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Bryant Community Shout Outs

Which Bryant Community Member Made A Meaningful Impact On You? Class of 2022

I wanted to thank Professor Michael Bryant of the History and Social Sciences department. He is always willing to go the extra mile for his students and helped me a great deal with final capstone paper. He genuinely cares about each of his student’s success and I will always remember the impact he had on me as a student. - Shannon O’Connor

Jess Dang - Alumni Communications and Program Officer

and Meg Cummins - Manager of Online Alumni and Parent

Engagement. Both of them have pushed me to the best version of myself, to grow as a leader. They served as my advisors for the Student Alumni Association, and were always available and willing to help me whenever I needed it, despite their crazy busy schedules. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it weren’t for them! I will miss going to their office multiple times a week, but can’t wait to stay in touch after Bryant! - Benjamin Heyman

Jess Raffaele - Director of Student Events and Orientation Programs; Inge-Lise Ameer - Vice President of Student Affairs; Jen Edwards - Director of Planning and Assessment for Student Affairs; John Denio - Associate VP of Student Affairs; Tory Atkins - Assistant Director of Student Events and Orientation Programs; Jarely Paulino Diaz - Community

Director of Residential Life - Nicholas Farrington

I want to thank Professor Rick Smith, a man who is passionate about learning, and doesn’t know how much his lessons taught me. - Brendan Foley

Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, Inge-Lise Ameer, has not only directly impacted my time at Bryant, but the time of all students. She consistently goes out of her way to show her support. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for her dedication to Bryant and its overall community. Inge goes above and beyond, reminding me of how truly special Bryant is each and every day. I am so excited to see what she does next on Instagram! - Nicole Craig

I would like to thank the many Bryant community members who have supported me, guided me, and helped me reach my highest potential. I could list dozens of people who have had a significant impact on my time at Bryant, however, I will only name a few. Rebecca Eriksen (Office of Admission, Director of Campus Visit Experience) thank you for helping me pick Bryant during my senior year of high school, for giving me the chance to develop my leadership skills, and allow me to make a positive impact on the Student Ambassador Program. Professor Allison Butler (Psychology Department & IDEA Program Director) thank you for sparking my love for Design Thinking and allowing me to share it both at Bryant and in the local community. Professor Teresa McCarthy (Associate Professor of Global Supply Chain Management & Marketing) thank you for helping me discover my passion for Supply Chain and connecting me with Hasbro. And thank you to the many other Professors, staff, and administrators at Bryant who have had such a profound impact on my experience, and make leaving this community so bittersweet. - Paul Theriault

Jess Raffaele, Director of Student Events & Orientation Programs - Jess I cannot express my appreciation for you enough. Throughout these past four years, you’ve shown myself and other seniors what it’s like to put everything you’ve got into your work. Your unwavering commitment to students, our growth, and our success shines through in everything you do. Your impact on Bryant students will always be greatly appreciated! - Matt Hird

Which Bryant Community Member Made A Meaningful Impact On You?

Tom Zammarelli and Dr. Julie Volkman from the Communication department changed my perspective of communication and the idea of a work-life balance. Both professors use their class time to apply and explain how to utilize the concepts in your professional and personal lives. With an interest in social media, I did not imagine I would take organizational and health communication courses, but they became the most impactful classes in my academic career. Professor Zammarelli and Dr. Volkman want you to not only be happy in your career, but your personal life and harp on the importance of doing what you love and standing up for what is right; something I will take with me for the rest of my life. - Layna Holk

Professor Richard Holtzman/Associate Professor of Political Science/Political Science Program

Coordinator - Professor Holtzman is the very best Bryant has to offer. Take his class, learn from him, and go to his office hours. Thank you, Professor, for further sparking my interest in politics and government. - John Colantoni

Esther Kalajian- ESL Specialist, AEL Instructor/ Academic Center for

Excellence Esther Kalajian was the first person to reach out to me, introducing me to the Academic Center for Excellence if I ever needed academic support from tutors and learning specialists. She made me feel welcomed at Bryant University. Kaoru Paganelli, Assistant Director Office of International Students and Scholars Kaoru Paganelli, my boss and advisor, has provided me with many opportunities to work as an Office of Students and Scholars(OISS), as well as helped me to get through my college journey as an international student. - Ngoc Nhu Anh (Anya) Ha

Dr. Kevin Martins, Assistant Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity,

and Inclusion - Morgan Lestinsky

Kara Marx - Coordinator for Student Programming and Greek Life - CSLI, Joanne Robertson -

Manager - Post Office - Alec Celli

I would like to acknowledge everyone who played a role in my academic accomplishments. I am forever grateful for the professors and mentors at Bryant University’s Liberal Arts & Science and Business departments. You supported me on my journey in discovering my passion for communication, sales, and psychology. With your teachings and guidance, you provided me with the tools that I need to choose the right path, inspired me to challenge myself through your lectures and encouragement, and embraced who I am so I could explore my personal and career aspirations in my communication, sales, and psychology studies. Thank you... •

Dr. David Ciliberto, Senior Lecturer of History and Social Sciences • Dr. Susan Baran, Lecturer of Communication • Dr. Kristen Berkos, Associate Professor of Communication • Dr. Ramesh Mohan, Professor of Economics • Dr. Bary Fleet, Associate Professor of Psychology • Dr. Heather Pond Lacey, Associate Professor of Psychology • Dr. Stefanie Boyer, Professor of Marketing and Sales • Dr. Julie Volkman, Associate Professor of Communication • Dr. Christopher Morse, Communication Department Chair and Professor • Dr. Jennifer Horan, Lecturer of English and Cultural Studies • Mr. Thomas Zammarelli, Lecturer of

Communication - Jessica Zedros

Thanks to Dr. G for being a great teacher and mentor - William McKeen


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