPSO is to some a part-time job, a second partner, a first child or all of the above. The main thing you need to know is that the odds are stacked against you. Firstly, if studying the notorious tests including numerical, verbal reasoning, abstract exercises don't break your spirit then passing them will be like finding the lost arc. There are some helpful books like The Ultimate EU Test Book that will help you get started. If you do manage to pass then the assessment centre is where they separate the wheat from the chaff amid interviews and competitive arm slinging worthy of some of the toughest corners of the private sector. Then comes the final list of worthy yet still unemployed candidates. These are picked out indiscriminately by whoever has a position going at that point, anything from Juncker's cabinet to a scrivener in the Committees.

'EPSO is to some a part-time job, a second partner, a first child or all of the above.' BRUSSELSBRIEF.EU

MEP Assistants - (the Unloved spouse) Remember The West Wing? The American TV show about White House staffers? It showed an entire generation, a behind the scenes look at the people who saved America (and of course the world) on a weekly basis. Well, two can play that game, we got MEP assistants, the hottest, most overqualified people in town. The power behind the person, the brains to the brawn, the people who help MEPs from wetting their pants and when they do, pick up some dry cleaning. Being an MEP assistant is a deeply personal venture. You work directly for your MEP and therefore there are 751 different bosses and job experiences. Some are glorified coffee makers and some literally write EU legislation and sit in on crucial negotiations. Most do anything in between those two extremes. Work hours and wages are also dependent on the MEP and the size of staff he or she is running, so you need to figure what type of conditions you want to work under. Most MEPs want and need people from their own country (or at least people who are fluent in their language) but there are hundreds of opportunities, to take a look around. One thing you’ll have to keep in mind: this is a political office, so there will inevitably be things you work on you do not agree with. That’s how it is. But most MEPs are swayed by good arguments and if you put in the effort you can have a direct impact on the legislation you are working on.


'The power behind the person, the brains to the brawn, the people who help MEPs from wetting their pants and when they do, pick up some dry cleaning.'


3.2 STAYING IN THE EUROBUB BLE Job Platforms You've had this great work experience for 6 months or maybe if you’ve been lucky, even longer and now you're thinking you don't actually want to leave this rainy but terribly addictive city. There are a variety of ways in which the EU network in Brussels makes it possible for you to stay, or at least try to. To start off, it is important to regularly check websites like Eurobrussels, Euractiv and Cosmopolitalians. They publish vacancies currently offered by a variety of firms, agencies, consultancies, NGOs and others seeking employees. With just one click you have access to a multitude of job listings and what are the prerequisites they seek from an individual wishing to apply. Don't despair if it seems you are relentlessly applying to postings with little to no feedback. Give it enough time and you will receive some response, possibly even a chance for an interview.


'Don't despair if it seems you are relentlessly applying to postings with little to no feedback.' BRUSSELSBRIEF.EU

Private Sector & NGOs Public sector isn’t for you? Did you come to Brussels with the dream of becoming a hotshot lobbyist earning 6 figures a year and working 12 hours a day? Then your most logical next step is to head toward the over 30,000 ‘lobbies’ or ‘interest representations’ that are present in Brussels. These are mostly made up of big international consultancies, industry associations, NGOs, Think Tanks and individual companies' lobbies. When it comes to consultancies, the big bad wolves of corporate representation, these provide opportunities usually through highly competitive internship positions, for which they hold various interview rounds. Industry associations are also competitive to get into and your success will depend on how familiar you are with the particular industry you're applying for. Same applies to NGOs, who are known for hiring people who are experts in their field rather than expert generalists, that is unless you are an events and communications guru which means you can get a job in any NGO out there. Finally, think tanks are probably most attractive to the academic and policy-minded but they are notorious for their low pay. Most who are initially enamoured by the prospect of hard-hitting daily policy analysis and discussions are, in the long-term, dissuaded by the low salary, long hours and little career progression in what is, inevitably, a narrow field.


'Did you come to Brussels with the dream of becoming a hotshot lobbyist earning 6 figures a year and working 12 hours a day?'



It works out for some, but it has been said that there is an entire ‘golden’ generation of professionals that are wasting away in the Brussels internship (vicious) cycle.

Another Internship or Contract?

In a recent answer to an EPQ (European Parliament Question), the Commission stated that it lacked the competence to ensure that all traineeships are paid. This is obviously a cop-out, but the attention on both a national and international level towards this issue is ensuring that both the public and private sector take note that although the appetite for meaningful and fulfilling work in organisations linked with the EU is there, there are less and less people convinced that the price for that is their free labour.

So what do you do If you can’t get an actual position in any of the above, is another internship an option? That question will depend on your age, how many internships you have done before and whether mum and dad are willing and able to bankroll your life in a European capital. It has become almost an unspoken rule between all organisations in Brussels, either through lack of funding or pure capitalistic callousness to have permanent trainee positions where they can get away with having a high turnover of overqualified people at a low stipend (if any). Others use internships to suss out who is worth the ink on their CV, as an extended interview of sorts to hire future employees. What is an inevitable reality is that Brussels and particularly the Eurobubble is filled with an abundance of overqualified, intelligent people willing to work long hours for low wages with the prospect of success, status, Europhilia or all of the above as their goals.


