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Bryan Finch
NEVER HAVE I LIVED IN THIS FREEDOM FROM FEAR AND WANT, WHERE IS IT AND HOW DO I GET ME SOME OF OR EVEN ALL OF THAT, ALL THOUSE WARS WHERE where are mothers and fathers,sisters, brothers, grandfathers grandmothers aunts ,unculs what did thay die for NOTHING? CAN i DO BETTER THAN ANY OF THOUS THAT ARE IN OFFICE? yes i can you cant help anyone if you know nothing about them you have to live in there shoes first , you really have to! you know nothing about them, but when you do it is then you can help them! AND IF I DONT STAND UP NOW AND SAY SOMETHING WHO WILL I WILL STANDUP AND SAY I CALL ALL TO MY RIGHTS TO SAY I AM ONE AND THERE MANEY LEAGONS BEHIND ME TO BACK ME UP AT THIS TIME OF NEED! if needed! AND WE WILL WIN!