Through The Archway - Commencement Magazine

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Dear Members of the Bryant University Class of 2022,

Congratulations on your graduation today! As you process through our University’s historic Archway to receive your diploma, you can be very proud of your accomplishments and contributions to the Bryant community.

Your Bryant experience included unprecedented challenges that the pandemic created across the country and around the world. On our campus, we addressed these challenges with Bulldog spirit and perseverance. During the 2020-21 academic year, Bryant was one of the few universities in the nation to offer in-person classes and a full residential experience without interruption. This was only possible because of the very strong collective commitment of our students, faculty and staff.

We asked our students to Be Bryant Strong and take care of each other, and you demonstrated extraordinary character and leadership. We requested your design-thinking skills in developing our Vision 2030: Education Through a New Lens strategic plan, and you shared insights that have made our bold vision for the future even stronger.

You have pursued academic excellence, competed at the highest level of intercollegiate athletics, established lifelong friendships through Bryant’s vibrant student life, and developed the critical 21st century skills necessary to be real-world ready and make a difference. We commend you on all that you have achieved.

The Class of 2022 is graduating at a time when the value of a Bryant University diploma has never been greater, and your talents are needed in every sector of the economy. I know many of you have already secured positions you wanted, and several others are headed to coveted spots in prestigious graduate programs. Your time at Bryant has established the foundation for personal fulfillment and economic mobility and success ranked in the top 1% of universities in the United States.

Today is an important milestone in your relationship with Bryant University. It is our responsibility to continue the momentum of our Vision 2030 strategic plan initiatives to ensure Bryant’s continued ascent among preeminent universities preparing global leaders and impact thinkers. As you become members of Bryant’s National Alumni Council, you join a powerful network of more than 50,000 Bulldogs. We ask that you remain engaged with the life of our University. Please encourage applications from students who will thrive at Bryant, provide internships and career opportunities, attend alumni events, help to fund scholarships, and cheer our athletic teams to victory in their new conferences.

The entire Bryant community- our distinguished Trustees, dedicated faculty and staff, and your fellow students- is proud of your achievements. You have been an exceptional class and we thank you for all that you have contributed to the University. We extend our very best wishes to you for a lifetime of success building on the foundation you have established through your Bryant education.

Welcome to the 2022 Commencement Magazine, “Through The Archway.” The magazine you are reading was compiled using submissions from the Class of 2022. Thank you all who sent in reflections, memories, photos, and more!

Special thanks to Katie Hughes-Pucci, Jess Raffaele, and Tory Atkins, as well as the student staff of the Office of Student Events and Orientation Programs, Senior Class Committee, and Thrive Magazine.

What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”

Today is a day of celebration and we hope that this booklet serves as a way to share in the joy and pride for our graduating class.

Congratulations Classs of 2022!

A Tale of Two Archways

As newly minted alumni of Bryant University, graduating seniors enjoy the long-awaited opportunity to take their first steps through the cast iron archway situated in the middle of campus – an artifact excavated from the Old Providence campus when Bryant moved to Smithfield in 1971. It is a very exciting and sobering milestone in the Bryant experience that all students who pass though Bryant’s gates have the privilege of partaking in.

And while the archway that we know today is a remnant of that campus, its significance on the old Providence campus (which was sold to Brown upon the move to Smithfield) was virtually nonexistent. Instead a brick structure, named the South Portico, was the archway that all who came to Bryant knew about. It was under the South Portico, attached to one of the old campus’ main academic buildings, where students of the past would gather during inclement weather and sunny days alike to talk about the happenings on campus.

This tradition stands in stark contrast to the tradition of the purpose that the cast iron archway serves to current Bryant students, who are afraid to pass under it for superstitious fear of not graduating. So each time you walk under the archway, don’t just reflect on your four years at this institution, but also on the years that preceded it and the illustrious and unique history, tradition, and values that have both fallen away and re-manifested themselves in the annals of Bryant’s collective memory.

Through The Archway - Commencement Magazine Contents
Letter from the President...........inside front cover A Tale of Two 1 Senior 2 Senior Portraits................................................page16 Thrive 34 In Memory of James 53 Senior Class 54 Favorite Spot on 55 Bryant Community Shout 57 Faculty and Staff Reflections 59 Senior 62 Commencement 66 Letter from the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of 68 Letter from the Provost................inside back cover

Abbey Chmura

Time does really fly, amid the vast number of memories, people, and experiences Bryant has given me. Over the last four years, I have been welcomed, challenged, and motivated to become a better person, leader, and community member. This all starts with the community that the campus holds. From my first day as a Bulldog to my last, this campus is a family. We bond over the smaller circle that unites everyone based on shared experiences. Through the many hellos and smiles, Bryant is a welcoming place where I felt valued appreciated. One of the first instances of this was my work study position at the Amica Center for Career Education. The staff and students who worked in this office became mentors and the office became a place of comfort. This is the first occurrence where Bryant began to feel like home. As time went on, this feeling spread to the amazing people that I have met. Most of my friends that I met freshman year are still my closest friends to this day. We bonded over being the “Lobby Kids” in Bristol House and dedicated most of our free time hanging out in the lobby. Throughout the years, we still laugh about the memories, laughs, and experiences we all shared together. Continuing into sophomore year, the Bryant community had another challenge to overcome: the pandemic. As the pandemic moved across the world, our time on campus was halted. Even though we were not together physically, I still greatly felt connected to the campus. Various staff would send work from home updates, professors would make class more engaging by having bring your pet to class day or something of that nature, and members of the President’s Cabinet would send emails dedicated to communicating the updates for campus. Even though, we could not return during sophomore year, the friendships did not stop as Zoom gatherings became the norm. To reflect, Bryant overcame the hardships with Covid together. As a community, we were able to return to campus junior year, and to end with senior year fully in-person. As senior year is wrapping up, I cannot thank the countless individuals who have made a lasting impact on me. Through my time at this institution, I was shy and naïve to becoming a confident leader ready for the world. As much as I loved my time at Bryant, I cannot wait for what the future holds for me. Through my experiences and mentorships, I became prepared to take this next step into the future. I have learned how to successfully interact and network with professionals, effectively problem-solve, mentor students, time manage a full schedule, leader various student organizations, as well as maintaining all with a positive and welcoming attitude. As I reflect, one of the most important things I hope I did was to create the same welcoming atmosphere where everyone felt as valued as I did when taking my first steps on this campus. Onto the next journey, which is started by walking under the Archway!

2 u Senior Reflections

Benjamin Heyman

I came in as a freshman excited and eager, while at the same time not knowing what to expect. I was welcomed and put at ease by my RAs, and they pushed me to get involved on campus and experience everything Bryant has to offer. I got a job working in Athletics, and became a member of Enactus and the Student Alumni Association. These would all become a huge part of my college career.

I was given the opportunity to enhance my public speaking skills by being a part of Enactus’s Presentation team, a theme that would continue throughout my time at Bryant. We got to go to Kansas City and grow closer as a group. The team I presented with became some of my best friends at Bryant. Serving the Bryant and nearby community became a passion of mine, something I want to continue to do.

In my four years being part of the Student Alumni Association (SAA), I got to travel to two campuses, host numerous events and traditions, meet and connect students with hundreds of alumni and win many awards. I am thankful to have contributed to the planning of this past year’s Festival of Lights, Bryant’s oldest tradition. Watching the Bryant community come together before final exams and seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces as the candles light up are moments I will cherish for the rest of my life. That’s when I knew that all the time and work I put into planning and organizing the event paid off.

My favorite Bryant memory had to be the SIE trip to Germany and Spain. Looking back on it, this trip was where I began to feel very connected to the Bryant community. I knew a few of my peers a little bit going into the trip, but not all of them. By the end of the trip, we all knew each other very well and we have a lot of inside jokes that we still talk about to this day. It was fascinating to learn about the different cultures and see the small things those other countries do that you don’t see in the United States. I would highly recommend any study abroad option to everybody!

As it got to be my junior year, I started to ask myself what my legacy will be at Bryant? Or what contributions can I make? I am proud to say I was able to make a valuable contribution. My SAA team and I thought of an alumni mentoring program, where students will be paired with an alumni based on major, career interest or professional development interest. I took the lead on making it happen, and I hope one day we can grow this program to be spread to the entire campus! I encourage anyone reading this to make the most out of every single day at Bryant, because days go fast, weeks go faster, and semesters go the fastest. There are endless opportunities at Bryant, try new things and you will find your niche.

Although they were short, the class of 2022 certainly saw a lot happen. We were the first class to live with the new hall names for all four years. We got pick fours, meal swipes online, late night breakfasts and a new president. Oh, and we also had quite a few covid tests. We as a class had to spend about half our college career in a completely unprecedented format, fully online

and hybrid. If we can get through that, we can conquer anything!

I can confirm that these last four years at Bryant have been the fastest of my life. They were also the best time of my life; I have grown so much as an individual and have been surrounded by influential peers and faculty that helped push me to be the best. I gained lifelong friends and made memories that I will look back on one day and say, “I wish I could go back to those days.” I spent the last couple years working incredibly hard to graduate, to get into the real world. I don’t know what I was thinking, because now that we are here, I would do anything to be a freshman and do it all again. Thank you, Bryant, for everything and I will be back soon for Homecoming and many more!

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Christine Ochola

When prospective families ask me what it is like being a Bryant student, I always tell them: There is so much opportunity for growth, and there are so many people here to support you through it.

I have had a wonderful experience as an undergraduate at Bryant University, and that is one of the reasons I enjoyed being a Student Ambassador. My hope was to help people interested in the university see what they could potentially experience here. My first year here, I was a shy, quiet, and introverted student. While there is nothing gravely wrong with these qualities, I was keen on coming out of my shell and establishing myself as a contributing member of the community.

