An outside classroom
Process of Project
1. Workshop and idea development and testing
2. My final proposal
3. Tendering and Construction?
Ideas developed from workshop
Model showing people climbing on the roof and underneath.
Full scale shelter making led to understanding that any structure should be open sided and cannot be used as a hide out
Seating, ladders and boundaries
Sitting places, things to look at, things to do
Model showing a vertical structure in which you can sit and talk, chillout and look at nature
Full scale shelter making led to understanding of apertures and views in and out of the structure
Model showing wooden beam structure inspiring visible consturction elements and methods
Models showed ativities taking place in the structure such as playing pool or chess
A transparent roof in Nathanials model helped us decide that a transparent roof canopy might be useful in our proposal
Multiple ideas, interventions held together by a single structure
Seat and table layout with larger and smaller seats, a climbing net/wall.
Proposed Location on Site
Views of Proposed Site 1
3 3
Sun Path
Location B
11 Location A
SCALE 1:200 at A2 N
View Toward Learning Space
Learning space
sketch section showing structure on top of mound
Learning Space Materials 1:20@A1
games boa rds built into structu re
di fferent seating positions possible th roughout flowing Steel bench
fibre glass seating
6 brushed stainless steel
Wooden framework structure
fibre glass seating
zinc etched panels
zinc etched floor panels
etched floor panels
Glu-lam laminated timber structu re
Rubber treatment to floor surface
Concrete walk in & foundations
Detail sheet
Trophy wall
Construction method using flat planes of steel to create 3d form
Trophy wall contains mix of cultural refferences
horse head
Ghanan snow man coffin
African Impala
mobile phone
A narrative about communication portrayed in images and diagrams
Tupac - communication through music
Zinc etched panels
example Zinc etched panel telling the story of Tupac
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Communication when it goes wrong
How might the outside learning space be used
a place to chill out with mates
a shelter for a project meeting
a shelter from the rain
to hang out with nature
a place to sit and chat
a place to make stuff
An object to work out on
to play a game
a common place to meet friends
a place to sit and watch whats going on
Alternative Approaches
Submerged Walkway with Etched Mural
A submerged walkway dug into the slope of the site leading the user into the middle of the artwork. The user enters the structure from below, so is exposed to the structure, and can understand the way the artwork is constructed. The walkway sides will also be etched with a narrative reflecting on communication, so providing an added opportunity for learning.
Andrea Blum
Submerged Rising Ramp
Andrea Blum A submerged rising ramp leading to the base of the artwork provides a defined journey and develops anticipation for the user. The entire form of the artwork would be exposed.
Sutherland Hussey
Sunken Square
A square would be excavated surrounding the artwork so creating an open but more protected area in front of the structure.
Tadao Ando
Balancing Beam Approach
A balancing beam leading to the artwork defines a route into the piece and provides an added point of contact and interaction with it away from the major volume.
Tadao Ando
Learning space Process sketch 2
sketch 1
metal roof
story panels
back support folded sheet metal seating framing device
sketch 3 gazebo structure
reclining seats
back support
plywood seating
metal leg entrance
sketch 4
possible construction method