Know your rights If you are to pursue another traineeship, and you probably will, it is worthwhile noting that there are many different options out there. In other words, an unpaid internship can be avoided if done properly.

'Others use internships [...] as an extended interview of sorts to hire future employees.' BRUSSELSBRIEF.EU

The EU has made some kind of declaration on traineeships, however, in the 2014 Council Recommendation on a Quality Framework for Traineeships. You can read that for yourself but it doesn’t take a genius to deduce that they do not address the issue of pay and conditions of traineeships strongly enough. Intern organisations Thankfully, you’re not on your own. If you do find yourself in a traineeship situation and are looking to get some dedicated advice on whether you’re getting short-changed in any way, direct your attention to the various grassroots organisations looking to lobby for and help interns in their struggle. The first logical step is the impressive Brussels Intern NGO. Started in 2013, they have a substantial team and are behind a lot of the initiatives and marches you’ll see around Brussels in defence trainee’s rights. EU Interns 4 Interns is another more EU focused organisation with a significant following. If you are looking to find a quality internship, the organisation Interns Go Pro only advertise internships that pass their stringent quality standards on their platforms. The Communaute europeenne du stage is a French-language Facebook group where internships of all types are posted but the bad ones are usually sieved naturally by the power of the crowd.


Intern-tainment We wouldn't want to let you go without propping up some entertainment options conjured up by former trainees. We recommend delving into a couple of books whilst you are doing your traineeship. An Erasmus Story by Fabio Mauri is made up of two novels; Along the Danube and Mediterranean Ocean. The novels are set in a dystopic Europe of the future where the continent is gripped by conflict and division, consisting of small, regional states that only share a mutual enmity. (sound familiar?) Defying the border restrictions, a group of Erasmus students decide to reunite and celebrate thirty years of friendship. They are supported in this difficult task by the 'Europeanists', a clandestine association which still fights to bring unity and peace to the continent. Just the kind of feelgood world saving EU story we're into.

'It doesn’t take a genius to deduce that they do not address the issue of pay and conditions of traineeships strongly enough.' BRUSSELSBRIEF.EU


Sell Yourself and Your Traineeship

When You Don’t Get the Job

EU Trainee Ambassador is a trainee run initiative born from trainees last year that intends to prepare those interested promoting EU traineeships and, incidentally the EU in their home countries. It is also a good excuse to keep in touch with the EU institutions by becoming a de facto agent for them (pro-bono of course).

It’s not a big deal, champ, it happens to all of us. We’ll be honest with you, not everyone gets the dream job or even any job. Many of our friends had to move back, but that shouldn’t keep you down, assuming you want to stay at all! You have acquired valuable experience that your peers back home don’t have: you now know a system that to most people is deeply strange and incomprehensible. You have worked in a complex organisation with multiple languages being spoken at meetings, sometimes at the same time and different cultures working together. That kind of experience is valuable in any organisation, the only thing you need to do is highlight it so that your future employer understands what you can bring of value.


You were one of only a few people to make it through. Even if your country doesn’t have that many applicants, don’t mind, you focus on the positive aspects. Thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of young professional apply for traineeships in the EU and only a few hundred get to go. So use that as a case in point when you need to demonstrate why you can be a valuable team player and co-worker.

'You have acquired valuable experience that your peers back home don’t have'


END NOTE Thanks for reading all the way through. Congrats! For doing so you have earned a spot in President Juncker's cabinet (terms and conditions apply, don't read the small print). We hope you got as much information/enjoyment as we did writing it. We want to make a new edition of this 'Bible' for every cohort of trainees so that each one is passed on generations of trainee knowledge and wisdom in a single document. In order to so we would love to get YOUR help. Therefore, if you loved or hated this edition shoot us an email to tell us what you would keep, what you would get rid of and, most importantly, what you would add. Email us at: Also, we'd love to hear about your best experiences, anecdotes as well as embarrassing work stories and drunken Plux nights on social media. Use the hashtag #EUTrainee on Twitter or send us a picture on #EUTrainee on Instagram. Also, why not DM us on our Facebook page If you have a good story or picture, we'd love to feature it. Good luck for the rest of your traineeship and career start in Brussels. We hope to have been a good friend in the beginning and hope to maintain the friendship as you go through your journey. If you would like to keep us in your life and, in the meantime, get informed on what is being reported on and about the EU then please do us a solid and SIGN UP to Brussels Brief. That way we can send you a weekly email newsletter with everything that people talking about, along with some things they aren't. Sign up at www. Bisous, The Brussels Brief Team



Copyright © 2017 by EU Trainee Bible 'First Edition' All rights reserved. All images published under a Creative Commons licence. Made with love in Ixelles, Belgium.

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