One of the most impactful parts of the university are the faculty and staff. I have had class with over 30 different professors during my four years here, and each one of them has taught me something unique. Certainly, the disciplines they taught varied, but they directed us in ways beyond the subject of the class. These related to adjusting to independence, building confidence, respect among peers, improving your work ethic, being a valuable group member, finding your academic path, finding your professional path, and many more. Similarly, this idea extends to the staff here, including, but not limited to the Admissions staff, Amica staff, ACE directors, Academic advisors, CSLI staff, Librarians, and the Office of DEI. Not only can students count on their professors, but the people in various departments outside of class also want to see the students succeed. Feeling comfortable discussing a variety of topics beyond the ones listed is a concrete example of how connected this community is.

Being involved outside the classroom also provides potential for personal development. I joined clubs based on my prior interests, including Bryant Singers and The Bottom Line A Cappella. I was also eager to support my friends in their respective activities, some including the Velocity, Advanced, and Dragon dance showcases, Bryant Players performances, and Student Programing Board events. All the students here are eager to support each other at the numerous social events like these. Clubs are one of the main places where I, and many others I know, found some of my closest friends. I have met so many incredible peers here, and I am thankful for all of them. They have helped me grow into the person I am today, and I appreciate them so much.

Lastly, I will always be grateful for the opportunities to learn about diversity at Bryant, including Multicultural Student Union, International Student Organization, the 4MILE Program, Sophomore International Experience, and the Day of Understanding. The people who organize these clubs, programs, and events and the people who participate in them have had such an impact on me.

I have met so many incredible people and had many amazing experiences during these four years. I will always look back on my time at Bryant fondly, and wish everyone here well.

4 u Senior Reflections

Caitrina Murphy

Being at Bryant has been the best four years of my life. I remember coming here on a tour in my senior year of high school. The day that I came was cold and the trees were bare, and I still knew that this was going to be the place for me for the next four years. I am so glad that I made the decision to come here and stuck with it through all the hard times. Through sleepless nights studying and through the pandemic. It has been a wild ride and I am grateful to have had the people at Bryant to go through it with. Thank you to my fellow classmates for making the past four years truly unforgettable. Thank you to my friends who have been there for me through it all. Thank you to my family for the support system that I truly, truly needed throughout the past four years. I will never forget these days!

Jared Gardner

The past four years have been an incredible chapter in my life. As a freshman entering Bryant, I felt a sense of uncertainty and hesitancy to what life had planned for me in the future. With high school behind me, it was time to take my first step into the real world. As I dove into different classes, I leveraged Bryant’s curriculum, relationships with my peers and professors, and other opportunities to navigate through my college career. Whether big or small, every opportunity held potential for me to learn, grow, and mature. Bryant continuously encouraged and challenged me as a student, community member, and professional. I am grateful for my peers, faculty, friends, and family that have pushed me forward in times of adversity and have inspired me to become the best version of myself. I look forward to starting my career and building off of the strong foundation I constructed at Bryant.

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Jessica Zedros

My time at Bryant has been a positive and fulfilling journey full of amazing memories through my education, experiences, and achievements. There are three powerful attributes that I developed along the way that have been large contributors to my growth over the past 4 years: open mindedness, embracing diversity and perseverance. Being open minded allowed me to seize the opportunities to make memories, including creating my first friendships at the Candle Lighting Ceremony with my freshman class, modeling in the Extravaganza Fashion show, and joining a group of inspiring women in Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. It is these life events that supported my sense of belonging in Bryant’s community. In addition, I also used open mindedness to expand my educational horizons, especially those that have helped explore my passions and interests. This included my studies in Communication where I worked on projects like highlighting the importance of nonverbal storytelling in Pixar, wrote an article for the school’s newspaper about the ethics of using TikTok, and even managed a team of thirty-five students to support Crisis Risk Communication protocols for Bryant during the pandemic. Striving for diversity awareness provided me a unique perspective on how every culture, every nationality, every single person sees the world in a unique way. This view encouraged me to understand how our diverse perspectives that make up the world we live in makes us stronger. Bryant has given me opportunities that have helped me to explore the diversity in our community. This included participating in the i2i Multicultural dance show where I joined my friends in exhibiting dances from around the world, such as the upbeat K-pop from South Korea, the exhilarating Dragon Dance from China, the romantic tango from Latin America and many more. It was events, like i2i, that inspired me to take my educational experiences outside of Bryant. During my sophomore year, I traveled abroad to Malaysia and Singapore for two weeks through the Sophomore International Experience (SIE) program. I joined a class of 28 students and three professors as we explored the beautiful sites in both countries, like climbing over 200 steps to the golden limestone caves of Batu, visiting the botanical Gardens by the Bay, reaching the top of the highest hotel in Singapore that is home to the largest infinity pool in the world, and using the power of nonverbal communication through dance to connect with individuals in the Head Malay Orphanage, just out of the city of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. It is moments like these that make you appreciate diversity and how understanding can bring us closer together.

Using grit taught me to utilize a healthy dose of perseverance, passion and purpose to overcome my challenges, especially when trying to develop my career. As I entered my junior year in the middle of the pandemic, I realized that I had more time on my hands. I decided not to focus on what could have been, and instead used that time to explore my long-term career goals. I was determined to make the most of this! My passion really lies in sales, which led me to pursue studies in sales and psychology as a double minor. I applied for and accepted two virtual sales internships: one a startup artificial intelligence company, and the other a staffing and recruiting firm. They taught me the importance of a customer-focused sales process within a corporate environment. I further explored the world of sales by taking on a leadership position as

President of the Bryant University Sales Team. In this position, I was fortunate to be able to train my fellow peers in the personal selling process and host events with alumni. Together, we created a network of students and professionals to get personal insights on selling as a career. As a result from all of this, I am proud to say that I am the recipient of an acceptance letter for employment at a sales consulting firm in Boston where I will consult and train sales professionals in the technology industry. I start in June, after graduation, and I could not be more excited!

My advice to future Bryant students is to enjoy every moment in your college career, even the little things. We get caught up with distractions of everyday life and sometimes forget to enjoy the moment that we are in. Take a deep breath, look around, and take in the moment you are in. Embrace the moments where you see friends that turn into family, or the professors whose lectures inspire you to challenge yourself, or the opportunities that set you up for a successful future. I am proud to share the special spirit of being part of the Bulldog family!

6 u Senior Reflections

I am going to start with a quote from my college essay that helped me get into Bryant University: “Although today I appreciate the richness of my background, when I was younger I saw it as something that was making me stand out in an unfavorable way and wished I could hide it.” In my eighteen-year old mind, I thought that I had come a long way and finally reached the top level of appreciation of my cultural upbringings... oh boy was I far off!

In my case, the college process began before I even realized. One day, I was home for summer vacation, and next, my high school friends were shocked to learn that I had never heard of the “Common App” before. Seriously though... who was supposed to tell me? My mom is from the snow-covered mountains of Poland, while my dad is from the glistening blue Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Sicily. Since they were both born and raised in Europe, and neither of them obtained a college degree, I had the chance to be the first in my family to embark on the journey of higher education. So yes, not only am I a first-generation college student, but I am

a first-generation American! This is something that has taken me years to proudly say. I cannot be more thankful for Bryant for helping me uncover this confidence while also allowing me to share my story and inspire others to follow their own biggest dreams.

On first-year move-in day, during the last goodbyes, I honestly did not know how to feel. I was sad, yet also excited, nervous, and curious for what was to come. In this moment, I knew that I wanted to make the biggest impact within my new community as a way to thank my parents for all they have done to help get me to this place.

Right off the bat, I knew that I was at the right school because of the International Business (IB) Program. Not only is it eye-opening through GFOB, rigorous through IB Block, and “real world” through Practicum, but it is the place where you find your favorite people. IB students are not just your classmates; they become your friends, your best friends, and then your family. These are the people that have been a part of my top core memories at Bryant.

Education is very important in my family. It is for this reason that I chose to immerse myself in the Honors Program. As a first-year member, I began my time on the Student Honors Council, an organization that helps pave the way for the Honors community to come together. During my sophomore and junior year, I served as Vice President and President, respectively. Simultaneously, I became the first ever Social Media Coordinator for the Honors Program. The responsibility of this position quickly changed to a mode of expression that allowed me to share my creative side while showcasing a program that means so much to me. It is also through the Honors Program that I found one of the most memorable moments of my college experience. This is when my undergraduate Honors Thesis was accepted into two academic conferences - one national and one international. I simply never dreamt of this happening, and I am beyond grateful for the opportunity.

Over the past four years at Bryant, I have learned that it is important to stay true to yourself because that is when you will find your greatest passions. If there are any takeaways from this reflection, let it be these two things:

1. Dream big and never stop working towards those dreams. It is before the best success stories that people say, “Never in my wildest dreams did I expect it to take off like that.” Now is the time to make the next big success story your own!

2. As you may have learned through my story, I learned how to appreciate my upbringing, and that appreciation grows with time. Just imagine: we love Bryant now, but when we come back on Alumni Weekend, this appreciation will be stronger than we can currently grasp.

To Mom and Dad, I hope you are proud when you see me welcoming you on the banner as you drive into campus. I also hope that you take the time and pat yourself on the back because I owe this one to you!

Congratulations to the Class of 2022, we did it!

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Julia Di Natale

Kimaya Reid-Robinson

One of the greatest experience I received while being at Bryant is being able to be apart of 4MILE as a mentee and a counselor, one that I would not have traded during my time here at Bryant. I still vividly remember moving into my dorm and heading over for the first evening dinner with my group. To be honest, I was really nervous and sad. Here I was fresh out of high school, two weeks early on a campus where I knew no one. As soon as I walked in, the peer counselors filled the room with smiles and I knew I was going to be okay even the girl I sat who is actually my best friend now, told me she had the same concerns so I knew I was not alone I that is when I knew instantly, this was the place for me.

During 4MILE, I was able to meet many different students from different parts of the world and different walks of life and within that short period of time, we built our friendships and many memories that I will always cherish even as I walk across the stage in May. When I came here four years ago which seems like such a long time ago, I would always think about how fast do these years really go by? People always tell you, sort of like a cliche of, “ enjoy college because those 4 years go by fast” and I would always underestimate it. But as I am getting ready to complete my time in undergrad it is quite clear they were not telling a lie. We only have four years to make the best of it all and to grow ourselves as a young adult both mentally and spiritually. Once I was able to start that for myself I wanted to be able to reciprocate that support I received during 4MILE to others. As a counselor, you are able to connect with mentees as a mentor of course but as well as their fellow classmates.

