from the Arizona desert in Spa Avania at Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa. Awaken, rejuvenate and unwind as you indulge in the blissful treatments based on the four spa elements deemed most essential to the body’s changing daily rhythms and requirements. Each treatment is geared to the natural cycles during the three periods of the day: morning for revitalization, midday for restoration and evening for relaxation. Seek solitude 7500 E Doubletree Ranch Rd | Scottsdale, AZ | 85258 | 480-483-1234

Welcome I hope that 2022 finds you healthier, wealthier and happier than ever before. As your trusted source for everything real estate, I am excited to introduce this issue’s REALTOR Spotlight Feature. We have also added an inspirational story about how a man changed his life, and saved his life, with a quarantine body transformation. Please enjoy our other articles on mental and physical health. Cheers, Bryan Johson Publisher/CEO Copyright ©2021 Homeowner Magazine is published 12 issues yearly. All rights reserved. Reproduction of whole or part of any text, photograph or illustration without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Homeowner Magazine. For information on advertising, editorial, or general inquiries call 480.295.9050. PUBLISHER/CEO: Bryan Johnson FOR ADVERTISING INQUIRES: Gilbert,2864BULLDOG(480)Bryan@HomeownerMag.com295-9050MEDIAGROUP,LLCECathyDrive,AZ85296 ADVERTISE WITH US... PHOENIX | SCOTTSDALE | DENVER / COLORADO SPRINGS | SOCAL | DALLAS | MIAMI JACKSONVILLE | TAMPA… COMING TO NEW MARKETS SOON.


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