ArchitecturAl Design stuDent ABOUT ME
An Architecture student with six years of experience in the fields of residential constructions, graphic design, product management, inventory control, workplace safety/compliance, workplace maintenance and customer service. Passionate about Architecture, efficiency in work, quality of work. • Hard Worker, Quick Learner, and Ability to Assume Responsibility • Exceptional leadership skills developed through experience in school and work
• Customer service and public speaking
Academic Project
2023 / Private Located in-between 15 & 14
Boathouse Row, Philadel -
phia, PA 19130
Designed in Revit
The purpose of the project is to design a building that compliments the history of rowing in Philadelphia, while making the sport more accessible to the public. The common area on the first floor is the level between the boat storage and the gym area giving the public an oportunity to view different aspects of the sport. With skylights and balconies to view from the building is inviting to its guests and gives them a glimpse of what to expect if the join the club that owns the building.
Academic Project
2023 / Public Located at 3503 Lancaster
Ave Philadelphia, PA 19104
Designed in Revit
This building is designed for a music vennue and restaraunt that opperates as a coffee shop during the morning. This design had to follow the constraints of a small triangular plot and sits at the end of a block, which consists of pizza restaurants and residential buildings. The driving force behind the design is utilizing the corner of the triangular site as a focal point of the building. In this corner there is natural lighting as well as internal balconies on both upper levels for the music to resonate through each floor.
Academic Project
2023 / Public
Located in Fairmount Park at 4700 States Dr Philadelphia, PA 19131
Designed in Rhino
The purpose of this tower was to provide various vantage points for visitors to look over Fairmount Park as well as provide a public restroom. The viewing tower features a suspended balconies and two large platforms as well as cover from in climate weather. The Pallisters along the building mimic the classical architecture found at the Fairmount Waterworks as well as the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
The objective of this project was to design a getaway cabin for two people. The cabin was allowed a maximum size of 200 square feet. I started this project creating three alternate rough designs and decided that the cabin with a conversation pit which converts to a bed to be more intimate. The cabin sits inside the side of a small hill. It is entered at the rooftop deck and the guests descend the staircase into the cabin. The outdoor space features a partially covered deck with a “H” shape dock which allows for enclosed beach access.
Academic Project
2022 / Public
Located at “Pier 67”, 1751 S
Christopher Columbus Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19148
This project focused on the renovation and repurposed of “Pier 67”, which sat unused and degraded. The main objective of this project was to provide the community with an activity that could encourage gatherings. Upon the assessment of the site a weak spot was found, which created a collapse in one section of the pier. Instead of repairing the damaged section and risking issues later; the section was converted into a launching and landing point for kayaks. The design for pier 67 allows for different vantage points as well as better spots for fishing.
Other Works