The people I have met during 4 mile and those I met from my continued involvement with the 4MILE and the CDI, will always be my forever friends. Not just the friends I have made but 4MILE in its entirety is more than just a group of students. We are a family; a unit, a community of close, loving peers and it will never be bound to just the four years at Bryant.

8 u Senior Reflections

During my freshman year, my major was Finance. I was ready to use the Bloomberg Terminal and work on Wall Street. Shoutout to 4MILE at Bryant University because this is where I met the people that I will never forget! 4MILE was a great opportunity to help me transition from high school to college in just one week. My peer counselors were students that I looked up to as a freshman because I knew that I wanted to be a friend and resource to new students on campus. I wanted to be more involved on campus after my week-long 4MILE program, so I joined Advanced Evolution Dance Team, the Multicultural Student Union, and the International Student Organization. These organizations helped me build long-lasting friendships and leadership skills that I would be able to take with me for the rest of my life. In my sophomore year, I took my first finance course – that was when I decided to change my major to HR Management. I chose to become a part of the E-Board for MSU and ISO, as the Director of Asian-Pacific Islander Enterprise and Secretary. In these positions, I had a voice that would be able to speak for myself and others. It was up to my team to make decisions together that would make members of the Bryant community feel safe and at home. I was also a 4MILE Peer Counselor and gave the experience that I received as a freshman to other incoming international and domestic multicultural students. When it was time to declare my major, I finally decided that Leadership and Innovation Management was the perfect fit because I am a creative leader who wants to help others learn and grow. Throughout my junior year, I was just trying to get back into the swing of things with COVID restrictions on campus. I was still part of the ISO E-Board as the Secretary but gave my position on MSU as Director of API Enterprise to another aspiring leader. There was little motivation from all the students, including myself, but I still made an attempt to attend virtual and in-person events throughout campus. I learned that I enjoyed having this year to reflect on my time at Bryant University, and how I could still make the most of my time here… and I did just that. Oh, how time flies! It is my senior year and I cannot believe it. I have met so many amazing people at Bryant and I know that they will be in my life no matter how far we are because we are just a Zoom call away (*wink*). In the future, I will be traveling the world, managing my own team, and running my own business. Come on by! :)

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Lucy Schwab

Mariana Belocas

In the early spring of 2018, I toured Bryant University. It was the 11th college I toured and sat at the bottom of my list. However, upon walking around this beautiful campus, I felt at home. It was a few weeks later, at accepted students day, when my decision was clear. I listened to President Machtley speak about the Bryant community in the most passionate and proud way and was convinced this would be the school for me. Four years later, I could not be happier with my decision to attend Bryant. I truly do love this school. Not only have I learned valuable life skills to carry with me throughout my career, but I have made the best friends and memories here that will last a lifetime.

I cannot thank the Bryant community enough for all it has provided for me. Whether it be venturing to South America with my classmates, learning design thinking in the IDEA program, playing intramural sports, planning senior week, or simply walking home from Rentes with my friends, I look back fondly upon the vast opportunities and experiences that Bryant has provided me. Our professors and all of the Bryant Faculty and Staff have worked hard to make our four years as normal and as beneficial as possible, and it is essential for us all to recognize that as we say our goodbyes. The adjustments we have had to make throughout the pandemic have not been easy, but together, we have gotten through it.

As I prepare to walk through the archway, I look back on these four years with nothing but positive sentiment. Although we were faced with unprecedented circumstances (to say the least), we have stuck together as a community, and I think we can all proudly say we are stronger for it. After enduring two “pandemic years” and losing nearly two years on campus, I am even more grateful for the time I have been fortunate enough to spend here. To my classmates, my professors, my roommates, my parents, and everyone I’ve crossed paths with throughout my journey here, thank you. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for all of my classmates and me as we move onto our next chapter, and I will forever cherish the plentiful memories I’ve made here. Lastly, I want to give a shout out to my fellow Senior Class Committee members who worked so hard to raise money for our senior class gift and plan our senior week. I could go on about my love for Bryant forever, but I will close by saying a big Congratulations to the best class ever. GO BOOKS. GO BULLDOGS.

10 u Senior Reflections

Meghan Schulze

My time at Bryant has been nothing short of incredible, I’ve been challenged not only in my course work, but within my personal and professional growth as well. Upon my arrival at Bryant, I soon found a close-knit community with endless opportunities for growth. Many of the professors see great potential in their students. They are invested in our education and encourage us to be innovative and forward thinking in all our endeavors.

Looking beyond academics, I saw the strong presence of clubs and organizations on campus and couldn’t wait to get involved. One organization that stood out to me was the Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization (CEO), which had a focus on professional development and opportunities for leadership. This organization allowed me to surround myself with like-minded individuals who were motivated to get the most out of their Bryant experience. As President, I encouraged members to think of how to make Bryant CEO even better and reflect on all their accomplishments.

My freshman year self would be so proud of where I am today. This experience would not have been possible if it were not for the people I met along the way who pushed me to be the best version of myself. Thank you Bryant for an incredible four years!

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These four years at Bryant University have been transformative, and I am sure we can all agree on that. It is not just because of COVID-19, but more. I mean more so in the way that we changed from an 18 year old high school student to who we are today. I believe that we all came to Bryant with the expectation to learn and to grow as people, but I am confident we can say that we have gained so much more than that at this time. We have become so much stronger than we ever thought possible and have learned there is so much more to experience than we ever imagined. For myself, I came to Bryant as a shy eighteen year old. I was determined and motivated, and constantly looked for new opportunities to spark my interest. When I entered the university, I believed that as long as I studied well that was all I needed. However, throughout my time at Bryant I learned that I could exceed my expectations. I started to see my growth when I became a 4Mile Mentor after freshman year. That experience not only had an impact on my opinion of what it meant to be a student leader, but also on the way I looked at myself. Another area of growth for me was being a conversation mentor at the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) which provided me an opportunity to help other international students navigate and become a part of the Bryant community. Through these experiences, I learned that there are different ways to lead a group of students and embrace opportunities and share my passion for excellence.

Bryant was the first school I ever toured. From the first moment, I knew there was something special about this community. If you told me four years ago how much Bryant would have influenced me, I could not envision the depth of which Bryant has changed me. Throughout my time thus far, I have gained lifelong friends and have treasured memories with Khanh Bui, Chi Phi, Sarah Ragnauth, Jessica Sanchez, and Shan Zhou. Having true friends helped me to become part of a community that I felt comfortable with, as well as challenged myself to continuously grow as a student. The fellowship created at Bryant resembles a family rather than a student body. I measure my time here in all the laughs shared with friends. I also measure my time here with the professors who inspired me to pursue a career in Digital Marketing and Communication. I spent the past four years working hard to graduate, however as the time comes too close, I am afraid to leave Bryant with its stable educational program, since my time here was a priceless adventure. I know that Bryant has prepared me well to become a successful person. These past four years were a memorable journey for me, and I am incredibly fortunate to have a place that makes saying goodbye so difficult.

12 u Senior Reflections
Ngoc Nhu Anh Ha

Some people know the first day that they step onto Bryant’s campus that this is their home, and they feel their sense of belongingness right off the bat. For me, that did not come my first year. College is an adjustment for everyone, and for me I wanted to make sure that my first step would lead me down the right path. That took me all the way up until the end of my first year, although I did not know it at the time. About halfway through my first year, I decided it was time for me to take a leap out of my comfort zone and try a for a leadership position. So, I applied to be an orientation leader. Now I knew that I had a lot of good qualities for the job, and I felt like it would be a position I would thrive in, but what I lacked was confidence at Bryant, and I did not have a whole lot to my name yet either. I was in the pep band, which was somewhere I knew I would fit in, but other than that I had not really asserted myself into the Bryant community yet. So, I went out on a limb, interviewed, and I was brutally honest with them. I said I had a lot of potential I just had yet to find where I would use it, and I really needed this for me to feel like I could set myself up for success at Bryant. I thought I did well, but I was not expecting much because I did not have a recognizable name by any means at Bryant, so I assumed I would be overlooked.

Lucky for me, I got my chance. And I did not look back. From there on it was one leadership position following another, and before I knew it my blank schedule that I had my first year became packed with meetings and clubs and all sorts of involvements every day. I never went for leadership positions just to fill a resume. I wanted to be an impact leader at Bryant. And I knew that I had the capability to make a difference on our campus, but more importantly, on all students & potential students on our campus. I wanted to make our school a place of comfort for all, share with them my story and tell them that everybody’s path will look different. Nobody should get discouraged if they did not get a position, or whatever it may be. While I saw success during my tenure at Bryant, it did not come without its failures too. I never let that stop me, I took everything as a learning experience and kept my motives straight with my desired outcome to leave an impact on the Bryant community.

Since my year as an incoming student at orientation, I saw every student come through Bryant during their orientation. For some, that had to come over zoom. Our team preserved through the tough times and really focused hard to make the most of our experience for the students. Whenever crossing paths with fellow students, the first thing I would always ask them was who was their OL. It always gave me a smile to find out who they had as their introduction to Bryant, and I always loved to hear how different their first experiences were, yet all speaking of them in a positive light. I enjoyed seeing the growth of fellow students from orientation into their college experiences and to see how they were able to impact their community and find their home. Other than through the orientation programs, the Bryant Pep Band was a family I had throughout my time at Bryant. The word family may be thrown around a lot for close groups

of students, but we truly all felt that way. Through rehearsals, football games, basketball games, we went through the ringer of scheduling. We all shared a passion for music, and we all loved the opportunity to share with the community that passion and play a role in the sports games. Making march madness was one of my biggest goals in Bryant and being at every home game for four years and finally getting to see Bryant get there made the ride all the sweeter. I always know I will have a home with pep band at Bryant. College was not all easy sailing for me. It had its ups, and it had its downs, but all in all for all the people I met along the way, I would not change a thing. Sorry if that’s corny, it’s just the truth.

