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Senior Class Gift
Class of 2021
The Class of 2021 has taken the Bryant experience to unprecedented levels. Our Class should take pride in their achievements, academically, athletically, and personally, over the past four years, and especially now in the face of extreme adversity. Bryant has allowed us to grow into confident graduates, ready to take on any challenge presented to us.
The Class of 2021 will pay-it-forward through its Senior Class Gift to the area of campus that means the most to each individual senior. Reflecting on the skills we have gained from Bryant, we found that there is no substitute for strong leadership.
Those who came before us have helped in guiding our paths to success; now as soon-to-be alumni, we feel the responsibility of helping those who follow us. The Class of 2021 has seen incredible success with senior participation. Although we may not beat the current record held by the Class of 2019, our class has truly left its mark on Bryant history.
In order to break new ground in Bryant Senior Giving, the Senior Class Committee had planned events throughout the year for the Class of 2021. We kicked-off the year with Bryant Giving Day, followed by a celebration of 100 days until graduation in the Rotunda, and a celebration of 50 days until graduation in Fisher.
We would like to thank our Senior Class Committee Members for their hard work in planning such wonderful events. Alyssa Rice, Amanda Whitham, Anna Torregrossa, Ayse Kamber, Laurethe Gyamfi – your insightful vision and thoughtfulness made our Senior year exceptional.
In addition, we would like to extend our gratitude to our advisors, Jessica Raffaele and Julia McLaughlin. Thank you for putting in so much of your time and hard work for these events and Senior Class Gift. Your guidance has meant the world to us.
Congratulations to the Class of 2021! It has been an honor to serve as your Senior Class Committee Co-Chairs. Go Books, Go Bulldogs!
Tyler Adkins Shaurya Agarwal Jack Aigner Aidana Aisa Aaron Alden Morgan Almeida Jaime Alvarez Veronica Amarelo Michael Andrejco Matthew Archetto Max Asnes Tyler Audet Luka Autard Zachary Ayers Zachary Babineau Ryan Baker Timothy Baker Aron Barbell Owen Barnes Daniel Barrett Huseyin Basak Nicholas Batutis Nicholas Beeson Philip Belmatch Michael Bianco Lian Bishop Michael Biskupic Brooke Bjelko Christopher Black Hannah Bloomwald Lee Blumsack Caitlin Bolen Devon Bolen Jacob Borgia Sean Brady Austin Briggs Jakob Britton-Doucette Patrick Brosnan Sean Brunelle Eoin Byrne Michael Calder Kevin Cameron Bryant Campbell Colin Campbell Joan Candelas Lauren Canning John Cappelletti Matthew Caruso Dylan Cashman Christopher Catanzaro Natalie Chadwick Taylor Chamberlin Douglas Champagne Elliot Charron Audrey Chase Nicholas Chaves Siru Chen Xuanhong Chen Yijie Chen Seth Christmas Alec Citrano Eric Citrano Brett Cloutier Veronyca Conrado Robert Cooke Jr. Sophie Cooper Dylan Coppinger Megan Cosgrove Richard Costello Rachel Cousineau Janelle Couto Alexandra Coyne Matthew Crisafulli Kory Curtis Adriana Czarniecki Alexander DaCosta Connor Dane Ludeen Danielson Dylan DeBettencourt Dren Dedushaj Matthew DeFreitas Frank Dejkus Jack Delfino Trevor Dell’Oso Paige DiForte Daniel DiMaria Natalie DiMichele Kaitlyn DiNapoli Michael DiNapoli Colby Dixon Jake Donaruma Zhenxiong Dong Ryan Donohue Stephane Driesen Emma Dubuc Robert DuCharme Kieran Duncan Madison Dupee Kyle Dupont Zachary Eaton Armen Eghian Hall Elisias Abbigail England Amelia Erbe Christopher Ethier James Ewing Haixu Fan Mark Farah Shea Farrell William Felix Brenden Femiano Paul Ferrecchia Jeremy Fishman Zachary Fiss Michael Fitzgerald Shannon Flaherty Alvin Fleischer-Djoleto Lucas Florio Vincent Florio Kyle Foley Ryan Follett Tyler