Class of 2022 Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 13
Nicholas Farrington

Ramon Luis Fille

August 19, 2017, one of the days that changed my life. This was the date of my Bryant University tour. In high school, I stumbled upon my love of business and knew that business is what I wanted to study in college. While it was easy to find that passion, it was then a challenge to find the right school that will be the best at fostering my growth. After looking at many schools, I heard from an alumni of my high school that they love Bryant University, so I took a tour and fell in love. I still remember my first drive into campus, seeing the winding driveway, DPS booth, the driveway to callahan house, and the banners on the driveway. My tour did not even start and I already felt at home. Months later, even applying to literally 16 schools, I always knew that Bryant was going to be the one. After getting my acceptance letter in January of 2018, it was set in stone. I am a Bryant Bulldog. Even though I knew Bryant was the one for me, there have been many barriers put in front of me that could have stopped me from enrolling into the Fall 2018 semester. During that time, I was so hurt and did not think that things would change. The possibility of not being able to attend Bryant broke me because there was something in my gut that told me that I have to be here at this time and at this moment. Thank goodness that things worked out and I was able to start my Bryant experience. Ever since that moment, I have told myself that I would do everything in my power to make my dreams come true. This all started with making sure that I made an impact on campus, the first thing that helped me “break my ground” on campus was joining student government. When I decided to run for office no atom in my body expected to win, but thanks to my amazing support system, I won a seat in the senate. I also continued to grow my love of dancing, hence joining Advanced Evolution and dancing in I2I, Extravaganza, and Advanced’s Showcase. Lastly, I decided to get two jobs on campus, one in Athletics Marketing and one in the CDI. These two jobs made me fall in love with Marketing and what helped me in deciding one of my two majors. Also needed two jobs to keep feeding my Bubble Tea addiction. I was a busy freshman, like I was so busy, I was barely in my room.

Sophomore year then came around and everything hit me like a truck. I was so involved and so busy that being busy became my top personality trait. It is good to be productive and to be highly involved, but sophomore year taught me the importance of saying no, picking your battles, and knowing when to quit as a leader. It was all going so well, until you know what hit, but let’s not address that because we have been living with it literally three out of the four college years we had. Other than the pan…orama, there was a moment during Sophomore year that literally changed the trajectory of my life (I know I say this a lot, but please bear with me. Also, if you are asking…NO, not my knee injury during I2I that year). On a cool Fall evening, I was invited to a call with an Alum who works at Google. That call jump started my dream of working in tech. I was told to apply to this BOLD Immersion program, to learn about what opportunities are there for business majors and minorities in tech.

Junior year, the hybrid year was great because it was nice to be on campus, but the masks were not it. However, I am just so happy that the Bryant community became Bryant Strong as we lived through thou shalt not be named, and was able to have in person experiences. Let us also not forget about the Saturday classes that we had. THAT WAS ROUGH, but hey we made it y’all. Junior year also made me aware of my mental health or the lack thereof. From being isolated in my single room in Warren House as an RA to being so stressed with everything that was going on in my life. However, thank goodness for counseling services for always being there because they helped me in so many ways and even helped me start my journey to better myself and my mental health. Another dream came true during this school

year too, I was able to secure my internship at Google. Thanks to the Amica Center because my resume was a mess, but with their help, it became topnotch.

Senior year is finally here and when this is published, it is definitely done, because why else would you be reading my reflection precommencement? Anyways, Senior year had a lot of ups and downs for me, from the intensified anxiety because of the unknown future, pressure on myself to find a job, connections that drained my energy, my declining mental health, and so much more. While I had so many downs and barriers put in my way, they have all helped me to better myself, better my life, and overall better my wellbeing. This was the year that took everything that I have learned throughout my past three years and put them into action. Three years too late, but hey, things happen the way they do for a reason. Due to this, I ended up at a pretty good spot!

I say all of this because I would not be who I am today without my Bryant experience. Being here has brought me really low lows, but those gave me higher highs, resilience, amazing achievements, showed me my support system, and lastly, gave me everything that I need to continue breaking barriers as I look towards the future. I do not know what lies ahead of me, but thanks to Bryant, I know that I can break barriers and reach anything I put my mind into.

Thank you to my family, my friends (both home and bryant), Kelly Boutin, Emily Collins Garcia, Meg Kenneally, Brandi Gbemisola, Kaoru Paganelli, Mailee Kue, Sukki Yoon, Kathryn Ostermeier, Jordan Cruz, Heather Overholt, Maddie Massa, Jeffrey Cabusao, Jess Raffaele, Tory Atkins, Mehreen Pasha, Amy Steere, Liam Hillery, Jarely Paulino Diaz, Morgan Francese, Rob Richards, Patricia Gomez, Laura Beaudin, Kendrik Lechner, Inge-Lise Ameer, Bryant Honors Program, Bryant Counseling Services, The Amica Center, Advanced Evolution, MSU, and The PwC Center for Diversity and Inclusion. Last but most definitely not least, a huge thank you to my brother Luis and sister-in-law Carolyn, my dad Louie, and my mom Cristina. I also dedicate this reflection to my Lolo (Grandpa in Tagalog) Tony for always encouraging me to be the best person that I can be. Thank you Bryant University for everything!

Ramswizzle, peacing out!

14 u Senior Reflections

My four years at Bryant can be summed into one word: transformational. I think back to the day I moved into Bristol House, a week early as I joined the cheerleading team in pre-season practices. I was tearyeyed as my parents drove away and nervous of what was to come in the next four years. Through these nerves, I embraced the experiences ahead.

During freshman year, we participated in the IDEA Program, learning design thinking skills and how to empathize with others. For me, this came full circle during my senior year, when I joined the IDEA Leadership Team and assisted in putting together this program for the Class of 2025. In this process, I gained mentors and relationships that will go beyond my time at Bryant, as well as new friends.

The academic courses challenged me, but also sparked new interests in many subjects. I found a passion for HR Management and selected this as my major during my sophomore year. This decision was no easy feat, and it is credit to the faculty and staff at Bryant who helped me to choose this.

Junior year brought new challenges with hybrid learning, yet during a time of social distancing it brought me closer to the friends I have made at Bryant. It was the year of return to Daytona, FL for Cheerleading Nationals with my team, after a year hiatus since our National Title in 2019.

Senior year has been a culmination of my Bryant experience, fostering closer friendships and relationships and reflecting on all that I have learned. Unlike the day I moved in freshman year, I now feel ready to take on the real-world because of the experiences Bryant has given me.

As I think about how I have grown since the day I started at Bryant in 2018, I am grateful to the Bryant community and the relationships I have developed within it. To me, the signature elements of Bryant are things I have taken for granted every day. Sitting with my friends near the pond, walking to class with my roommates, strangers holding the door open, or saying hi to friendly faces while walking across campus. These are the small things I will miss most. As I prepare to leave Bryant, I have some of the same mixed feelings as when I arrived. As Winnie the Pooh said best, “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard?”

Class of 2022 Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 15
Sara Puglielli
16 u Senior Portraits
Shaina Abbott Daniel Adeboboye Deniz Adiguzel Saatvik Agarwal Kennedy Akpeneye Nathan Alexander Abbey Allen Tyler Allen Rondie Almeida Tanialyz Almenas Kiley Almy Alfredo Alvarez Santiago Mark Anastasi Ryan Anderson Destiny Andrade Victoria Andrade-Fonseca
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 17
Charles Andrus Nathan Angell Daniel Antunes Alexis Aragao Kevin Aroke Ryan Arseneault Varun Arvind Melanie Auclair McKensie Avanesian Bodie Avery Julia Ayres Katherine Babbit Andrew Bacon Tyler Baeder Nicholas Banks John Baraky
18 u Senior Portraits
Benjamin Barnhart Sara Marie Barreira John Barry Kayla Batalha Chad Bearce Alyvia Beaudion Zachary Beaulieu Eric Bebel Mariana Belocas Kairy Bencosme Amelia Berg John Bergantino III Kyle Berube Michael Berube Tessa Bettano William Bittrich
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 19
Jessica Bloom Jocelyn Bodington Samantha Bogue Arash Boostani Yasemin Boru William Bosworth Lexie Bouthillier Samantha Bove Mason Bowers Jacob Bowness Johnathan Brackett Trinity Bravo Anthony Brazao Victoria Brenchak Taylor Briggs Casey Brine
20 u Senior Portraits
Kendall Brooks Bryant Brown Joseph Buccheri Khanh Bui Jessica Burke James Burke Harrison Burke Jason Butler Maddie Cabral Jason Cabral Reilly Cahill Toni Camarillo Cindy Camero Christina Camillo Andrew Canale Matthew Carabillo
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 21
Eric Carlson Sky Carrion Luke Carroll Kelly Cash Samantha Caulkins Jackson Cavallerano Brittany Cavarra Alec Celli Drew Celli Cameron Chabot Anthony Chamoun Nathan Charron Carmen Cheung Abbey Chmura Christopher Ciullo Aaron Clark
22 u Senior Portraits
Evan Clark Benjamin Clemmey Spencer Clift Daniel Cloutier Jesse Cohen Michelle Cohen John Colantoni Alyssa Collins Jake Cooper Haley Corbett Allison Corcoran Monica Correia Daniel Cosgrove Christopher Cozens Nicole Craig Edward Cronin
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 23
Jacob Croteau Matthew Curran Kimberly Curtin Nicholas Dadekian Martin Dale Cameron Daly Lucas Danchisko Patrick Dane Mason Danielson Randall Davis Gianni Demerski Bradley DeMild Elizabeth DeMita Bethany Denio Caroline Dennis Julia Di Natale
24 u Senior Portraits
Emily Diaz Kyller Diaz Louis DiBlasi Hanover Dill Zachary Dillon Jenna DiMartinis Ryan DiNoia Katelyn DiSaia Sarah Discepola Alexander Dobecki Sophie Dockter Ryan Donahue Matthew Downer Katelyn Drezek Jacob Driscoll Matthew Dubois
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 25
Hannah Dumaine Amanda Dumais Alexander Duncan Benjamin Dupell James Dwyer Sean Dye Kristi Enegren Brandon England Alexander Enselek Natalie Epp Emilio Fagundo Liam Fahey Gregory Farrell Nicholas Farrington Joshua Fazzino Brendan Feeney
26 u Senior Portraits
Ryan Fenton Cara Ferro Ramon Luis Fille Ishod Finger Kyle Finn Garrett Fisher Kathryn Fitzsimmons Kayleigh Fleming Shane Foley Brendan Foley Savannah Foley Caitlin Foley Cameron Forbes Alexis Foster Matthew Foulds Matthew Franz
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 27
Michaela Freddo Sarah Freeman Jennifer Frisch Thomas Fromer John Fuller Ryan Gabriele Zachary Galante Thomas Galligan Julia Galvin YuAn Gan Jared Gardner Hannah Garvey Leo Gassiraro Noelle Gauvin Samantha Geller Sara Gendron
28 u Senior Portraits
Haley Gens Danielle Germano John Gilhooly Jacqueline Gilmartin Gabrielle Giordano Nicholas Glass Alexander Goldman Hannah Goldman Mariana Gomez Jorge Gonzalez Ricardo Gonzalez Fernandez Joshua Goode Kyle Griffin Stephen Grivers Ethan Gromala Carsin Gronbach
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 29
Henri Guerin Ngoc Nhu Anh Ha Austin Hagander Justin Hainse John Halbruner Christopher Hall Marcus Halligan Dayton Hamele Emma Hamilton Daniel Hamza Javis Hanks Caroline Hannon Nicholas Harmon James Harootian Joseph Harrison Valerie Hartnett
30 u Senior Portraits
Caroline Hathaway Helen Hatzopoulos Morgan Haug Natalia Hautanen Payton Heidtke Bryan Herlihy Carlyn Hernandez Benjamin Heyman Matthew Hird Layna Holk Corey Hong Jonathan Horrocks Will Houghton Mark Hoye Richard Hoyle Alexandria Iacoviello
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 31
Marijn Jaarsma Raymond Jabagjorian Allison Jalbert Cade Jenkins Zhilin Jiang Cathryn Johnson Samantha Johnson Lucas Johnstone Ryan Jones Ronell Joseph Michael Joyce Ava Kalinowski Joshua Kearney Casey Keenan Declan Kelleher Michael Kelley
32 u Senior Portraits
Ryan Kelley Alexa Kelley Leanne Kendall Carolyn Kenney Corrine Khamphoukeo Katelyn Kirves Jenna Knight Derek Knobloch Elizabeth Knyazhitsky Katharine-Thi Koethe Shea Kondratowicz Christopher Konturas Julianne Korza James Koshivos Emily Kwalek Matthew Laboissonniere
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 33
Dennis LaCourt Kylee LaCreta Maxwell Lajeunesse Hanna Lambert Stephanie Lamond John Landry Sarah Larned Cassidy Laudato Owen Lavelle Kelly Leary Olivia Lemire Trinity Lennon Rachel Lerch Morgan Lestinsky Trent Levasseur Samuel Levenson
34 u Senior Reflections 8 N MOVE IN FALL 2018 END OF FRESHMAN YEAR SPRING 2019 RE ND OF HOMORE YEAR 2020 Four years of pop-culture. Brought to you by Thrive Magazine
Class of Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 35
36 u Senior Portraits
Troy Levine Ethan Lewis Hengqi Li Yuzhe Lin Brianna Litsey Rachel Lombardi Robert Lombardi Melissa Lomuscio Veronica Lopez John Lowell Ana Lucas John MacDonald Jillian Machado Emily MacIver Dylan MacKinnon
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 37
Henry Magee Juliana Mandile Kaitlyn Manghirmalani Michael Mangiafico Mitchell Manjos Patricia Mankin Conor Manning Jamil Mansour Michael Mariano Matthew Marino Shileigh Martinez Ricardo Martinez-Moretta Ryan Massa John Mayette Meghan Mazzatto Marisa Mazzola
38 u Senior Portraits
Andriene McConnell Joseph McIrney Anthony McKearney William McKeen Kyle McPherson Lauren McSweeney Lauren Medeiros Michelle Mei Alexandra Meise Matthew Melnychuk Peyton Messier Samuel Miale Ryan Micoletti Ryan Middendorf Jaclyn Mignosa Kiana Minaie
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 39
Cole Mitchell Brianna Mitchell Gregory Mitrakas Siobhan Moisan Kevin Moise Garrett Moloney Wandy Montilla Timothy Mullen Caitrina Murphy Maegan Murphy Zach Musial Benjamin Myers Nilanjana Nambiar Cole Nelson Meghan Newman The Phong Ngo
40 u Senior Portraits
Thi Mai Anh Nguyen Christopher Nicolay Willa Norman William Nye Timothy O’Brien Shannon O’Connor Logan O’Donnell Felicia O’Reilly Sofia Oakes Christine Ochola Savannah Oliveira Taylor Oliver Noelly Olvera Moreno Jane Owens Alexandros Padazis
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 41
Benjamin Paglia Jessica Paholski Connor Palma Komal Pandit Madison Paolucci Catherine Papayannopoulos Luke Papich Jillian Parker John Parker Nicholas Pelletier Nicholas Pelrine Kyle Pelton Denisse Peralta Vitoria Pereira Madison Perez Isabella Perez
42 u Senior Portraits
Derrius Perryman Michael Petze Nicholas Piersall Gabriel Pimentel Morel Oscar Pineiro Kiana Pino Abbie Piper Jason Pisano Philip Platania Jr. Olivia Pohorylo Nicole Politano Jacob Poole Scott Poretsky Nicholas Powell Madelyn Powers Vanessa Pramberger
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 43
Benjamin Prouty Jack Prue Sara Puglielli Conor Purtell Cady Qiu Aidan Quilty Sarah Ragnauth Swathi Rajesh Michael Randazzo Benson Raso Alex Ravelli Jake Reding Andrew Regan Samuel Reichelt Kimaya Reid-Robinson Jonathan Ricaldy
44 u Senior Portraits
Chelsey Richards Colin Ridge Paige Ring Marina Rivera Laura Rizik Joseph Robichaud Camelia Rodriguez Mariah Rogers Brenna Rojek Benjamin Ross Sarah Rossi Lauren Roth Kyle Rourke Tyler Roy Mark Rubin
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 45
Jessica Rushton Claire Russell Ryan Saddler Alexander Saffian Kwaku Saforo Jared Saini Sandra Salamanca Jack Salan Luis Sanchez Mercedes Michael Sands Jaime Santoro Richard Sarkisian Logan Sarkisian Josephine Schofield Colton Scholl
46 u Senior Portraits
Savannah Schreiber Meghan Schulze Lucy Schwab Robert Scialo John Scifo Grace Sebald Matthew Seman II Justine Sennett Kelly Shea Tyler Sheehan Max Shepherd Brady Shipman Jordan Silverman Curtis Silverman Ryan Simeone Kenneth Simonelli
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 47
Alyssa Slade Jessica Solnik Christopher Soracco Collin Sotomayor Darren Sousa Cameron Souve Taylor St. George Kevin Stafstrom Konstantinos Stamides Ryan Stanton Zachary Staten Amanda Stedman John Steel Kevin Stefanick Jacob Stephanian
48 u Senior Portraits
Sydney Stewart James Stoker Tanasia Sullivan David Sullivan Alexandra Sulmasy Weixiao Sun John Svensen William Swart Christopher Sylvia Srujana Tammisetti Chancellor Tang Cameron Taranto Josh Taylor Jacob Temple Abigail Tesconi Paul Theriault
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 49
Robert Theriault Kelly Tiernan Jeremy Tierney Kieran Tindall Allison Tomaino Victoria Tondo Ted Torres Madison Trpcic Christine Trumper Abby Turner Kaitlyn Turowsky Matthew Underhill Alexander Uva Scott VanCoughnett Michael Vassallo Alex Vassilakis
50 u Senior Portraits
Mark Vinci Courtney Vogel Matthew Walsh Matthew Wassersug Alexa Weber Benjamin Weinstein Abigail Welch Jack Westall Maria Westcott Andrew Whalen Alexandra White Kimberly White Ian Whitehead Brooke Williams Ben Williams Emily Williams
Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 51
Matthew Wilson Faith Winslow Julia Winterhalter Ryan Wood Delaney Woodfine Matthew Woods Jared Wu Victoria Wypych Nicole Xiarhos Ziv Yu George Zachariadis Jessica Zedros Benjamin Zeoli Shan Zhou Jason Zou Sebastian Zuluaga