Freitas Lawrence Fritz John Gallagher Nicholas Gannon Hernan Garcia Colleen Gear Jackson Genatossio Caroline George Cameron Germaine Caleb Gibbons Marcus Girard Emma Gobbi Samuel Goforth Edward Golas Karla Gonzalez Conor Gorman Danielle Gorman Easton Gormican Sydney Gorski Adam Gosselin Michael Grassetti Philip Guarino Kyle Guenthner Marc Guerette Jenna Gurley Garrett Hagen Hailey Hammick Miranda Harpin Julie Harris Trevor Hazlewood Xiao He Aura Heinsen Garrido Nicholas Henkin Sandra Hicks E. Wyatt Hoechner IV Jordan Hoey Matthew Hogan Robert Holmberg Matthew Houde Qiurong Huang Yiming Huang Yuxin Huang Jamie Irwin Michael Jagos Aashna Jain Shengqi Jiao Justin Johnson Nicole Johnston Kathryn Kalogeris Giana Kapoosuzian John Karam Jorge Karduss Jr. Abel Karugu Jason Katz Alexandra Kazarian Emmet Kemble Ciara Kenny Austin Kent Shawn Kilcoyne Thomas Kimmell Erin King Kate Konratev Ben Koplovsky Jiaqi Kuang Daniel Kurson Nicholas LaFreniere Jacquelyn Lambert Natalie Langella Austin Larabee Zachary Laramie Juan Lastra Cody Latimer Jacob Laurence Lexa Lauzier Christopher Lavalley Mitchell Leahy John Leary Jackson Leduc Cameron Leeman Madelyn Levis Haozhe Li Hongsen Li Qian Li Wenxuan Li Shiying Lin Yun Lin Emma Lindquist James LoChirco III Julia Lopez Xiaoruo Luo Yuanshu Luo Brendan Lussier Christina Lussier Ryan MacGlashing Erika Malczynski John Maloney Gregory Mancini Brendan Mandile Miles Manning Benjamin Marini Patrick Marmen John Martin Trent Massam Megan Mausert Matthew Mays Andrew McCarthy Megan McCarthy Meredith McDonald Philippe McDonald Thomas McDonald Evan McGinn Joseph McHugh Brendan McIrney Andrew McKenzie Ishan Mehta Carlos Meltz Jr. Cameron Mendonca Jacob Miller Connor Mislow

Robert Mitchell III Leandro Moro Thomas Mountain Nicholas Mulligan Nidhi Murli Cole Murphy Evan Murphy Karni Murray Jessica Muzzulin Rebecca Nalesnik Kevin Nardone Andrew Nicolas Noah Nowak Sarah Nowick Peter Oberg Mark O’Brien Owen O’Keefe Stephen Olive Chelsea Oliveira David Onyemem Marc O’Rourke Khadija Ouzaka Christian Padova Kristen Page Nichole Page Savannah Palardy Noah Pallotta-Walsh Caleigh Paquette Megan Parker Aditya Paruchuri Dante Pasqualoni Nathaniel Patch Max Paul Christina Pearl Dana Peck Austin Pegram Grant Pertile Carter Petro Morgann Plante Aidan Powers Maxwell Pudvar Bryce Pulkinen Zachary Quirk Nicholas Riccio Jakob Richardson Zachary Richardson Gabrielle Ritzer James Rizzitano Marc Rizzo Michaela Robbio Paul Rocheleau II Abigail Rocker Chantel Rodriguez Nazir Rodriguez Francisco Rolon Mitchell Romsey Sarah Ross Samantha Rowell Samuel Rubin-Grant Ved Rudra Madison Ruggieri Luigi Sabino Samantha Sagnella Jonathan Saker Leon Schmid Aaron Schulz Emma Schwartz William Seyler Muhammad Shafi Ashley Sharma Hongyi She Brendan Shea Thomas Shea Alexis Sherwin Wanyi Shi Patrick Shurdut Ryan Simpson Sydney Sims Andrea Skawinski Caterina Soto Stephanie Sousa Zoie Spinnler Benjamin Strauss Carly Sullivan Liam Sullivan Margaret Sullivan Daniel Summers Alex Syku Shijing Tan Hao Tang Kris Tase Brandon Taylor Srikanth Thatavarthy Luke Therieau Brendan Therrien Brandon Timulty Joseph Tocco Jackson Tormey Anna Torregrossa Adam Tosi Valerie Trabucco William Treuel Samantha Turcotte Alec Turner Taylor Tyan Christopher Tzimorangas Drew Ugaro Brandon Valcourt William Vanner Nicholas Vencile Harshwardhan Vijan Amy Villegas-Zwerg Matthew Vincent Nicholas Viscariello Benjamin Volpe Aaron Wall Matthew Wallace Nini Wang Yiru Wang Yule Wang Zihan Wang Erika Ward Tyrrell Washington Blake Wasserman Victoria Wec Baoyi Wen Harrison Wheeler Nadia White Samuel White Seamus White Mackenzie Wild Fu Kang Wong Gregory Wood Christopher Wright Jonathan Wurtmann Yu Xia Lan Xian Yixuan Xu Luyao Yang Yifei Yang Yijian Yang Emma Ye Zeshu Yu Anqi Zhang Ruilin Zheng Ling Zhu