Tanner Abrahamson

Lorenzo Aceto

Michael Adkins

Lillian Adlaryan

Benjamin Aguirre

Olivia Aiken

Kevin Alezker

Christian Allegretti

Logan Allen

Moises Almansa

Garrett Alonzo

Alfredo Alvarez

David Ammendola

Joseph Andreessen

Michael Andrejco

Brett Ansaldi

Isabelle Azize

Alex Balfour

Alexa Barrows

Dylan Bayer

Justin Bemis

Marc Benjamino

Alexander Benson

John Bergantino

Alp Berkmen Tanrikulu

Bret Bilyou

Clark Bishop

Brooke Bjelko

Kathryn Botelho

Mahika Bothara

Gregory Bourque

Andre Brackett

Benjamin Bresnee

Gregory Broderick

Samuel Bullock

Maxwell Burke

Cassidy Burns

Madison Cabral

Luke Caracciolo

Marino Caracciolo

Joshua Carlson

Matthew Carvalho

Gina Catellier

Christopher Childs

Amay Choudhary

Alex Christina

Joseph Cincotta

Heidi Clark

Benjamin Coit

Jillian Collingwood

Stephen Collins

John Conrad

Seniors Not Pictured

Vincent Conti

Ryan Cooper

Stephen Coppinger

Joseph Corsini

Connor Coulter

Vanessa Dancer

Nicolas Dassum Amador

Derek Dattero

Justin Davidson

Taylor DeNuccio

Thomas Dewolfe

Chae Diani

Andrew DiBiaso

Jason Dolan

Ryan Donovan

Mitchell Doucette

Nicholas Doyle

Devyn Dubeau

Katherine DuBois

Edward Duncklee

Jacob Dunham

Sean Dunphy

Madison Durand

Timothy Dwyer

Harrison Easton

Matthew Elias

Hall Elisias

Kellie Errasti

Cameron Falcone

Vishal Fatania

Julianna Flaccavento

Paris Flynn

Cadri Folami

Andrew Forchetti

Michael Fornal

Andrew Foyer

Logan Frasier

Christopher Fryer

Christopher Fuentes-Romero

Cameron Gee

Adam Gobeille

Alexander Goldman

Samuel Guider

Rui Guo

Jacob Gustin

Tyler Hahn

Jackson Harrigan

Connor Henderson

Erin Henebry

Sarah Hickey

Jayne Hickey

Sterling Hiltabrand

Clay Hoadley

Garrett Hoag

Nicole Houlihan

Haonan Huang

Christopher Hughes

Vanessa Hurley

Luis Hurtado

Fatoumata Jallow

Amanda Janowicz

Raj Jeetan

Hwiung Ji

Keaton Jones

Kevin Joos

Timothy Kasper

Ian Kastrinos

Kaitlin Kelley

Zack Kenneally

Caroline Kennedy

Ciara Kenny

Justin Keyes

Alexcia Kraemer

Morgan LaBonte

Stanleigh LaComb

Zak Lanoue

Kiersten Laramee

Meaghan Lavelle

Gerard Leavens

Angela LeBel

Evan Leonard

Adrian Lopez

Benjamin Lopez

Valerie Lund

Rachel Maggiacomo

Ryan Mantaian

Gerald Marcoux

Jared Marini

Ryan Martin

Molly Masciarelli

Sean McBride

Alexander McFaun

Logan McGovern

Sean McGowan

Erin McGuinness

Kyle McHale

Mary McNeil

Karan Mehta

Nathan Merchant

Alexandra Miernicki-Dufresne

Derek Miller

Christopher Mirabal

Michael Montagna

Elizabeth Moody

Devon Morris

Maria Munschy

Yashna Murli

Ann Murphy

Sean Murphy

Zachary Musial

Jack Niles

Ethan Nowak

Haley O’Brien

Dylan O’Connor

Zachary O’Grady

David Onyemem

Jacob Opela

Sean Owen

Taylor Pacifico

Connor Palazzo

Connor Payne

Dyjae Pearson

Joshua Pelletier

Lucas Pendleton

Christopher Penney

Denisse Peralta Medina

Kyle Pereira

Christopher Place

Philip Platania Jr

Hunter Poitras

Charles Poulin

Nicholas Poulos

Andrew Pregel

Ryan Ramirez

Jacob Ray

Samuel Reichelt

Ryan Reinsant

Corinne Rey

William Reynolds

Rebecca Reynolds

Matthew Ricci

Marissa Rosa

Kyle Sampson

Jessica Sanchez

Aryan Sanghai

Jarod Sangillo

George Savino

Jack Scaramucci

Christian Schulz

Nyeka Scott

Arvind Sekar

John Seymour

Mark Shaghalian

Parth Shah

Thomas Shea

Jared Sheehan

Nathania Sin

Ryan Skelly

Mason Smith

Trevor Spillane

Eleni Spiratos

Jordan Stanford

Kevin Stankiewicz

Michael Stellato

Harsha Sunkara

Elin Svard

Charles Sweitzer

Jessica Tam

Joshua Taylor

Aaron Thornton

Clayton Thunhorst

Tyler Tiano

James Titus

Nicholas Tlockowski

Matthew Toner

Lizmar Torres

Brett Traficante

Allyson Trask

Kevin Trebicka

Madeline Trenchard

Christopher Tucker

Jason Ulrickson

Alexander Vassilakis

Jake Verille

Brandon Vitale

Drew Waldron

ZhiCheng Wang

Maxwell Waslewski

John Weaver

James Williams

Jacob Wolfson

Jack Wrigley

Liqun Wu

Shuaijie Xu

Tang Yang

Brian Yu

Brandon Yu

Abigail Zajac

Blake Zaniol

Alexa Zarozny

Hanyang Zhang

Yuhan Zheng

52 u Senior Portraits

Remembering James Koshivos (March 7, 2000 - February 20, 2022)

There are truly no words that can do justice in describing James. He embodied every principal it takes to be a great son, brother, friend and community member. Every interaction he engaged in he did with his best foot forward and his heart on his sleeve. Even if you didn’t ask, he would drop everything to be there. His zest for life was captivating. His energy radiated through everything he did with a level of passion that was nothing less than exceptional. His life is a testament to what it means to love and live to the fullest. He will live on in all those who had the pleasure of knowing him because of the genuine compassion he applied in everything he did.

In high school, he was a large contributor to his rowing team and earned the status as a captain of the group. On campus, he was involved in Best Buddies and Sigma Chi and was an integral part of the annual Derby Days event which raises money for the Huntsman Cancer Institute. He was devoted to the mission of helping others and was a giving person in nature. James left a positive impact on every person who had the honor of meeting him and his light will shine for generations to come. He set an example of what it meant to be a part of a community and raised the standard that every one of us should aspire to be.

We love you James.

Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 53

The Senior Class Gift

The Class of 2022 has taken the Bryant experience to unprecedented levels. Our class should take pride in their achievements, academically, athletically, and personally, over the past four years. Even when faced with extreme adversity, Bryant has allowed us to grow into confident graduates ready to take on any challenge presented to us.

The Class of 2022 will pay-it-forward through its Senior Class Gift to the area of campus that means the most to each individual senior. Reflecting on the skills we have gained from Bryant, we found that there is no substitute for strong leadership and the feeling of giving back.

Those who came before us, have helped in guiding our paths to success; now as soon-to-be alumni, we feel the responsibility of helping those who follow us. This year, we have seen incredible success with senior participation. Although we may not beat the current record held by the class of 2019, our class has truly left its mark on Bryant history.

In order to break new ground in Bryant Senior Giving, the Senior Class Committee had planned events throughout the year for the Class of 2022. We kicked off the year with Bryant Giving Day, followed by celebrations of 100 days until graduation and 50 days until graduation in the Rotunda.

We would like to thank our Senior Class Committee members for their hard work in planning such wonderful events. Justine Sennett, Matt Hird, Benson Raso, Michelle Mei, Jorge Gonzalez – your creative vision and thoughtfulness made our Senior year one to remember.

In addition, we would like to extend our gratitude to our advisors, Tory Atkins and Hannah Ratcliffe. Thank you for putting in so much time and hard work into these Senior Week events and Senior Class Gift. Your guidance has meant the world to us.

Congratulations to the Class of 2022. It has been an honor to serve you as your Senior Class Committee Co-Chairs.

Go Books, Go Bulldogs!

~Ramon Fille, Lucy Schwab, Mariana Belocas, Kimaya Reid-Robinson

54 u Senior Memories

What’s Your Favorite Spot On Campus?

My favorite spot on campus is the Bryant Pond! It is the heart of campus where you can see the bustle of the Bryant community life while taking in the calming view of the glimmering pond. My favorite memories at the Bryant Pond are chilling and hanging out with friends in hammocks, watching sorority and fraternity members in the Greek Week relay race around the pond, and dancing and singing to the music of local bands.

My favorite spot on campus is the CDI. The CDI has become my second home at Bryant and the place that always made me feel welcomed. There are also free snacks!

Class of 2022 Through The Archway 2022 Commencement Magazine u 55

My favorite spot on campus is the Academic Innovation Center - I mean who doesn’t love the natural sunlight! Whether it is some of my favorite classes taking place in this building, late night group meetings, or finishing a homework assignment, this building holds many memories from these past four years! - Paul

The AIC Forum. The heart of the AIC has been my go-to spot for working and creating. It is also where I joined my first club, got my first e-board position, and landed my first job. The AIC Forum has a special place in my heart for sure! - Matt Hird

56 u Senior Memories

Which Bryant Community Member Made A Meaningful Impact On You?

I wanted to thank Professor Michael Bryant of the History and Social Sciences department. He is always willing to go the extra mile for his students and helped me a great deal with final capstone paper. He genuinely cares about each of his student’s success and I will always remember the impact he had on me as a student. - Shannon

Jess Dang - Alumni Communications and Program Officer and Meg Cummins - Manager of Online Alumni and Parent Engagement. Both of them have pushed me to the best version of myself, to grow as a leader. They served as my advisors for the Student Alumni Association, and were always available and willing to help me whenever I needed it, despite their crazy busy schedules. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it weren’t for them! I will miss going to their office multiple times a week, but can’t wait to stay in touch after Bryant!

Jess Raffaele - Director of Student Events and Orientation Programs; Inge-Lise Ameer - Vice President of Student Affairs; Jen Edwards - Director of Planning and Assessment for Student Affairs; John Denio - Associate VP of Student Affairs; Tory Atkins - Assistant Director of Student Events and Orientation Programs; Jarely Paulino Diaz - Community Director of Residential Life - Nicholas Farrington

I want to thank Professor Rick Smith, a man who is passionate about learning, and doesn’t know how much his lessons taught me. - Brendan Foley

I would like to thank the many Bryant community members who have supported me, guided me, and helped me reach my highest potential. I could list dozens of people who have had a significant impact on my time at Bryant, however, I will only name a few. Rebecca Eriksen (Office of Admission, Director of Campus Visit Experience) thank you for helping me pick Bryant during my senior year of high school, for giving me the chance to develop my leadership skills, and allow me to make a positive impact on the Student Ambassador Program. Professor Allison Butler (Psychology Department & IDEA Program Director) thank you for sparking my love for Design Thinking and allowing me to share it both at Bryant and in the local community. Professor Teresa McCarthy (Associate Professor of Global Supply Chain Management & Marketing) thank you for helping me discover my passion for Supply Chain and connecting me with Hasbro. And thank you to the many other Professors, staff, and administrators at Bryant who have had such a profound impact on my experience, and make leaving this community so bittersweet.

Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, Inge-Lise Ameer, has not only directly impacted my time at Bryant, but the time of all students. She consistently goes out of her way to show her support. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for her dedication to Bryant and its overall community. Inge goes above and beyond, reminding me of how truly special Bryant is each and every day. I am so excited to see what she does next on Instagram! - Nicole

Jess Raffaele, Director of Student Events & Orientation Programs

- Jess I cannot express my appreciation for you enough. Throughout these past four years, you’ve shown myself and other seniors what it’s like to put everything you’ve got into your work. Your unwavering commitment to students, our growth, and our success shines through in everything you do. Your impact on Bryant students will always be greatly appreciated! - Matt

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Bryant Community Member Made A Meaningful Impact On You?

Tom Zammarelli and Dr. Julie Volkman from the Communication department changed my perspective of communication and the idea of a work-life balance. Both professors use their class time to apply and explain how to utilize the concepts in your professional and personal lives. With an interest in social media, I did not imagine I would take organizational and health communication courses, but they became the most impactful classes in my academic career. Professor Zammarelli and Dr. Volkman want you to not only be happy in your career, but your personal life and harp on the importance of doing what you love and standing up for what is right; something I will take with me for the rest of my life. - Layna Holk

Professor Richard Holtzman/Associate Professor of Political Science/Political Science Program Coordinator - Professor Holtzman is the very best Bryant has to offer. Take his class, learn from him, and go to his office hours. Thank you, Professor, for further sparking my interest in politics and government. - John Colantoni

Esther Kalajian- ESL Specialist, AEL Instructor/ Academic Center for Excellence Esther Kalajian was the first person to reach out to me, introducing me to the Academic Center for Excellence if I ever needed academic support from tutors and learning specialists. She made me feel welcomed at Bryant University. Kaoru Paganelli, Assistant Director Office of International Students and Scholars Kaoru Paganelli, my boss and advisor, has provided me with many opportunities to work as an Office of Students and Scholars(OISS), as well as helped me to get through my college journey as an international student. - Ngoc Nhu Anh (Anya) Ha

Kara Marx - Coordinator for Student Programming and Greek Life - CSLI, Joanne RobertsonManager - Post Office - Alec Celli

I would like to acknowledge everyone who played a role in my academic accomplishments. I am forever grateful for the professors and mentors at Bryant University’s Liberal Arts & Science and Business departments. You supported me on my journey in discovering my passion for communication, sales, and psychology. With your teachings and guidance, you provided me with the tools that I need to choose the right path, inspired me to challenge myself through your lectures and encouragement, and embraced who I am so I could explore my personal and career aspirations in my communication, sales, and psychology studies. Thank you... • Dr. David Ciliberto, Senior Lecturer of History and Social Sciences • Dr. Susan Baran, Lecturer of Communication • Dr. Kristen Berkos, Associate Professor of Communication • Dr. Ramesh Mohan, Professor of Economics • Dr. Bary Fleet, Associate Professor of Psychology • Dr. Heather Pond Lacey, Associate Professor of Psychology • Dr. Stefanie Boyer, Professor of Marketing and Sales • Dr. Julie Volkman, Associate Professor of Communication • Dr. Christopher Morse, Communication Department Chair and Professor • Dr. Jennifer Horan, Lecturer of English and Cultural Studies • Mr. Thomas Zammarelli, Lecturer of Communication - Jessica Zedros

Thanks to Dr. G for being a great teacher and mentor - William McKeen


58 u Senior Memories

Robert Massoud - Faculty Reflection

Let me start by saying that I have a very close affinity to the class of 2022, as I started as an adjunct faculty member the same semester most of you started at Bryant. So while I did not attend Bryant for my schooling, I sort of feel very much part of your class. So if you don’t mind, I’d like to be considered a ‘2022 Bulldog’.

As those of you who’ve honored me by attending my classes, I am not a life-long academic. I spent a good part of my life in the ‘workworld’. I worked for various companies doing a lot of different things, but my heart was always pushing me to the world of education.

About 15 years ago, I found out that colleges were hiring people with experience to teach courses as ‘adjunct’ or ‘part-time’ faculty members. All that was required was a Masters degree, which I quicky and excitedly earned. Within a year after that, I was in my first college teaching role – as an adjunct professor at Northeastern University in the Masters program for project management. And now, 12 years later, I am doing what my heart always wanted me to do, and I have to tell you… I have one VERY SMART HEART!

There’s a saying that if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. I’ve been at Bryant for 4 years now, and I can honestly say I’ve never worked a single day here. I love what I do, and it’s all because of you. You’ve accepted me into your world and made me feel like what I do is important. And so many of you have given me your trust and that means more to me than you can imagine.

I want to tell a personal story about teaching. My very first class at Northeastern, and I mean the first night I taught my first session, immediately at the end of class one of the students came to my desk and said “Professor, would you have some time to chat with me about my career?” I was still a ‘working world’ manager, but in my 3+ decades of working with and managing people, I never had anyone I just met ask me to help them with their career. I knew at that instant I was where I needed to be. And thanks to Bryant and to you, that’s where I am today.

I’ve said a lot about myself, so now it’s time to talk to you. Many of you already have a job; some of you are very close; and some are just starting to look. Doesn’t matter… you will find something. You will hopefully find something both personally and financially rewarding. And chances are you’ll do things in your career you never imagined would happen. (I’d be rich if just five of you sent me a dollar every time you use the phrase ‘I didn’t learn that in school’.) What I want is for you to remember a few important things.

First, there’s a reason it’s called ‘work’. You may find yourself doing something that inspires and motivates you, and that would be great. But chances are you’ll have days when you just wish you were doing something else. That’s ok. Just remember that what you DO is not who you ARE. The idea of work-life balance is not just about time (40 hours at work vs. time at home). It’s about recognizing that what you do is just a piece of who you are as a person. Make sure you give the person as much – if not more – attention than you as a worker.

Second, start paying it forward TODAY! Think back 4 years and how coming on campus for the first time as a Bryant bulldog was probably a very intimidating experience. Sure, you looked like you had it all together – you don’t want to show any weaknesses –but the fact was that on the inside, you were hoping someone who knew the ropes would be there to support you. In your time left at Bryant, be that someone that a younger student can count on for support. There’s a saying from John C. Maxwell which means a lot to

me. He says “No one stands taller in the climb to success than when he bends over to help someone else.” That’s a message you can put into practice while still at Bryant, but more importantly something you should do the rest of your life.

Third, during our life every one of us takes on many roles, most of which describe what we are doing at the time. I am a husband, father, grandfather, teacher, volunteer, traveler, and so on. You are a son or daughter, brother or sister, cousin, friend, student, employee, club member, athlete, etc. But while all of these things can be used to describe you, none of them ARE you. Who you are is what you bring to each of these ‘roles’. As you continue into a new phase of your life’s journey – the working world – remember that you must be true to who you are. Don’t take a job unless you feel YOU can be who you are. Will you love every job you have… no. But I can guarantee that if you have to be someone different than you are, you will not be happy. On the other hand, if you find a job where you can be yourself, it will go a long way to making every day a good day.

Very soon (if not already) you’ll finally get a chance to walk through the Bryant Archway and not have to worry about a dip in the pond. That symbolic gesture will lead you to one of the most important days of your life, when you, your friends and your family share in recognizing a great personal achievement. Be grateful to everyone who helped make it happen; but save some of that positive feeling for yourself. YOU’VE accomplished something truly special, and you deserve to walk across the graduation stage with your head high and an ear-to-ear grin on your face.

Congratulations class of 2022!!! We are all honored that you let us be part of your life. Now go make the world a better place for all of us.

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Jarely Paulino Diaz - Staff Reflection

Congratulations Class of 2022!

As some of you know, I am more of a listener than a writer, so I have spent a great deal of time pondering the words I wanted to send you off with. When I first started working at Bryant University, I was impressed by the many opportunities this campus offers its students and have had the great pleasure of working alongside many of you in various student leadership roles. Furthermore, the dedication and passion I’ve witnessed you all display has been truly exceptional.

Many of you have been engaged in a multitude of internships since your sophomore year. You have had access to top performing, innovative companies such as Hasbro, Fidelity and Amica to name a few. Though you may have earned an intern wage for full-time labor, the experiences and connections you have made through these opportunities are boundless. A recent article stated that upon graduation, a whopping ninety-nine percent of you are employed or enrolled in post-graduate studies. This data shows that powerhouse companies and graduate programs across the country know that the education and credentials you’ve received while earning your degree at Bryant University is worth investing in.

You all have continuously impressed me with the way you show up as leaders on this campus. From the International Student Organization curating such an intentional i2i performance to the Multicultural Student Union for serving fresh looks from young trendsetters, creative minds and entrepreneurs to Student Government for noticing a need for further conversations regarding diversity, equity and inclusion and creating a space for honest discussion. Class of 2022, you have truly surpassed my expectations.

As you move on to the next chapter, I’d like to shout out some of the leaders that challenged me, made me laugh and have helped me grow.

To my first-generation college graduates, congratulations! You did it. Your family and friends are proud of you and will continue to encourage you as you move forward to bigger and better opportunities. Take up space, make space and be a mentor - another young person needs you. As you navigate this new path in life, identify what drives you and persevere every day.

To my Orientation Leaders, Resident Assistants and Center for Diversity and Inclusion leaders, the legacy you are leaving behind will live forever. Your concern and integrity were apparent every day and, in every event, you put on. I am confident that your dedication to inclusivity in any space will make future teammates and associates feel welcomed and valued.

Thank you, Class of 2022, for allowing me to be part of your journey here at Bryant. I hope you know you were noticed, heard, and appreciated for your contributions to making this campus a more inclusive and welcoming community. Congratulations, you earned it :-)

Stay curious, Jarely

60 u Faculty & Staff Reflections

Laura Kohl - Staff Reflection

Dear Bryant University Class of 2022, Congratulations!

You’ve got this. I know you’ve heard it before, but it really is true.

When you started at Bryant University, way back in the “before times” you were hopeful older kiddos setting out on your college journey. You were excited to make new friends, learn at a whole new level, and forge ahead towards your future. Yeah, you were worried about things and those “before times” worries were valid and still are. Top of mind were things like getting good grades, choosing your major, figuring out how to balance being successful in school and having fun too.

You had a full first year at Bryant with no masks or social distancing. You packed yourselves together for events and games and parties (and studying). You smiled at each other, you did, I remember, and you got to see those smiles in real life.

And then you had to pivot. We all had to pivot. Do you remember how many times you heard the word pivot in 2020? And in 2021 for that matter? Pivoting to not return to Bryant’s campus for the remainder of your spring semester sophomore year. A pivot to online learning only. A pivot to electronic textbooks, digital readings, streaming films in classes, and your friends and professors showing up on screens. “In Real Life” was on pause. And then we pivoted again. This time to masking and classes in huge spaces on campus and sanitizer and 6 feet and hybrid.

While all of this was unfolding in every aspect of your lives – globally, nationally, locally and in your Bryant back yard - you were having your college experience. You were learning, creating, collaborating, and innovating in your classes, co-curriculars and beyond. You were running virtual clubs and organizations, conducting remote research with faculty, and working remote internships. You were watching what was happening in the world with business, politics, science, and social justice movements. You became entrepreneurs and social and environmental activists. You became artists and readers, and we all binge-watched a lot of streaming media. You were also perfecting your smize (smiling with your eyes) and figuring out how to party and live your best life, its still college after all.

Your “before times” worries never went away, instead you got to add concerns about pandemics and family health and financial security. This is a lot. But here’s the thing. You did it. You totally did it. You are here, now, graduating from college. This is not to say that it was easy, the events that unfolded and the experiences that you share as the Bryant University Class of 2022 are nothing that anyone could have prepared for. You pivoted, many times, and here you are, moving on to the next thing and flourishing.

You learned so very much in your years at Bryant, more than many have in the years before you and perhaps more than those who will come after. You learned important academic subject matter and professional skills. You learned to think critically and how to ask questions to solve problems. You also learned that unexpected things can happen. You watched the Bryant community work together to search for solutions to keep us safe and to get us as close to normal as possible. You have learned that you can survive and even thrive in times that may feel dark and unending.

I know that you learned all of this because I was there, and I saw it happen. I watched as you supported each other and came together

as a community. You rose to the challenges that were presented and you pivoted. Even in 2022, we’re still pivoting. Most of all, I know that you’ve got this. You’ve got the abilities, the determination, the persistence, the empathy, and the strength that you need to go out into the world and do the things you put your mind to. You will work to make a difference in your communities, and you will not shrink in the face of unexpected challenges or adversity because you know how to handle it. I’ve seen you do it, just pivot… you’ve got this.

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62 u Senior Memories
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Class of 2022
64 u Senior Memories
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Class of 2022

2022 Commencement Award Recipients

Award 2022 Recipient

The Achievement in Creative Expression Award: Kayla Batalha

The Anna M. & Jere St. Angelo ‘61 Accounting Award (1): Melanie Cecile Auclair

The Anna M. & Jere St. Angelo ‘61 Accounting Award (2): Justin K. Bemis

The Bryant University Good Citizenship Award:  Ian Whitehead

The Bryant University Scholar Award:  Zach Galante

The Communication Department Award: Jessica Zedros

The Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key: Lauren A. McSweeney

The Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key: Sara F. Puglielli

The Environmental Science Leadership Award: Elin Svard

The Excellence in Biology Award: Katelyn Kirves

The Excellence in Data Science Award Chancellor Tang

The Excellence in Economics Award: Ben Williams

The Excellence in Information Systems Award Mark Hoye

The Excellence in Marketing Award: John Fuller

The Excellence in Psychology Award:  Eleni Spiratos

The Female Senior Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award: Leanne Kendall

The George J. Kelley Award: Chancellor Tang

The George J. Kelley Award: Lauren A. McSweeney

The George J. Kelley Award: Sara F. Puglielli

The George M. Parks Award:  Ramon Luis Fille

Global Studies Award: Olivia Aiken

The Jack H. Rubens Leadership in Finance Award: Trinity Lennon

The Jack H. Rubens Leadership in Financial Services Award:  Faith Winslow

The Jeremiah Clark Barber Award:  Kwaku Saforo

The John Hancock Insurance Company Award (1): Julia Ayres

The John Hancock Insurance Company Award (2): Jordan Silverman

The Leander Francis Emin Endowed Homestead Award: YuAn Gan

Legal Studies Award: Justin Keyes

The Literary and Cultural Studies Award: Kayla Batalha

The Male Senior Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award: Ben Williams

The Modern Languages Department Award:  Michael Petze

The NEHRA - Management Department Commencement Award for Excellence in Human Resources Management (1): Catherine Papayannopoulos

The NEHRA - Management Department Commencement Award for Excellence in Human Resources Management (2): Abigail Tesconi

66 u Senior Awards

The NEHRA - Management Department Commencement Award for Excellence in Human Resources Management (3): Sara Puglielli

The Pell Medal for United States History Award:  Alexa Barrows

Political Science Award: Shannon O’Connor

The President’s List Sash: Chancellor Tang

The President’s List Sash: Lauren A. McSweeney

The President’s List Sash: Ryan M. Wood

The President’s List Sash:  Sara F. Puglielli

The President’s List Sash: Thomas J. Galligan

The President’s List Sash: Jason M. Cabral

The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Achievement Award: Nathan Charron

The Rhode Island Society of Certified Public Accountants Award: Meaghan Claire Lavelle

The Roger W. Babson Award:  Christine Ochola

The SAS Institute Award (1): Matthew Melnychuk

The SAS Institute Award (2): Jack Scaramucci

Sociology Award: Victoria Andrade-Fonseca

Student Charge Paul Theriault

The Student Senate Service Award (1): Ian Whitehead

The Student Senate Service Award (2): Jake Cooper

The Student Senate Service Award (3): Ramon Luis Fille

The Student Senate Service Award (4): Ziv Yu

The Student Senate Service Award (5): Lauren McSweeney

The Student Senate Service Award (6): Abbey Chmura

The Student Senate Service Award (7): Julia Di Natale

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From the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

Dear Members of the Class of 2022:

You have thrived in one of the most challenging times in higher education. You have been resilient and as I said you have thrived. You did not let this pandemic stop your education. You told the pandemic that it would not stop you. You took classes on-line and kept up with the community by attending on-line events. I am so proud of all of you. Resiliency is the word that describes for me your class. It was awe inspiring to watch you work through all of this – to test weekly, to go into quarantine when needed, to wear masks in and out of class, to stay in small groups, and to keep student events going virtually. You embedded the real meaning of community at Bryant.

That experience and approach are gifts you will have in the rest of your lives and the gift you have given all of us who remain on campus for the next students to come. You are resilient, strong, and innovative and as the class of 2022 will always be known for those qualities. I hope for you, that you take those qualities and build and discover a life of hope without fear; of love; and of grace.

I also want to take this opportunity to personally thank the class of 2022. During some long COVID days and nights, your encouragement and support of the entire Student Affairs team has meant everything to us. You encouraged us not to give up with your spirit of continuation no matter the obstacles. It is an honor to watch you graduate.

When life has hard moments as it is currently displaying and will as you go forward, remember the resiliency, strength, and innovation you displayed and let that give you hope.

Congratulations Bryant Class of 2022. I will remember you always for helping us all get through some incredibly challenging years. You did it!!!! Always hold on to that and be proud!!!


A Message from the Associate/Interim Provost

From the Associate/Interim Provost

To say that you attended college during extraordinary times would be an understatement. Collectively, we fought a global pandemic; issues of diversity and inclusion were once again at the forefront of our society; we faced monumental environmental challenges and a contentious presidential election; and now we watch as unimaginable atrocities are being committed against the people of Ukraine.

To say that you attended college during extraordinary times would be an understatement. Collectively, we fought a global pandemic; issues of diversity and inclusion were once again at the forefront of our society; we faced monumental environmental challenges and a contentious presidential election; and now we watch as unimaginable atrocities are being committed against the people of Ukraine.

Despite these challenges, or more accurately because of them, you are stronger. You are a stronger student for having been forced to master content in new and foreign ways. You are a stronger employee for learning how to overcome the unexpected and persevere. You are a stronger person for having dug deep to find an inner strength and sense of resolution you did not know existed within you.

Despite these challenges, or more accurately bec ause of them, you are stronger. You are a stronger student for having been forced to master content in new and foreign ways. You are a stronger employee for learning how to overcome the unexpected and persevere. You are a stronger person for having dug deep to find an inner strength and sense of resolution you did not know existed within you.

The world is hyperconnected, fast-changing, complex, and uncertain. In order to meet the challenges such a world presents, we need people who can think critically and creatively; we need people who can reason analytically and understand the power of data; we need people who are committed to inclusion across race, gender, age, religion, identity, and experience; we need people who can communicate effectively particularly in face-to-face situations. I know these are among the skills you have learned throughout your time at Bryant – and I pray that you will utilize them to approach the world with empathy, compassion, and an abiding sense of justice as you are its emerging leaders.

The world is hyperconnected, fast-changing, complex, and uncertain. In order to meet the challenges such a world presents, we need people who can think critically and creatively; we need people who can reason analytically and understand the power of data; we need people who are committed to inclusion across race, gender, age, religion, identity, and experience; we need people who can communicate effectively particularly in face-to-face situations. I know these are among the skills you have learned throughout your time at Bryant – and I pray that you will utilize them to approach the world with empathy, compassion, and an abiding sense of justice as you are its emerging leaders.

It has been an honor to see you grow personally and professionally while pursuing your college degree. I will remember you as a class marked by determination and grit; a curious and inquisitive class pushing us all to think differently – better, more inclusively – about the problems we face both within our community and beyond. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your journey. With faith that you will affect great change in the world, I wish you the very best. Congratulations.

It has been an honor to see you grow personally and professionally while pursuing your college degree. I will remember you as a class marked by determination and grit; a curious and inquisitive class pushing us all to think differently – better, more inclusively – about the problems we face both within our community and beyond. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your journey. With faith that you will affect great change in the world, I wish you the very best. Congratulations.

Associate/Interim Provost Wendy Samter Associate/Interim Provost Wendy Samter

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